Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Llena de Amor #164 (Mex. 190-191) Wed 4/6/11 Love Is Blindness

  1. Capitulo 190

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night around me
Take my heart
Love is blindness (Cassandra Wilson New Moon Daughter)

Okay, it's not Edna St. Vincent Millay, but that song started going through my head as soon as I typed the title. And Love sure is blind in this one, kinky lovemaking aside. We have a number of couples who just scream Doomed to Fail in Three Month's Time. But since this is a telenovela, we can trust everybody will stay Crazy in Love Forever. Now on to tonight's episodes.


Emanuel, out by the pool, chuckles at how stupid he was not to realize Mari and Vicky were one and the same. But now that he knows, boy is he ever going to torture her!


Our favorite villaness has stopped by the boarding house to threaten Netty. Give me every centavo Emiliano put in your name. If you don't, I'll never give him a divorce as long as I live. And I'm gonna live a long time. No way sez Netty. That dough belongs to his kids. Be content with the money you already swindled out of my niece Marianela, you trollop!


Well, mainly he wants Chema to get lost. When he arrives, our salty old sea captain is hovering very close to Netty and Emiliano asks what he's doing “so close to mi mujer”. Your “mujer”, Fedra just left a moment ago, sniffs Chema. This woman Netty is NOT yours. And takes his leave.


Because Delicia brushed him off with a swish when he tried to sit beside her. { You go girl!} Unfortunately big bro' Eman sits down and tells him not to give up. Gotta “luchar” for your one and only Love and all that. { Shut up Eman. We hate this guy.}


Well, at least that's the impression she gives a shocked Kristel, who thinks she's going to sabotage the reconciled couple Olly and Gretel by telling sis she saw Olly kissing Manolo. No problem, laughs Gretel. We're a “menage a trois”. Making crazy sandwich love every single night. Wahoo! Great physical comedy by all three. Gretel and Oliver goofy and camp as all getout. Kristel mega Top Model Horrified. Kudos to all. Worth a rewind.


He's ragging on fattie Marianela, who's anxious to get out of the fat suit and rendezvous for some nookie with el Lirio de Plata. No morning sickness for our gal. She's randy as a goat and ready for more shagging, pregnancy or no.


Yes, our Miss Manners takes a little time to berate Eman for hovering and fussing over Mari while totally ignoring his wife. He reminds her she was the one who told him Ilitia's bun in the oven was from another baker. She maintains now this was just a joke. Ilitia could NEVER be unfaithful. She'd cut off her hand before touching that naco policeman.


So Eman grills Oliver. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers? Olly gets out of an outright lie by saying Brandon NEVER said a thing to him about it. Right. Brandon, at least, is a gentleman...naco or no. Still, when Oliver reports back to Gretel about the questions, she vows to make like a journalist and find out the truth. Are Brandon and Ilitia lovers indeed? Our little Brenda Starr intends to find out.


Yes, here we are again in Fertile Valley. Eman , convinced of Ilitia's fidelity, now ponders that he IS going to be a daddy. While Marianela simultaneously gushes to herself about her newly discovered pregnancy. Complications ahead. For sure.


While Doris gets in touch with her nagging side (maybe André isn't so lucky after all) and fusses at him to hurry up so they don't miss their flight, Brandon wanders into her room and finds the note on her pillow saying she's left for the weekend with her infected beau. {We also learn that the actor is well into his forties from the way he's holding the note about three feet away to read it! So sorry buddy. We know how you feel.} Then Jacqui arrives to fan the flames, claiming that André is a heartless wretch who infects women with HIV just for fun. And when they get it, he dumps 'em. Brandon immediately calls in and orders the police to intercept Doris and her criminal lover and also surround the airport. This ends badly. Outside André's apartment, Doris kicks the first officer and fells him. André adds another wallop, and they take off running. They're now guilty of assaulting a policeman. Not cool. But Doris has a backup plan for leaving the city unmolested. It involves her makeup skills naturally. Stay tuned.


Our scorned AlsoTop Model shadows Marianela out to the pool, accusing her of sneaking out every night to meet Emanuel. Mari denies it while fidgeting and fretting that she won't make it to her planned Love Shack fest with el Lirio. {And another song is going through my head.}


And while he's gone Emiliano arrives with Netty and Gladiola in tow. Ready for the family dinner where he'll announce his betrothal to Ernestina Pavon Romero. But Papa is Annoyed. Because Eman's not there (Tell him I had another engagement Emanuel tells Axel). And neither is Marianela. Kristel is outraged that those two “sooooocial climbers” (trepadoras) have barged in and just where the heck is Mommy!? Emiliano explains that they can no longer live under the same roof. And as soon as the divorce is final, he's marrying Netty. And with that he gives her a bodacious beso. Everybody toasts with champagne, including Max who's arrived from the basement in full regalia. Well everybody except Ilitia, who's had her glass snatched away by her protective suegrita Gladiola. { Love it that the prospective abuelita is meddling already. Ilitia will be no match for her. That's for sure. }Anyway, a good, albeit brief PSA to not drink when pregnant.


And living the high life. In Lorenzo's apartment. And in Lorenzo's smoking jacket (batin). Drinking Lorenzo's best cognac. Low is chapped. Fedra arrives and is equally upset. Netty's got her hub and her money. Low vows to get it back. They grapple, they fuss, they get aroused, they decide to dip into the jacuzzi, they do....or would have...except that Bernardo and Nereida got there first. While Fedra drops to the floor wailing “My eyes, my eyes!” Lorenzo fumes helplessly. Nice to see these two out-foxed and totally flummoxed by faithful lap dog Bernardo. Who has the “agallas “ to sneer --What does a person have to do to get a little privacy around here.--


Yes, our randy little vixen has managed to escape the mansion and hook up with el Lirio at the boardinghouse. Delicia and Gretel helped her make the change out of the fat suit. And el Lirio materialized out of nowhere as usual. On with the kinky blindfold and the incredibly boring love raptures. I need you...your skin, your kisses, your whatever. She's dreamily carping that she wants to see his face and know who he is so she can tell her best buds, Gretel, Delicia and Doris. He saucily wonders why Marianela isn't her best bud. She lies badly. He enjoys it. As well as the rest of her. { I am sooooo bored by these two.} During their interminable love-making, he wonders why she doesn't regognize his kisses. She wonders if she should tell him she's pregnant. { I say that's a great way to ruin the moment. But they didn't ask me.}

190 Vocabulary (just in case I poop out and don't feel like doing it later)

un batin= smoking jacket (used to be Lorenzo's now it's Bernardo's)
no comas ansias = don't worry (Emiliano to his family)u
hazme caso = André, worried that Doris doesn't understand the seriousness of assaulting an officer

Neta? Netissima! = Really? Yes, REALLY! (Olly assuring Eman Brandon told him nothing)
trepadora = social climber ( a word used at least 70 times in any telenovela ever made)
agallas = guts as in “having the guts to do something”

Dicho of the Day
Ser muy listo(a); ser muy vivo(a) To have a lot on the ball; to be very bright
Candidates anyone? Delicia maybe. Fedra in her own cunning way. Otherwise...a very short list.


On the back stretch now but this old nag is losing ground. The York Mint Pattie stash has been exhausted and I'm relying on Trident gum to get me through this last slog. And dreading my next Near Death Encounter with the dentist.


Actually they're out by the pool, still trying to make up for lost love time and Netty trips out to tease them about their smooching. And kvetch that Fedra will never let her and Emiliano be happy. Gretel happily announces that she has the proof Dad's marriage is a fraud and it will all work out.


Masked Marianela wants to know why el Lirio won't abandon everything for her. She's clearly in a nesting mode now. He maintains he must continue his noble work as long as the poor and needy require it.


Ilitia, redemption casting a soft glow on her already lovely face, is entranced with the plain little white socks from the market that Gladiola has brought. Chuck'em out! sneers Kristel. Cheap “naquerimada botitas” could you ever?.....oooooh, I get it. She gave you those 'cause she's your suegrita. That baby is naco-bred and built. Don't expect me to keep THIS secret Miss Best Friend Forever! Well, okay...maybe I'll keep the secret if you use your fashion world influence to make me the biggest brashest Top Model ever. Deal.


André and Doris are sneaking through the airport disguised as mega-old folks. Doris' mouth looks really bloody and unnatural. Plus if they were in such a hurry to make their flight, how did they have time to stage that elaborate make-up and dredge up old folks costumes? Whatever. The ruse fails when Doris sneezes and her nose falls off. Brandon hauls them both off to jail, while protesting to an enraged Doris that he loves her and wants the best for her. And André isn't it. She rails that he's acting like her dad. And he's not. Though he helped raise her from the age of 15 when her own dad took off. Stalemate. The cells are chock full of Llena de Amor actors again.


Marianela is still hectoring el Lirio (They're at the boardinghouse by the way. No need to escape to Love Shack since nobody's home.) She wants more of him. Not just these nightly lust encounters. And she has marvelous news for him. At least she hopes he thinks it's marvelous.

Okay. You know what's coming, right? She keep circling around the subject, never actually telling him she's preggers until Consuwaila , home for a quick change before heading back to hospital, knocks at the door. El Lirio disappears. And still doesn't know he's got his own little masked bun in the oven.


And re-appears down below as Eman. Vicky is cold and dismissive. She's moved on. You can't, you're my woman! protests Eman. I have a new novio, she sneers. And you don't measure up to him at all. (Okay Emanuel. You're getting a clear view of her character. Sleeps around with masked guys. And is hatefully dismissive with old lovers. Like what you see?)


Netty, Glad and Oliver are on their way home from the celebratory dinner at the mansion. Emiliano wanted to accompany them but why worry! Olly's along. Except he's no help when the trio is assaulted outside the boarding house by four black-clad thugs (Fedra, Lorenzo, Bernardo and Mauricio). Fedra, with a little salute to cleavage, has a keyhold bodice to her outfit. The guys have all covered their manly chests. Lots of banging and shrieking and inside, Emanuel stands there unmoving, a total doofus, saying -Uh duh, what's happening?

Netty has been kidnapped, that's what's happening!

Meanwhile, Vicky, showing more ugly traits of character, assails Emanuel for his skanky murderous mother and claims it's all HIS fault for descending from those loins. (Do women have loins? Well, whatever.) Eman's not sure this assault is mom's fault but if it is...he vows to set things straight. Still, he thinks José Maria might be responsible for this crime. CommisarioTejada, another lovable but useless doofus, is alerted and on his way. Meanwhile, Oliver nurses his bloody nose and Glad laments that just when Netty's life was about to change for the better, this happens.

Chema arrives {“hablando del rey de Roma” speak of the Devil} and swears he'd never do such a thing. But Fedra would. Anything for money.


Is this a PSA for better salaries? Anyway, Netty is tied to a chair in some dark dingy place wailing that she has no money for ransom. It's all Emiliano's money. Which he gave to her until he could divorce that witch he's married to. Meow! Fedra's having fun channeling Cat Woman, purring and scratching Netty while fantasising about blowing her away with bullets then and there. Faithful lap dog Bernardo has a Doggie mask, very apt. Lorenzo is a Pig (dead on) and Mauricio, once again inflamed with lust, this time for helpless Netty, appears as a Rat.

The gang is bickering. Fedra's in kill mode. Bernardo is arguing that they can negotiate better terms if Netty is alive. Like turning over not only all the cash but also the mansion and everything in it.


Yep, our eternal metiche walks in the wrong door again. This time when Gladiola is frantically trying to transform nasty Vicky into increasingly nasty Marianela by wrestling her back into the fat suit. Ungrateful Vick is complaining that Doris isn't there when she needs her. Glad leaves. Consuelo stays. Mari swears Cons to secrecy while observing that Consuela hated her as Vicky, but loved her as a dear friend when Marianela. Big hug.


While Consuela and Mari hug upstairs, Gretel arrives downstairs and announces excitedly that she thinks she knows where the kidnappers have taken Netty.


Our fattie, still in nasty Vicky mode, tromps downstairs to berate Emanuel for his origins. And how dare he pretend to be as upset over Netty's disappearance as she!? Netty is NOT his blood. But I love her dearly, whimpers Emanuel. Papa Emiliano steps in and reproves Mari for her shoddy treatment. He's trying to support you. And he's a good man. Don't treat him that way. He doesn't deserve it. Have you forgotten all the love that united you?


Yep, that's how Marianela has been treating him, observes Emanuel. { And given the average dog's treatment in Mexico, that's a serious complaint.} They were good friends long before they were lovers. Can't they at least go back to being friends again?

Marianela admits that in her thirst for vengeance (Forgiveness PSA) she's become a “hard woman” (ya' think?). And what's more she's in love with another man. But she can't tell him who it is. And there we end. Whew.

Internet Previews:
Emiliano wants Emanuel to run upstairs and get Victoria. Marianela panics....and says no no, I'll go.

tener buen puestos los pantalones = to be the man of the house, to be a straight-shooting upright guy (Oliver talking about Brandon)
embaucar = trick, con
de por medio = at stake, at issue Netty, talking about the stumbling block of money in Emiliano's divorce proceedings.
bendito(a) adj. = darned, danged, friggin' as in “esta bendita puerta!” a softer version of “maldito(a) which would be “damned”
eso que ni que = sure, of course
checar la cartelera = check the listings (for airline flights) Doris to André
hablando del rey de Roma = speak of the Devil....(and he appears)

Dicho of the Day

Todo por servir se acaba. All things wear out if you use them. And Lord! My patience is wearing out with these double recaps! How about yours?


Did you notice in Mari & Eman' love scenes that he's the one panting in desire and she's just basically laying there? Now that can't be good sex for Eman but he doesn't seem to mind. Both people need to get a clue. At least with Brandon and Ilitia they both were hot and heavy. They could give lessons to Mari and Eman.

Absolute BEST SCENE hands down:

Gretel in full fresa-speak, Oliver miming along, and after they totally blow Kristel's mind and exit, Kristel saying "I HATE her" with clenched teeth. ROTFLOL!!!!!

OK - now I'll go read the recap. Thanks Judy!!!


Judy your recap was epic. Uni cut out all the Andre/Doris scenes and some of the scenes of Emil and Netty at the house of pain to announce their engagement. The best part were the Kristel/Gretel/Oliver scenes.

I suppose since Eman acts like Batman we had to have Cat Woman with Fedra in her leather disguise. Lo with a pig mask, Bernardo the fiel perro wearing an appropriate doggie mask, and Mau with the rat mask had me in tears. I couldn't stop laughing.

Mari is a nasty piece of work in both her personas. I agree Barbara that Mari just lays there stiffly while Eman is more into it. Maybe the actress was nervous about doing love scenes with most of the crew watching. Who knows.

Loved Ilitia softening toward Glad too.

Excellent, Judy. What fun. Who could have ever guessed that was Fedra in the leather cat suit?

So many great lines but I think my favorites were:




Those simply cracked me up as did all of those headings. How clever. One of those wish I'd thought of thats.

Loved the costumes of Catwoman's crew. How appropriate. Like Pirate Babe, as each one entered I couldn't contain my laughter.

Oliver, Gretel, and Kristel were over the top. I've quit expecting any verisimilitude. Bring on the mirth guys.

Dr. Judy, are you really retiring?


LOVE the rhyming! You're so clever Judy. Now I'm going to watch the episodes and read your entire recap. Talk to you soon.

Oh my word. I'm with Audrey (and probably everyone else), Kristel "eewwwwing" while Gretel and Oliver mimicked her fresa mannerisms was the best scene of the night. I think Kristel was slightly jealous that "loca" Gretel with her menage-a-trois might possibly be more worldly than big sis.

Sweetest scene of the night, absolutely the one where Gladi gave Ilitia the baby socks. It was baby's first present and Ilitia was touched.

Best Divine Justice scene was finding Bernardo and Nereida in the jacuzzi. I like how Bernardo kept sipping his champagne and complained about the lack of privacy.

Kudos to the prop and costume people for providing the perfect masks for our leathered foursome.

I got home late tonight after a long day out of the house, kinda tired, and almost dozed off during one of the Lirio/Vicky love scenes. Oopsie! They need to inject a little creativity into those scenes instead of the same he said she said.

I laughed out loud when you said this, possibly your most astute observation (out of many): "Okay Emanuel. You're getting a clear view of her character. Sleeps around with masked guys. And is hatefully dismissive with old lovers. Like what you see?" You tell it sister!

Judy, these double episodes are tiresome indeed but your brilliant recap never lost steam, that's for sure. At least you got some incredibly entertaining scenes to recap. Thank you for your lively recap, great vocab and awesome screen shots. You even got the perfect shot of Gretel and Oli doing their fresa speak, hilarious!

A slam-dunk once again Judy! Everything, great recap, pictures and vocabulary. The mind reels!

If those gang of four "masks" or heads weren't an inside joke, I don't know what is. Bernie the lap dog, Low the groping pig, and Mau the sewer Rat. That wsas just perfection - hats off to the costume dept.

What would we do without Oliver and Kristel? Gretel was funny in her description, but it was his mimic and Kristel's facial expressions that made that scene. Award worthy.

SOOOOOOOOOO sick of MV. I can't ever remember disliking the "heroine" of a TN so much. I just want the poor galan to run for the hills. Delicia is available Eman...viewerville would support you 100%.

I may have missed something back in some of the dicing and splicing before I could watch online with the new laptop - where is Muneca? Thanks for any clarification there.

And just nailed it with your observation on those love scenes. That has been bugging me all along with these two. I didn't think much of it when the actress was strictly Mari back at the first big Lurrrrvvv sceneand she had to deal with the fat suit. But now...gees. I almost get a vibe that Eman(Valentino) is really having to work thru those scenes to make them steamy.

Good morning all...

Judy, dreary double duty, yet delicious double vocabaulary, delightful double dichos and de-lovely double recaps. You were in your element - observant, witty and all encompassing. The pictures? In a class by themselves.

"Shut up Eman", "His own little masked bun in the oven" and as Sylvia already noted "Hatefully dismissive with old lovers" were only a few of my favorite lines.

Sincere thanks for all of the time and effort you spent on this. Once again, Uni showed only a fraction of the events so there is a lot going on during the race to the end.

ITA with all who loved the Oliver, Gretel and Kristel scenes. I was laughing out loud...I'm sure Gretel and Kristel were wonderful but I could not tear my eyes away from Oliver. He was hysterical! Again, how in the world these actors aren't in full blown laughter in every scene is beyond me...Judy, I particularly enjoyed your shot of him - it was great.

Sylvia, the scene of Gladi giving Ilitia the baby socks made me tear up. A lovely moment. Ilitia was so touched. Can't wait for her and Brandon to get together - my hands down favorite couple.

Judy, sorry to see another dentist appointment is looming. Hope it's not too terrible!


Hello Amiga!

I see what you meant by double recaps! You are such a trouper! (My iPhone spell check just changed trouper to grouper!) I plan on sending good dentist vibes your way....I'm the one to do it, I just had a crown myself!!

I want to hear from you during your retirement!!!



Thanks, Pirate Babe. This was a great re-cap. The rhyming subject headings were a lot of fun, and thanks for the allusion to Brenda Starr. I hope the dental visit is as brief and painful as possible.

While all of us seem to have abandoned interest in the inevitable boda blanca at the end of this series, the comedic timing on this show is going really well. I guess we all know Azela Robinson would have been a great comedic actress. She can be a little like watching Lucille Ball play a villainess. Fedra’s deep offense at seeing Nereida and Bernardo in the hottub was gold. I think the writers are getting bored because Bernardo is now getting good lines. The scene with Fedra, Agent Orange, Lorenzo, and Spiderus with animal masks was funnier than anything I’ve seen on “La Hora Pico”, that’s for sure. I knew hilarity was guaranteed when the gang of thieves all appeared in black, but our Fedra had to get her riot gear at the stripper store. Azela certainly knows how to take one for the team. That pleather had to have been uncomfortable.

Please let me know how you all feel about this. A few recappers have asked whether anyone wants to re-cap for a new series. Rather than disinterest, the mood seems to be one of disenchantment. I’m sure “Teresa” is a marvelous series and seems to be a step above the standard fare, but I think that the telenovela producers cut off their noses to spite their faces by exploiting runs of these series. They exploit the patience of the viewers, but once it’s done, those same viewers are too exhausted to have any interest in the new series, however much promise they may have. As I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t watched a telenovela since “Destilando Amor” and I probably wouldn’t have watched this one had I not stumbled upon it one day. At the time, I just couldn’t knowingly invest any more time in going through Brooklyn to get to the Bronx, so I stopped watching. You have one interminably long series (like this one) followed by a couple (relatively) brief series that are doomed not to do as well because wary folks are concerned that they’ll be trapped again in another time-waster.

Carlos, you mentioned a couple days ago you would be reading _Don_Quixote_ instead of watching “Teresa”. So will I (I downloaded it from months ago, and still haven’t gotten past the first paragraph)– I really want to learn more Spanish. I know that if I continue at this rate then I’ll never be able to provide re-caps. Good luck with Cervantes!

Regarding Emanuel’s grilling of Oliver: I may have missed this, but is Oliver actually aware of the goings on between Brandon and Ilitia? I thought the only one who absolutely knew for the longest time was Muneca.

I’m not liking Axel being encouraged to fight for something he doesn’t deserve, so I’m losing hope that he’ll bug off. I suppose that’s the way of the world – people beg for things that even they know they don’t deserve, and through persistence, sometimes get them. Oh, well.

I’m tired of Mauricio and genuinely shocked that he has not been punished (by someone other than our gentleman poli) for raping Ilitia now that everyone knows he did it. I am hoping Mauricio just gets killed off just as he’s trying to hurt Netty. He’s not even that smart, and he’s constantly getting get out of jail free cards.

The Doris/Andre thing just doesn’t make sense at all, but the “Vengeance of Jacky” storyline makes even less sense. Who would be so pressed to keep their claws into someone who infected them? It’s like a gang of people fighting over a sweater at Macy’s. Who does that?

Guys, you are great to take several for the team like this. April 18, cometh to me now!


OT Allison, it really helps to have an annotated version to help with the archaic Spanish. We are using this version which has almost excessive annotations in English:

Don Quijote

this version, annotated in Spanish, looks very good as well:

Don Quijote

Hope this helps out.


Brilliant, Judy. The "love" scenes are boring but I greatly enjoy your snarking on them. Yeah, MariVicky is just a nasty piece of work. Get over her, Eman. We've got better prospects lined up for you. If nothing else, Conswailer is pretty desperate, and even she isn't as bad as our protagonista. But I think Delicia's a great option.

Can't wait for Ilitia to give in and just get together with Brandon for real. I really don't think Oliver knows about their cositas. Brandon would never talk. Even when Muñeca interrogated him directly, he was as evasive as possible.

Thanks, Carlos. I'm decent with archaic English so I didn't think archaic Spanish would be that bad, but the suggestions give me pause. I will keep the link for the annotated version.


Hi everybody. Not usually away from the computer this long but it's been a crazy day. Think I'll respond to the comments in reverse order....and want to thank you all for your interesting observations before I even begin. you, I can't wait for Ilitia to finally give in to her yearning for a life with Brandon. I think she might have caved before now were it not for the double death threat of Fedra. As usual, our marvelous but malevolent
Juana Felipa is gumming up the works.

@Alison...I like your comparison of Azela to Lucille Ball playing a baddie. The piano roll, the wonderful mugginh faces, the spitting every time she says José Maria's name...all Lucille Ball worthy. Nice call. And "a gang of people fighting over a sweater at Macy's." LOL But indeed, lots of people do that--at Filene's basement anyway. And I fully understand the primal urge to keep what you HAD...however shopworn. Even without love, a natural, though hardly laudable instinct is to say "He's mine and you can't have him." We clutch and hold onto worthless things and worthless people time and again. Alas.

PS My moniker isn't actually Pirate Babe but I love that name. Wish I'd thought of it.

@Sandy in TN...fear not! You'll certainly hear from me "in retirement". More time for emails now that I'm not recapping every week.

@Diana...dear me, delightfully determinedly devilishy alliteration from you this morning. You're cracking me up. Thanks for the kind words and for the friendship, amiga.

@Daisynjay...Where is Muñeca? Still around. Nothing has happened but she hasn't been on the scene since Ilitia was recuperating at the boardinghouse.

And about the Mari/Vicky dislike. Lots of people have disliked this actress in every role she's played. (usually a whiny downtrodden weepy little wimp) Not sure why. At the beginning of the story, while I didn't like the cruel jokes, I had no problem with Marianela. Now I grind my teeth (dentist alert!) every time either Vicky or Marianela appear on the scene. I HATE HER!! (Sic the Forgivness Nazi's on me. Or else I need to do an Act of Contrition

@Alison...forgot...are you wondering if anybody is going to watch Teresa. Or are you wondering whether you should sign up as a recapper.

If you're reading Don Quixote, you can recap lady! Go for it.

@Sylvia...I'm sure Kristel was jealous of Gretel. And what a marvelous switch. Crazy sister can out-fresa our wannabe Top Model and has a far kinkier sex life to boot. Basically right now Kristel has nothing. No career. No fiancé. No nuthin'. And Gretel is happy and in love.

@Carlos...thanks for the props, amigo. Feels good. And yes, I really am retiring. Don't want to become a chronic Crankypants but I find I've run out of both patience and time. Need to cut back on telenovelas and put more energy into what's going on around me with friends and family, students etc.

I treasure the friends I've made here and I'm not retiring from any of you. Just recapping and TV watching.

@Pirate Babe...Like "house of pain". Certainly an apt description.

And for all of you who were touched by the little baby socks scene...Me too. I generally tear up over anything concerning babies. But what touched me here was the simplicity of the gift. Just a plain little pair of white socks from the market.

Made me think of the Widow's Mite and how her contribution was "giving all she had" and therefore so much more valuable than the lavish offerings of the richer Pharisees.

And Ilitia was wise enough to value the love that came with that simple gift...and to respond to it. A wonderful scene.

@Audrey...I suspect every last one of us, and lurkers as well, thought the Gretel/Olly/Kristel fresa-speak scene was the Best. Oliver's facial expressions were like...India Rubber man! And this guy is as gifted at comedy as Azela. Quite a treat.

@BarbaraM...clearly you struck a nerve when you pointed out how passive the actress is in the Eman/Vicky love scenes. There was a little spark when she rolled over on top of him (back in Maggie's episode...where she noted "more swelling...of the music that is")but otherwise...well, there's a reason that we're bored.

For me, this actress lacks a playful quality and that's essential to interest in my book. Ilitia can convey more spice and passion with just a sidelong look than Mari-Vicky can with 20 minutes of mattress bouncing. Enough already.

If Televisa wants to keep on hacking off big hunks of scenes, they can delete every Marianela/Vicky one in the whole lot and I doubt any of us would complain.

Sorry, JudyB. I deliberately checked the recap for the name of the author before posting and still wrote the wrong blogger's name. Sorry, and thanks for the correction. I was asking about "Teresa" because it looked like there was a lot of disinterest after this marathon. I was observing that it seems like people have to take a break after the brutally long ones, which isn't good for the new shows. The last telenovela I recall being stretched like this was "La Fea Mas Bella", but there may have been more.

As for recapping, with captioning I can follow about 65-75% of scenes but no way is my Spanish good enough to recap. Before I fell off, I was frantically scribbling down words I didn't know to review in the dictionary. Thanks for the encouragement, though.


Wonderful, Judy! Great photos too, and marvelous vocab as always. I loved “bodacious beso”, “consuwailia” and “bun in the oven is from a different baker.”

I only watched the TV version, so I was very glad to read about what I missed, like the bodacious beso! Like the rest of you, I just loved the costumes of the kidnappers, and the sweet scene where Gladiola gave Ilitia the little socks.

I think Valentino (Eman/Lirio) does great with his love (sex!) scenes, so great I hadn’t really noticed that Vicky is pretty boring. But now that you all mention it, you’re right!

I think the gift of the simple tiny socks made the baby suddenly seem more real to Ilitia. Until now, it's all been about a way of keeping Emanuel, the threat of losing her figure, Fedra's threats to stay away from the kid's real father, worrying about miscarriage, etc. When she held those little socks, it seemed to hit her a bit that there was going to be an actual little child in her arms wearing them. And for a real actual child, loving Gladiola, poor though she may be, certainly makes a better abuela than Fedra does.

@Julia...good point. Holding those tiny little socks probably did make the baby seem more real to Ilitia...not just a manipulative tool but a real live tiny person needing love and protection.

I think the scene of her doing little trot-trot movements with the socks (to Kristel's horror) was cut from the evening casserole. But it was cute and brought home the reality of this little being to come. did a great job of making the love scenes seem steamy in your recap. Maybe you were just focusing on adorable hairy Valentino Lanus. Me, in my jaundiced Crankypants state, didn't catch the magic. But...I confess to my shame...I usually close my eyes when those two are on the screen. They are really Acksville to me right now.

You're right, Julia. A pair of 1-peso socks was more than anyone else has done for the "criaturita", as the TN folks call him. Kristel's snideness over the humble nature of the gift was really rotten.


Judy, thanks once again for another great recap and thank you for all of the months you have kept us informed and entertained with this train wreck.

My favorite scene that was not mentioned was in the police station when Brandon was giving orders to everyone Tejada saluted Brandon and then realized what he did and looked at his hand and looked a little bewildered. It was funny because it was so out of character.

Glad is going to melt Itilia yet. There is now doubt in her mind who is the baby daddy.


@Alison...No Pressure...BUT...when I started recapping, I'd been teaching myself Spanish for 2 and 1/2 years by translating magazine articles, studying books on my own, and watching telenovelas in a semi-stupor.

Learning about the closed captions helped (Julie from La Fea Mas Bella taught me about CC's and how to "cut and paste") and I started writing down vocab.

Someone bailed on the Juan Querendon team and the others talked me into recapping. I will admit that the one night the closed captions failed, I practically crawled into the actors' mouths trying to understand what they were saying. But when I goofed, people kindly corrected me. And the more I did it, the more I learned.

If you decide to do it, you will find a kind, welcoming, appreciative community. And there are plenty of lurkers who read but don't comment.

There are two reasons to do this. 1)Because you want the impetus to crank up your Spanish another notch.

2)And you want to polish up your writing skills again.

I haven't written much since college papers and a couple of years stint on a newspaper. Three children and later a part-time job as an exercise instructor seldom called for writing. So it was fun to reconnect with a long neglected part of me. And to work on new skills as well.

Whatever your situation in life, recapping is an adventure. And you don't need to leave home to live it.

@Rosemary...Thanks for mentioning the scene with Comissario Tejeda. He ended up on my cutting room floor, as they say, but you're right...that was a cute scene.

He seems perpetually befuddled but makes a nice foil to super-macho directive Brandon.

Oh my, say it isn't so...I'm here Judy B retiring? I thought you already were and that's what gave you time to recap? Oh dear....I'm sad...but as a busy one I can relate to not watching much TV.

This recap was absolutely the headings...amazingly creative, sure wish I could drum up such gems. I for one will miss you.

I haven't watched these episodes yet, but I read Carlos's amazing and well pictored recap from Fri...just hysterical, and I started on the ones at the beginning of this week. you folks are great.

having not watched a show since last week it was absolutely hysterical to see the barnyard animal caper. THAT was hysterical...poor Netty....sorry but they were pretty darn funny. I wonder how many takes that scene needed for everyone to stop cracking up at each other!!!

THANKS FOR THE PICS OF THOSE MASKED FOOLS...I was hoping that would be captured for posterity!!!

Ah these novelas but it is tough to do outdoor things and keep current with wonder all my latin friends never watch them. :)

Office hours and no students so time to post...Thanks so much Judy for enduring this for us. Though I don't recap, I do feel your pain. The ironic problem is that the crankier you are the better your recaps (and they are wonderful in general). I will be sad to see you leave recapping but I understand. Please to stop by and chat. I enjoy your insights and point of view!

Hilarious my word verification - signoff.

Judy, my feeling that Eman/Lirio is terribly romantic and sexy is I’m afraid rather clinical. I was just guessing how his scenes would have made me feel all swoony when I was younger. At this age and stage, I’m always thinking of the mechanics when I watch TV shows and movies. Like in these scenes, what was it like to have all the camera people watching, particularly since rumors of a real romance between the two seem to be actually true? What are they wearing under the sheets? Is that leather suit sweltering? After the scene is over, does Eman have to stay under the sheets for a while to let things calm down, and is it embarrassing? Or does having camera people around make that not an issue? Sorry, but I can’t help thinking of these things! I never did when I was younger; I would just get lost in a show.

Speaking of mechanics, I forgot to mention earlier that I really liked being able to get a good gander at the fat suit.

Hi Kris and Karen. Yep, retiring from recapping. But not from teaching exercise, though that's just a part-time job. I suppose one day I'll have to give that up too, but not yet, please! Still having too much fun.

Thanks for the kind words from you both. Since I intend to be around a little bit to enjoy your all's company and writing, it's not as drastic as it sounds. Just frees me up for some needs around here.

@Maggie...Wow. Sounds like you could be a researcher for Masters &Johnson. I am cracking up here thinking about your concern for Valentino Lanus. I'm sure as a macho male he'd have no problem flaunting a little stiffness for the camera crew. Too funny though. I'd like to take a little guided tour around your brain some day. There's a lot going on there lady!

Maggie had the first night of amor, it was new to all of us. The second time was merely a repeat with stupid conversation and stupider thought bubbles. Definitely a buzz-kill.

@Sylvia...ah, the poignancy. Maggie had the first night of love.

Yeah, baby...and I got stuck with the leftovers and the refritos. I'm gonna complain to the telenovela gods about this!

Still, in all fairness, I was dyspeptic the first time around. Definitely time to retire.

Judy, no apologizes for your distain of MV. But if you feel you need a blessing, I'll send Padre Juan from Triunfo over for you. you will fell MUCH better.

hi Judy, great pictures!!! Don't have a clue what they were all about. I stopped watching this but had to peak in on your recap as well. I will certainly miss being your Wed. Eve recap buddy.

Judy, you give me too much credit. I’m afraid my brain is like some attic with lots of cobwebs and dust.

Other things I was wondering about during that big love scene have to do with the writing. I long ago gave up any hope of telenovelas being anything like reality, but still… Did the Lirio light all those candles at the cabin and then go off and get Vicky? That’s a scary thought, particularly since I live in So. California where if you even look at something cross-eyed, it catches fire. And this cabin was in the woods! Then, who made the dinner? Also, how did they get to the cabin? The motorcycle? A car? And how can the Lirio run around town in his outfit and nobody pays attention? I’m sure Mexico City is no weirder than L.A. and even here he’d definitely get noticed with his mask and all.

Maggie, I always wonder about stuff like that, too. And I'm definitely freaked about the fire danger when they have a hundred candles burning. I'm just going to assume Eman had Fidel or someone set up the dinner and light the candles and then vanish out the back door as Lirio and Vic were arriving.

As to the car-bumping scenes, I'd guess filming them isn't actually much of a turn-on, what with all the crew standing around and a director hollering at you where to put your hands and when to kiss. Unless the actor had some particular fetish for that...

I do always wonder what's really going on, though, like whether the actress is actually perfectly comfy in a tube top and gym pants when she's supposedly nekkid.

@Maggie...Miss Fire Safety here also worried about the candles. does one get a nifty dinner out in the woods? And who indeed lights the candles?

NovelaMaven mentioned the "highlight fairy"* in one of her recaps...guess we have to figure the candle fairy takes care of the romantic lighting.

I refuse to believe your brain is dusty and cobwebb-y. I'm sensing a lot of richness both literature and humor. It would make a great tour.

@Pata...don't blame you for giving up. This looooong story and the casserole crunching is discouraging to all but the most dedicated viewer....or recapper. Was reading where second-hand smoke is believed responsible for ADD attention-span challenged folks. Since my mom was an avid smoker, I've decided to blame her for my crankiness at enduring these long slogs. (Or should I just be a grownup and deal with it!?) all means, send Padre Hottie over. But promise me he'll be wearing his tight black t-shirt instead of the "soutane" or whatever it's called. No wait!, better put him in the priestly robes or I might lose my train of thought.

*referring to an actress' suddenly brighter tresses

@Julia...Wow, Maggie has opened up a whole new area of thought. Tube top and sweat pants sounds good to me.

And all the actors say the love scenes are no fun precisely because of all the "now place hand on right shoulder, slide down slowly to....." etc.

And yet still, we DO know about those on-set romances. So it can't be too much of a turnoff.

Duuude I just had a whole long comment written here and it disappeared on me. Ok I will try to remember.
Re: Love scenes. Yesterday I stumbled on some Tontas bloopers on Dailymotion. There is one scene where Alicia (Esperanza on Teresa) literally kicks Valentino out of the bed. He can't be wearing much more than underwear. There is also another blooper where they are kissing and she keeps messing up the lines and he says something about her being nervous.
Valentino seems like a lot of fun and that side of him totally comes out in Eman. (Esp vs. Patricio in Tontas.)
I looove the two scenes you all mentioned as well. And maybe it is just me, because I am young-ish and maybe because this is my first tn other than watching Tontas reruns at night, too, but I don't hate on MV so much. I do agree that Valentino is doing a lot more in the love scenes, and even just the kissing scenes, he is way more into it than she is.
Alison, you could totally do recapping. Everyone here is so great and they are especially forgiving! We are all learning here. Like I said, this is my first tn and I just did my first recap for Teresa yesterday. Aside from watching LLena and Tontas, I had only 7th and 8th grade Spanish, from which I retained almost nothing, and a background with Italian. I say give it a try. We could be newbies-in-arms.
God I love Eman, Oliver, Kristel, and... so many people on this show. Love the comedy. I am going to miss them when they are gone!
I know I had more in my original comment... maybe it'll come to me later.

Oh yes, I had a whole section about how much I enjoyed the recap and the photos. Thanks JudyB!

I've started selecting and copying my comments before hitting "publish" so that if they disappear, I can just paste and try again. Blogger has been annoying lately.

There are tons of great bloopers from Tontas! You can find a lot of clips on YouTube. Some of the funniest ones are of Patricio and Alicia. I remember the one where she literally kicked him out of bed! That was hilarious.

Awesome screen shots JudyB - you really picked the great moments.

We have at least one more week of recaps from these amazing writers so I'm not saying goodbye yet! Maybe I'll start crying next week.

By my calcs we have up through episode 207-191 = 16 hours left from the original. I use 207, because in Mexico episode 206 was a two hour finale. No news yet if Uni is going to do 2 hours to finish off LDA.

We have 8 more nights for the show. (Finale night is the 19th, right?). I skipped Monday the 11th, because there is a 4 hour Eva Luna special for their finale which I believe preempts LDA. Darn - it looks like they have to keep cutting in half all the way to the end to fit in the show!!!!

I hope they don't chop the last hour, because there is no room to chop! They could pull it off if they used 2 hours for finale night. The show had a really cute "epilogue" and they better not cut any of that!!!!


On the MV character:

I always feel like Ariadne Díaz didn't get the memo that this TN is not a serious drama. She's the ONLY ONE in the entire cast that doesn't seem to get the joke. Everyone else is having fun and exploiting little opportunities to joke around or smirk or camp or whatever. No one else takes themselves seriously in this TN, and it's so obvious!

This is actually the only Televisa produced novela that I've enjoyed. OK - I've only been watching TNs for a year. But in this one the strength is in their incredibly talented comedic cast, and the production team allowing the actors to showcase their full talents. Marvelous. The story may be dumb, but the actors and production more than make up for it.


Audrey, if you liked this one, Un Gancho al Corazón was another in the same vein. Very talented cast, very funny. I don't know how butchered the DVD is, but sometimes they replay them on Telefutura. That one would be worth catching.

@Samantha...thanks for checking in...and also for being willing to recap Teresa. Good for you! And sorry Blogger ate your first comment. And it's always the long ones! I feel sure that eventually Teresa will have a full team. It sometimes takes a while to develop a following. But seems like quite a story. Think it over, Alison!

@Julia...does anyone have a link to that Tontas youtube where she kicks him out? I'd like to see it.

@Audrey...I too am hoping that they retain the whole two hours of the finale. I figured when they were changing the end date from the l8th to the l9th that there was some pre-emption. Didn't know if it was one of their Thursday musical things or what...but the Eva Luna 3 hour chunk explains it all. Thanks for the calculations.

Candle fairy! Love it.

I remember reading ages ago an interview with a lady movie star where she was being questioned about what it’s like doing steamy love scenes when she was actually married in real life. She said that after a day filming that sort of scene, she’d come home all charged up and would fall on her husband like a wolf, so he was pretty pleased. I wish I could remember who the movie star was.

@Audrey...good analysis of why Ariadne is so annoying as an actress. She doesn't get the comedy and camp the way the other actors do.

And agree with Julia that you would love Gancho al Corazón. Possibly my favorite. And Carlos' also. Wonderful cast, wonderful comedy. And the brother of the actor who plays Brandon is in it. And he's fantastic. Not a hunk. But an incredible comic actor. that story. Have to admit, reading some bodice-ripper romance had the same effect on me back in the day. Was VERY GLAD when my husband finally got home from wherever he'd been.

Late yesterday I linked to this scene from un Gancho al Corazón. It brought back great memories for me of Ximena, Rolu, and Lalo. Also the scene includes Oliver who played Rolu's germphobic brother.You're right Judy, probably my favorite TN... ever.


Wow. Thanks Carlos. I'd forgotten that scene. Pure Ximena when she fell off the stage, goofy girl! So adorable.

I'm now having serious Gancho nostalgia. Those were good days and I loved the give 'n take between you and Mike on some of those comment pages. You two would really get going. Fun times.

Judy, how about Julia's idea of a TN starring Ilitia, Kristel, and Ximena? I suggested maybe set on a cruise ship or a resort. Would that lure you out of retirement?


Well, I sure like the idea of someone trying to "lure" me anyway.

One of my favorite actresses from Gancho (of course I can't remember her name) is actually in Teresa. You know..the one who always announced that she was an "actriz!! And just checked out Samantha's debut Teresa recap and it was great...and got a great response. I think that show is off and running.

Judy: Thank you for the great recap and pics, I'm amazed at how easy it seems for you now to post them. I think Ariadne has a long way to go but I just don't see her functioning in a comedy, she is better for a drama. When she was originally cast by the production team they were going to do another novela called "Antonella" which was a drama and that was the role she got (Valentino Lanús too) but when the big suits on Televisa (Salvador Mejía among them) asked her to do Mi Gorda Bella she had to change everything quickly but decided to stay with the actors she had casted already because of time constrictions and paperwork issues. I don't know if Ariadne would have gotten the role had she been chosen for Marianela.

Aw, Gancho might be my favorite comedic novela ever! And it was actually longer than Llena but I watched it twice and occasionally rewatch some funny parts on youtube. I love it.

And yes, Margarita Magaña is in Teresa. This time she's playing a snobby rich girl, I like her acting too. Rolu and Xime, sigh, I love them. As much as I love Ricardo Margaleff, Alex Sirvent and Verónica Jaspeado had just so much chemistry! By the way, Alex Sirvent is in Para Volver a Amar.


@Jarocha...always great to hear from you. As I recall, you were the one who told us how great Gancho was. As usual, at the beginning, we weren't too sure. And you were such a help with the slang!

Yep, I had quite a learning curve with capturing and posting pictures. Always a struggle for me to learn new techniques. But ultimately good.

Thanks for explaining how Ariadne came to be cast for the heroine in this one. That makes sense. Always love your "inside information". Gracias amiga.

Judy: Yeah, Gancho had a strange premise and I don't think it got the best response among the general US audiences but I knew that once people gave it a chance they would realize what a gem it was. I'm glad you all enjoyed it.

Judy you are now not only good at posting pictures, you are great and I'm glad you are having fun with them!


Well, WE are glad to have you back with us, Jarocha. It's been a while. I found it so helpful when you'd correct our grammar mistakes (like when to us "y" and when to use "e", "o" or "u"..little slips like that.) And the cultural information was invaluable. You have really enriched our understanding of both the culture and the language. You're "the gift that keeps on giving", my friend.

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