Friday, May 13, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #15 Wednesday 5/11/11 jaws dropping galore... and we learn more about Carlos, not your typical nino rico

Matilde and Lazaro in La Bonita kitchen. She is mad that the Hermoso would want to sell the hacienda after his brother put so much effort into it. Lazaro says rich people are like that. They see (the hacienda) as property and will just sell it to the highest bidder.

Back to Carlos, Jero and Roberta at Jero's apartment… Carlos wants to invite himself when Roberta invites Jero to meet her friends… Roberta backsteps sayin she can only get 1 pass for the club… Jero says then you go and I will meet your friends another time. Roberta leaves in a huff…

Carlos: Perhaps you behaved like a jerk (Patan) … but that is much better (to treat Roberta a little roughly) than what he had in mind earlier… I know you my friend. And I know it was your good heart that made you change your mind.

Jero gets call from Regina to invite him to her house to dinner… the second she says she wants to talk to him about the Monterrubios he jumps off the couch and accepts.

Back to hacienda kitchen… Lazaro tells Mati that the work and dreams that we built here have no value to ‘them’. Mati says then we will loose our job even though the Hermoso had said that would not happen… Lazaro says better begin to think where we will go..

Sele and Robe meet in tennis court… Robe is so mad I would not be surprised if she was spitting fire… The IMBECILE Jeronimo is not rich, as I thought! The apartment is property of his friend and I did not like his friend one iota!!! (me cayo en el higado!! Lol have to remember that one!) But Jero will not escape me… tomorrow during the party he will have to make it up to me.

At offices, Matias goes to see Nata, she says have to talk to you, but not here. He is more than excited to make a dinner reservation for the two of them alone…

Back at tennis court, Berta meets Diego… and suggest to Diego that she has a way for him to get payback from Nata… after she just dropped you for another…

At charity office, Regina can’t find any invitation to Gonzalo’s party on email. Ines says if you don’t get it then you can go to Spain with Tony. Gina says still feel uneasy about the trip… even though the times now are different from when mom was young… know how long its been since I was intimate with a man? I don’t know if I can… feel odd enough when he kisses me, can’t imagine how it will feel in intimacy. Ines says only one way to find out… give it a chance… go on the trip and see what happens.

At the house Fina is remembering when she was reading Roberto’s will and only found that he had left everything to his daughter when she would turn 25. Back to real time, she calls Licenciado Soto… (another proffessional she is planning to bribe to get what she wants )

Somewhere at airport Carlos ends up sitting beside Augie (what are the chances of that? Well, if they are taking same flight, not too bad)

At an outdoor dinner setting, Matias and Nata are having dinner… Matias asks her whats on your mind… Nata wants to talk about the two of them. She wants to revisit whether to continue the relationship. Matias totally taken aback.

At another dinner table, at Soberon’s… Jero is making friends with Dona Cata (Gina’s mom)… Cata goes to bed and leaves the two of them alone.

Gina asks Jero what will do… he will go to Matias party… Jero says he will go, she should too… She says she had decided not to go. He tries to convince her to go. The Monterrubios are rich and their friends must be too… so potential contributors for the charity… Gina asks what is your other motive for me to go with you? Jero says ‘cause I want you to help me unmask Roberta’. Won’t avenge brother’s death as had planned, but want to unmask Roberta tomorrow in front of Matias and all the Monterrubios. Everyone will find out WHO is Roberta.

Nata is asking Matias for some time… She feels bad about having turned him down when he invited her to move in with him. HE says it was my mistake, I was going too fast too soon… Nata says no, don’t say that. You don’t know how important u are to me. But I am not sure what I feel for you is what a woman should feel for her man. I love you too much to not be honest with you. I need … say… 3 months… and then we can revisit whether we want to continue on as a couple or just friends/family. Poor Matias looks like he was just tossed a bucket of ice water right on his face...

Back to Soberon’s … Gina not so sure it is a good idea… it could start a chaotic chain of events… Jero says whatever comes will come. But I can’t stay without doing anything. Gina says That girl is the same age as my daughter. And as a parent, it must be hard for one to accept your children’s weaknesses/flaws. I am sure Gonzalo will be very hurt to hear what Roberta did. Jero admits she is right. But he needs to. She still is not certain it is the right move, but she will go with him. If nothing else, because it will be a tough moment for him and she wants to be there for support…

Fina has bought a dress for Roberta… Roberta says its too old style… Fina tantrums that there is no way to please Roberta… Roberta gets her way, she will wear something else… She tells Fina the ‘setback’ for Matias/Nata is ready… but will give her no details until the party.

Jero is walking out with Gina, tells Gina he changed his mind… it might not be a good idea for her to go. IT could affect her relationship with the Monterrubios… Gina says she does not believe she would lose Gonzalo’s support for that. But will take the risk for Jero because he is her friend… Jero thanks her. ( just how many times do these two have to go through the same two or three lines of script? you two are good friends who NEED support to take any step in the right or wrong direction... we get it... move on!)

At airport Augie seems to have come to like Carlos, tells him he has an hacienda and is working the details to buy another one… its name is La Bonita… Carlos realizes what it is… but follows the lead… ‘And if you have one already why do you want another one?’ ‘In La Bonita there are vineyards I am interested in. And I am willing to pay whatever it takes to get them.’ ‘what is so special about those vineyards?’ ‘jaja lets say it is a craving/hunch’. (so far Augie is enjoying the conversation, very casual smiles and giggles) ‘For a hunch you are willing to pay whatever?’ ‘For the vineyards of La Bonita, yes’. ‘ Well, then how good that I came to get to know La Bonita before Jeronimo sells it. Or.. better said, before he sells it to you because… surely you are the one interested in buying it, no?’ (oopsie, red flags just popped for Augie, now he is in questioning mood) ‘ Do you know JL? ‘ ‘ Of course, he is my friend! HE invited me to spend some time at the hacienda that was his brother’s before he sells it, of course then we will go back to Spain . ‘ ‘ I see, and tell me something, do you know about lands, vineyards, and the like?’ ‘Nah! All this is very fascinating to me but the truth is I am a rookie in the matter’. (not sure Augie believes that last line… but we see Carlos smile at him like ‘yeah and before u know it I will sell you the Taj Majal’)

Back at the Nata/Matt dinner date… (or is it?) Mat is speechless, totally surprised by her honesty… She does not want to hurt him… he is willing to take the risk… but she keeps insisting he is too important for her … HE gets warmer… ‘is it the memory of someone that is stopping you from opening up to me?’ … she denies it… ‘perhaps if there was someone you were interested in or attracted to, I could understand better.’ Nata keeps denying it… she could have lots of fantasies… but something as ‘real’ as what we have, no… Matt is not sure he believes her… but he has no choice but to give her the 3 months… but he assures her he will get her to fall for him. (now she is the one taken aback).

Jero still saying goodbye… after the party, he will go back and sell the vineyards and the hacienda and then return to Spain … Gina asks will you go back with Lorea? Jero says no, not after running into ‘Adriana’ (the EI song music in background)… until run into someone that moves me like her, won’t have another relationship.. IT is like a connection… I know it’s crazy because have only run into her a couple times, but she has marked me for life… whether she knows it or not.

Adriana and her mom Agatha in a very loving mother/daughter scene… mom does not look good at all… says to herself when Adri leaves ‘if something goes wrong, you will have to take over watching her… even though today you are married… but hopefully I won’t need to tell you that Adriana is your daughter…’

Lazaro is giving Carlos the welcome… seems Augie gave him the ride there… Since she saw him arrive with Augie, Mati is not so ‘nice’ to Carlos and welcomes him saying the patron did not tell her he was a friend of Augie’s … and yes, there is something wrong with that because Don Agu is interested in buying the hacienda… and since our patron Don Rafael, rest in peace, is not around anymore, the hacienda belongs to Don Jeronimo.. Carlos asks why is that… Mati again very disrespectfully says ‘because that’s how it needs to be!... but you rich folks don’t understand, do you??’ (poor Lazaro is wishing a sink hole sucked him in right about now or something shut her up) Despite her being totally disrespectful, Carlos is very nice and patient with her. Lazaro tries to send her away to fix Carlos something to eat… but Carlos says not hungry.. Mati again disrespectfully says ‘that’s good, because its too late anyway’.She leaves in a huff.

Ezequiel, The capataz of Augie’s hacienda asks Augie who is that guy… Ezequiel is married to Alfonsina, the woman who knows lots about vineyards… he brags that thanks to her they found out that the grape Rafa was growing was out-of-this-world great… and you were able to buy it right away, no? Augie tells him to let her know that now more than ever he needs to be kept up to date with what is going on at the La Bonita hacienda…’soon all those lands will be mine.. as well as everything in them..’ ‘ I hope that won’t include my wife/woman, patron!’ ‘A well cared for woman doesn’t go around looking for something she is missing elsewhere… so you better come to grips with your rank (aplicate) and take care of what you need to’

Lazaro is trying to appologize to Carlos for Mati… she is mad because she does not want them to sell Don Rafael’s lands…

Carlos: I noticed that. I hope before Jero gets back I will see why she does not want him to sell, and why Augie is so interested in buying them.

Lazaro: Then perhaps tomorrow, when you see the hacienda and the vineyards for yourself, you will realize why yourself.

Nata in pj’s in bed.. she is talking to herself, asking Matt for forgiveness for not being totally honest with him, its not for Jero’s presence/memory that I cannot love you (yeah right)… it is just a coincidence…(remembers the kiss) perhaps it would have been better I had never run into you… Split screen, Jero laying down also talking to himself, rubbing the quartz… why did you make me feel so much for you… your presence was like a gift in between so much pain… If I am not going to see you ever again, perhaps it would have been better never to have seen you…

At the town church, Karina is crying like a magdalene … she tells priest something is up with Alvaro, something that is making him very uneasy and making him drink like a maniac… Priest is very surprised at hearing this… he is in disbelief because Alvaro is one of the most respected and loved people in town… Kari keeps saying he changes when he drinks…priest says she is damaging his image because he had a few drinks.

She insists something inside her is telling her something is wrong with him… Priest keeps insisting for her to not find problems when there aren’t any… He has got her to convince herself she is wrong…

Alvaro runs into Alfonsina in town… he is very interested in her…offers her a ride to Agustin’s hacienda… she is reluctant but ends up taking the ride… when she walks in front of her we see her smile, as if she is interested in adding him to her ‘list’.

Carlos is having breakfast at hacienda… Mati is bragging about her cooking… Lazaro comes in.. Carlos wants them to stop calling him ‘Don’.. makes him feel old. Lazaro says he does that for respect, he can’t treat him as ‘Carlos’… ready to give you the tour of the vineyards… Carlos reveals to them he is used to hot peppers since he is from Merida . He tells them he is an agricultural engineer, studied that in Mex, then went to Barcelona on a grant to study more, and stayed there… but am proudly a mexican… Lazaro asks if he knows about vineyards and farming… Carlos tells him yup, that is why he is here, and he was the one that got Rafa interested in it himself.

Back at Monterrubio manor, party preparations are under way… Fina is complaining that the tablecloths are not the ones she had selected… Nata says she will go see Adri’s mom at hospital.. Fina whines she should be there preparing the party.. Nata says she wanted to do it but Fina and Roberta wanted to do it themselves… Fina keeps whining Nata should be the most interested in everything going well. Nata is right to respond ‘lets see, I don’t want to argue.. if I stay you will say I want to be the spotlight getter, if I go, you say I am not interested… how do I please you?’ ‘you would have to be born again to do that’. (that freezes Nata, jeez! It would freeze me too!) ‘but like the saying goes, the light of the street and darkness at home’ (or stte)…

Jero is in his bedroom with pictures of him and Rafa, crying, promising Rafa he will honor his death tonight… gets a call on cell from Roberta… her tantrum is over… but she rubs it in about how he treated her at his friend’s apt… she had decided not to call him again but she is calling to confirm his assistance to Matias party. Jero says would not miss that party or seeing you again… Roberta suggests they could escape when the party is over… where? … will leave that to you…(he swallows hard to restrain himself) will find the best way to surprise you…

Honorio and Matias are riding horses… Matias admires their marriage… hopefully Nata and I will be able to follow your example… Nata is at hospital to visit Adriana and her mother… Honorio is surprised Adriana’s mom’s name is Agatha… had a girlfriend a long time ago named Agatha Beltran… Matias says that’s the name of Adriana’s mom… Honorio is surprised… matt asks could it be the same woman?

Honorio is in disbelief… but have good memories of the woman with same name. Broke up with her because realized never really loved her even though cared very much for her…

Fina and Roberta.. Fina tells Roberta be very careful… your plan better work… but don’t want to do much more, don’t get yourself involved … Fina insists Roberta should plan to take Nata’s place in Matias life… Roberta says I don’t like Matias… Fina says sometimes you have to adjust/compromise some things to have others. Think of the satisfaction you would have if Matias left Nata for you.. Roberta likes that idea. Gonzalo comes to meet them and is very pleased with what the setup looks like.

He asks for Renata and both Roberta and Fina sigh at unison.. Fina does not lose chance to throw dirt on Nata saying she should be here, after all it’s a party for Matias.

Honorio keeps talking to Matias.. tells him when love arrives, you don’t ask or question… it arrives so strongly you cannot resist… he has felt much for many women, but love,…. Real love, … you only feel it for one… Matias agrees… never felt this way for anyone… Honorio says better use your chance, because love is not always a two-way street.

Alfonsina and Alvaro are walking through the vineyards, she comments to him Augie wanted her to watch the vineyards and also watch Carlos… Alvaro makes several attempts to hold her hand… he changes subject to admire how intelligent and alert she is… with good intuition… you are a woman full of contrasts… and that is wonderful (kisses her hand..) … have a good day…

Gina visits Tony… she made her decision, will go with him to Spain . HE is elated… Just one little drawback.. want to go to the party at the Monterrubios first… (someone smell that she will never make it to Madrid ?) … Tony realizes he has competition, both Gonzalo and Jeronimo share her time with him… he is very excited about the trip anyway.. little kiss… everything will be at your pace… we will have a good time. Will dedicate all my time to you…

Nata and Adri at hospital cafeteria… Nata puts Adri up to date with Matias and relationship… he wants to get formal …

Agatha asks her surgeon that if something happens to her, to give a letter (apparently to Adri’s father)… he will have to care for her… please don’t tell my daughter… Doctor promises.

Roberta and Sele back in tennis court… Roberta is sure that Jero is sorry about the other day and wants to go to the party with her. Diego comes to them and promises Roberta that after tonight, Nata will never forget him.

Fina and Consuelo at party set… Fina mocks Consuelo about her work at Regina ’s charity center… Consuelo says Regina ’s center is full of good vibe and good people, and you would contaminate it… Fina keeps digging for info on Regina … Consuelo chose Regina ’s charity for the donation… Fina realizes it was coincidence Consuelo found her, and it was not Regina who found the Monterrubios… Fina then brings the issue about Gina’s daughter… Consuelo says I am sure I have more in common with Regina , I am sure we will be good friends.. a woman like her is the one I should have introduced to Gonzalo when he divorced Melissa, not a leach like you… Fina thinks to herself don’t dare to think of that stupid for Gonzalo, you don’t know what I am capable of… (end of ep)

Previews: Jero arrives at party and learns ‘Adriana’ is really ‘Renata’.


Thanks Sylvia and Marta. I finally got to watch the last couple of episodes. I had a hard time getting on the caray site until now.

Pata, blogger was down from yesterday afternoon until late this morning, Pacific Time. Glad you are finally able to catch up and sorry the recaps are out of order.

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