Saturday, April 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #97 4/22/11 What’s Mine Is Mine and What’s Maria’s Is Mine

As Viewerville makes itself comfy in front of the tv, the Devilish Doña Demente, aka, Bernarda, has been found by Padre Juan Pablo with great grandson JPito in her arms frighteningly close to the baby’s bathwater. JP suddenly fears for the baby’s safety, but Mama assures him there’s no way she’d drown this little one if that’s what he was thinking! (So, Viewerville can stop biting its nails.) He takes his grandson into his arms. Nathy and Maria enter the apartment just as Burnie refers to JPito’s maternal grandmother--who, in perfect telenovela family jungle-vine style, happens also to be JPito’s paternal step-grandmother--with the endearing epithet of “infeliz mujerzuela” [wretched hussy]. Maria immediately demands to know the name of her mother (the $64,000 question) --no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!

Rather than give a straight answer, Burnie diverts by answering the question with one of her own: how could Maria have agreed to take in Jimena’s offspring, being that he’s the child of her worst enemy and her “lover’s” wife, to boot? Maria is now Jimena’s nanny for all practical purposes, gripes Burnie, which is something she considers both humiliating and overly humbling for her granddaughter. (Hmmm. Just like the studio-sized slum-dwelling Burnie’s forced her to live in now.)

At Castillo Sandoval, the family is in Fernanda’s room discussing errant Cruz’s possible ulterior motives in entering Fer’s room through the window. Victoria doesn’t miss a chance to verbally squeeze her philandering ex-hubby, Osvaldo, below the belt again when he dares to defend Cruz as well-meaning, good folk. Vic reminds Oz that he felt the same about Federico Padilla and look where that led. Fer takes up for her daddy and says the accident was her fault, not his. Ozzie considers Victoria’s snide remarks a just rebuke and leaves to go mope somewhere else in the house. Max scolds Vic for being such a witch towards a man who pretty much babysat her while she was in jail the other night. On his way out the door, Max makes the mistake of telling Vicki that Osguito is with Maria. Vic spits fire his way again for leaving his son with hateful and hate filled Maria.

Burnie, meanwhile, escapes the premises without telling Maria anything more than she knew before. Maria gripes to Padre JP about the way his mother always evades answering her. Fausto shows up and JP explains he and Burnie have set Fausto up in the padre’s old apartment to be Maria’s man-Friday and body-guard.

Once again at los Scandal-val, Max gets on Vic for kvetching about Maria. This is the woman he loves, where as Jimmie, the woman Vicki chose for him, has abandoned him and her child while Maria has agreed to help him care for Osguito along with her own son! Vic needs to be a bit more gracious as well as grateful, he says. She apologizes and asks Max to bring both of the babies to the house for a while to visit with her. He agrees. Vicki also agrees to apologize to Ozzie for what she did earlier.

Afterwards, Fer confesses to Vicki that she’s lost hope of ever walking again or having a normal life. Vicki swears she will.

Back in the bowels of the barrio, JP asks Maria why she didn’t tell anyone that Ji had attacked her. Maria says she didn’t want to bother anyone over it. Ji’s just crazy, is all. (Yeah, no biggie. Why would that matter to somebody who never bothers to lock her door, especially in a sleazy part of town like that?) Anyway, Max is dumping Ji, she says, to finally make Maria his main squeeze. (Nothing said about making an honest woman of her, though.) Padre asks about Alonso. It’s platonic. Her heart belongs to Max. JP starts to object because he sees their relationship as impossible. Max walks in on them then and disagrees. Maria is the love of his life and it’s a love that will last a lifetime, he swears. Max and Maria are all Huggies and Smiles--literally. Yup, that’s all they really need to set up house together, Padre.

Cruz faces Vic and explains that he only goes in through the window and does the pratfalls because it makes Fer laugh and she starts having a bit of fun. He swears his intentions are honorable. Vic sees the value in what he’s been trying to do for Fer and gives in. FF>>

Val walks into the study and Oz has their favorite song playing. The memory of that song and his declaration of love are “tattooed” somehow to the both of them. They dance together cheek to cheek and nearly kiss, until Vic catches herself at the last moment. She breaks away from Oz, mean tease that she is, delivering another low blow to what’s left of his male ego–which, admittedly, has got to be slim pickin’s by now. It’s a memory, she says, that she’d prefer to be over and done with. (Okokay! Here’s $64,000 question #2: how many times does a guy have to get kicked in the family jewels before he shows a little self-respect?) Oz stands there and fights the tears stinging his eyes as Vicki struts imperiously away.

Back in the city at Casa de Bernarda, Jimena’s on the phone talking to Gui. Jimmie keeps trying to blow him off while he tries just as hard to get her to visit him for a little more slap and tickle like old times. She grouses. He tries getting into her …er… good graces by suggesting that she could get even with Max using a plan thought up with a cooler head, something like kidnapping Osguito. She’s not interested. As for her starting up with him again, it’s over and has been for a long time now, she reminds him. No, he says, it will never be over between them, especially now that they share a son. The kid’s useless and so’s Guillermo’s blackmail, she says. “--I’m free of you now. Tell them all anything you want. Actually, I’d like to see the look on Max’s face when you tell him that his child is really your son!” She hangs up on him. He tells himself he’s always enjoyed the challenging ones. “—Let’s just see if it really is over for her!"

At Maria’s place again, meanwhile, Padre JP tells Maria he doesn’t doubt she and Max love each other, but hey, seems they've forgotten the “M” word this time around.  Somehow Max manages to slide by that little sticker burr of a detail for now, and Maria sidelines the issue saying she’s not abandoning Osguito the way his mother and hers abandoned them. JP is quick to defend against the accusation that she was abandoned. He explains that because of the restraints of the confessional he can’t tell Maria anything more than that he knows for sure that she was never abandoned.

JP then heads off as Antonieta, Pipino and Milagros show up to discuss with Maria their idea for a fashion show at the vecindad for their new Milagros line. Maria agrees to model for them. Max then takes off with the babies so that Vicki can spend some quality time with both of them. Since Ji’s moved out, Maria says, she sees no problem with JPito being at the casota. FF>>

Fabian shows up at Casa Sandoval bearing gifts for Fer. One of them is a book on Frieda Kahlo who was also in an accident and unable to walk for a while. This seems to be all the encouragement Fer needs to go with him to a rehab center. They spend the entire day there together. FF>>

Pipi and Toni continue discussing their ideas for the new line of fashions geared to the average woman. They want all the women in the building to be a part of the show and model. Nat tells them that no matter how nice the dresses are, nothing would make her look good in one. Toni and Pepi take up the challenge and promise to do a total make-over on her.

Gui surprises Jimmie in one of the offices at Casa Bernarda. He tries seducing her. She tries to fight him off. He tells her not to play hard to get with him. Ji admits she did love him once, but it’s turned to hate. As far as he’s concerned hate and love are opposite sides of the same sensual coin. She wants no part of him or the constant feeling of humiliation and submission. He could care less. He’s only got one thing on his mind. He lays a major lip-lock on Jimena and she melts into his arms. Unfortunately, JP walks in on the two of them en lip-lockus delecti. “--Jimena!” Ji immediately tries to claim her innocence and that Gui was trying to take advantage of her. JP is all like talk to the hand. “—No woman who abandons her child is innocent and no woman who jealously tries to kill another woman is innocent.”

The padre tells Jimmie that he knows she attacked Maria Desamparada. The gal still tries to assert her innocence. “—I would be incapable of such a thing!” JP says in his line of work he’s learned to recognize Evil when he sees it, the same way he’s able to know an angel among them, so don’t bother trying to deny it. (We’ll give him a pass here since he really was clueless when it came to both Mama and Jimmie. I think I’d trade my Evil detector in on a new model if I was him, or at least get the old one tuned up.) As far as he's concerned, Gui and she are just alike! They’re bad to the bone! What’s more, Jimmie better steer clear of Maria and JPito! Consider herself warned, he says, and then storms out of the office.

The news that Ji actually tried to off Maria is like an aphrodisiac to giddy Gui. He offers again to help her get even with Maria and Max. He suggests kidnapping the only thing that connects the two of them which is, of course, little JPito. This seems to finally grab Jimmie’s evilly fertile imagination.

Back at los Scandal-val, Vicki notes to Max how drawn she is to JPito. He suggests it’s the call of the blood (a bit of a stretch, considering Max is no blood relative to Vic.) He takes Osguito then and puts him to bed while she and JPito continue to bond.

Fer and Fab continue with her therapy. FF>>

Meanwhile, a couple of clients from the “Lovely” cosmetics line come by Alonso’s studio to ask about a second ad campaign. He’s suggests the model he first offered who was pregnant before, but who’s had her child now. They object and say that since they’re looking to feature the model’s entire body that her looks may have been destroyed by her pregnancy. Alonso looks at them like what century did these two male chauvinist whack-jobs crawl out of? (Perhaps where they come from they haven’t heard of mothers who are still …er…“sexually” active? Just where do these two south ends of a north-bound jack-ass think little brothers and sisters come from, anyway?) Lonnie smiles politely, like any self-respecting salesman might do, and we will wait to see if he takes the opportunity to gently dissuade them of their sexist biases.

Night falls. The male crowd is getting antsy in anticipation of the fashion show that is about to begin. (Did somebody hear Casa Victoria and automatically think Victoria’s Secret? I mean, there ain’t no way guys are gonna get so squirrely over women’s clothing unless it’s fingering non-lingering lingerie.) Juanjo, Don Joel and Don Naco discuss who’s in the lineup. JJ can’t believe they’d waste their time having Nat model anything considering they’d have to dig pretty darn deep—like maybe all the way to China--to find enough of this gal’s inner beauty to be able to qualify her as a model. Naco says something about Nat’s got a surprise worked out, so wait and see.

The show starts. The lights go out. Then suddenly they go up again. There is Nat in a strapless, pleated chiffon turquoise number. JJ turns into a saucer-eyed, tail-beating, panting puppy-dog when he sees how Toni and Pepi transformed her.

At the same time, Vicki has bonded a bit too tightly with JPito. Max comes in to get the baby ready to take back to Maria. Vicki suddenly has a flood of memories about losing little Maria and won’t give the baby back to Max. Max looks at her like she’s lost her mind. Vicki insists the baby is more hers and she won’t give him up.


Well, I'm still laughing, but I'll have to go back and pick out the lines that got me going. Meanwhile, muchisimas gracias! So Vickie's got the kid. Wondered who was going to separate Maria D. from little JP. I just can't warm up to this gal. Every time I think she's learned how to be human, she gets all grabby and me-me-me. Well worth reading again, here goes.

Thanks so much Jardinera for your recap. Your title described our Vicky to a tee. I don't know how much longer we have to wait but it will be great fun when she finds out the Maria she's been trashing mercilessly for years is her long lost child. Oh the tears and wailing...

I have so little sympathy for Victoria Sandoval that when she finally does realize Maria is her daughter, I can only hope the tn gods have her crawl over broken glass to get Maria's forgiveness. The bawling over Maria, the gnashing of teeth--I do not look forward to that night's show.

Love it. All I can say is Dayum. These folks is crazy. Great recap by the way. You all are so snippy. Or is it snappy? Whichever! Yea you!

LOVE this blog! The recaps are hilarious, and since the closed captioning has gone out on my tv, they really help me fill in the gaps. I'm a telenovela rookie... just starting watching a couple months ago with Llena, Eva, and Triunfo to practice escuchando espanol.

Thanks so much for all the work you all do to keep this up... it's so much fun!!

And JJ would have to dig to the center of the magma of all the volcanic and teutonic plates on Earth to find his inner beauty. This dude looks like a piece of burnt up regurgitated beef and has the nerve to bust on somebody else's looks?

Also, how can Vicki fix her lips to say "hatefilled, hateful Maria?"

What hateful things has Maria done to Victoria?

Fired her from her job?

Had her fired from all subsequent jobs?

Trashed her to any and all who would listen?

Wait, that wasn't Maria? That was Victoria? My bad.

anon. 207 ITSA

Gracias, Jardinera.

It really shouldn't surprise me anymore but how can Ximeana continue to do these things and deny them when there are witnesses? If she's trying to gaslight anyone she needs to look for a different crazy.

Kidnapping JPito? How much more evil can these two get? Gui is just as evil as Fernando Escandon.

JuanJo does not deserve Nati. Punto, fin.

That Ms. Vic is a big piece of work. Can't wait to see how Max deals with this one.

And, before I forget, I love Oz. What a handsome, long suffering dude. Yes, yes, he had an affair, but people get a life--instead of taking someone else's child.

Thanks for all the zesty recaps.

Jardinera, thanks for the excellent recap, with its merciless spotlight on the evil, stupidity, and gullibility of our characters. Lots of fun comments, too.
La Paloma

Jardin, you are too much. You've nailed down each personality with such accuracy and humor.

Vick--Some days I like her some days I don't. Friday was a don't day. She's going to keep baby JPito? Puleeze. If Max defers to step-mama, he's lost his last marbles.

Dona Demeta--Love her all the time. She's so good at being soooo bad. At least she's not spending as much time in front of her religious objects. Maybe all she needed was a good hobby to keep her busy. Casa Bernie should do it.

Fausto--He creeps me out--not only because of his looks. Sorry, I can't help it. He began his role as a menacing sort of guy and now we have to accept him as an obsessively devoted guy to Maria-PostE. What is PJP going to do with the information he got in the confessional from F. about Mamma Dearest. Does he know Fausto is supposed to me DBernie's mole in the barrio?

Fer-Cruz-Fabian--May the best man win. I like both men a lot now. I like Fer much more since she toned down her act. I think she'll walk again--has to if she's going to go down the aisle with one of the guys.

Alonnie--One 99% Lonnie-free episode. Yaaay. He was sympathetic for a few hot episodes. Now he's down in my book--obsessively devoted to Maria-PostE. Ooops, that describes Fausto, hmmmm.

Oswaldo--I blow warm and cold with him. Can't quite put my finger on which way the wind is going to blow each night.

PJP--Oh, will someone defrock him, but quick. We need him available for viewerville to fantasize over without feeling sinful.

Max--To the Max. He can do the smoochies with Maria-PostE. as many times as he wants. You all know how I feel about those lips. So glad he lost the scarves.

Naty--She's clearly lovelier than Xi-Li. Wonder how long that look will last in the barrio. Casa Victoria had better hire her right away before Bernie gives her an offer she doesn't want to refuse.

Xi-Li--Away with you--Go live your life somewhere else. Do something besides whine, protest, menace, assault and deny. Is she truly over Gui--or too weak to resist him (I think I could resist)? If they do team up to hurt Max and Maria, maybe they'll kidnap OsGuito by mistake.
A happy Easter season to everyone.

Newbie: I think Max has lost his buttons, too! lol

As always, you captured the detail of the episode Jardinera. Man, has Vic lost it or what. So she lost her child, she thinks that qualifies to do the same thing to Maria? Maybe the first time the little guy grabs her perfectly quaffed hair with slobbery fingers, she'll change her mind.

If I was Fer, I would be having one major tough time choosing between Fab and Cruz (and enjoying every minute.) Fab was so sweet thru the whole PSA on the type of therapies needed. The look on his face when Fer had no response to the doc's exam,...

Why oh why does Nat have to wind up with JJ??? Now she's a knockout it's even worse seeing those two together. There always has to be that one pairing that leaves me head-scratching.

And Newbie (love your character summations), I'm with you 100% on the JP defrocking. So hot when he laid into XI-ppy, I needed a black t-shirt shot to follow! (Anyone else grossed out though by Gui's smile thru that whole scene?)

Thanks all for taking part of your holiday weekend to comment!

Daisynjay: I wasn't as grossed out by Gui's smile as I was amazed at how the actor was able to make the evil/demon-like essence of his character jump out at the screen at me. Cantu never ceases to amaze me that way. I've seen him in numerous tn's as a villano and I always think that he can't devise anything new, but he does!

I don't think Max is going to allow Victoria to steal the baby. I can easily envision her attempting to get custody of him -- which would be light years of improvement over Dona Dementa doing so -- but Maria would fight tooth and nail. Osvaldo would be on her side, too.

Dona Dementa will probably try but PJP will put a stop to that. He was already worried that she would try to drown him and would not have a problem telling a judge or a social worker about this. Of course, this also involves revealing the blood tie.

Fausto is creeping me out more and more. His obsession with Maria is dangerous and I hope Eva knows how to rein him in. I don't know how much they know about the blood ties between Dona Dementa and Maria so I dearly wish that Eva hadn't told him about Gonzalo not being his father.

Jardinera, thank you for doing this recap on a holiday weekend.

I don't know what to think about Vic, what in the world has she been drinking to think she should keep little JP? Is she too young to be suffering from Alzheimer's?

JJ really got on my bad list with his comments about Nathi and then the complete turn around when he saw her after the makeover. A very shallow man! He doesn't deserve her that's for sure.

Fer is one lucky lady to have two very handsome galan at her side. I want her to end up with Cruz and Nathi and Fab need each other.

Gui scares the B-Jesus out of me. That evil smile was really evil. I hope he meets a worthy end.

I felt really sorry for Os after Vic's rejection, again. How much longer is she going to adopt this sanctimonious attitude. If she wants redemption she better change her attitude and start asking forgiveness of everyone around her.


Jardinera thank you for taking the time to do this recap during this holiday weekend another great one from you.

I'm still laughing at the line no biggie for someone who doesn't bother to lock her door in the sleazy part of the town like that. You're so right what's so funny is the other apartment they had that door was always locked. But this one the first thing she should have done is replaced that door it looks like if you blow on the lock it will open by itself.

Max i agree with what someone wrote how he really hasn't provided for Maria and his child with her. I don't care about Maria's pride he should be putting his foot down and moving her and the baby out of that slum dwelling.

Victoria bi-polar i'll keep saying this until this heifer gets her act together. What gets me is how Maria is allowing her access to her child after the way she has treated her and after all she is only Max's step mother. Keep her locked up in the carcel she belongs there or the nearest manicomo.

Now for Mejia and his writer on this as Variopinta says basura and QTF? So we're supposed to believe Maria is not going to take seriously being threaten with a knife by psycho XXX-factor and not press charges? That's she is going to allow a woman who fired her from her job and then got her fired from other jobs interfering with her means of financial support therefore jeopardizing her unborn baby's health now access to her child? Not to mention how she plotted with the DIL of her choice to separate her from her novio? Yeah there's not enough beanies to make this crap believable. I can see why it's not doing well in Mexico.

I like Fausto nor am i creeped out by him but Alonso he's another story he just doesn't know when it's time to leave and stop being the third wheel. Even though Fausto is in love with Maria D. i think he knows he will never have a chance with her and Max doesn't feel threaten by him like he does with Alonso i see him as Maria D.'s protector and avenging Angel.

Are we sure Nati isn't suffering from cataracts? Please what in the world does she see in JJ and he should be the last person talking about or degrading someone else's looks. I don't know what fun house mirror he's looking in but from what we are seeing it ain't pretty.

I'm rewatching this episode and realizing that PJP still doesn't know about Dona Dementa's attempts on Maria's life because Fausto doesn't know this yet. The only other living person who knows this is Padre Jeronimo.

Victoria could be bi-polar: She seems totally reasonable with Max when he points out Maria's acceptance of Osvaldito and she's actually nice to Cruz when he describes how he does things to amuse Fer... then she rejects Osvaldo's kiss and insists on keeping JP-ito.

She will freak when she finds out that Maria is her daughter.

UA: you make a good point about Vic being bi-polar. She runs s-o-o hot & cold. but do you think they will take this opportunity to give us a PSA about getting help for the mentally ill. Nah! What kind of a plot would we have if everybody was normal. Our beanies would rust from disuse. By the way (totally OT) have you been to see Walküre yet?—talk about a telenovela plot)

Urban it's not only that but she took offense with Maria D. when she saw her by Os now if she doesn't want females fawning over her actor husband i say should have married someone who wasn't in that type of business. Her attitude and but most important selfishness is just a major turnoff for me. It's always feel sorry for Victoria and forgive me please but she can't do the same. That's why i enjoyed when PJP told her to self reflect upon her actions and she told him smug and superior that she has nothing to self reflect upon . Oh! Really well we'll see about that won't we.

lxv: I was at the premiere the other night. The cast was excellent and the production was interesting although I prefer the production design for this to be more realistic-looking.

Deborah Voigt must looked great; she's lost a ton of weight

I could easily become a Ringhead if I won the lottery.

Jardinera - Thank you for this excellent recap! I can't wait to see my recording, so I can see Nathi post-makeover.
I think I’d trade my Evil detector in on a new model if I was him, or at least get the old one tuned up.)
My favorite line!

Sorry, OT @ UA Deb.Voight had bypass surgery some years back and I'm glad it worked out for her. Turned her career around after the "little black dress" incident at Covent Garden. I actually think it's only possible to stage this in the mind's eye/ It's all in the music and the singers had better be good. I can't wait!

Morning all. Hope your holiday weekend was a nice one! I'm growing webbed feet this spring from all the rain. Dunno if I'll be able to remember what a sunny day looks like anymore..... That tornado that hit the airport here started 5 miles west of us and passed right over our house while I was engrossed in Teresa. LOL!

Welcome to the new anonomi and to Amy!

Does anybody wonder if Nat will go back to being the cinder part of Cinderella once the fashion ball is over?

Jardinera, I think Nati would need incentive to change her ways and sadly the writers have given her only one that I know of. And he's plug-ugly. I wonder if Cuauhtemoc is so popular in Mexico that this is actually a plausible plot direction. What a waste! I'm still voting for Fab.

lxv: OT, briefly. Are you seeing it live or the HD theatre broadcast?

Back on T: I hope PJP tells Padre Jeronimo about the incident in Maria's apartment. Padre Jer won't reveal what Dona Dementa told him in the confessional, but he will definitely advise PJP not to allow her to be alone with the baby.

Quick question for those who know: Are murders routinely reported in the news media in Mexico? Because if the answer is "si" then Dona Dementa would call more attention to the family "sins" by killing the baby or his mother.

Can someone remind me exactly what Doña Dementa confessed to Padre Jer?

OT to UA Going live on May 9th, pretty good seats, too. My sisters were at the premier, but they aren't real Ring-nuts like me.

Agnes: I believe Burnie had confessed everything she'd done to that point: her lover and his family's murder and why, her hubby's murder, Tomasa's murder. I can't remember if she confessed to burning down Maria's first apartment bldg. or not, tho'.

Thanks Jardinera, I was trying to figure out if she had actually confessed to having tried to kill Maria. PJP senses she's capable, now that he knows about the other murders and has seen her lunatic ravings. And Padre Jer. knows up to and including Tomasa (yes?) Fausto knows almost more than anybody. I'm just trying to verify where the dramatic tension is at this point (it's as clear as mud and maybe I shouldn't bother) Beanie-time!

Good morning Jardinera. Very funny. I have only watched the first half of this episode So I haven't seen the renovated Nathi yet.

We'll skip the tornadoes but we could certainly use any and all of the excess rain you might have on hand.

I'm beginning to feel sympathy for JuanJo as I can't think of a single positive comment about him here since the show began. I think that Guillermo has had more favorable responses.

First, it's probably safe to presume that he is much more proficient (and no doubt comfortable) as an athlete than as an actor. To make things worse, the writers have made his character something of an affable lout. I suspect that is to make his fall for Nathi dramatic.

I'm not sure whom Nathi will end up with. I think that there's a good chance that it'll be Fab and that JuanJo will end up cursing his luck that he had the opportunity and blew it. But then Nathi is really smitten by JuanJo (and deep down he's good) and I want to see her happy.

Nevertheless, I predict that before it's all over, almost everyone here will be fond of (if not a big fan of) our clunky, craggy, clumsy clod.


I'm 99.9% sure that Burnie confessed her murders to Padre Jeronimo before she torched MD's apartment building.

Well,,, I hit "publish" before I was finished ....

I think Nathi will end up with JJ, and Fabo Fab will end up with that girl at the office.

Jardinera - yikes! I'm glad your home was untouched. We've had our share of tornado and wind shear damage here. This year alone, I've headed to the basement a couple of times.

Carlos, I believe you must be right. Blanco is such a star athlete that I doubt his public would accept anything less than a stellar role in his acting debut. He's got to get the girl (or at least an acceptable girl). I had hoped that Alma would be right for him, firefighter's widow and all. My problem with Nati is that she is just too smart (and educated). I see her as rising out of an impoverished past and JuanJo as the ignorant lunk that he is trying to drag her back down into the barrio.

LXV/Carlos: I tend to agree with Agnes that our clunky, craggy, clumsy clod deserves the fireman's wife Alma and that Nat is way to much a brainiac for JJ.

Jardinera, sorry if I've confused you. LXV and lxv and Agnes are all the same person. I've been trying to straighten out my accounts and there are 2 "Lxv"s. Only one of them is attached to my blog. It's a google thing and I have to live with it.

Agnes, I wondered about that! Hmmm, I suppose there's a reason you cannot go back to AgnesNJ -- that's the account problem? Have you written the tech/contact us and asked them to manually go in themselves and straighten it out for you? I've done that at times on other sites as a last resort and it was always successful.

OT - I went to your site and saw more of your terrific photos --or were they paintings? Hard to tell. Very interesting and imaginative!!

Padre Jeronimo knows about the "car accident" and the fact that the intent was to kill Maria (who couldn't have been more than two years old at the time).

What is very interesting is that the bishop -- who doesn't know these details -- excommunicated Dona Dementa. That's a man who knows evil when he sees it.

This raises the question about whether that should have disqualified Bernarda as JPito's godmother.

Thanks Jardinera for your supportive advice. I've been round and round and put too much time into figuring it out. It never occurred to me to ask for tech help. (duh!) But i'm too lazy right now. And as long as I can still join in the fun, I'm OK. If you saw pictures on my website ( then they are paintings and there should have been a description of size, medium date etc. If you went to my my blog ( then, it could have been anything including illustrations, photos, or studio paintings.

UA makes another good point: DD is Definitely Disqualified as a madrina in the Catholic Church if she has been given the big "X"

I have to ask how exactly does this ex-communicated from the church work?Do they go about warning all of the churches that Bernie is not allowed in and no communion and confessional rights? Also do they send posters of her picture to the various churches stated that she has been ex-communicated for her awful sins and refusing to repent? Have you seen this woman she is not allowed in church?

Blusamurai, I like how you think. Imagine the Church sending out posters of its most profligate sinners whom are to be denied communion.

"No wafer, no wine for you!... Next!"


I'm not sure what they do now that the Inquisition is over and done. They sure don't garrotte them in the public square anymore (q.v. Alborada). But I don't think they could prevent anyone from coming and going as they pleased. The whole point is that however they behave or try to fool a priest in a different parish, for instance, God will know and they would be exempt from sacramental graces. And, of course, if you're not a Catholic (with a capital C) you don't get to go to heaven. So it is a very serious punishment. But it's been years since I studied my catechism, so what do I know. Maybe we could google "excommunication today" and see what comes up.

"No wafer, no wine for you!... Next!"
Carlos - LOL!

"And, of course, if you're not a Catholic (with a capital C) you don't get to go to heaven."
LXV - If they repent and mend their ways, they could go to P/protestant heaven. Just don't tell the Pope. ;o)

If you saw FELS, Gabriela was publicly excommunicated by the bishop. It's described in the last paragraph of this recap:

with a note in the next day's.

The bishop in TdA must have spoken with Padre Jeronimo, but JP didn't get the memo.

"... but Padre JP didn't get the memo" & "...they could go to P/protestant heaven". doris & UA, you girls are too funny. I certainly hope we haven't offended anyone here. What a bunch of sinners.

I wasn't around for much of FELS, so I'll have to check it out. But in Alborada, they burned them alive at the stake.

I think that the Inquisition finally died during that decade.

O-o-oh my catechism is coming back to me—if you neglect to tell the truth either by lying or by omission in the confessional, then you are guilty of "making a bad confession" which qualifies as a "mortal sin". Now mortal sins as opposed to "venial sins" (kind of like the diff btw felony and misdemeanor) gets you a life (eternal) sentence in the inferno, if you happen to die with them on your soul unconfessed. The graphic for this was a milk bottle with little black spots and one with big black spots. They were still dealing in indulgences back then. What a corrupt scandal that was. And what about all these criminal priests who will never be brought to trial? Do they get excommunicated? no, just put out to pasture ) if we're lucky); do they get prosecuted? not likely. You can see I'm pretty lapsed as "C"atholics go.

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Two quotations from Wikipedia:

"The Inquisition continued to function in North America until the Mexican War of Independence (1810–1821). In South America Simón Bolívar and Jose de San Martin abolished the Inquisition; in Spain itself the institution survived until 1834."

"The Inquisition was definitively abolished on July 15, 1834, by a Royal Decree"

According to Alborada it had already been abolished in Spain by the time the Vicerory of Mexico decided officially to end it there. Carla Estrada took liberties with history and I took her word for it. Sigh, note to self: consider the source.

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