Thursday, May 05, 2011

Teresa Thu 5/5/11 #43-44 So many besos, so little time

Cap. 43

Aida is confronting El Bigote with the photo of him with Esperanza. Rube admits that there “was” another woman in his life, but it was a long time ago. She doesn’t believe that it’s over, correctly guessing that the departamento was for the lover. Rube denies it all. Aida’s illusions of her father’s perfection are dashed and she is distraught.

Refugio and Juana are chopping veggies and yapping about Teresa, when in she walks. She gloats to her mom about how the time has come for her vengeance on her schoolmates that mocked her. Refugio is clearly afraid.

Back to Aida and her broken heart. Rube is very sorry….that he was found out. Classic cop-out lines: he was weak, he’s sorry; please understand; he loves her mom, but the passion was gone; he never loved the other woman, etc. Aida ain’t buyin any of it.

Under the guise of signing some papers, Aurora and her dad are talking about Mariano’s being mean to her about the deception/dispensario work. Dad is none too pleased. Aurora begs a little understanding. Hey, I have that same carafe that’s behind Aurora’s head. Telenovela characters—they’re just like us! Where was I? Yes, Dad is going to talk to Mari about his poutitude and conveniently, Mari has already scheduled an appointment.

Rube continues to beg Aida for understanding and keeping her trap shut, making little progress. Rube asks if she wants to destroy the family, but Aida yells “Mi mama tiene derecho a saberlo [mom has a right to know (it)]. “Has a right to know what?” says Maira, as she just happens to walk in. As we all knew she would (see TN rule 563: on the timing of entrances and exits w.r.t. damning, but vague, statements). Cue suspenseful music.

Tere and Espe are talking about the dinner with Rube and the familia Esperanza. According to Espe, it went great. I wonder if she was at the same dinner as us. Tere brags on her new credit card and how awesome possum her wedding is going to be. Espe offers to help if she needs it. After Espe excuses herself, Tere wonders how Aida is taking the bad news and plans to use Rube’s possible attendance of Pablito’s 1st communion as another opportunity to pour salt on the wound. I wonder where the misuse of sacred church rites for your own petty vengeance falls on the scale of TN sins.

Ok, back to pobre Aida. She just can’t tell her mom the truth, who instead guesses that she and Paulo fought. Rube steps in and does some song and dance about Aida being stressed and emotional about how hard it is to maintain a marriage for the long haul. It takes a lot of cojones for him to take this tack. His final “Verdad, hija?” has more than a hint of the desperation. Genoveva pops in with dress catalogues before Aida can answer. I have to say, I was pretty impressed with Aida the actress (Margarita Magana) in this scene. Usually I find her quite entertaining, but on the exaggerated side. But her internal struggle in the scenes with both her parents was quite well done. Brava. Anyhoodle, Maira the oblivious thinks it’s a good sign that Aida is so moved by the wedding (te emocione tanto tu boda). Aida sarcastically agrees that she will be as happy as “Mi papa y tu”. Gennie’s all “what’s up?” and Aida just says that she wants her wedding to be perfect. “And,” adds El Bigote “lo mas importante, sin escandolos” (most importantly, scandal-free). Smooth one, Bigote. Gennie the non-oblivious picks up that something strange is afoot, but has the good sense to smooth it over and move Aida on to the dress looking.

Cutberto and Juana chat while they mess around with plastic baggies of powders on the kitchen table. We will just assume that they are spices, since clearly neither of them are making the kind of dinero that Fito could offer. Cutberto wants Tere to get married ASAP so Juana will come back. Juana and Cutie flirt, leading to the inevitable “ganame, ganame…”

Maira and Rube have taken it outside for a serious discussion of Aida’s distress. Maira’s worried about Aida, Rube assures her that it’s just nervousness, then takes the opportunity to apologize for any errors he may have committed in the past. Wow, he is just following the textbook guilty conscious checklist. Maira says he has never failed her and he gets all snuggly. And oh, by the by, he needs her to sign something or other, it’s no biggie, he assures her with more snuggles. Don’t do it, Maira!

Aida has told Gennie the truth. Gennie advises her to keep quiet for her mom’s own good and also to avoid awkwardness at the boda. Maira walks in and it’s all vestido chat.

Tere goes to see Aurora to make up. She tries to explain that she doesn’t want Aurora to see Mariano because he has become a bad dude—drinking, violence, etc. Aurora thinks he’s just bummed about Tere. “Esta pasando por un momento muy dificil” (he’s going through a rough patch). Tere’s like “yeah, he’s totally still into me. But if want to give it a go, by all means, feel free to try. I just want us to stay friends.” Aurora agrees and then they talk about how mad Mari is about the whole Aurora’s dad thing. Tere offers to go with Aur to the grand opening of the dispensario de vecindad for moral support.

Meanwhile in Cancun, Fernando and Luisa are separately wistful. Fernando is quickly snapped out of it by blond model and her bikini.

Cutie and Juana continue their flirting, this time about him helping her get down some magazines from up high. This culminates with Juana falling into Cutie’s arms and him laying her down on the floor in prime beso position. She tells him to let her go with her favorite line: “Si me toca, me pierde” (if you touch me, you lose me). “Entonces, ya la perdi, mi Juanita chula; con permiso” (then I’ve lost you, my lovely Juana; with permission—as he leans in for the besos!). V. cute scene.

Less cute scene in Cancun. Fernando wants to live his life as usual, and blondie is all for it—they could swim….get a massage….though I am pretty sure she is offering a happy ending.

Juana finally comes out of the Cutie spell and pushes him away. He knows she liked the smooches though. She says this doesn’t mean that she is going out with him (andar con usted). He’s surprised that she wants to “andar con eso del free” (the english word is used as a slang term, as previously noted by a recapper w.r.t. Aida and Paulo) or be friends with benefits (amigos con derechos), or whatever the kids are calling it these days, but he is happy to oblige. More besos, but Juana literally crawls away. Cutie explains that he has even gotten himself a teacher to better himself for her. Juana picks up on the ‘a’ in maestra and gets a little celosa. Cutie admits it’s Aurorita, but they have yet to have one lesson. Maybe that’s why he throws her on the couch for more besos.

Mari is having his meeting with Hector the director aka Aurora’s dad aka good guy numero uno. He splains that he doesn’t want special treatment cuz of Aurora. Hector disabuses him of that notion (he helped Mari because of Ledesma’s rec), and chastises his pride. When someone helps you “debes tener la humilidad de aceptarlo y agradecerlo.” (you should have the humility to accept it and thank them). Oh snap! You said it H. Hector then switches to dad and says Mari was also mean to Aurora. Mari would like to apologize to her, and guess who just happens to walk in….

Mari and Aurora co-apologize for being mean/hiding the truth. And then clarify that they are friends separate from Aurora’s friendship with Tere. He gives her a white rose to make up (possibly stolen from her own dad’s desk, as my hubby points out). Is there symbolism of Aurora getting the white rose, where he traditionally gave Tere a red rose?

Tere herself is buttering up Arturo by telling him how she is trying to make nice with Aida. But she is staying away from Paulo out of respect for Artie. Now, if I recall correctly, she was able to talk to Paulo about making nice, but not Aida (because Aida blew her off), so why the needless lie? Just in her DNA?

Back to Mari and Aurora. She is crying because she is so happy to be friends with him. Mari tells her “te quiero”, but he means it in a platonic way. He can’t help but mention that he still loves Tere.

In Cancun, sad Luisa sees Fer kissing the blond model outside his room. Cut to interior…Fer and blondie getting down.

Next day Juana y Tere visit the vecindad and Tere is generally gloaty before noting that Juana looks hot today and came back late last night. What gives? Juana demurs.

Grand opening of the dispensario de vecindad. Mari toasts thanking everyone for their help, but especially Aurora. Tere sees them hug and is none too pleased.

Fer wakes up in Cancun with a blond in his bed and seems a bit chagrined. He ponders Luisa as he holds the necklace she gave back to him.

Meanwhile Luisa is packing and trying to book a ticket home. ASAP!!!!

At the dispensario party. Tere leaves in a huff about Mari and Aurora’s amiability. Everyone else congratulates Mariano and gives him gifts for the dispensario.

Tere goes up upstairs to complain to Rosita’s picture about Mariano embracing Aurora. Refugio steps in and accuses Tere of still liking Mari. Our lady doth protest too much and says she was only at the party for Aurora. Her mom thinks “todo mi mundo gira alrededor a Mariano” (my world revolves around M), but she is so over him. So there!

Rube tries to sweet talk Aida into getting rid of the picture of him with Espe (deshazte de esa foto). He promises to dedicate himself to her mom and her and to not see the other woman again. Yeah, right.

Ledesma the younger shows up at the dispensario fiesta. He runs into Espe and they chat—he’s married to his job, she’s sure he’ll find someone special (like Espe!). Mari interrupts the foreshadowing to network. I am sorry; he would never stoop to networking. He is just saying hello to an influential colleague that he likes for other reasons. Tere drops in to pull Aurora away. Juana and Hector chat and flirt. Aurora tells Tere about her reconciliation with Mari, though Mari loves Tere. Aurora knows she is just a friend. Tere assures Aurora that she only keeps harping on how much Mari loves her so that Aurora will not suffer the pain of lost illusions. What a good friend.

Back in Cancun, Fer tried to wash the blond off in the shower, but it ain’t gonna help. But hey, at least he’s just wearing a towel when he breaks it off with her. He’s not exactly my type, but I gather from previous comment threads that many of the viewership will appreciate this scene. Anyway, blondie looks bored with the idea of a “discussion”.

Juana and Hector chat about Tere and Aurora etc then move on the other common interests like the cinema. Cutie looks on nervously and tries to create a distraction with cutting the cake or some such, but Pablo isn’t picking up on the cue and takes the action towards the cake and away from Juana getting to know another guy.

Fer and blond model: she doesn’t understand what’s the problem. Fer just feels different, ok? He needs a little more than just a happy ending now. She intuits that it has something to do with his ‘empleada’. Fer is offended at the term, but yes he is very interested in her. Blondie gets the last word:“ya llegara el dia en que te aburras de ella y me busques” (the day will come when you are bored with her and come knockin on my door).

Back at the fiesta de dispensario, Pablo loves the cake. It looks pretty good to me too. Better than Fer in a towel if I had to choose. Ramon rather unnecessarily explains that he will miss Pablito’s 1st communion because he has to take a client to Ceurnavaca, wait for a boda, and then bring ‘em back. Foreshadowing, methinks. Oh, I see, Espe is stoked to inform Rube that he can come to the communion because Ramon of the ‘knowing Rube’s wife’ will not be there. Neither will Rube by the look on his face when he tells Espe they need to talk.

In an empty room, Tere congratulates Mari on his dispensario. She starts off snotty (“to give charity, you have to have something to do it with, and you’re starting off backwards”), but he uses his smoldering eyes to melt her and plead his case. “You never had confidence in me, but this clinic is just the start. I’m going to show you that I can go far. For me, and for you too”. Deep lean in and…. Pablo interrupts to pull Mari away because some Drs need to say goodbye. Tere is left all hot and bothered.
Armando shows up late and Hector vaguely recognizes him from the hospital. Tere is mortified that he might figure out her dad is a janitor and takes it out on some rice before she stomps out.

Rube talks to Arturo about the Esperanza situation. He can’t figure out how Aida found out. Artie once again advises him to fish or cut bait. Artie breaks the news that he is going to marry Tere. Rube does a double take, but pretends not to be surprised. But then again, he always knew that Artie liked the PYT (jovencita), but just assumed that he wouldn’t actually marry her. Artie advises Rube to have a little more respect for his future wife. Rube is more sincere than I’ve ever seen him when he chuckles with Artie about how much better it is to be with someone younger than oneself.

Aida furiously walks into the vecindad as Tere leaves and accuses her of the photo sending. She tries to get a slap in, but Tere blocks her mid-air and they are in a matrix-like slap standoff.
Luisa sighs at the ocean. A mystery arm brings her a plateful of hibiscus (that’s odd). It’s Fer; he wants to talk. He tried to go back to his catting ways, but it just made him realize how much he likes Luisa. He wants to give a go. For realsies. She looks like a no. I would say good for her, but I doubt her ‘no’ will last to the next commercial break.

Oooh, back to the catfight. Tere berates Aida for acting like a ‘rata de vecindad’ (guttersnipe, more or less). Aida accuses Tere of sending the photo, and Tere gleefully agrees, saying her vengeance has begun. Not so fast, says Aida. That relationship is over and I am not going to tell my mom, so your little plan won’t work! “There are other ways she could find out” says Tere. But Tere offers Aida a truce. She is ready to accept Aida’s apology. Especially now that they are both getting married and starting a new stage in their lives. Aida belittles her ring and her supposed novio. (interesting here, Aida refers to the ring as faker than a 3 dollar bill, presumably of the US variety). Arturo walks up to give a visual rebuttal in the form of a kiss. Aida is agog.

Cancun: Luisa would rather not get involved with Fer lest she get hurt more. He begs for a chance. Luisa’s ticket out of town arrives and Fer looks hurt that she is leaving: “piensas irte?” (are you thinking of going?)

Back to the much more interesting grouping of Aida with Arturo and Teresa. Aida is saying how she knew sumthin was up with them, but Artie says it’s not like she thinks. And he would really appreciate her playing nice with Tere because he and Rube are such pals. Artie actually looks like he is enjoying this a bit too much. Tere gives another veiled threat/truce extortion offer to Aida and she and Artie head out to check out churches.

A la playa, Fer is still begging for a chance—if we don’t try, you’ll never know if it would have worked. He gives her a tender smooch and they segue into a walk along the beach. They make plans for the weekend. Lots of getting to know each other! But let’s keep this a secret from Arturo for now.
At the wedding dress shop, Aida gossips with Gennie about Arturo/Teresa. Aida is bummed that the arribista (social climber) is going to get all the dinero and position she always wanted. Gennie takes the high road that Tere will never be classy (like she is?!) so she isn’t worth the bother (no vale la pena). Aida picks out a dress, but someone else just bought it---guess who! Out comes la mala in Aida’s dress. “La verdad, no se te hubiera visto tan bien como mi” (truthfully, I don’t know if you would have looked as good as me*). How’s that for mala?
*I think. That’s a lot of verb tense action for my liking. Please feel free to correct.

Cap. 44

Aida is hopping mad. Tere rubs her nose in it a little more and says she is going to have the wedding of the year, a phrase Aida had previously reserved for herself. Gennie calms Aida down and then starts in on Tere herself, insulting her and accusing her of provoking Paulo as well. Tere tells her to check herself, that it’s always Paulo who seeks her out, and she’s glad she’s gotten away from him, because he is a druggie now.

Ewwwww. Rube and Espe are in bed, nekkid but for some sheets. At least they aren’t kissing. Rube is upset about the photo biz and says it will put the brakes on the divorce plan. And what’s more, they can only see each other ‘here’ (which I believe is a hotel), no more departamento, no more mistakes. Espe is understandably upset at this turn of events.

Gennie cannot accept that Paulo would do drugs. Tere wants to warn Aida about her novio, but Maira shows and up asks what’s going on. Tere explains in couched terms that she and Aida have reached an accord will be friendly so that no one (cough cough) gets hurt. Aida agrees through gritted teeth. As a gesture of good will, Tere will even let Aida have THE DRESS. After all, any old dress would look on her awesome bod. And the final zing: “Si le deje al novio, porque no le voy a dejar el vestido?” (“if I let her have the boyfriend, why wouldn’t I let her have the dress?”, with definite sloppy seconds implications). Ah, I don’t know if I have ever seen our little Tere happier.

Mari and Aurora are talking about the turnout for the fiesta de dispensario. Mari wants to succeed to impress Tere; he knows he’ll win her back. Aurora’s not so sure, and advises him not to make trouble with the prof. She thinks it must be awesome, though, to have someone love you so much. Sigh. Mariano ignores Aurora’s dewy eyes, and soldiers on about how Tere loves him, even if she denies it.

Tere is doing some hor and heavy denying with the prof as we speak. He is happy to hear that her chaperone is not around, but she plays innocent. [I wonder if these concepts of chaperones, propriety, and such are as common in MX as TNs would have us think. I would imagine it would be hard for grown men and women (like Espe) to deal with. That and the whole idea of basically dating someone’s entire family. But, I digress.] Tere tells Art about the dress shop encounter with Aida, but she frames it quite differently than reality--they ran into each other, liked the same dress, so she let Aida have it to be nice. Yeah, sure; that’s basically what happened. Anyway, Tere wants a dress from Vera Chang. Now, is this supposed to show that she’s naco deep down and doesn’t know it’s Wang (her Versace moment, if you will), or is this a transliteration issue? I don’t know. Does anyone out there? Arturo tells her to get whatever her little heart desires. I worry that Tere is going to break her madrina’s heart by choosing a Vera over a Juana for the boda.

And here is the madrina, stopping by the vecindad to get some stuff for the aforementioned dress. Cutie is doing some dishes, but stops to flirt and suggest they have a private fiesta to celebrate the dispensario. Juana looks weak of resolve, but Pablito runs in with a sewing emergency and Juana has to go.

Gennie is confronting Paulo on the drug situation. He violently denies drug use in an extremely drug-addled manner, which is not lost on Gennie. He invites her to search him and his property for drugs; she says she will be keeping an eye on him. He leaves his mom looking quite worried (with good reason).

Looks like Fernando and Luisa are in the honeymoon phase, smooching in the hotel elevator, gazing adoringly at brown shoes together. Uh oh, here comes blondie, I mean Sasha. Fer takes the opportunity to properly and pointedly introduce Luisa as his amiga and novia. He steps away to take a call (but politely excuses himself), and Sash takes to opportunity to smugly warn Luisa off Fer—he’s got a very long list of conquests and won’t be faithful. And with that—Ciao!

Casa de la Barrera: Tere’s theses have arrived. Yay! Arturo reads the dedication: to her parents, Rosita, Juana, and “al amor de mi vida”. She laments how she couldn’t put his name (presumably bcz of el escandolo if she did), but he is cool with just knowing that she means him. They hug, and her face tells us that she didn’t mean him.

At the hospital, Hector congratulates Mari on his clinic success. Some woman’s magazine wants to interview Mariano. Oooh, look who’s shooting up the ladder now, Teresa!

Paulo is back with Fito, definitely not having a drug problem. I guess because the problem is when he doesn’t have drugs? He buys more than usual and Fito calls him a “nino goloso” (goloso=sweet-toothed, so I am guessing it is what one might call a child who is eating too much candy). Then he asks if Fito knows anyone “clean” who needs some cash. Guess we are going to have a faked drug test on our hands.

Tere goes to the hospital seemingly with the only purpose of harassing her dad about being the janitor there. She doesn’t understand why he won’t quit, even though he has explained that he doesn’t want to make Espe look bad after getting him the job. Besides, it’s honorable work and his only job. Tere bans him from the casa de la barrera until he quits.

Back in the vecindad, Cutie is trying to convince Juana take a break from the wedding dressmaking and have a copita with him (to be fair to Juana here, making a wedding gown in a couple weeks is no mean feat).

Tere continues to harp on her dad, but Mari interrupts “basta!” and Pops scurries off. Tere tells Mari it’s none of his business. Mari says she’s always his business. Ok, this next convo has me puzzled. Tere says that the first and only man in her life has been Mari, in all senses; does he think she could forget that? Of course not, he says, she’s his and no one else’s. Then she pulls away and says wants to forget him and never see him again. Why does he have to make it so difficult? So, here’s my puzzle: why did Tere more or less tell Mari the truth about her feelings for him? Because she can’t help herself or is there a plan in there somewhere?

OK, Juana and Cutie are trashed in Juana’s apartment. They decide to have just one more drink. Is Juana eating apple with her tequila? Interesting. Juana has gone over the edge and reverses her usual phrase: “tocame” And she clarifies, “Hoy, si! Pierdame.” She puckers up for a big smooch, and they are lost indeed.

Tere and Espe chat on the phone about Rube. Tere suggests that Rube is maybe making up the photo thing to get out of the divorce (wow, she is playing all the angles). She encourages Espe to confront Maira and plays the supportive friend.

Speaking of Maira, she is asking Rube about the papers he wants her to sign. He claims they will clear up her ‘fiscal situation’ and allow him to take care of everything, like always. She is a sucker and signs away.

Next morning, Arturo asks after Juana at breakfast. Reina lets drop that Juana did not spend the night chez barrera, and Tere covers for her. Then she tells Artie that she didn’t tell him that they were alone because it would be too much temptation for HER. Riiigghhht.

The new, empowered Aida demands that Rube teach her the ropes at work hoy mismo. She doesn’t trust him farther than she can throw him and she wants to know how the business that she will one day inherit works. El bigote is none too pleased.

In the vecindad, Paulo jumps out at Teresa and yells at her for tattling on him to Gennie re:drugs. He’s getting grabby and along comes SuperMariano and his right hook to take out the trash. Tere doesn’t seem very grateful. Mari shifts into winning her back mode—“Nuestro amor es mas fuerte que todo” (our love is stronger than everything). It may be stronger than Tere’s hold on her books, as she drops them during their smooch, but we all know that it is not stronger than her amor de dinero. Tere clears that up for him. She doesn’t really deny the love anymore, just asks Mari to stop making it harder now that she’s made her decision. She runs off and Mari picks up her dropped thesis. A tearful Aurora has witnessed the whole scene.

Ay! Juana wakes up desnudo next to Cutberto with Tere knocking at the door. She freaks a little, gets Cutie to hide and puts on a nightgown to answer the door.

Meanwhile, Mariano bursts into the clinic trailed by Aurora. More of the same. She loves me—she chose someone else, get over it—blah blah blah. Aurora is getting pretty emotional though, and Mari doesn’t understand why. Aurora almost declares her feelings: “no te das cuenta que yo…..” (don’t you realize that i….) “que?” “que no quiero que sufras mas.” (that I don’t want you to suffer more) Cop out. Aurora tries to reason with Mari, but he sounds like a broken record. Tere loves him, she needs to realize her mistake and get over the ambition. Aurora tells Mari that Tere likes Art not just because of her ambition. She like likes him and won’t break the engagement. Mari doesn’t believe it.

Back to Juana trying to cover up the evidence of last night and pull herself together to let Tere in. Tere is awfully suspicious of Juana’s no-show last night. Juana makes up a story about working on another novia’s dress and plays with hair in a really weird way. Tere doesn’t look like she’s buying much of the story, especially with the nearly empty tequila bottle and two glasses. Ultimately, though Tere doesn’t really care. She gives Juana a copy of her thesis, and Juana is stoked. She is touched to be included in the dedication. Tere thanks her some more and Mom walks in. Tere looks for her mom’s copy of the thesis and realizes that she must have dropped it whilst smoocheando.

Gennie and Rube talk shop. Rube has to cool it a little with the ‘’stealing Maira’s money’ plan since Aida is suddenly so interested in the business. Fine by Gennie; she doesn’t want to be business partners with him anymore, since he will just be spending his profits on other women (i.e. Espe) and not her. Seriously? Is the bigote that irresistible?

Back in the vecindad, Mari opens up Tere's thesis and sees the dedication to the unnamed amor. Tere runs up to recover the book, but he won’t give it back, since he knows the dedication is for him. Tere barely denies it. Mari, very gently this time, reiterates that they still love each other, he won’t give up etc. At this point, Tere’s resolve looks weak and she asks him to stop in a very sad way. It’s like she knows she can’t resist much more and she is begging him not to tempt her. Tempt her he does, though. And suddenly they have a new song. Is that allowed? It says “que no puedo dejar de amarte aunque tengo mil razones de odiarte” (I can’t stop loving you, even though I have a thousand reasons to hate you), so maybe it’s just Mariano’s new song.

Ok, enough sugar, back to Rube and Gennie. I guess Rube’s decided that Gennie has something to offer after all, so he starts to sweet talk her. Gennie’s all ears, but warns him that she will only share him with Maira. They get down on the couch. Blech.

Juana is chatting with Refugio and sticking some leaves on her temples (home remedy for a hangover?? I would love to hear about it). Tere tells her mom that she doesn’t know where she dropped her copy of the thesis and will have to bring her another. Refugio is returning some magazines, and this leads to some three’s company-esque shenanigans with Juana trying to keep Ref and Tere out of the bedroom, but Tere makes it in to see Cutie hiding out only half-clad in one of Juana’s nighties. Tee hee.

Luisa and Fernando walk the beach. She is worried about what Sasha said. Fer tries to reassure her that he is going to give their relationship his all. He couldn’t sleep all night thinking about her in the next room. And it’s not just about the bootie! He wants to talk and share everything with her. Awwwww.

Back at Juana’s, Tere is shielding her delicate eyes and scolding the wayward lovebirds.

Artie shows up at Rube’s business. Random business stuff, then Rube asks Artie if he wants to be a partner on this deal with Gennie.

Juana is tearfully explaining herself to an unreasonably mad Tere. Leaving the vecindad made her realize how much she likes Cutie. Tere doesn’t think Cutie is good enough for Juana. Juana points out that she’s no spring chicken and “a mi edad, los galanes no me caer como gripa al pecho” [at my age, hotties aren’t so easy to come by (lit.. they don’t fall on me like the flu to the chest)]. Besides, Cutie is a good guy who loves her and wants to marry her. Tere reminds her that marrying him would be her downfall and says she is very very disappointed in her madrina (I don’t know where Tere found such an awfully high horse, but it must be on loan). When she sees how much this upsets Juana, she relents a little and deigns to allow her to give it a go with Cutie, so long as she doesn’t tell anyone. After all, Juana has a rep to protect, and ese mariachi did get her drunk and take advantage of her. Juana is all tears at the thought of being taken advantage of here. Really? Come on, Juana, you’re not a teenager; have a backbone and let yourself have some fun.

Oh, here are the “real” teenagers. Johnny has brought Patty home to meet the fam. Dad won’t support a relationship that is hidden from Patty’s grandfather. If I could just interject here about the age situation, as was recently brought up in the comments. I *think* that Johnny is not supposed to be as old as he looks, despite all the head scratching. When he was with Rosita, I seem to recall some comments about him dropping out of school to get a job that made it seem like he was supposed to be maybe 16, so that would make him 19 now. A little old for someone who has yet have a quniceanera, but not nearly so bad as the 30 year old that he looks like. And really, is it that hard to find a younger actor? Though I do forget, if there is one thing I have learned from TNs, Mexico is a lot smaller than it looks. I mean, the DF sure seems like a big city, but as far as I can tell, there is only one restaurant, one church, one hospital, definitely only one orphanage. And everyone seems to know everyone else, if not actually be related to them.

Aurora has made it over to Juana’s and she and Tere are talking about the scene that she witnessed between Mari and Tere. General smoothing over, then Juana gives Aurora the dress she made her for Pablito’s 1st communion and excuses herself. Tere and Aurora plot to hook up Juana with Aurora’s dad.

Rube has taken Espe to a hotel again and she is mad. She even accuses him of faking the photo scandal. She gives him an ultimatum—go to Pablito’s 1st communion, or that’s it, she’ll find someone else. That gets him uber possessive and he holds her down on the bed. He is going from gross to dangerous.

Artie accepts Rube’s proposal to be partners in the Cancun project. Bad idea, dude. He only wants to invest half as much as Rube suggested, but that’s probably still a lot of pesos.

Juana and Cutie are getting ready for the communion and having a morning-after argument. Juana feels bad, Cutie feels great; he’s even trying to remember to pronounce usted properly. Juana lets him have it—she warned him (usteD) that if he touched her, he would lose her. Well, he touched, he lost. She’s leaving with Teresa. I am not sure what Cutie says her in response, but they both look sad.

Ah, we finally have come to the much anticipated 1st communion. Espe is just making excuses for Rube’s absence when he waltzes up with a big ol’ present for Pablito. Juana and Tere make their entrance and Rube is impactado. Oh snap! He is caught. Tere just shakes her head.

Avances: Tere plans her boda and Mari continues to woo her. Mariachis at another man’s house? Man, that is asking for it.


Kristoise, what a marvelous first half a a recap.

"Poutitude", I love it!
"Fer tried to wash the blond off in the shower", ouch.
"Matrix slap stand off", very clever.

Oh Fernando, I am so disappointed, yet not surprised, at you. You are weak and predictable.

Ay amiga, the cake looks better than Fer in a towel? Different strokes I guess. Then again I'm more of a pie girl.

How odd that Fernando brought Luisa the hibiscus in a tagine dish. Must be the Moroccan influence in the New World I guess.

Once again I enjoyed Teresa's smack down on Aida. The wedding dress was el colmo! If I were Aida I would have become an exchange student long ago.

So I gather that Juana and Hector do not know each other from the past and were simply eying each other at the previous celebration, i.e. it's a new attraction. Poor Cutie!

Thanks Kris, I look forward to your second half.

Kristoise, this looks great, I haven't read the whole thing but I am doing it now! Thank you for the espanol clarification.

Just a note about Rubigote trying to tell Aida that the affair (and probably the photographed kiss) was over a long time ago, in the US all cell phone photos have the time and the latitude and longitude coordinates imbedded in them and often it shows at the bottom of the photo).
As I have said on another day, I have been cutting and pasting these to MS word, single space, in order to carry it with me to read, and amazingly all the recappers texts are about the same length, about 14-16 pages total for both episodes. This is a lot of work for all of you, in essence, you are all writing a very long article every week. And they are all BEAUTIFULLY done. My Spanish has taken a quantum leap with al this help!

Comment to Samantha, yesterday, how delicious was your recap with all the Spanish frasiology, gracias! I didn't have time to comment yesterday.

Thank you, Kristoise!

A general comment - this blog inspired me to pick up Spanish. For whatever reason, I started tuning in to Eva Luna without knowing any Spanish. I could more or less guess what was going on, and that was ok, but then I found Caray! Now, in addition to your marvelous recaps, I have a collection of dictionaries and grammar books and am actively learning the language. As long as someone's recapping something in the 8PM EST time slot, I will be reading!

I'll admit that I wasn't sold on Teresa at first, but esa hembra is slowly growing on me...

Welcome, SS! What fun to have more people joining us for our Spanish lessons with a big dose of entertainment.

Kristoise, a masterful recap.

"Telenovela characters—they’re just like us!"

"see TN rule 563: on the timing of entrances and exits w.r.t. damning, but vague, statements"

"I wonder where the misuse of sacred church rites for your own petty vengeance falls on the scale of TN sins."

"I am sorry; he would never stoop to networking."

Those were some of my favorite comments. Very funny retelling.

Juana and Cutberto really made me laugh. The crawling on the floor, the way he sort of pole-vaulted her onto the sofa. Kind of a nice change of pace to have a seduction scene played for comedy; we got some variety after the way everyone else was so seriously sucking face.

Loved Hector el Director's wise words to Mariano. Maybe he'll finally get over himself and stop being such an ingrate.

and furthermore...
I took your recap with me on the subway, I was just ROTFL.
I just loved that dinner with Espe's family and Rube, Mom is throwing food accross the table to the rest of the family, and Pablito is complaining no steak, and there is Rube trying to pass as Espe's fiance, obviously worried someone will see him...and you mention Espe seems to think the dinner went well, and you add, "wonder if she was at the same dinner as us..?" It was just so funny.
Welcome SS!

Thanks Kristoise for an excellent first half! I look forward to the second part. Most of my favorite lines were already mentioned, but the matrix comment made me laugh, too.
And I am absolutley the opposite of you in regards to Fernando. I find him delicious. Also, I loved how when he put the flowers down in front of Luisa he said, with you I'm going to become an expert waiter. "Contigo me voy a convertir en un mesero experto." It made me laugh. And just seemed like the natural thing to say--a joke to try and break the tension.
Also, thanks Emarie!

Also, I'd like to welcome SS, too. I love caray, caray! and having this medium to learn and discuss these shows. No one I know in my real life understands why I do this, but everyone here does. Thanks for joining us!

Welcome SS! I'm so glad you joined us and thanks for commenting.

@Samantha - Amen sister! Nobody gets why I do this either, but after all this time they just quietly shrug and accept it.

Exactly, Sylvia, exactly, haha.

Kristoise, thanks for the great recap. I particularly enjoyed your assessment of Ruben. I don't think he EVER tells the truth.

Welcome SS. This is a great community to learn Spanish with and discuss TNs.

After watching Aida's meltdown regarding her dad, Gen better watch out. If Teresa ever finds out about that (and of course tells Aida), Aida might take Gen out.

I hope when Esperanza (loved the note about were we at the same dinner) sees the light, she goes for Dr. Cutie.

That wedding dress Teresa "stole" from Aida made me think of prize racehorses. Didn't those gathered round things look like the ribbons they put on the Derby winners?

Hi all, the second half is up. glad you all enjoyed the first part and welcome to SS! Like others here, TNs have really brought my spanish along, and i think i would have given up on them without Caray. it's just a great group of folks having a good time while learning a little bit. i'm glad to be able to give back a little.

@sylvia--i think the cakelust is a result of my current diet. we always want what we can't have....

I think the "Vera Chang" thing is that they didn't want to say an actual brand (since Vera Wang is presumably not a sponsor), but they wanted to strongly imply exactly what she was after (my interpretation: an overexposed expensive wedding dress brand, because of course Teresa's kinda a label whore. She's lower class aiming for high class but only knows the most ubiquitous stuff, not the really exclusive goods).

As to her mixed message to Mariano, I think she wants him to stop interfering in her schemes, but she's trying to give him just enough hope that he won't give up and move on. She's probably thinking she can get back together with him once they're rich and she's done with Arturo.

Loved the second half Kristoise! And loved the 'smoocheando' ala Kristel Ruiz y de Teresa.
Also, re the way Juana was playing with her hair and the leaves were, I think, because of her breath. She was covering her mouth with her hair and I think the leaves (on her temples and that she was chewing) were mint. On the temples, I understand, because Tequila seems to sweat out of you after a night of drinking it like that. if you see when she first wakes up, one of the things she does first is smell her breath. She knows the smell would give her away.
All in all I loved the recap!!! Gracias!

Loved the recap Kristoise. I think Teresa is starting to lose her resolve since Mariano is wearing her down. It's not like she's in love with Arturo. She's only marrying him for his money and once she gets it she's outta there me thinks.

I'm thinking Luisa should've stuck with her resolve and not gotten involved with Fernando. He's a playboy and they seldom change. She was forewarned by the blonde babe.

The Juana/Cutberto scenes were so funny. It did remind a bit of Three's Company with the physical comedy. Now Teresa wants to set her up with Hector. It did seem like there was a mutual attraction at first sight.

I think Arturo getting involved in that Cancun deal with Ruben is mistake. Don't do it Arturo.

Mariano showing up at Arturo's with a Mariachi band was brazen. What will Arturo do?

Kristoise, great second half.
ITA about Johnny's age, please. Johnny looks about 35 and Pati looks at least 32; I have a large TV. It reminds me of that scene in the lead-in to the movie, "Tootsie" in which Dustin Hoffman is shown in several scenes trying out for various parts, and one is a teenage boy and the auditioners are telling him "we are looking for somebody younger."

Well one thing I hope Arturo does not do is sing. If I recall from past telenovelas our hunkalicious Rulli can't carry a tune.

Kristoise, loved the second half, especially your fresa "smoocheando" which gave me quite a chuckle.

Samantha, I think you're right about Juana worried about her morning-after tequila breath. I've heard of bay and avocado leaves being used as poultices for headache but those leaves definitely looked more mint-like.

I thought the scene of Cutie trying to hide with his hind end sticking up in the air was hilarious. Good comedy that. Boo on Teresa and Aurora for not leaving well enough alone, on the other hand there is definitely an attraction between Juana and Hector.

I cannot get enough of this novela!

How am I in love with a fictional character(Mariano-- Por supuesto!!!!!)???

I love this site! It's like having all my girlfriends around analyzing every scene! Thank you SO much! Fantastic recaps! I laugh so hard!

What a fantastic recap! So clever. You are awesome!

Thank you for all the details you added, my satellite dish is fritzing out and I can barely watch anything. Thank you again!

samantha--you are probably right about the mint. and i love the Kristel shout-out. freakeando has totally entered my everyday vocabulary.
julia--ITA re: Vera "Chang" and Tere's label whoritude.

The crazy week continues, so I continue to be behind in commenting. Just watched last night's episodes and I was LOL at the Juana and Cutie-berto scenes. Looks like he's in for heartbreak though because there was definitely a spark between Juana and Hector, and Hector is great! He also had Teresa and Aurora on his side as matchmakers.

The other thing I loved in these episodes was Hector's talk with Mariano. Get the stick out of your butt, and be grateful Mariano!

Speaking of..what will make him give up on Teresa? She has shown him her true colors. So what if she really loves him. She's choosing money over his love. Does he really want to be married to someone like that?

I really hope Fernando will change, but can a womanizer really change? But Luisa is going into this with her eyes open. So although she might get hurt, she will not be blindsighted if he strays. In the meantime, she should just enjoy the sensation of the early stages of love. And what a nice specimin to experience love with!

Thank you for the wonderful recap Samantha!

Sorry! Thank you Kristoise!

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