Monday, February 28, 2011

Llena de Amor #137 (Mex. 142) Fri 2/25/11 llena de trabajo

I owe you folks a huge apology, I haven't been the greatest at keeping up with recaps lately. I managed to work over 70 hours last week and about 85 this, and it's only going to be worse this coming week. Sigh...I haven't even watched the show. I didn't even get to post a note until now and I didn't ever get around to asking for a sub. Once this chingado proyecto is over, I promise to write you a really good one. Feel free to post your own summaries and comments. Thanks as always for your support...happy Oscars...I didn't see those either, I did get to escape on a little fun outdoor stuff in between working though, so all was not lost in front of the computer...


Kris – aw, don’t worry. Work comes first! I’ll see if I have any brain cells left after all that Oscar viewing (doubtful) to remember what happened. Meantime, I’ve tagged this for you.

I can't remember much of what happened.

Chema visited Fedra at the jail and they don't seem to have lost their attraction to each other in all these decades. Later he went over to the RydT house and shocked the heck out of Bernardo.

Mari and the maids put all Fedra's stuff in garbage bags and chucked it outside. Mari did keep the cofre full of jewels and flashed back to El Lirio taking her necklace at Eman's & Ilitia's wedding. I think it is the same cofre that was Eva's, which Fedra and Bernardo found under the bed in Eva's old room before Mari came back from boarding school.

Mauron seemed to think he and Kristel would just go back to how they used to be, but she gave him a smackdown.

Muñeca went to pick up the kids at the orphanage and found that Lowrenzo had already taken them.

Lorena forced kisses on Oliver in the hospital and of course Gretel walked in and saw.

There must have been more but I can't remember.

And no worries, Kris, we all understand that sometimes life intervenes in our fun! But I do hope things settle down for you soon, because I really enjoy your recaps. 85 hours sounds brutal.

It's been several days and my memory isn't great, but I vaguely recall this as a satisfying episode. Watching Kristel pound front of his mafiosi buddies, no less...well, what's not to love?

I also thought it was funny when Oliver rejected Lorena's hideous advances, and she sat there lamenting, "waaaah, why do I never get the handsome prince?" Uh, just a guess, Lorena, I think maybe it's because you always go pedal-to-the-metal trying to suddenly force kisses and snoozling and noviocity on some poor dude who has never even shown a bit of interest in you.

It was a good one! I'm pretty sure that Juana Felipa and Jose Maria had a conjugal visit. They didn't show it, but they commented on how great it was. Yuck!

"Lorena, I think maybe it's because you always go pedal-to-the-metal trying to suddenly force kisses and snoozling and noviocity on some poor dude who has never even shown a bit of interest in you."
Julia, that's perfect! Way better than saying 'You're a pushy broad!' ...snoozling indeed.....

Not to worry - life comes before TN, though it would be nice sometimes to make it the other way around.Can't imagine 85 hours, you deserve a much needed rest.

After a working weekend myself, the episode is a bit fuzzy as to what happened Friday vs. the rest of the week, but Julia highlighted the big stuff. The visit between Chema and Fedra seemed to go on forever - what a jail! And then Eman show up. Though there was a prolonged stare down between and Daddy - didn't yet get our " Eman, I am your father" "darth Vader-type line yet.

I also remember, much to my horror, watching Bernie fondling all of Fedra's stuff in the garbage which was beyond Ick. Then Begnino had the hose on him and Emi kicked him out. There was also the big reuinion between Bernie and his "capitain".

Oh, right, I forgot about the Fedra/Eman/Chema family reunion! I couldn't tell whether the capitan figured out that Eman is the kid Juana Felipa had told him she was pregnant with all those years ago.

Kris, get some rest.

Anonymous, I think that you are right. I thought that was a pretty romantic scene. Sort of like watching reptiles mate on the Animal Planet.

The reunion between el Capitán and Bernardo was rather touching.

Watching Bernardo and the dog struggling over one of Fedra's dresses was a lot of fun as well.


MariVicky insisting Fedra’s stuff be thrown out was the pits! Somebody (Paula?) said those nice things could be recycled, but MV insisted on the trash. I can see where she didn’t want to give Nereida the dress she wanted, but what about a thrift shop at least? What a waste! And of course what she should have done in the first place is put Fedra’s stuff in storage…

It was a bad day for Bernardo. No more job, no more Fedra. Of course, he got his best friend back, but Fedra’s hot for Jose Maria, so another hope dashed for Bernardo. Not that we mind terribly!

Mari said she didn't want to give the clothes to other people because they're contaminated with Fedra's evil essence or some such. Okay, whatever. She's just being petty and it pains me to see things wasted even fictionally. I'm sure the local tintoreria can get Fedra vibes off.

I'd say the house is even more contaminated with everyone's memories of Fedra's evilness, and Mari doesn't seem inclined to burn it down rather than taking it back for herself.

But seriously. If Mari wasn't going to do things the legal and honorable way and just put the clothes in storage, she should at least have let Delicia and Paula sell them and keep the cash. Those two certainly deserve some reparations.

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