Thursday, March 03, 2011
Eva Luna #82 Wed 3/2/11 Confessions 101

We start out where we left off last night. Daniel and Eva with a gorgeous ocean back drop. He is telling her to admit that she still loves him. Then we get a kiss that lasts for most of the first ten minutes interspersed with scenes of Leo and Marcella, and Renata and Julio.
Leo is outraged that Marcella could have given Victoria sleeping pills to make it look like she wanted to kill her self and asks her how she could do such a think. She tells him with great cunning [astucia/ cleverness or cunning or guile.] Leo tells her she risked Victoria’s life. Marcella assures him she had everything calculated to perfection. Leo asks what if something went wrong. He tells her he thought her children were the most important thing in his life. Here comes confession number one as Marcella says “You said my children, but that only includes you. Victoria is not my daughter.”
Lets get a closer look at that kiss.

Renata is visiting Julio. She asks if Justa has been by to see him. He tells her no. She is still avoiding him. Renata tells him it is probably out of respect for her husband and suggests he forget about her. Julio tells her she knows he can’t forget about her. She says there is something he hasn’t told her yet. She wants to know why he faked his death. Julio gives her a smirk filled smile.

Adrian is playing ball in the yard with a friend. Thomas is hiding behind a tree plotting to snatch him. The ball gets away from him and he goes to retrieve it.
Confession number two, with Alicia confessing how stupid she is. Well that isn’t what she said. She is whining to Marisol about her looser lover Leo who is soon to be Eva’s lousy looser husband. Marisol tells Alicia that she needs to tell Eva that Leo is her lover. She also tells Marisol that her mother showed up.
Adrian is retrieving the ball as Thomas grabs him. But not without a fight. He tells Thomas he does not want to go with him because he is bad and hits him. His buddy sees all this go down.

Adrian continues to struggle. Who says there is never any police when you need them, as we hear police sirens and see a squad car driving towards them. This spooks Thomas as he lets go of Adrian and Adrian runs off. Our gallant young friend has gone to get help and we see Adrian running into Justa’s out stretched arms. He tells her his father was there and tried to take him.
Julio tells Renata he did it so he wouldn’t die for real. Renata tells him she doesn’t understand. He says it isn’t that complicated. If he hadn’t faked his death he wouldn’t be alive today. Renata seems perplexed by this. He tells her someone was planning on killing him. She asks who? He says Marcella. Renata can’t believe her ears. He tells her she was killing him, by slowly poisoning him.
Leo is still having a hard time believing Victoria is not his sister. Marcella tells him she was adopted. He wants to know why she never told him. She tells him there wasn’t any reason to until now. Leo wants to know if Victoria knows. She tells him of course not and warns him not to tell her.
Renata is also having a hard time believing Julio. She asks why Marcella would poison him. He tells her it was for money. He was in Marcella’s way. Renata asks how he found out. He asks her if she remembers about the medicine that he was given religiously in his coffee? He tells her he realized it when his faithful friend Max accidentally drank it and died. That’s when he started to think the worse. That’s why he asked her to take the bottle to Dr. Garcia who confirmed it was pure poison.
Eva and Daniel have stopped for a moment to catch their breaths. More heavy breathing more soft music and Daniel telling Eva he loves her and needs her. Eva protests weakly as Daniel tells her how many times he has dreamed of this.
Julio tells Renata that Marcella had it carefully planned out. She was using the young women she hired to take care of him to continue giving him the doses. Renata deduces that was the reason she rehired Eva when she left the first time. He tells her Marcella wanted her back so she could blame someone for his death in case they found out what was going on. Renata is horror stricken. Julio points out that she was also necessary pointing his finger at her telling her to remember that she also put the medicine in the coffee. He tells her Marcella used her to poison him.
Back to the beach and Daniel and Eva are in each others arms. Dan tells her he has missed her every hour of every day from the moment she left him. Eva is clinging dearly to Daniel and thinking to herself “What am I doing. This is the man that killed my father. I can‘t love him.” She pulls away. Daniel asks her what’s wrong and she tells him “We can’t do this.” Daniel is confused and frustrated and asks her why.
Leo still can’t believe that Victoria was adopted. Marcella tells him he should have suspected it a long time ago. He asks why. She tells him it is obvious because Victoria was never able to get what she wanted for herself. She always needed help from one of them. She lacked cunning and malice because she didn’t come from the same blood as them. Leo shakes his head in agreement and tells her she is right. Then he tells her now more than ever he can’t permit Daniel to leave Victoria for Eva. He would rather see him get involved with someone else. (I got a little confused here) Marcella tells Leo she would prefer to see Daniel dead. Then she says they have to eliminate him.
Dan is telling Eva he heard her and Victoria talking. He knows about the suicide and that is why he is going to divorce her. Eva is shaking her head no and telling him that they can’t be together. It is impossible. He touches her face and tells her the only thing for certain is that they love each other. Eva says “That isn’t the only thing. You are unhappy in your marriage. That is why you have a lover.” Daniel says “Lover?” Eva say’s “Who is Lilly then? Someone who will help with your broken marriage. Now leave me alone!!!” Daniel tells her Lilly is not his lover. Eva says well it’s not like you wouldn’t want that to happen. Then she reminds him about her engagement to Leo. She tries very hard to convince him she does not love him. Daniel tells her he does not believe her. Just a few minutes ago her lips were telling him the opposite.
She tells him she felt something different. She feels nothing for him. She can’t love him. She walks away taking her things leaving Daniel alone on the beach.
Marisol tells Giorgio that Geraldo loved her voice and she will be signing a contract. They have more happy chat. She also tells him that from now on her and Fran will be living together. Giorgio is not happy to hear this. Marisol invites him to the pension for their late wedding party and he declines as he doesn’t like Fran. Moving along……
Julio is asking Renata if she now understands why he faked his death and wants vengeance against Marcella. Renata tells him she understands everything, but wants to know how he plans on doing this. He says amongst other things he also needs her help. She asks what he wants her to do. He tells her she will find out. At this moment we see Justa walk in. And Renata say’s her name out loud as Julio struggles to stand up.
Justa says “You wanted to see me? Well here I am. Ready to listen and to have you listen to me as well.” Renata is suddenly very uncomfortable and grabs her purse to leave. Justa tells her to stay because she is a part of the story.
Creepy part. Leo enters Alicia’s bedroom trying to make nice. He has a single rose. Alicia is not making it easy for the louse. He feeds her bull about her being lovelier than the rose. Something like that. Alicia isn’t buying any of it. He tells her that is marriage to Eva is just a business transaction. Alicia looks puzzled. He tells her they have a mutual agreement that doesn’t involve sex. He paws all over her and she calls him a liar. She is able to resist him and tells him she is fed up with him. She pleads with him not to marry Eva. She then gives him back the rose and tells him she can’t accept his marrying Eva and gathers all her courage and leaves. Leo is not happy as the door shuts and we see him crush the rose in anger.

Justa tells Julio she still can’t believe he is alive. He tells her he thought for many years that she was dead. Justa tells him now they are face to face. Both alive. Julio tells her there are many things that he wants her to know. She tells him she has a lot to tell him as well.
Julio tells Justa that he only found out she was alive when he saw at his grave site. And all he could think of was finding her. Justa is not phased as she says “Really? I thought you didn’t love me.” Then she looks over at Renata and continues “Well that’s what Renata told me.” Renata is looking quite uncomfortable.
Julio now angry stands and says “See!! You really do have a lot to do with all of this!!” Justa stands and tells him that he also demonstrated that he didn’t love her, the day she saw him kissing Marcella. He tells her he made a big mistake. Justa tells him he left her for Marcella. In one instant her life was scarred for ever. Julio tells her that is life was scarred as well.
Victoria is looking for Daniel in his office. He is not there. She asks about her mother. She went home. In that case she will go down to the dress department and leaves.
Ricardo tells Adrian that all children deserved to be loved by their parents. He gently touches his cheek and tells Adrian he has a big heart and is noble. He tells Adrian that he and Justa care a lot for him. Adrian tells Ricardo that Justa was scared when she saw Thomas try and take him away. If the police hadn’t arrived in time he would have taken him. He tells Adrian that is why he has to denounce him. Adrian tells Ricardo that he doesn’t want to leave them. Ricardo gently hugs him and tells him that they don’t want him to leave either.

Victoria is eyeing a red dress. She tells Giorgio she wants to take it home. Giorgio tells her she can’t because it is a part of the new collection. She begs a little more. Giorgio still says no and along comes Bruno. Bruno says he doesn’t have a problem with it.
Julio is telling Justa that Renata knew he was desperate to find her after she saw him with Marcella. Justa looks at Renata and says she never told me anything. Besides she wrote him many letters. Julio seems confused at hearing this . Justa tells him she had decided to forgive him and was willing to start fresh. But she never got an answer from him. So that is why she decided to go far away. Renata is squirming in her skin as we get another confession. She tells Justa she never gave Julio the letters as she asks Justa to forgive her. Both Justa and Julio turn to look at her with strained faces.

Justa walks over to Renata and asks her what kind of games was she playing. Why did she lie to her. Renata full of confessions tonight looks at Julio and says “ Because I loved him and didn’t want you two to get married.” Now wringing her hands in agony, Renata asks them to forgive her.
Bruno tells Giorgio that Victoria is their queen and she can have what ever she wants. Bruno tells her that his clients called and are very happy with her and sent her a gift. Vicky is giddy and asks where the gift is. He tells her it is in the office and asks her to accompany him there and he will give it to her.
Alicia is chatting with one of the secretaries and runs into Deborah.
Bruno and Vick are in his office and she has opened the gift. It is a necklace. She asks him to help her put it on. He tells her he would love to. Vicky tells him she loves clients that gives her such nice gifts. Bruno now pawing her neck tells her it wasn’t from the clients. She smiles and asks who. Bruno tells her it was from him for such a marvelous night. He starts to kiss her but she stops him. Then suddenly grabs him and locks a big kiss on him. We hear a door open but don’t see who it is as Victoria and Bruno quickly separate.
Justa is going ballistic on Renata. She can’t believe what she did. After all they are sisters. Renata tells her jealousy made her blind [los celos me cegaron] and she sided with Marcella so Justa couldn’t have Julio. She did everything Marcella asked and now she knows she was wrong. Now she is aware of all the harm she has caused her.
We see a very blurry flashback that Renata is having as she hands Marcella Justa’s baby. We hear Renata say “Here is Julio and Justa’s baby.” We also hear Marcella ask if she told Justa it was stillborn. Renata tells her yes but she is afraid that they will discover the truth. Marcella tells her not to worry about this. The Dr. will make sure that she won’t remember. As she is holding the child she tells Justa that they will have to convince Julio that this child is the one that they adopted together.

Justa looks at Renata and asks her what she did. Renata standing now says "neither of you have a single clue of the madness that I committed.” She is now wiping tears from her face and tells them she is very sorry. She rushes out of the house as Justa is yelling after her to wait. Julio turns to Justa and tells her that he has always known that Renata and Marcella had caused them much harm and they had many secrets “now we will find out.”
We find out it was Lilly who had walked in on Victoria and Bruno. Victoria asks her why she didn’t knock. (Because this is a telenovela and nobody knocks first. And nobody locks the doors.) Lilly tells her she was sent to take her some where. Victoria tells her it was lucky that it was her best friend that walked in on them. She grabs her keys to go with Lily. Bruno tries to stop her and is rudely pushed aside as she leaves with Lily. Bruno smirks after they leave.
Justa tells Julio that she has a secret as well. She tells him when she went to look for him that day at the office it was to tell him she was pregnant. Julio looks shocked at first than a smile comes across his face as he asks her why she didn’t tell him. She tells him she doesn’t know. It was for pride, for stupidity. She didn’t want him to stay with her out of obligation. She says Renata convinced her to leave the city before the child was born. She tells him the child was stillborn. Sad faces from both of them.
Alicia and Deborah are face to face. Deb starts to tell her something and Alicia tells her she knows she is her mother. Alicia wants to know why she abandoned them. Didn’t she love them. Deb tells her of course she loves them. She tells her she searched every where for them. Alicia is not buying any of this and starts to leave. Deb grabs her arm and tells her things didn’t happen the way her father told them.
Julio tells Justa that he would have been very happy to have had a child with her. Justa tells him she went crazy when she found out her child was still born. She said she was kept at the clinic under heavy sedation. Then there was an earthquake that destroyed the area. She tells him everyone thought she was dead. She said she stumbled through the streets and slowly went on with life. Julio sadly touches her face and asks her why she never looked for him. She stands and tells him she had resented him for many years. Julio is standing now as Justa continues she also resented Renata for leaving her at the clinic. Julio says “Even Renata didn’t know you were alive?” Justa tells him Renata didn’t know.
Bruno is sniffing the empty box when Giorgio walks in looking for Victoria. Bruno tells him she left.
(I love Julio, but all this Justa and Julio reminiscing is getting to me.) More lamenting. She suffered lots. But when she found out he was dead she was finally able to put an end to their story and start fresh. (or something like that.) Julio tells her he knows she is married. Something is said about him visiting Ricardo in the hospital and that he didn’t have to pay the bill. She takes her purse now and tells Julio to not look for her any more. Julio is broken hearted and begs her not to ask that of him.
Vick is pleading with Lily not to say anything about what she saw. Victoria tells her for one moment she thought it was Daniel that was about to walk in and she wanted to die. Lily all best friend now, says, “It’s history, but tell me how long have you been sleeping with Bruno?” Victoria looks mortified.
Alicia is telling Deb she doesn’t believe anything she is telling her. Deb swears that it was her father that took them away from her. Alicia screams at her and tells her not to mess with her father. He was the most sacred thing to her and she won’t let her offend his memory. She tells Deb to leave them alone. Her tears don’t mean a thing to her. She tells Deb that her Tia told her that she was capable of telling them anything to justify why she abandoned them.
More confession time as Old Tia is talking to God asking him to forgive her bad. She tells God that Deb doesn’t deserve her children’s love. She did a bad thing by having an affair and her brother did a good thing by taking the children away. She can’t permit Deb to destroy her children’s wonderful memories of their father.
Eva’s at her father’s grave. She says if he told her that her mother left them well than she might as well believe it. He never lied to them. (Well at least she isn’t bad mouthing Daniel. That’s a step in the right direction)
Poor Renata has returned to the mansion and is sitting on her bed looking quite rung out from the day she has had.

She is asking God to show her the light, now that she knows that Marcella was poisoning Julio it doesn’t matter if they find out what she did. We hear Marcella calling for her and Renata quickly wipes her tears and stands to attention. Marcella storms into her room and asks her if she is deaf, she has been looking everywhere for her. Renata starts to talk and Marcella interrupts her and tells her she is all nervous because Leo now knows that Vicky is adopted and she needs some tea. She tells Renata that she was the one who told him. Renata asks if she told him everything. Marcella tells her no and to be careful not to tell him anything else. She leaves all in a twitter.
Lily and Vicky. Vicky is surprised that lily knew there was something between her and Bruno. Lilly tells her she suspected it but is happy that Vicky confided in her. She tells Vicky she thinks it is great she is having an affair with him. She cautions Vicky not to forget about Daniel. Sometimes affairs take over and become reality. Vicky tells her that will never happen. She will never leave Daniel and no one will take him away. Lilly says “You are referring to Eva, right?” Vicky shakes her head yes and says “And you.”
Lilly looks shocked.
Lilly can’t believe that Victoria would think she would try and steal Daniel. (Some one else needs to go to confession.) Vicky tells her it isn’t her that thinks that, it is Eva. She tells her about her chat with Eva at the engagement party and that Daniel was cozy with someone else. (Or something like that). Lily is offended as she tells Victoria how awful Eva is to try and come between them. Victoria tells Lilly not to worry, nothing is wrong. Lily doth protest too much as she continues insisting that Eva is trying to come between there friendship. Lily now looks a little concerned as Victoria has her back to her cursing out Eva.
Renata is on her way to give Marcella her tea when the phone rings. It is Julio. Renata is all a twit now and asks him why he would call the house. He tells her he needs her help for something important and to come over right away.
Party time at the pension. The boys are playing bingo. Marisol has brought groceries for the party and Justa walks in all in a mope. Ricardo asks her if she solved her problem. She tells him yes. Marisol Reminds her she was going to help with the cake.
Renata gives Marcella her Tea. Marcella tells her she heard the phone and wants to know who it was. Renata nervously lies and tells her it was a phone salesperson. Marcella looks up suspiciously and tells her she spent a long time talking to them because now the tea is cold. Renata attempts to take it from her and Marcella waves her off and tells her to bring her another one. Renata starts to leave but turns and says before she leaves she has to tell her something. Marcella looks put out and says What do you have to tell me?
Eva goes to see Julio. She asks him what’s up. He looks sad. He tells her there are things in his life that she still doesn’t know about. Eva asks if it is about his friendship with Ricardo. He tells her the friendship isn’t with him but with Justa. Eva looks surprised at hearing this. She asks him if he knows her. He tells her he knew her many years ago and were at the point of getting married. He tells her she is the woman he has loved the most in his life. Eva seems surprised since they haven’t seen each other in a long time. Eva wants to know more. Julio tells her it is a long story and he will tell her some other day. (Didn’t catch the rest of it)
Renata is telling Marcella that sometimes when she passes by Julio’s room she hears strange noises. Marcella asks what kind of strange noises. Renata tells her she doesn’t know but it sounds like things are moving around in there. She tells her that the other day she heard Julio’s cough. Marcella looks a little freaked. Then she says “what kind of stupid things are you saying. He’s dead.” Renata then sits down beside Marcella and tells her she has a friend that is a medium and she told her that Julio’s spirit could be walking around the house. She tells Marcella that her friend said when the dead don’t leave it is because they are hanging around because they have unfinished business to tend to. They are looking for something. Marcella is freaked for a moment then tells Renata to stop talking stupid and go away. Renata gets up to leave and we hear spooky music as Marcella looks about fearfully.
Julio now asks Eva what’s up. She looks sad. She tells him her mother showed up. She found out last night who she was. She tells him it was Deb. He is surprised. He asks if she gave an explanation. Eva tells him she said her father took them away from her but she will never believe this. Julio stops her little rant and tells her he is sorry for her and can’t imagine what she is feeling.
Then she tells him on top of that she went to the beach to think and relax and Daniel showed up. This gets a big smile from Julio.
Vick walks into the bedroom and tells Dan she is happy to see him there. He tells her he is only there to get something to wear. Vicky tells her that Jacky said Fran was going to go live with his wife. Dan confirms this. Vicky says “don’t tell me you are going to their little party they are going to have tonight?” He tells her of course he is going to go. Fran invited the both of them. Vicky says how nice but truthfully she is really tired. She tells him to give her apologies. Dan hardly looking at her says with indifference, of course he will. Vicky seems miffed and asks “Aren’t you going to insist that I go?” Dan with a hint of sarcasm says “No. I know you don’t like going to these ‘little parties’ .”
Eva tells Julio one thing led to another and soon they were kissing. Julio is now smiling widely as he laughs and says “what great news. How marvelous.” Eva tells him no, how could it be marvelous. She holds her hand out now showing her engagement ring and tells Julio that last night she got engaged to Leo. Julio looks beyond belief as he says “What??” He grabs her hand and gruffly says “Your engaged to my stepson?” He asks her why she did that. Eva stammers and tells him it is because he cares for her and is willing to be a father to her son. Wise Julio stops her and says “ Pablito’s real father is Daniel.” Eva says “Well you know that I don’t want Daniel to know this child is his.” Julio in a deep voice says “Are you sure Eva? Are you 100% certain of this decision.?” Eva now looks a bit doubtful as Julio tells her to think it over for a while. “Don’t deny your son the love of his father. Don’t never deny this happiness”
Leo is hashing over the fact that Victoria is not his real sister. Now it doesn’t matter that much if Lilly steals Daniel. He is telling himself that it would be most convenient for him if Dan were with Lily. At least until he marries Eva. Eva interrupts this little plot party. She is all shaken. He asks her what’s wrong. She tells him she heard something terrible on the radio. She tells him that Claudia is dead. Leo fakes surprise at the news. And even fakes being upset. He asks if she killed her self. Eva tells him no. She was murdered. She tells him they think drugs were involved. Leo is acting his phony butt off as he tells Eva this can’t be.
Thomas is packing. If they find out he killed a policemen he will go to jail. (well duh!!) He is holding the weapon in his hand and stashes it in his pack.
More Leo overacting. He tells Eva that he always suspected that Claudia was into something strange. He then tells her to forget about all of that and put something comfortable on and go poolside.
Eva looks shocked and asks him if he is alright. He tells her he is fine. Life goes on. (Those were his exact words) He urges her on but Eva declines telling him she has lots to do before she goes to the party.
Leo says “There’s a party? Where?” Eva apologizes for not telling him sooner and says it is at the pension where she use to live. He asks if he is invited as well. She tells him of course, him, her aunt, Alicia. He tells her he has something else he has to do but to give his apologies. Eva tells him not to worry she will explain to everyone.
Marcella is asking Renata where everyone is. She tells her Leo had business and the Señora and her family went to a party at the pension where she use to live. Marcella is amused that Renata would be calling Eva señora. Marcella says it is noteworthy that people will do anything to keep their job. Renata looks at her and says “And for this sometimes they make huge mistakes.” She asks if there is anything else and Marcella tells her for the moment no.
Leo shows up at Lily’s place. Ick!!!.
Thomas is headed out of town and is stopped by the police. Yea!!!
It is party time. Fran and Marisol are being cozy. Adrian says something about having kids. I think Fran wants to start tonight. The doorbell rings. Alicia is serving refreshments and we see Tia and Eva sitting at a table by Ricardo. And with all this merriment who should be led in by Justa but Daniel. Double Yea!!!
Labels: eva
Will someone please explain something: Is it normal in Mexico to not tell adopted children that they are adopted? Here in the US the current prevailing advice is to tell children as soon as they understand what it means but I'm not sure this isn't too young to be able to process it emotionally.
Of course, in novelas adopted children always have emotional crises upon re3velation regardless of their age.
It looks like Renata is getting ready for a little revenge of her own. I am dying to see what that is. Or is this story about hearing Julio's fantasma around the house part of Julio's revenge? I hope nothing happens to Renata, she is the first redemption, and is the key to many things in the story.
Eva is so childish in the way she holds so fiercely to those family myths. I always found Tia a bit annoying.
Why is Alicia not telling her the truth? She could tell her that Leo is a walking bucket of slime.
That whole Eva/Dan encounter was so similar to Una Norte's dialogues that I had to laugh.
Renata:...still not fully redeemed in my view. I don't buy this instantaneous redemption. Renata's jealousy seriously harmed Justa. I'm not sure that Renata has had time to fully grasp the implications of her actions (which were continuing, in a sense, during the entire time Renata has been visiting Julio).
If Justa had not walked into the house with Renata there, Renata had no real reason to tell Julio the truth.
No...I still don't trust that Renata of the funny looking eyebrows.
Leo: I think this slime bucket is going to sell Bimbutt down the river. I also think that Leo is going to face a horrible death and it won't be a quick death with a silencer attached to the gun.
Alicia: Just amazes me how she can continue to find 'good' in the Slime Bucket....'but I love him'. PUH-LEEZE.
I am hoping that we will see the Eva and Dano characters come back in "Eva Luna, Part 2".
Couldn't you just see this TN becoming a series?
Sweet, wonderful Guy...please listen to your fans...make this a series!!
Thank you again, Pata!!! Bien hecho!
No one mentioned the previews. I thot I saw Dano with Pablito. Anyone else? I may have had one cocktail too many. I'm in mountain time
I don't remember what else was on the avances.
Susanita, I too am uncomfortable about Renata's apparent redemption. Her admissions and requests for forgiveness are coming a bit too fast for me. I believe she means them, but they still seem dramatically unconvincing. And I also agree with you about Leo's likely betrayal of his not-really-my-sister.
Kalum, I too think I recall that the previews show Daniel playing with Pablito.
Someone said that this show will run until April (rather than ending in mid-March), but at the rate things are happening/being revealed this week, mid-March is starting to seem more likely.
Eva and Alicia both have blinders on where Leo is concerned. He's only shown his best face to both of them--until now.
Offering Alicia one stupid rose to make up for what he thinks is an ok move to marry the sister and continue to bed the other one is pretty slimy.
What Leo said about his newly-found-out-non-sister and Daniel is that he can't permit Dan to leave Vick for Eva. He needs to be safely married to Eva, then he doesn't care if Dan leaves Vick to go with someone else (presumably because there is no longer a need for sibling loyalty).
Poor Vicky, I think she's going to be sacrificed on the altar of Marcela and Leo's evil, twisted obsession with money and power.
Poor Deb, I wonder if Tia will get a sign from heaven that she needs to confess the truth about Ismael and the girls.
Poor Lileach, she ain't going to get Daniel. She'll have to settle for Leo or Bruno.
Poor Jacky, alone again. Although I enjoyed (for the first time) Fran and Mari's PDA, I still hold out some expectation that Music Man will take her away on a nation-wide tour and leave Fran and Jacky together.
Poor Tomas, the police are hot on his trail, but he's on the run and I hope he runs completely out of the novela.
Poor Pablito, having to choose between two daddies. If tonight's avances are to be believed, we'll soon have Leo and Dan fighting over parental rights. DNA should enter the picture--after Dano assures Eva that it is not his intention to take him away from her.
Poor Justa and Don J, too late to start over. But this should be a lesson for Eva--DON'T MARRY THE WRONG PERSON.
Una Nrte
I wish God had sent a lightning bolt to set Tia Tilde straight. I have less patience with her than anyone else because she's supposed to be a good person and have common sense.
I guess Adrian needed to go through all of this bad stuff with his dad so that he would choose freely to live with Justa and Ric and not be upset with them for calling the cops on his dad. In the beginning, he would not have been accepting of that and would have jumped at the chance to be reunited with his dad whenever the lout showed up. I am guessing they did not reveal to Adrian what his "dad" said about him being the product of his dead wife's affair with another man? Should they perhaps try to find Adrian's real dad? Probably no time for that.
I buy Renata's redemption. She hasn't lost her sharp edge, she's now turning it towards Marci and has no more loyalty to her, so why continue to keep Marci's secrets? Learning that Marci tried to kill the person he loves most in the world (Julio) was the game changer. She sees that everything she did to keep her sister and Julio apart, nearly resulted in ending Julio's life. I think the ghost thing was her idea. She and Julio didn't have enough time to speak about his plan on the phone. That will be in person. It was very clever of her. I can't wait to see her continue to sabotage Marci.
Can't wait for tonight when Dan has quality time with Pablito. Eva did not look like she was going to be able to lie.
Leo was pure slime last night. It was kind of funny when he and Marcella were talking and said Vicky couldn't possible be one of them as she isn't malicious enough. Vicky is malicious, but Marcella and Leo take evil to a whole new level.
Tonights episode should be really good. I do think Julio got through to Eva when he said a father has the right to know their child.
I was disappointed that Eva did't think a bit more about the untimelyness of Claudia's death.
Thank you for the speedy recap, and pics. Wow loved the kiss for the first 10 min. of this chapter.
UNA Nrte. I just had to comment on your POOR list(LMAO) Poor Tomas, the police are hot on his trail, but he's on the run and I hope he runs completely out of the novela.
Eva had better tell Daniel about Pablito, b/c if she doesn't she will be doing the same thing her father did to her and Alicia. And lool how that's turned out.
Renata and being redeemable maybe but not yet.
I believe we have plenty of time, for this novela to end in April. remember we still have the Tony issue with Carlos. We have to have the tomas issue cleared up.
What she did to Justa was unspeakable, in my book. Who needs enemies when your own family can do you in? Somehow, what she did is more vile than if this had been done by a stranger.
Renata is going to have to 'show me the money' before her redemption is believable to me...but...I do understand your points.
I, too, think the ghost business was something that just came right out of her mouth. I don't think she and Don J discussed this.
I'll grant Renata that. If this had been my sister, I would have divorced her a long time ago! LOL!
what Adrian said at the party was that Fran and Marisol ahd taken their sweet time already to begin a family and he was anxious to play with their kids.. or stte
I agree that Renata now can turn her anger/depression against Marcela and she has nothing else to lose now...
I hope Julio telling Eva that the kid has the right to know his real dad will affect Eva's response to Dano... can't wait to write that recap!
With Matilde refusing to come out clear with Eva and Alicia, I think now more than ever that she will end up being a sacrificial casualty and in the end we will have her deatbed confession to Eva and Alicia adn they will be able to reunite with Deborah for good.
I too think Leo should have a long suffering ending, maybe he will have an accident, end up crippled and live paralized and ugly the rest of his life... with noone to care for him willingly.
Great episode last night and tonight's looks even better. Can't wait for some Dano and Pablito bonding...
Renata is on the road to redemption, but there's still a lot that she needs to do to get there. She is an awful sister.
Eva is about to make the same mistake her father did- keeping her child from his other parent out of spite.
Won't be able to post much more as I'm getting ready to go see the new nieto down South. I'll be reading if I can and watching while gone and I do plan to recap the next two Mondays. Thankfully my son has Dish and all the telenovelas can be dvr'd so I won't miss las últimas anything!! Yippee!
I'm very curious, though, have we ever heard what brought a man like Don J and Cruella together? What in the world did Cruella do to convince him to marry her? Also...was she not able to have children and this is why they 'adopted' Bimbutt?
I wonder what Justa and Don J will do and feel when they find out that Icktoria is their daughter?
...and will the truth of Bimbutt destroying the face of that woman, do we think that will ever see the light of day?
You could ask the same thing of Dan and Vicky. Vulnerable, widower, in love with sweet humble girl. Duped by coniving, evil woman into marrying her. Same story. But Marci is way more coninving and evil than Vicky will ever be. Julio also probably fell hard for little Leo, who he adopted as his own child. I'm guessing Marci didn't want to have any more children. And Julio loves his adopted children as if they were his own, so it didn't matter if they adopted together or had a bio baby together.
This is a world where an old man is given his medication from a sinister looking black vial, like some gothic novel from the 1800's. Think about how odd that is!! We have never seen anything such as a normal prescription bottle with a label in a TN.
In STuD, little Chuy with a head injury was kept in a village outpatient clinic instead of transferred to a medical center. Ivana had to get her pregnancy test results in the mail. Sandy became a nurse after two weeks of training.
I don't think TN writers know what DNA is.
Emarie: Good one!! LOL!
I haven't decided whether Renata is redeemable or not. Eva will still not trust her, although this is very understandable. It almost looks as though Cruella has stopped trusting her, which would not be a good thing. Since Renata was horrified at the idea of Cruella doing Julio in and framing someone else for the crime, she might be redeeemable on those grounds. It's novela law that Justa has to forgive her no matter what fate the writers give her.
I wouldn't, though.
I would say cruella was the LiLeach of the time with Julio and she managed to get Renata to help her get Justa out of the way by lying to both Justa and Julio much the same way Eva and Dano are being lied to now. So both Julio and Justa believed the other did not love them (remember Julio asked Justa for forgiveness (not sure what for, was he unfaithful to her before he married Cruella?) but Renata managed to cut all communication between them. Justa wrote letters to Julio that never reached him, letters that said she did forgive him and wanted to get back together... Julio was told Justa did not love him and just fled (much the same way Dano was told about Eva)... so the separation happened, Julio married Cruella and Justa had the baby and then was drugged for many years.
As for Renata's redemption: IMHO it started with her playing with Queen Snooki's head. She's first in line for a sacrificial redemptory act, though (obviously more for Justa and Julio than for Eva or anybody else, though if Victoria really does make a move against Pablito or even Laurita all bets are off).
DNA testing would be the easy way to determine paternity. But you are right, in En Nombre de Amor we had Her Purple Eminence switching test results.
However, even if Eva tells Dan Pablito is his son, Leo is going to keep feeding Dan lies that it's his and Dan will keep believing them. If the squable gets serious enough and ends up in court, they would surely ask for DNA tests.
Michele--I kinda thought Eva looked at Leo with a WTF look when he lit up and suggested she change into something comfortable and meet him at the pool.
Bill--We all hope this red car business is cleared up before the last episode. We want a lot more kissing and a lot more than just kissing between Eva & Dano before the curtain falls.
Ok, I'm signing off now. Gotta get me and the DVR ready for 8.
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