Saturday, April 16, 2011

Teresa Fri 4/15/11 #15-16 Momma knows best? Not!

Teresa challenges Paloma to speak with Arturo face-to-face. Teresa says Paloma hasn’t kept her promise to stay away. She swears to Arturo she will keep her promise. Arturo: “Oh, like your promise to marry me, to support me, and love me forever? What do you want?” Paloma: “Nothing, it’s clear you need nothing from me. What I want is for you to be happy with her.” (pointing at Teresa).

Rubigote confronts Aida about why she changed her traveling plans without clearing it with her parents. It’s not a question of money, she can’t just go around doing what she wants whenever she wants, especially when mom wasn’t in total agreement (de acuerdo) with the trip to Acapulco to begin with. Aida disagrees and explains it’s the best thing that could have happened and she loves Paulo and on this trip their relationship became more serious. WHAAAAAT? Mom & Dad: “What do you mean more serious. How serious?” Aida: “Mommmm stop pressuring me. You need to understand I’m happy with him.” Maira: “How can you be happy when until recently Paulo was madly in love with Teresa and wasn’t even interested in you.” Aida: “Everything’s changed. You need to see how he is with me now. He even wanted to come with me to talk to you about our relationship.” Rodrigo: “Oh, you bet I’m gonna meet with him and we’re gonna have a serious discussion.” Aida: “No, no, no, that’s not necessary.” Rodrigo: “That wasn’t a question and furthermore, you’re grounded until further notice.” Everyone has sourpuss faces.

Cutberto is trying to make Juana jealous over la gringa Tracy, teasing that he may even bring her to live with him in the vecindad. Juana is predictably upset and Cutberto says his Tracy knows a good thing when she sees it’s too bad that Juana never wanted a “taste”. He walks away, leaving Juana to say “desgraciada güera!” I loved that!

Luisa and Teresa are trying to console Arturo. Julio arrives to take Luisa to the movies, leaving Teresa alone with Arturo. Julio suggests possibly someday the four can go out together. Arturo shoots Teresa a meaningful look. When they’re alone she tells him can’t believe Paloma showed up. She apologizes for getting involved but she couldn’t help herself. Arturo is grateful for her support. Teresa assures him she will always back him up. Arturo points out that Teresa chased after Paloma as though she knew her. “No me enganes, Teresa,” he says, “I don’t like lies.” He knows Luisa doesn’t have what it takes to confront Paloma, and what did Paloma mean that she only wished for him to be happy with Teresa. Ruh-roh! Jaws music plays. Our little shark-girl is gonna have to come up with something fast. Teresa points out that what Paloma thinks isn’t as important as his well being. She sees he’s upset and suggests she accompany him to his home. He declines and offers her a ride home. (Our little heroine gets out of another sticky mess).

Genoveva is pleading with Ruben and Maira that the trip to Acapulco was all her idea and please don’t scold Aida. Genoveva explains it’s too late as they’ve already spoken to Aida and she is grounded. Geno assures them the relationship with Paulo is going very well. Ruben blathers on and on that Aida has parents and shouldn’t make plans on her own and do as she pleases. Geno assures them that Paulo and Aida love each other. Ruben latches on to that and says it’s his and his wife’s responsibility to look out for Aida and by the way, Paulo se esta pasando de la raya (he’s going too far). Geno swears it wasn’t Paulo’s idea. Maira: “So you’re saying this was all your idea? You planned all this? Geno clarifies that she meant that she saw how well Aida and Paulo were getting along and as she had some home sales closing, she wanted to take advantage of the situation so they could all spend some time together while she took care of some business. She didn’t mean any harm. Ruben stresses that what’s at risk here is Aida’s future happiness. What are Paulo’s intentions? Geno says Paulo has the best intentions but it’s best they don’t pressure them or things will get worse. Just then, Paulo walks in. Ruben challenges him: “I want to speak with you! What was the idea of holding Aida back in Acapulco?” Paulo stands there all goofy shuffling his feet: “duh it wasn’t my fault.” Ruben: “If it wasn’t your idea, why did she want to stay in Acapulco?” shuffle shuffle. Geno: “Explain that your intentions are honorable and that he doesn’t plan to return to Teresa.” Shuffle, shuffle: “Yeah, for sure.” Ruben: “Aida is my only daughter, my adoration. You’re not going to play around with her. If you’re novios, you will be serious, with the goal being marriage!” (con miras de casarse) Paolo stops shuffling and is now all bug-eyed!

Paloma is hugging her prima, Florencia, telling her she saw Arturo, the love of her life. She’s distraught. Since returning to el D.F., she hasn’t stopped thinking of him She was in therapy after her mother died and her psychologist suggested she not leave loose ends (circulos sin cerrar). After all these years, it’s still so painful. Her therapist didn’t recommend she seek out Arturo but she felt so guilty for destroying his life that she hasn’t been able to find happiness. She just wanted to ask for his forgiveness in order to move forward. On the contrary, upon seeing him, it only revived all the love she feels for him.

Arturo is dropping off Teresa at the vecindad. He seems so nervous, she insists he allow her to see him home so she’ll know he’s ok. She takes both his hands in hers --- and her mother is watching. Arturo’s concerned it’s late and doesn’t want her to have problems with her parents, he kisses her hand. She asks if he would like to come upstairs for a bit. He says no, goodnight. Teresa turns to go upstairs and momma is still watching. Refugio gives Teresa the evil eye when they meet upstairs but Mariano comes in before she can say anything. He asks permission to speak with Teresa. Refugio readily accommodates him and Armando is all “what gives?” Refugio explains she’s on the Mariano team but doesn’t speak of what she witnessed with el Profe.

Genoveva congratulates Paulo on holding his own against Ruben. He didn’t really have any choice, but this talk of marriage well, that’s a whole other story. Genoveva says not to worry, they all know that noviazgos are for getting to know each other and besides he’s not even finished with his studies yet. Don’t worry about such things for now. She makes him happy by telling him she will give him an extension on his platinum card. He stops pouting at that.

Aida pouts to mom (ugh) urging that they not ground her anymore. Mom’s not sure Paolo really cares for her and doesn’t want her to suffer or make decisions she’ll regret later (too late). Aida doesn’t want to lose him without making every effort and regretting it the rest of her life.

Teresa calls Luisa and tells him she left Arturo in a sad state. Luisa rushes Julio to leave. We see Arturo drinking (gasp) in a bar. He takes a call from Luisa telling him she’s not going to el cine after all and will see him at home. He gets home before she does, looking for some booze. They speak of the confrontation with Paloma. Arturo feels the old pangs of love for her. He’s confused about what Paloma said about Teresa. Luisa says why not, they make a good couple. Arturo is aware that Teresa likes him but to what extent? Luisa tells him Teresa admires him and is very grateful. “Don’t be absurd,” he tells her. Luisa agrees she shouldn’t be asking this seeing how messed up he is over Paloma. Possibly he hasn’t stopped loving her.

Mariano and Teresa are outside apapachando. Someone needs to tell that boy to get another ‘do. Does nothing for him. When we see them next, they’re back in the apartment, saying goodnight. He’ll see her in the morning. Refugio asks Teresa if she really loves Mariano. She needs to take care of him and not cheat on him cuz he’s not the type to forgive her.

Florencia advises Paloma not to give up on Arturo, after all, he’s not married. She counsels her to speak with him one on one. Arturo may have a lot to say to her too!

Espe and Ruben meet at the love nest. She’s all happy to see him. Him, not so much. He tells her that after all that he’s done to be by her side to support her only to find out someone else already took care of everything. He grabs her by the shoulders and asks her who she’s involved with? (con quien te metiste?”

Refugio goes to Arturo’s office telling him she saw them last night holding hands (bad move momma, shark-girl is not gonna be happy). “Just what are your intentions toward my daughter?” Arturo tells her it’s not what she thinks. Refugio warns him he better respect Teresa and she knows what she saw and she doesn’t like his intentions. Teresa wants things she and her husband aren’t capable of providing and she’s afraid of what Teresa is willing to do. Arturo assures her she has misinterpreted what she saw and he only has the utmost respect for Teresa. Has Teresa complained about him? Refugio says no, but she knows her daughter is very ambitious. Furthermore, what she saw last night didn’t look like the relationship between a professor and a student. He explains he was having a personal problem and Teresa was only consoling him. Refugio knows what she saw and it had nothing to do with his profession.

Genoveva and Maira meet at the club. Geno is all apologies. Maira is very concerned and feels they should stay out of their children’s relationships and not force things to happen. They hug and Geno has a smug look on her face. Maira goes on to tell her about their trip. The shopping! The restaurants! She confides in Geno about her jealous tendencies and tells her about the call from una tipa Esperanza that was supposedly a wrong number.

Espe’s mortified that Ruben would think her capable of having another relationship and for money (interes) no less! (hey, that rhymed: interes, no less) Ruben asks her to explain how all of a sudden she no longer needed money. Who gave her the money for Pablito’s operation. She explains how a neighbor friend helped her. Ruben fails to understand how anyone would do that kind of favor for nothing in return. He warns her she better be telling him the truth. She reminds him she only loves him. He pushes her down on the couch (eek, kinda scared me) and tells her she belongs to him and only him. He warns her again that if he finds she’s cheating on him with another man, he’ll kill him. (uy, cucuy!) Espe doesn’t understand why he insists on accusing her of cheating with another man. If it were up to her they’d be married. She reminds him the only reason they’re not together now, it’s because he’s married. She thought he’d be happy the money wasn’t needed and that Pablito is doing better. He tells her the money isn’t important; that she can count on him for anything. She tells him more than the money, she craves his affection, his understanding – not his insults. If he continues to thinks she’s with another, there’s no point in going on and she goes to the door. (you go girl!) He rushes after her. She doesn’t understand how awful it was being away from her, fighting all the time with Maira. Not to mention the trouble he went through to get the money to her, cut the trip short, only to find that she had returned it. Of course he was jealous because he loves her. She loves him too but thinks it’s time they rethink this relationship, then she walks out (yay!) he grabs his coat and goes after her.

Arturo begs Refugio’s forgiveness for any misunderstanding. He wants Teresa to continue her studies – that’s his chief concern. Refugio expects that is true and says if not, Teresa is capable to succeed on her own, even if she has to go to a government subsidized school. (we know how Teresa would feel about that).

Juana is visiting with Pablito. During this visit, we learn that she had a pregnancy in her past that didn’t go well.

Mariano picks up a man who is desperate for a taxi since his wife has just had an accident. They rush off. Later we see Mariano checking the back of the cab and he finds a wallet with a wad of money inside.

Espe arrives at the hospital and Ruben is following her. Juana and Espe visit and Juana shares that she’s a little depressed. Ruben is at the doorway. Juana leaves as Espe answers the phone. It’s Mariano. Ruben: “Con quien hablas” oh no! He demands to know if Mariano is the man for which she turned down Ruben’s money. She tells him to leave her alone and the argument goes out into the hallway. She says she’s not doing anything wrong. Ruben comes back with saying no, she’s just offering herself to the highest bidder (mejor poston) Whoa! Dr. Ledesma intervenes telling Ruben if he doesn’t calm down, he’ll call security. Ruben assures him he doesn’t know who he’s messing with. Ruben makes a point of looking at the good Dr’s name tag and stalks off, telling Espe, “This isn’t finished” (esto no se va quedar asi) Doc observes sadly that Espe has returned to her novio.

Teresa reports to work. Arturo tells her he appreciates everything she’s done for him pertaining to Paloma but he thinks it’s best they no longer mix their professional and personal business. Teresa looks sad. Teresa doesn’t understand. Arturo insists and she grudgingly agrees. Teresa, very coldly: “Very well, LICENCEADO de Barrera, where were we?”

Aida pouting (ugh) talking with Paulo asking why bebe hasn’t called. He tells her of his visit with daddykins. He complains that her dad is insisting they begin thinking of marriage and he’s too young to start thinking of that. Besides if she’s grounded he doesn’t want to come near her and make things worse. Later, she’s talking with her friend, Ivonne, still complaining that she’s grounded. She doesn’t trust Paulo on his own because with Teresa, well, one never knows. (an aside, I love the terminology they use. The friend tells Aida she was excited cuz she was planning to buy a new “lap” for her classes)

Meanwhile, back at the office: Teresa tells Arturo she’s finished with some work. She’s very cold toward him, calling him “licenceado” and turning down a cup of coffee cuz she’s too busy.

Back at Paulo’s house, his buddy is visiting. Paolo tells him of Aida’s punishment. Friend asks if he’s sent her flowers or chocolates cuz after all it’s his fault she’s in trouble or does he care? Paolo just shrugs, friend leaves, and Paolo pulls out his phone and calls Teresa. She tells him she’s busy working and will call him later. Arturo then tells her this isn’t what he meant by a professional relationship (meaning the cold shoulder she’s giving him). Teresa promises she prefers it this way and will do nothing to the contrary. Arturo looks uncomfortable while Teresa looks on.

Julio and Luisa are at a park taking pictures. He compares her to the beauty of all that surrounds them (aw, so cute). He invites her to el cine and wonders if Teresa and Arturo will join them.

Ruben is at this office. His secretary is talking to him and he’s really not paying attention. Maira calls and he says he has no time to go out to dinner, saying he has something urgent to see to.

Pablito asks Espe about the guy that was arguing with her. Espe feigns ignorance.

Luisa talks to Teresa about her feelings for Arturo. Do you have feelings for him? Jaws music. Teresa doesn’t understand how she could ask her since Arturo doesn’t seem to want to have anything to do with her. She reminds Luisa she had asked her not to tell Arturo about her discussion with Paloma. Bring on the crocodile tears. Now he’s furious with her and doesn’t want her to have anything to do with his personal life. Luisa apologizes. Teresa forgives her, of course. She can’t believe she and Arturo could ever….. Luisa tells her Arturo does care for her. Teresa agrees he cares for her…as a student. More tears. Luisa shares that Arturo is very sensitive. Teresa thinks he’s still in love with Paloma. She tells Luisa she plans to keep her distance from Luisa as well, since he made it very clear that she know her place and now she has to go back to work. She dramatically touches a tissue to her face and walks away.

Refugio and Ramon talk about Mariano and Teresa. He assures her Mariano is serious about Teresa and is even talking marriage. Refugio is overjoyed. She wonders why Teresa hasn’t mentioned it. Ramon thinks it’s most likely due to their studies. After all, they’re still very young.

Uhoh – Ruben pays a visit to Dr. Ledesma. Doc is upfront about knowing all about el Bigote and knowing that he’s the reason Espe has been carrying on that farce (fachada) with her family about working at the hospital. Ruben tells him that’s his and Espe’s business and for the doc’s own good, it’ll stay that way. Doc isn’t threatened and throws him out of his office. Ruben and his bigote leave.

Teresa is talking with the maid, Reina, at Arturo’s house. She reminds her to notify her immediately if Paloma comes by. Reina assures her Paloma hasn’t been there but her mother was there, very early. Teresa is muy impactada. (ooooh momma better hide)

Juana tells Refugio of Cutberto’s threat to bring that indecente to live at the vecindad. She says she’ll move out if they plan to live there together. Refugio asks her if she know anything about Teresa and Mariano and their plans, since Teresa doesn’t tell her anything. Juana assures her Teresa loves her very much. Meanwhile, Cutberto tells Mariano and his dad that he only told Juana about the guera to make her jealous. Mariano got a reward for returning the wallet and is going to use the money to take his furniture out of the pawn shop.

Luisa asks Teresa if she’s joining them for dinner. Teresa, still putting on her rejected look, tells her no, besides very soon someone else will be taking her place at the table—Paloma.

Paloma and Florencia are still talking about her need to talk to Arturo. Paloma says she promised not to approach him again. Florencia didn’t promise and Teresa doesn’t know her. Paloma pleads with her not to speak with Arturo.

Juana runs into Teresa and Teresa is furious! Juana wouldn’t believe what her mother has done. Juana tells her to forget about that and to come up to her apartment. She tells Teresa she’s decided to give Cutberto a go. Teresa – what? That pelado? Juana’s too good for him and deserves much better. Thanks to her Teresa has learned the need to socialize with a higher class of people. When she leaves this vecindad she will take Juana back to that higher society. “ser o no ser, yo soy” Of course, Cutberto’s good enough for a dinner or two or a serenata, but take him seriously? No! She wouldn’t last a week with Cutberto. After all, she and Juana are very much the same. Juana didn’t look as though she took this as a compliment.

Ruben and Arturo are at a restaurant. Arturo was surprised Ruben’s gf no longer needed the money. Ruben shares he was none too happy that she found assistance elsewhere. He’s not jealous but this relationship is not just an aventura. He’s not planning to get divorced, it ain’t all that (no es para tanto) Marriage is such a heavy cross, sometimes three are needed to carry it. (nice guy). Arturo observes, three, or maybe more, according to your criteria. Ruben says, hey, men are men (really nice guy). Arturo says that after meeting with Espe he got the feeling that she was expecting something more from this relationship. Ruben admits he may have promised her something along the way, you know how things are (ugh). Arturo rebukes him, saying Espe seems to really love him and doesn’t deserve to be deceived.

Teresa tells Juana about Refugio’s visit to Arturo’s office. What part of “don’t come to my office” don’t they understand? She told her even Mariano showed up at her office. Juana agreed with Teresa. Teresa complained that Arturo’s sudden change in his behavior was thanks to her mother’s visit.

Pablito’s family has come to visit, Esperanza, Johnny, Mom and dad. Espe tells them she is now employed by the hospital but tells them it doesn’t mean more money and they’ll have to tighten the belt.

Whoa! Teresa charges into the apartment and confronts Refugio about her visit to Arturo’s, throwing a dish crashing to the floor. “Estas loca?” Mom says she had to go talk to him after the way she saw them together last night, holding hands. Uh-oh, Mariano just happens to be walking by and hears this and asks Teresa to ‘splain herself. Teresa looks at mom, mom looks at Teresa, Teresa looks at Mariano, Mariano looks at Teresa and I’m dizzy. Teresa swears none of it is true. Arturo threatens to go speak to Arturo himself. Teresa pleads with him not to go.

Ruben again thanks Arturo for helping him out with Espe and assures him he does care for her. Arturo feels that if this is so and she’s expecting him to get a divorce, it won’t last long if he doesn’t come through. Ruben says Maira was at the point of discovering the whole affair. Arturo asks again that Ruben not include him in his shenanigans in the future. Ruben says he will resolve this and after all, Maira is his wife—and will remain so.

Teresa is running after Mariano in the street. She’s bugged that he doesn’t trust her. Mariano assures her that Arturo will tell him everything, even if they come to blows. (his pompadour is especially high in this scene – gosh that bugs me – so distracting). Teresa threatens him “Si te vas, terminamos”. (if you go, we’re through). He asks her to think of what could happen if he allows that man to keep doing what he’s doing. He jumps in his taxi, dropping a gift as he does. Teresa’s left in the street and picks up the gift.

Machita and her husband see that Espe is very upset. She says it’s because of worrying over Pablito who now wakes up moaning. Espe notes he has a fever.

Teresa puts the gift in her purse as her mother runs out to find out what’s going on. Teresa shouts at her telling her Mariano is off to confront Arturo and tell him who knows what. Refugio expresses her regret, saying she didn’t want to cause problems for Teresa and Mariano. Too late, Teresa tells her. Refugio tells her she should have known her place with el licenceado. “Shut up!” (eek)Teresa says. “You don’t even know what’s going on and right away you accuse me.” She tells her dad what happened and yells at mom that if she loses this opportunity to work with Arturo, she’ll never forgive her. NUNCA!” She hails a cab and tells the drive to step on it. Armando asks Refugio to explain herself. She tells him about the handholding, etc. She also tells him what Ramon told her earlier re: Teresa and Mariano’s relationship moving toward marriage. He scolds her, “and you still doubted her?”

Luisa accuses Arturo of betraying her with Teresa. She thought he was grateful they had intervened on his behalf with Paloma and now he’s behaving badly with Teresa. He says it has nothing to do with that and tells her of Refugio’s visit and his need to distance himself from Teresa. Luisa is disappointed and tells him she’s sure Teresa has feelings for him and that he was falling in love with her. She implores him to tell her what he feels for her. He doesn’t feel he can get involved with her because she’s his student.

Juana and Refugio speak about the incident. Juana tells her she was wrong and feels she should’ve talked to Teresa before going to el Profe’s. Juana will speak to Teresa on her behalf. Cutberto comes in bearing flowers. Juana is ticked off that he would be being involved with that Tracy and pretends she’s not jealous. Cutberto admits it’s all a ruse and that he really cares for Juana.

Florencia has come a-calling. He tells Luisa it’s time to face this head on. Florencia assures him Paloma didn’t send her and pleads with him to speak with Paloma. Paloma continues to suffer for her decision. She doesn’t want to hurt him but speak with him and let the past go. Arturo agrees to think about it.

Pablito has suffered a post operative relapse.

Cutberto is pleading with Juana to give him a chance to be more than a neighbor. She tells him she’s an honorable widow. He assures her she’s not just another woman, she’s special. She sends him packing. (c’mon Juana, get with the program, give the guy a chance).

Luisa and Arturo. Luisa is sure Paloma doesn’t just want to talk, and now she’s sending Florencia to speak for her. Arturo admits he loved Paloma deeply and it’s been difficult to erase her from his memory. Mariano screeches to a halt in front of Artie’s house and rings the doorbell. Just as Artie is wondering who the heck is ringing the bell, Mariano gets a call from Espe telling him of Pablito’s condition and he leaves. Teresa drives up just behind him. Reina comes out to let her in and fills her in on the chisme that some woman came by to visit, but not Paloma. Luisa is urging Artie not to speak to Paloma, she’s worried about him drinking again.

Florencia tells Paloma Arturo is still very hurt and wasn’t sure Artie would agree to speak with her. Aha, Arturo calls and agrees to speak with her right now. Paloma is overjoyed.

Aida is pouting (ugh) asking her mom to lift the punishment just so she can go shopping! Mom says no way. Aida later says – too bad, I’m outta here! Next time we see her she surprises Paolo telling him she’s escaped from her house.

Teresa speaks to Arturo regarding her mother’s visit. He cuts her short saying he needs to leave. Jaws theme. She sits at her desk and takes out the gift and shakes it but still doesn’t open it. She calls Mariano and he says he has nothing to say to her, they’re through. She throws the gift on the floor and it opens. It’s a ring! Along with a note from Mariano professing his love for her, telling her that while he knows this ring isn’t what she deserves, he wants her to know that he loves her and will love her always. We leave her crying over love possibly lost. Whatever will she do? Where shall she go? Tune in Monday to find out how our heroine gets her groove on.

Teresa cries over Mariano
Paloma meets with Arturo
Arturo confronts Teresa, asking her why she told Paloma they were married and expecting a baby.


Great work, Paquita! BTW, I've heard your namesake live twice and she cracks me up!

How old is Teresa supposed to be, anyway? Refugio is really being an overbearing mother confronting Arturo the way she did. Not that he doesn't need protection from Shark-girl (I love that one) but there is a principal involved here about parenting.

Ruben should be bloody grateful that Esperanza returned the money because Pablito's expenses were paid by an organization. She could just as easily have kept the money and handed him his walking papers later. Which would have been better for herself, but she doesn't see that yet.

Aida doesn't love Paulo any more than Teresa does. It will be interesting to see these two harpies go head to head.

Mariano does need a new 'do, especially if he's serious about becoming a doctor. Just as he needs a new novia, as Teresa would certainly not be satisfied being married to a doctor who works in a community clinic -- no matter how good he is in bed.

And while we're talking about that, were they using protection?

How old is Arturo supposed to be that he talks in terms of "after all these years"?

Being impersonal with Teresa is the best decision he could make, although we know it won't last.

Great recap, Paquita! I agree with you, Teresa definately has a lot of splaining to do.
Mariano would be beautiful without his gumby hair, but oh well...
Thank you for your Spanish lesson sprinkled throughout, this is so helpful, because Spanish CC only translates literally but not always meaningfully.
I love your description of the "jaws music" when our little shark goes in for the kill. She is not in love with Arturo, or Paolo; I am wondering how far the writers will go in teaching her a lesson on losing the most important thing in her life.

The only character we know for sure how old they are is Rosita (14 years old)

Teresa just graduated from high school and is just beginning college, so Teresa, Aurora, Aida & Paolo are 18-19 years old.

Mariano dropped out of college to work as a taxi driver.....he is older than Teresa (early 20s)

Luisa is older than Teresa (mentioned in a discussion about Teresa with Arturo)...yet still in college. I would say Luisa is in her early 20s.

There is a significant age gap b/w Arturo and Luisa...he raised her from the age of 11...Paloma did not want the responsibility of raising a child (Luisa...mentioned in a conversation about Paloma). So I would say Arturo was probably in his mid to late 20s when their parents died.

I would say Arturo and Paloma are around 35 years old.

So I guess I can understand Refugio's anxiety about Arturo...he is likely and literally twice Teresa's age. However, that doesn't give her or Mariano the right to storm up in Teresa's job. Plus, Teresa was the one holding the professor's hands...Refugio should have confronted Teresa first.

This was great, Frances! Loved the asides and the way you caught some of the fast chatter that got away from me.
Re: Art's age. Luis said he was 24when all the problem with Paloma happened. I figure that Luisa is 20, and something in the conversations earlier led me to think she was closer to 9 or 10 when their parents died. Dunno why. Oh well. Whoever the actress is, she looks closer to 50 than to 35 IMO. She's not credible as his opposite number.

Loved the recap Paquita. This was not Teresa's day LOL. It went from bad to worse after her mother's meddling sent her off her game with Arturo and now she and Mariano are splitsville.

Refugio really should have confronted Teresa about the handholding instead of hightailing it over to the professor's to accuse him of having bad intentions toward her daughter. It's actually the other way around LOL.

Glad that Esp is rethinking her relationship with Ruben. She should hook up with the doctor since it's obvious that he really likes her.

How will Teresa get out her latest mess when Arturo confronts her about telling Paloma they are married and expecting. I can't wait to see it and we already know the professor hates lies.

Frances (aka Paquita)- Thank you for another wonderful recap. Yes, all the parents were butting into their kids' business these episodes. Actually, I thought Maira's and Ruben's instincts were right. Paulo is just using their daughter for amusement and to numb his pain from being rejected by Teresa. And Genoveva's intentions are even worse, it seems. There are red flags all over that relationship. However, pushing them to formalize and be thinking of marriage is a bit drastic. But perhaps the desired effect was to scare Paulo into either taking Aida seriously or ending things.

As for Refugio. I agree. She clearly saw what happened, and it was her daughter who was the "aggressor" in that hand holding flirtation. Arturo looked totally discombobulated. He obviously wasn't the one doing the flirting. It also seems that she is really pushing this Teresa/Mariano marriage thing. While everyone else is pleased they are on that path, they all acknowledge that it will be a long time before they tie the knot since they both have long periods of study ahead.

So Teresa is now like the dog and the two tortas. She's lost them both. I'm sure she will have them both wrapped around her little finger again in an episode or two.

I was proud of Espe for telling Ruben off. But it looks like he could get really violent. I'm worried for her.

By the way, Paloma is played by Jaime Camil's sister, Issabella Camil. She's in her early 40's so yes, she is older than Rulli (35)and the age her character is supposed to be. Luisa told Teresa that the Prof was 24 when the death of their parents happened and Paloma dumped him. In the first episode, we saw that the show starts in 2006 (it was on the banner at the high school's graduation banquet). On the gravestones of the parents, it said 1996 as the year of their death. So the Prof is 34, Luisa, who was 11 at the time of the deaths is 21. And recent high school grad Teresa is 18-19 years old (as is Aurora, Paulo, Aida and their friends). I'm guessing Mariano is around 20-21, and Esperanza 21-25. Johnny is probably 17-19 but started working at an early age.

Dang, this is a good novela!

Well, I really don’t know what to say! I have had a sympathetic eye on Refugio all along, a mom in a tough emotional situation trying to manage a pushy, willful and contrary daughter, but after last night, well, what was our poor Refugio thinking? Teresa took Arturo’s hand, not the reverse. El Profe is a wonderful person who is giving Teresa a tuition free ride in a prestigious Mexico private college, and guess what, he is of SUPERB character. Refugio goes off half-cocked and in confronting her daughter’s benefactor tells him that her daughter is ambitious and might do “anything” to get ahead!!!! Why would she say something like that to a man she doesn’t trust? Hmmmmmm, like mother, like daughter.......pushy, willful and contrary. Refugio, amiga mia, relax and go with me to the local cantina, I’m buying!

I love the banter between Dr. Ledesma and Rubin. At first I was nervous thinking that Ledesma was over his head and would be bested by Rubin, but guess what......our Sr. Doctor Santo is all but chewing Rubin up and spitting him out!

Frances, you did such a good job. This novela is serious but lighthearted, and you captured that feeling perfectly last night. Yes, Paulo was shuffling around and then became super bug-eyed! Also, “Teresa looks at mom, mom looks at Teresa, Teresa looks at Mariano, Mariano looks at Teresa and I’m dizzy.” So true and so funny! Thanks so very much!

Urban: In answer to your question, were they (Mariano and Teresa) using protection [during their romp in the grass]?
To answer this we must first look at past behavior of TN heroines...can I have a ruling from the judges here?

Judge Sandy.....NO!

Fantastic work Frances! I loved the way you added little bits of Spanish here and there and your witty comments.

Refugio definitely went crazy there but one thing at least can be said in her favor. She surely knows she has a better chance of controlling the Arturo and Teresa "affair" by going to Arturo instead of her daughter who would surely scoff and ignore her. Still, she was definitely in the wrong here.

I've heard the ratings for Teresa aren't all that good and TDA is actually doing better. However, TDA is already pretty advanced in the plot and Teresa is just setting the story. Double episodes are not a bad idea if Univision wants to go quickly to the turning points of this telenovela.


I very much hope that Teresa used protection and would actually be surprised if she and Mariano didn't. Both of them are smart and they both know where babies come from. They both also have future careers that they are very dedicated to.

In Sortilegio, we never saw them using condoms, but the galan gets all paranoid after their first time that she might get pregnant and starts watching for her period like a hawk. He mentions he's concerned bacause they didn't use protection their first time, but did all the other (many) times that they did the deed.

Vivi, MJ did become pregnant early on and hid the symptoms didn't she?

Yep, she even pretended that she got her period, lying to the nosey galan. Seriously, that's the first time I've ever seen a galan get all in a heroine's business about her cycle. LOL!

It kind of seems like it would be easier to list the times that the main characters did have sex and didn't get pregnant.

Emarie- You provide an interesting challenge. These are the novelas I've watched in the last two years of following this site:

Querida Enemiga- Not pregnant
Gancho al Corazon- Not pregnant (but the villainess did got pregnant and got run down by the heroine's evil mama and lost the baby)
MEPS- Not pregnant
Las Tontas No Van al Cielo- Pregnant by galan #1/Not pregnant by galan #2
Dinero- Not pregnant
Sortilegio- Pregnant
En Nombre de Amor- Not pregnant (never had sex)
Soy tu Duena- No pregnant
La Verdad Oculta- Pregnant long after getting married, so it doesn't count.
Eva Luna- Pregnant
Tirunfo del Amor- Pregnant
Llena de Amor- Pregnant

The Not Pregnant tns far outnumber the pregnant ones, although we seem to have a string of them at the moment when the heroine becomes pregnant out of wedlock.

I forgot Mi Pecado- Gets pregnant, but unsure if it's the child of her husband who raped her, or her galan. I'd say that was a special case.

Thanks so much for this fantastic recap! I missed some of this episode so the filling in of the blanks was very much appreciated!

I agree about Mariano's hair. It's driving me nuts too.

Frances thanks for another great recap. I chuckled with your play-by-play of the Teresa,, Refugio, Marino conversation.

Sandy, I'm glad you have patience with Refugio as she tries my nerves. I understand her concern and her knowledge about her child (as Jarocha noted it's easier to control Arturo than Teresa). But the way she acts I can understand why Teresa thinks her mom loved Rosita more.

It will be interesting to see how Teresa gets out of her lies to Paloma.

Vivi! I kind of want to do the pregnant/not pregnant list but I've watched way too many novelas. I started doing one in my head and most of those protagonists never got pregnant but I don't know if that says more about my taste in novelas than about the novelas as a genre.


I could also think of more, but it probably evens out. When I list standard novela cliches and conventions I usually conclude that the majority of novelas reflect at least any 65% of the list.

Let's see....

Amor Real --    pregnant (No protection back then but preggers after first time!)
La Mentira.    pregnant
MEPS---  Aurora pregnant      Fernanda and Ed/Franco stayed away from each other the entire time!

Vivi is right, Mi Pecado is an exception. We had to wait until the end to see the color of the eyes to know the baby was the good guy's,  thank goodness. 

Did anyone else notice the little costume blooper?  When Espe was fighting with Rubin at the apartment she didn't have her key necklace and when she arrived at the hospital, there it was! 

Karen, in real life, I think that Arturo would be a much better match for Teresa. She and Mariano are very different and he is a hot head with super bad hair!  Any mother would tell Refugio she is just spinning her wheels anyway, it is next to impossible to affect the outcome in your adult child's romance!


One more thing, it is not so much that Refugio is trying to kill any romance between Teresa and Arturo, it is just that she is RUINING her daughter's chance to be what she wants, a successful lawyer. If you take away the over done novela devoradora part, only thrown in for for ratings, ambitious Teresa has the right to work for success and more than likely, when the dust settles she would be a financial help to her family and neighborhood, because she does love them (in her way!) That's my take on it anyway.

SandyTN "Refugio, amiga mia, relax and go with me to the local cantina, I’m buying!" LOL!


Jarocha: I Got angry with Refugio myself and have to agree that she made a big mistake by not confronting Tere first. On the other hand, she probably knows Tere would twist things and she's wise to that behavior.

Perhaps Ref's mistake was to be so aggressive and accusatory when dealing with the professor. Why should they consider Art anything but altruistic? Could it be that Refugio doesn't like the idea of Teresa wanting more than the rest of them in the barrio might want out of life?

Good eye about the key Sandy. But isn't it the key to the apartment/love nest? She might have taken it off in order to get into the apt, and later just put it back on.

For a little while there I thought Refugio had hit the right balance with the way she was handling Teresa. She was holding her tongue and just giving Teresa knowing looks. But going to Arturo and telling him off like that was just too much. You're right Sandy that she is just spinning her wheels. She has to accept that Teresa is now an adult and will make her own choices, and yes, her own mistakes too.

I think there are three things going on with Refugio:

-- She's not used to the idea of Teresa being mayor de edad
-- After the nasty behavior of the rich spoiled brats toward Teresa she's afraid of Teresa being set up to be used (not necessarily sexually)
-- She's afraid that Teresa will be ashamed of her once she becomes successful

Urban: Ashamed works. Also, perhaps she's resentful that she had the desire herself and never had the courage or the cunning to manage it and made do.

Frances: So many wonderful comments already so I will simply say this was wonderful. I thought the title was clever - just as the summary was. I love that you translate the important conversations - gracias. Your embedded vocabulary was an added treat. Excellent!

Jardinera, I agree. Jamie's sister or not (thanks Vivi) - the actress playing Paloma appears much, much older (I thought about 50) and that alone is taking credibility away from her performance.


Jardinera - yes I think resentful may be a way to describe Refugio but I vacillate whether it's because she wasn't bold enough to go for different choice or just feels that to try to alter one's position in life is futile. So she's trying to stop Teresa from having higher aspirations.

Tangent - recently Spike Lee came to our campus at IU and said that parents can sometimes be dream killers when children don't aspire to be what the parents want. That's often my take on Refugio and, as I noted to Sandy on an earlier post, she reminds me of mothers in films that want their daughters to stay in their place despite the child's potential.

Karen: IU? Indiana or Iowa?

Diana: Re the actress Ms. Camil (tks, ViVi!) ITA that it's "the look" that alone takes away from her credibility in the role. Well put! She's a decent enough actress, but wrong for this role. Interesting that for once Rullí is playing an age-appropriate role --at least for me.

Jardinera - Indiana

Jardinera: I don't know about Refugio wanting to be cunning like Teresa but I think a great deal here is the culture too. At 18, I don't know a mother who sees their child here as a "mayor de edad" unless they get married or something, they are still kids for them and they can be still a little overbearing. Especially if they don't have to leave home to go to college. My brother is turning 18 in a couple of months and he'll be entering college in the fall and he is pretty much a kid for all of us, the idea that he is around Teresa's age blows my mind frankly.

I think there's a cultural gap between Refugio and Teresa. Refugio must have lived in the old times when moms still had a say in their daughter's lives even after they were married, that must have been her experience. Teresa lives however in the twenty one century in Mexico City where teens are already doing everything on their own and individualism is celebrated. The changes in the way of thinking and acting are extremely constrastating. I'll dare say that maybe even more so than in the US, since up until the early 90's we still had a very conservative system and world view being sustained by all kinds of spheres (social, political, cultural, etc.) and suddendly mid to late 90's we had an explosion of liberalism that has contributed to extremely fast changes.

I think this might be part of the appeal of "Teresa" in México. The representation (though not always positive) of a heroine whose way of thinking fits more with the times and the contrast of the characteres expecting her to be more like the heroines from the past. Telenovelas usually appeal more to housewives (unless they are made specifically for children or teens) and that's where the main ratings come from, the surprising think about this novela was the attraction it held over different generations and the way she was seen by each of them.


Jarocha thanks for your comments on the show. One of these days my goal is to do a reception or audience study on a TN in Mexico and/or look closely at the production side of the industry. Of course, I have to improve my Spanish tremendously to pull that off but the ideas/info you share always encourage me to consider pursuing this project.

I think Refugio has a "know your place and stay with your own kind" mentality. She probably had a problem with Teresa going to the prep school, too. I don't think Refugio has a problem with ambition per se; she'd be happy if Teresa graduated from the gov't law school, if Rosita had gone to college and if Mariano got his degree and became a doctor. But Teresa's ambition is such that if push came to shove, Teresa would leave all of them in the hood and never look back if it meant getting what she desired. Obviously Teresa has desire and drive to get what she wants.

Also, Refugio's probably scared that Teresa would be more than willing to allow rich people to use her in order to get what she wants.

The whole public school/elite school thing to me was "Why can't you be content with what you have?" She doesn't understand Teresa's argument (a valid one) that in order for Teresa to get to where she wants to go, she has to look the part (no more homemade sweaters), she has to be able to reach people quickly (if she has to call one of Arturo's clients, she can't be waiting at the pay phone until Johnny, Juana, Cutberto or Nachita gets off the phone) and she has to be in a network with people who can help her get to where she wants to go. This is why US Presidents all tend to come from the same type of schools and not Billy Bob State University. They didn't get a better education at Harvard/Yale...but they got better contacts.

We all know people that in their quest for ambition, money and power will leave everyone from back home behind and never look back. Refugio knows that Teresa is that type of person and she's trying to stop it.

Thanks, Frances, I enjoyed your recap and found the vocab very helpful. The comments are always interesting and thought provoking.

I wonder what Teresa's plan is for the Hot Prof. Was she going to reel him in at a slower pace but had to accelerate her conquest when Paloma appeared as a threat? Because she's messed things up a bit with her lies (which Arturo has heard about now) and her overt grabbing of the Prof's hands was seen by Ma.

Refugio was pretty impulsive in seeking out Hot Prof. She knows her daughter pretty well so instead confronting of Teresa again and probably to no avail, she seeks out Prof., immediately, to chastise and warn him. Refugio could have risked her daughter's entire future by approaching Arturo. What wrath she would have incurred from Teresa if Arturo reconsidered his scholarship plan. I guess Ma still wants to control Teresa's ambition before Teresa gets herself into a lot of trouble. Too late, Ma.


Oh, I agree, Ms. Camil looks too old for the part of Paloma.

Well, the implied public school here is the UNAM where three nobel prizes, 5 Mexican presidents, one president from Costa Rica and one from Guatemala have graduated so it's not like Refugio is putting a big barrier to Teresa's dreams by wanting her to go there. The school they have implied La Universidad del Sur to be is the ITESM which is situated in the southern district of Tlalpan in Mexico City which has the added bonus of excellent connections in the business world. Both are pretty good choices, Mariano surely must be studying at UNAM as he told Teresa his school had a great reputation in Latin America but Teresa, like most kids coming from private schools would prefer the ITESM (or Universidad del Sur here).


Karen I hope you get to do your poject, it sounds incredibly interesting. I would love to hear your study.


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