Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #37 Friday 6/10/11 Some Anvils Have to Fall

Fasten your seatbelts, Caraymates, because this episode was a veritable plot-explosion! Secrets are revealed, confessions of love are made, and tensions run high. Onward 'cause this was a good one!

Renata practically floats on air as she walks over to the table Jero has reserved for their lunch date. She mentions having run into Regina at the bridal shop. Nata thinks she will always have doubts about Regi, not just because of the situation with Gonzo, but because Nata can't help but feel that Regi will be in her life forever. Well whaddya know? Jero tells Nata that Regi feels the same way about her. Nata wonders what Regi meant by her comment that Jero and Nata have no secrets anymore.

Agustin demands that Dr. Nesme sell him the land he owns next to Hacienda La Bonita. Doc doesn't want to because he promised Rafa that he would only sell the land to the owner of the hacienda. Augie says Doc has no choice; Rafa is dead and Augie will pay handsomely. Without Augie, the Doc would lose all reputation and credibility and wind up rotting in jail for causing Rafa's death. Doc squirms but his fears are allayed by the huge check Augie hands over. The dough is all Doc's just as long as he tells no one that Augie now owns the land.

Augie calls his Spare Girl to celebrate his strong-arming Doc. Spare Girl gives Carlos a little kiss on the cheek before meeting up his Augie. Hmm, might Matilde have some competition soon?

Dr. Cha-Ching ($) tells Fina that Gonzo bought his story hook, line, and sinker. He gives her a prescription (!!) that she can take as "medicine" for her phony tumor. I'm not sure if this means she should pick up the meds as a prop for her tomfoolery or if Doctor Dinero actually wants her to take them. At any rate, Fina delights at how Gonzo is going to suffer because of her illness.

Jero talks himself out of a jam by claiming that Regi must have been talking about the mess with Matias and Roberta. Now it makes sense to Renata and they enjoy some good quality mushy talk. Nata promises that she will love Jero and continue to surprise him for the rest of their lives. Sensing the right moment, Jero pulls the ring out of his pocket. "Acepta usted ser la Señora de Linares?" (Do you accept to be Mrs. Linares?)

Renata radiates happiness as she enthusiastically accepts. Jero kisses her hand. "From this moment on, you are property of Mr. Linares." A pox on your head, Jero. This was almost romantic until you ruined it with that last statement. Nata doesn't seem to mind, however, and covers Jero in kisses.

Spare Girl chews Augie out for always putting her last on his list of things to do. Augie says she is his priority at the moment and pulls her into a kiss. I can't get over how beautiful the landscape is behind them.

Jero proposes a toast to Renata. "Let's drink to the truth, love, and trust between us." Renata whole-heartedly agrees while Jero silently glowers. "Tell me the truth about my brother!" He thinks with a nasty tone. During a kiss, Jero becomes overly aggressive again. Chalk this up to another red flag Nata has overlooked. Jero apologizes for getting grabby and Nata sizes him up as they toast once again. Maybe this is one red flag she actually has noticed...

Selene runs into Regina and Doña Cata on the sidewalk and gushes about what an opportunity it is to work at the centro. Regi is pleased as ever to meet her. Roberta stalks over and launches into an attack. "You are the woman who ruined my parents' marriage! You have no idea how much I hate you!" Rob slaps Regi so hard it nearly knocks Regi off her feet.

Matias and Gonzo discuss the sticky situation of Fina's illness. Gonzo hopes Fina can be treated and, in time, he will continue with the divorce proceedings. Antonio shows up at the same restaurant and introduces the fellas to his pretty companion Nora Collado. Regi was supposed to join them for lunch but had to give a radio interview about the centro. Tony takes obvious pleasure in dropping an anvil on Gonzo: "I heard Renata was getting married. What a coincidence! Regina and I are getting married soon too. Nora is our wedding planner." Gonzo stares impassively at Tony.

Scandalized, Doña Cata snaps into action. "Get outta here, tart! Regi has no interest in Gonzo. Regi & Tony 4evar, so get lost." Cata says (in not so many words). Roberta doesn't care; her parents are still splitting up and it's all Regi's fault. "I warn you, if you come near my padre again I will make your life and life for your family impossible!" Selene tries to apologize for what an ogre Robi is and Cata tells Regi she better forget about Gonzo for good.

Constanza finishes teaching a class as Chema drops a bunch of bags on the counter. They banter as usual and suddenly Honorio walks in behind them. Seems like reality followed him in because the atmosphere is the room is decidedly less carefree than before. Coni introduces Hon to Chema and Honorio asks to have an important talk with her. (!!!)

Selene gives Roberta an ear-full for stirring up such trouble with her soon-to-be-boss. Rob cackles; it was worth if for a little fun. Selene is not amused and takes off in her car without letting Rob in. Ha! Have fun walking home in those heels, Robi.

Gonzo and Matias are still at lunch. It seems like these people spend 80% of their day in restaurants. Gonzo moans to Matias about how hopeless everything is now that Regi is headed down the isle with Tony. Matias, instead of telling Gonzo to follow his example and mope like a dope for days, tells Gonzo to go for what he wants. Regi clearly has feelings for him; Gonzo still has the opportunity to do something about it.

Honorio and Constanza have relocated to a café to talk. Honorio has something very difficult to tell Coni and he is worried how she is going to take it. "I have a daughter, Constanza." The anvil comes down hard on Coni.

And because I like Hon and Con (and you guys) so much, here's their entire conversation.

C: A daughter? How? When?! What are you talking about?
H: It was before I met you. I only just found out and it unsettled me just as much as it does you.
C: Do you know who she is? Do you already meet her?
H: Yes. It's Adriana.
C: Adriana?! I knew there was something strange about Agatha. It wasn't normal to have such a relationship with an old boyfriend. She always knew where you were and how close you were to her daughter. Your daughter.

Honorio grips Coni's hand and does his best to calm her.

H: I know what this means for you. But you had to know.
C: I wanted so much to have a child with you and I couldn't do it. It was an old girlfriend who made you a father.
H: Don't feel bad about that! We didn't need to have children to have a marriage as marvelous as we have had.
C: A woman always dreams of motherhood. You know how much I longed to have a child with you. Does Adriana know?
H: No. Agatha does not want Adriana to know until after she dies.
C: What do you want? Do you want her to know you are her father?
H: No, what I want is for this to not effect our relationship. I don't know how I'm going to tell Adriana but that will resolve itself later. What I care about most right now is you, Constanza.
C: I can't believe it! I can't believe you have a daughter! And that it's Adriana!

Cut to a much more cheery montage of Renata and Jero roaming around town making wedding plans together. The talk to a priest in a gorgeous church, visit a registry, and peruse a jewelry store all the while teasing and flirting with each other.

Back to matters at hand, Honorio walks Coni back to the centro. Coni doesn't have much to say; she needs time to process the news. Right now she's too disturbed and frustrated to know how she feels about it. Just give her some time alone. Chema watches this conversation from afar.

Regina gives a radio interview to Maxine Woodside about the annual gala dinner held at the centro. They're selling tickets to the public, which help raise money for her charity. Gonzo hears Regi on the radio while the car.

Fina is proud of Mini-Me for walloping Regina in public. Robi did it in Fina's honor. She tells Mami that Regi is getting married. Fina could care less; the only thing that would make her happy is if Regi were crazy or dead.

Regina comes out of the radio station to find Gonzo waiting by her car. He heard she was getting married. "Don't do it, Regina. Don't get married." Gonzo pleads. Their song plays as Gonzo pours his heart out. "Please put the wedding off. Wait until I can settle things with Fina. I want to be a free man for you. I know I have nothing to offer you now but please postpone the wedding." Despite how much she might want to, Regi can't do it. "Your family considers me the other woman. It would only give them more motive to attack me." She tells Gonzo about Robi accosting her earlier that day, which gravely upsets Gonzo.

Coni tears the kitchen apart looking for her keys. Chema slips in behind her and picks them up off the counter. Chema gives her a hug while she cries on his shoulder.

Gonzo apologizes to Regi for Roberta's behavior. Regi asks Gonzo to leave her alone, since his family will always hate her. Gonzo refuses to do so; he is too in love with her. (Aww.) Regi starts to cry as Gonzo professes his love to her.

"I love you. That is my only truth. Please wait and give me opportunity to earn your love." Regi says they have to separate to avoid hurting others. She drives away while Gonzo looks longingly after her.

Renata and Jero get home and Nata asks if Jero has thought about who will be his witnesses for the wedding. He wants Carlos and Regina. Nata is worried that if Regina comes to the wedding, it would cause a scene. Jero swears that he would never invite Regi if he thought she was capable of breaking up a marriage. "Are you even sure your mother is going to be at the wedding?" Jero asks.

Back at the office, Honorio debriefs Matias on how the Great Anvil Drop went. Mat tells Hon to give Coni time; it's going to be tough for her to accept the news since she could never have children herself. Honorio is afraid something might have broken between them as a couple. Blanca eavesdrops on all of this with keen interest.

Coni mellows out in bed and gets a text from Chema. He wanted to see how she was and offer his shoulder to cry on anytime she needs him.

Renata visits with Fina. She shows her the ring. Fina laughs at how small it is. "You should always want more, not less!" Fina says. Nata doesn't care about money or fine things. She loves Jero and that is the most important thing. Nata asks Fina to come to her wedding. Fina cackles. "Attending your wedding is supporting your foolishness and shamelessness. If you want to waste your life, do it but count me out." Nata gently asks Fina to reconsider. She made sure that Regi wouldn't be invited so that it would make Fina more comfortable. "I'm sorry, Renata. But I can't do it. I want the best for you but I will not go to your wedding."

Jero hears from Almudena that he is one of the richest men in Spain. Great! He's still going to pretend to be broke. Blech.

Oh, yuck. Alfonsina slinks in to see Dr. Nesme. He locks the door behind her and they make out. I try hard not to lose my dinner.

Matilde has locked herself in the kitchen and won't come out. Lazaro tries to talk sense into her. Jero would never fall for her because they are from different worlds. Mati cries she could offer him lots of things. Mati swears to make life impossible for Jero's new wife. Lazaro warns Mati to respect their future Patrona or else she will have to look for a new job. Mati isn't put off from her mission to make life hell for Jero's girl.

Regina recounts her day to Ines. Regi is going to get Gonzo out of her heart; she chose Tony and she has to marry him.

Gonzo pounches on Roberta the minute she walks through the door. "Why did you attack Regina?" Roberta goes on about Regi ruining the family....ya basta, ya basta. Gonzo's tired of hearing it too. "There was never anything between us. She is an impeccable woman and I will not let you harm her again." Fina interrupts and gets Roberta to say that Regi provoked her to attack. Gonzo doesn't believe a word of it; Regi would never bait anyone for a fight. When it becomes apparent Fina won't win the fight, she faints.

Matilde and Carlos eat cake and discuss how things are going to change once the Patrona moves in.

Gonzo apologizes for causing Fina to have an attack. Fina "lets slip" that she has a tumor; the doctor told her earlier in the day. She doesn't want to tell her daughters yet. Gonzo is horrified and does not want to keep such a serious secret. Fina pressures him into keeping it confidential.

Avances: Renata and Jeronimo get married! Or do they?!?! *dun, dun, dun*


someterse - to subject, undergo. (Gonzo hopes Fina will agree to a treatment)
Me acabo de enterar - I just found out. (Hon about Adriana)
desconcertar - to baffle, confuse, puzzle (Hon about the Adriana news)
anhelar - to yearn for, to desire (Constanza to Honorio about children)
perturbada - disturbed, troubled, upset (How Coni feels)
agredir - to attack, to assault (What Rob did to Regi)
un hombro donde llorar - a shoulder to cry on (Chema to Coni)
intachable - impeccable (Gonzo about Regi)


Love your title! And I think some of those anvils are still hanging in the air for a few folks.

I for one was surprised that Honorio spilled the beans on Adri. So he's back in my good graces for telling the truth, but we knew Coni would be upset. Now how upset will be the question. And chema got his "someone needs a hug" moment, setting up.....

But who the hey is this Blanca woman and why is she already moving in for the kill on Honorio? It's like she's been after him from day one. Now she joins the stalker ranks. Blanca meet Selene - there has to be a back story there...c'mon writers, spill already.

Love the play between Nata and Jeers while shopping, but he always has to put in that one comments that has us in viewerville ready to slap him. "Property?" I felt like I was watching the Spanish version of the Forsyte Saga. After years of being beaten down (and still so) I think Nata has become accustomed to trying to just let comments like that slide off. Thus no red flags to her register...

Ok - the whole Mathilde thing - I'm sorry but that is about as immature as it gets. She meets the guy a couple times and suddenly she was supposed to marry him, become mistress of the hacienda? Stupid much? And now she declares she'll make life miserable for the new wife...WTH. She needs a good spanking since she's acting like a two-year-old who had her fav toy taken away. I think that headband is cutting off the circulation to her brain.

I think the radio interview was a heads up for us on the gala. And we all know what those mean - getting all the characters togther for revelations, confrontations and intrigue. Bring on the party!!!

I so love my Gonzo, but he needs to just tell Fina - do anything to get you better, but I'm out of here. Don't need to stay married to take care of her. Same thinking with Reg - why do chartacters always feel if they can't be with the one they love, they'll just immediately hook up with someone else even if they don't love them? For a woman who stayed single for so long, this caving to Toni is out of character to me. (Momma's pushing doesn't help.)

I still vote the wedding goes off - but I think it'll be the sudden arrival of the chickee from Spain who may plant the seed of doubt for our Nata...especially if she sticks around and Jeers uses said chickee to drive Nata nuts.

Do like that the writers aren't playing into some of typical devices - like to be kept guessing.

Lovely, Amy, thanks! I really appreciate the vocabulary too. Sylvia too from yesterday - sorry I never got around to thanking you for your vocab and dicho from yesterday plus some very funny lines - ruin his breakast and life LOL!

Oh, Amy, thanks for the lovely hacienda view of the vineyard! Yesterday I was fantasizing that all us Caray, Caray watchers could just teleport ourselves right into that scene and have us a lovely weekend party at the hacienda. I would enjoy Matilde's cooking too if she lays off the habañeros.

Yes, this is moving right along!

I'm not sure what the writers are trying to portray when they have Jero kiss Renata violently. This time she complained him he was hurting her - dang! This is bad! It seems to imply he will be an abusive husband. And what a LIAR too! He told some whoppers today. I just can't stand it! and all these secret meetings with Fina? Horrible!

Since Jero has never gotten back to his ex to tell her that he isn't returning to Spain, and that he is getting married, does that mean she is going to show up at the Hacienda at some point looking for him (even though her clearly broke with her)? Another big surprise for Renata.

Mr. I? I choose Gonzo for begging Regina to put off her wedding to give him a chance. Huh? What is she supposed to tell Tony? Oh, let's forget the wedding and go back to a two year long engagement so Gonzo can get his divorce and then has time to court me and get me to marry him instead. Right! Regina really has been cornered into being "La Otra" hasn't she, even though she never did a thing! What a way to have your hand forced to marry someone else. Oh and Cata, please! (other than reading the riot act to nasty Roberta)

I loved seeing Selene leave Roberta stranded. Good for you. Your BFF is a nasty piece of work!

Yay! Honorio told Constanza! And he really handled it as gently and honestly as he could. I was very surprised and relieved that this secret was not drug out forever. Now if Constanza can't handle the truth, that's really her problem.

Loving this TN!


LOL! daisynjay - both predicting the return of the "chickie from Spain"! LOL!


Amy- I loved the recap and the wonderful pictures. I am very relieved that Hon told Con the news about Adri, and he did it very well. Notice how he kept trying to hold her hand and she kept pulling it away. That shows that at this point the ball is in Con's court. The fate of their marriage is in her hands. And if she doesn't take control of her marriage soon, it's obvious Blanca is waiting to pounce on Hon. To me it seems that Blanca came to the company with the sole purpose of seducing Hon. Maybe she's seen him around for a while and decided she wants a piece of that. But for now, Hon is in the right, and Con is the one who is on a slippery slope by accepting the comforting arms and texts of another man, while rejecting the arms of her husband.

I missed the first part of the episode so I will have to watch my recording to see how the Nata/Jero lunch and the Berta/Gina slap fest played out.

Great job Amy. Very detailed and very funny with exquisite photos. My favorite is that of Honorio and Coni with Chema lurking.

Plenty of candidates for Mr. Inappropriate last night:

Gonzo for asking Regina to call off her wedding, but points to him for not grabbing her and kissing her to push his point

Chema for texting Coni

but my vote goes to Jerry for that rough kiss... that's the third time... this guy is a psycho... those kisses are like foreplay for a rape

If Jerry wants the truth about Renata's relationship with Rafa, why not just ask her?


"She meets the guy a couple times and suddenly she was supposed to marry him, become mistress of the hacienda? "

How does that differ from Gonzo's feelings about Regina? Besides, she's cuter and perkier, so I give her a pass.

So Fina's gonna skip Renata's wedding? Anyone wanna bet?


Thanks so much for the fast paced recap. A lot sure happened in this one. But daisynjay is right -- all those anvils that fall are leaving a lot hanging up there yet to fall.

Good for Honorio. But yes, trouble is ahead with Blanca just waiting for him to need an hombro of his own to llorar on. And Coni is not coming around soon enough I fear.

There must be something special about those lands that the doc owned & which Rafa made him promise to sell to the dueña of La Bonita. What do you think? Water rights? It must be something which Auggie will be able to use to destroy the profitability of La Bonita.

Mathilde, Mathilde -- what are you thinking. She said that she had fallen in love with Jero's photo even before she met him. But I thought she acted as though she was in love with Rafa before he died. LOL your comment about the headband daisynjay.

Mr. Inappropriate for today? Jero at least twice --once for that rough kiss and once for announcing that Nata is now his PROPERTY!?!?

Carlos, the aspect of Mathilde that drives me nuts is that she is taking it that step further and threatening to be nasty and mean to the new if she took something for her.
If Gonzo had threatened Toni in any way, yep, would be feeling the same way. And Jeers hasn't led Mathilde on, Regina hasn't exactly NOT told Gonzo she doesn't care for him.
Fine line, I know, but a bit of a difference.

And my vote for Mr. I, AGAIN, goes to Jeers. I don't get those rough kisses...I guess we're supposed to think that's his anger or frustration coming out? Whatever it is...Wrong, wrong,wrong.

daisynjay, I cheerfully concede your points, though if Tony comes to Renata's wedding with Regina, I will not be surprised at a bid for the Mr. Inappropriate title by Gonzo. In fact, I look for this wedding to be chock full of excitement from a number of unhappy sources.


Afternoon, everyone! I have a feeling that this episode let a few anvils fall to set us up for some more, bigger ones once we get to the wedding. There are still so many axes waiting to fall on all of these characters for one reason or another.

LOL daisynjay - Matilde's headband must be the culprit for her childishness. Jero never looked her way once and now she's going to behave like a jealous ex-girlfriend? Go back to high school, Mati.

Jero wins Mr. Inappropriate hands down. Enough with the overly-aggressive and super-possessive stuff. "foreplay for a rape" - *shudder* Well said, Carlos. So, so sketchy.

On the topic of sketchy, Blanca definitely won't waste a good opportunity to move in on Honorio. She overheard all the details about his marriage troubles and we know she would just *love* to be the one to take his mind off it...

Fantastic analysis of the Hon/Con situation, Vivi. It really is up to her now where they go from this point. She better not take too long, though. Blanca is more than ready to pounce. And so is Chema...


I saw a preview of next week and there is some very interesting twist in Fina's plan vs what we all are expecting... or are they just teasing us? who knows... but if that happens, it is very interesting the possibilities...

FlordeAmy, Great recap so witty and fast moving and excellent vocabulary choices with perfect references giving us the context. Yes, not rain but anvils!
I am annoyed at Constanza and Matilda for being so deluded and acting badly. Matilda comes off as stupid which isn't new, Coni as spoiled which she hasn't been to date but seems on the brink of some bad choices (of shoulders at least.) Fina and Roberta always act like brutes so nothing new about their nastiness. Selene may hold some promise of independent thinking if Roberta embarrasses her again. I am also glad that Honorio did the hnorable thing even though he is going to get some grief for it for a bit. Blanca will cause trouble somehow perhaps by stalking Honorio when Chema steps up the consoling shoulder business with Coni.

Anti J gets on my nerves with his property speech and ugly kiss.

And I love the "Dr. Cha-Ching", since he has absolutely no redeeming qualities it is just fun to give him a new disdainful name every day.

Dang! I didn't get to see the previews. Our station as started cutting them off.

BTW - since Jero is almost always Mr. I by default I've been disqualifying him in my list of candidates.


Outstanding recap especially with the added screenshots. I got chills rereading the episode just like watching it the first time. Even though I do not post often; I just wanted to let you know that I always read the summaries, love the added vocabulary, and look forward to all of the comments. Thanks so much.

The screen shots are terrific. It really helps relive the episode.

I wonder if the wedding will come off or not. In the previews Lorena (?) the girlfriend from Spain seems to be running into the church at the last moment. Previews are notoriously misleading. Will they? or Won't they?

Amy thanks for your recap. I think I finally have most of the characters straight. The vicious galan with rapeable kisses is such downer.

Enjoyed everyone's comments and thanks Sylvia for your recap from yesterday.

Thank you so much! It WAS a good episode. Well, anybody still sorry for Roberta? THIS slap was NOT satisfying: this miserable, arrogant, lazy, good for nothing strumpet -- can't wait for her and her puppet master muther to get their due. And Jero, I knew he was going to do another of those disturbing ferocious "kisses" but they are still in furiating. Poor Reanata! Haven't read comments yet but this episode was a study in inappropriateness: Roberta, Blanca, Chema and Gonzo get votes from me. It was good, though, thank you flores, vocab was great, too!


Great recap! Very witty and descriptive.

I think that Matilde is in love with the hacienda, and she just extends that affection to the current owner or whoever is helping to keep it out of evil hands. First she seemed smitten with Rafa, then Carlos when he was helping, then Jero. She may have had a bit of a crush on Jero from his picture, but when he's been there she doesn't seem to have been too intent on getting him to reciprocate her interest. Now, however, with a wife arriving, Matilde's position in the household is threatened. All this time she's been doing things her way; the men don't interfere. A lady of the house could change all that and not just let Mati have the run of the place. I think once Matilde actually meets Renata she'll like her, but right now she doesn't know her and just sees her as a faceless threat.

Jero is the worst. I was hesitant to even start watching this because I hated Aldo in LFMB so much, but I thought that was ridiculous because obviously he'd be a much different character here. But he's really not; he's still controlling and scheming. How much longer do we have to put up with this before we can start rooting for him?

Julia! I think you nailed Mati! It makes total sense. She HAS been La Duena of La Bonita and the arrival of Jero's wife is the first real threat to that. Right on.

I, too, hated Aldo and the whole Aldo "love" story line between him and Lety. That he should be such an odious galan is indeed tiring. I frankly can't see what he can do to turn this around. Now Renata will encounter his old flame (whom he unceremoniously dumped remember)
-- if he uses her to taunt and torture Renanta, and she puts up with it, that will be insufferable.


Carlos, you're so sweet...

Julia, great analysis of Mati - and right on!! I'm betting that if Nata concedes to her to remain the head honcho on all things hacienda, they'll become friends. And Nata may need one. (Especially if Mati sees Jeers acting like a jerk and realizes she dodged the bullet herself.)

I'm sure we'll get some sort of turn around for Jeers, and at this point it better be painful and make him "suffer" like apparently he is planning on making Nata suffer. Otherwise, I vote Colunga come riding through on a handsome steed, in a nice snug fitting tee and he and Nata can ride off into the sunset. (Makeup for his lame MEPS character.)

Amy, thank you for yet another of your delightful recaps, complete with screenshots and vocabulary no less! You are a wonder.

Audrey, I understand what you mean about disqualifying Jero for Mr. I, however he really hit a new low with his "property" comment so I'm afraid that for me he is, yet again, top dog for Mr. I. That statement along with his vicious kiss put him over the top for me. Blech.

The previews do indeed make it look like we will have another bodus interruptus. Is that the latest telenovela cliche? They all seem to be doing it these days.

Daisy, I would love to see Nata and Matilde become best buds. Wouldn't they be a force to be reckoned with? Speaking of BFFs, hooray to Sele for leaving Roberta the wet blanket.

Thanks again Amy. I sure enjoyed watching the episode and reading your recap over my morning cup of tea. Lots of action in this one and even more coming up!

That must be Telenovela rule number XYZ - if a wedding occurs before últimas días, it MUST be interrupted!


My 2cents re the brutal kisses: Writers are putting emphasis on the hate half of Jeronimo's mixed feelings for Renata.


Yes, Farmer, must be. I suppose it's a manifestation of a need on Jero's part to punish Renata.

Truly chilling! The whole idea is ICK! But I guess that's a major part of the premise.


I just wanted to let y'all know I'll probably be offline until until Thursday. Not sure I'll be able to get wi-fi where I'm headed.

Enjoy the wedding!

Thank you Flores, and the rest of you this past week. I've been otherwise occupied.

I'll start with Mr. Inappropriate.
Carlos--you have good reasons to name the guys you did.

My take is:

Gonzo is desperate--grasping at any straws. He hasn't had an opportunity to be with Reggie alone long enough to share his feelings for her, with her.

The parking lot was a very inappropriate meeting place, but Gonzo probably believes this is the last opportunity--and it was. She rejected his advances--again. I'll give him a pass this time.

Chema--He's still a kid in the first flush of headiness of feelings for a woman. He may be curious as to how far this is going to go, so the texting is somewhat innocent, somewhat calculating. I'll give him a pass this time.

Jero--For a guy who is so easygoing with Renata most of the time, these aggressive moves are very troublesome. Renata did react with just a bit of red-flagginess waving. Me thinks the writer ARE preparing us to accept a change in attitude towards Rennie later, so viewerville doesn't sit up straight and says WTH. I'm so sad to have to look forward to that theme--I really like them the way they are together now.

Is it remotely possible that the "property of Sr. Linares" was in jest? He knows and has been told by Renata herself how independent she is and doesn't need to depend on his money for maintenance. I know he used the word propiedad, but couldn't Renata have taken it as "belonging" to Jero just as easily? She's dizzy in love with him and belonging to the guy is not off the wall.

However, I don't give Jero a pass for the aggressive kiss (again), so he's my main Mr. I on Friday.

I never thought that I a busy lawyer, worried about not having a child at my age and on a serious diet have the time or energy to find your blog and tell you that "I love you". Thank you so much for this. So let me jump on in. I love this soap because it isn't dragging major issues out. Some exception though, like Raffa not telling anyone Roberta's name and Regina not being curios about who this tall Phina is, and all the good luck bad people have in this soap, Saying that I still love it. Question, is this going to be a short soap like" Eva Luna" y "Manana es para siempre" ?The shorter soaps tend to be better written and realistic then the long dragged out ones. Does anyone know when it ends and if we have much to go before the goods are spilled?

Carasquillo, at 182 episodes I'm afraid this is not one of the shorter soaps. We've got a ways to go before the goods are spilled. However we're glad you are enjoying it and thank you for your kind words. Please do comment and let us know how you are enjoying the events as they unfold. And welcome to the blog!!!

Hey what does "El chavo de oho" means?

does anyone know what episode we are on for "Caundo me enamoro".

Why the lack of updates?

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