Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #44 Tuesday 6/21/11 And the most inappropriate award goes too??

So I am going to skip the leftovers and jump into the new stuff!!!

Auggie is chatting with his girlfriend and asks her where the earrings are that he gave her and she gets them out of her drawer he takes them back and tells her they are for someone else and when she asks who he leaves.

Karina is in the church crying, and padre comes over to ask what is wrong and all I could catch through her tears is that tonight her husband is something to her father??

Alfonsina and Jerko are talking about his wedding, and she is glad that are here. Jerko says he doesn’t want anybody mentioning his brother name to his wife. She agrees and then mentions that Don Augustin was with her this morning and he looks a little bothered.

Dr.Creepy is talking with the Padre and he asks him about what Karina told him and he tells him basically that Karina is nuts, she can’t have kids and that her problems are pschyological and that she is making stuff up. His poor wife is not living in reality, but in fantasy.

Jerko is looking for Renata, he confronts her about being with Don Augustin,

Fina is on the phone with Roberta, telling her that the plan is working Matias and Gonzo are upset.

Jerko demanding an answer and Renata tells him to stop accusing her and she walks away, he catches her and she explains that they have always been friends and that there failed business deal has nothing to do with that. He insists she stay away. She explains that this morning she woke up alone, because her husband is in a different room (nice one Rene) She ran into Augustin and he showed her around his vineyard and introduced her to his girlfriend. He tells her that’s not how it seems, she accuses him of being jealous and he denies it but she says it is jealousy and storms into her room, and calls Adriana. She doesn’t stop Adri when she assumes that her life is wonderful and sweet, she then asks how she and everyone back home are doing and she finds out Roberta ran away. She tells her she is pregnant, and that she doesn’t know who the father is.

Carlos enters the office to talk to Jerko, he is holding the necklace and Carlos begs him to admit that he is jealous and that he does care about Renata.

Renata call Mom to see what is going on back home, She asks about Roberta and her mom says she is fine and then Renata says she knows about Roberta and Fina tells her that she no longer needs to worry about them, she choose to get married and leave. Renata says she still loves them all. Fina the loving mother tells her that she is no longer a part of their family or their house. She does not matter to her or Roberta any longer.

Carlos is yelling at Jerko about marrying Renata and asks if he is going to confess and tell her who his brother is? Jerko swears its a secret. He admits he is jealous and and that he loves her so much, but his anger about his brother is greater.

Mati is getting a talking to in the kitchen by Manuela telling her to behave and watch herself!!

Sick kid and family and friends are all waiting for his mom to come back from surgery and she says she’s fine and they can do the transplant soon.

Constanza is in the kitchen with ?? okay not sure who, but he is hot and he seems to really like her. The cute music play when he takes her hand!!

Honorio is talking to Blanca about Adriana and he confesses she is his daughter and she says he can depend on her for anything!! They shake on it.

Roberta is talking to Diego she pays him, he insults her and then leaves.

Matias admits to Adriana that the father of Roberta’s baby is dun dun dun him!!!

Fina is admiring Renata’s horse and Gonzo comes by to talk and she tells him she misses her daughter and that she wants her back. He tells her she is not coming back and that she needs to be calm. Gonzo tells her that there is nothing they can do and that she is going to die, Fina very convincingly acts shocked and scared (she’s good) She cries and cries about her girls! Gonzo does not look loving or moved (i think he trying to keep from throwing up, but that’s just me)

Back in the hospital they are taking about the transplant that it will be great and everything will be fine.

Dinner is over at the Hacienda and Renata takes Jerko into the office to talk and tells him that Roberta is pregnant. He is muy impactada and she says again is the baby Roberta is having his?

Gonzo tries to convince Roberta to come home, and tells her that Matais will be there for her and the baby. She agrees to talk to Matias and see what she can do.

Jerko swears it is not his and then she asks him, why is being Jerko, does he not love her, he says he does. She does not understand his attitude and it hurts her very much!!
Matis talking to Carlos she tells him she has no boyfriends, and that there is only one man for her, Carlos puffs his chest out and asks who, she says that he will know very soon.

Renata asks if Jerko is like this over her family, Roberta. She is begging him to tell her why he is like this. She tells him she loves him more than anything, but if he does not feel the same way that she will go back to Mexico ( duh leave now run) she tells him that he is the man of her life, but if he want to end the relationship now she is ready.

Karina find Alfonsina in the vineyard and says she is the only one she can talk to about her husband (yeah wrong one to talk to, just saying) Alfonsina tells her she will talk to her later at her house.

Jerko and Renata have a meaningful hug and Jerko tells her that her wants to go to the church and he will tell her the truth.

Gonzo calls Matais and tells him to call Roberta, he calls her and she tells him she will return tomorrow and they will talk.

Carlos is trying to get the name out of Mati when Jerko and Renata come out and announce that they are going to the church.

Mr. Hottie that was cooking with Constanza is swimming and he admits that he has a crush on Constanza, but she is married.

Constanza asks for a moment alone with Adriana.

Auggie is working with his girlfriend, and she is asking about Renata and asks about having her and her husband over.

Jerko is dodging questions about his brother, she is trying to get him to the church and he swears that will never forgive her.

Gonzo is telling Matias that he has to marry Roberta, Matias and he is not happy and does not want to. Gonzo asks Matias do help him help Fina by agreeing to this so that Fina will be happy in the last months or her life.


Thanks Jules! Once again you are juggling a lot of balls, torches and scimitars so nice job.

I think Kari telling Alfonsina about her hub problems (basically asking for a place to sleep for a few days) might have been a stroke of unintentional genious. Alfonsina saw the bruises on Kari's arm and is now suspicious of the doc I think.

Oh Gonzo are you nuts asking your son to sacrifice his happiness and life so that your loathesome wife can be "happy" during her last months? I wonder, has Fina ever been truly happy? I think not so why would she suddenly change?

Oh man, Auggie asked for the earrings back? I think that was very INAPPROPRIATE! Once one gives a gift they should not ask for it back. He did give them right? Or did spare girl just take them? Whatever.

Vivi, I want to slap Mati too. I'm sure she would never take the crap that Jero is dishing out so why should anyone else? She is just working her own agenda without using her head.

The padre behaved exactly as I expected him to, very INAPPROPRIATELY.

Speaking of inappropriate, Blanca Ocampo is beginning to bug me.

Thanks again Jules, you got all the important details and your editorial comments were spot-on.

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I just really want to know how deep a hole are they going to let Fina dig, before she starts getting some dirt thrown back at her?

Hola, Jules! I missed this one last night and your recap was just what I needed to catch me up. Gracias, amiga!

Gonzo is forcing Matias to marry Robi now, huh? We pretty much knew it would only be a matter of time but it's still a bummer. Fina's plan is going forward despite that Robi tried to throw a monkey wrench into things.

Jules, the eye candy that has a crush on Constanza is Chema. He's such a cutie but such a threat to Hon/Con's marriage. At least he's a nice, likeable guy; Blanca is shady and clearly up to no good.

The town Padre is about as helpful as dry toast. Anytime someone asks him for advice he jumps down their throat. Inappropriate, Padre. Very inappropriate.

Hey, has anyone else seen that this show is scheduled for 5:30-6:30 *and* 7:00 tonight? Both of the guides in my house have it listed that way. Is Univision messing with us or is it my cable company?


Thanks for the recap! "Duh leave now run" made me laugh. Love the editorializing.

One minor correction...Matias didn't tell Adriana that he is the father of Roberta's baby, he said that Fina *thinks* he is the father. Adriana's disgusted anyway, knowing he rolled in the hay with wretched Roberta, so now there's that little wedge between them, sigh...

This was actually the most I've ever like the horrible padre. When Kari told him her husband raped her, he seemed to actually take that seriously and he confronted Doc Dropdeadplease about it. He didn't even seem totally convinced by Doc's lame excuses. Still don't like the padre but maybe he's redeemable.

Those earrings weren't a gift. Arely saw them and assumed they were for her.

When Fina was out with Renata's horse, I thought she was trying to mastermind a plan to get rid of, or harm the horse to cause Renata even more pain. Then when Gonzo was talking to her in front of the stables and she was spinning her lies about missing her daughters, the way he was looking up at the sky; I was waiting for a bolt of lightning to strike her down for her words!

I thought it was an awesome moment when Renata and Jero came out of the house holding hands and laughing, and that he was taking her to church. I almost saw a glimmer of hope for him. (Short lived).

Thanks for the recap. I totally misconstrued the part about Gonzo wanting Matias to marry Roberta, and I thought he told Adriana he was not the baby's father. I need to listen more closely. It's so hard sometimes.

Constanza seems to have finally realized Chema's inappropriate interest in her. When he took her hand, she pulled away and looked uneasy. Hmmm. What will she do about it?

Gonzo is a nutcase. Why would one person's supposed impending death be a good reason for everyone else to totally screw up their lives and be miserable?

Doc Dropdeadplease, LOL! Julia, once again you have come up with a keeper.

LindaK, I agree that the conversations are sometimes hard to decipher. Not to mention there are all the lies that we are expected to keep track of, sheesh!

I also think Matias told Adri he is NOT the babydaddy but Adri is still disgusted because he also admitted he slept with Roberta. What a buzz kill for Adri's ardour if you ask me.

I don't remember Gonzo saying Matias has to marry Berta, because Matias didn't say he was the father. Matias' mission when he goes to see Berta is to get the name of the baby-daddy out of her. Fina is the only one insisting that the baby-daddy has to be Matias. Gonzo said at one point that perhaps the reason she won't admit who the father is, is because it's someone forbidden, like a married man. Given that Matias thinks it's Jero, it made him very uncomfortable.

Yes, Adri is not looking at him with the same eyes after finding out that Matias slept with Berta.

If the Padre was doubting the Doc's story of Crazy Cari, he should have said so more strongly. It looked like he was buying some of that bs. That's what ticked me off.

Thanks Jules. Nicely done. VBS... that certainly brings back memories. The other day, the Lovely Linda and I were on the elevator here and when the woman who was riding with us got off I said, "That lady smells like VBS." It was a distinctive cologne that I had not smelled in such a long time... the scent of a pretty young Baptist lady in a summer dress so many years ago.

I think the padre has had a great deal of respect for the Dr. and is having a difficult time believing that he could have been wrong about him. I think that he's basically a good man accustomed to dealing with good people... just a bit dim. Nevertheless, he's my Mr. Inappropriate for last night.

I'm always on the alert for irony and last night I picked up on some possible bad news for our little Andres. He said that he probably wouldn't get to attend Regina's and Tony's wedding because of his treatment schedule. Regina's mom said not to worry, there will not be a wedding until Andres is able to attend. Since we already are not expecting this wedding to happen...

I know that Matilde is being a pill right now... but I promise, you will all love her before this is all over with.


Love you got right into the new stuff - last night was soooo frustrating.

My Mr. I has to go to the Padre-he's been lame up to this point, and though I had a glimmer of hope he would start acting like a good TN padre, he pulled the wishy-washy again with the Doc. If he buys into that whole baloney about Karina being unstable, he needs to find a new vocation. (And Doc needs now to prepare for the hot days in hell he's going to spend for weaving that disgusting excuse. )

Jeers was his usual stupidly confused self. Even Carlos is losing patience, which is a good thing since he is one of our few voices of reason. Looking at the necklace and flash-backing to Nata wearing an R necklace - why were no cylinders of doubt firing there. He just gets madder? Carlos needs to slap him silly.

I know our dear Carlos finds Mati endearing, but her whole gloating in glee at Nata's unhappiness and the fighting - -my last nerve was severed last night. And what the heck does she do all day now? If she had been the daughter of the hacienda owner I'd say she was a spoiled little rich girl the way she acts. Something needs to happen to get her to grow up!

So if Matias spills to Gonzo that Roberta said Jeers is the baby-daddy - what will Fina do? I normally don't like her scenes - but a few blood vessels bursting might be fun.

Thank you Jules!

Ayyyy! Gonzo, Gonzo, Gonzo! I'm with you, Sylvia, Gonzo's perceptions are soo deeply distorted by that witch he's married to, he's now trying to enlist his own son to join him in the delusional world of being Fina's puppet!! Maddening! As is Jerko, and the stoopid Priest and Matilde!!

And Oh. My. Gawd!!! How long is poor Renata going to suffer and when is she going to learn to stop clinging to the hope that her "mother" will throw her some crumbs of affection. Having suffered at Fina's hands all her life, if Jerko doesn't come clean I can see her getting the hell out of there with pride being no issue at all.

Fina must die!!! Let her REALLY get a brain tumor, that will be good enough for her!


Hi, Amy. I reported on an earlier (temporary) post that the Gold Cup is causing changes in the schedule. Here in Eastern time CME comes on at 5:30 p.m. On Despierta America they reported 10:00 p.m. Central and 9:00 p.m. Pacific so I would definitely check my local listing!


¡Hola! Valeena(temporarily)from NC here. I haven't been able to watch any TN's for awhile, since Tontas, life in general just got in the way. I'll tell more about myself in the coming posts.

I am glad to be following Cuando. though. You recappers are making it easier for me to learn Spanish. You are all too funny!

Thank you Amy for bringing the time change to my attention as well.

This thought has been mulling around my head for awhile: Since we know that Rafael is the father of Roberta's child and 'Jerko' (I love it) is the half brother, would a DNA test show anything after the baby is born? This COULD connect Jerko as the father, but we know better. Is there enough DNA in 'halvsies'?---I have given this wayyy to much thought. LOL


I don't think there's any way Jero would be a DNA match. I also am not sure why Roberta's claiming he's the dad. Surely she knows she can't get away with that forever, so I think she's just trying to hurt Renata. But if she were just looking for money or pity, telling the truth about Rafa would make a lot more sense. She might get part of Rafa's estate, everyone would feel sorry for her nearly-widow state, etc.

Valeena, in a word... no. DNA testing would show that the baby's father and Jerry have the same mother.


Gracias Lila for the heads up about the schedule change. I'll go change my VCR setting.

Arely is intriguing. On the one hand she makes assumptions that Augustin is more into her than he really is -- taking those earrings off the table & assuming they were hers when he never gave them to her for example. On the other hand she has a very keen intuition about the real object of his affection. I hope she's not going to cause too much trouble for Renata. Arely said to herself that the invitation to dinner is an example of keeping one's enemies close. Guess that tells us what she really thinks of Renata.

I also am afraid for little Andres. That remark about the wedding not happening until he could attend sounded like the clank of an anvil being lifted over his head.

The interplay between Carlos & Mathilde is cute. She's really a pill all right -- but her bet that even if R & J go off holding hands they'll come back fighting -- and the poke at Carlos -- was cute.

For those who could not get home by 5:30 to watch tonight's episode, here are the links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Thanks, Vivi! Darn it! got a phone call and missed the last fifteen minutes so I really appreciate the links!


Thanx for the DNA answers. I didn't think so. I had done some study on DNA years ago in school, but then this is TN Land so who knows.--I forgot to thank Lila for her earlier episode time change-Kudos to Lila- Huzzah! I just got dinner on the table on time.


You're welcome, Valeena, and welcome to this community -- tonight's cap will be another treat!


Well they showed us the whole hour starting at 4:30PM. Odd time, but at least they didn't cut anything.


Durn, we missed tonight's show. No idea it was going to be on early. Thanks, Vivi for the links.

Thanks, Jules for the recap. The more snark the better, in my opinion. You got some good ones in, YAY!

I am so sorry but my dvdr did not record today's episode. Could someone give the highlites for everyone else please?
All I got to see was Nata arguing again with AntiHero about what it is that made him change his atitude toward her and then she asks Carlos about it.

martaivette- I'll do a quick recap.

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