Friday, May 13, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #16 Thursday 5/12/11 You are my BFF, unknowingly the illegitimate daughter of my step dad's sis's husband, you are in love with my step bro.

Just another day of confusing telenovela relationships.

Cap 16

Ahoy all, I was traveling around yesterday and didn’t realize until I tried to post early this a.m. that Blogger has been “Currently Unavailable”, i.e. not working since yesterday afternoon. Well, if you are reading this then you know that everything has been fixed. Thanks for your patience.

Tonight there was a lot of barking but not much biting. In other words, lots of build-up but very little action. In other words, a few sparklers but no fireworks...

Fina insults Coni while they prep for the party. Didn’t anyone ever tell Fina it’s rude to be rude to helpers? Oh right, that’s a sign of the telenovela nouveau riche. Coni’s all (shrug) I don’t need you as a friend because Regina, Inez and I are gonna be BFFs, nyah nyah. Fina grits her teeth, Regina otra vez.

Agatha is in pre-op and looks terribly frightened. Renata and Adriana come to cheer her up and bring her gifts. Aggie tells Nata if anything happens to me be like a sis to my kid, OK? Never leave her. Of course we know Nata will eventually end up being Adriana’s step step cousin, or step step step cousin right? It’s kind of confusing, but as long as Adriana and Matias are at least step cousins, then everything should be cool.

Lazaro shows the vineyard and superior grapes to Carlos. Alfonsina, highly visible in her bright pink boob-popping camisa, lurks nearby and listens to how impressed Carlos is with the vineyard and how proud he is that Rafa realized his dream. But why did he have to go and kill himself?

Carlos calls Jero to rave about how awesome the vineyard is, no wonder Augie is so interested. He urges Jero to come to La Bonita ASAP! Carlos sits in the cool shade of a tree and the camera pans up the tree to...Rafael’s carved heart that says Roberta + Rafael!!

Regina’s getting all dolled up to go to the fiesta with Jero and she really does look wonderful. It’s been so long since she’s been to a party. Inez gushes that when it rains it pours, the invite from Gonzalo, then Jero, and going to Spain with Antonio. Inez says choose whatever, just live, but she cheer-leads the Spain thing most of all. Regi mentions they never got the invitation to the fiesta, how odd. Guess that’s why Inez is left out in the cold.

Ominous phone call to rain on their parade. It’s Isidro calling to say that Andrecito has another bad nose bleed. Crap.

From the privacy of her room, Renata calls Adriana, worried about Adri and Agatha, she’ll keep her phone with her at all times just in case.

Roberta comes in and Nata gushes over Rob’s dress. Rob wants to look perfect, is anything missing? Nata says your “R” necklace would look nice. Rob remembers she left it with Rafa so she lies that it’s in a strong box and she wants to borrow Renata’s necklace.

Regina calls Jero who’s on his way to her house. We only hear Jero’s side but clearly Regina’s breaking the date because of the emergency.

People gather outside the house and Matt kisses the lovely Renata. Everybody comments on how hot she looks. Rob and Selene stand aside waiting for Rob’s beau. Lots of greeting and hugging and introducing.

Matt greets his profe; Jero has arrived. Renata turns to meet him and they share a mutual impacted stare. You! You! You! You! You! You! OK, enough with the back and forth stares already.

Matt introduces Renata. Jero gets a dig in, Your novia, sister, step sister? He asks, Renata? I thought your name was Adriana. Now the mutual staring becomes suspicious and continues as Matt leaves. Jero starts to get into it with Nata but Rob interrupts, kisses Jero and takes him away. He stares or glares at Nata over his shoulder.

Agatha has a final conversation with Adriana, sniffs and tears. You’re the most important thing to me they both say, yada yada, must have hope. Hugs and tears. FF>>

Constanza is on the lookout for Regina and Inez because they don’t know anybody else, so of course Fina must slither over to give her a hard time. Fina snips that this must be a big deal for them since they’re not used to such an environment. Coni scoffs and reminds Fina that neither of themselves belong to royalty. This annoys Fina which gives Coni a good chuckle.

Inez and Regina run into the clinic. Isidro doesn’t have news yet and Inez totally freaks out. Inez will die if anything happens to little Andres.

Renata follows and watches Rob and Jero. Fina struts up to Nata and smirks, So that’s Jero eh? Wow, he’s muy guapo! Fina rubs Nata’s nose in it, See Rob can attract the guys too, you’re not the only one. What a momster.

Matt joins and they watch Jero and Rob dance. Frankly, there is a lot of dancing and watching in this episode. Rob thinks she’s flirting but Jero goes into one of his evil flashbacks and calls her Bonitaaaaahhhh.

Matt explains to Nata that Jero lives in Spain but he’s visiting Mexico. Nata recalls their Big Bang at the airport.

More Jero and Rob dancing. Rob drops her necklace which gives her a chance to tell Jero that both she and Renata have one and she never takes hers off. Matt pulls his friend away and Jero obsesses on Renata and Rob, both R girls. Matt confirms he’s in love with Renata, Rob is very pretty but nuthin’ like Nata.

Back at the hospital Dr. Morales wants to keep little Andy in for observation. No idea yet of the illness until they get the results but our Dr. Carlos has already made his diagnosis...Leukemia! Regina pulls Dr. M aside and he tells Regina it could be....Leukemia!

More dumb conversation between Jero and Matt. Jero asks you’re really in love with Nata? Matt extolls her virtues, she’s perfect for him. They’re boring conversationalists but very handsome in their suits.

Off topic: So, trying to get a head start on the recap because I won’t be home until about 1:00 a.m., I’m sitting here in a Starbucks watching the episode online. I’m wearing a headset and I was thinking the Starbucks Latin music was too loud and getting louder so I kept turning up the volume. I finally realized it’s the telenovela fiesta music that’s so loud. Duh. No wonder the guy sitting next to me is giving me dirty looks!

Back to the show: Nata calls Adri to tell her that Jero turned up at the fiesta and is Matt’s friend. And guess what, he’s Roberta’s date!

Matt tells Jero that currently he’s more in love with Nata than she with him. (Would a guy really say that to a friend?) But with time he’ll turn her around. Jero looks doubtful (as would I). More man talk, Jero makes some crack that maybe after tonight Matt won’t want to know him anymore. Matt tells Jero not possible, he’s a great friend and he’ll never forget what Jero did for him. Jero has a sinister thought bubble but I couldn’t understand what he said, maybe that he’s going to unmask La Bonita for the liar she is? Help anyone? Damn background music.

Coni and Honorio talk about how weird it is that Regi and Inez didn’t show up. Fina slithers over to throw cold water on the party and sez hey sis in law guess your new BFF didn’t show up eh? Coni tells Hondo she can’t stand Fina. Why couldn’t she have introduced Gonzo to a Regina or a Inez? Coni grabs Rob and asks did you invite Regina Soberon? Of course lies Rob.

Rob runs over to Nata and asks Nata’s opinion of her galan. Rob brags it was love at first sight. Nata’s happy face is taking a break during this conversation so she consoles herself with a caramel apple.

Adri is in the chapel praying. Behind her is Regina also praying. They are both in the one hospital in the DF. Regi sees Adri crying and gives her a tissue, asks can she help with anything? Adri spills her guts and Regi consoles her then thought bubbles she’s much younger than her daughter but surely her hija is just as lovely, where could her daughter be?

At the hacienda Carlos wrings his hands while following Matilde into Rafa’s room. Matilde finds the “R” necklace in Rafa’s closet!!

Rob and Selene in the bathroom: Sele fixes the R necklace and Rob tells her it’s Renata’s, not hers. Rob comments that Jero really likes it, just like Rafa did (ominous music) , what a coincidence.

Mati can’t believe she never saw the R necklace before and Carlos thinks it must belong to her, to Roberta! I love how Mati spits Rob’s name out, “La Maldita Bonita, Rrrrrrroberta!!”. Carlos tells Mati that Roberta is beautiful and perverse and here is the proof that she’s Rafa’s novia.

Nata runs over to kiss daddy Gonzo. I love her, she’s a protaganista who stuffs her face, first a caramel apple and now mango pops.

Fina and Rob discuss Rob’s evil plot to shame Nata. Rob snickers not even Mat or Pops can save Nata from the nefarious plot. Fina changes topic, sure Jero is guapo but is he rico? I really hate these two.

Gonzo tells Nata he wants to meet Jero because he saved Matt’s life; this is news to Nata.

Ezequiel and Alfonsina relax at home. Eze wants the skinny on the visitor Carlos. She gripes that he knows a lot about vineyards, she’s completely sure.

Augie is in a jolly mood and brings out some wine to share with the Doc. Jero hasn’t signed the any papers yet but it’s just a matter of days. Doc tells him that Alfonsina was watching Jero’s visitor but there doesn’t seem to be any problems. Doc tells Augie he might be interested in one of the properties. Nope, Augie wants them all for himself because he wants to give La Bonita as a wedding gift for his woman. Doc is all QTH Who? Augie says he met her in the DF, Renata Monterrubio, and that woman will become his wife.

Nata calls Adri again and reports that Jero is some sort of Hero according to pops and Matt. Nice split screen of their conversation and the fiesta.

Gonzo finally meets Jero and says he will always be indebted to him for saving his son. His house is at his service. Jero thanks him but soon he must return to Spain. More talk about the wonderful Renata and how Matias will stay in Mexico thanks to her. Gonzo thinks a beautiful woman could get Jero to stay too. How about Roberta? She’s beautiful, although a little difficult, but he loves her very much and he’d love to see her with a great guy like Jero. Dad needs some coaching on his matchmaking skills.

Fina’s inside torturing the help and obsessing about ruining Nata’s reputation. Rob comes in and confronts Fina about inviting Regina and Inez. Fina admits she never sent the invite to Coni’s “coworkers” which makes them both cackle. Brujas.

Outside, Nata tries to talk to Jero but Matt grabs her for a dance. Jero answers his phone and it’s Regina, please give her regards to Gonzo but Inez’s son is in a bad way. She pleads with him to reconsider his nasty plot of vengeance. He tells her that Adriana turned out to be Renata Monterrubio. Regi is all Dude I tried to tell you about the photo in Gonzo’s office. Jero gripes some more about the woman who killed his bro. Behind him the party is in full swing with people dancing like maniacs, how funny! So let that be our lesson, next time we are having a good time at a party just think, there might be someone amongt us who is plotting somebody's demise, perhaps our own!

Rob grabs Jero for more dancing, plotting and thought bubbling.

Back in the wine country Doc asks who is Renata M? Augie ponders his wine and says she’s the most beautiful woman ever, as good as the best wine, and with a perfect aroma; he wants her all for himself. Doc warns she’s a city girl, think about the problem with Rafa’s novia. Augie swirls and sniffs his wine, he brags there is always a way to get what one wants and he’s going to find it.

Manana: Fireworks, supposedly.


So what are people thinking about Alfonsina? She has a good job at La Bonita, her husband works for Augie who is supposedly the enemy. Hub wants her to spy for him. Will her allegiance be to La Bonita or to Augustin? She's kind of in a precarious position.

Yay! So glad the site is back up and delighted for the recap Cap'n Sylvia. Thanks!

Poor Renata. "Nata’s happy face is taking a break" - definitely!

This show is starting to remind me of Pura Sangre in how layer upon layer of false (mis-leading) evidence, circumstantial evidence and lies are being built up which we know will incriminate Renata and taken together look damning. I thought I was hearing nails being hammered into a coffin with the all the bits about the R necklace including Roberta deciding she's not going to give it back. The previews looked pretty depressing.

How does Jero get off thinking Renata had any obligation to give him her real name after the way he was harassing her? What an ass!!!!!

How horrible is Roberta? What a nasty piece of work! I shudder to think what she paid Diego to do.

And Fina seems like a very stupid woman. I don't think being nasty and confrontational to your sister-in-law — especially when she is very close to your husband — is a very bright thing to do. Is Fina really so sure of her family position? Of course Constanza doesn't pull punches in letting Fina know she's despised.

Loved the scene with Augustín coming out of his cellar with his wine he is so proud of. Such a guapo - and a great red wine model - LOL! He looked wonderful twirling that glass, although he maybe did drink it a bit fast - LOL! Loved his declaration about gifting the entire La Bonita hacienda/winery to Renata Monterrubio who will definitely marry him sometime in the future. Wow! - that's some confidence!!!!

I really don't want to see Renata suffer (she's already unhappy), but it looks like the big guns are coming out tonight! Arrrrgh!


I haven't figured out Alfonsina yet. I guess I am just now figuring out that she and her husband work for the two different wineries and that is just now creating a conflict. This will be interesting.


thanks Sylvia!
Audrey... you are right, Roberta did say to Sele that since Jero had come to like the "R" dije necklace so much maybe she would never give it back to Renata... which brings up a possible can of worms for Renata... if Roberta never gives Renata her 'dije' back, then how is Renata going to prove that the 'dije' that Roberta has is hers while Roberta's is the one Matilde found? (of course until someone finds the carved heart on the tree by the vineyard that spells out the name of the real "Bonita"....
Sylvia, btw, 'caja fuerte' is a safety/security box like those you rent at a bank to safely store your expensive jewelry, docs, etc.

Thanks for clarifying Marta. So it's probably not a safe they have in the house but rather something that is located remotely.

Audrey, I am in awe of Augustin's confidence. Yes, he should be the poster boy for red wine drinking. Made me want to open a bottle for myself but at 1:00 a.m. I thought maybe not a great idea. However tonight, definitely!!

@Sylvia - I am a HUGE red wine fan, so much so that I even have a fancy wine refrigerator in the house that was imported when I ordered it. This is so the wine is always at the right temp for drinking - LOL! So I have been very much enjoying the vineyard scenes and all the red wine savored at different occasions. The Augie cellar scene was the best!

"caja fuerte" just means strong box = safe, and I think it was a safe in the house. Roberta's excuse was that she didn't want to bother her "busy" mother for access to the safe. I suspect the safe is in their parents' bedroom.

A lot of the "evidence" building against Renata is not the result of deliberate subterfuge - like the necklace, and her meeting with Rafael. But you can bet certain harpies are going to jump all over the "evidence" when it can be twisted to their advantage.


Wow Audrey, you really are a red wine fan! I'm impressed.

OK, so wherever the darn caja fuerte is I think we all agree that the R necklace is going to cause problems down the line along with all the other circumstantial evidence that the Harpies will twist against Renata.

Thanks for the recap, Sylvia! And muchas gracias for saving my bacon last week. It's been a hellish few days and I'm just catching up right now.

I really don't know why Fina thinks antagonizing Constanza at every opportunity is a good idea. Fina turns on the sugary-sweetness-and-light routine for almost everyone else yet snarks at Coni constantly. Maybe it's because Coni can see through Fina's act? I dunno, but all this animosity certainly won't put Fina in Gonzo's good graces.

Roberta is turning into a villiana worthy of her mother. Ugh. Poor Renata.


No worries Amy; it was one of the few weekends I was actually around so not a problem.

ITA agree with both Amy and Audrey that Fina is stupid for being so nasty to Constanza. She thinks she's very clever but she cannot control her rotten disposition so keeps revealing her true self to a select few.

I'm so going to not like watching tonight's episode from that the previews show. I may just put it off until later on the weekend and fast forward online thru the sad parts.

and of course who's front and center with the harping and accusations - old sourpuss herself. yeah, I think a couple glasses of red wine, since we're on the topic, and I'll be more able to swallow the nastiness to come.

Note: I also thought Regina looked awseom. Wish Gonzo had seen her.

Yes I LOVED Regina's outfit and too bad Gonzo didn't see her dressed up so lovely. It had me thinking - darn - maybe I need to go find me some dressy evening clothes like that. I hardly ever dress up and the cocktail style "party dresses" the TN women wear in the evenings appeal to me not at all! But Regina's outfit - that looked comfortable AND elegant. Very classy.


Let's look at all the things stacking up against poor Renata:
1) The fact that her name begins with 'R' and she lied to Jero about it.
2) The 'R' necklace that is now not in her possession.
3) She was meeting with Rafa the night he didn't show and she's been asking around for him.
4) She's going to break Matia's heart, because she's just not that in to him. (We all know it's coming.)
5) She turned down Roberta's friend who kissed her by force (which was seen by the witch Fina), and now he's going to publicly accuse her of something (probably of being a slut).
6) She kissed Jero, and has been haunting his dreams and fantasies (she must be a slut).
7) Augie is hot for her, and will probably make this known publicly soon. More fuel for the slut fire.

I don’t think I can watch the next episode. I like Renata too much, and none of this stuff is her fault, not even out of stupidity (which is usually how our heroines get themselves in trouble). I’m going to be a wimp and just read the recap after it’s all done with.

Thanks for this fun recap, Sylvia. Isn't it awfully early in the show for this many anvils to be hovering? How appropriate that this is Fri 13.

Alfonsina is of course one of my all time favorite bonbons, but doesn't she look perilously close to exploding out of that outfit? Mercy! I was so fond of Gardeña in FELS, but it looks like in Matilde is the Gardeña character in this.

Someone is going to have to set me straight about the R pendants. I thought that Roberto gave one to each of the Reginas (mom and daughter) but now it looks like the R sisters each had one. Were there 3?

Maybe it's my TV or my hearing difficulties, but during the dancing, I didn't hear any music that matched the dancing.

Add me to those who thought that Regina looked stunning in her outfit.

Lots of mouth watering visuals last night:

red wine

candy apple

dish of mango


I was drooling.


Carlos, I was also wondering how both girls ended up with R pendants. Maybe Pepa/Fina had a copy made so both could have one? But I don't specifically remember that.

I know what you mean about the music, that's why I thought I was hearing the Starbucks music, not to mention they were also playing a latin DVD.

Also, ITA it's way early for so many anvils, especially the kid with leukemia anvil. Heck, we don't even know little Andy!

Vivi, that's some list against Renata. Sounds pretty dismal, doesn't it? On the positive side I think Regina will come out of the woodwork to be her advocate. The more Renata's family/friends turn against her the stronger he bond with Regina might become. On the downside, Renata might turn to Augie since everyone else will want to dump her.

Thanks very much, Silvia, for the excellent recap. I loved your story about the loud music in Starbucks!

Yes, it sure does look as if we're in for a rough patch these next few episodes/weeks/months.

Like everyone else, I thought Regina looked great. Renata, on the other hand, looked worse than I'd seen her ever (and I'm not counting just this telenovela). What's with the straight, severe-looking hairdo? As for the dress, yes, she has a great figure, but her dress looked as if it was a size or two too small. Blech.

Well, I do plan to watch tonight...if I let a rough patch scare me away, I'd have almost no telenovelas to watch.

Carlos LOL on your drooling. Just this morning I had a meeting at my kids school with her special ed teacher and he said he has wanted to learn spanish but he could not do it via spanish tv because he always gets distracted by the beauty of the women and ends up not caring what they said... he just goes 'yeah, whatever she said!'. Are hispanic women on tv so distracting usually?

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