Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #27 2/8/11 A Passel of Víboras and Rat Bastards (But still no confesión)

Viewerville settles in. They expect a confession.

Vic: Years ago, I fell in love with someone I shouldn't set my heart on.

Os: Victoria...

Vic and Viewerville:  No, don't interrupt. (Too late, I heard the phone ringing)

Slut Maid enters. JP is on the phone. Vic tells him to call back. Oz tells her to take the call. Damn you, Os!!!!

In da club
RatTattScuzzBoy spikes Fer's drink. Fer gets Funky.

JP says he and Vic have to see each other about hija. Vic asks if he's decided to confront Mom from Hell. JP says he'll confront the whole world if necessary. He will keep his promise to return her child to her.

Fer is not feelin' so great. TatRattScuzzBoy takes her home and date rapes her. Bastard. When the deed is done he lights a cigarrette and blows smoke in her face.

Max is polishing his kayak.

No. Really. He is polishing a kayak. It's not a code I swear.

Guy paddles by. Falls out of kayak. Hits his head. Max to the rescue!

Maria prays. JP enters. "Maria Desamparada, (drink!) Why are you crying?" Maria would rather tell him in the confessional. JP asks if it's that serious. Maria says that's for him to judge.

Coach thanks Max for saving Up the Creek boy. Shows Max a picture of trophy he's going to win. (Useless scene.)

Maria confesses.

RatTattScuzzBoy snoring. Knock at the door a maid is trying to wake Fer. She awakes with a start. What are you doing here, Fede? You invited me! RatTattScuzzBoy scurries out the window where he is spotted by Cruz.

JP asks what viewerville has been wondering since last week: Where were your principals? Your beliefs? Maria says she's in lerve and it's real and for true, but he wouldn't understand 'cause he's never been in love. Maria changes subject to Vic and how she'll never accept her and that she wants someone else for Max's wife (I may need correcting on this translation.)

Cruz rakes. Fer and Gabi are leaving. Fer can't remember what happened last night. Her car is dirty. She asks Cruz to clean it. I'm a gardener he says. You're an employee she retorts. You do my bidding. Well, I don't go around sneaking out of windows like a thief. Fer gets the picture and shuts him up. He says he'll keep his mouth shut forever for just one little smile. Fer gets haughty. Cruz says daddy. Fer panics and gives him one of those "eat mierda" kind of smiles. Gabi thinks Cruz is cute. Cruz says something I don't understand.

On the set. Gui apologizes to Os. They hug and make up. The entire crew applauds! (Yay! We're still on schedule and under budget!)

Fer enters Max's office. Fab looks like he's finally seeing the real Fer. She asks if he's mad about the music mix he made that she threw away. He says no not at all. Fer moves in for a little lovin' and pulls a PSYCH! on him. Fer and Gabi laugh (like hyenas...be-yotches.) Nati enters. Fabian plants a big ol' smoochie on her and introduces her as his girlfriend. I get all excited and write notes to myself in all caps and then reason takes over and I realize he's being a big jerk and using Nati. Max must have rubbed off on him.

Weekend at Burnie's
Maria Desinformada is visiting and telling Burnie how understanding JP is. It's like he's her real and for true father. She gets such a warm fuzzy when they hug (but not in a creepy way.) Burnie flips her lid. He's a priest! he can't have kids. She settles down. She asks Maria to forgive her. She says JP needs pure folks like her around him. Not those nasty sinner types. (Um, I'm not a Catholic, but isn't "being around sinners" part of the job description?) Maria leaves.

Burnie performs a soliloquy: I'm sick and tired of this damn obsession JP has with finding his child. I have to stop it from happening and get that woman and her little dog, too!

Vicks Office
Vic says she was just about to tell Os everything. Toni wants to know why she didn't. Vic says she realized it would be the worst thing for her family...for Os to find out about not only falling in love with a forbidden man, but to have had a child with him, too? Wowzers. Toni asks if Vick thinks Os will react negatively. Vic goes on  about how she and Os need to be united now more than ever if they are going to save Fer fro RatTattScuzzBoy.

Back to Fab: Fer is glad he's got a girlfriend. Fab says it's very serious. They are going to get married. Fer wishes them the best and leaves. Fab the rat bastard asks Nati to forgive him. He needed to make Fer realize he doesn't care, although he really does. I'm so mad right now I'm throwing stuff. Nati tells him not to worry about it. It was just HER FIRST KISS AND ALL. I curse Fab from the depths of my soul and hope Burnie gets a hold of him, too.

Jimena returns to the chicken coop (dressing room) and there is plenty of fake friendy for all. The witch and the other model fill her in about Maria and Jimena announces the real star has arrived (loose translation.) She says something about when she's owner after she and Max marry. Maria leaves. The other girls let Jimena know about her competition and tell her Max has his eye on Maria.

Maria runs into Fer in the hall and there is a confrontation which ends with Fer reminding Maria that she is insignificant.  Maria goes to the bathroom (where she always goes to cry. Sheesh.) Max shows up (Dude, it's the Ladies room, c'mon!) For the 2nd time this evening someone is asking Maria why she's crying. She tells Max his sister is hates her and he makes a move to leave and confront Fer. Maria stops him and tells him she's afraid the family will never accept her. He comforts her and they sneak in some bathroom smoochies while their theme song plays.

Pipino is pissed. He's just seen one of LindaHo's makeup jobs. I think he threatens to get rid of LindaHo 'cause she threatens to tell about Os.

Max runs into JP and they go to Max's office to talk. Max knows he's there about Maria Desamparada (drink!). JP says he promised to protect Maria and Max says he did too. Max says they are going to get married. JP asks what madre thinks and Max says HE makes his life decisions. Speak of the devil, here comes Victoria. She wants to know what's up.

Fer is with Pip and Toni. She has a fiesta and she needs a dress...like yesterday. (be-yotch)

Vic says she didn't realize Max knew JP. Max explains about the first communion thing. JP says he needs to talk to Vic. They go to her office. Max tell the Padre he's a man of his word. Jimena comes in and flings herself at Max. He's all EW! Leave me alone.

Milagros and Napo FF>>

Fabian asks Nati out. She says yes and asks where they should meet. He has the nerve to call himself a gentleman and says he'll pick her up.

Jimena: I love you! beg beg beg.
Jimena via thought bubble: you won't get rid of me that easily!

Milagros and Napo FF>>

Victoria overhears Maria reporting to JP about Burnie's freakout.

Fausto and Eva are getting instructions never to enter Burnie's private and sacred inner sanctum unless authorized by Satan herself her. It's where she gets her God on and receives his instructions.  Fausto explains to Eva that Burnie asks for justice for sinners and Burnie admits that she sometimes has to help things along (with jugs of gasoline, poison and pokers.)

Vic is annoyed that JP has insinuated himself into her life. Os, Max. Grrrr! Why are you here?

Ok. Here's where I let you all down because I missed a lot of the Spanish. Please, Les suplico, Les ruego, ayúdame.

Nuns are in the kitchen makin'...cookies? (Where is Eduardo Yañez when you "knead" him? har har. Couldn't resist) and The nuns are reminiscing about the first year the orphanage was open. At that time, it was in the Sierra in Jalisco, an area so remote that it was hard for anyone to reach them, including the authorities. There were two girls taken in that year, MD and María Magdalena and NEITHER ONE WAS REGISTERED. This is important because it means looking in the registries is a dead end. The nuns also remark that both MD and MM continue visiting them and that they have taken very different paths in life. (That portion brought to you by NovelaMaven who has saved my hiney and filled me in. Gracias!)

JP and Vic are at the registry office checking out a book o' records. Vic starts crying and whining that she's looked everywhere and memorized practically every record book. She can't find her hija and she could be dead. Cut to JP walking the streets and talking to random people.

Model practice. On the catwalk. Jimena bumps into Maria who falls right into Max's arms. He whisks her away. LindHo gives Jimena the stinkeye and thought bubbles: Damn Skinny Chick. You will pay. (Say what you will about her, she's gonna stick up for our Maria.)

Later, Jimena la Flaca walks into the makeup department and want's a facial. I'm pretty sure LindaHo uses Nair.

It burns!
My face!

LindaHo acts innocent.

JP actually finds a woman who may know something. (And again, I miss important info. Grrr. Please fill in.) She said Victoria had come by many times asking the same questions. But recently the woman's sister had visited and they got to talking about the incident. The sister remembered a little girl  matching María's description being picked up in the street by some nuns. (Another save by NovelaMaven. She is my hero!)

Cruz and JuanJo. Cruz, being a gardener, plants seeds of doubt and I FF>>

LindaHo is giving Fer a makeup job and Fer likes it (of course.) LindaHo leaves and ... heads for Os's room. She comes up behind him and ...he thinks it's Vic. Really? Dumba$$. He is not happily surprised when he turns around. Slut Maid enters and sees them k.i.s.s.i.n.g

Max and Maria at the apartment. Maria's ankle is hurt. Nati offers to stay. Max cuts into her line to say NO!

Max says he talked to JP (and your not so dependable recapper missed what he said about it, but it didn't last long so maybe it wasn't important?) Max cooks. Pasta! Shrimp! Lettuce! Onions! He gives Maria a light up thingamabob aaaandddd...

Cue the kayak!

I'll be back tomorrow if ya'll can stand it!


Well, yes Fabian was using Nati but both of them know it, and Fabian actually does seem to take an interest in Nati, so let's see where this goes.

Wow! Sara, you are officially my hero! This is great stuff and funny as all get out -- thanks so much for doing it!

I think I can fill in some gaps:
The nuns are reminiscing about the first year the orphanage was open. At that time, it was in the Sierra in Jalisco, an area so remote that it was hard for anyone to reach them, including the authorities. There were two girls taken in that year, MD and María Magdalena and NEITHER ONE WAS REGISTERED. This is important because it means looking in the registries is a dead end.

Also, although the nuns found MD in Mexico City, they took her to Jalisco right away. Victoria wouldn't have had any reason to look for her there. She always figured she would be in or near the city.

The nuns also remark that both MD and MM continue visiting them and that they have taken very different paths in life.
The woman JP spoke to said Victoria had come by many times asking the same questions. But recently the woman's sister had visited and they got to talking about the incident. The sister remembered a little girl matching María's description being picked up in the street by some nuns.

Thank you!! I knew the Nun scene was very important. Gawd I hope there is no important dialogue tonight that I miss. I was so distressed last night because I knew, of all that was said last night, I was missing incredibly important stuff.

It seems to me that making such a fuss about the other girl is going to figure prominently in our future plot.

I guess they couldn't make it completely easy for Fab and Nati. Like someone said, it probably won't be until after the make-over that he really notices.

I'm going to go back and edit to fill in the gaps you have so graciously provided. Thanks!

Sara- Great job! You stepped in when we needed you, so don't feel bad about missing a few things. NovelaMaven, thanks for filling in the gaps.

Basically it seems that the writers are going to put Padre on the right track, but then he'll make the wrong assumption about which Maria is his. MariaM is probably a loose woman (different paths and all) and will probably cause all kinds of drama before finally MariaD is revealed to be the real missing Maria. I am ashamed of the nuns. Shouldn't they have made it a priority to register the two girls, no matter what? What if someone was looking for them? (As was the case.) This is a crime!

I'm glad that we got to see Linda serve some useful purpose this episode. Since our heroine is too good to play dirty, I'm glad someone on her side is. :)

I was a bit miffed with Fabian too, but he apologized right away. He also explained exactly why he did it. Nati certainly understands the pain of unrequited love, but I think after this kiss JuanJo is JuanWho? Fabian doesn't think Nati has any romantic feelings for him, so it's not like he's manipulating someone he thinks has feelings for him (like Fer was doing). When he realized he was her first kiss ever, he was cute about it and thought it an honor. He then walked her out, got her a taxi, and immediately asked her on a date, where HE will pick her up. So for me all of his other gentlemanly behavior makes up for the one slip up.

Isn't Nati studying something medical? I predict she will pass her exams with A++'s, have her makeover, and bag a doctor.

So Stalker Linda finally does something useful. I confess to finding that scene amusing although I couldn't read the label on the jar (Do all the networks assume we all have big screens?). Not quite there with the scene in Salome where Willie teased Rebeca's hair into Phyllis Dillerland, though. Linda could be fired for this if Victoria is in the wrong mood.

Which will be guaranteed when the maid rats her out about Osvaldo, who should have confessed his minor indiscretion to Vic and told her that his life is turning into Fatal Attraction, which he had no way of predicting.

The actor who plays Federico has no previous credits. For his sake I hope those tattoos are fake although they look too exact every time. It's possible he was hired for their hideousness.

Sara, you are one funny lady!!, REALLY. I love your fast-flying recaps. Fabian - not so much. I had such high hopes for him.

Sara, you are truly a love to do this for us on short notice. You are so very witty. Thanks.

Anon and Vivi, I going to have to go with Sara in her assessment of Fabian... rat bastard. He really needs to make this up to her in a big way.

TatRattScuzzBoy: let's kill him now.


Sara LOL from your funny and great recap.

I have to correct you though anytime there's a shirtless William Levy scene it's never useless too much good eye candy:)

I agree with Vivi i thought Fabian was honest why he did right up front about it and very kind and considerate with Nati afterwards. These two are looking like a nice couple every time i see them.

It's about time LindaHo' had some good use besides the obvious.

Fer she was not liking the fact that Fabian wasn't fawning all over her like usual.

Sara: Thank you so much for doing this at the last moment...and to NovelaMaven for clarifying that critical scene with the nuns. That scene went by so quickly that I was literally straining my ears to make sure I got everything (which I did not). Wowsers, NovelaMaven...you got every bit of the detail of that one!

So...who might Mary Magdalena (oy) be? Will this be an new actriz?

...and, who is this sister that recently came by asking the lady who owns the laundry store about Maria D? Would it have been Toni or would it have been St. Bernard? Did we already see this scene and know who it is? (and I missed it?)

Agree...that maid is one slutty looking creature. The skirt is up to her rear end...how does one work in that? and in HEELS no less!

LindaHo did step in at the right moment, but I was more disappointed in Oz KISSING her right back. Didn't look to me that he was fighting it one bit.

As much as Fony Fer grates on the nerves, it was sickening what Scuzz Boy did to her. Blowing the smoke in her face...oh...made me sick as I could just see him and his pig of a father salivating at the money they THINK they are going to get.

If Victoria doesn't own up to this soon, she is in for a world of misery. It will be non-stop blackmail.


De nada, Sara. And I agree, the other María will probably be a red herring for Nick and Nora (aka JP and Vic).

And hey -- you were the one who got it right about Victoria's Secret! I was sure we'd hear the confession last night. Nuh uh.

Vivi -- Yes, what the nuns did was unbelievable. "Abandoned" kids aren't necessarily abandoned -- they could be runaways or simply have wandered away from home. Or they could be victims of delusional self-anointed saints with bad hair and scary eyebrows.

Urban -- Nathy studies genetic engineering. Maybe by the end of the novela she'll have a blueprint for a hunky guy who doesn't end up breaking your heart. :o)

Susanita- The sister the laundry lady was talking about was her own. Seems her sister saw the little girl taken away by the nuns, but she herself went off to the States soon after and was never around all those time Vicky came back asking about what people saw that day. It was recently that her sister came back and commented on it, but Vicky hadn't returned since then. Seems to me it would have been smart for Vicky to leave her contact info with those people each time she went searching, so they could actually have a way of sharing info with her if they remembered anything.

Maybe I'm being soft on Fabian, but he did seem very genuine after his impulsive act. We're all allowed to make little mistakes, no?

Sara: Great snarky recap.

Fer must have the only bedroom in Novelaland that has a lock on the door. What maid wouldn't open the door on a teenager to wake her up?

See what I mean -that same maid opened the door the Vic & Os' bedroom when LindaHo was doing her thing. And, yes, I thought he was kissing her back, too.

Sara, I've only been watching a little of this here and there but I thought your recap was fun and very well done. Loved the title.

I have a soft spot for the actor portraying Fabian and while his kiss was rather reckless, he certainly intended no harm. His making a date was very galan-like I thought. Lucky Nati!

Carlos: "TatRattScuzzBoy: let's kill him now." Yes, but first, let's make him inhale the smoke equivalent of 1,000 cigarettes. Yup - I know. No mercy.


You are all very persuasive. I am also softening my stance on Fab. But never on RatTattScuzzBoy.

Sara - Thank you for another great, LOL funny, snarky recap!

Thank you Mejía for the gratuitous kayak scene. I was watching the FELS rerun at lunch time yesterday and caught one of the gratuitous swimming hole scenes in their tighty undies--all three bros. and their cousin (E.Capetillo). WooHoo---a foursome! Brightened my day and made me smile. ;o)

Since Nathi is studying genetic engineering, maybe she'll be the "Duh!" moment, in the far future, and suggest a DNA test.

TRSB - yes,,, please kill him now. Porfis.

quote "(Where is Eduardo Yañez when you "knead" him? har har. Couldn't resist)" Ingenious! ahhh the train wreck that was FELS.

Vivi: Thank you so much for the clarification. I really missed the boat there and was totally lost in that conversation.

NovelaMaven: Nick and Nora Charles!!! I so love that series, however, JP is no William Powell. Ha!


Sara, loved your recap...so funny.

I can't stand that Lindaho, what part of no doesn't she understand?? Altho, this time I admit he went right along with her.

As for Fabian, I like him. I guess he was so angry the way Fer was acting, and Nati happened to come by, that he spontaneously acted like he did. I don't think he meant to hurt her. In fact, I'll bet Lindaho will give her a makeover and she and Fabian will fall in love.


Sara thanks for subbing in for Cielo. Good work. I just hope that 'confession' won't take as long as opening the box in FELS. That took forever.

The nuns conversation could be helpful to us viewers in the future. who knows.

Ok from a guy's perspective, Fabian kissed Naty to save face from Fernanda who was playin ghim like a fiddle because she knows he really has the hots for her and likes her. She figured she would toyu with him and then fake him out. Whether we admit this or not, it hurts guys feelings and egos too. Not saying that he has too take advantage of Nathy or any other girl for that matter. Good thing Nat and Fab seem to like each other anyway otherwise it is one disaster after another.

The maid probably went to open Fernanda's door andn found it locked and that is why she was yelling at Fer to wake up whereas when she opened the door to Osvaldo and Victoria's room, it was unlocked because Linda ambushed Osvaldo and did not have time to lock the door. She does not seem to care if they get busted anyway and has exhibited reckless behavior before. The maid was probably going to put some things in there and did not knock not knowingwho was in the room.

I knew you ladies would like Linda getting revenge on Jimena via the dirty tricks makeup job. Note to self: Stay away from catty and vengeful women. ;) I keed I keed. But hey at least she stood up for our dear Maria Desamparada.

My favorite meeting at last. Linda and Fer finally met up and could be double trouble. Fernanda seems to be almost as tall as Linda. Mama Mia! I like this. :D This is getting exciting for me.


I certainly hope those are fake tattoos scuzzyboy is wearing because those are some of the worst looking tattoos i have even seen. He could get better one from a cracker jack box.

Great recap as usual! And I'm happy that Lindaho finally did something to redeem herself a little...

Hurray, Sara! Loved your quick and dirty recap, lots of laughs. Thanks also to NovelaMaven for Monday's recap. I was too late to comment yesterday.
Carlos, I absolutely agree: TatRattScuzzBoy: let's kill him now.
As much as I despise Linda, her evil facial was kinda fun.

I was distracted and missed Max's rescue on the river. I did enjoy his rather awkward knife wielding on the salad veggies. I was afraid both he and MariaD would be injured for a moment.

Evil Eva looks to be an excellent sidekick for Burnie. What a trio of trolls we have now, hiding in the corners, waiting to ambush their chosen victims.
La Paloma

I think we could have the catfight of the year with Linda and Fer.

Does anyone remember a VH-1 program called Viva Hollywood? Wannabe TN actors competed -- in English -- for a possible Telemundo contract. In the opening episode they did fights and the women actually were better than the men (start at 3:30 and there are buffering issues):


I remember hearing about that show UA and was kind of interested in seeing it, but I never did. I'll have to check out that link.

Thanks for your kind words, everyone! I have so much fun at Caray Caray.

I am so stoked for tonight!

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Thank you oh so much, Sara! <3 I got ALL my hw done, and what do ya know--pop quiz. Who does that in an English class? Anyways, gracias! :)

Thanks to Novela Maven too! :D

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