Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Llena de Amor #140 (Mex. 145) Wed 3/2/11 Love Is The Answer...Now What Was The Question?
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
And that was the message tonight, folks. Along with the Beatles, El Lirio de Plata and our esteemed soothsayer, both in tandem, told us Only Love can make you happy. And only Love can defeat Evil (insert the name Juana Felipe/Fedra right here). So don't say nobody told ya.
We begin with a repeat of el Lirio and Vicky's hot kisses (are you watching Julia?).

Back at the mansion, there's another knock at the door. It's Chema come, ostensibly, to look for work, him being a big buddy of Bernardo and all. Not a good recommendation, as it turns out. Emiliano is about to run him off but first wants to know what he's doing skulking around Netty's boardinghouse. Because should he ever....Chema assures him that she's an enchanting gorgeous woman whom he would never harm. Strangely, this doesn't reassure Emiliano. El Capitán finds it odd that this married man would be so concerned about a woman who is not his wife. Interrrrresting.
Well, our gorgeous enchanting Netty is thrilling Doris and Gretel with her tales of confronting Fedra in prison and getting a good throat throttle in the process. Fedra hates her because Netty tells her “tres verdades” (the tough truth) every chance she gets, but no worries....Fedra is “refundida en la carcel para siempre” (stuck in jail forever) and will never harm us again. (Anybody hear an anvil falling?)
Well, an anvil doesn't fall but the lights go out, signaling the arrival of our somewhat creepy soothsayer. And she's got Bad News. No indeed. You haven't conquered Evil. It will come back stronger. You're all in danger.
Fedra's reminiscing about the predictions also and vows to get out of jail and find out more news concerning her dreaded future.
And speaking of dreaded futures, Kristel's about to get started on her plan of worldwide domination, starting with attractive menfolk.

Kristel, quite charming in her nefarious plans, thought bubbles after Ilitia's exit that she'll have that naco poli dying for her just like your daddy. (Yikes, can't wait for that confrontation.)
Mientras tanto, Señor Daddy has arrived at Muñeca's house to return Manzanita, (she leaves with a nyah nyah nyah which he reciprocates) and to demand a divorce. He's going to marry Kristel and they'll raise Christian together.
His sleazy cohorts, Garduño and Mauricio, are being arrested by our Keystone Cops and Oliver's sure the Mafioso will suffer for shooting a policeman. Garduño is just as sure his lawyer will get him off. (Want to take bets on who's right?)
Jorge storms in and demands Where's Victoria de la Gartha?
Brandon storms back I'll ask the questions!
Where's Victoria de la Garza?
Whew. Glad that's straight. And turns out she's long gone, managing to vault nimbly out of a window in that sausage casing dress. Anything is possible when you're with el Lirio. (well, heck...all you need is LOVE, right?)
Sure 'nough. The medium Angela, as the candles flicker, intones that the best weapon against Evil is Love. But, turning to Gretel, she also sees “a woman crying all her life for you. She's sacrificed her love for you (cue Paula) and you need to go home, to the place of your fears. Your family needs you.” As for Netty, this night, before the clock strikes midnight, a man will need your help. Only you can save Marianela's True Love.
Back at the mansion, Vicky is now handing over Fedra's jewel box to el Lirio since she knows he can sell these precious baubles for cash to help the needy. Which leads into the second sermonette( in case we're not getting the Take Home Message.)
You have a big heart, rumbles el Lirio, underneath that facade of a hard bitter woman. You're longing to believe in believe in love again.
All talk and no action? Heck no. Are you going to kiss me again? whispers Vicky. And indeed he is. Quite thoroughly. Hubba hubba.
Ugly scene back at Muñeca's. I'll give you a divorce on two conditions. No money. And custody of Christian. Are you crazy, sneers Lorenzo. I deserve at least half your money just for putting up with you for all these years! And Christian's my son. My name's on his birth certificate. You haven't got a prayer of getting him. (I'm thinking she's actually signed her death sentence. But the writers wouldn't kill off Muñeca would they? Sure hope not. However we had a case recently in Ohio where a woman refused to give her husband a divorce and she wound up under a concrete floor in the basement of the new house he was building for his mistress.)
Well, Muñeca holds the upper hand in this discussion at least. I'll fight you tooth and nail on the divorce. Let Kristel, your “mujer en toda la extension de la palabra” support you like I've done all these years.
Back to Vicky. She's a bit woozy after those kisses but not enough to succumb to more serious love-making. Is she in love with another man? queries Lirio. Well...she could never be in love with a man who hides his face, she answers, trying to lift the mask. Nothing doing.
Faces aren't important. Only feelings. I hope one day you will trust your feelings. Only then will you be a happy woman. And blowing her a kiss with his gloved hand, he departs. Cara impactada as Vicky ponders this heavy duty message.
Next we see a car easing into a parking place in front of a restaurant. Looks like the name is La Buena Vida, but I wouldn't swear to it. Turns out Fidel has fixed it up as both a clever hiding place for Lirio loot(there's a tequila bar that swivels to reveal a strong box...zounds!) and Emanuel, arriving with both cash and the jewels, is so excited he fails to notice that he's dropped a pearl necklace on the floor. We watch our handsome duo stuff the night's gleanings in the safe while we worry about that danged pearl necklace. ( Men are sooooo messy aren't they!? Guess it's not just underwear we're having to pick off the floor.)
Back at the mansion, we're treated to some more Jorge sneers and lame apologies by Emiliano for not realizing Vicky was being hauled away against her will. Emi is exhausted by the day's events and heads to bed, while Vicky defends Lirio to Jorge (he's not a robber, he's a good person and a friend) and our cranky españolito looks like she's getting on his last nerve. (And ours.)
How about bosom buddies Kristel and Ilitia? Kristel comes to make pseudo-amends, giving her word as Top Model (complete with a swirly mock Brownie salute) not to go after Brandon. Maybe she was crossing her toes, or eyes, as she said this. From there, our duo goes on to reminisce about the nasty trick they played on Marianela to convince her Emanuel's love was false. Danged guy kept snoring and blubbering on about his gordita, chuckles Ilitia. And guess what!? Jorge and Vicky overhear.

Back at the restaurant, Brandon, Oliver and the somewhat useless Comisario Tejada have arrived. Brandon spots the necklace, accuses Fidel and Emanuel of being in cahoots and all is about to be lost when Netty and Angela erupt into the room. Fervent thanks are given to San Antonio bendito for finding her jewels. But what were they doing there? Er, um, I...Emanuel fills in quickly. Netty was here rehearsing since she'll be singing for the grand opening. And yes, a star of her “nivel” has to be exquisitely dressed, and what better than the precious pearls her sister Eva bequeathed to her. Okay. Anvil avoided. For now.
Ho hum. Let's get back to our sassy Top Models. They're unabashed about being overheard. Kristel is all slithery and leg extended sexy while she asks Jorge if he really likes being married to Marianela and having to massage those mounds of flesh (lonjas de carne) every night. Not to be outdone, Ilitia wonders how Vicky can be so goldurned self-righteous when she was bedding Marianela's “one true love” back at the hacienda. That's right, jumps in Kristel. You're the same or worse than us “zorreando Mauricio” (going after Mau) and ruining my wedding.
If you were's just a little more intelligent, you'd realize I saved you from a lifetime of misery, snaps Vicky. (Weak rejoinder if you ask me. But you didn't.)Anyway, Vicky continues, you did your dirty deeds just to hurt people, where as I Came To Do Justice. There's an abysmal difference between us.
Off Vicky goes. Thank goodness.
Jorge stays and gives Ilitia a further tutorial on disrupting romance. You've got to squelch your impulsiveness or you'll lose your husband for sure. Do something to reel him in and tie him to you forever! Ilitia gets a shrewd look on her face.( Do I see a pregnancy anvil in the future? Stay tuned.)
It's the next morning. Vicky,it seems, is one of those dreadful Mary Sunshine people in the morning. She bounces into Jorge's room to open the curtains, trill about her plans to walk in the garden with that Waste of Oxygen General, and stops dead (if only!) when she turns to see not one but two male bodies in bed, separated by a chastity belt chest of drawers.

What about Ilitia? demands Vicky. What about her? We haven't slept together for ages. We're getting a divorce. And I had to bunk with Jorge because Dad's in the guest room, Gretel's room is off limits, Axel kicks in his sleep and hey! if Jorge's not happy he can go to a hotel, right?
I'm ready to believe Emanuel and Kristel are sister and brother because they are both adorably cute when they're up to something naughty. He's straddling the chastity chest while he says all these outrageous things and he is simply A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (and young enough to be my son, sigh.)
Jorge storms off to the shower while Vicky and Eman talk about last night. He's heard about Liro. Yes. But did he hear that he kissed her? Twice. And that his kisses were strangely like Eman's. Well nyah nyah. I think your kisses are strangely like Marianela's. Whaddya say we do a taste test? Hmmm.. Wait. I need to brush my teeth first. And he barges in on Jorge (strangled protestations come from the shower) to buff up those teeth before smooching Vicky. She, waiting contentedly on the bed, smiles and thinks to herself how much she loves Emanuel. Hmmmm.
Speaking of Love (and we seem to be, interminably), we're back at the police station where Oliver is tenderly spoon feeding Manolo ice cream before he dashes off to the newspaper to write another Fedra exposé. Sniggering fellow cops watch this tender exchange. And then fall back on their keisters when sexy Kristel arrives to vamp Oliver and ask him to appear in a modeling shoot with her. Oliver is easily vamped and agrees, while his fellow cops ogles Kristel's exposed legs and welcome him back into the brotherhood of macho males. Rosales Rosales Rosales! they chant while Kristel shakes and bakes, shimmies and slithers. Great scene.
Not so great a scene....Vicky and General strolling in the garden. I'm bored already. So here's the short version. He realizes that she's actually Marianela. And vows to shoot Fedra if she ever returns. Marianela says no, she can't let him be an assassin. (as if he'd actually do anything, the blowhard). He also finds out that she's already told a slew of people her Big Secret, including Netty, Gladiola, Gretel, Doris, Delicia, Brandon and of course, Jorge. Tears are shed. Forgiveness is asked. Snooooorrrrrre.

So back to the boardinghouse. Netty, with an unattractive hairdo and unflattering top (Women her age need a bra. Just sayin'.)is having another heart to heart with Chema. He wants to know why she and Fedra aren't best buds. She lets him know she has always been convinced Fedra killed her brother-in-law and her sister Eva, in addition to trying to murder Marianela with poisoned chocolates.
In other words, you're saying that this woman is capable of even murder to get what she wants muses Chema. Yes! And I need to know if this is the same woman that you know as Fedra Curiel, snaps Netty, softening her words with the admission that she trusts José. I'd rather you not trust even your shadow, chuckles Chema, kissing her hand.
Of course. Another arrival. Emiliano, in high dudgeon at the kiss and the presence of this dangerous male interloper. I wouldn't trust “ninguna de sus palabras” he rumbles. “Ese hombre no es de fiar.” I'd kick him out “ahora mismo”.
Since that's not getting him anywhere, Emiliano adds, Did he tell you he's a friend of Bernardo's!?
Okay. That works. Shocked Look. Very shocked. And recriminations. Chema maintains that the Bernardo he knows is a man of integrity. Netty maintains that's the LAST thing he is. What dark nefarious reason brought you to my boardinghouse? she adds. (Where's the trust, Netty. Where's the trust?)
That answer will have to wait. Manolo bursts in with the news that Bernardo has declared himself guilty of all the crimes and Fedra is being released from prison. And Brandon calls Vicky to tell her Garduño and Mauricio have been let out, thanks to their corrupt lawyer. We get a close-up of Marianela's spiky false eyelashes as she segues into a full-blown asthma attack and gropes for her inhaler. (Is it wrong of me to hope she doesn't find it?)
She does. Dang.
She vows to do what she must to keep Fedra from getting out. Calls Gretel and plans to meet at Comisario Tejada's office with the documents concerning her uncle's unplanned vault over the railing. Netty meanwhile frets that with Fedra out, her next move will be to “comerme viva” (eat me alive.) This in spite of Chema's noble promise (complete with pirate theme music playing in the background)to make sure Bernardo never harms Netty or her niece again. Fair enough. But if Juana Felipe is on the loose....just sayin'. Netty makes plans to light a little candle to San Antonio about the matter, and to take the crisis even further up the Saint Chain and light a friggin' big Easter candle if necessary. Gladiola scurries off to make a calming cup of tila tea (with a little valerian thrown in for good measure).
And our episode ends with Netty apologizing to Gretel about calling her mom the In- carnation of Evil. And Gretel replying that Fedra is not my mother. I am not her daughter. Cara impactada. As usual.
Ilitia is in a little bitty nightie in order to seduce Emanuel.
Oliver is in Chippendale mode, half-nude, posing with Kristel when Gretel arrives. Ay yi yi!
Quien leche is ese Lirio de Plata = Who the heck (or worse) is this Lirio de Plata (Jorge)
espiritu del más allá =spirit from the great beyond
cirio Pascual = Easter candle (a big one)
reptil ponzoñoso = poisonous reptile (Fedra)
pecora venenosa = poisonous bitch (Fedra)
emperifollada = all gussied up (what Netty will be for the restaurant opening)
tres verdades = the blunt truth
refundida en la carcel para siempre (stuck in jail forever)
lonjas de carne =slabs of meat (insult about Marianela)
zorreando = going after a man in a trashy, slutty way
ninguna de sus palabras= not one of his words
una mujer en toda la extensión de la palabra= a woman in every sense of the word (Kristel)
ese hombre no es de fiar = that man is not trustworthy (Chema)
ahora mismo = right now!
Dicho of the Day
La antipatia es mutua. = There is no love lost between them. (could be Emiliano and Chema. Or Emanuel and Jorge. Or Victoria and Ilitia. Or....well the list goes on forever, no?)
Labels: llena
I suppose when Fedra gets out of jail, Max will just go back down to the basement. What else has he done all this time except grumble threats about exposing Fedra?
I too loved the scene at the police station when Kristel flirted with Oliver and then her little dance as everyone chanted, "Rosales." Great scene indeed.
When MV walked into the bedroom to find both Eman and Jorge sleeping in the bed separated by a chastity dresser, I LOLed. That whole scene was so funny and Eman was so adorable. Looks like VL really relishes this role.
Kristel is now officially a girl gone wild! What naughty looks on her face when Ilitia tried to set some boundaries on the menfolk - LOL!
I don't remember who started dissing the General but b/t you, Julia, and Maggie (and BTW thanks for your recaps also) I keep cracking up at your quips (Waste of space). I wish he would actually be a man of integrity and not a blowhard.
I'm curious to see if Chema goes bad or causes more problems for Fedra and Bernie.
The Fedra getting sprung... I've only watched the woman for three days, yet it's pretty obvious that does not bode well for the town. What I want to know is WHY is she in jail but looking like a fashion plate. Shouldn't she be decked out in some kind of hovel-colored incarceration get-up? (I know, I know, I need to go back and read...)
Lirio reminds me of the luchador El Zorro (before Zorro demasked some years ago and became quite rude). Is it terrible of me that I really want Vicky to go Phantom Of The Opera on him (sneak up from behind him while pretending to sing an aria and suddenly SNATCH his mask off)? Well, in any case, I hope she kisses him some more.
Tears are shed. Forgiveness is asked. Snooooorrrrrre. ROFL!
Top Model Kris has hit my WTH List with a quickness. What an icky piece of work.
Again, thanks for all the witty-isms and the great pics, JudyB. I had a heck of a lot of fun with this!
"he is simply A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (and young enough to be my son, sigh.)" Ditto here, but hey, we're not dead yet. I say a little fantasy time never hurt anyone. How much did I love this scene? Let me count the ways!
In fact Valentino was in cute mode all night last night. Tonight...hmm what will we get. He was especially good bearing his heart the other night, last night funny and cute, we're due one of those angry/pissed off evenings.
Loved how the mere entrance of our resident creepy fortune teller puts the lights out. Not loving her doom and gloom prediction to the core of people in the pension. With Fedra out, we know she'll be loaded with bear to get revenge on everyone and anyone in her way. Question is, who does gets it and gets Telenovaville really ticked off. There's always that one character along with the bad guys who has to suffer at their hands.
I could speculate, but I'll get depressed thinking about it.
Did anyone else crack up when MV started relating who all knows she's Marienela to Max? It's getting stupid already. And Eman interestingly notes Vicky's kisses are just like Mari's. HELLO????????
The apple has fallen far from the tree, so now we'll see the wrath of Kristel upon the mankind of wherever they are supposed to be living. This should actually be fun, but my bet is on Jorge to actually fall for her (her him too?)Poor Low - we know he's destined for nothing. Or better be.
Is there a better way to start the day than with an amazing recap, perfect pictures, stellar vocabulary and the quintessential dicho? Yes. Add the Beatles and there you have it.
Judy, I had more fun reading your recap than I had watching the show. Some of my favorite lines were: "her plan of worldwide domination, starting with attractive menfolk", "separated by a chastity belt chest of drawers", "managing to vault nimbly out of a window in that sausage casing dress" and of course, "shakes and bakes, shimmies and slithers".
Kristel is simply stealing the show. Although I wish she weren't on a quest to dominate and dump every available male, I have to give her credit for trying. Anticipating her upcoming scenes with Oliver are making me smile already.
Ah Lowrenzo. Kristel will tear your heart out and stomp on it. Goody! Can't wait.
Karen, I think Chema is going to be the successful catalyst that finally vanquishes Fedra. Our dear policemen, Brandon and Oliver are kindly put, simply not up to the task. Eman has the desire but simply isn't able to match Bernardo and Fedra's level of malice and duplicity.
Pirate Babe, I agree. Valentino always looks like he is enjoying himself and well he should. He has a great role and amazing fellow actors.
daisy, "Loved how the mere entrance of our resident creepy fortune teller puts the lights out." I totally agree!
Thanks again Judy!
1. Age ain't nothing but a number.
2. He's over 18 so there won't be any jail time involved-LOL!
"he is simply A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (and young enough to be my son, sigh.)"
I'm getting a similar boost from Kristel's plans to kristelize the male population. I admire her ambition and it looks as though the line is forming behind Oliver. Sorry Lo... been there, done that.
daisynjay, you can add me to the list of those who cracked up at the listing and then amending of the list of those in on MV's secret. I know there are many (probably most) who have lost patience with Max (and with valid reasons) but I'm hoping the old general has the gumption left for one last spectacular battle.
Once more last night's episode was a winner and of course your recap sparkles, Judy.
How much do we want to bet that those Luis Felipe's important papers revealing Fedra's past will fall into the wrong hands before Gretel can get to the police station? I don't get why Mari didn't turn them in to the cops before. Was it just to spare Eman the knowledge that Emil is not his father and that his mother was a prostitute?
I got the feeling that Eman and Mari were trying to get the other to confess in that scene- "You kiss just like Mari/Lirio kissed just like you." Hmmmm...It seems that they both suspect but are not yet willing to believe. I loved the chastity chest! LOL! Good one Judy.
Great fun.
@Audrey...Kristel as a "girl gone wild". Reminds me of a great country song by Travis Tritt. I'm looking forward to more shenanigans on her part. Or as Carlos said, he plans to "kristelize the male population.
@Pirate Babe...hopefully Max will not retreat back down to the basement. But they say the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. We can but hope he develops a little more gumption.
@Stephe...Sounds like you are getting up to speed super fast. (Why am I not surprised?) Fedra gets to wear her own duds because she's just in jail. Once she's sent to the "reclusario"(prison) she'll be put in prison clothes. But alas, it looks like she's going to get out of jail instead.
@Daisynjay...Seeing Lorenzo suffer at the hands of flagrant flirt Kristel should be fun. Perfect karma for a lad who's been flagrantly unfaithful all throughout his marriage.
@Diana...I agree, Kristel is stealing the show right now. Her mischievous impish eyes during her scenes with Ilitia were captivating. Along with her fresa speech...I love every scene she's in.
@Phillylady...Yikes! We should hear from you more often. Love your "can do" attitude and full awareness of legal ramifications. Yep, Emanuel is over 18. Ladies...on your mark, get set and go! Ahora mismo. rascal, figured you'd be loving Kristel. And actually I think most of us are. Give me a funny unrepentant sinner over a self-righteous whiny heroine (Vicky) any day! In fiction anyway.
@Pata...I took your advice (particularly as my infected eye is 'fried' by evening)and wrote the recap earlier from the internet. Even without closed captions it was easier than waiting until evening and frantically take notes. I could sit back and enjoy the show at 7 pm, make any corrections necessary (I heard "dos" instead of "doce" for the time and had no idea what "cirio Pascual" was until I saw the closed captions)and then take my time editing and putting in pictures (although I hit a snafu with the latter). From now on, if possible, I'm going to do it that way. Much more enjoyable for this lady who has NEVER been a late night person.
This was a great episode...except for the boring Max conversation, but at least there we could hope one or both of them would suddenly drop dead. Kristel is just a hoot. I love how Low thinks they're going to live happily ever after together, and she's got other plans. Can't wait for her and Oliver to share the screen; that will be hysterical, I've no doubt.
Emanuel is delightful. SO adorable. VL should play these comedic roles all the time; he's great at it. Emanuel is one of my favorite galáns ever, despite his morality lapses. Usually all that is required of a galán is to look hot and be tortured, but Eman is total Personality Plus. Swoon.
Given the previews, I can hardly wait to see Oliver in his Chippendale moment. This show just gets funnier and funnier.
Kristel is not my cup of tea but she is so enjoying the idea of going after any & all men she can get. Tonight with Oliver looks like a hoot. Lorenzo is so delusional with the idea that he and Kristel will be a happy family, just deserts to him.
"he is simply A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. (and young enough to be my son, sigh.)" Lol; lucky me, I am only old enough to have been his babysitter :). Phillylady, love your theory. My (female)cousins and I used to say your only as young as the man you want to feel, so every night at 7 I feel 35ish! There is nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy, & VL is currently on the top of my fantasy list.
I am sorry to say any scene with Max makes me want to change the channel or at least run into the kitchen to check on dinner, so last night I did alot of kitchen duty! Oh well.
Fedra's back like a bad penny. No matter how evil she is, se sure is fun to watch!
I was amazed how Brandon and the cops knew those pearls were real after just a glance. I sure wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but then I’m not much of a jewelry person.
Vivi – I’m worried about Luis Felipe’s papers too. I have the sinking feeling that Marianela never photocopied them.
Judy and Julia – I found the scene with Max and MariVicky more interesting than you did, looks like. I thought it was telling that MV was losing control over her dual personality as she kept switching between “she” and “I” when talking about everything Marianela went through. Also, Max made a good point that it’s a bad way to keep a secret by letting so many people in on it. Could this be an anvil? I was amazed that Max (like Netty and all the others) was not furious about being lied to about who Vicky was. That would just fry my bacon, I’m telling you!
So is chubby Marianela EVER going to show up? By the time she does, dim Emiliano will be the only one who doesn't know she's Vicky.
@Maggie...Oh, why did you have to say "fry my bacon". Now I'm wanting some. All I've got for dinner tonight is an arugula salad with some canned salmon thrown in. I want to kill myself!
@Maureen...naughty lady. "You're only as young as the man you want to feel"!!!!! Did you really say that out loud?! Funny. Glad to know you're only "babysitter" age. Somebody has to be.
Back to Maggie...yes, it was interesting to see Vicky's facade begin to disintegrate...or would have been if I weren't so tired of HER. And I've never cared for the crusty old General. I almost preferred out and out wicked Tia Carlota to him.
Thanks for the wonderful recap; I'm off to view the next episodes.
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