Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Llena de Amor #131 (Mex. 136) Wed 2/16/11 A Showdown In The Ice Cream Parlor And A Hot And Heavy Stroll Down Memory Lane

We begin this evening's festivities with a showdown in the ice cream parlor. And end with a smoldering walk down Memory Lane. Lots of fun tonight.

Ice cream-wise, Emanuel's frothing at the mouth because Jorge's about to kiss Vicky. No way will he let that happen.
Shoving Ilitia aside, he and Jorge go nose to nose and chest to chest, each vowing a smackdown of the other, until Ilitia manages to drag Emanuel off. Along trails Manzanita, quite miffed that they have to leave just when things were getting interesting! And lest we forget that this little gal is the brightest in the bunch, she notes that she doesn't think much of Jorge...doesn't like the way he looks at her.

Okay folks. That's it. We know now for sure that Jorge is a bad hombre. Manzanita, our kid with the street smarts, has spoken.

Kristel, devoid of street smarts or any other kind, is rubbing her lip sensuously and wondering just what it is about Lorenzo that keeps her Mama coming back for more.
(All together now...Euuuwwwwwww!)

Lover Lorenzo is at this moment groveling to Garduño and pleading for a big loan (to pay back the money he embezzled from the agency.) Garduño reminds him that if the heist goes off as planned tomorrow, he'll have more money than he needs. Lorenzo kvetches that he's afraid Mauricio will mess it up. How can Garduño trust him? He's my right hand man. And he's never betrayed me like you have, is the curt reply.

While the menfolk are battling over women or planning crimes, Netty and Gladiola are beating the bejesus out of a sofa and cleaning up the pension. Time to celebrate that Eugenio has found the papers clearing Eva's name and getting the house back for Marianela. And even better, sending Fedra Curiel to jail!

Qué!? It's Emiliano, still grappling with yesterday's script and behind the times as usual. So he wants the 411 from Netty but she's in no mood to talk about it. After all, he's chosen to stay with Fedra.

E: Yes, but only to protect my children. I sleep in the guest room. Haven't touched her in two years.
Netty and Gladiola look stunned. And then meltingly ahhhhhhhh.

Mientras tanto, back at the agency, Vicky is fretting as usual. She's sure Emanuel is going to rush to the boarding house and tell Netty that she and Jorge were k.i.s.s.i.n.g.! Well, let's rush home and explain it all, they decide.

Explanations are going on at the judge's office as well. His amorous (and presumably surfeited and satisfied ) secretary swears it was a robbery. She had to open the safe. They had guns! Fedra Curiel must be behind this, ponders the judge. Secretary looks amazed at this supposition. But what the long as he doesn't think it's her.

Netty has recovered from her ahhhhhh melting moment and is back on well-trod ground.

N:Fedra will never let us be free to love each other.
E: But my heart is free. Y la dueña de mi corazón eres tú. (and my heart belongs to you)
N: I can't marry a heart. I need a man. A man who doesn't keep me waiting year after year after year.
E: Who!? Is that doctor after you again? Or is it the lawyer?
N: Go. Forget me. Even if you leave your love is dead and buried (muerto y enterrado).

Oh my. How many times have they broken up now? Sit tight. We know they'll be together in the end.

But Ilitia and Emanuel? Don't think so. They're back at the mansion, Manzanita in tow, and Ilitia's still trying to play Happy Families. Why don't the three of us take a dip in the pool? Why don't you and I go to the park and leave "la sangrona" (the pain in the butt) here? whispers Manzanita to Emanuel. Well, our little gal is dispatched to the kitchen while the big folks continue their discussion. Ilitia, still very unredeemed, opines that Jorge is a looker and it's fine if he cheats on that whale he married. Emanuel takes umbrage at that, and then points out that Ilitia should be cozying up to her half-brother Christian, rather than try and suborn Manzanita.

For sure, Ilitia is Low's daughter because she makes up another whopper on the spot. It's so sad. Her dad has persuaded Muñeca to send Manzanita back to the foster home. But...if we adopt her, we could give her a "verdadero hogar" (a true home), just like I had growing up. Stay tuned to see how this plays out.

Back at the agency, our hungry lawyer has once again cadged free coffee and cookies before finally divulging the reason for his visit. He must have the same heebie-jeebies about Jorge that we do, because he wants him to leave before discussing his find. Nope. Jorge is Marianela's husband, sez Vicky. He has a right to know everything. Oh, in that touches Jorge's arm. Jorge looks offended like he might have cooties. (Clearly he's a bad guy!) But there's good news: They have proof that Fedra falsified the papers which disinherited Marianela. What's more he has proof from a handwriting expert (prueba grafologico) that Evan Pavón did not sign those papers. So now he's going to charge Fedra with fraud (entablar una demanda). Vicky's relieved. Now she can relax. Fedra's going to jail. No! snaps Jorge. Not until you charge her also with the deaths of your parents and Tia Carlota. Guess we're going to be stuck with Vengeful Vicky for a little bit longer. Or a lot.

And stuck with crafty and clever Ilitia as well. She's approaching Mission Manzanita from a new angle. She knows what it's like to be lonely, rejected. That's why she wants to give Manzanita a loving home with her and Emanuel.

She's selling. He's not buying. Our marriage is over, he reminds her.

And just like that, a full moon appears.

And we find ourselves in a smokey port bar. Our Capitán limps in and asks for a tequila....on the house. "Si no hay dinero, no hay cariño" (no money, no love) mutters the barkeep. Not even for an old sea wolf (viejo lobo de mar) like me? queries Chema.

Shoot, just when things were getting interesting, the scene changes. Vicky, Jorge and Doris are racing back to the pension to talk to Netty before Emanuel does. Jorge's not worried but Doris reminds him he has no idea what her madrina (godmother) is like when she's mad. But in the meantime, she pleads with Vicky to finally let go of this need for vengeance. No! snaps Jorge again. Fedra's got to pay! (Clearly our fluffy little Spaniard hasn't read the book on love, peace and forgiveness.)

Neither has Fedra. When she learns that Judge Pantoja no longer has the papers she needs, she grabs him around the neck and vows to kill him. No wait, mutters Bernardo. We'll take care of him later
Er yes, stammers Pantoja, give me some time to get the documents back. You won't gain anything by killing me now. Alright, snarls Fedra, but if you don't, you won't have a plugged nickel to put in the box we'll bury you in!

Ah mortality. It seems to be seeping into our little comedy. First Fedra's death was foretold. And now our Capitàn, whom we've just met for goshsakes, is telling his old pal the barkeep that he's not long for this world. Ah c'mon, you've got a few gray hairs (un par de canas) but...... No, sighs Chema. I'm sick. And I'm really going to die.

But not before saving the honor of a port bar floozy.

Some lout (patán) staggers out, manhandling a woman who hasn't put out for him. And after he paid in advance! Chema leaps to his feet, manages to subdue the creep with a full well-aimed punches and kicks,
and is ready to sit down and drink some more. Our rescued damsel though, would like to thank him in a more direct way. What can I do for you, sailor? she whispers throatily.

Be happy. Go outside. Look at the stars. Treasure Life. Because it can turn on you in a moment, answers our poetic hero. Deep Thoughts. Now we know for sure he's Emanuel's dad.

She has a Qué the hell look on her face but Chema doesn't notice. He's taking a walk through Memory Lane now, remembering his first encounter with young Juana Felipe. Hold your horses though. Not yet. We have to get through another scene with Vicky Vicious first.

Vicky and Jorge arrive to find Netty crying. They're sure it's because she's heard about the smooching and spill the beans themselves. Netty morphs into Ninja mode and slaps Jorge a good one for betraying Marianela.
Jorge calmly asserts that he loves Vicky but he also loves Marianela. That earns him a second slap....from Gladiola. You can't love two women at once! she snaps. Indeed. Vicky and Marianela are one and the same, he ripostes. And we have caras impactadas all 'round.

After the ads, Vicky's in full nit mode but Jorge assures her the best way to protect Netty is to tell her the truth. Netty has now morphed from Ninja to Auntie Wronged. For two years she's suffered, worried about her Marianela, longed to hold her in her arms etc. etc. etc. Of course we have the request for instant forgiveness and by golly she gets it. Next thing you know, Netty has Vicky in a close embrace, murmuring my little Marianela, my little one. Ahhh...

Tired of that? Me too. Back to Kristel and her mirror. She's bored. Calls her chiquibú and wants him to take her out. Can't, snaps Mau. I'm busy. And hangs up.

Oooh. Harsh. So back to the boarding house and the weak ass justifications. Netty, we couldn't tell you because we couldn't put your life at risk! (Mind you, Netty's life and others have been at risk numerous times, since evidently there's no lock on the door and Fedra and Bernardo come and go as they please. But I digress....) Doris explains her part in the disguises. And Netty finally tells Gladiola about Gretel's disguise as Manolo as well. Okay. Time for Mama Glad to grill Doris. And Jorge. She orders them to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, leaving Netty and Marianela to talk alone.

But while Netty and Mari renew their hugs, Jorge regards the scene with a sinister look and thought bubbles I must gain points with Netty in order to win over Marianela. That's why I told her Vicky and Mari are one and the same.

Okay. Definitely. A. Bad. Guy. Punto.

But Bad Guys have their charm. Kristel, still bored, is now remembering her conversation with Lorenzo. And how he asked for just one night show her how a real man could love her up.

So she dials again. This time Low's number. Hola. Estoy hiper aburrida. Let's go out. Nope. He's busy too. Well dang. Get unbusy. Because this is your only chance. It's "up to you" she adds in English. But you blew it.

Mau wants to know who called. Lorenzo fibs that it was Muñeca, wanting him to take her out to dinner. The two lads commiserate on what frivolous drags these womenfolk are.

The next phone call is better. It's about bidness. The deal is on. It's "pan comido" (a piece of cake) and "nos vamos a forrar de billetes" (we're going to make a mint of money). That is, as long as their (Lorenzo's and Mauricio's) stupid rivalry doesn't mess things up, cautions Garduño. If you mess this up, you will pay dearly. You follow me?

More ads and we're back at the police station. Oliver and Gretelman are kissing as usual. But Brandon busts that up with the good news that the hunt is on. The deal (entrega de mercancia ilegal) is set. Sure it's not a trap? asks Oliver. Nope. It squares with the info we've gotten from our snitches (soplones).

At last. Memory Lane here we come. Chema, with the grateful floozy still smoldering with gratitude behind him, is remembering the first time he rescued a girl of the streets. Yep, it's our young Juana Felipe, shaking her booty for all it's worth and I have to say her chair dance is a lot better than Fedra's.
And young Chema is quite the attractive guy as well. (Let's have more flashbacks, writers! I could get into this.)

Anyway. Same deal. Toothsome lass shaking her talented hips. Drunken louts getting fresh. And not gonna pay for it either. Not for a tramp like you! Juana, clearly with no self-esteem problems, snarls that she's a Lady, a Queen, and if they don't pay in advance, they don't get no lovin' no how. Capitán Sevilla's down with that. He respectfully introduces himself (a tus pies) and wonders what she's doing in a dump (tugurio) like this.

Juana: Waiting for the Man of my Life.

Yes indeed,they were meant for each other. But they couldn't escape their demons. The dream turned into a nightmare. But they gave love. They got love.
(Back at the mansion, Fedra is also remembering their incandescent lovemaking). And no one can take his memories away from him, concludes Chema.

Shoot. We're back at the boarding house. Netty and Mari are still sorting out the past. And no, the poison wasn't what transformed Mari into a skinny bitch. It was the doctors warning her that obesity would kill her as sure as poison would. She learned to take care of herself, exercise, and choose her food wisely. PSA complete for this evening. Back to the drama. Netty wants to focus on the positive. Getting the money and the mansion back. Not on the negative. Hate. Rancor. Yuck! That's not her Marianela.

Oh yes it is, insists the New Mari. I've suffered too much. But people love you, counters Netty. Emanuel loves you. Pay attention to that! He really loves you!

And right on cue, with a Buenas Noches, Emanuel walks in.

The End. (for now)

Muñeca confronts Ilitia about her involvement with Brandon.
The Judge comes to the boarding house and pulls a gun on Marianela, wanting the dangerous documents back.

forrarse de billetes = to make a killing
pan comido = piece of cake, something easy
entrega de mercancia ilegal = delivery of illegal merchandise
soplones = snitches
despojar = divest, dispossess
entablar la demanda = bring a lawsuit
endulzando = butter up, sweeten up (what lawyer had to do to suborn judge's secretary)
que sea cortesia de la casa = and let it be on the house
si no hay dinero, no hay cariño = no money, no booze for you buddy
viejo lobo de mar = old sea wolf, old sea dog
un par de canas = a couple of gray hairs
sangrona = pain in the tuchus, a pill , a bore
ya estuvo bueno! = that's enough (Emanuel threatening Jorge in the ice cream parlor)
altibajos = ups and downs (Garduño, pointing out the problems in his and Lorenzo's relationship
el vivo retrato de su padre = the spitting image of his dad (Fedra, remembering how much Emanuel looks like Chema)

Dicho of the Day

Mala p'al metate, buena p'al petate. (She's bad at the housework {metate} but good in bed {petate}....A perfect description of our dear Fedra. Or should we say Juana?)


Judy- I love that you got this up so quickly! And it was wonderful. Thank you for pointing out all the clues to Jorge being a bad guy. I'm still going to put him low down on the bad guy scale though. He hasn't done anything iredeemable yet. In fact, I'm very grateful to him for finally revealing some truths! Netty should have stayed mad at Mari for way longer. Jorge's only getting on my nerves because he's egging on this silly hatred that Mari has for Eman.

As far as I can tell, Mari has done NOTHING to further her plan to bring Fedra down. She did about 5 minutes of work to expose Low's crimes by asking his secretary for his accounts and then asking that secretary again to make copies for the board. That's it. All the rest of the time has been spent kissing or dissing Eman. Oh, and convincing Malicio to dump Kristel at the altar-- the reason for this vacilating between altruism (save her cousing from marrying a lout) to vengence. Maybe a mix of both since MariVicky is so confused about who she is anyway. :)

By the way, loved seeing bonbon Marcelo Cordoba (last seen as the bisexual cheating hubby in Sorti) as young Chema, and the actress who played Lili, the foil to Altair's villain in ENDA, as young Juana Felipa. Good casting. I'm glad we didn't have to see either of the older actors playing their young selves.

Hi Vivi. No time for detailed reply but when I get back from work later this morning, I'm going to try and put up photos of both young Chema and young Juana. My screen shots didn't turn out and I was ready to pack it in last night.

Judy, another stellar recap as always. Kinda fun episode last night, definite pick me up from the night before.

I'm with Vivi, I almost jumped out of my chair to see Marcelo playing the young Chema. Talk about eye candy. I could have watched flashbacks all night. (And now we know where Fedra got that chair dance. Still weird, but much better than the current version.)

So the big reveal was sort of a dud, I was hoping Netty would really give it to MV, but that lasted only a few seconds. Poor Jorge, and MV was so quick to stop them slapping the daylights out of him (NOT) - I just can't totally hate the guy yet, though I know we're supposed to. He's in love, he's being used and he's sort of a sneak without being snaky. At least not yet. He's not even remotely in the same category as our resident creep Super Mau.

I was sooooo glad Eman didn't fall into Ilitia's trap on adopting Manzanita. I really hated the fact she was using that child (with the mind of a 21 year old) just to keep Eman trapped into the marriage. Do what you want, but don't mess with kids or you lose me big time. Still have hope for her, but she went down a few pegs with this maneuver.

Off to work, check in later. About to enjoy the balmy 50's we're getting on the Northshore for two days. Woohoo.

I couldn't decide where to start today. So many choices. The pictures were fabulous - how did you capture Netty's sensational mid-slap shot?? The vocabulary and dicho were marvelous. Judy, the recap was wonderful from start to finish. You are the master.

"devoid of street smarts or any other kind", "beating the bejesus", "surfeited and satisfied", and "cadged" (I love learning new words) were among my favorites.

Count me in on loving Marcelo Cordoba's all too brief appearance. What a treat! Vivi, thank you for pointing out Lili was the younger, most definitely fresher version of Fedra. I never would have recognized her!

The flashbacks were intriguing and I can't wait to see their reunion.

Mari's reveal certainly wasn't sensational, but I'm glad Netty knows.

As much as I enjoy the show, the recaps are just as much fun!

Thanks again Judy!


Judy B. Your recaps are always so much fun to read. Emjoyed the pictures as well. Since I have not seen this show from the beginning is that the first time they showed flashbacks of Fedra and Chema? and is he the orginal L.Plato?

Thanks again Judy, also thanks for the vocabulary and great dicho for the day.

Pata- Yes and yes.

Judy, your recaps are always such treats, each one a lesson in how it should be done, but today I believe you reached perfection.

"Okay folks. That's it. We know now for sure that Jorge is a bad hombre. Manzanita, our kid with the street smarts, has spoken."


That little girl's acting skills have improved significantly over the course of the show.

For some reason I found Gladiola's pummeling of the sofa so funny. She really put a lot of energy into the effort. and the tandem slaps for Jorge were downright satisfying.

My heart is still racing over the young Fedra... er... uh... Juana Felipe. From the beginning I've wanted flashbacks and the wait was worth it. More please.

Looks like I may get an exciting episode to recap after all.


Good morning all. Miss Judy what a simply smashing recap, you were on your game from beginning to end. And the screen! They are a pain to add but fun to look at so thank you.

Manzanita does not have a perfect track record for judging people, don't forget she likes Mauricio. Jorge still has to prove to me that he is truly bad, although he sure has mastered the evil glare, yikes.

Vivi, was Chema actually El Lirio de Plata or was that just the name of his boat? I think the masked crusader thing was invented by Eman.

Judy, thanks so much for your recap and wonderful vocabulary. You rock!

Hi everybody. Thanks for those kind words. I added a few more shots, the grateful floozy, young Juana Felipe (a toothsome lass) and hunky young Chema. Shall we rename him Capitán Caliente?

@Vivi...yes, Jorge's least attractive characteristic is egging on the corrosive hatred of Mari for people in her past. He's supporting her worst characteristics to give himself an advantage in the courtship. As we know, in verdadero amor, one wants only the best for one's lover, even if it means losing him or her. So Jorge is coming up short in the galan department. I don't want him as a consolation prize for Doris.

And Vicky's plan for Kristel to be dumped at the altar is soooo ugly. I know, on some level, she wants to save her cousin from being married to that lout. But still....Yuck.

@Daisynjay and Sylvia....Wow. I didn't expect anyone to champion Jorge. Interesting. Shows you how different our perceptions can be. I really thought the writers were telegraphing us big-time that this slick españolito was a snake in the grass. His leer at Manzanite, his cooty sniff after the lawyer touched his sleeve, his sinister lurking in the corner plotting to gain points with Netty.

Now granted, we all want to scheme and sometimes act underhanded when battling someone else for a lover's affections...we WANT to...but we don't because we weren't raised that way. He's actually following through on his sneaky maneuvers.

Well anyhow...Great! Let the differences in opinions begin! I may well be proved wrong.

@Oh, and Sylvia...I do SO agree though that the screen shots are a pain in the behind. So many steps when you're getting them from the computer. If I weren't worried about getting senile, I wouldn't even bother. But I make myself learn new things in the hopes of keeping dementia at bay.

@Daisynjay..yeah, me too. Ilitia went way down in ranking tonight. Or would have if Manzanita wasn't on to her from the beginning. Poor Ilitia actually took some real body shots from our little "callejera". And as Dr. Carlos noted, the little munchkin actress is really showing some chops these days. The Baby Wrangler on this show must be good because Christian's acting skills have improved as well. you, I thought Gladiola's pummeling of the sofa was hilarious. I rather thought she might have been picturing her ex-husband when she tore into the divan that way. And her "permitame" before she decked Jorge was great. That actress is really making the most of her rather small role. I liked her in Querida Enemiga too.

@Pata...thanks for stopping by amiga. Once things settle down here, I'll pop over to your Eva Luna neighborhood to check out your recap. From the ads, I'd say things are even more intense now that Eva Triumphant is back.

I wouldn't exactly say I'm a champion for the guy (or campeon as Eman would say), I just think the jury is still out for him. Yep, he's acting kind of underhanded but so is MarVicky. Eman's not guilt free either, our galan has some housecleaning to do before he deserves his happy ending. Also, before we ever met him Jorge got to hear ad nauseum how horrible all the RydT characters were. It's hard to love someone, hear all about their "enemies" and then do an about face when your loved one decides to they've changed their mind. We've probably all been there. OK, so maybe I am championing the guy, hee.

I have an admission to make, I rather enjoy it when Jorge needles Eman. I'm kind of annoyed at Eman for always assuming everything should go his way. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely prefer Eman over Jorge, but for now I'm enjoying watching him have to work for love.

I thought it was hilarious when Netty and Gladi slapped Jorge. It looked like they really put their backs into it and they probably have strong backs what with all that couch whacking. I guess I don't blame him for spilling the beans, ouch.

On another subject, hoooweee I love Marcelo Cordoba! I've been his girlfriend, oops I mean his fan, ever since Alborada. I hope we have more open-shirted flashbacks. The young Bernardo's not so bad either.

@ Judy - glad you mentioned the actress who is playing Gladiola. I have always liked her a lot. I agree she's doing masterful things with her small part. I especially liked it when she was out with Muneca, saying she didn't like to gossip but then gleefully dishing the dirt on Fedra with her cheshire cat grin.

Hey, well put comadre. I think you've championed Jorge very well. And pointed out some obvious flaws in Emanuel who, granted, is a bit too cocksure, in spite of his intermittent laments and woe-is-me's. Time will tell if Jorge is truly dastardly or not.

And I keep lapsing into ridiculous sympathy for Fedra/Juana Felipe. I mean that's a tough life for a 15-year-old. And many of her nefarious deeds have been done to protect Emanuel, the son of the Love of Her Life. She's fought, scrapped and schemed for everything she's gotten, whereas the rich folks have just been born into wealth and privilege.

Now if she just hadn't thrown that fella over the balcony, blown up Eva's plane, poisoned Tia Carlota and imprisoned Gretel for two years....hey, I'd be her new best friend!

LOL, Judy I just decided I can no longer drink my tea while reading your comments! You're too funny amiga.

Judy, thanks for a really entertaining recap.

I, too, was super excited to see Marcelo Cordoba as El Capitán...though my exact thought was "Yay! Tialoving Abuelokiller!" We definitely need more flashbacks. Young Juana Felipa was so sweet and innocent (for a girl working in that biz, especially) and a far superior dancer that I didn't realize who those two were supposed to be until they started talking to each other.

I'm still not convinced Jorge is a Bad Guy. Yet. I don't like his behavior but he hasn't crossed the line into villainy. Manzanita isn't that great a judge of character, as has been mentioned. I think she just reacted that way to Jorge because it was clear to her that Emanuel doesn't like him, and Emanuel is her hero. Meanwhile, major kudos to Jorge for telling Netty the truth, which Marianela should have done ages ago. I don't know how she thought she was protecting Netty, and to not even send letters or use the phone for more than two years was just awful.

So Jorge's no white dove, but neither are Mari or Emanuel. A lot of dirty selfish dealings going on.

I agree with Vivi that Mari's done nothing to progress her plan. All she's done is show up and be rude to everyone. She has access to money now; shouldn't she have a lawyer and a detective on the job, putting together the evidence and preparing a case? She hasn't even planted bugs on Fedra and Bernardo.

Oh good...more controversy. You defended Jorge very well also, Julia Maybe I'm just prejudiced. The accent, the furtiveness etc.

Mind you, I'm not on Emanuel's or Marianela's side either right now. His cavalier attitude about infidelity, however "empty" his marriage may be, and Marianela's eteeeeerrrrrnal PMS attitude towards everyone is tiresome.

When the villains are more endearing than the heros and heroines, you know you're in trouble.

One thing seems to be unanimous. We want more young Juana Felipe and Chema. Start warming up your engines now folks....

We also need more of Brandon and Ilitia together, and more Axel and Delicia.

While Jorge's definitely edging into creepy obsession, I think I can understand his point of view. As far as he can tell, Mari's hung up on some unfaithful womanizer cad who's hurt her a lot. And he's not wrong. He wants to save Mari from that. And get her for himself, sure, but since she does seem to really like him it's not like he's trying to force affection where it's nonexistent, just get rid of this old hangup of hers so he'll have top billing. Not totally unreasonable, from his point of view. Now the way he thought-bubbles about it is getting a bit more sinister-sounding, but...I don't know. He's cute and his accent just makes me giggle when he's trying to be menacing. Hard to consider him a serious threat.

Loved it, Judy. By the time I get around to commenting, mostly I just agree with what has been said. Not sure how I feel about Jorge yet, so I'll be the official fence-sitter. He is easy on the eyes at least.

Young Chema, so fine, let's see more of him - soon!!!

I'm pretty fed up with Mari/Vicky and Eman also. Good thing we have much more interesting characters to root for.

Yeah baby, more Chema and young Fedra. Also, more Ilitia and Brandon. Then more Axel and Delicia. Come on writers, let's get those fires lit!

Another plus for Jorge, he took those mighty slaps with real aplomb and didn't seem too phased except, of course, to spill the beans about MarVick.

Hey Judy thanks for this great recap, vocab and pics. You have become quite the picture person. Good for you!! I'll stop by later after I've read comments.

Yeah Syl...he took those slaps with aplomb. Almost like they had white gloves on.

Emilia...good to hear from you fence-sitter. We need a neutral facilitator in case we get carried away defending our positions.

Julia, loved your "top billing" quip. I think most of us secretly want top billing, whatever the context!

So much for checking in later. What a day at work...

But love the discussion today. On Jorge - I go with "what she said" by Julia and Sylvia. He's just not real TN "villian" material yet, if he ever will be. For right now, he looks mighty fine in those suits and I enjoy his willingness to get in a few faces now and then.

And all those in favor of starting a "We love Marcelo" fan club, line up at the right. guess there's no disagreeing there. Yep, this TN just gets better and better.

How appropo - my word verification to post is "Mating"

@Daisynjay...Mating! Hey, maybe this portends something. There might be a Marcelo Cordobo Cleveland style in your future, amiga. Or an Jorge. Which do you prefer?

@Karen...I have to laugh. For months I gnashed my teeth every time I saw those great photos put in by Hombre and Carlos, because I honestly didn't think I could manage it. Just copying and pasting gives me heebie-jeebies, much less trying to grab screenshots. But...I'm sure...after all the sturm und drang, that I'm a better person for it. Plod plod plod.

Oh, Marcelo, by far.

Heading for a cold shower....

Loved the recap Judy. So we know now that Jorge is intent in keeping Mari and Eman separated. He may still be redeemable since he has helped Mari so far and even has gone along with her plan of pretending to be her husband.

I agree with you Vivi that Mari has spent more time kissing and dissing Eman than actually getting vengeance on Fedra. Maybe that's about to change since she has documented proof that Fedra stole her inheritance.

I actually liked the flashback of a young Jose Maria and how he and Juana Felipa met.

I think we all loved the flashback Pirate Babe. Attractive young people, gallant rescue, passionate love affair. A whole lot better than listening to Mari/Vicky griping endlessly with that Spanith lisp. Not sure why I dislike and distrust Jorge so much. Many of you are argued persuasively on his behalf. Me da mala espina. That's all I can say.

Daisynjay...noooooo, not a cold shower! It's not that warm in Cleveland. I prescribe a glass of wine in the jacuzzi and a little imagination. Better way to go.

Thanks for the vocab again JudyB! Some had me really stumped - like "sangrona" - both dictionaries said "what?!?!"

Weighing in on the Jorge debate:

I don't like Jorge. He's sneaky. Don't like those shifty eyes - I especially don't like that pursing mouth thing he does when he is being countermanded. Me cae mal! I think we can all take Manzanita's impression as gospel truth.


This was wonderful, Judy! I loved your jaunty style on this one. And the photos, and the terrific vocab and and and.

What fun comments today? My vote: Jorge seems tight-lipped and shifty-eyed, but I wonder if he’s destined for Doris, which would mean he has to have good points. Still, his thoughtbubbling doesn’t show the sort of fine character we hope for in romantic fellows in these shows.

Hi Audrey and Maggie...missed your comments last night. Another eye infection so I turned off the computer early.

But hey,"shifty eyes and pursed mouth"...thanks Audrey! and ditto for your similar comments, Maggie, and your note of his less than exemplary thought-bubbling.

For me, the nail in his galan coffin was when he took quiet umbrage at the boardinghouse lawyer touching his sleeve. He's a snob. A shifty-eyed sneaky snob.
There, I give up all pretense of neutrality.

Audrey...sangrón, sangrona is officially listed in my Oxford big dictionary as a person who is a "nuisance". "Pain in the butt" is just my casual take on that.

Love it that you're excited about vocabulary. So am I! Onward we go amiga.

Good morning everyone. Judy, sorry about the eye thing. Haven't you been down this road before?

As you know, our old friend Mike is recovering from cataract surgery as well as waiting for the same procedure on the other eye. We'll ask our old friend el Niño de Antocha (Juan Q's fave) to keep His eye on you guys.

I'm going to have to weigh in on the anti-George side... heck, I even found myself cheering Super Mau on when he threatened the lisping claim-jumper.

I finally recognized the young Chema. He is one of those guys who actually is more handsome with a moustache.

During my Spanish lesson I replayed that scene with Kristel, Fedra, and Lorenzo from Monday. She had missed that episode. She never gave me an explicit translation, but I think that she may still be laughing.


No fair! She needs to give you an explicit translation and then you need to share it!

Yes, on the eye thing. The doc told me once I had a bad infection like that, recurrence would be a problem. As the old saying goes "The body never forgets".

Just spent the morning down at the Alzheimer's Unit visiting a couple of former exercise students. One of them was one of the brightest and most charming of all my students ever, and up until a six months ago was still reading a weekly news magazine, watching PBS and relaxing with an old novel by Graham Greene. But at 97, she's slowly fading away.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy active day. Count your blessings.

Judy, I hope your eye gets better very soon. No fun! Mike's is doing well - I just have to keep after him to not 'do stupid.'

Agree with you about counting our blessings. Since we go to the nursing home every day to see Mike's mom, we meet a lot of wonderful folks with all sorts of ailments. One of our favorites is a fierce little lady with Alzheimer's. She spends her days paddling her wheelchair up and down the halls, into all the offices and every off-limits place she can. She delights in wheeling just close enough to the outside doors to set off the alarms and lock the doors. She rarely smiles and her speech is nearly unintelligible but she has sparks of lucidity where she is such a neat person. There is a fantastic brain in there somewhere.

Amen Emilia. Many of these people have good days and bad days (like us, duh) and there seem to be a number of people there that are cognizant and can still make humorous remarks, respond with charm and friendship and reason appropriately. But they're just not quite "with it" enough to be on their own. Others, however, are very out of it and in a semi-stupor. But after a visit, simple things like sunshine, blue skies and the freedom to go where you please seem such an incredible blessing. Give Mike a hug from me!
Remember you always have the frying pan threat.

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Yes, don't say anything Maria because spoilers are prohibited here. But I can tell you don't mind knowing ahead of time. And that's fine as long as you don't spill the beans for those who do.

Good to hear from you.

Did anyone else see the bordello chair dance routine in the premios show last night and think Fedra should have been watching and taking notes?

Yes!!! That's exactly what I thought too. Another thought, not enough air time for hunky Lanus. That was very unfair to us.

Definitely not enough air time for him! Although I was a little curious as to why he was there at all. It was a music awards show. Most of the people there were in music. And, of course, the Eva Luna cast got a lot of attention, because they're Uni's own pets and they want to promote their show. Other than that, do they just put out an APB for any big names who will be in town and don't mind showing up and handing out an award to get a little face time? How does it work?

I have no idea how they select the presenters. There were a couple of other telenovela stars that presented as well. I've seen him present at this and other premios before so maybe it's just the kind of gig that his agent arranges for him. I was wondering why the cast of Eva Luna was there; your explanation makes total sense.

We only watched a little. Lucero's red carpet dress was, ummm, different...

It certainly was. However, if I had her gams...

Oh my. I hadn't watched the Noche de Estrellas but luckily Tivo recorded it for me. I just checked it out and it's some outfit. It looks like she's wearing a doily skirt that's pulled up. But like Julia said, with her gams....and paired with her dazzling smile she could pull off just about any look.

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