Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #9 Tuesday 5/3/11 The tear quotient is down (a little), but the intrigues are growing!!

So I made it through my first recap and I am back for more so I guess it wasn’t to terrible , so here is number two, be gentle with me!

We are starting off where we left off on Friday with Jero at his brothers grave and Roberta excited about her letter from Rafael.

Jero is swearing revenge for his brother as Mati and Lazaro look on and grieve for themselves and for Jero, they wonder what will happen to them and the Hacienda, but Lazaro knows they will find work.

Roberta is crying over her letter as her mother reads the letter that she wrote ooops that Rafael wrote sorry!! I missed part of what she says since Roberta is crying, but the general idea was that he could not marry her, without her fortune and family connection and he tells her to not look for him. Mom then tells her that he only wanted her fortune and that she was lucky she saw his true nature now and not after it was too late. Roberta swears that he loved her and that this can’t be happening. Fina tells Roberta that Rafael never loved her which sends Roberta running upstairs and mom looking annoyed.

Jero is still at the cemetery with Lazaro and Mati telling them that he will not allow the death of his brother go, whoever Bonita is she will pay. He asks for help finding Bonita, which Mati quickly volunteers to do, she wants to bring her to justice.

Gonzalo is in the office introducing Matias as the new Vice President, he gives a nice acceptance speech thanking everyone and saying how wonderful it is to be back and working with everyone. Gonzalo welcomes him to the company and they hug.

Roberta is in her closet crying about what a jerk Rafael is for leaving her alone, she asks how he could say all the things he said to her about loving her so much if he was going to leave her.

Matias is talking to his Uncle (insert name,cause it’s escaping me at this moment) Matias is telling him the thought of the position at his dad’s company was not his pretext for coming back, but now he has decided to stay in Mexico for good and that he is happy to be back with his family and the company. He wants to wait for a special time to tell his father about his decision to stay.

Roberta’s friend is banging on the door begging her to open her door, and Roberta yells she does not want to see anybody.

Jero is taking with the priest, asking if he knew anything about the Bonita that he was marrying, but the Priest knows nothing not even her name. Jero wants to know why he was so desperate for this woman and why he was rushing to marry her. He tells the priest he is going to avenge his brothers death.

More crying, Roberta still can’t believe that Rafael left and swears she hates him, and of course creepy mom is creeping around listening to everything,
The priest is trying to explain the vengeance is not the way and that the only person who can serve justice is God. Jero apologizes to him, because he can’t let his brothers death go.

Constanza drops off a large donation to Regina, who then calls Jero to talk, he can barely speak and tells her that his brother is dead over the love of a woman. Regina wants to go to him to help, she asks where he is and how to get there and he tells her not to come, but she insists she wants to be there for him.

Gonzalo and the nameless uncle(still can’t remember it) are talking about the fact the Renata and how she was to become the vice president until Matias came back, Gonzalo sees nothing wrong,Matias is is only son and Renata understands, he doesn’t see a problem. Just then Matias comes in to tell his dad he does not think it is fair that he got the job over Renata, Gonzalo say’s that it does make sense he is his only son of his blood. Matias has a solution that will work for everyone.

At that moment Renata is in her office where beautiful flowers are waiting for her, with a card thank her for an extraordinary day and a kiss he will never forget. Dad calls and she says to give her a minute. Renata is worried about what people will think about Matias sending flowers she wants to be discreet. Adriana tells her not to worry about anything but Renata is sure that if it was anybody else it wouldn’t be a problem, but with Matias it is complicated and involves her, her family, and the company. Adriana of course has a thought that Matias must love her, she is happy for her, but she does not look happy.

Regina is explaining the situation to her Inez and asking her to take care of everything why she is gone. Se tells her that Jero is inconsolable and needs her. Inez agrees and Regina rushes out.

Fina is talking to her informant in Gonzalo’s company about Matia’s becoming the Vice President and Fina is not happy, that her daughter was not named the Vice President, but he reminds her that he is his son. She say’s it’s sad he has no love for her daughter and her talent. She hangs up and swears that Matias is to blame and that it is for he daughter and then mysteriously reminds herself it’s her daughter.

Jero gives Mati money to go get some food and things for the house. He then proceeds to go through his brothers things, he comes across a picture of the family and gets teary eyed.

Roberta, finds her ring on the floor and remembers Rafael asking her to be with him,and then puts the ring away in box. Mom comes in and asks her how she is feeling and she swears that no one will ever do that to her again, no man will ever hurt her like Rafael.

Mati finds a photo of Roberta and Renata and runs to Jero to show him. He is shocked to see the woman he thinks is Adriana, the back of the photo reads Rafael I love you “R” he is now convinced that she is the woman named “R” is his brothers killer.

Renata is still asking the secretary about the mystery caller and whether his voice sounded like her friend Rafael’s or not and she say’s she doesn’t know.

Jero is asking Mati if she remembers his brother every saying a name, she says no she only heard him say Bonita. Jero is glad they have a face, but now they need more he tells her to continue looking.

Renata arrives at her dad’s office for a meeting, where Matias tells her he won’t accept the the position of vice president unless she ?? ( I couldn’t make out what he say’s because they love to have music in t the background someone please fill in the blanks)

Regina is at the airport and she is explaining why she is leaving and Antonio is a little jealous of how much she cares about Jero, she asks if that is why he insists on going with her to see him.

Renata is telling him he didn’t need to send the flowers, and share the vice presidency with her, but he say’s that yes she works hard and he was happy do to it. He tells he has to be honest, that is he is really happy that she will be working by his, side. She asks if that is why he did it he tells her no, She asks him for a favor, she wants him to not send flowers and be so caring and affectionate. She does not want anyone thinking that she got the promotion unfairly, he swears it is because she is talented and intelligent and that is why she is getting the job.

Lazaro is telling Jero that !!!!!!!! is looking for him, he explains his business with Raphael and the winery and that he was analyzing the wine. Mati remembers that there was a letter that Rafael wrote and gives it to Jero who reads and laughs a little.

Regina is talking with Antonio who explains that he trusts her and that she is a classy lady, just wants to be a part of her world, he asks when she will return and she say’s she does not know. It depends on how long Jero need her, he ask for one favor that she call him while she is gone. She thanks him for understanding that Jero is just a great friend.

Constanza is chatting with Gonzalo about Regina’s foundation Constanza she reminds him that he is going to personally meet with Regina on behalf of the company.

Jero is discussing business with Augustine about the business and the contract, with his brother. He tells Jero that he is still very interested in the lands. Jero asks him if met or knew his brothers girlfriend and Augustine says no only that he was getting married and that Rafael was a very private person. He then tells Jero that is he needs anything let him know.

Renata is still stressing about the promotion to Vice President, she is worried about the responsibility and of course the situation with she and Matias. Adriana assures her that they are professional and that she can keep her work and personal life separate. She is worried that she feels unstable over everything going on and asks Adriana to help her.
Jero is staring at a picture of Roberta and Renata and listening to Enrique sing he can’t believe that she is in the picture.

Fina is yelling to Roberta about Gonzalo making Matias the Vice President and ignoring her and Roberta that Renata must be ready to take over and leave them behind, Roberta reminds her that she is his wife and therefore is not going to be left with nothing. Fina brings up Rafael which just upsets Roberta who tell her not to mention him, then Fina takes the opportunity to try to sell Matias to her, she wants her to get Matias not Renata.

Regina shows up at the Hacienda tells Jero how sorry she is he is in pain. She thinks he is devastated, but he tells he feels rage and wants revenge, she tells him that she felt the same way when she lost her daughter at first it seems like a dream, and then you realize the truth, Jero reminds her that unlike him she still has hope. With the loss of Rafael he has none. Regina tells he doesn’t know how sorry she is. Then there is more crying. (do they get paid more per tear? just wondering)

Renata and Adriana are trying to find Rafael and they are getting nowhere. But it looks like has an idea.

That is where my DVR cut out. I know I missed a quick scene with Jero and Regina. So please feel free to finish that part and anything else I missed as I am starting to get the hang of this, but still missing stuff. Thanks for reading.


Thanks! I watched this episode late, so I was able to follow along with your recap right there to review. Great recap! Thank you again. I am just waiting for this one to kick in. Looks interesting.

Thanks for this very complete recap, Jules.

It was odd how Fina looked at the photo and said "Yes, my daughter" -- but which daughter. Roberta doesn't stand a chance of getting her hands on the business. But then Fina hates the "faux-daughter" Renata. So why is she pushing for Renata to get the vice presidency?
Then later she gets all bent out of shape when Renata DOES get appointed to share the job.
Maybe Fina thinks she can manipulate Renata but that she won't have any influence with Matias.

btw the note that Mathilde hands to Jeronimo is the one Auggie left when he came by --right after Fina killed Rafa & while she was hiding in the next room.

Great recap, Jules! here are some of the details you were not sure of.
The 'note' Agustin left was a handwritten note on the receipt from the deposit at the bank (so the little giggle on Jero when he read the amount (remember Augie paid 25% over the market price) and when Jero questioned how 'well' it had been going for Rafa, Augie said he had agreed to pay more because he liked the 'grape' Rafa was growing.

Constanza's husbands name is Honorio.

Matias came up with the idea to share the VicePresidency of the company and share the lead/control equally with Renata as a team.

Constanza gave Regina the address of the company and told her she needed to go and receive the donation check personally from Gonzalo. Thus Constanza setting up for the appointment at noon the next day between Regina and Gonzalo. But with Jero's call REgina dropped everything to go to the hacienda and she told Ines to cancel all her appointments. I am not sure if she got around to putting in her agenda the meeting with Gonzalo so not sure if Gonzalo will be left waiting.

I think Fina was counting on Renata being the next prez so she could control her. Then she gets mad that Matias would be and goes for plan B, getting Roberta interested in Matias to grab a hold of the family fortune.

Interesting that the picture Jero and Matilde found had Roberta front and center and Renata only standing up behind sideways... but Jero only focuses on 'Adriana' as the possible bonita.
And I was ROFLOL when he said out loud that now he knew the name of the Bonita starts with an 'R' because he saw that signature on the greeting on the back of the picture...
YOu can guess the reaction he will have when he realizes that 'Adriana' is 'Renata' and her name begins with 'R'...
He is coming to MC tomorrow so this should get interesting.

Jules: Thank you for the recap.

I would like this novela more if the Jero character wasn't so quick to jump to conclusions. I think the writers could have gradually led up to the revenge idea which, I think, would have given the Jero character more depth.

Martaivett: I agree on the reasons why Fina wanted Renata to be viceprez. Fina has manipulated Renata (and Roberta) her entire life and sees Renata as a means to an end that now has further complications.

Did we ever find out why Augistin paid so much or overmarket for the grapes? He seems like an accident waiting for a place to happen.

When Jeronimo finds the photo with Renata in the background I think he is just fascinated that this stranger has now appeared in his life three times when days ago he didn't even know her.

Right now he doesn't think she's the Bonita because he thinks her name is Adriana and the inscription on the photo says "Rafael, Te amo. R." When he gets to meet her and finds out that her name DOES begin with R and then finds out that she was at the restaurant to mee Rafael --THEN he's going to jump to conclusions bigtime.

Like Pasofino I'm confused about Augistin's motives for overpaying for the consecho and tying Tafa to a 3 year contract. I'm sure he's shady -- but I don't know how yet. He is mighty fine to look at though so I hope he sticks around.

I have a feeling Agustin wanted to end up owning the hacienda La Bonita, and he thought he could manipulate Rafa... first winning his confidence and possibly end up getting Rafa to sign off the hacienda to him either by having Rafa promising something he could not deliver with the hacienda as guarantee or just having Rafa sign some transfer doc without realizing it. But slick Jero will not be so quick to fall in traps.
but I agree that Agustin is a shark in the tank yet to show his biggest claws.

sorry, meant to show his biggest JAWS. lol

You did a great job, Jules. You picked up a heck of a lot more than I did. So thanks for filling in a lot of blanks.

have to admit that for some reason the character of Mathilde just grates on my nerves. Hopefully she'll win me over since she seems to be in a lot of scenes when they jump to the ranch.

I also am hoping, like others, that we don't get some really off-the-wall jump to the wrong conclusion by Jero in ID'ing Nata. I would prefer a little motherly interference by Fina or something so I don't get overly frustrated with the guy that's supposed to be our chief galan.

Fina sure isn't wasting time getting Roberta back on the horse. Poor Matias - so cut, but like his Papa, will he have a big SUCKER stuck on his forehead at some point?

Muchas gracias for the recap, Jules! I had to miss this one last night. (Finals are coming up next week, ay Dios Mio.)


Jules, you had me ROTFLOL with "do they get paid more per tear? just wondering". That's hilarious and also a very valid question.

Fina is such a witch. In addition to her various nefarious plots I think she is just looking for any excuse to get bent out of shape. She's mad because Renata is NOT VP then she's mad because she is. I agree that she suspects Matias can see right through so will be difficult to manipulate.

We don't have the full details of Augustin's contract with Rafa so it's hard to say what he's got up his sleeve. I think Marta might be on the right track though. I suspect La Bonita is a prime piece of grape growing real estate. Now that Jero is in the picture I'm sure the details of the contract and Augustin's angle will be revealed.

It was big of Matias to share the VP spot, but that sort of thing almost never works out so I expect we'll see some strife along the way.

Oh, and I just want to point out that when Regina saw the picture of Roberta and Renata she had a definite reaction. I think we had our first incident of the telenovela "call of the blood", or maybe she noticed some of her husband in both the girls?

Amy, good luck with your finals.

Jules, thanks for the terrific recap, it's a great way to start the day.

Jules, thanks very much for the fine recap. I too loved your "do they get paid more per tear?" If they do, probably none of the principal actors will have to work in another telenovela: they'll be rich enough to retire!

Jules, thanks for the recap.

Good grief, I've been trying to comment all day and blogger kept kicking me out! Has anyone else had that problem? I can't remember now what exactly I wanted to say earlier, oh well.

I'm halfway through tonight's episode and all I can say is Roberta sure takes after her mum.

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