Wednesday, March 02, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #235-236 3/2/11 I don't care one pepino. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fern reports to Lety about his trip. He’s very professional and only talks business. He leaves and she gazes after him with a “tan divino.”
2. Lety tells Caro that Fernando changed on his trip. Caro asks if she wants the old Fern back. Lety says he seems like he met and fell in love with someone. If he did, it would be easier to forget him.
3. Sara announces to the meeting that Carla has arrived. Fern hops up, smiles, and primps himself before going out, and Sara gestures to Lety how beautiful Carla is. The jealousy plan is working. Fern and Carla put on a show for all Lety’s spies. Carla says she’s there to scramble his life. He gushes about the great time they had in the US. In the hall, Carla keeps pushing for kisses and Fern keeps dodging.
4. Fern introduces Carla to Luigi, who admires her style and warns her what a womanizer Fern is. Carla basically says, “You can’t prove it by me.” As Fern intended, the cuartel reports everything to Lety and emphasizes

5. Finally Lety admits to Tom that she’s jealous, but there’s nothing she can do.
Capitulo 236.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Lety admits that she’s dying of jealousy but she has to hide it so Aldo doesn’t find out.
2. Fern gives Carla the grand tour of Conceptos. While Ali spies, Carla says she came to scramble Fern’s life, and he says she came to fix it. Ali is busted and Fern sends her away. He tells Carla that he hates Ali but strangely, sometimes we hit it off well (me cae bien). Carla worries that she’ll report them and he’ll have problems with Marcia. Fern is sure that Carla’s presence will fix his problems.

4. Tom reports to Aldo that Fernando returned with a bella on his arm. Aldo thinks that news will upset both Marcia and Lety. Tom, covering for Lety, says Lety didn’t seem jealous at all. Aldo asks if Tom thinks Lety is over Fern. Tom decides to lie for what he believes is Lety’s good; he says yes.
5. Saimon has a gift for Paula: a calendar and colored markers, so she can keep track of all the different men she dates.

7. Aldo gives Lety the book. He has signed it, “What does love taste like? With you, love tastes like glory (heaven).” Lety gives Aldo a hug, though she holds the book between them like a shield. She tells him “Te quiero mucho,” and she almost kisses him but her phone rings. She tells herself that she won’t let Aldo suffer for her jealousy of Fernando.
8. Fern goes back to his office kicking himself because Lety thinks he’s a pig. But his plan is to play it cool and convince her that he doesn’t care.
9. Aldo tells Fern he’s the same mujeriego as always, and he asks if Marcia knows about his latest conquest. Alone with Omar, Fern says that his problem is that Lety spent the night with Aldo in SMR.
Labels: fea-2010
I busted a gut at Fernando’s under-desk chair dive!
Wasn’t it heartbreaking, when Fernando walked in on Aldo and Lety together?
Fern reports to Lety from his trip. Is this the first time since her return that she has not been nasty to him? If so, what changed? Why the different behavior from Lety? I can see many possible reasons; which do you choose?
There were some very funny bits today. Fernando did a clever imitation of Luigi. The interaction in the meeting between Omar & Luigi was cute. I liked Lety's running joke about the sunglasses. There was the mach posturing between Aldo & Fernando. The tic in Fernando's eye was hilarious. Baut you are right Paula the sneaky under the desk move for the chair was the best.
btw can someone tell me how many episodes are left?
Güera, there are 300 episodes. Today's were numbers 235 & 236. We are getting close to a significant plot development. Veterans, you've been wonderful about not posting any spoilers or even spoilerish hints. With the significant episodes coming up, I know the temptation will be great - I feel the tug myself. So please be EXTRA careful until we pass the significant episodes. Thanks!
Today, in my book, Aldo committed his second unpardonable sin (the first was yesterday when he lied to Lety, saying, "Maybe you loved Fernando but he never loved you"). Did anyone else notice?
I thought that the exchanges between Aldo and Fern were also very funny today. I had no problems with Aldo taking that little dig at Fern because he's only saying what I was thinking the entire time. I know he's trying to make Lety jealous, but he also has to consider that he still hasn't dealt with his Marcia problem yet. (I know you're probably tired of me saying it over and over again, but that lose end really really really bothers me!)
I think there's definitely no doubt in my mind that Lety is using Aldo. I think on yesterday's board someone maybe Paula said that Lety is keeping Aldo on the bench for when she's over Fern. I think today it was obvious that she's using him to get over her own jealousy.
Someone on the old board commented that Aldo was jealous of Lety's commitment to work, etc, but I sort of felt his reaction to their interrupted kiss (that SHE initiated today) was more like that's what always happens whenever they try to kiss - some interruption, whether it's the phone, or her parents, or Fern. When the phone rang I thought - ahh there it goes, that interruption that keeps them apart. Thoughts?
I honestly think this whole Carla jealousy campaign will wind up having more impact on Fern's relationship with Marcia than Lety. I think the moment when Fern stands listening in at the door is another instance of how "miscommunications" happen between the two of them and the message he was intending to send was lost in translation. Now he thinks Lety isn't jealous of him and that he's a jerk (which he IS) for bringing Carla around before he breaks up with Marcia. What I don't understand about Fern's thought process (of which maybe there isn't much of one) is why he doesn't consider these things before executing these hare-brained schemes?
Again I felt Omar was the wisest man in the office today. I loved the exchange of the magic seat of power in their shared office today. It was very well done...
Was that look on Aldo's face when he left Lety's office the moment you're talking about Paula? Or his exchange with Fern in the vortex of stupidity?
I thought Aldo not kissing Lety back when she was leaning in and puckering up was his own way of saying "see what it feels like when I come in for the kiss and you pull away." He seems to be very calculating always asking Tomas about Lety. Fern never had an inside line like that, he had to guess and learn lety without much help. Aldo is more calculating.
I also thought that Lety behaved differently because she was different. She was also building up to the moment of their meeting. She obviously missed him and she did hang on his last words to her before he left. that "tan divino" showed just how weak she is to Fernando.
I do have a problem with the Carla situation. To me, Fern asking her to help make Lety jealous is too much like the old Fernando. He needs to just make his changes in his life and leave other women to the side. Anytime he messes around with a woman, even platonically, it gets him in trouble.
Finally, I think Lety is trying to make herself fall in love with Aldo. It's a defensive measure and I think she believes Fernando slept with Carla in NY. So to keep herself from being devastated again, she's looking to Aldo as her safe retreat.
His second was a nearly baldfaced lie to Fern to push him to give up on Lety. He inscribed Lety's book, “What does love taste like? With you, love tastes like glory (heaven).” HE HAS NEVER TASTED LETY'S LOVE!!! Aldo knows that, and Lety knows that. Aldo wrote it that way so that when Fern sees it (you know he will), Fern will be convinced Aldo has slept with Lety.
Aldo is not your typical novela nogoodnik, stealing babies and setting houses on fire. But he has everyone convinced that he's high, noble, wise, and morally superior. In reality he's selfishly trying to conquer Lety because it will make HIM happy (yes, Fernando's love has been selfish too), and he's using baldfaced lies and dirty tricks to do it (which Fern has not done since he fell in love).
Guera, you felt obligated to defend Aldo because everyone attacked him and he's not a wicked TN villain. I'm kind of the equal and opposite - I feel obligated to unmask Aldo because everyone in the show and some on the board think he's a saint.
Paula if you think that's truly him being dastardly and underhanded - I'll give you that one. I still think it's just him being an awesomely bad and overly sentimental snook.
Hmm- interesting perspective Jenn on the Aldo snub of Lety's kiss. His look was sort of on the nasty side so I can see it. If that's the case then I call that moment his dastardly underhanded manipulation of the day! I guess he knows he has to leave her wanting more!
It often seems as though, in his mind, their love is fully fledged, lacking only the minor technicality of Lety's cooperation.
So I figure he's been tasting his own love for her for several weeks.
Paula - thank you for facilitating the humor here...I honestly gave very little thought to the implications of that dedication (other than Erasmo making a big deal out of it) until you pointed it out. Now I'll watch out for the fallout if there is to be any...I'm still wondering if someone is going to read Lety's diary!!! Who writes in their diary at work?
Thanks Paula for the answer. I hadn't thought about the implications of the inscription. Somehow I think Aldo will "arrange" for Fernando to see Lety's copy of the book. Aldo is just racking up dastardly points with his mouth and his actions. Wonder if Lety, her family, or her friends will ever see beyond the surface of "happy" talk to the truly selfish bent Aldo has.
Depending on how much I think I want to hang onto that negativity, I then either delete it and empty the trash, or email it to my personal account so that I can roll my eyes and laugh at it later.
The taste of my rage is like a heaping spoonful of wasabi. Writing it all down is like a spoonful of honey. (Let's not ponder the possibility that wasabi and honey might not go well together.)
On a side note --I'd be willing to try the honey wasabi combo - it actually might work out well together (or maybe not).
Barbara- I thought Juan had a hard time not breaking into laughter today as well. I loved it when Aldo and Fern both whispered their threats to each other.
In regards to that dedication in the miraculously published cookbook I think the way that people and Fern sort of just goes into Lety's office to mess with things - Aldo won't need to even engineer Fern's seeing the inscription in the book - it'll all be Fern's nosiness that makes him see it. I've seen no signs that Aldo is that type of manipulator - he seems more of the emotional manipulation guy not that it's any better! Fern is the type that would do something like making sure Aldo saw something he shouldn't if the past few weeks are any indication.
Did anyone notice how thick Aldo's book was? I love that he was able to churn out all of his words so quickly - he's a miracle worker!
And, no I am not an Aldo lover. Quite the opposite:
(Yeah, Fernando, all the way for you, baby!)
How long would it actually take? I don't know, but the editorial process alone would be more than three weeks. Design and layout would take a while too, even if you already had all the photos.,22490,1888385,00.html
No need to comment on most of the episode since everyone pretty much said what I would. However, Tomas has now joined the cuartel on my list of most annoying characters. It isn't just the snorting but anytime he crosses paths with someone with breasts he acts like a 14 year-old with his first copy of Playboy. And, now like everyone in Lety's orbit he has turned into a liar.
Talking about continuity problems there were a handful that totally distracted me. The pencils on Lety's desk. First they were all with their points up which any fool knows isn't smart since you can stab yourself, then in the scene with Tomas they were points down, in comes PM and the points are up again and in the middle of the conversation half were up and half were down. Then they were all down again. It positively made me dizzy and from here on in I'm not going to be able to ignore them. Very bad work from the crew.
Anon, I'm not teasing you. I'm teasing Julie! But Anon, while we're on the subject, have you noticed that everyone has the same brand new green pencils on their desk, and no one has any pens?
The very thought of an all-pencil office and no pens gives me hives.
Now I'm going to start looking for pencil sharpeners in all the office scenes...
Y'know how 3rd grade girls have erasers in the shape of Princess Pony, and little pencil sharpeners with a Hello Kitty figure on top or something? And you know the horse's petooty on Jasmín's desk, and the other little art pieces like the kimono-on-a-stick pieces on the other desks? The ones we thought had no purpose for existence?
Well, they must all have pencil sharpeners in the base! That explains everything!
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