Thursday, March 03, 2011
La Verdad Oculta #117: Four's a crowd

At Elsa's apartment, Ramón & Co. get Dante's address from her. And Chicles guides Juan José to Adolfo's kidnap warehouse; while back at home when Carlos arrives and reports Adolfo has a beach house hideaway, he's startled to learn from Asunción that Alejandra's kidnapped, too.
Carlos takes a call from Bertha and exits to meet her at his condo, unbeknownst to him that Édgar and Valentín have her bound at gunpoint. They ditch notions of abusing her, as she's still the boss's wife. Back at the warehouse, Juan José warns Chicles that it's not the movies; and guys will really die when shot.
Instead Juan José instructs him to phone for help if he isn't back in 15 minutes or hears gunfire and to wait in the truck. Once inside, Juan José skulks the dank, inky halls without result until a loud bang erupts; whereupon he notes a stray dog nosing around Édgar's booty hiding place and recovers the infamous black shoes.
Incognito Adolfo and Dante meet Yolanda at a nondescript hotel, where Adolfo embraces Yolanda with relief. She begs him to release the hostages, which he insists are his only hole card for escaping the country. But when she reveals Mario is dead and the kidnapping now prevents him closing the contract, Adolfo is pole axed.
How stupid! Of course! The sudden strange behavior of "Mario" now makes sense. How stupid, how stupid! He could have been the owner of everything! He's realizing his awful blunder, committed in order to rescue Yolanda. No!
At Carlos's condo, he enters only to be bonked on the head, bound and carried off by Édgar and Valentín; while racing across town with sirens screaming, Ramón radios Leonardo that at Dante's, Zaida gave them the warehouse address. Meanwhile, Juan José and Chicles arrive home with the amazing diamonds to hear of Carlos's beach hideaway news.
Leonardo is disgusted to have just missed the kidnappers at the warehouse; and when he suddenly remembers Gabriela's tale of the beach hideaway, phones and learns from David it's somewhere remote without highway access. At Juan José's, he phones Yolanda to ask Carlos's address to learn more about it.
Édgar reports Carlos in hand to Adolfo at the nondescript hotel; where Adolfo assures Dante he can trust Yolanda -- with the possible exception when it concerns Carlos. She'll do something if she knows he's kidnapped. They quickly decide to adjourn with their victim to the country hideout of Valentín's choosing.
Dante's concerned about holding Carlos; kidnapping girls is one thing -- but Carlos is strong and trouble; but Adolfo needs him sequestered, due to Carlos knowing about the beach house, at least until they flee the country.
Juan José arrives at Carlos's condo just as Bertha frees her gag and shouts for help; he rescues terrified Bertha and learns of Carlos's kidnapping -- and she learns of Alejandra's kidnapping, to her dismay, along with the other girls.
Yolanda returns to the hotel to find the heavies absconded without a word. At Mario's, Santiago and David are disgusted to see Juan José bring Bertha to the house, until they hear what has happened to Carlos. Bertha is distraught and wails she loves Carlos and she'll die if anything bad befalls him!
David embraces apparently sincere Bertha and admits that everyone should have the chance to repent; and when doubtful Dora appears, explains Bertha's situation. Bertha desires to explain things to her uncle, too; but is startled and confused to hear Mario died long ago in Roberto's crash on the Veracruz highway.
The bad guys arrive at the country hideout and stow Carlos with the other victims. Back at Mario's, sobbing Bertha apologizes, if not to deceased Mario, then to Santiago, explaining that after all that's happened, she's going to behave in a very different way. Crying, she turns to everyone present and apologizes, begging forgiveness.
Later upstairs, Bertha apologizes especially to Dora, telling Dora she always felt like she never amounted to much, which she has never told anyone else. Growing up, Alejandra was the smart and talented one, always getting the parental praise; while she felt no account and acted out for attention.
Her father did seem to feel sympathetic, knowing Bertha didn't bring much; but when he died, there was no one left to help her, having no profession or education. Dora admits it must have been hard for her; but typically optimistic, smiles and counsels God will make things right in the end, if Bertha is truly repentant.
Downstairs in the living room, tempers are flaring as the family men's impatience is reaching a breaking point; and hapless, prodded Leonardo walks in just on the brunt of it. General mayhem ensues as they object to Leonardo ordering them what to do, despite their anger at feeling he has done nothing!
But they must admit since they themselves don't know the location of the beach hideaway, that they're trying to squeeze water out of a stone. Leonardo is shocked they haven't told him Carlos is missing; and they all must calm down, including the uniforms with sidearms drawn.
Leonardo wonders how in the world he's supposed to launch a search, if they don't know where the beach house is located along Mexico's one thousand kilometers of coast line! He orders them to stop taking things into their own hands and exits, leaving the frustrated boyz steaming.
Later at Juan José's, he weeps over a photograph of missing Alejandra and asks God what he's done to deserve first the death of his mother and now risking Alejandra, who is everything to him; who has been so good with him. He still believes, though, and prays for her safe return; while Asuncion looks on, wearing the world's loudest pajamas, still easily visible despite the late-night shadows.
Next day outside the country hideout, Édgar and Valentín discuss how they are going to get out of there, with those monkeys watching them all the time and the jewels guarded at the warehouse; but Valentín reminds Édgar they still have money in the bank.
While inside the shack amid the victims' moaning, Adolfo and Dante wonder similarly how to extricate themselves, with all transportation watched -- and their bank accounts probably frozen without a penny. They order Édgar to retrieve the diamonds; and he'd better not come back empty handed, or else!
At Elsa's, she admits a somber Mauricio into the apartment, who only sits for a moment to deliver bad news. He knows she doesn't love him, and he's tired of waiting for her to notice he exists. He did everything he could to encourage her self-confidence to succeed; and it wasn't easy, due to her self doubt.
He insisted because he loved her and thought she'd make a great professional. Despite doing everything he could to help her forget Juan José, the only thing it accomplished was that she loves him even more -- that she gets worse and worse, wanting him more and more, despite Juan José only wanting her as a friend.
When Elsa objects to Mauricio speaking to her that way, he tells her she will indeed listen to every word he has to say, for all the mountain of things he listened to from her. She's a stupid girl, because Juan José doesn't love her. What does she expect -- and what's more, Mauricio doesn't expect anything either, because he's tired of this.
Mauricio doesn't want to see Elsa again or hear anything about her. She's won; she finally succeeded in getting rid of him. He gave her everything, and she threw it in the garbage. What is she going to do now, that she's alone? At the door, he pauses thoughtfully and turns before saying, resignedly, to pardon him for daring to love her -- and exits, as Elsa remains behind in tears.
When Édgar arrives back at the shack from the guarded warehouse without the diamonds, Adolfo is ready to kill both him and Valentín -- until Valentín pulls his hole card and reveals he knows where Garnica's helicopter is. They get a reprieve when Adolfo returns from looking in the woods, exclaiming they are saved; the helicopter is there!
Adolfo promises Dante they'll get a big ransom for the kidnap victims; while after a few moments, the helicopter descends -- and aside, Valentín confides to Édgar he picked this hideout knowing the helicopter was hidden nearby.
The worse news is that the chopper won't hold everyone -- and two of the passengers must stay behind: which two, Adolfo plans to choose with a bullet.
Labels: verdad
Wow, what an episode. I ran the gamut of emotions - anger at JJ for endangering Chicles, more anger at JJ's foolishness with Leo to my delay joy at believing this is going to end well. Thanks for your recaps Jeri. I know you gave us the bread crumbs but I'm still vexed about Bertha's easy conversion.
Mauricio did have a great scene. I really hope they have him get together with Mina b/c having such a wonderful character end up alone is criminal. It's sad Elsa had taken this bad turn. I hope the writers give her happiness as well.
I am happy about the possible romances b/t Elsa and Ramon and Mina and Mauricio.
Question - Does this TN end on Friday (really Sat) b/c the new one starts Mon (really Tues)?
Jeri, what a frightful episode! Although well written and well acted, it was grim beyond belief.
Thank you for your uncanny, amazing ability to convey the utter desperation of the night: "Juan José skulks the dank, inky halls" and "Adolfo is pole axed".
Your "Asuncion looks on, wearing the world's loudest pajamas" was a timely infusion of some badly needed humor. Gracias.
David is far more forgiving than I: "David embraces apparently sincere Bertha and admits that everyone should have the chance to repent". I could not help but be frustrated that so much precious time was spent on her repentance as Gabi, Juli, Ale and Carlos were suffering so.
One would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by Mauricio: "At the door, he pauses thoughtfully and turns before saying, resignedly, to pardon him for daring to love her". Ack. Part of me wanted her to run after him, but of course, he is right as she cannot sever her emotional ties to JJ. I fervently want there to be closure for her storyline, one in which there is a glimmer of hope for her happiness.
The last scene was chilling. I thought it was obvious Adolfo was pointing the gun at Gabi. Will Carlos secure his redemption by stepping in the line of fire?
Will there be any time left for weddings or joy of any kind? Sigh...
Thanks again Jeri. Marvelous.
Leo better recruit him as he's street smart and we want his devilish little mind working for the good guys!
Aribeth, hope you are completely well. I read and thoroughly enjoyed your recap of yesterday. Can’t wait for your comments on our comments!
On Mau and Elsa, did we actually hear the novela version of, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a d*mn?” Oh my! I find that I am more curious about them than any other situation in the novela. After suffering as young woman and then having been a loving “tia” to Caramelo, will the writers leave her all alone in the end? Can she let go of JJ? Will her buddy Ulisis find a galan of his own!?!
Well, after hearing the most heart wrenching novela sob story of all time, essentially, “My sister (CHOSE) to work hard and be a success, and I (CHOSE) to do nothing.” I’m glad Dora invoked God in her response to Bertha. It will take a godlike person to forgive all that selfish Bertha has done.
Speaking of godlike, David was able to give to Bertha what he certainly hasn’t gotten from his wife, loving forgiveness. After just a few (crocodile) tears dropped to the floor, Bertha was a cherished member the Genoves family again.
Diana, I agreed with you yesterday, Julio and Gabriel have done a wonderful job. I’m happy to say that EY is moving up on my act-o-meter. He was wonderful in the last night’s episode in both his anger then his anguish scenes. What did you think?
Who will be the one to kill Adolfo? The suspense continues.......
Loved Adolfo realizing that he could have had it all, and now he's up sh!t creek with one paddle. But I'm still upset at Yolanda for telling him Mario is dead and helping him hide out.
The guys are getting on my nerves continuing this habit of not calling Leo as soon as they learn something new. No one called: when learned Gabi and Juli were missing; when Ale went missing; when Chicles remembered the location of the bodega (I am still ticked at JJ for taking a child into a dangerous situation with NO backup); when the shoes and photo were found; and when they learned Carlos was kidnapped. And this was just in this episode! Note that JJ was involved in most of these. Arrggg!!!! If I was Leo I would have shot all of them in the butt to get them in gear, or at least put them out of commission so that they can't cause any more trouble.
Bertha's sob story left me cold. Perfect description Sandy, “My sister (CHOSE) to work hard and be a success, and I (CHOSE) to do nothing.” Yep. That's exactly it. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia... She's lucky to have so many forgiving people around her.
Good for Mau for telling Elsa exactly how he feels. There had to be a limit to his patience. I'm not sure how this story line will end, but I think at the end Elsa will be a stronger person than she was before. That's what I hope for her- galan or no.
But that's not really what was going on; there is a component of Mexico's religious faith usually even in the most contemporary novela.
They are forgiving her because it is the Christian thing to do, which they feel strongly. It would probably take them a couple years to warm up to Bertha again, too.
But I'm glad you are only vexed and not swearing off the rest of the show, LOL, which I would really not want to see.
Yes, Monday is the final episode, #120. Thanks, Diana.
I didn't have trouble with Chicles going to the warehouse; he wasn't afraid and was raring to help, even though he'd been kidnapped there!
He's a survivor; they sure need to harness that so he doesn't go to the dark side. There's a fine line, as they say; good cops know the criminal mind very well.
Sandy, great analogy with Rhett Butler, LOL. Didn't even think of that, but especially the exit at the door, eh?
Thanks to everyone so much for reading and enjoying and commenting; I like writing the recaps.
While he is my favorite telenova actor, I have to admit I never really warmed up to the character he plays here. He showed promise early on but certain actions, particularly his treatment of Elsa have left me cold.
I love the power struggle between Adolfo/Dante and Edgar/Valentin. One minute one team is in control, the next, the other. Ping ponging back and forth.
I still believe either Dante or Edgar will kill Adolfo in the end.
Still wailing there's only 3 episodes left.
Jeri, no, thank you. Thanks to you, Aribeth and Vivi, we were able to laugh, cry and anguish with and because of these amazing characters these many months. I just don't want it to end!
OT, Teresa looks great! Can anyone tell me if this is a remake ofor close to the Rubi storyline? Interesting that Rulli was in that as well. I am really looking forward to that and hope that most of our LVO family will be watching.
Chicles could have got himself out of trouble, judging from all his past scrapes (briefcase stealing, etc.); I'm sure Juan José would have screwed up if crooks had been there.
And were I Lucha, I would have felt nevertheless protective and ticked off at Juan José. But Lucha's reaction upon their return was a clue to how the show viewed the risk.
Diana, great point about the monkeys rattling the bosses' cage back and forth. It is a great power struggle, LOL.
Sandy, Aribeth can tell you how close Teresa is to Rubí. It's the same producer, IIRC. I hope Aribeth feels well enough to come by today; she is missed.
I remember people loved watching Rubí -- until it was over, and then they all hated it for some reason.
Dammit, I copied the whole show on DVD just because they were so hot on it, and then turns out they were disgusted after it was over.
But Rubí did win the best telenovela for its year. I'm probably going to watch it some day.
Thank you Aribeth for yesterday's recap.
Adolfo looked so dishevelled, not his usual suave confident self. He is losing it. Looks like Yolanda is still loyal to Adolfo though, and will do whatever he asks of her.
I hope Mauricio telling Elsa all those things will get her out of her depression slump. Maybe that was what she needed to get her to stop feeling sorry for herself and to get her life back on track.
Diana: both Teresa and Rubí are produced by José Alberto Castro, and it seems he likes Rullí.
There are 5 versions of Teresa, the first was made in 1959. Rubí had one version in 1968.
Oh yeah, I saw the ratings, they were fantastic! :) Castro did well this time, he made people mad about the characters' fate. All three endings, the original and the two alternatives were interesting.
LOL, I started to read the original, English version of Gone with the Wind a few days ago. :)) (I've read the Hungarian translation many times.) The accents are killing me. Mammy says: "Whut gempmums says an' whut they thinks is twu diffunt things. An' Ah ain' noticed Mist' Ashley axing fer ter mahy you." Aribeth says: Dios mío.
And nice to see you back!
Bertha is not a sympathetic character for me at all. David took her in AGAIN (2nd time), and if Carlos doesn't get out of this scrape and take Bertha elsewhere to live, she will still continue to be a b*&ch to live with.
They didn't have to mention her, but they credited her with giving Ramón & Co. the location of the kidnap warehouse -- i.e., doing a good deed.
Boy, La Reina is hard too, lot’s of new words that will be useful in everyday life, if I want to call a friend a b!tch in Spanish!! I kept seeing the Spanish word for little dog and it finally occurred to me to look it up, then I understood!
Speaking of translations, I always thought that a bodega was a small store. They seem to be using the word for warehouse in LVO.
Starting point: the rape attempt. It damaged her many ways.
1. Why did she choose JJ in the beginning? Because he was nice, he seemed to be wise, especially compared to her brother? Probably. However, she had the opportunity to meet other boys and men while she was working and while she was in the orphanage, yet she chose a prisoner because it was a hopeless love. It was just as safe as a crush on a celebrity. JJ couldn't have hurt her physically, he was a wide smile - behind bars. Of course, later it became a true commitment, but unfortunately it turned into an obsession.
2. She feels awfully guilty. Her brother is in jail "because of her". Her stepfather is killed "because of her". Her mother was wounded "because of her". And while it was all her stepfather's fault, Marcos played guilt trips on her, when he lost hope he definitely blamed her. She thinks she's worthless, and she's very depressed. Not since the imprisonment, though she did painfully lose a large portion of her innocence when she got framed, but since that tragic day when she lost her family.
First she has to get rid of those packages, her stupid crush on JJ (which isn't really about JJ), her aloofness, her guilt and her self-doubt.
Then she should go to school. She has some money from Dante, and she has brain, but that unhealthy amount of naivety weakened and blinded her. There are two fields where she was successful (on her own, without Mau's job offer):
- Trading, despite the awful bosses and her own stu- I mean, naivety. She could become a businesswoman.
- Motherhood and taking care of people who needed help like Marcos, JJ and Piedad. What about becoming a social worker or a teacher? Or a kindergarten teacher?
Well, I think that would be a real and very interesting character development, because I firmly say, she hasn't been much developed yet. And maybe later she'll fall in love again. I really don't think she's ready for a relationship, or she really wants to be in a relationship at all.
Mau is gone. She never loved him, she just wanted to love him.
Bodega is also used as a definition for a winery or wine cellar--at least in Uruguay.
Your updated assessment on Elsa was very astute. And, my heart goes out to her even more after reading what you stated. Damaged and devasted emotionally - absolutely.
I can't disagree - Elsa may not be ready for a relationship. I have never believed a romantic relationship is an absolute essential - nice but not always required or realistic. However, she feels totally alone now and in order to put her life in order, desperately needs something to occur to bring her some badly needed happiness. Even Marcos' release would provide her with some sort of structure and family.
Jeri, I saw parts of Rubi and thought it was excellent. I suspect people weren't happy with it due the non-traditional, sad telenova ending. Barbara Mori was fabulous and I hope you get to see it sometime. I've liked Rulli in everything I've seen him in so can't wait to watch Teresa. Of course, CS made me a huge Angelique Boyer fan.
IMO, Elsa could use professional help. That would help her regain some self-esteem that has been sadly lacking.
Uli isn't enough. So far he's been the only voice of reason in her life.
She's strong in some ways, but self-deprecating and insecure in others.
I think you (Airbeth) hit the nail on the head when you said she chose to place her affections on a "safe" man who couldn't penetrate her insecurities. He remained a fantasy (mine right now is Guy Ecker, sorry--and he's safe from me).
Unfortunately, that didn't save her from being preyed on by her bosses. It only served to make her more wary of men in general.
Once out of jail, JJ's not responding to her totally toppled her fantasy and she could not deal with reality. JJ made a huge slip when at the beginning of the novela, gave her a big smacking kiss and then later apologized for taking advantage of the moment. That just refueled her fantasy of him.
Later, she believed that her relationship with Caramelo, as sincere as it really was, would bring her closer to JJ and make him realize that she was perfect for him, affectionate, loyal, nurturing, ready for motherhood. That he didn't reciprocate made her bitter and angry at him.
I think she accepted Mau (twice) in great part to fill a void and to perhaps make JJ see what he had lost.
What she hadn't counted on is that JJ was already LOST, to Ale.
Speaking of JJ, he got on my last nerve last night once again going off without telling Leo about it (and endangering Chicles while he was at it) and of course not informing him that he now has The Shoes and The Photo. Ugh. He was really stupid to think he could take Leo on too. Leo would have thrown him in jail so fast his head would've spun. In addition, the idiot didn't seem to realize it was his stupid plan that brought this mess about in the first place.
Moving on, that final scene of Adolfo pointing his gun at Gabi made me a nervous wreck. I'm anxious to see the outcome.
Since Yolanda aided and abetted Adolfo in helping him stay incognito and a nondescript hotel, I think she's definitely going to serve some jailtime. I just don't see how she's going to get out of it and of course she would tell Adolfo that Mario is dead. What a big mouth.
Did Yolanda and Adolfo actually kiss on the lips when they saw each other last night or did I imagine that???
Going back to Elsa, I just want to say that I like her a lot. I thought it was good for both of them that Mau finally ended things with her and gave her an honest assessment about what she's doing. I didn't get pleasure from her feelings being hurt, but from the opportunity for both her and Mau to move on. Like I said before, galan or no galan, I wish happiness for her.
As I said before I hope what Mauricio told her was the 'click' that she needed to switch off totally from JJ and get on with her life. I would love it if she did end up with Mauricio, but even if she doesn't that's okay too.
I think I’m taking this too seriously but if I’m ever called to jury duty again, I’m going to remember my feelings about Edgar. Because he let the children escape, I felt sympathy for him. But, unless we have an unexpected reveal, he killed Susana and was at the point of molesting Bertha and has kidnapped four people. He is a criminal and has been a criminal all along from the time he left the Genoves and one sympathetic action shouldn’t have been blinded me to his real personality....lesson learned!
Aribeth and Newbie, great analysis on Elsa.
I have always loved E Y since Destilando Amor but I haven't seen him in any of those other prior roles where he is portrayed as a mature man. He was crying over Ale. But he was the one who put her the situation to be kidnapped. I know he realizes it but I cannot offer him any sympathy. And taking a child to a dangerous spot was child endangerment. As mentioned, Chicles might have figured out how to drive the truck away but it was too risky. It just worked out that J J was too late and managed to find the shoes and not be riddled with a million bullets in front of all the hostages including Ale. Good luck with your manchild, Ale, though he is hot.
On the other hand, I love Mauricio. He has the self respect to exit a bad situation and move on. He tried to love and help Elsa but he knew it wasn't going to happen. Hope he and Mina find happiness together as they are both ready to find love.
Vivi,"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" says it all. LOL. Even if Bertha wasn't as brilliant as Ale, she could have tried to be happy and successful in her own way. She found the easy way out. I guess family is about forgiveness since people make mistakes even big ones like those made by Bertha.
No on else seems to respect Leo but he is still my hero. I hope he is the one to free the hostages. Wouldn't it be great if the bad guys, Adolfo and Dante, had a shootout with Valentin and Edgar and maybe they do themselves in on both sides.
My guess...Dolphie shoots Dante's two goons. Who else could it be, I wonder.
How many ways must JJ tell her he is not that into her. Silly girl. She had it all with Mau but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
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