Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Teresa Tue 5/24/11 #63 "If anyone can show just cause why this couple should not be lawfully married……

Casa Alcazar: Tere’s on the phone with Mariano telling him she’s ready and waiting for the right time to get out by herself. She’ll see him later. Aurora comes back in telling her the hairdresser and make-up artist are both there. It’s time to get ready. She notices something is definitely wrong, she asks if Tere’s having doubts. Tere replies yes, she does. Now Juana rushes in with Art’s latest gift and holds up a car key (I knew it!). Tere’s all smiles and Aurora knows this means Tere’s doubts may have just flown out the window. All three go to check out the car while Juana gushes that Tere has it all, a husband who adores her, dotes on her and will open many doors for her, including her career. Tere agrees she and Arturo have much in common. Juana agrees, saying he also enjoys books, travel and Tere will realize all her dreams, beginning with traveling to Europe as she’s always wanted to. She has everything. Tere agrees, with Arturo she has everything she’s worked for. Aurora differs saying that no matter what you may have or not have, you won’t be happy without love. Buzz kill.

Vecindad: Espe asks if Cutberto and Juana have split. He says yes, his Juana se “tere-so”, meaning she’s become like Teresa and is now dating a rich man. Mariano comes in looking for Johnny. Espe tells him Johnny’s gone to Aurora’s to drop off Refugio and Armando because that’s where Tere and Juana spent the night to prepare for the wedding. Cutberto is clutching his chest in agony knowing his Juanita has spent the night with her rich guy. Mariano is dumbfounded, asking if the wedding is still on. Well, duh, yes!

Aurora’s house: Tere bounces back into Aurora’s room all giddy and happily announces now she’s going to get ready and put on her wedding gown. Juana leaves and Aurora tries to bring her back to their previous conversation regarding her doubts – doesn’t she want to get married? ‘Splain yourself. It’s not too much of a coincidence to Aurora that before finding out about the car, she was having doubts. Tere stammers, um, er, no, one has nothing to do with the other. OMG! She sees Juana walking in with the Vera Chang box. That’s it! She’s having second thoughts about getting married in the dress Arturo bought her. The dress Juana made her is so precious, took hours to make, etc. etc. Juana’s lapping it all up, poor thing. She interrupts and says Tere has to wear the dress Arturo bought her. Just consider how much he’s done for her even buying that car. Tere of course agrees and says she’ll be happy to put on that dress now even though she would much rather have worn the one made by Juana (oh, gag!) Aurora tells her she was a little scared there for a moment, thinking there wasn’t going to be a wedding. Pshaw! How could she think there wasn’t going to be a wedding when Arturo keeps finding ways to make her love him even more. She calls Arturo to thank him for the car. Arturo’s so happy and so nervous, he’s heading to the church even though it’s way too early. She tells him she’ll see him there, she will be there. She looks at the phone, then at the car key as though weighing her options. In the next scene she is in full bridal regalia. She thanks Aurora for always being there for her and for always being such a good amiga. Aurora just wants the best for her. She gave her a little fright for a minute there and thought she possibly still cared for Mariano. She wishes her all the happiness, etc. Tere wishes for Aurora to be happy too and get married soon. They joke about catching the bouquet when in walks Refuse-to-be-silenced, looking very guapa. She wants to speak alone with her daughter. Teresa knew she wasn’t going to be able to avoid the tipico lloro maternal (typical maternal rant). She sarcastically acknowledges she’s starting a new life, needs to be grateful with her new husband. Refusio interrupts her, saying her doubts have been confirmed, Tere loves Mariano and is marrying El Licenciado for his money. Tere wonders if Mariano told her something. Refugio just wants to beg her not to throw away her life—don’t get married. For once, I agree with Refugio.

Mariano is at a park on his cell phone when Johnny drives up asking what’s up? Mariano fills him in, saying Tere was to meet him here but now he understands she’s not going to show up. He needs to go get her, she’s his woman and she can’t marry that imbécil. Johnny tries unsuccessfully to stop him, telling him the wedding is on. Mariano pushes him aside yelling he’s going to go get her and races off in the taxi, leaving Johnny in the dust. (Isn’t this where we’re supposed to hear Simon and Garfunkel?)

Casa de la Barrera. Arturo and Luisa are ready for the wedding. He’s nervously asking about the rings, the lazo, etc. He’s pacing the room. Luisa tries to calm him down. She knows he’ll be happy because he found a woman like Teresa whom she loves as much as he does. They talk of how their parents have always been with them. Luisa knows they send their blessings on this day.

Refugio and Tere: Tere insists she tell him what Mariano told her. She tells her not to waste her time, she’s determined to marry Arturo. Refugio’s convinced they won’t be happy-- she’ll live with the regret of having ruined her life and that of el licenciado’s. He’s a good man and will suffer. But her only interest is Tere and that’s why she’s here to try to convince not to go through with it because the man she loves is Mariano. And he loves her. Tere is astounded that even on her wedding day, she is incapable of controlling herself. Doesn’t she see that insisting that she supposedly loves Mariano bothers her? Refugio: It’s a mother’s obligation to make sure her daughter is happy. Teresa: Then be happy that she’s ok instead of always ruining her life. She should be wishing all the happiness she deserves. Refugio: Hopefully she’ll never regret having been driven by her ambition.

Church: Fernando jokes with Arturo about a last minute escape to the Bahamas. Art tells him not to joke like that – he’s so nervous. Fer assures him he’s just joking and would be the first to chain him to the altar if he thought Arturo was getting cold feet. Arturo quips back wondering if Fernando will be as chistosito (funny) when he marries his sister, Luisa. (If it weren’t so sad, it would be so cute. Arturo is so nervous.)

Aurora’s place: Playing the Teresa/Mariano and now Teresa/Arturo theme, we see Teresa with the bridal veil covering her face (she should be covering her face—out of shame!). She thought bubbles, “La única manera de lograr lo que quieres es dominando los sentimientos" (the only way to achieve what you desire is by controlling your feelings). Then she adds her mantra, of course: Entre ser y no ser, yo soy, as she dramatically lifts her veil.

Back at the church: Arturo is getting very anxious, wondering what’s taking her so long (I’m not liking his tuxedo jacket) . Luisa tells him he needs to go inside the church, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. He’s dying to see her and besides, they love each other so much, nothing can bring them bad luck. Fernando tells her not to worry. He also tells her he just spoke with his father and he’s running late.

The bridal car arrives and Arturo greets her as she gets out of the car. Bad omen #1. She tells him, “Aqui estoy.” (I’m here). She looks beautiful in her Vera Chang original.

Aurora’s house: Ay caramba! Mariano arrives yelling out for Teresa, saying he’s come for her. The maid gives him the bad news that no one is there, they’ve all gone to la boda. He lies to her, saying he was invited but lost his invitation and doesn’t know where the church is. The maid obligingly gives him an extra invitation that has the church’s address on it. He runs off.

Church: Armando tells Refugio to cheer up, she looks as though she’s at a velorio (wake). She just knows this isn’t right. Juana tells her to look at the couple and she’ll see how happy Teresa is. We see Arturo and Teresa laughing. Juana’s convinced Arturo will give her anything she wants and by the way, did she tell her about the coche he bought her. Refugio’s glad she hadn’t told her because that’s another sign that Teresa just wants him for what he can buy her. Juana naturally defends Teresa, saying she loves him for his thoughtfulness, how he spoils her, and how he takes care of her. What woman wouldn’t want to be treated that way, with such attentiveness? Refugio doesn’t know, maybe they should ask Cutberto! SNAP! Boy, the old lady just doesn’t give up. She walks away and Juana is left behind like so much collateral damage. Armando goes to speak to his daughter, telling her she looks like a queen. Teresa tells him she’ll make sure they’re taken care of, bringing them out of debt and having a much better life. He’s so proud of her, finishing the university with her head held high (la frente en alto), dignified, demonstrating the values her mother and he taught her. He knows she’ll be very happy.

Wow, Paloma comes up to Arturo, telling him she hoped until the last minute she’d be able to win him back but she now sees it’s too late. He wonders if she thought he was capable of abandoning Teresa (dejarla plantada). No, Paloma, he’s not like that – he loves Teresa. Tearfully, she tells him she’s convinced if he’s willing to swear this before God, he must really love her. She hugs him close and wishes him happiness. Luisa, who’s been watching, rushes up and tells her to leave, she has nothing to do here. Fernando holds her back, Paloma leaves, and Arturo asks why Luisa can’t forgive like he has. She’ll never forgive her. She can’t believe she had the nerve to show up here. Fernando asks her to understand, Paloma still loves Arturo. Luisa can’t believe Arturo would forgive her after what she did to him. She won’t forgive her. Arturo just says, Luisa por favor, then walks away. Fernando doesn’t like her holding such rancor (bitterness) against someone. If she had been the victim, she might have been able to forgive. But anyone who messes with her bro becomes her peor enemiga (worst enemy).

Vecindad: Cutberto’s telling Johnny she’s stabbed him (clavó un puñal= literally nailed a dagger) where it hurts most. He never thought his Juanita would be capable of this. Me jugó chueco, ya tiene novio (loosely translated= she done me wrong, and now she has a BF). Johnny asks if Juana was giving him hope while she was also dating the other guy. Cutberto thinks so and he also thinks she’s acting as though she were Teresa’s mother, they’re exactly the same (igualitas)
He pulls out a bottle and Johnny stops him saying, “alcohol is the worst advisor, drinking should only be in celebration. If he drinks in sadness, he’s truly lost. They chitchat about Pati’s maid and possibly dating someone to make Juanita jealous.

Church: Refugio asks Teresa if there’s nothing to be done. Teresa calls her stubborn. How can she think she’d do something like that to Arturo. It’s enough that one woman already stranded him at the altar. Look how happy he is laughing and smiling. He’s happy with her. We now go to Arturo talking to Geno and Ruben, wondering where Mayra is. Ruben begins to explain just as Mayra and Aida walk up. Hugs and kisses all around with that hipócrita Ruben saying his two loves have decided to attend. Aida hugs Arturo, wishing him the best and Geno, the other hipócrita, is surprised to see them. Mayra then tells Geno she’s happy to see her and that it’s good to begin having fun little by little. THEN Ruben puts his arms around both Geno and Mayra saying, “the only problem here is that now you’re going to have to share (compartir) me.” He even does a bwa-ha-ha laugh! Ugh he’s such a pig. He laughingly clarifies that they’ll have to share him as a dancing partner, etc.

Aida now walks over to Teresa. Teresa didn’t think she’d come but she’s welcome to join her in her bliss. Aida tells her not to get too excited. She only came to make sure Teresa leaves the path clear for her and Mariano. Teresa’s not very happy with that thought.

Mariano is driving along when his cell rings. He pulls over to answer, good boy! It’s Aida and she’s wondering if he’s still coming because Teresa’s about to walk into the church. Now, why would she call him? He screams into the phone, “¡No! ¡Teresa no va entrar an ningun iglesia!” (Teresa’s not going to enter any church). He speeds off.

Church: Bridal march begins. Arturo walks in with Refusio. He walks up to the altar and Refusio even gives him la bendición! (blessing) then she gives him a look like qué lastima (pity). Bridal procession continues and at last Teresa and Arturo are face to face. She looks beautiful. I really like the Vera “Chang” dress except that the bodice is way too translucent for a church wedding. Fits her beautifully which is more than I can say about his jacket. Looks like he borrowed it from some kid.

Vecindad: Hernán el Galán is visiting with Espe. He’s happy to see her looking so well. She says she’s got him to thank for it. She’s doesn’t know how she’ll ever repay his kindness. He thinks perhaps there may be a way. It’s too beautiful a day for to be spent inside. “Are you asking me out, doc?” she asks. Since it is her day off, he feels it would be great to take in some fresh air. Johnny interjects, “It wouldn’t be such a bad idea to take him up on his offer. There’s no use staying here, bummed about not going to Teresa’s wedding. Besides, that wedding is going down bad.” Espe’s all, “¡¿Que?!” Johnny’s caught in a pickle. Espe demands to know what’s going on. Johnny lets on that Mariano said he wouldn’t let Teresa get married.

Church: the wedding continues. Armando hands over Teresa to Arturo as Ave Maria is sung. Beautiful church. Armando asks Arturo to take care of her and Arturo assures him he won’t disappoint him.

Grumpy’s house: Cutberto is hiding behind a tree as the maid Griselda arrives with a handful of groceries which of course spill all over the sidewalk. Cutbert rushes in to help her and does a play on words telling her not to worry about her “naranjas” he’ll lift them for her. She stands up, a little miffed, he then says not to take it the wrong way, he was referring to the fruit. She starts flirting with him asking who would’ve thought that besides being a mariachi, he’s all gentleman (caballero). Well, he jokes, they’re just getting to know each other. She’ll see that eventually he’ll lose the caballero in him.

Church: Ceremony continues. Priest talks about their commitment before God. Fernando and Luisa look lervingly at each other as does Ruben and Mayra, with Geno shooting daggers at them. Hector the director looks at Juana with a sparkle in his eye. Man, I like this guy. Priest continues, saying that through the sacrament of marriage, God will be with them and strengthen them throughout the remainder of their lives. Teresa looks scared and Refugio looks very serious. Here it comes! Priest says, “Does anyone present know of any reason that this marriage should not proceed?” Viewerville holds its collective breath and Geno looks at Aida who just shrugs. No one steps forward and the priest continues and proceeds with the vows. Just as he asks Teresa if she takes this man, Arturo de la Barrera… BAM! “¡TERESA!” shouts Mariano as he charges down the aisle. The church echos with his voice. All heads turn and Viewerville takes an even deeper breath. Geno and Aida are smiling. Teresa and Arturo both get up. Mariano continues: “No te puedes casar con el” (You can’t marry him) Aida speaks for all of us when she says, “Esto se está poniendo bueno. Se me hace que ya no hay boda.” (This is getting good. I think there’s no wedding now.) Mariano is looking intensely at Teresa as though he can barely contain himself. She walks toward him as everyone now rises from their seats. There’s a very effective heartbeat sound effect playing in the background. I think my own heart is gonna jump out of my chest as I hold my breath. She strides purposely toward him as he says, “I knew it. You love me.” He starts to say “ not for any commitment….” but doesn’t finish. She slaps him -- hard. He’s stunned, to say the least. Teresa: “How dare you interrupt my wedding with Arturo! Have some respect for this place. Before God and all these witnesses I ask that you understand that I have made my decision!” Arturo: “You’ve heard Teresa, largate (scram)!” He shoves Mariano who starts charging at him. Fernando steps in to hold back Arturo and Martin steps in to hold back Mariano. The priest shouts for everyone to stop, this is not the place for fights or arguments. Teresa tells the priest she’s there to marry Arturo because she loves him. Arturo says this man is here because he’s obsessed with Teresa. The priest pleads that unless Mariano has just cause to stop this wedding, he needs to move on. Mariano wonders if it’s just cause to know that Teresa loves him and yells at Teresa to confirm this. Teresa says she’s already said what she had to say. (oooh, lying in church, she’s going to hell). Aurora steps in and tries to calm Mariano, telling him he needs to leave. Aida and Geno smile gleefully. Aurora and Martin escort Mariano out while Arturo and Teresa look at each other. Do I detect a hint of doubt in Arturo? She holds her hand out to him telling him no one will separate them. She leads him back to the altar (sacrificial lamb, anyone?) She asks the priest to continue but first catches her mother’s look. Refugio sadly shakes her head and Teresa hesitates for a micro second then proceeds up to the altar, with her prize in tow. The priest calls for God to illuminate those that are in the wrong and to protect this couple who is here by their choice, and for love. He again asks if Teresa accepts Arturo as her husband. As a tear falls, she says she accepts him with all her heart.

Outside, Mariano is struggling with Aurora and Martin, hollering “Teresa es mía” Aurora tells him Teresa is now Arturo’s wife. He insists he’s the one she loves. Aurora wonders what manner is this to love Teresa, he needs to forget her. He’s only hurting himself. Mariano: “She swore to me she wasn’t going to get married.” Aurora: “Do you swear she told you that?” He tells of their plan to run away before the ceremony. Aurora is dumbfounded. Aida now arrives on the scene and hugs him. Mariano and Aurora stare at each other, thinking about what he’s just confessed.

Church: Refugio and Juana place the lazo around Teresa and Arturo. Outside Aida is trying to console Mariano, telling him she’s very sorry but she tried to tell him they were going to get married and he didn’t want to believe her. She asks Martin to take Aurora back inside, she is a bridesmaid after all. Aurora is very sad and doesn’t want to leave until Mariano is ok. Aida pleads with her not to make things worse. Martin agrees and takes her back inside. Mariano is pacing. He’s so upset and now looks angry as we return to the ceremony and the priest is blessing the couple. Arturo kisses his bride and they lock eyes. It’s done! She’s married him!

Outside everyone is greeting bride and groom. Teresa comes face to face with her mother who just refuses to leave bad enough alone. She says God gave her another opportunity and sadly she didn’t make the most of it (aprovecharas). Teresa wisely says nothing. Juana comes to her and says she was right in the way she handled Mariano. Teresa feels that was the only way he would understand and now there’s no going back. She starts to cry. Juana tells her it’s over. She knows Teresa is just angry but it’s time to celebrate and enjoy her wedding. Teresa asks Juana to find out where Mariano is. She wants to make sure he doesn’t pop up again. Luisa comforts Arturo telling him he’s married now and they’ll be happy. Fernando says much the same and he should take comfort in knowing that Teresa showed everyone his place is by her side. Aurora asks Teresa if she did the right thing because Mariano told her…..she doesn’t finish. Teresa asks her if he’s still there. Aurora goes to congratulate Arturo. Ruben now comes to Teresa commenting on the fracas. She smiles and says she’s not a woman who is easily forgotten. Ruben points out that Arturo will now make sure that Mariano, let alone any other man, will never come near her. She is now a married woman.

Aurora tells Juana that Aida took Mariano away. Juana’s not happy with the thought of those two being together. No one know what they are capable of (is she now anti-Mariano?). Aurora disagrees. Luisa greets Teresa telling her they’re now truly sisters. They both declare their love for each other. Fernando starts to chant, “beso, beso, beso.” The couple comes together but we don’t see them kiss.

Elsewhere, Mariano and Aida are walking down a street. Mariano is still ranting that yesterday Teresa demonstrated how much she loved him, that he’s the only man in her life. He tells of their plan to run away together. Aida, “Really? Teresa was going to abandon Arturo to run away with you?”

Back at the church, Arturo asks Tere to ‘splain what happened. She tells him Mariano’s loco. As much as she’s asked him to stop bothering her, he doesn’t get the message. He saw how she sent him to the devil and she’s furious. He’s ruined her church wedding but now all she wants to do is enjoy the fiesta but if Arturo continues with this that won’t be possible. She’s right, he says. He’s not going to let that infeliz ruin their wedding. She kisses him.

Aida & Mariano, still on some street: Aida wonders if the runaway bride scheme is the reason he told her they were through. Did Teresa seriously tell him she wasn’t going to get married? Mariano: What’s the use of repeating what she told him. He’s an imbécil. She tells him this should only serve to show just what a rata Teresa is. This is what she was capable of just because she saw them together. What should it matter to her to see them happy together if she’s supposedly so happy with Arturo? Mariano concedes she’s married and that’s not going to change. Aida thinks that at least he should see that Tere belongs to another. He’s so angry, he just can’t accept it. Aida then tells him if he wants another chance, she has an invitation to the reception.

Reception: Mayra, Ruben, and Genoveva arrive arm in arm. Mayra tells Ruben Aida needed to step away. They all think it’s due to her sadness, remembering her plans with Paulo. Ruben attempts to cheer them up by kissing each of them: Mayra on the mouth and his lover, er, Geno on the cheek. Let’s go have a fun time. Yuk.

Espe is in the car with Hernán el Galán. She’s reaches Mariano via cell. He tells her he’s on his way to see Teresa at the reception. She tells Hernán to step on it.

Reception: Aurora confronts Teresa with the Runaway Bride scheme. Teresa denies it all, saying Mariano’s crazy. Aurora presses her to be truthful. Teresa admits she had doubts at the beginning because she didn’t realize she really loved Arturo. She loves him. She didn’t give Mariano renewed hope and is incredulous that Aurora doesn’t believe that Mariano is the one who comes looking for her. Martin interrupts by telling them Arturo is looking for Teresa. He asks Aurora what’s up. She says nothing is wrong, she was just asking Teresa why Mariano showed up. Martin responds, “uh, because he’s necio (stubborn)?”

Fernando wonders now that Teresa will be living at Arturo’s, wouldn’t Luisa like to move in with him? She’s hesitant. He’d love to begin their life as a couple. Luisa whines, what if it doesn’t work out? She doesn’t want to talk about that now. They should celebrate and talk about it later. She introduces him to Refugio and Armando and shows them to their table. Armando clumsily pulls the chair out for Refugio. They’re really trying to do things right but Teresa’s embarrassed when Armando orders a cerveza and when Refugio doesn’t know what a mimosa is. She asks them to join her at their table but Armando says it would be rude to others seated at his table. He then uses the wrong term in referring to el Magistrado, who belongs to the judicial system. He uses the term Magisterio, which has to do with the teaching profession. El Magistrado politely sets him straight. Fernando tries to save Armando further embarrassment and suggests he take Teresa out for the first dance. Arturo then asks Refugio to join him. She refuses but he insists. She makes it a point to ask Luisa to watch her purse. When el Magistrado tells her jokingly they weren’t planning to steal it, she responds “well, the mule wasn’t stubborn (arisca)”. Teresa is really embarrassed by all this and continues to roll her eyes. Give it a rest. Parents always embarrass their kids. As they begin the dance, she starts in on Daddy Dearest, scolding him for embarrassing her not to mention Mom. How can mom say such things. It’s best he keep her quiet. She also complains he always took Mariano’s side and look what happened because of that. He almost ruined her wedding. Meanwhile, Refugio is sincerely apologizing to Arturo if she ever doubted his love for Tesesa. She prays to God that he’ll be happy with her daughter. He asks if she’s serious. She’s very serious and agrees to finally accept him as her son-in-law. Today, she became convinced he will make the best son-in-law. She keeps addressing him as licenciado. She begins to cry. Teresa notices and suggests they switch partners. She tells Arturo she’s really embarrassed with the Madrigal Manriquez and will have to talk to him later.

Casa Grumps: Johnny is on a ladder talking to Pati. They talk about the wedding fracas. She thinks it’s so romantic. He tells her he can’t help her escape cuz he has nowhere to take her.

The Graduate, Part Deux: Ay, Ay, Ay-ida. Mariano and she arrive at the reception. Being ever the alcahueta (procurer, gossip, pimp) she leads Mariano and points him in the direction of Teresa. Mariano to Teresa: “So the love of your life is that imbécil? The one you married instead of me? What would your husband think if he knew that yesterday you said just the opposite after you made love to me?”

High drama and the saga continues tomorrow. Can’t wait!


Caray, Caray! I loved this episode so much, I watched it twice! Wow, wow WOW! She went through with it. I knew she would, but I still can't believe it!

Ay, Mariano has got to get it through his thick skull what a rata she really is. Teresa doesn't deserve him no matter how much he loves her. How can you love someone who would drag you through the dirt like that? He's suffered enough humiliation and now needs to move on. He shouldn't have gone to the church or the reception. She's someone else's problem now.

Paquita outstanding job and boy did i love this episode too i was on the edge of my bed watching this.

You so capture the reactions of everyone attending the wedding. Thank you so much and does Refusio ever quit boy she look like she was blessing Arturo for his funeral instead of his wedding. Can she now please call her son in law by his name.I also loved her hopeful expression on her face when Mariano did his "The Graduate" scene but really she needs to give it a rest.

Wonderful acting by everyone at the church and just great directing and producing this show is just becoming so addictive.Geno rolling her yes at Ruben and Mayra was too funny.

Now i tell you who also doesn't deserve Mariano is Aida i know there are those who are going to argue otherwise. But after last night she has pretty much confirmed how rotten a person she still is.

Instead of being focused on getting her revenge on Teresa she should have been concerned about how this would effect Mariano. Case in point she loved the scene and fracas he created by showing up at the wedding along with Geno. Then she encourages him to crash the reception to cause another one.

While the woman who truly has Mariano's best interest at heart tries to reason with him and tell him to let Teresa go and cares and worries about him even when he makes a scene like he did in last night's episode. I'm for team Aurora all the way the only problem i like Martin also too and he'll be heartbroken by losing Aurora. But Aida is nothing but a rebound girl i do believe she is falling for Mariano but she is no different than Teresa by using him to get back Teresa with her games.

Wow, just wow. Came home sick from work, and wasn't sure I was going to watch, but so glad I did.

Could Tere have been any more of a snot? Did Mariano not break your heart? Is Arturo now just a bit curious and distrusting of his new bride? And weren't those bridesmaids dresses the dumbest(spandex top thingies that none of the women looked good in?)

Blu, I too dislike Aida in this episode. After thinking maybe she was truly changing and concerned about Mariano, all she did was abet his anger and relish in his heartache and embarrassment. Kick her to the curb.

"Refuse-to-be-silent" = good one!! I guess for once she had to be the voice of reason with her daughter, but I do like that she warmed to Art. That gentle pat at the ceremony was almost like saying, I feel sorry for you.

Think the Louisa's comment to Fer was a fore-telling of things to come? Anyone who crosses her brother is her enemy? Hmmmmmmm....

Cold or no cold, tuning in tonight! Hey, we may finally get some Sebasitan Rulli loving. There has to be a honeymoon, right?

Frances, great recap. I loved your descriptive comments like Refuse-to-be-silent and then the Simon and Garfunkel reference. This was an exciting episode and you did it great justice! 

Yes, Arturo's jacket looked shinny like "shark skin"...sorry! He must be using the same tailor as Max on TdA with those tight, tight fitting jackets.   What in the heck was Martin wearing? That jacket material looked like upholstery fabric for an antique French chair! Oh dear! Armando with his "bad manners" looked much nicer! 

Yes, there were many take-aways from the wedding, but the most important to me was the contrast between the behavior of Aurora, a saint and Aida, a witch. I want Aida to grow, change and find happiness, but she has a lot more work ahead of her to make that transformation. 

Que escandalo! What a great episode!

Poor Mariano just screwed his future by crashing the wedding. He's going to hear about this from Hector the Director tonight. That is, if he shows up at work and doesn't get totally smashed.

Daisy beat me to the comment about the bridesmaids' dresses. The tops of those were awful. Not even any jewelry to compensate...

Back to our GWTW references:

Luisa's "Now we're really and truly sisters" comment was an echo of Melanie when Scarlett married her brother out of spite. It's not mentioned in the film, but Charles Hamilton was planning to become... a lawyer!

The shape of Teresa's skirt was very traditional and one could make the point that the bodice would have appealed to the original Scarlett (Remember Mammy scolding her for wearing an afternoon dress in the morning?). I didn't like the veil; something about the pattern in it seemed wrong.

Another interesting thing about Angelique Boyer in this series is that she fits Margaret Mitchell's description of Scarlett (except for the eyes). She's pale with a pointed chin and curved cheeks. I wonder whether her hair is black to complete the picture.

Refugio is doing the reverse of what many mothers in her position would do: Telling her daughter to choose love over ambition. However, it can't work with Mariano either because he's too humanitarian (like Ashley) and doesn't really care about money for himself.

I'm also hoping that whomever our Tiburoncita is with at the end he says "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Paquita, your recap is great, thank you for explaining some of the phrases that just didn't make sense, also. And you included all the important little incidences like Aida wanting front row seat.
My husband and I were ROTFL when Refugio looked sorrowfully at Arturo and gave him that little pat like, "good luck and you're going to need it!"
Arturo did look like he was having a glimmer of a thought after that Mariano confrontation.
Tere is sadistic, I think, setting Mariano up to look like a obcessed lunatic.
Oh, and Fernando asking Luisa to live with him. All she has to do is to say, "Gee, Fer, what a great idea, why don't you go ask my brother Art what he thinks. If it is OK with him it is OK with me, mi amor."
Oh, and Urban, I think the whole cast of characters might be saying, "Frankly my dear we don't give a damn!" to Tere at the end.

For the Caraymate who asked about "A Donde Vamos a Parar" yesterday, here is a site with a video, photo of the performer and the words.‘teresa’-teresa-con-mariano-y-arturo-marco-antonio-solis-–-a-donde-vamos-a-parar-–-music-lyrics-letra/

Blu, have you downloaded any of the songs from this novela yet? I'm thinking about it!

Emarie, I've thought that Arturo has had several subtle "glimmers of thought" lately. Remember when he and Luisa looked at each other across the bannister after the "lost ring" incident? I hope it is the character's realization and not that hesitation that SR has in his acting sometimes.

Wow Frances! What an episode, what a recap! You gave us the play by play, and blow by blow like a boxing announcer. Poor Mariano.

Yes, the contrast between Aida who was egging him on in his anger and pain, and Aurora who was trying to calm and soothe his pain, was striking. I think we'd all like for Mar and Aurora to be together in the end, but he is NOT worthy of Aurora's love yet. He has to get Teresa out of his system. I think that even though Aida is using him as an instrument to get at Teresa (while at the same time beginning to feel something for him), she is good for him at this stage. Why? Because she is ripping off the blinders Mariano has about Teresa-- something no one else would do for him. I think it's only through cruelty that he will finally start to let go of this romantic version of Teresa that he's held on to. The truth hurts, and Aida's not reluctant to let Mariano experience that pain. So be it. Aurora would try to sugar coat it and make excuses for Teresa, which she's done before.

I loved all the meaningful glances and looks in the church. And now we have Mariano at the reception, and Ledesma and Espe on the way to the reception, with Ruben, Mayra, Aida, AND Geno there. You just know something bad is going to go down! (Rubbing my hands together gleefully.)

Speaking of Hernan the Galan, I am sad that he finally works up to asking Espe on a date, and they have to fly off to try to avert a disaster at Teresa's wedding. They were so sweet, and a little flirty too, on the couch.

Teresa's dress looked great on her. I'm not a huge fan of the translucent bodice, but have seen this many times on those wedding dress shows. As you can imagine, it's only popular with women who have incredibly toned abs. They always seem to be religious too, having church weddings and wearing a see through dress. Go figure! The veil had leaves, which I think were meant to play off the flowers in her hair. It made sense when I looked at it a few times.

Well, this marriage is off to a great start. NOT! :)

I think there are many moments when Arturo has sensed that something is not right here, and has confronted Teresa about it. In fact, those are the times when they have had their biggest fights. His brain is working and his instinct has told him a few times that there are red flags here. But then he gives in to Teresa's bluffs and tears. Remember the time he asked Teresa how could Mariano be so obsessed with her, if there was never anything between them? It made no sense to him. Outside of the church, I think he was basically asking the same thing. A guy, who otherwise is levelheaded, smart, successful, a good person according to everyone, wouldn't just do this. There has to be something more. Eventually Teresa had to admit that they once dated long ago as kids, because Arturo kept pushing.

Hi Paquita and everybody...I tuned in last night and was riveted, I must say. What a cliffhanger!

And I'm so glad you mentioned the "la mula no era arisca..." because I had no idea what it meant. Googled it this morning and found the complete proverb "La mula no era arisca la hicieron a palos" I finally understood that Refugio was saying Where I live, I've learned to be careful about the safety of my purse". At the time though, I was like..huh.

Agree with everybody's comments on the bridesmaid's dresses. Truly awful. Bottom too fussy, top unflattering. And Sandy, yes, Martin's jacket was also a disaster. Fire the wardrobe folks! But not the writers...this episode was sizzling and Paquita, your excellent recap did it justice.

The part of about the bridesmaids dresses that bothered me the most is that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they were supposed to be the set of dresses for the wedding that Juana continued to work on, weren't they? Kind of implies she made awdul looking stuff (although- she personally was rocking in the hair/makeup department last night!Thought Louisa looked the worst and dress fit the worst.)

better not waste our time with any more pedophile Johnny shenanigans tonight. Mean of me, but I was hoping he would fall off the ladder and not be able to visit her for awhile and give us all a break.

I also vote for worst dress male - Martin. Words cannot describe the horror of that jacket. Never knew they made clothes out of those upholstery bolts in the back of the fabric stores. Yikes!

Sandy i plan on downloading the title song Mala by Gloria Trevi i just loved it and of course Marco Antonio Solis Donde Vamoa A Parar what a romantic song love it also.

I agree about the bridesmaid dresses i just didn't like it altogether especially the color.Martin's jacket OMG when they showed it up close when he was keeping Mariano out of the church i was like is he dressing for the prom?

Vivi good point about what purpose Aida serves in this i just didn't like to see how hurt Mariano was and her gleefully expression of what was transpiring at the wedding. You would have thought after that she would have been satisfied but no she has to take him now to the reception.

Yes you're also right Mariano is not deserving of Aurora's love right now he has to remove every bit of attachment he has for Teresa completely out of his system. Let's hope for the final time he has done this with her finally going through with her marriage to Arturo. Let's hope when the little shark wants a Mariano fix and tries to bait him again. He won't be reeled in by her allure.

I think Luisa has been saying this throughout the novela about how she feels protective towards Arturo. I think the point to me that was really driven home that she has never forgiven Paloma for what she had done to Arturo. So the look on Fernando's face after she said this was telling. If he ever tries to hook up with Teresa he knows from Luisa herself she won't forgive him nor Teresa.

Paquita, great recap, thank you.

The only person I felt sorry for last night was Aurora. The look on her face when Aida took Mariano off was heartbreaking. I think she is the only one that truly loves him.

Aida is a true villainess. She is just life her father but with the bigote. She doesn't care who she hurts.

All of the clothes were awful. I also hated Tere's hair. They need a new wardrobe department if last night was the best they could do.

I think there is a TN Rule about church weddings so i guess Tere and Art are together forever and ever.


I don't think that this tn follows all the tn rules. There's also the rule about who the heroine has sex with, and we know what happened there...

Mariano has plenty of people who love him. His dad, the whole vecinidad, and Aurora. He'll be fine once he gets Teresa out of his head and heart.

Who else wants to bet that Teresa has un dolor de cabeza tonight? How long do we think she can get away with that?

Or will we eventually have a re-enactment of the staircase scene in GWTW?

Thank you, Paquita, for the great recap. I had to laugh at "buzz kill." Where Arturo's concerned I'm always thinking, what's so awful? Couldn't anybody learn to love him, LOL.

Refugio wasn't as bad as I thought before the wedding; she's getting more low key. I think she realizes her daughter's making her own decisions.

However, that grandchild Refugio's wanting from Teresa and Mariano may already be on the way, I'm thinking. Teresa wasn't her usual careful self with Mariano; she could have given the contraceptive a miss.

I noted Arturo's impatience with Luisa's eschewing Paloma; he's softening. And best-friend Fernando disapproves, too, leaving Luisa alone in that; so Paloma may have lost Martín's unequivocal support, but gained some here.

Mayra looked happier,which was nice; and what a picture -- Rubén gleefully escorting his two wives into the reception. Interesting info yesterday about his humble origins in Mayra's dad's business. Rubén's got similar issues to Teresa.

Ah ha, I was right; Aida plainly told Teresa she only came to the wedding to make sure Mariano was going to be free for her. Looking back now, I am not quite so impressed with Teresa's devotion in the lovemaking scene, viewing it once again in the light of sticking it to Aida.

It would be nice if Esperanza had the brains to take up with Dr. Ledesma; but I have this feeling that if Rubén sincerely repents, he's going to make an honest woman of her and his child. Mayra doesn't need that jerk anymore, and Genoveva doesn't deserve any consideration.

Hector and Juana are probably going to have a nice vacation from their real lives together, but they have no karma to work out; whereas Hector has abandonment issues from a wife who's probably returning and also daughter Aurora has same -- and Juana has to wait around while Cutberto becomes fit to live with.

Such an uuuuuuugly wedding; a fatal omen, I fear. And Arturo knows it, as well, because he's a smart guy; but is still willing to be convinced otherwise. In fact, though, he's no pushover and I suspect unless Teresa really develops genuine feelings for him, he'll come to the realization.

I would like nothing better than Teresa to develop genuine feelings for Arturo, though. It doesn't seem likely, since she throws away even genuine feelings she already has for the security of wealth. I still think she's going after Fernando's glorious pile of ducats.

Been thinking Teresa might not wind up with Mariano; she's an antagonist, and viewers watch her to see what she'll do next rather than how she gets her satisfaction, which would be usual for protagonists.

Luisa should not move in with Fernando against her instincts, but I'm pretty sure she will just to make it more dramatic when she loses him.

Wow, when will Mariano inform Arturo of his tryst with Teresa -- now or later. They can't let that opportunity for drama go. Blusamarai, I like Mariano and Aurora, too. She doesn't love Martín, but he'd be a nice band-aid in the meantime. And I see Arturo and Paloma together. And Teresa could be happy alone with Fernando's real estate.

Daisynjay, hope you are feeling better. I figured Aurora's worn designer gear all her life and has no issues with that; her issues revolve around lack of family, so she was tickled to wear something homemade with personal affection.

Urban, Angelique is French by birth, and her hair is brown. She's coloring it black for hailing from the projects.

Please pardon this tome; I was out of the loop so long, I have a lot to get out.

Jeri- Yes, Teresa and Ruben are VERY alike and I think last night he gave her props for playing the game like a true champ. Her lover comes busting into her wedding, and she STILL manages to get her prize man to marry her. He was impressed.

Sorry Jeri i don't want Arturo with Paloma even after he discovers Teresa's lies and schemes. She's part of his painful past and even though he has forgiven her there is still a lingering hurt left over from their relationship and how it ended that's why he was so anxious and nervous at his wedding to Teresa.She has left lasting scars on Arturo and really it took her this long to come back to him?

Now if they introduce a new woman for Arturo sure i'll support that but Paloma is really pathetic to me.

o love hector the Director and Juana but she doesn't seem to be that into him as she should wonderful man and even if his wife does show up i hope he ends up happy with someone by the time this ends.

Yes i do feel that Martin is Aurora rebound guy but at least she is trying to move on and he is a great catch. I do not think Aida is worthy of him if he and Aurora do break up.

I really want to see who Fernando's mother is i don't think it's Aurora's mother as it has been hinted at.

Dr. Ledesma the younger and Espe what a cute couple it's up to Espe to open her eyes and see what's in front of her face. )Big hint to Mariano also with this too).

Luisa i see big heartache with Fernando coming her way and the fallout won't be pretty.Let's hope they bring back her first boyfriend what was his name Julio or something?

No way are Fernando's mom (some well know rich business woman) and Aurora's mom the same people. It makes no sense on many counts, first of all because Fer is older than Aurora-- meaning that this mystery woman would have been with Fer's dad first, left him for Hector to have Aurora years later, then left them after a few years to go back to Fer's dad??? Nope. They are not the same woman.

I just think Fer chickened out of telling his mom he has met THE ONE who who wants to marry, and she must meet her.

Vivi, right; and that's another point in Rubén/Esperanza/baby. Neither are "top drawer," and so they are suited for each other.

Blu, I don't particularly like Arturo Paloma either. I just think that's what's going to happen -- that they are not going to introduce another woman. Paloma is in the opening credits with him as the other woman already.

I revisited some pix I posted years ago while "Pasión" was playing, so I might as well link them. Rullí is lovely.

Rullí reclining

Rullí in a suit

Rullí long hair blacksmith

Darnit, I was referring to your previous comment, Vivi. Not fast enough.

Don't have a clue about Fernando's mom or what that curious situation is yet. Something to look forward to.

Well it looks like the stuff hit the fan yesterday.I can't beleive Teresa bold faced lied in church like that. I really felt sorry for Mariano it's not like he's crazy. Teresa keeps leading him on, but she's been so mean and evil toward him so it really shouldn't have been that big of a surprise.

Paloma needs a lesson in self- respect. I know she still loves Arturo but it's his wedding day. HE'S MARRYING SOMEONE ELSE, LET IT GO! I like her tho and I hate to see any woman beg for a man real life or reel life it's not a good look.

I still like Aida, sorry she cracked me up the whole time.She does like Mariano but her main objective is revenge. Teresa has done much worse to her so as I see it this is nothing. Teresa made this mess herself by sleeping with Mariano the day before her wedding and then lying to him about running away together. Teresa dosen't deserve to be happy.Aida is b*tch true but at least she doesn't try and hid it like Teresa.

Rubs is such a sleazebag, so hate him.

I hope this has really opened Mariano's eyes to who Teresa really is. And he can move on with his life.

ITA about the bridesmaid dresses they were ugly. But Teresa's dress was pretty but the top was a little to racy for a church wedding. Juana looked nice as well that purple eyeshawdow really made her green eyes sparkle and pop.

I still have a bad feeling about Fernando.I like Lusia alot and I don't want to see her get hurt and I feel like it's gonna happen.

This wedding had me on the edge of my seat! I can't wait till the reception.


The wedding made me crack up, too, for some reason. I had one real LOL moment, forget where. Just howling. It was a good, good episode.

Jeri all i can say is looked at what happened to LindaHo' on TDA and she was in the opening credits and still is. It really shocked me that they killed off her character because i did see EPDA. Not saying that Paloma will be killed off but i hope the writers do introduced a new woman for Arturo. If it came down between Paloma or Teresa i rather he ended up alone then.

The wedding was blast like i said the actors really did a wonderful job with their characters in each scene anbd the expression just conveyed what they were thinking as the wedding progressed.

Vivi i was thinking the same thing when someone mentioned it last week that Fernando's mom could be Aurora's long lost mother doesn't compute. Ita Fernando got cold feet telling his mother he's found a nice woman to settle down with. The problem with that is he's not really ready to settle down because as much as he says he loves Luisa he's still checking out Teresa.

Jeri- I did to! LOL I almost fell over when both Aida and Geno huddled together turned around with big kool-aid grins on their faces and laughed when Mariano walked in the church..


Thanks, Paq. YIKES !! Tiny Ter is a coldhearted mujer. If anyone wants to see her dance and her natural hair color [blonde], goggle ''youtube-angelique boyer-bailando.'' She was on a show a few years ago called ''Bailando por la boda de su suenos..'' [Dancing for the Wedding of Your Dreams]. She is a good dancer. Other telenovela actors and actresses also appeared on the show, including Manuel Landete[Ruben], Jackie Garcia, Iran Castillo, Susana Gonzalos. Maunuel Landete is also a good dancer.

Paige, that must have been it! LOL those two looked so gleeful!

Blu, it's true sometimes in bad telenovelas plotting goes awry; and from what I can tell, TDA is not a good one.

But Paloma and Arturo already made a child together, she loves him, and he still loves her, I think. Chances are good, IMO.

susanlynn, I was noticing Angelique's calves and thighs when she and Mariano were in bed the other day. (They showed us hers more than his, darnit.)

But I couldn't help concluding that she is a total JOCK. What a hard body.

I knew she was a dancer from all the dancing she did in CS 2009. I liked her in that. I just plain like Angelique period.

Manuel Landeta is a good dancer; I remember him way back from Vivo Por Elena (1998) and showcasing his dancing on talk shows and such.

I saw where Refugio had to get her dig into Juana about Cutberto, her vecindad novio choice. You know nothing escapes her all wise and all knowing comments.

I don’t care how hurt Mariano is, he should NEVER kiss and tell.........and at the wedding reception? Wow! That was pretty low in my opinion, but I have never been much of a Mariano fan anyway.

I agree that Paloma is coming off as a little pathetic, but I’m giving her a little leeway because I can remember a time when your parents were very influential, and an out-of-wedlock pregnancy was shameful. I can understand that the situation of her life at the time of her breakup with Arturo unduly influenced her and she greatly regrets what she did. As others have said though, she did wait too long to rectify things and that is her biggest mistake. I don’t think that she and Arturo will get back together because as the old country song lyrics go, “There’s nothing cold as ashes, after the fire is gone.” We’ll all just have to wait and see, makes it fun!

Daisynjay, I’d be perfectly happy if Johnny fell off that ladder too!

Judy, hope you stop by again, or better yet, join us in the daily Teresa fun.

Ahoy Paquita, thank you for your incredible recap! Last night's episode now reigns as my favorite. What a night! I had to rewatch the last half it was so good.

Why in the heck was that photographer madly snapping pictures during the Mariano fracas? I assume he's the wedding photographer because nobody seemed to notice him. But if he's the hired photographer why would he be taking pics of Teresa slapping Mariano, the fight, etc? I wonder if those pics will show up in a newspaper or something? Gosh it's hard to find good help.

When Teresa was dancing with Armando and ragging on him she reminded me of someone...her mom! In fact I thought Teresa's manners were very bad the way she kept rolling her eyes at her own parents. The face she made at Arturo when she was complaining about them was truly ugly. Ah well, the wedding is barely over and she's already showing her nastiness.

I thought Mayra looked lovely. I didn't mind the bridesmaid's dresses although they looked a little uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just comparing them with some of the hideous bridesmaid dresses I've been forced to wear. Think Pepto-Bismal pink in a Bo-Peep style. No, I'm not kidding.

Thanks again Frances. You did this episode justice with your stunning recap.

Hi, Sandy. :D Ah, but the fire is not gone; Arturo already admitted to Luisa that he enjoyed it when Paloma kissed him. And he shouldn't have kissed her at all. Something banked there.

So..Teresa repeated to her dad last night that she's going to get her parents out of the projects. That seemed to make him happy, but Refugio won't go for it.

I'm a little worried about the parents' marriage. It already had one crack when she booted him out of her bedroom. He's back, but for how long, I wonder.

Such a great retelling! It was like reliving all the drama! I was totally tensed up throughout the wedding stuff, waiting to find out what would happen, even though of course I already knew.

I agree with everyone about the bridesmaid dresses (especially Luisa's; all that fluff, PLUS a bow around the hips? Ugh) but disagree about Martin's jacket. I loved it! I thought it was way more stylish than a boring black tuxedo.

Teresa needs to read that manners book herself. Calling attention to her parents' little glitches is way worse manners than trying to order a beer (how would he know they weren't serving it? What's the harm in asking?) or not knowing what a mimosa is. Or even mixing up the guy's title. Good grief, Teresa, anyone can mix things like that up; what's it matter?

For a moment there, I almost though the church drama was a dream sequence and not really happening. The way it was shot and edited, it just seemed sort of removed from the plot. Sort of slo-mo, overly dramatic. Plus a brawl in the church aisle, for heaven's sake.

Frances this was a great recap of a great episode. As others have said, WOW.

Hey Judy nice to see you.

Also nice to see you as well Jeri. I'm with you, is it really that hard to love Arturo? Besides being madly in love with Ter, he's educated, intelligent, and wonderful to look at.

Jeri, on Arturo and Paloma, you know I really respect your "crumb following" abilities! We'll just have to stay glued to our TVs through to the ending for answers.

Teresa could so take a page from both Martin and Aurora's "manners book." They are sometimes a little amused by Refugio and Armando, but ALWAYS respectful. Teresa was acting like a immature teenager during the reception dinner. Refugio's protection of her purse and the "mule" dicho were was just plain good scripting on the part of the writers, a realistic vecindad reaction! The slight husband and wife bump were cute too and well done.

"Think Pepto-Bismal pink in a Bo-Peep style"

Man, I've done the Pepto-pink too, long sleeve, floor length wool dress on a 95 degree day -but at least it wasn't a Bo-Peep style. My sincerest sympathies on that one.

Karen, nice to see you again, too. Couldn't we do with a lot more Arturo screen time -- like 100%. he he

Sandy, oh, yeah...I have no idea what's going to happen. You might remember I am not a spoiler fan, so I have no idea what they plan.

I was pondering Fernando and his mother. What if Teresa eventually goes after his samoleans, and it turns out he doesn't really have any. Maybe there was trouble at home in Spain.

Sandy, Ugh, at least I wasn't roasting to death. The poor bride chose the color from a 1" swatch and broke down in tears when the dresses were delivered. We bridesmaids assured her effusively that we loved the dresses. Anyway, it was the most memorable of all my bridesmaid dresses!

Excellent recap Frances. Mariano is a glutton for punishment. First, he shows up at the wedding after pulling a scene right out of The Graduate and gets slapped for his troubles. Then, he shows up at the reception. It looks as though Arturo is about to kick his tail out of there if someone doesn't intervene.

During the wedding when Arturo escorted Refugio down the aisle, it was more like a funeral procession instead of a wedding. The solemn look on Refugio's face said it all. She knows that Teresa only married Arturo for his money. At first I thought she would object and was surprised when she remained silent. I suppose she figures Arturo will learn the hard, painful, way.

After seeing the way Teresa looked at Mariano when he crashed the wedding, I'm thinking that Arturo is definitely having doubts of what is really between them. Any bets that the wedding won't be consumated?

With Esp on the way to the reception, I'm thinking more fireworks are going to go off with Ruben, Mayra (sp), Geno, and Aida there.

They'll consummate the wedding IMO; if she's pregnant, Arturo has to think it's his.

I was mulling what Teresa would do with a child and figured she'd give it to her mom and Juana. That's after Arturo found out it wasn't his.

Juana would dig the living daylights out of that. It would be a nice solution to her infertility problem.

What a wonderful recap Frances! You really kept the tension of the episode. It was great.

I love this episode, it is one of my favorites. I don't feel sorry for Mariano at all, like Pirate Babe said, he IS a glutton for punishment. I kind of enjoyed Teresa's slap because I guess I'm an hembra mala too, hehehe.

Poor Arturo, if Teresa won't love you I will, I promise. Sigh.

I liked that Refugio was finally resigned to what was going on. Her daughter finally married the man she wanted even if he wasn't the one she loved.

For some reason the only wardrobe I hated was Mariano's (and of course the bridesmaid's dresses, for which I have fanwanked Teresa asking Juana to make them like that so she could avoid any of her pretty friends outstaging her in her wedding day). I hate the color, especially with that tie.


Why wouldn't Luisa still have anger at Paloma? One of the reasons Paloma gave for not marrying Arturo is not wanting to be saddled with Luisa.

Aida had just been dumped by Mariano the day before the wedding for Teresa and as someone said, she's the only one who is bringing the truth about Teresa to Mariano. It's the only way he'll be able to get Teresa out of his system and be worthy of Aurora. Aida can be Mariano's rebound woman and Mariano can be Aida's rebound man.

I think they (Mariano/Aida) can be good for each other. I notice Aida isn't "bebe-ing" or clinging on Mariano either.

Teresa will be like Ivana on STuD: can't have children. I don't see her having a child by anyone.

Pathetic Paloma will be waiting and ready for Arturo once he and Teresa hit the skids.

So I am late to the comments as usual but I agree. AWESOME episode! I cannot wait to see what happens tonight!!


Jarocha, I think Mariano looks like an old man in his brown suit. I know he's supposed to be a Serious Doctor, not into Frivolous Fashion, but that doesn't mean he needs to look like an olde-tymey doctor out of a sepia-tone photograph.

Paquita, just loved your recap. I
didn't understand a few scenes and you answered every one. Thanks again.

Mariano was wrong to burst into church the way he did, but she made it even worse by slapping him. She has no class, not her parents!

Loving all the comments.


Thank you for an awesome recap! It was funny and very comprehensive. Sorry I am late in commenting.

I laughed when I saw Teresa's turning point—the car! As soon as she saw the car that Professor Hottie gave her, all her doubts vanished.

Pretty cold-hearted to slap poor Mariano in church like that. I hope this kills any love he still has for her.

Almost time for tonight's episode. Can hardly wait!

Thanks for a great recap, Paquita! Well done episode, with good acting.

Teresa didn't stop the wedding out of any concern for Arturo. If she didn't marry him, he would be hell unleashed. He would make sure she pays. She was scared...and she should be...

Just an FYI, that the theme song that Teresa always plays is HER theme song. In episode 1, she called it "our song" during her dance with Paulo. It would later become her Adele song for whenever she gets depressed, and also be used when she couples with Mariano or Arturo. The song isn't really a "couple" song. It's a song that conveys Teresa in her most vulnerable moments.

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