Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #112-113 5/16/11 I choose Max!

Part One: Coupling


We pick up the story in María’s apartment in the vecindad. Before M ya no D can respond to Max’s ultimatum – Him or me. You choose! – Get a Life Alonso pokes his head out of the bedroom. He’s ready to do whatever María wants. If she doesn’t want to see him again, he’s history. Then he limps weakly out the door.

Another triangle plays itself out at Gui’s place. Leonela isn’t jealous of Ximena – she doesn’t have those kinds of feelings. But Xi does. And when she comes out of her druggie stupor, she’s not happy to see Leo and Gui swapping spit. She screams at Leonela to get out but it’s Xi that gets dragged and pushed out the door. She stands outside and screeches: Guillermo! I have no money! And inside, Leonela retreats. She’s no longer in the mood.

And at Casa Sandoval, Victoria and Osvaldo are sorting out their feelings after their close encounter of the frustrating kind. They still love one another though and Os promises he’ll be there for her when she’s ready.

Now that her little apartment is finally Alonso-free, M ya no D goes all Olivia Newton John on Max -- ♪♪ You’re the one that I want… woo hoo hoo… You’re the one that I need ♪♪. Smoochies.

There is something in the air tonight. Seriously. Even Oscar and Toni are feeling it. They’re going to take a chance on love. They even have a song! More smoochies.

Alonso’s mysterious ailment has an interesting symptom: insight! He stares at María’s photo and finally realizes: Ya te perdí para siempre. (I’ve lost you forever)

If they were smokers, Oscar and Toni would be lighting up about now. Toni thought this day would never come. Why the heck did he wait so long to make his move?

M ya no D and Max are setting off twinkle lights in the vecindad. Candles, rose petals. My stars.

Best Friends

As if these people didn’t have enough problems…
It’s the day after the night before and Victoria has told Toni about her near-miss with Os. Toni urges her friend to overcome her pride and give Osvaldo the chance he deserves. But she senses there’s something else worrying Vic. And she’s right. Vic confides that she noticed a little lump (bolita) in her breast when she was showering. Uh oh. Toni insists on taking her to the gynecologist immediately.

María urges Nati to report her attack to the police. Nati is reluctant to do so – she didn’t even see her assailant. She can’t bear to think of what might have happened if Juanjo and Don Napo hadn’t come to the rescue.

El Alacran is also thinking about what might have happened – he vows that next time, Nati won’t get away. Then he feels Fausto’s eyes on him. Fausto – unintimidated by Alacran’s snarling threats -- may not have seen the attack, but he knows this sleaze is responsible. He’ll be watching his every move.

Millie, Napo and Juanjo are also talking about protecting Nati. Juanjo tells his mother he’ll meet Nati at the bus stop – and on work nights, Napo or Cruz can stand in for him.

Cruz comes home just as Napo and Millie leave for the food stand. JJ tells Cruz he’s planning a serenata for Nati and he’d like Cruz to sing in full “traje de charro”. (Oooh!) They’ll also need to hire some mariachis. And Cruz gives JJ the latest news on his own vida sentimental -- he has declared himself to Fer.

Three fleeting scenes:
At Casa Sandoval, Max cradles little Osvaldo and promises he’ll soon be part of a happy family and have a beautiful, kind mother.

In the vecindad, María snuggles little Juan Pablo and promises he’ll have a family too – with a brother.

In his apartment, Alonso muses that he would give his life to be the man María loved.

Now as María is getting ready to go to work at Casa Victoria (Little Juan Pablo gets to go along as well), she fills Nati in on what happened the night before with Alonso and his surprise visit. Max, she says, is the man she loves. The only man. And Nati understands completely because she feels the same way about JJ. (Proving once more that Cognitive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are two very different things.) María is determined to stand up for her own happiness with Max. And if Victoria objects? asks Nati. That’s her problem, says M ya no D resolutely.

Alas, Victoria has other things on her mind right now. She sits with her friend Toni in the doctor’s office and hears the words every woman dreads: The biopsy was positive. You have breast cancer.

The doctor reassures her that the disease is at an early stage and is very treatable; and he wants to remove (extirpar) the lump surgically as soon as possible. Tomorrow.

[Wow. The highs and lows of Telenovela Medicina! Cardiac patients may languish unattended. But within hours of finding a breast lump, a woman is examined, biopsied and given her diagnosis and prognosis.]

Victoria agrees to the surgery but to show that she still hasn’t learned that family secrets can be more malignant than a lump in the breast, she insists that no one in the family be told the truth about her condition!

Well life goes on. The mercado is humming and with her tortas ahogadas in the background, Milagros and her aging pretendientes do their usual mating dance. But then Don Joel takes his geriatric Dulcinea by surprise when, after reciting a love poem to her, he kneels and asks her to be his girl (novia).

Victoria is back home now and when Max notices how nervous she seems, she blames it on the upcoming fashion show. After all, for the first time she’ll be going toe to toe with Bernarda. When she asks him if he’s been back to see Guillermo – he is your father, she says – he tells her that biological father or not, he will never accept him. That’s just how I feel about María Desamparada, says Vic, in a weirdly inappropriate non sequitur: I’ll never accept her. I’m really sorry to hear you say that, replies Max – now that we’re getting married.

Now Victoria’s expression softens. Life is so short, she says. Does that mean you’re okay with our marriage? he wants to know. Yes, she says, I’m okay with what makes you happy.

Egregious hair product placement – Pip and two models.

Someone is pounding on the door at Gui’s. Messy, drunken Leonela admits Max and offers him a drink. He keeps his distance, addressing her with the formal “usted” rather than “tu”. And he’s not taken in when she starts bad-mouthing Osvaldo. She tries to make him feel sorry for her. Then Gui joins the conversation. He’s pushing nature in the nature-nurture debate. Max has his blood; ergo, Max is his son.

Part Two: Does it count if she’s asleep when I tell her?

At Casa Victoria, the models are fussing over cutie Juan Pablito. They scatter when the boss comes in. Victoria – the Facing Your Own Mortality-Softened Version. She knows María has forbidden her to touch him or hug him … but please, can she just see him?

Of course you can see him and hold him and hug him all you want, says María. You’re his grandmother. Max considers you his mother and that makes you little Juan Pablo’s grandma. Why don’t you hold him while I’m on the runway? He couldn’t be in better hands.

When Victoria is left alone with the baby, she wonders how long she will live to enjoy her grandchild. And she tells Juan Pablo he has a good and kind mother who would defend him like a lioness – just as she herself would have defended little María.

The models walk for Pipino.

Gui and Max haven’t quite finished their conversation:
Max wants Gui to understand that he has no right to call him “son”. As far as he’s concerned, Osvaldo is his father. And he doesn’t want his mother living with Gui; he plans to take her away as soon as he can.

Gui lets loose another dart, this time aiming right at the heart. Osvaldo traded a theater for your son, he tells a confused Max. Yes, he continues, little Osvaldo isn’t your son – he’s mine! Confusion turns to rage and Max punches Gui so hard he falls on the whoopie cushions. You’re lying, shouts Max. He leaves.

Ximena has somehow made it back to mama Rox [who has less maternal warmth than Harlow’s wire monkey mothers but actually shows a scintilla of good sense here.] Rox won’t put her daughter back in the bin if she will agree to see a psychiatrist. Now.

Casa Victoria, on the other hand, is suffused with maternal warmth. When M ya no D watches Victoria holding JPito so tenderly, she wonders, once again, what it is that attracts her to Victoria, what it is that keeps her from hating her even after all the crapola. Aloud, she says that the baby is so good-natured -- he’s like his grandfather. Victoria is puzzled. You mean Osvaldo? she asks. No, says María, his other grandfather…

Bernarda isn’t feeling the love when she hears that M ya no D is working for Victoria. Eva’s reminder that she still has Ximena is little consolation – she wants something original, something that will attract attention. That she has Feretti’s designs is of no consequence. In Bernie’s universe, models trump designers. Designs – feh! She’ll correct them later, according to her taste.

Again, Telenovela Medicina at its finest! This time, a psychiatrist prescribes and dispenses magical pills. Take them properly. he tells Ximena, and you will look and act like a normal person. Take them with alcohol or other medications, and you could die. [So I guess no one bothered to tell the good doc that his patient is an alcoholic pillhead, huh?]

But let’s get back to that interesting conversation Vic and María are having. So you know who your father is? says Vic…

¡Maldita sea! Toni, Oscar, Pip and Fabián pick that very moment to troop in and fuss over the baby.

Oscar makes an announcement: He and Toni are officially an item. And if all goes well, they plan on getting married! Everyone is delighted at the news but Toni is uncomfortable with celebrating right now… She stumbles a bit, not wanting to give away Victoria’s New Secret … And Vic picks up the slack. She means with the pressures of the fashion show tomorrow, she explains. And then María notices that Victoria and Toni are both crying.

Max – who may need to ratchet back the caffeine – punches out two burly security guards and forces his way into the runway area at Casa Bernarda. He confronts Ximena: Is it true that little Osvaldo isn’t my son?

Meanwhile, Bernarda is in her office and oblivious to the commotion. Eva tells her a potential model is waiting to see her. Bernie is disdainful but agrees to interview her.

Leonela sweeps into the office, takes off her shades and announces to Bernarda: I’m Leonela Montenegro and you are going to hire me as your star model. Whoa, says Bernie. You’ve got your nerve! (desfachatez). Who do you think you are?

I told you who I am, says Leo with her crazy lady smile. And you need me. I’m Osvaldo’s first wife. And Max’s real mother.

Rox steps up and tries to defuse the rumble on the runway. Of course little Osvaldo is your son, says his lying whiskey-voiced ex-suegra. And Luciano Feretti – who, with his broad brimmed black hat, white muff and long hair, looks unnervingly like a figure on a Dutch Masters cigar box – fusses impotently around the raging Max.

Osvaldo is your son, insists Ximena. Max takes her by the arm. Come with me right now and tell that to Guillermo!

Max pulls Ximena along and as they are riding down an escalator (which looks perilously poised to pinch Xi’s long dress in its mechanical teeth) she spits out the spiteful truth: He’s Guillermo’s son!

Back at Casa Victoria, Osvaldo proposes a new slogan for the company: Nuestra moda está de moda. ¡No tengas miedo de ser bonita! (Our fashions are in fashion. Don’t be afraid to be beautiful.)

No sooner does Juan Pablo join them in the office than Victoria falls over in a faint.

Bernarda, meanwhile, seems to have found herself a new nutty buddy. She and Leonela savor the story of how she shot Osvaldo. They agree he deserved it. Too bad he survived. But then Leo had the pleasure of breaking his heart by telling him Guillermo was Max’s real father. But now Leonela is ready to set the fun stuff aside and get down to business -- she pulls out her photo book.

Xi and Max have negotiated the escalator safely. Now on terra firma, Xi lets it all out -- She knew she was pregnant with Guillermo’s child when she married Max. And what Alonso said was true – she got pregnant and had an abortion.

If you weren’t a woman, I’d break your face, says the increasingly violent Max. And when a stranger tries to intervene with an innocent “¿Qué pasa?” he gets a punch in the chops for his trouble.

Ximena’s not finished sounding off. She ridicules María’s “sacrifice” so that Xi’s baby could have a father – and it wasn’t even Max’s child! And when Max asks who knows about it, she says: Everyone! Your father knew from the time the baby was born. He’s not your son, he’s your brother!

Bernarda likes Leonela’s photos. She also likes the potential – a famous actress thought to be dead now making a comeback on her runway. There’s one thing though – Bernarda won’t countenance vulgarity!

Victoria recovers consciousness. Toni insists her friend is just suffering from stress and stops JP from calling a doctor. But Osvaldo insists on calling anyway. He pulls out his phone and is about to dial the number when Max bursts into the room.

I need to talk to you right now, he says, looking angry and hurt. They go out together, leaving Victoria with JP and Toni.

And now, at Toni’s urging, Vic confesses to Juan Pablo that she has just been diagnosed with cancer. She makes him promise to keep the truth from her family. And she tells him her greatest fear: Dying without seeing her daughter again because his mother denied her that happiness.

Max wants an explanation from Osvaldo: Why didn’t you tell me that little Osvaldo wasn’t my son? With the huge lies you’ve told me, you’ve managed to kill all the love I felt for you!

Osvaldo tries his best: He just wanted to protect Max, to keep him from suffering. Well you failed miserably, says Max.

The only thing that matters, says Osvaldo, is that you’re my son and I love you. It has nothing to do with ties of blood. Just like you and little Osvaldo – he’s your son!

Now look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me!

Max replies: I can’t.

They share a tearful, manly embrace. They are going to settle the question once and for all. Not by consulting dolls or magical crucifixes or lying skanky ex-wives or jealous sociopaths. They are going to a lab for DNA testing!

Juan Pablo can’t allow Victoria to die without knowing the truth about her daughter. He tells Bernarda that this is the moment for her to make some spiritual brownie points. And finally, with great reluctance, she agrees. She will go to the hospital and talk to Victoria.

Now Vic is home and telling the family she’s having some minor surgery – not to worry.

Don Napo is choked up at the idea that Don Joel has scooped up Milagros. The Jarochas are thrilled – that means it’s open season on Napo.

Max holds little Osvaldo, and reflects on all the changes he’s lived through in the past few days. You are my only consolation, he tells him.

Leonela tells Gui she’s surprised at how pleased he seems that Max is his son. Gui explains that what makes him happy is the potential to hurt Osvaldo. And he is going to convince Max that blood ties are what matter.

Max is back with María in the vecindad. He voices his misgivings about Victoria’s surgery -- he feels she’s hiding something. He is conscious of how much he loves her; and María, in spite of their conflicts, reflects that she would have liked to have a mother like her.

Osvaldo comes upon Victoria looking at photos of Fer and little María. He assures her she’s going to find her first daughter, that there is happiness ahead for them. Victoria asks him to stay with her: Abrázame muy fuerte. (Hold me tight.)

The following day:
Max, Osvaldo, Fer and Toni gather around Victoria’s bedside at the hospital. She tells them: I love you all. And everything I did, I did for you. They are a little spooked. It sounds like you’re saying goodbye, says Max. But she tells them there’s nothing to worry about. In fact, she needs them to go to work and see to the details of the fashion show. Toni will stay in the hospital with her.

Once the family is out of the room, Vic breaks down. She asks Toni to look after her children for her. Toni agrees although she insists that everything is going to be fine.

Just before she goes to the operating suite, JP comes in and blesses her.

We see Victoria on the table counting backwards…

And then we see her after the surgery, lying unconscious, helpless.

Enter a smirking Bernarda:
If I wanted to, I could give you a simple injection in the neck and they’d think you died of a heart attack. But no, I won’t do it. I’ll keep my promise. I’ll ease my conscience…

I’m going to tell you… your daughter is… No. You don’t deserve to know. You should die without knowing. But I have to tell you so I can be forgiven by the church and my excommunication can be lifted.

At last Bernarda speaks into the sleeping Victoria’s ear:
Your daughter is María Desamparada!

No kayak. Bah!


After the first nothing-is-happening hour I went to bed. Looks like it picked up in the second hour. Thanks for a great reacap!

NM - perfect recap, way more than this TN deserves. Some of the brain cells on the characters were sort of-kinda working last night.

Running off to the office, but just had to say the ending was the most ludicrous thing ever. Carlos would be having a fit. Who in post-op after cancer surgery is left unattended and a non-family member is free to just bop in and stay for what seemed like an eternity. I couldn't calm my screaming brain cells watching that scene. Even my beanie didn't help.

And may I had, Vic looked especially fetching in her new hospital blue look with the perfect makeup and fresh face. Cripes!

Great recap!

I must admit that when Victoria said "Abrazame muy fuerte" I was wondering how she did that with a straight face. Undoubtedly that line was deliberate because of the actors' history.

Not only does Dona Dementa not deserve the lifting of her excom, she deserves to be burnt at the stake. No way would this pass inspection. There are no loopholes around the Almighty.

But if Dona Dementa serves God, how is she above the rules she's supposedly enforcing?

Too bad we got robbed of the look on Victoria's face at being told "My father is Padre Juan Pablo." That would have been interesting.

However, Dona Dementa was due for another evil deed.

As to medical situations in novelas I've seen a few truly egregious ones. Perhaps the worst was in a 1994 series called Angeles Blancos where a donor heart is harvested by the donor's suegro with his daughter assisting. I can't believe that any medical community would allow that.

Hi NM and everyone else who follows. Maybe the 2-hr sessions will work out just fine--especially if the only reportable action takes up 15 or 20 minutes!

I haven't read the recap yet, but just had to get my 2c in.

Right on, Sara--and Mejia missed a golden opportunity to stretch the breast cancer into a three or four episode PSA. Instead, it's all taken care of in the wink of an eye without any time for reflection. Did she have a lumpectomy or radical surgery to remove the lymph nodes? Carlos, where are you?

NM--This could also have been titled MAX HAS TWO DADDIES AND TWO MOMMIES AND TWO HALF-SIBLINGS and who knows who else before we're done.

I thought Dona Demented was rather restrained. Given her past history, I would have brushed off PPJP's pleadings. Meanwhile, PPJP could have said that he would find a way to tell Maria without breaking the confessional secret--that would have gotten her attention.

Yep--all Vic needs is for someone to tell her who Maria's bio-daddy is for any leftover lightbulbs to light up her non-working brain and finger the lost daughter. There are lots of folks who know the first part, including Os and Max.

Did NOT watch the Toni-Oscar tumble. Ack.

The babies were delicious--and I mean the real babies. Admittedly, I love to watch those Levy Lips go to work.

Those babies were adorable last night - one of the few highlights in watching this show. I did love that little JP went from adorable to a major cry out as Maria told Vic she was his grandma and she could hold him. Smart kid.

Didn't miss the Oscar/Toni tumble, yeah not exactly the best twosome to watch making out that far, so the fast forward online came in handy. And what was with the closeups of Max's abs last night? That was almost too funny the fact that the screen just zeroed in on him like that and we got almost no Maria. (Not that most of viewerville was complaining I'm sure.)

What was with the PJP kiss of Bernie's hand. You kiss the Pope's ring that way, not your mother. Oops, forgot, she thinks she's God's messenger on earth. Someone needs to tell the Pope he lost his job.

NovelaMaven, thanks for the nifty recap. Nicely done.

Well, heck. 2 hr episodes again. I really wish they'd quit tampering with the schedule. This cuts into my reading time.

I have probably been the least sympathetic of all of us with Alonzo, but could Max have chosen a worse possible time to put his foot down? OK for him to marry that psycho but not OK for Maria to show a bit of kindness to an obviously very sick Alonzo? Either Max is a heartless bastard or he has never watched a TN.

Naty is talking more and more about her thesis. Maybe the professor guiding her will develop an interest. JuanJo needs competition.

daisynjay, no I can't imagine the folks in the recovery room leaving Vicky unattended and allowing Vicky to even come in at all.

We move fast with the detection and treatment of breast cancer but these guys have us beat. Here, from mammogram to surgery is about 4 days (including a needle biopsy).

I'm sure that she was treated with a lumpectomy, but I wouldn't be surprised if they tell her that she needs yet another surgery and maybe radiation and/or chemotherapy. I can't see them making this detour with just a lumpectomy and then back to work.


Forgot to mention, HDTV is not kind to Oscar. He has the ugliest hairy shoulders I have ever seen. Keep you shirt on!


OK, funniest moment last night (aside from the baby having a cry when MD gave Vic permission to hold him) was when Max punched out the poor innocent bystander who was just trying to make sure Xi was alright. Mad Max was out of control! That particular punch just seemed like the writers were winking at us since Max had just punched out half the male actors on set that episode.

yep, Carlos, I don't have HD and I still had to fast-forward thru poor Oscar.

Great point about Vic's amazing diagnosis to surgery to possible back to work soon. Heck, OZ was carrying Vic after what a couple days/week tops after getting shot and almost dying. There must be miracle waters in that there town.

Guess Meija is none to concerned about getting out PSA's that could assist in correctly informing his viewers of medical issues. They are strictly plot devices to come and go and provide the drama. want to bet there's no chemo? Heavens that Vic would lose any of that mane (even under a fake cap).

Novela Maven,

You are SOOOOO hilarious. Loved "Luciano Feretti – who, with his broad brimmed black hat, white muff and long hair, looks unnervingly like a figure on a Dutch Masters cigar box"! Dead on!

I just don't get it! Max is livid with Jimena for lying about the paternity of baby Oz, OK. But does that trump HER TRYING TO KILL HIM AND BABY OZ?!!! They haven't had a FTF since Xi was put in the nuthouse. So he's forgotten the murder attempts and decides to focus on the lying instead? I say murder trumps infidelity!

And same goes for PJP. Your mother is an ex-communicated MURDERER who KILLED YOUR FATHER among others and yet you're asking her for a favor and kissing her ring like she's a normal, no, DECENT person?!!! These characters have the. shortest. memories in history!!!!

LOVE THOSE BABIES!!!!! My money is on Oz being the real padre of Max. That guy deserves a break.

Where was Cruz this episode? I want the DF Idol competition to start!

Thank you, NM, for an AWESOME post. You are remarkable!


Terrific recap; thanks.

I'm not sure I've ever laughed so hard at a "romantic" scene as I did last night. What was with all the super-close-ups? Do we need to know what Max's armpit looks like when he's gettin' in the mood? Also, after all that smooching, did one of them say, "wait, hold that thought" and run out to get a bunch of candles and roses? You'd think all that exercise would have mellowed Max out a bit, but he was punching people left and right the next day.

How rich do you have to be to get the kind of medical attention Vic is getting? An appointment immediately, biopsy and results while you wait, surgery the next day? I can't even get a doctor to see me the same week unless I convincingly claim to be on the very verge of death.

They really fell down on the PSAs last night. Breast cancer should have been discussed more realistically. Maybe that's to come. Also, when Nati was upset about being attacked and was saying she felt it was all her fault (and did I also hear something about no man would want to be with a woman who had been raped?), Maria just kind of patted her. I thought they should have made a bigger point that the attacker is the guilty one. Yes, you need to take precautions for your own safety, but the victim is not responsible for the attacker's behavior.

Someone needs to tell the Pope he lost his job.

That's brilliant.

Maybe JP has learned not to engage the crazy.

Max was really on the warpath last night. I doubt he reported Ximeana for her complicity in the attempted murder of him and Osquito.

And why is nobody looking for her to get her back in the padded room where she belongs?

As to Max's reaction to Alonso, I understand it perfectly. Alonso has done a zillion things to get close to Maria, so I can see how Max would think this another trick.

Carlos, how long does it really take to get DNA results back?

Still shaking my head over the speed of light cancer diagnosis and surgery. I'm assuming there is no chemo in the future. Don't you just love a one day cancer arc? NOT. And yet again someone thinks keeping a secret is good thing! Obviously no one learns anything in this group of misfits.

The locos are out and about and teaming up. Heaven help us all when Bernie and Leo get going.

Too bad that the crowd interrupted just as Vic may have learned the info she need to have a light bulb moment.

Max definitely needs to lay off the coffee or take anger management classes. He is so consistently over the top it is unreal, he must get it from Leonela.

Finally someone thought about DNA but how strange that Max would go along with it to find the truth about little Os but never even gave it a thought for himself.

Could not help but think that there was some heavy foreshadowing when Lon said he would give his life to be the man Maria loved. In TN's that usually means that he will literally when one of the resident psychos goes after her.

Daisynjay can help thinking that the ratio of bare abs is in direct contrast to acting talent - the more of one, the less of the other.

Julie I too found it hilarious that after M & M had their reconciliation chat and stumbled into the bed room somehow in the middle of it all rose petals got strewn about and candles lit. Totally bad continuity work.

Why oh why are the writers letting Natty take the blame for the near rape and not go to the police. Both the breast cancer bit and the near rape were perfect chances for PSA's. While I normally find them heavy handed they are a way to get a good message out to a population that needs it but instead we get a hurry up story and a I'm guilty somehow response. Shame on Mejia and the writers for trivializing something serious.


Along with the candles and rose petals they also need condoms. Now is not the time for Maria to get embarazada again.

Nati blaming herself for the attempted rape made me angry. This is an antiquated viewpoint that needs to die.

As for PSA's, be careful what you wish for -- I have a hunch that last night was just the opening salvo for the Women's Health phase of this novela. I'd be very surprised if we didn't hear a whole lot more about breast cancer and sexual assault. Nati's self-blame is just the straw man in the argument, waiting to be knocked down. And I doubt very much that Victoria is on the other side of her illness yet.

(I was thinking about this when I wrote the recap but decided it would be better to have it come up in this discussion. I didn't want the recap to be unreadably long. Besides, I love reading what you guys have to say.)

NM thanks for giving us your time to put together this fabulous recap. My chuckle for the day was your comment regarding Nati: "Proving once more that Cognitive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence are two very different things."

ITA w/Katy regarding reasoning with people who are clearly insane. Please stop as it doesn't make the character asking seem innocent; it just makes him/her look stupid

I find it interesting what has happened in one bedroom in one night. First, M puts the baby to bed. Then she puts an obviously ill would-be beau in the same room with the baby. What germs could Lon have spread?
Then she endangers the baby with burning candles while she is getting it on.


Urban A,

I haven't done a lot of paternity testing via DNA in my practice, but I am told that it can be accomplished in as little as 2 days. It was interesting that the confirmation of Bin Laden's identity via DNA apparently took only a matter of hours.

I do have some idea of the steps involved and know that it takes a certain amount of time to process the samples and actually do the electrophoresis.

If Max knew his own blood type and that of Ozzy, Osguito, Xi, and Leo, it may be possible for him to figure out who's not whose daddy... or perhaps not, depending on who has what type.


"Daisynjay can help thinking that the ratio of bare abs is in direct contrast to acting talent - the more of one, the less of the other. "

I bow to you!! Superbly put.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the wonderfully snarky recap. I watched some of this, and caught some in bits & pieces.

Seemed like lots of people were doing the horizontal tango last night. I was watching it live, and had to change channels before the TV melted down or I gagged.

Toni's facial expression when Oscar was puttin' the moves on her looked (to me) like she was trying to ignore a three-inch splinter in the bottom of her foot. Meerkats might be more interesting. yeesh….. I left the room.

Speaking of "Oscar", I saw him on FELS at lunctime yesterday. He was the schoolteacher, with the same I-need-a-good-shave beard, too.

I just love Xi's white ankle socks with the soccer sandals. (NOT!!!) !Que anti-fashion!

daisynjay - everyone in telenovelaland looks that nice after a biopsy. ;o)

UA - I snerked, too, over 'Abrazame muy Fuerte'.

"... can't help thinking that the ratio of bare abs is in direct contrast to acting talent - the more of one, the less of the other. "
Dani - that is priceless!!! roflol

NM, terrific recap, much better than the episode.

I cannot believe that Max and Os had enough sense to get some DNA work done. Did all three have it done? I know Max considers Os is father but I would sure want proof positive that I was not related to Gui.

I sure hope BSCX doesn't heed the doctor's warning about mixing the drugs with other drugs and alcohol. It is time for her to make an exit.

Please someone get Nati counseling.

Darn, Cesar was not the doctor that operated on Vic or treated BSCX so who is left besides Fer and Alonso? How much longer do we have to wait?


Ok, I looked up cast/episodes appearing on IMBD and they list Cesar as only appearing on 5, yes you got that right, 5 episodes. ARGH!!!

Not sure when they are, but I'm betting towards the end? Who's going to get sick quick and need a miracle? Dang, those doctors in this place must be superhuman.

They're using the leftover Miracle Doctor Juice that William Levy brought along from CCEA.

Cesar will either diagnose Alonso or get Fer out of the wheelchair. It would be ironic if he were called in on Victoria's case, considering that he tried to kill her several times on AMF.

"They're using the leftover Miracle Doctor Juice that William Levy brought along from CCEA."
LOL Julia - I remember he started out as a shrink in that one, then somehow got a medical/surgeon degree (online?) so he could operate on MariChuy to cure her blindness. I was all, like, qué the h*ll? over that one.

Bin Laden's DNA testing went quickly because there is newer equipment that will allow work to be done within hours instead of the usual up to 2 week process (though this longer process has not been abandoned). The fact that there were already DNA samples of Bin Laden's family on file made things go much more quickly.

A final pathology report is required before additional treatment for Victoria can be determined. The pathology report before the surgery was only a biopsy and not the tissue submitted from a definitive procedure ( I don't think any of this matters to the people who are writing this story).

I am new to this telenovela stuff, but I am pretty amazed at what is thrown out there as being fact.

NM, a late thanks for the recap. Loved the snark, the comments, the ongoing tangled web we have here.
La Paloma

"... can't help thinking that the ratio of bare abs is in direct contrast to acting talent - the more of one, the less of the other. "

If that were the case, we should see Juanjo nude.

Poor Juanjo doesn't have much of either--at any rate no full frontal abs I'd want to see nor any more screentime.
Newbie OK

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