Friday, April 08, 2011

Teresa Thu 4/7/11 #7 Que Tragedia

I apologize up front for the lengthy post and will try to get better at consolidating my recaps.

At the hospital, the doctor is breaking the bad news - Rosita has just passed away. He said she suffered from a congenital heart defect. Everyone breaks down in tears. Teresa pleads with everyone to allow her to see her sister. She runs and claws at the door. Mariano holds her back and she collapses against him.

Johnny is blaming himself because he knew about her medical problems and should have done something to stop her from competing. Mariano assures him this was no one's fault. There was no cure for her disease; she could've died at any time. It's best to remember her as she was and how happy they were together. His love for her will keep her alive. Touching scene with Teresa visiting Rosa's body. She bitterly regrets she wasn't able to see her compete and win the medal; or that she didn't tell her how much she loved her. She sees the medal and places it on the body and curses that this was all due to the lack of money (maldito dinero) and then she vows (a la Scarlett in GWTW) that she will never ever (nunca! nunca! nunca!) suffer like this again and she repeats her mantra -- ser o no ser, yo soy -- Never again will I shed another tear (nunca!nunca!nunca!) due to poverty. She wipes the tears from her face.

Ruben (del bigote bruto) is telling Maira he'll be late tonight -- has a lot of business to see to (yeah, MONKEY business) before they go on their trip. She tells him she'll be shopping for lingerie (lenceri) after the club. He tells her maybe she should wait and he’ll buy her some in Paris! (the snake!)

Back at the hospital, Esperanza is consoling Johnny when her cell phone rings (gasp). It's El Bigote - Get ready mi amor because you have me all to yourself today. She responds "well, um DOCTOR, (cuz Johnny's listening) I won't be able to see you today cuz something terrible has happened." "Who are you with?" he demands… ugh he's such a snake -- then she tells him about Rosita's death. That shuts him up.

Aurora and Mariano are talking about the arrangements. She'll take Rosa's parents back to the vecindad as that's where they want to have the wake for Rosa. In walks El Profe (gosh he's cute) offering to help. Mariano's very short with him and tells him no further help is needed. Arturo understands he's not so close to the family as to offer moral support, but surely they can use additional financial assistance. Mariano assures him Teresa's parents don't want any more money if it's coming from him. Arturo points out that's up to her parents, que no? or maybe even up to Teresa. Mariano tells him Teresa is muy afectada after seeing her sister's body. Furthermore, the only one responsible for Teresa not being able to say goodbye to her sister is Arturo. She didn't make it in time to see her sister compete in her final meet so taking money from Arturo would be an insult. After all, she was at his book release rather than at her sister's side.

Esperanza meets with El Bigote after all. He tells her she's very late. She feels bad - Rosa wasn't even 15, so sad. Ruben tells her to forget about all that and enjoy their time together (unfeeling cad) After all, he moved heaven and earth for them to spend this whole day together. Esperanza: “What? You're not going to work?” Ruben: “No, we're going to be together today because I need to go on a trip.” Esperanza doesn't look too happy at this revelation.

At the wake/rosary: Teresa is standing at the coffin. I know you’re in heaven because that's where you belong. Please watch over us and help us out of this misery. Mariano tries to console her and reminds her that Rosita is no longer here, but in heaven. Teresa cries out "Esta muerta! - And I won't believe this trash about her having died due to an illness. She died due to our lack of money. If she had been better nourished as a child, if she had better health care, if she had better living conditions...... Mariano says none of that would have made a difference. It was a birth defect and her death couldn't be avoided. "Sueltame, dejame en paz! (Let me go! Leave me alone!) Mariano steps away and in walks el quapisimo Profe (sorry, can't help myself). Arturo goes to her side and she leans against him. (hey, did I see her make a face like she was calculating her next move b4 he came up to her?)

At the love nest – Esperanza is sitting on Ruben's lap pouting that she won't see him for 3 weeks. He says, “Oh, believe me it's going to be pure torture being away from you, but you know, business calls.” Esperanza grudgingly agrees. He tells her to change out of her nurse's uniform and get all dolled up cuz “We are going out on the town and later, well, later we'll have lots and lots of time together.” As Esperanza skips off to change, Ruben's phone rings. It's Aida. We only hear his side of the conversation telling her he can't possibly tear himself away from work because after all he'll be gone for a long time on a vacation with her mother. He doesn't realize that Esperanza has come back to the room. "Are you going on a trip with your wife?" ruh-roh!

Aurora runs into Mariano outside (I like these two together). He’s hurt cuz Teresa asked him to leave her alone. Aurora encourages him to have patience. Teresa loved her sister so much and she’s really not thinking straight. Mariano agrees to take a break and to accompany her to have coffee.

Arturo and Teresa are talking next to Rosa's coffin. Teresa tells him this is so difficult especially when she looks at her parents. He can't imagine their suffering. They walk over to her parents and he offers his condolences and any help they may need, financial or anything else. They thank him kindly for his offer. Teresa thanks him but says it’s one thing to pay for her education since she’ll be paying him back by working for him but it’s quite another to accept money that she will never be able to pay back. She refuses any further financial assistance but is very grateful he came by, a kindness she will never forget.

Aurora and Mariano are talking over a coffee about Teresa and how she'll need the love and support of all her friends. Aurora asks how long they've known each other, etc. Mariano tells her Teresa and he have known each other their whole lives. She was his first love. In fact, she is the love of his life. Ohhhh, Aurora is taken aback at this statement. Aurora says she noticed the affection between them when she saw him consoling her at the hospital. She accidentally spills hot coffee on herself as she turns to leave. He offers a napkin and she strongly tells him to leave her alone and refuses any further offers of first aid, including applying a papa to the burn. She suggests he go back to Teresa now. (guess the papa offer ticked her off)

Ruben is pleading with Esperanza behind a locked door. Don't ever do this to me again! He gets the keys and gets into the room where we see Esperanza crying in a corner. “So, you're going on a trip with your wife. You lied to me! You really weren’t having problems.” Ruben: “I hate her, no la soporto.” Esperanza “Yeah, that's why you're going on a 3-week vacation with her?” Ruben: “You don't understand. Aida has nagged and nagged that I reconcile with her mother, including sharing a bedroom. I only agreed to try one last time to reconcile with her to see if it would work out, which it won't because I only love you.” Esperanza: “I don't believe you.” Ruben: “I only agreed to this trip to please my daughter. She’ll see that when things don't work out after this trip, she'll accept our need to divorce.” He swears to Esperanza that he and his wife detest each other. Esperanza: “Really? Do you swear?” Ruben: “I promise the only reason I agreed to this trip was in the hopes that when we return I can convince my daughter that a divorce is the only solution.” Esperanza: “The thought of you with another woman, even your wife, makes me want to die.” Ruben: “Oh stop such nonsense, you're the only woman I love. You remember when we met, I was already separated. I returned only for my daughter’s sake. I couldn't let her go back on drugs. She's the only reason I stay with my wife. The only woman I want to be with all the time is you. You believe me don't you?” Esperanza: “I’m so afraid of what can happen on that trip.” Ruben: “Why mi amor? Trussssssst me. I love you.” He carries her to the bedroom. “At first I did think you were just an aventura. I don't know when I fell so hard for you. I love you.” They reach the bed and start making out.

Mariano is insisting that Aurora let him look at her arm. They see Arturo on his way out. Mariano “What are you doing here? I told you we don't need your help.” Arturo: “Well, that’s not really your business and I had to give her parents my condolences. Aurora, please tell Teresa she can take as much time as she needs.” Aurora: “What was that all about?” Mariano confesses he’s afraid Teresa will fall for Arturo -- money, power, everything he can't offer. Aurora tells him that if they really love each other, all the money in the world can't separate them. (Wanna bet?)

Teresa apologizes to Mariano for lashing out at him it's just that she can't help but think how different things would be if they had money. They embrace as Aurora looks on muy dolorida. Later,

Refugio, Armando, Teresa, and Juana return to the now dark, empty apartment. The coffin is now gone as are all the mourners. The only thing left is a vase of flowers. What will we do without her? Teresa in their bedroom -- nothing will be the same without Rosita. Juana suggests she think of her as a new angelito that will watch over them from heaven. So sad.

Mariano asks Esperanza what gives. She seems different, nervous. He thinks it strange that they would perform Pablito's tests for free at the hospital (cute and smart) and knows that's not how things are done. He also noticed Espe didn’t seem to know anyone there. Offers her his help (cute, smart, and compassionate). Espe swears him to secrecy……um, she’s unemployed, yeah that’s it. Please don't tell anyone she doesn’t have a job. Mariano’s relieved. He thought it was something much worse. Lies aren't good. Espe tells him she now has a new job with an elderly lady. Espe: “If everything works out well, it will be the happiest thing that has happened to anyone in this vecindad.”

Ruben and Maira meet with Genoveva. She tells them their daughter is in good hands with her son. Ruben is a little concerned on that front. Genoveva says not to worry, let the kids enjoy themselves. Besides, she always tells her son "Portate mal, cuidate bien" (Behave badly, protect yourself well -- reference to condoms?) Ruben: “Hey, hey, this is my daughter you're talking about" Mayra walks away to take a call on her cell and this is where it really gets interesting: Genoveva: “So you're going on a honeymoon -- Ay Ruben, what wouldn't I give to go on such a trip.....with you.” Ruben: “Shut up” Genoveva: “Don't worry, I would never tell anyone about our past relationship. And anyway, it would cause me more damage (perjudicaria) than it would you. I do miss you and you know it.”

Teresa in bedroom talking to Rosita’s picture: “I swear to you things will be different. I've got to get out of this place. I don't deserve this poverty!” She begins to undress. Juana walks in and asks what's wrong. Teresa: “I'm trying to fix myself up. I look horrible. I'm all haggard, gaunt (ojerosa, demacrada) and above all, dressed in black.” (remember this scene in GWTW, anyone?) Juana: “This is very painful. It's normal for you to feel this way.” Teresa: “No, it's not normal! I refuse to take Rosita's death lying down (brazos cruzados -- literally arms crossed) like everyone else crying over Rosita's death I will never suffer like this again due to poverty. Wealthy people never have to suffer like this. From this day forward, no more mourning, no more regrets. I will do the impossible to go far and to do what I need to look good.” Juana: “To respect Rosita, you must observe mourning at least until the end of the novenas (nine days of rosaries). Do it for your parents who are also suffering.” Teresa: “Not one more day.” She starts to throw things around saying this is all trash. She sits and begins to cry (so much for her vow not to cry over poverty)

Aida sees Teresa hugging Mariano – “So, now you’re dating a taxi driver.”
Aida tells Paolo Teresa is besoteando (kissing) the taxi driver


Frances- Just to let you know, this isn't tagged. I'm going to tag this on Delicious for you, but I can't tag it in blogger. You're going to have to do that. I suggest you go back into the post (edit) and add the tag on the bottom, as well as add the name of the novela (Teresa) to the title so that people scrolling through the main page can easily identify it. Email me if you would like the tagging instructions.

I haven't read the recap yet, but will soon.

Frances- The recap is now tagged on Delicious. I've added Teresa in front of your title on Delicious. I suggest you do the same when you go back to edit in Blogger and it will appear with the full title on the main page. At the very end of your post in the edit box, there is a small box to tag the post. Select Teresa. Then this will be properly tagged. I am offline until the end of the day, but if you e-mail me, I can forward you the full tagging instructions for future use.

Now I've read the recap. You really captured the grief in this episode without getting mired in it.

Teresa will have a hard lesson to learn in life. Sh!t happens. To poor people AND to rich people. We've all heard of a star basketball player who drops dead on the court. Rosita was a time bomb waiting to go off. Yes, money can often help get one out of difficult situations, but it can't insulate you from everything.

Ruben is a whore. And a liar and a cheat.

One of the other things that was revealed at the funeral is that Aurora took care of the hospital expenses, but covered up that she was the one who took care of it. She spoke to the gymnastics coach about it and it seems that they have made it look like the gymnanstic team took care of the expense (did I hear that right). Aurora knows Teresa is too prideful to accept the help directly from her.

It was so sad seeing Teresa and her parents at their small table for four. You could really feel the loss to their little family.

Frances, thanks for the great recap with all the  details. I agree with you, Rubin is a snake......who excels in monkey business! I also thought I saw Teresa posturing a bit with Arturo at the wake. Thanks so much for your hard work.  

Teresa is a one note samba who blames every problem on one thing, her pobresa.  There are others like her who blame their condition in life, the government, the fact that "we walked on the moon" (some of our relatives!) for things that are really normal day to day situations. Teresa will never be convinced otherwise. I worry about where she will take her her anger. 

I hope Mariano can see into Aurora's exceptionally kind heart soon, they would be so good together.  It would be a joy to see them build a relationship together.  Like oil and water, Teresa and Mariano can never truly blend, their approach to life is too different. 

Good morning. :-) Thank you, Frances! You are amazing.

(Vivi, thanks for tagging; I've been working with Frances in email, but I just got up. So, many thanks. :) I found my old instructions and sent them to her last night. IIRC it took me a couple times to get it right when I first started...LOL)

I'm still asleep and will be back after a nice cuppa. But in case anyone missed it or can't get the broadcast (or had a big storm like we did), here are the You Tube links for Episode 7:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Apparently, from a rumor I see, there's a two-hour Teresa after Eva ends. Need to confirm that.

Between this and TdA we've had too many Scarlet O'Hara Moments in the last few days. Surely their broadcast schedules vis a vis each other didn't happen the same way in Mexico? Oh well... tomorrow is another day.

Mariano needs to be with Aurora. Teresa will never appreciate his virtues.

Finally, although I hate seeing women use sex to manipulate men, I can't wait to see Teresa give Ruben what he deserves. He's slime.

Frances-you are quite a writer, that was an excellent job, very descriptive, I could picture everything.
Teresa's coloring of her sisters death to reinforce her commitment to money seems self-serving, but in that locale it is probably almost impossible to change your social status without breaking some rules.
It doesn't seem like Mariano will be able to turn his affections to another girl, he is a one-woman man, muy raro.
Your description of Ruben-very apt.

Frances, what a great recap.

I had a hard time watching this one with all of the raw grief and then that Ruben-Ho. Hopefully, this will move on to more interesting things. These people must have some interesting things to reveal.


Thank you Vivi for taking care of the tagging. It was so late last night when I posted I hadn't had time to read through instructions. Going through them now. I think I've got it now! Will make sure it is properly tagged tonight.

Thank you for a terrific recap, Frances. It was well written and had dashes of humor and good comments.

Teresa thinks rich people don't suffer. But Arturo's been suffering for years since his fiance left him at the altar. And his sister Luisa doesn't look too happy. Several of the rich characters have lost parents. I hope one day Teresa realizes that money isn't everything.

Thanks for the great recap Frances.

While I know most feel Teresa's focus on money being the cause of all problems is selfish, in her defense this is the second death of a close friend or family member she has had in her young life. Though Rosa's heart defect may have not be curable, awareness and resources could have possibly prolonged her life. And consider too as an intelligent woman she's possibly read the various studies that note how wealth impacts health and life span.

Yes Frances Teresa did adjust herself when she saw el guapo (the Prof) come in.

Ruben is wretched. He's like Fedra from LdA; you know he's lying when his lips are moving.

Thank you Frances. As others have noted - amazing.

You captured all the wailing, grief and anger of this episode perfectly.

Your embedded vocabulary was wonderful and my favorite line was: "Ruben (del bigote bruto) is telling Maira he'll be late tonight -- has a lot of business to see to (yeah, MONKEY business) before they go on their trip". Wonderful characterization. I agree with Karen, like other of our favorite characters we know Ruben is lying when his lips move!Ack.

Aurora now knows the deal with Teresa and Mariano. She's been warned. So, will she learn and stay away? Of course not! Otherwise, we'd lose a major part of the story. I agree though will all of you who stated they make a nice couple. They do...

I love Cynthia Klitbo. Vivi, I don't think she ate anything last night did she? :) There's something magnetic about her and I am enjoying her storyline although I think she can lose the tape draped around her neck. We get it -she's a seamstress.

Rulli is hawt, hawt, hawt.

Thanks again Frances.


Awesome recap Frances. Definitely saw some Scarlet moments with Teresa. She thinks rich people don't have it as hard as poor folks. Me thinks Teresa is going to find out the hard way that rich people have the same problems that poor people have. Having money doesn't change that.

I'm getting tired of Mariano bullying Arturo because he's jealous and worried he's going to lose Teresa and of course he would blame Arturo for Teresa missing Rosa's meet. Teresa has her own mind and doesn't need him to speak for her. I too noticed Teresa adjust herself with Arturo approached her to offer his condolences.

I'm glad that Aurora knows now that Mariano and Teresa are a couple since Teresa wasn't forthright with her about it. I wonder will she keep her distance from him now.

Ruben is just ugh.

thanks francis! very satisfying.

sometimes i think i see a little judy garland in juana's face. is that weird? her nose and lips are sometimes pert. so i'm with Diana: i find her captivating.

this is a very strange thing i noticed, and it's been buggin me, but did anyone else notice the blurred out poster in the hospital? there was a big red one for blood donation, and then a smaller flyer with a woman doing a self-exam on her breast, but it was the black logo thing above it that was blurred (for copyright reasons? no idear!) they'll show the breast, but not the other thing. I made out that it says "cuidadate" or something.

i went back to look at it on the links jeri gave, but the screen is flipped so everything is backwards. ergnas anod! and not that i'm obsessed or anything, but i think i remember the self-exam poster in the hospital of LVO, or something. recycled sets!

-mai tai

Frances: Thanks for another great recap! I really enjoy your sly sense of humor and light style! "El Bigote" --yup! Ughsters!

Thanks Frances! Excellent recap. I haven't watched the ep yet, but now, with the vocab you added, I will be looking out for those new words when I watch!

Cynthia Klitbo fans can see her star in "La Casa en la Playa," where she and Sergio Goyri actually portray the protagonists.

Brilliant cast in LCelP, which crew also included Mónica Miguel. See part 1 of the first episode on You Tube here:

La Casa En La Playa 1.1.3

Fantastic recap.

Hottie taxista is hot hot hot and a good and caring person, but I agree he is not right for Teresa. He just doesn't get her and ends up trying to stifle her. Like when he was trying to calm her down when she was crying over the coffin. Her sister just died; let her grieve!

Diana, when I worked as a seamstress I usually had not only a tape draped around my neck, but also a pair of scissors on a ribbon, and pins stuck in my sleeves (easier for me than using a pincushion). I did try to remember to remove all of the above when I left the workroom, but sometimes forgot. At least our seamstress here isn't leaving pins on her arms and stabbing everyone who hugs her! Although that might help keep mariachi man off of her.

OT: Dear SueS, Melinama has you listed on the front-page schedule as the Friday recapper.

I wrote her an email yesterday asking when you are starting, but haven't heard back.

Could you let us know? Thank you, in advance. :-)

I agree that there is something captivating about Cynthia K. I have heard her called ugly. I don't think she is, but from some snippets of her playing villains, I can see how she can make herself ugly. Her features are very unique and stand out. She has beautiful eyes. But more than that, she has a presence. Cutberto was absolutely right when he pointed out how she carries herself like a queen. I can see why he's head over heels for her. I hope she doesn't keep him waiting for too long, although it seems that she already has.

The rumor over on TdA is that Teresa will be showing double episodes for a while after Eva Luna ends and the next novela starts. Recappers are forewarned!

^ yeah...I was reporting that rumor above (at 9:00 a.m.); I saw it in the Main Forum at TNW. Need to check the schedule.

Perfect recap there!

As for your comment about Teresa possibly planning something when she was crying at the coffin and she realized Arturo walked in, I understood it more that her look was her realizing that she didn't want to be seen like that (in distress) by the prof, since Teresa has tried to control her image when she decided she was going to change her life

By the way, I don't think it's healthy for Teresa to be staying/sleeping in that little room with all of Rosita's things. I would feel like I needed to escape too.

Faithful viewers, adjust your machines or routines, if necessary.

DirecTV is showing the following upcoming TWO-HOUR episodes for Teresa:


TUE 4/12 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
WED 4/13 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
THU 4/14 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
FRI 4/15 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central

MON 4/18 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
TUE 4/19 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central
WED 4/20 TERESA 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern/7 Central

(End of shown schedule)

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