Friday, March 04, 2011
La Verdad Oculta EP118 03/03/2011 – Lies and reputations

* Instead of killing the hostages Adolfo shoots Dante’s gorillas then the whole band leaves by helicopter. In the meantime poor, shattered, devastated *Viewerville: and absolutely adorable* David is suffering and torturing himself at home. His mother comforts him and tries to ease his pain but he’s enraged: his innocent wife and child are in mortal danger! It isn’t fair, it isn’t fair!

* In the kitchen Ramona and Abelardo are discussing Bertha’s character: the maid doesn’t believe she would change ever, Abe decided to defend and trust her. They don’t notice she stands in the door and hears every word they say. Abelardo, the butler with a golden heart tries to ease Bertha’s guilt and she apologizes and hugs him.

* Juan José gives David the shoes, the diamonds and the photo he found in the warehouse. Something had to happen to the bad boys because it’s very unlikely they would’ve left something that important back. However, David thinks they’re useless now, because Adolfo committed bigger crimes than smuggling. And what about negotiating with him, asks JJ. First they have to find him, answers David.
* In the Ávila condo the police managed to open Adolfo’s safe at last. Lionheart and Ramón find the two rings, and they are glad that they have enough proofs against Adolfo. Then Leo reads one of the documents and his jaw drops. Qué barbaridad!

* In the casa Genovés gasping Limón and wise Abelardo confess to Caramelo that bad men did kidnap Gaby and Alejandra, but they promise her her tías will be back at home soon. In the study Yolanda confesses to Santiago that the last time when she told him about Marta she, well, didn’t tell the truth. She thought he was Mario, the man she loved so much and the good old jealousy was killing her. But now she has to tell the truth. Marta wasn’t a bad woman.
* Hottietecto shows up at the architect studio and learns from Mina, who’s worried to death, that Gabriela and Julieta were kidnapped, too. The two decide to visit JJ who must have some news. But what about that feud between Mr. Pumpkinhead and Mr. Ex-Rivera? Whatever happened, happened, says Mau, this situation is more important than their rivalry, and he wants to help JJ. After all, he’s a good man and Alejandra is his friend.

* In the study Faustiago can’t believe his ears. Really? She was a good woman? Would a good woman abandon her own son? Yolanda says Adolfo forced Marta to leave the boy because he didn’t want people to realize they produced a child together. Faustiago still feels horrible. Yolanda. Do you think Marta loved me once? Yolanda nods, yes, actually, she’s sure Marta loved him much. She loved to watch him playing on stage and she always told Yolanda he was the best man on Earth. But what about Mario and Adolfo? Mario was an intense love, but she knew they wouldn’t have any future together. As for Adolfo, Marta was young and she had no idea what kind of man he was. Is Yolanda lying again? To make him think better of his deceased wife? No, she can’t lie anymore. Marta was just a woman who was looking for love for a long time and when she finally found happiness on Santiago’s side… she was murdered.

* The two young architects arrive at the house of the depressed, brooding dragon and learn that he knows nothing about the lost princess. But there’s one thing Mina should know, Carlos has been kidnapped, too. He couldn’t sleep all night, he was thinking about Adolfo’s motivations. He most likely wants to negotiate with them, that’s why he took the women, but why the hell does he need Carlos, too? Mina says Carlos mentioned her about a seaside villa and JJ gets excited at last. He asks her to call Leonardo and tell him everything. *Viewerville: That’s it! The “use the damned telephone” gene is finally starts to evolve!* While Mina is talking on phone Mauricio hesitatingly tells Juan José he broke up with Elsa. It took him time to realize she didn’t love him and she couldn’t accept JJ wasn’t in love with her. JJ hardly hears his words and doesn’t really care about their so-called love triangle, but thanks to Mauricio for visiting and supporting him. Mina returns to the men and the three starts to speculate about the mysterious house. Mau says if it’s so far away Adolfo probably had to take a flight. No, JJ doesn’t thinks so, Dolphie doesn’t have permission to fly anymore. But… Geez! The bad boys must’ve used a helicopter! Garnica’s helicopter!

* At AFI Leonardo gets a phone call from David who tells him about the helicopter and the two Musketeers send him the photos of the vehicle by fax. Ramón, who notices how nervous his boss is tells him not to worry. They’ll find Julieta.
* In the garden of the Genovés villa Bertha confesses to Dora she would’ve preferred to be kidnapped than being free but unable to help and save the hostages. She was an idiot for not realizing in time what kind of man Adolfo was and she feels guilty for being alive while the people she loves are in danger. Dora comforts her.

* The helicopter arrives at the seaside wondervilla. *I. Want. That. House.* Sweating, grumpy Adolfo orders the ugliest goon to lock the hostages up. While nervous Édgar and Valentín are in the kitchen, Dolphie admits to Dante he will get rid of them. Does he want to kill the women and his son, too? Adolfo doesn’t answer. And… What about me? Adolfo stares at him silently and Dante’s blood freezes.

* Bertha’s self-torture is interrupted by flirty Chicles and friendly Caramelo who mentions once they and tía Yolanda were kidnapped, too.
* In the seaside house Dante, who suspects he’s in mortal danger, tries to get new friends, so he asks a cigar from the other underdogs, aka Psycho Eddie and Val. He needs Valentín to take him by helicopter to the high seas, where he may meet a ship that belongs to his American friends. But don’t say a word to Adolfo! The two goons are laughing at him not-so-secretly, but they calm him down, but don’t worry, patron, they’ll keep his secret. And where’s the map from Garnica safe? Map? Yes, the map with the location of the archeological goodies. Actually, Eddie keeps it in his wallet… but wait, it isn’t there anymore! Oops. After nervous Dante leaves them, Valentín tells Édgar Sevilla’s plan is stupid since the helicopter doesn’t have enough fuel. What should they do? The goons start to panic, they have to find out something and get the hell out of that rock.
* King Adolfo’s lunch is interrupted by Ugly Goon, who actually has conscience. He doesn’t like to treat young Carlos like that, after all, he’s Ávila’s son! Armed Adolfo takes crazy to a new level: threats, shouts, glasses, food and saliva fly around. You have to obey me! You have to! All right, boss, all right, all right.

* Ulises calls JJ and tells him he found a strange paper in her sofa which most likely was left there by that hypocrite Édgar. JJ, who’s all ears, asks him to bring it to the Genovés villa.
* Ugly and Loyal Goon asks tied, tired Carlos if he needs anything. Yes, set him free. No, he can’t do that, Adolfo will kill him if he betrays him. Moustache tries to convince him Adolfo is completely mad, he kidnapped his sisters and JJ’s wife! Yes, he has a sister, but it’s a long story. The two remember back the summers Carlos spent in the villa when he was a kid and Ugly Goon’s heart finally melts. He may help Carlos to escape, but what could he do? He can’t walk to the next village to ask for help, it’d take two days and Adolfo would kill the women. But Carlos’s old ATV is still there, he could use that. Carlos’s grateful, but he starts to worry about Ugly Goon. Oh, don’t worry for him, he’ll made up a good story and explain the situation to Adolfo. Speaking of Adolfo, he finds very suspicious the long conversation between Ugly and Carlos.

* The three ladies are locked up in one of the bedrooms. Julieta’s lost her nerve already, she screams nobody will find them there. Alejandra hugs her and tries to calm her down. They’ll be saved… or they’ll find a way to escape. In the meantime Gabriela realizes she acted like an idiot with David and she collapses, too. Mommy Ale leaves Juli and now comforts Gaby: when they arrive at home she and David will reconcile, please don’t torture herself. They have to stay calm because hysteria won’t help them any! Think about her baby, in a few months she’ll have a wonderful child, and that child will need a strong and vigorous mother.

* In the study the boys tries to find out what the paper Ulises gave them means. By the way, how does he know it belonged to Édgar? Because Psycho Eddie was the only person who visited him lately. While Ulises is brooding about his lack of social life and David is calling Leo, Juan Indiana Jones José realizes the numbers on the paper are coordinates.

* Eddie and Valentín accidentally overhear Adolfo’s conversation with one of his goons called Alejo. Dolphie promises 1000 pesos to Alejo for murdering Ugly Goon.

* Daddy Leonardo is interrogating the kids, the nasty one, who just cynically laughs at his attempts of investigations, and the nervous one, who tries to act like the good boy. Leo decides to take the evidences with himself. After he leaves, JJ drops a tantrum and David head is about to explode, too.
* Édgar tells Ugly Goon Alejo wants to kill him that night. Ugly grabs him and says Alejo is his buddy, he wouldn’t hurt him! All right, all right, think what you want.

* Leo calls David and tells him the coordinates on Eddie’s map locate a place in the state of Tabasco. Any idea what Adolfo would do there? Nothing. David tells the news to JJ who thinks maybe Bertha knows more about Adolfo’s businesses.
* Late in the evening the Psycho in the shining armor strangles Alejo and saves Ugly’s fat arse from being shot. Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Inside the house Ugly releases Carlos and tells him Val and Ed will help him escape on his ATV. On the beach our goons give Carlos a high five and wish him luck. The boy starts the old vehicle and rides away in the night. Viewerville: Who cares about William in a kayak when we have Carlos on an ATV? Come on, muñeco!*

Labels: verdad
Do you wanna see a young EY and a very young Lucero (on two different photos)?
These fotonovelas make me laugh my head off.
What a wonderful picture!
Thanks for the links Jeri!
Aribeth, Lucero and Eduardo looked so sweet there but they both have matured to be even more beautiful/handsome.
The power play continues between the big bosses and their heinous henchmen. I was mesmerized watching the cold blooded executions as well as the interplay and subterfuge at the hideout. Will there be any need for Leo and company to come to the rescue or will they self destruct?
I have to say that the sight of Adolfo spewing salad was somewhat unnerving. He has now totally lost it. Twitching, unnerved Adolfo is far more frightening than his previous calm, cool and collected personna.
At last the girls have been untied. I have to give Ale credit for trying to minister to Juli and Ale when she is as scared and grief stricken as they are.
JJ is now treating Leo as he used to treat Elsa and Mauricio at times. Angry and disdainful. What is wrong with him? He did seem to ease up on Mauricio last night but overall, I'm sad at his lack of maturation. A big heart but seriously flawed thought process at times.
I am eagerly awaiting the recap and comments. I was not able to follow Yolanda and Fausto's conversation. I know it concerned Santiago and of course, Marta - is this leading up to the big reveal?
Yolanda basically rehabilitated Marta's reputation by admitting that when she spoke to "Mario" about her, she bad mouthed her on purpose. Instead of the heartless ho that Yolanda described, it turns out Marta was just unlucky in love and naive. She fell for Adolfo when she was very young, not realizing what kind of person he is. It was Adolfo who forced her to give up Carlos because he did not want anyone to know he had fathered a child by her. Yolanda then finally reveals to Santiago something we found out in a conversation between her and Adolfo a long time ago- Yolanda blackmailed Adolfo into recognizing Carlos as his son and taking responsibility for him, in exchange for her remaining quiet about him murdering Marta. So now Santiago knows why Yolanda stayed quiet about the murder. Santiago's next question is about her romance with Mario and if Marta ever really loved him (Santiago). Remember he thinks she just went after Mario for money and just used him (Santiago) as a fall back guy. Turns out she truly did fall in love with Mario. It was passionate, but fleeting since Mario was married. It was simply a mistake. But she did also love Santiago. She told Yolanda that Santiago was the best man she had ever known. She thought he was so talented and proudly watched him perform from the wings each night. So Marta wasn't was bad as we were lead to believe. Just a girl who fell in love with the wrong men a few times.
This episode was a tad confusing. After strangling one of the henchmen to save the other’s life, Edgar helped Carlos escape. His character seems to sprinkle evil with good. I’m not sure what to think. Did the bad guys think Carlos knew the area and they didn’t? Why was he given the four wheeler?
Diana, I listened to the Yolanda/Fausto conversation twice. She seemed to be saying that Marta was a good person, she just made mistakes. She innocently loved Adolfo, thought they would marry and Adolfo MADE her give baby Carlos away, he didn’t want anyone to know that he had a baby with her. (That kinda didn’t fly with me!) Again she goes “looking for love in all the wrong places” with Mario, gets pregnant with Gabi, BUT she really loved Santiago, and got a big kick out of his work. It sounded to me that Yolanda was saying that rather than being a loose woman, Marta thought she was in love every time she had a baby and therefore she wasn’t a cualquiera. Is that what you understood?
Mauricio, Knighthood? Sainthood? A spot on Dancing with the Stars? He needs some reward for his extreme kindness in going over to JJ’s after the way he has been treated, he is a truly a great guy! JJ seems to be stuck in the worst development age possible, the sulky teenager. Alejandra needs to get a job traveling if her marriage is going to work.
Another Spanish expression, “las viejas” seems to be applied to the YOUNG kidnapped women. I’ve seen it used like that in other novelas, must be a slang expression.
Vivi, I too had to look up Marcia, Marcia, Marcia......good one, good one, good one!!!
Spewing the salad was so scary yet funny! In every episode I manage a laugh or two. Ulisis, who they have playing his "orientation" in an affected way, was so cute hunched together with the big macho guys looking at the co-ordinates map.
Wow, a beach house in Tabasco, I imagine that it isn't a very common place for a Mexican get-away. Adolfo must have chosen it for the remoteness. Notice how sweaty everyone way, it is very hot in that oart of the world. Bertha's place is in Playa del Carmen across the Yucatan.
So I'm not sure how that helps Leonardo, unless they all go to the dig. They really should, for all the talk about the illicit artifacts.
Dante was demanding that map from Édgar -- which he accidentally dropped into Ulises's sofa, so maybe he will go there.
So Marta did have a heart! She made bad choices and I totally fault her for giving up Carlos. But, seeing her standing in the wings, watching Santiago so lovingly, I knew we didn't have Marta's complete story. She loved fiercely and passionately and by her own admission apparantly, often. I'm glad Gabi will now have a better understanding of her mother.
I was hoping against hope that somehow, Carlos might be Santiago's son. But, it looks like a done deal, that he really is Adolfo's. How vile is Adolfo? Even his own goons think his treatment of Carlos is despicable.
Thanks again for filling in the crucial information!
Then Ulises found it in the sofa cushions, knowing it had to be Édgar's, Ulises bemoaning his lack of other social life at the time.
So Édgar's map is of the archeological dig.
This TN is keeping the action going. There is still a great deal to be resolved and weddings to plan.
Adolfo really did loose it. The spewing salad was (as has been mentioned) both scary and hilarious.
I'm glad Carlos is free!
Thanks Vivi for your explanation of Yolanda/Santiago's conversation.
ITA watching the bad guys as they shift alliances to save their own hides is fascinating. I can't wait to see who ends up killing whom. With Adolfo so volatile, the whole place is like a bomb waiting to explode. They might have killed one another off by the time Leo gets there.
I wonder what the green, official looking paper is that gave Leo and ah -ha moment as it came out of lockbox.
I'm going to miss the opinions and knowledge of all commenters. Yikes, just two shows left!
ITA on JJ’s refusal to reach out to Leo. At the same time, I must admit that JJ’s the-police-are-good-for-nothing stance is stirring the mixed feelings I have about the police. My earliest memory of police work is when officers in my old neighborhood manhandled and handcuffed a frail, elderly, legally blind homemaker in response to a domestic dispute call (involving no weapons). In short, the police made a troubling situation so much worse. Of course, Leo is a brilliant cop, but his treatment of Elsa was ridiculous. It was clear she had been set up, but she wasn't even let out on bail. She wasn't freed till JJ used his own methods. I wonder how JJ’s attitude toward the police was received by some Mexican viewers who live in neighborhoods where the police are not held in high esteem.
JJ could have won Mr. Congeniality while in prison. Out of prison has been a different story. Once David chilled out and was no longer the “Hot Head,” it seems the torch passed to JJ.
I am not surprised that Ale is trying to stay calm and focus on figuring out how to escape, but I am surprised that Gabi and Juli aren't huddled together comforting each other. The latter makes me think a woman writer didn’t have a hand in this scene.
Elsa’s fantasy love for JJ got her through a horrible adolescence, but Mauricio’s words were the “slap” she needed to move on. If not, Ulises needs to slap her for real. I see Elsa-Ramon, Mina-Mauricio, and Limon-Dora living happily in the sunset. But it will take a long time for me to warm up to Bertha with Carlos. Bertha was mean to Gabi, Juli, Dora, etc. even without the motivation of Adolfo’s money.
Everyone in LVO should be proud of their performance. This has been stellar, save for a few writers’ gaffes (e.g., Fausto telling Yolanda the truth about Mario being dead when it was important to keep up the ruse till David secured control of Adolfo's shares).
Of course you're right! A perhaps not too obvious "what's wrong with this picture?? Enjoyed all your observations.
Edgar and Valentin were disarmed so I think they are trying to find any advantage they can. At least they have one gun now from the baddie that Edgar strangled and one goon ally. I think they are in as deep a mess as Adolfo and Dante with very few options.
Adolfo is loosing it and the funny food spewing was a perfect example. It reminded me that once a looney motel clerk spit out part of his sandwich in a fit when my husband and I had the nerve to ask to see the room before we decided to stay for the night. We decided to go to another little town. Yikes!
As mentioned, J J seems to have transferred his unfounded anger from one good samaritan, Mauricio, to another, Leo. Someone please hit J J with a frying pan and knock some sense into his noggin. At least, Ale is trying to act strong to help Juli and Gabi stay calm and hopeful.
Will Carlos bring back help before all h*** breaks loose at the beach house?
JJ is getting on my nerves with his rudeness towards Leo. Even if he has some distrust of the police in general he: 1) Knows Leo is a good cop; and 2) Knows Leo is in the exact same situation. His woman was taken too, and he wants her back just as badly as JJ wants Ale back.
I also thought he did not accept Mau's appology (JJ should be making one too, and bigger) and offer of support very graciously. He was rude at first and then gruffly accepted. Mau was a perfect gentleman and an ADULT throughout.
LOL @ Edgar & Valentin chillin out on the patio, then buggin' out when they overhead Dante asking Adolfo if he was going to kill Edgar & Valetin.
I think Carlos & Goon #1 said the ATV was an 18th birthday gift from Yolanda. If they did say that, my Spanish comprehension has really improved!
Yes, the ATV was a present from Yolanda many years ago and Carlos asked if it still worked (he's obviously not used it in a long time).
JJ keeps pushing Leo and he's not having it LOL. I was hoping they would tell him about the helicopter and thankfully David was the voice of reason to get JJ on board.
I was glad that JJ was civil to Mau. Mau has done nothing to him to be treated so shabbily. He's the one who took all the gold to the bank to have it converted to cash. JJ should be thankful to him for that or else he would still be living in poverty and just be hood rich.
Looking forward to seeing how everything plays out tonight with Adolfo becoming more unhinged.
Edgar is smarter the average goon and is making sure there is a Plan B for his escape so that he can get to the hidden diamonds.
Was Yolanda telling the truth about Marta, I wonder.
Yolanda then finally reveals to Santiago something we found out in a conversation between her and Adolfo a long time ago
Santiago knew about that, Yolanda confessed it to FaustiMario in episode 57. :)
I loved, loved, loved that it turned out Marta was much nicer and better than she was portrayed before. And Faustiago playing Cyrano de Bergerac was such a lovely touch. (He looked totally Gérard Depardieu.)
As usual, the recap will be up tomorrow. My last one, huh. We had wonderful time together. :)
Something doesn't add up about the events surrounding Carlos's birth.
Adolfo somehow convinces Márta give up the baby.
Then Yolanda blackmails him over the murder to keep that baby.
But by the time of the murder, Santiago and Marta are married with two kids.
So there was a long period between Carlos's birth and Yolanda blackmailing Adolfo to keep Carlos.
Adolfo should have had plenty of time to rid himself of an unwanted baby in those intervening years.
Doesn't really add up for me.
And this leads to tons of other questions.
To then keep the baby around a couple years makes no sense.
I don't remember the conversations you're referring to...
Also funny, goon gordito, asleep on the patio when the helicopter arrives!
Niece, I have a healthy respect for the police too! JJ has his reasons, wrongly imprisoned, the fracaso with Elsa, but getting into an officer’s face and yelling, hmmmmm, stupid? brave? death wish?
What he wants to know is why things didn’t work out between his dad and his mother Marta. Yolanda tries to explain as delicately as possible. Marta was a beautiful woman who many powerful men courted. They were always sending her flowers and gifts to her dressing room. One of those men was his father. He courted her until…until he succeeded and she became pregnant. But Carlos knows his father- he’s always been an egomaniac. When Marta told him and wanted to get married, he refused. And then Carlos was born. Marta was very sad and depresses/disappointed (decepcionada). She took care of Carlos for a while, but then asked Yolanda to care for him. “She abandoned me?” “No. No. She was just so sad and depressed and knew I would care for you better.” “And what happened after?” “A few years later she fell madly in love with Mario Genoves.”
I agree, a prequel would have been a great story to tell.
Leo is so calm under pressure it makes my JJ look like a rebellious child. Kind of like Chicles but older. It is so gratifying to see Adolfo descend into madness.AS for Edgar, he is bipolar.Why else does he have these random lucid moments. Helping Carlos is a classic example. I hope these writers for thin TN work on more shows. They get it.
Margaret, I wondered too if Yolanda was sugarcoating Marta for Fausto, after she realized the damage she'd done to his heart when she told "Mario" Marta was bad. My guess is Marta was complex. The plus: She was proud of her showbiz career, balked at Adolfo using her for smuggling, and married a good man who became a wonderful father. The minus: She didn't tell Fausto about Carlos and didn't seem to be into motherhood (there was a flashback of Fausto asking her to stay home with the kids and she gives him a don't-bug-me-attitude and leaves to go party). Plus she was so tired of Fausto's jealousy. I'm not sure that I believe Yolanda's revision, but as they say nobody's perfect.
So, Adolfo did not make Marta give Carlos up. He just refused to marry her and claim him; that makes more sense how the baby could hang around until the murder.
I remember Adolfo also saying that he didn't want Carlos in prison so anybody could put pressure on him to rat on Adolfo.
Good family mysteries in that, with a similar strong antagonist father figure.
Plus it had Sergio Goyri and Cynthia Klitbo as the PROtagonists, believe it or not. Very refreshing; they were amazing.
And Yadhira Carrillo. Look at the other cast: Marga Lopez, Blanca Guerra, Mariana Levy, David Ostrosky, Mario Cimarro, Sebastian Ligarde, Valentino Lanus, Marisol del Olmo...
50 recaps. It's high time to take a break. :)
The pictures were of professional caliber as always. You drew all of the events in your finale recap perfectly: "poor, shattered, devastated *Viewerville: and absolutely adorable* David" was only one example.
You fleshed out the characters so that they truly reflected their character: Abelardo, "golden heart" and certainly "wise".
My favorite line was the last: Viewerville: "Who cares about William in a kayak when we have Carlos on an ATV? Come on, muñeco!*" Well said Aribeth, well said.
Thank you for your humor, insight, pictures and stellar recaps.
I truly appreciate everything you have done here. Gracias!
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