Wednesday, April 06, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #285-286 4/6/11 Wedding Plans Sealed With a Kiss. A Kiss of Death?

Capitulo 285.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Jax tells the board they need to take advantage of the publicity opportunities. Fernando studies his business techniques. The board discovers that the media got a copy of the tape. Ali cons Celso into impersonating her doctor on the phone.



2. Fern overhears Aldo talking about the wedding and he snaps. He interrupts them, throws a jealous fit, and tells them to stop talking about the wedding, then he uses the Aurora disappearance for an excuse. Aldo’s sidewalk chalk tantrum was just the warm-up. Today’s tantrum is the main event. He yells and waves his arms, then he plays dirty. He says Fern only ever cared about the company and the presidency and money, whereas Aldo cares about love and marriage. He grabs Lety like he’s sweeping his poker winnings off the table, and gives a self-satisfied smile. I think he says, “Dolió? (Did that hurt?)”

3. Fernando is cornered and frustrated. Lety is supposed to be impressed by his lofty priorities, but instead she’s worried about how all this is hurting Fernando. The men fight some more. Lety tries to play the middle. She says both things are important. She tells Aldo to be quiet but he insists on getting the last word in. She is not impressed.

4. Fern remembers the Aurora kiss. He imagines Lety rebuking him for falling in love with Aurora. She says, “Didn’t you learn your lesson? I’m going to marry Aldo, and the cause was your lies.”

5. Aldo tells Lety that Fern has always been a mujeriego, and Lety jumps to his defense.

6. The reporters gang up on Fern and twist his words. Lety faints and Fern throws the reporters out. Aldo says that obviously Aurora is the right woman for Fern (7 times). Aldo leaves. Fern starts to swear that he’s not involved with Aurora. Lety solemnly says, “I do believe what you say, Don Fernando.”

7. Jax calls. Fern hears Aurora’s voice and comes out looking for her. Jax tells Aurora to not leave her home.

8. Cristina Maiz invites Conceptos to do the campaign for DIF Nuevo Leon. They video conference and accept. Luigi thinks about families and gets misty.

9. Omar gives Caro the necklace and runs away without letting her talk.

10. Lety overhears while Fern wrestles alone at his desk. He tells Lety, “I swear I love you, and I thought I’d never find another woman. But Aurora’s gotten to the bottom of my heart. I can’t stop thinking about her since that kiss. Forgive me. I’m betraying what I promised you.” Lety can’t let Fernando suffer like this. She wipes off her unibrow and mustache, takes out her braces, and says to Fernando, “Come out please. I want to tell you the truth.”

Capitulo 286.
Read kFuegl’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

I'm sorry this summary got so long. The episode was packed with content and I couldn't bear to skip anything.

Fern can’t bear to talk to Lety. He leaves the office without looking at her. Lety repents of her decision.

Aldo invites Lety to go meet Carmaniac about the yacht, so there won’t be misunderstandings. L: I’m really tired and I’m not motivated to go (no tengo animo) A: (whiney) It’s our wedding. L: You’re right, but the truth is, no tengo ganas (I don’t feel like it). Aldo necks with Lety’s hand and she gives a polite smile, like when you go to the 3rd grade neighbor’s violin recital.

Irma notes that tonight’s moon is the kind that brings emotions to the surface.
Lety remembers when Fernando told her that Aurora has gotten deep into his heart (Cap 285).
Aldo remembers when Lety told him, “No tengo ganas” about the wedding plans.

MamaJ is angry that Fernando kissed Aurora like that, after he told her how he was suffering for Lety. See the transcript. Lety admits she’s Aurora, so MamaJ won’t think bad of Fernando. Lety tells about her feelings for both.

Fernando tells Marcia that he’s suffering because Aurora disappeared. See the transcript. Fern says that kissing Aurora is like kissing Lety, and being with her would be a good substitute.

Carmina tells Aldo that if Lety isn’t interested in the wedding, he should take the clue. Aldo says, “I love Lety and I plan to marry her (note wording). Unless Lety demonstrates that she doesn’t love me.” (Did I get that right?)

MamaJ tells Aldo, “You need to leave Lety so she can be happy with Fernando.” Aldo: I thought you liked me. J: It’s not that I don’t like you. A: Then you like Mendiola more? Aldo keeps interrupting her to make sure that she can’t explain herself, then he leaves despite her protests.

Caro can’t figure out what Omar’s feeling. Omar mopes around, depressed. Marcia asks, isn’t he going to fight for Caro’s love?

Aldo tells his dad he’s depressed. He’s starting to think that maybe Lety doesn’t love him.

Fernando is mad about the gossip media spreading lies about him (that’s a scene Camil has played countless times!). They wonder who started the rumor. Cut to Jacques twirling his mustache.

Lety tells Fern that what upsets him upsets her. He thinks Aurora disappeared because of that kiss. He says, “I’m sure that my kiss – because you do know how I kiss – well Aurora was moved by it. (Smoke is coming out of my TV.) And she has a novio. It’s obvious that I (XG, perhaps it’s ‘got her excited’). Lety says to herself, “That kiss made me doubt. It scared me. I felt like it threatened my relationship with Aldo.” Lety tells Fern that Aurora’s not coming back. He says, “Don’t say that. I could fall in love with her.”

Aldo takes out his frustration on Fernando, “What did you say to Julieta to make her prefer you over me? Why does she want Leticia to marry you?” Fern says, “I didn’t say anything. We’ve gotten along well, for a long time.” Aldo says, “You can kiss up to Julieta as much as you want, but Lety’s going to marry me!” (El burro hablando de orejas!)

Spanish Lesson, Lety and Julieta

L: What’s bothering you, Mama?
J I’m sick of thinking about the kiss Fernando gave that Aurora
L: It’s just a TV show. Even though it was acted very well.
J: That kiss looked very real.
L: Yes. But why does it bother you, whether that kiss was real or not?
J: Because it did. So there!
L: Well, it wasn’t real. So there! It was a TV show between Fern and that Aurora.
J: You’re wrong! Because I saw how much DonF deceived me.
L: Why?
J: DonF told me he was crazy in love with you. And he told me how much he suffers because you’re not interested in him and you’re involved with Aldo. But he sure forgot quickly, didn’t he? And now he’s involved with that Aurora. Don Fernando is a traitor. He’s a bad person. I regret that I ever believed in him, count on it!
L: No, mama. DonF isn’t guilty for anything. Because the guilt is mine, Mama, and nobody else’s.

(next scene)
L: It’s true, Mama. I’m Aurora. I’m telling you because I don’t want you to think badly of DonF for my fault. I’m serious, Mama. I’m Aurora.
MamaJ: (giggling.) You? You want me to believe that you’re Aurora? Just so I don’t think bad of DonF.
L: Mama, I am Aurora.
J: You? … (smiling widely) You kissed Don Fernando? (not vice-versa!)
L: YES! (even wider smile)
J: (shocked) Then, mija, you’re deceiving Aldo!
L: I swear, Mama, I’m not for the world considering canceling my wedding with Aldo! (Mama never said she was. She protesteth too much!)
J: That kiss Aurora gave DonF made you doubt again, no?
L: Yes! I know there’s still something. I still love him. But what’s more, after the kiss DonF told me, when he kissed Aurora, he felt like it was me!!!
J: Pobre Don Fernando!
L: Hey! I’m suffering too, and I’m your daughter! I accept that, I’ve never succeeded in forgetting him. But I love Aldo. He’s .. um, um, (be patient, I’m sure I’ll come up with something)
J: The only solution is to tell them both that you’re Aurora. As much to DonF as to Aldo.
L: No, I can’t. Aldo would never forgive me. And he’s right. I was wrong to use Aurora to teach Omar a lesson. It’s also bad that Aurora had to kiss DonF.
J: Lety, you were very angry when he deceived you, when he used you. Don’t you realize you’re doing the same thing? You’re deceiving them both. Do you accept that you’ve done bad? .
L: You’re right. But I’ve decided. Aurora won’t appear ever again. (Hey, Tutz! That’s just hiding your sin. It’s not repentance and it’s not restitution.) All I want is for you not to be mad at me.

Spanish Lesson, Fernando and Marcia

F: In the program, I kissed Lety, right?
F: No! Aurora. I kissed .. “her.” And I had the sensation that I was kissing LETY! Obviously Aurora isn’t anything like Lety. I think I had the sensation, because I miss Lety so much, and I kissed la otra, my Leticia Padilla Solis.
M: You’re a sick man, Fernando.
F: No, I’m not so bad. What’s more, what I’m thinking now is, I’m not going to have Lety because she’s going to marry Aldo. At least I could like to be close to Aurora.
M: Because when you kiss her, you feel like it’s Lety, is that why?
F: Yes. See, I’m not doing so bad. It’s like a dream come true.


Oh my, oh my. Aldo's well-crafted plans are starting to unravel. And because they are, we're getting to see how he is deep inside. He's a nasty fighter and doesn't think straight when he is angry. Because Julieta had an opposite opinion from him, Aldo wouldn't listen to her. Not surprising since he has done that to Lety, Fernando, and anyone else who disagrees with him. It was great to see Aldo so lost and so out-of-control. He's beginning to doubt Lety loves him and Lety is beginning to doubt her feelings for Aldo. A satisfying episode all around.

Funny moment was Alicia with Celso on the phone with Tomas. Normally, I just skip their scenes but being home today, I watched it. When Celso said he was Celso Kamasutra the gynecologist, I laughed. I'm wasn't sureI heard right and then I looked at the close captioning. I don't know if that joke will bypass most people but it was hysterical. Tomas needs to get control of his marriage or else he will be cuckolded all his married life.

Hint: for those who don't understand the joke, which I doubt are few, kama sutra is a famous book on how to have sex. Considering Tomas and Alicia aren't having any, it makes the joke even funnier.

I finally got the transcripts added and all the photos posted. You may want to look at the summary again, because I might have added some photos since you last looked at it.

Thank you, Pata, for the pictures. I've been requesting a mountain of them lately, as things gallop toward the end. Your pictures really add a lot to the site.

In the meeting at the start of 285, Fern imitates Jax’s gestures. It’s not to mock him. Look at the concentration on Fernando’s face. Fern is studying Jax. He knows Jax is a more competent salesman and businessman than he is, so he’s trying to learn from him. He copied Jax’s gestures in one other meeting, but this time it’s more obvious.

After Aldo’s tantrum, Lety tries to play the middle. Normally she would side with her fiancé. The fact that she doesn’t take sides is huge. I also think Aldo lost a lot of points with those below-the-belt punches against Fern.

Oopsie! I forgot to post the recap to the sidebar. Sorry!

In cap 285 Aldo says "celoso?" not "doliso". As much as I wish he was saying "did it hurt?" Im pretty sure he was saying "are you jealous?" I like your version better because it makes Aldo crumble that much faster. Seeing him so angry so quickly upset Lety, but when Fern was upset Lety was calm and had a "im listening to you" look on her face.

Thank you for clarifying the dialogue in cap 286. The part where Fern and Lety at the desk and Fern was telling letting he thinks Aurora left because of his kiss. There were parts in there I couldn't understand even rewinding multiple times. I knew they had to be important because of the loving look in Lety's eyes. Twice.

They were color coordinated again! Both caps!
Contrast that with Aldo in orange and Lety in bright pink (cap 285) and we get a CLASH. Things are starting to clash with them.


Hi all,
First time poster! I'm glad I found this site, you guys summarize all of the novelas I currently watch in one place! Paula, great job with these summaries, I've read some past posts and you guys have great conversations.

I'm happy that Aldo is having some doubts. I think part of his over reacting is that he knows deep down that Lety doesn't love him the way she loves Fernando. That's the same reason he doesn't want to listen to Julieta. Although, just as an aside, I thought he was incredibly rude to not let Julieta finish her thought. I come from a strict Puerto Rican house, and in my experience, if Mami or Abuelita are talking, no one else does. I also thought it was a low blow to say Fer only cared about Conceptos. However, I do love when Fer and Aldo fight. My funny moment - when Fer tells Aldo, "ahogate con tu pastelito de boda!"

Speaking of Fernando, I'm glad he'll finally put two and two together. I'm also glad that Julieta is fully on Team Ferni, que cute!

As for Lety, I think she's an idiot at times; however, like many smart people, she has no idea about relationships. It's good she recognizes she loves Fer, but you would think that she would then take a step back from her relationship with Aldo to make a better decision. It seems Lety is only with Aldo out of obligation, and she's like a small child who is too stubborn to reconsider her decision, or too scared. Good that Julieta understands Lety better than she understands herself, but Lety is going to be mad when she finds out what her mom said.

By the way, I also love Luigi. I love when he says, "muchos besos a su marido," to Cristina Maiz and when they scold him he says it's habit.


Lety is once again showing her tenderness towards Fernando and more firmness (grown-up) with Aldo. It's good that she admitted to Julieta that she still has feelings for Fernando. Aldo was really nasty in the office when he put his arms around Lety and asked if Fernando was jealous. I admire Fernando for his restraint because if anyone was cruising for a bruising, it was Aldo. Maybe that's what he needs - a good beat down.

I will admit I could only focus on the most important moments today...loved the moments with Aldo & Fern fighting in the office. I also was happy to see that Lety told Julieta the truth (for once in a very long time). It was to protect Fern, otherwise I don't think she would have shared- it's very telling that she doesn't want her mother to have any bad feelings towards Fern. That's important - for what reason I'm not sure.

I'll admit that a lot of the dialogue went over my head today - I had a hard time concentrating on it, but I did catch the celoso Aldo said to Fern. He said it 2x if I'm remembering the scenes correctly. I also caught the kama sutra joke, but was so disgusted by Alicia's behavior that it was hard to laugh...will we EVER see her become a better person? She's tiresome and trite and Tomas is an idiot.

I also thought it was a bad sign that Aldo would go to Tomas for advice about what Julieta told him earlier. I haven't read the full recaps yet & missed a lot of the dialogue, but I think Tomas gave him some bad advice about what Julieta was trying to tell Aldo. Another moment of the blind leading the blind.

Poor Fern - he really can't add even the basic 1+1 can he? I thought for sure he'd figure out Lety was Aurora today with the phone call - she doesn't even really try to hide it and I def think she would have loved to be discovered instead of having to tell the truth on her own. And again Fern ignores Lety when she tries to reveal the truth to him...I think he must love all of his suffering... sheesh!

Welcome Alexis and to all of the other new posters...I think DrJ and maybe a couple of others were here that I didn't greet the last time!

Welcome Alexis!
We are a fun group, hope you stay through the end...

I was so hoping that Lety was going to reveal herself to Fernando today. I can't wait to see his reaction when he learns the truth.

As much as he has grown Fernando can still be pretty childish sometimes. That didn't bother me when he was supposed to be an imperfect & self-centered jerk. But now that he is supposed to be the enlightened superman it annoys me when he slips back into his petty antics.

Thanks for the recaps & screenshots & all the comments. You all really add to the fun of this show.

Aldo claims that HE's the one who's interested in marriage?

Oh really, Aldo? I guess you just forgot to mention that when you invited Lety to ditch all her responsibilities and everyone she cares about to move to Acapulco with you. OOPS!

I agree Guera it is annoying when fern slips back into immaturity - we saw it yesterday too when he was out with the mariachi band and then with them and the cuartel in front of Lety's house. I call that his stalker, stealth mode...

Yes Aldo definitely overreacts, but Fern baits him time and time again - sort of like kids in the playground...that's what I see when those two get together, two little boys taunting each other on the playground.

Julie- Lety wasn't given him any signals that she even wanted marriage - if he can get the milk for free without buying the cow, why not? I honestly think for him it's not as important because he's already been married before, but I think that he'd be committed to Lety regardless and that would be most important.

I also sort of hated that Aldo was discussing his personal issues with crazy Carmina. Another bad sign - he keeps talking to the wrong people - he should have stayed to hear what Julieta was saying to him.

I think Barbara said it earlier - that Aldo knows deep down that Lety doesn't truly love him. I agree wholeheartedly that he knows...that's why he's so defensive and why he's working so hard to get her back to Acapulco

I understand why Aldo didn't ask Lety to marry him before Fernando did, GP. I just don't understand how he can claim to be more interested in marriage than Fernando when Fernando already beat him to the punch!

I guess it sounds better in that sort of pissing contest to be the one claiming to be the most serious about marriage. Left should put him out of his misery and call the wedding off. Honestly when she told him she didn't want to get into the wedding stuff today he really should have told her that it might be better if they took sometime to think about whether or not they should get married.

Paula, Thanks for the recap and all the hard work you have put into this board.

I agree, Georgia Peach. When Fernando said finding Aurora was more important than wedding talk, Aldo saw his opening to make himself look better. By saying he's more interested in marriage, Aldo thinks he can show he cares about love and Lety, while Fer cares more about the company than her. I also agree that they act like little boys, so really, I think Aldo would throw out anything to win in their arguments, hence the low blows.

Thanks for the welcome, everyone!


Welcome aboard, Alexis! I agree, I got so mad when he wouldn't let MamaJ speak. The noive!!

I've noticed that Julieta really treats Fernando like her son, much the same as she treats Tomás. We'll see more of that in tomorrow's cap. Whereas she treats Aldo like a guest. And he definitely treats her like she's his mother, pouring out his struggles with her.

Full circle moment: Fern has to listen to Aldo talk to Lety about the wedding.

Note that on the video conference with Cristina, she addresses Fern, not Lety. And Fern is the one who speaks for the company. Once again, Fern is the de facto president.

Mama was definitely metiche when she told Aldo he should clear out. But I can cut her some slack because she's mama, and because she is very sure Lety is making a huge mistake she'll regret for the rest of her life. And she has plenty of evidence to draw from:

• discovery Lety is Aurora,
• the way Aurora kissed Fern,
• what Lety said in her room [Lety’s smile that she kissed DF; kiss made her doubt again; I love Aldo he’s um, um],
• what Fern’s told Mama in their little talks,
• prevailing certainty that Fernando is the love of her life,
• convinced Lety still loves Fern deeply, and
• certainty that Fern’s a better husband

Mama is making her best attempt to change that outcome.

Well, on yesterday's cap, Julie said she wouldn't notice, and do you know what? She was right!
She didn't notice!!!

Good analysis on Julieta's motives Paula. One thing I noticed today was how Fern and Aldo hid behind Lety and the desk when the reporters barged in...I guess that desk is the "safe" place in the office...someone yesterday or maybe before said it's the "place of power."
Just a random thing I noticed while watching today...

I also saw this quote today on Facebook and thought it was appropriate since we've talked so much about the subject in regards to this show:

"Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening." ~Maya Angelou

I hope that Aldo doesn't turn out to be that life threatening type - I honestly don't think he will and in some ways I understand why he's threatened by Fern. The one difference between Lety as an ass't vs. Fern as Lety's ass't is the fact that Fern often barges into her office when she's talking to Aldo. Lety never did this to Fern/Marcia because she understood her place on the food chain and she never presumed that she had a place in his love life... just something I've noticed in watching the show.

I'll bite, Paula, what didn't Julie notice? I guess I didn't either. I find that when I'm home and I watch the TN, even with subtitles, I miss so much. When I record it and watch it after work, I first read the recap and then watch. I get so much more out of it that way.

I'm off to Atlanta tomorrow for some family time. Most likely, it will be late Sunday night or Monday morning before I'm on the board again. Looking forward to seeing the recordings when return. Have a great rest of the week and weekend, ladies.

Yeah! What did Julie say WHO wouldn't notice?

In Julie's last comment on Tuesday's board, she said, "my eyes are focused on the action or the person's face or the captions and I miss EVERYTHING else. There could be a tribble on Lety's shoulder and I would never notice."

I sure figured that Aldo wouldn't care for Julieta's meddling, well meant though it was and sure enough he was both rude and nasty. I also thought it juvenile to whine that you like Fern better than me. Well except for Carmina who doesn't.

He also made a big effort to make Fern look small with the comment about him being more concerned with the business while he Aldo the hero is concerned with his wedding. Aldo for all his new agey blather never misses an opportunity to make Fern look bad. That whole little mano a mano routine in the office, while hilarious, made both of them look like silly school boys.

Jax is a snake. He an Ariel would get along just fine.

Omar is certainly an emotional mess moping around the apartment in his jammies. All he needs is a quart of Hagen Daz to complete the picture. Poor Marcia having to cope with two love sick men, Fern with his new problem with Auroralety and Omar who seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about women.

Some rather heavy handed foreshadowing about Luigi and family. Typical of novelas near the end when there is too much time left to get to the end and so all these little useless bits come into play.

Note that Lety is determined that no one finds out about Aurora because Aldo would get mad and might dump her. But she tells Mama so Mama won’t think bad of FERNANDO. And she almost tells Fernando so he won’t suffer over Aurora. So once again, the Aurora situation provokes, in Lety, fear regarding Aldo and compassion regarding Fernando.

Fern asks Lety if the topic is about her wedding. Lety says, “No, Aldo’s very enthusiastic and he’ll make sure it goes well.” At least one of them is excited!

OMG. LOL. Thanks, Paula - I needed that!

Welcome Alexis! So nice to have you join us.

BarbaraM, have a great weekend. We'll miss your comments.

Haven't watched these episodes yet but plan to do so now. Great comments everyone. Glad to hear that Aldo is feeling desperate.

Just saw the kama sutra gag. Pretty funny stuff. Even funnier that Alicia got it.

Ha ha! Great screen shots, especially the tribble on Lety's shoulder.

Well that does it. Julieta announces to Aldo that she is on Team Fernando and Tomas tells Aldo that he is not agreeable like Don Fernando. Who is left on Team Aldo? Don Erasmo?

Thank you Paula for this excellent recap and for the conversation translations. These are some key transitions and awakenings going on with a number of the characters.

Pata, your screen shots just keep getting better and better.

Sylvia, I think Tom is still on Team Aldo. I think he's the one with the most reason to dislike Fernando - a punch in the face can interfere with a friendship.

And although the cuartel left Colunga to support Fern, I think Sara and Lola are still sitting the fence. But the rest of the cuartel is still firmly on Team Fernando.

And yes, Erasmo is still for Aldo. But he's a little slow on the up-take.

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