Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Alborada, 6/7/2011. Cap. 6.

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link.

If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 6 on YouTube. It starts at this link.

Plot developments in Cap 6:

(If you need reminders of who's who, check the Characters Page.)

Francisco orders Hipo back to Panama immediately, for the sake of his reputation.
Asuncion (Sunny?) lets slip to Hipo that Hipo’s father is related to Juana.
Luis and Cristobal try to figure out why Diego wants him dead.
Highwaymen rob Vicente but all they get is a letter.
Martin tells Carmela that in Spain he met Frenchmen who said that all men are equal, lords and lowly.
Juana tells Hipo that no one must know she’s Sunny’s daughter. Juana’s sending her back to Panama. Hipo tells Juana, “You can’t run my life,” and she tells Juana she had a son by the mystery boinker.
Juana considers the problem of Luis having a male heir since Diego doesn’t. She asks Luis if he has a love child anywhere; he says no. Then she implores him to not divorce; he blows her off.
Diego is jealous because Luis and Hipo pay attention to each other. Both men offer her help. Diego tells Juana to get him Hipo as a mistress, to “win” against Luis.
The friar tells the abbess that Catalina has in illegitimate half sister, so she might be expelled.
Perla shows Luis the letter that was stolen from Vicente.


Wow, I enjoyed the verbal duel between Luis and Diego. Poor Hipolita seemed a little taken aback. Welcome to the family! Or maybe friends of family I should say.

I feel bad for Hipolita, traveling all that way to get way from evil suegra only to meet up with more evil Dona Juana.

Also more feeling bad for Hipiolita, Diego really likes her. Ick.

Noooo, not Vicente! I like him, why did he have to get attacked?

Melinama and Paula, thank you for the recaps and posts. This is such a great telenovela and I am SO enjoying watching it a second time.

Sunny tells Hipo that her father married a rich woman. That implies he married up. That was probably another “gift” Juana arranged for him.

I agree, Sylvia, I like Vicente too. I also like Cirilo, Luis's personal servant. He seems so innocent and earnest.

Isn't Esperanza older than Hip, considering she and Luis have been married long enough for her to have 4 miscarriages and for him to have not touched her in 3 years? Meaning that Don Agustin had his affair with Asuncion that produced Hip AFTER he was married to Esperanza's mother.

Did he marry another rich woman afterwards (like perhaps after Espe's mom had died)? Or is the rich wife they are talking about Espe's mom?

I am not liking Diego's attentions towards Hip. Yuck! Luis better start doing something to help Hip because the lions are circling (Stepdad, Juana, Diego, The Church).

Was that Vicente who was beaten and robbed of the letter? I thought he had perhaps passed in on to a family courier. I guess I need to pay more attention as I can't recall what was in the darn letter and who it was from.


Yes, it was Vicente who was beat up. and yes, Agustin married Espe's mother, that is the rich woman... and Juana arranged to send Hipo away in exchange for him to keep quiet about Luis' identity. She told her maid that he was there at the finca (farm) when the chalana (hut) caught fire and he saw that it was Luis who was burned on the leg... years later he saw the scar on Luis and not on Diego so he knows Juana's secret. That's why Diego got so scared when she told him that she had done 'Agustin' a favor in exchange for his silence.
Diego is such a spoiled brat complaining that Luis 'steals' the women he likes.

I guess I'm more amazed that Asuncion had an affair with a married man. She just doesn't seem the type. She seems more the type to have given herself to the (unmarried) man that she loves, who then later dumps her to marry up. But clearly she and Agustin got busy while he was married to Espe's mom.

Esperanza could look prematurely older; doesn't frigidity do that?

Leaving aside that Catalina has no vocation, the whole idea of someone being unable to enter a convent because she has an illegitimate half sister is beyond ridiculous. That she can be forced into one against her will is a human rights violation.

Francisco's treatment of Hipolita is outrageous. She should have hit back.

Doña Juana's despotism is beyond belief. The idea that she can command the lives of other adults – relatives or not – is insane. By the gods, if this were Dark Shadows she would be Bernarda Iturbide's ancestress. And si, Diego's insecurity gets worse by the day.

Asuncion - I do not remember this detail so I am speculating, not spoiling, but it occurred to me that perhaps Augustin forced himself on Asuncion. That sort of thing would not have been unheard of at the time. If Asuncion was Juana's protegida and hanging around the house maybe he took advantage of her innocence. Just thinking out loud here; I'm probably wrong.

Diego - yes, he IS a spoiled brat. In an episode a couple of days ago, Friday's I think, when he was trying on his yellow suit for a visit to the Marquesas (rich local daughters I guess), he griped to Juana that surely the hit on Luis was successful and he would have to cancel his visit for the funeral. His comment was even in death Luis Manrique is ruining his fun. So Diego!

Cirilio - ITA he is adorable.

Francisco - he is an unmitigated bully. I had forgotten how much I loathe the character. He is another with very bad hair.

the letter was to Hipo's mom telling her that Hipo was on the way. Juana instructed Vicente to deliver in person and that the letter was for Ausncion's? eyes only. What a coincidence that the letter lands on Luis's hands. Where was Tia when we needed her? why wasn't she eavesdropping whrn Hipo told DJ about the child?

I am sure Carlos must be happy. Perla in her undies...

ReCaptains, I can see my comments but not sure anyone else can. Anyway hope you know that I am with you.

On the chance you see this, I am viewing this time with my daughter and she is leaping to anger over the treatment of women and servants. Ticked her off when Espie promised to always keep her servant with her because that's why she bought her.

It still ticks me off that Diego thinks any woman should be honored to go to bed with The Conde.

I've been able to watch three episodes while they were aired. The first one had good captioning. The last two nights, none at all. I may be slower than others, but even after two years of telenovela viewing, I can only catch about 50% of what's going on without captioning. It's a shame. If I was where I was a while back in my even more limited comprehension, I would have already dropped this show--I'll bet some already have.

Last night's scene with Diego, Luis and Hipolita sitting in the palace taking refreshment-- there appeared to be a lot of verbal sparring between Diego and Luis that I couldn't get. If anybody has the time to fill in a few details, it would be great!

Barbara, have you ever taken advantage of this series:


This one jump-started me in the 90s.

I don't have closed captions for this but as I understood Asuncion's explanation, Hip's father was looking for an adventure and she was the "tonta" who fell for his wiles. He then went on to marry a rich woman. So she did have an affair with a young man with whom she was infatuated. Not a married man. At least...that's what I understood.

It is extremely painful to watch the treatment of servants and women in general. Especially since this still goes on in many parts of the world...including the US. (some of the stories of young women brought over with families that have emigrated here would truly disgust you).

It will be a long time before we see folks get their just desserts but I'm especially anxious for Diego and Don Francisco to "get theirs". In some ways I actually feel sorry for wicked Doña Juana...she has a truly wretched human being for a son...and she knows it. That in itself is some kind of ongoing punishment.

So Espe is younger than Hip. How can this be?

Was Espe married off to Luis at age 14 or something?


Look for these two videos on YouTube: Alborada Cap. 6 (2 of 4).wmv and Alborada Cap . 6 (3 of 4).wmv The conversations you are interested in occur at the very end of 2 and the very beginning of 3. I’m using a different YouTube link than what is posted on the recap - sorry I just realized that. But these files uploaded by haguilar78 are pretty good quality files. Here are the links Alborada Cap (2 of 4) and Alborada Cap. 6 (3 of 4)

Diego is sitting in the salon droning on about his business ventures in mining and import/exports while Hipolita listens politely and asks a few questions.

Luis marches in and asks them to excuse his delay. “I know you are annoyed with me, and so that you can get rid of your anger, I offer you my apologies” he says as he mockingly bows to his cousin.

“With that mocking smile?” complains Diego.

“That’s the way I am (that is my character), cousin” replies Luis.

“Then, those apologies aren’t enough!” responds Diego angrily.

“Fine!”, responds Diego. “then I offer you (ask for) a thousand pardons for saying that you wanted to kill me” as he bows even more elaborately. Hipólita looks on, shocked.

“You accused me without a single bit of evidence! (something like that)” yells Diego.

“We are going to get deeply involved (enfrascarnos) in an argument right in front of a lady (and something or other about personal quarrels)” protests Luis as he takes a seat.

“Are you just passing through or staying?” Luis addresses himself to Hipólita. “I haven’t decided yet” she replies. “What does it depend on?” Luis asks. “Well, whether or not I can.” she answers.

“Does that mean you weren’t well received in the Hacienda de las Tunas?” asks Luis. “Doña Asunción - yes, of course!” replies Hipólita. “Then the problem is the husband (su marido)” states Luis. “No, I don’t have a husband” answers Hipólita, clearly flustered.

“No, no! I’m referring to Doña Asunción’s husband, Francisco Escobar. He’s treated you badly.” concludes Luis. [This is a case easily misunderstood in Spanish where su can be used for your (polite) as well as his/her/their]

Hipolita starts to speak - “Bad, no but...”

Luis interrupts, demanding of Diego “Cousin, are you going to let that (something) Don Francisco throw this lady out into the street!?”

“Of course not!” replies Diego and turns to Hipólita. “What’s more, I put my palace at your disposal, here you will be well received for however long you wish to stay.” The scene concludes with interesting hand gestures, facial expressions and Diego sipping his wine.



---------------at start of part 3

A bit later and Hipólita is served some food on a plate.

Diego asks Hipólita: “You don’t have anything ....(garbled)?” I think maybe he’s asking her about her options. Hipólita is busy eating an apple and she mumbles no.

Luis asks Hipólita - “What is your relationship to Doña Asuncion?”

Diego is affronted by this. He gets up and demands - “I ask myself if you are disrespecting me!”. Luis - “Why?” “Because you are stopping (interrupting) our conversation!” blusters Diego sits next to Hipólita. “I brought Doña Hipólita here - she’s My guest, not yours!”

Luis guffaws at this. “For God’s sake, cousin, the time is over since we fought over toys.”

“I’m the Count of Guevara” Diego rages.

Luis: “Yes, yes, we all know that. You don’t need to repeat it so much.”

Tia Isabel waltzes in. “Who this beauty in the middle?” (it’s garbled - best I could catch) Luis introduces them: “This is Doña Hipólita, Tia, the relative of Doña Asunción.” “Oh, wow! How lovely you are criatura (creature)” says Tia Isabel.

Hipólita thanks her for the compliment (I didn’t get half of it)

At this point Diego begs pardon that he must take his leave. “In any case - my offer still stands.” and he leaves as Hipólita curtsies and thanks him.

------ So the Diego/Luis conversation is over, but the next bit is important (and juicy!), and I suppose is what started the title of this forum? so I add a bit more ----------

Tia Isabel asks what Diego’s offer is. Luis answers that she was invited to stay at the palace as needed. At this point Modesta has come in and interrupts to say Doña Juana wishes to see Hipólita right away. Luis turns to Hipólita tells her “I also reiterate my offer”. “Thanks” Hipólita says as she excuses herself and Luis longingly watches her depart the room.

“And you? What did YOU offer her?” inquires Tia Isabel.
“Ahhh!” Luis takes a big sigh and chuckles and he cuddles into the couch with his aunt. “To oblige her in anything she could possibly think to ask of me!”

“Ai - caray, caray!” exclaims Tia Isabel. (which in this context I would translate as “Goodness Gracious!”) And from this our wonderful blog was born?

Complacer is a great word - it can mean to please, oblige, help. It can also mean to indulge, gratify, even to humor. So in this conversation it has several implications - shallow and deep; innocent and not innocent at all!


Vivi, I think it's that pesky TN time warp. The years required for Espy to have 4 miscarriages and 3 years of marriage thereafter, they fell into the time warp. POOF! They don't exist! TN's warp time horribly.

Seriously though, you can almost contort your brain to believe it. Let's say Sunny was 3 months along when she told Agustin. He told Juana to get rid of the baby and get him a rich wife ASAP so Sunny's family couldn't force him to marry her. Then he got his rich wife pregnant in the first month. So Hip could be as little as 4 months older than Espy. As for the 3 years, remember Hip stayed in Panama 3 years after the mystery boink. So Hip's 3 years and Espy's 3 years could be simultaneous. Espy's miscarriages could've been in close succession, since she was eager to do her duty (and secure her position) and bear Luis a son. So when Luis arrived in Panama, he could've been married less than two years. No, wait. When they said they haven't had relations in three years, was that BEFORE or AFTER Hipo spent 3 years hiding in Panama?

Espy looks a lot older than Hipo. But remember, Espy is sickly, she has a poor constitution, and she's had 4 miscarriages. Those health issues could wreck havoc on her appearance.

Thanks Paula! I know tns usually have this wierd time warp thing. My brain just would not let this one go for some reason, but I am now prepared to do so. :)

Audrey, FABULOUS! Thank you so much for the transcript. And no worries. Your YouTube clip is much cleaner than mine. I'm going to try to use clips from that user instead.

Barbara, I think the CC's might be an obstacle to your Spanish listening skills. The brain does not multitask as well as people think. When your brain is focused on the CCs, it's not processing the input from your ears, so your listening skills don't get a workout. If your goal is to improve your Spanish, I would seriously recommend that you play each scene twice. Once with the CCs, and then replay it w/o CCs to try to hear what you now know they will say. After you improve, go w/o CCs first, figure out as much as you can, and then go back to check yourself with the CCs. Audrey's transcript is a tremendous resource. Read the English sentence, then play that part of the clip, and try to figure out (w/o CCs) what the Spanish words are.

Barbara, I know this sounds like work. But it sounds like you're frustrated because your Spanish isn't improving. If that's the case, and you really do want to improve your Spanish, then you probably need to look for a better method - one that produces results. In 18 months I went from understanding almost nothing, to being able to recap. If I can do it, so can you. But that took a whole lot of rewinding, and comparing recaps to what I heard on the screen. It was work, yes, but my teacher was so incredibly guapo, that the work was a pleasure!

Bonney, yes, your post does show up.

About the fire, again last night I caught a line that confirmed that the fire was on a boat. That explains why so many were killed. They couldn't run away.

Hi Paula!

Thanks SO much for starting this forum. I am really getting into this novela - it's so well done!

I always have the Spanish captions on. Mostly for my husband, but I glance at them from time to time if something isn't clear or there is an entirely new word for me and I have to see how it is spelled. Unfortunately, this is worse than useless unless the captions are timely. So far this week they've been awful!

The haguilar78 YouTube files are such good quality that I have been really enjoying watching them on my big screen TV (instead of just on my iPad). I rewatched some this weekend, and even watched ahead for Monday's 'cause I thought it might come on way late.

I think I need to replay that last conversation when Diego was demanding that Doña Juan "make arrangements" for Hipólita to be "available" for him. Amazing that you can simply tell your mother to pimp for you!


Thank you.

Audrey, Thank you so much for that fantastic replay between Luis and Diego. That was above and beyond! And much appreciated!

UA, I'll check that site out -- thanks for the tip!

Paula, I agree that keeping the captioning off at times may help improve some listening skills. I do it at times if it is a program I don't much care about. But when you want to know what is going on and there is no captioning to help -- it sucks.

Thanks everyone for the helpful encouragement. Here's hoping the captions return so I can catch every syllable from FC's lips.

Barbara, I'm finding that my comprehension is taking a hit, as well, since I'm trying to figure out the CCs as I watch. Also the actors and F C seem to speak so rapidly compared to other novelas. That's why recaps are so very helpful besides being entertaining.

Sue, thanks for the info on the letter. As mentioned, I'm not focusing well with this novela due to the CCs and I couldn't find the info on the videos without watching too many clips.

I hope Vicente is alive to smile again.


I've only gotten through the first 1.5 episodes on YouTube so far. I can't make out most of what they're saying. (I do depend too much on captions, but I can usually live without them if I can at least HEAR what they're saying!) Come to think of it, I can't make out most of what they're doing, either, because it's so blurry. If not for Melinama's recap I think I'd be totally lost.

But despite this frustration and being totally lost in a plot that's surprisingly complicated for only its second week, I can tell that this thing that I'm only half-watching is really good. Like Paula said, there's no filler - it just keeps moving along. Man, I wish I had Telefutura.

I've discovered another obstacle to understanding in this one. The filming style. Most TNs follow a solid routine. At the start of the conversation, you see both characters in the frame. After that you see only the head of the speaker, so you can watch the mouth to help your ears. In Albo, you're more likely to see both characers in the frame throughout the dialog. You also don't have as much of the exaggerated expressions to give clues about the dialog.

This isn't a spoiler, but later on in the telenovela, Luis says that he and Esperanza married "really young". Does that help with the "time warp"?

And the reason she looks so much older than Hip...like Paula said..is she's unattractive to begin with, thin, sickly etc. Some people are just born "middle aged". Clearly, that's Esperanza's case.

Thanks to everyone for the translations and explanations. Even though I've watched Alborada and rewatched it, I still don't understand everything. Paula~~I agree that those 3 years Luis abstained were the same 3 years that Hip waited before coming to Mexico. I also agree that Espy could have had those miscarriages very close together in her efforts to provide Luis with an heir and secure her position as his wife. This episode was great. I loved Luis's pursuit of Hip in front of Diego. Just as Tia loves to stir Juana up, Luis loves to annoy Diego. I'm finally at home and will be able to watch tonight's episode...if I can stay awake after the 8-hour drive home. P.S. Si, si, Yia provided the name for our site....caraycaray. You'll hear her say it over and over again. And hang on..this novela just gets better and better.


Go up to my reply to Barbara above, and see if those YouTube videos work any better for you. Those aren't blurry. Although sometime it depends on your internet connection.


Yia????...Make that Tia...Note to self...proofread before hitting ''publish.''

I heard Hipolita tell Adalgisa while leaving Juana's place, "no me cae bien"
I don't like him & it was about Luis. We know she is going to change her mind.

For folks who read spanish (or would like to try), there are very brief sysnopses at this site ::Alborada:: Unfortunately they leave out some of the best of the info!!!

Here is my translation for yesterday’s episode which can be found in Spanish here: 31 de octubre de 2005 :: Capítulos :: esmas.com. It left out the whole part of Hipólita visiting with Diego and Luis in the Palace, the convent scenes, and Diego asking his mother to set up Hipólita as his mistress!!!

Hipólita tells Juana that she doesn’t intend to return to Santo Domingo and blames her for her disgrace.

Francisco becomes furious upon seeing Hipólita in his home and scolds Asunción. Hipólita comes to her defense at which Francisco responds by giving her a strong slap in the face.

Hipólita is waiting for her mother outside the Guevara Palace. Luis sees her and invites her to come in. Hipólita refuses and complains that he had lied to her. Luis explains that he did it because someone wants to kill him.

Juana tells Hipólita that as soon as she can arrange passage, she will return to Santo Domingo. Hipólita, resolute, tells her that she does not intend to return, and that she blames her (Juana) for her misfortune, since a fugitive from justice impregnated her by orders of her mother-in-law. Juana asks Hipólita if she gave birth, and she answers yes. Juana reacts with alarm, and is only able to say “God”.

Juana asks Luis to not get divorced, and asks it in the memory of his father, and he responds that he respects his father, but that he wouldn’t ruin his life for him, or for anyone.



Thanks Audrey - those links are for #6, I'm still on episode 2 - I'll see if that youtube user uploaded the earlier episodes as well.

I do appreciate that not everyone has access to the best equipment, that youtube users run the risk of having their videos yanked, etc. and I'm grateful for whatever I can see, no matter what the quality. But when something's in another language, and (thanks for pointing this out, Paula) there aren't many close-ups to let you watch people speak, it's just too hard to follow.

Hopefully I'll have more luck with these. :)

Juana also asked Hip if she had a boy or a girl, and Hip answered ''Varon'' [boy]. Juana also threatened to break Hip's teeth as she waved that cane of hers around. !!!! Yikes, Harsh. As for trying to understand what is being said, I often tell my students [foreign students who are learning English] to watch news casts because only one person is talking and he/she is facing directly into the camera. It's always frustrating trying to understand what people are saying on shows like Cristina where several people are talking and interrupting each other. I am more successful at reading Spanish than listening to it, but the same was true when I studied French. I also studied Latin, but that was all vocabulary and reading. Arabic is easier than Spanish or French for me to pronounce and understand.

Julie or Audrey, if you find the links to Caps 1-5 from that user, please post here. You can post as plain text, not a link. I would like to replace the links in the recaps, since the quality is massively better. And I'm too lazy to go looking for them.


OK - here is the first episode for each 1-6. The naming is a bit inconsistent at first, but seems to get more regular later. Usually the related episodes are on the right, but sometimes you have to go search for them. Just check that the user is haguilar78.

Alborada Cap. 01 (1 de 4) http://whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHgJKZmW404

Alborada Cap.02 (1 de 4).wmv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL46Z4q5h8o

Alborada Cap. 03 (1 de 5).wmv

Alborada Cap. 04 (1 de 4).wmv

Alborada Cap. 05 (1 de 4).wmv

Alborada Cap. 06 (1 de 4).wmv

(hopefully no carriage returns get inserted in the above links)


On my computer the links above cut and paste OK - so hopefully they will for you.


Audrey, MANY thanks for all your helpful translations and also for the links to the high-quality YouTube videos. It's really a pleasure to watch them, even though they don't have Spanish captions. (Though in some ways that may be a plus.)

Paula, I think I may try to take your advice about watching twice, once with and once without the captions. I keep going back and forth between thinking that the captions help (especially for adding vocabulary) and hinder (my ear gets a better workout when I'm not focused on reading the captions). I still find it amazing that you were able to make such remarkable progress: 18 months from 0 to recapper. Wow! I'm beginning to think that in my case it may be more like 18 years!

Mil gracias, Audrey! I went back and replaced the YouTube links on 1-6. Much better!

Here are the links.

Cap. 1

Cap. 2

Cap. 3

Cap. 4

Cap. 5

Cap. 6

I just posted Cap 7, so I'll put my other comments over there.

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