Friday, June 24, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #47 Friday 6/24/11 Mat claims to be a Dad, Doc finds a way to be even more bad, and Renata wants to get scantily clad.

Happy Friday, all! This was a pretty standard episode - lots of discussions and set-ups for things to come. A few good moments but also a few nauseating ones. Let's get down to business.

Back in the hospital, Roberta is on the cusp of revealing who the father of her baby is until Matias interrupts to claim the little critter is his spawn. Fina grins like the cat that ate the canary; she couldn't have planned it better. Fina and Gonzo give Berta and Mat some privacy.

Lazaro explains Karina's dire situation to Carlos. He agrees to allow Kari to stay at La Bonita for the night and will talk to Jero about it later. Laz appreciates it and swears on his life that Kari is a respectable woman. If Jero has a problem with it, Laz will take full responsibility.

Berta asks Mat why he did it. Mat says that the baby deserves a father. Even though it won't share his blood, he will still be a good father for it. Berta lays on the tears. She's sure Matias would be as good a father for her baby as Gonzo was with her. (Poor Mat. Those are some misguided footprints he has to follow in.) Mat says that Jero should never know that the baby is actually his. Berta guesses that Mat just wants to spare Renata the shame of knowing what a skunk Jero is. Mat promises that being a father for her baby will be no sacrifice for him. Berta loves Mat so0o0o0 much for taking the plunge for her, even though he'll only ever love Nata. Boo-hoo.

Daniel asks Adriana why she can't seem to concentrate. She admits to trying to start up a relationship with Matias but he hasn't called her back to update her on Berta's condition. Danny hangs his head like the loser he kinda is.

Gonzo and Matias have a father-son talk in the car. A baby changes your life forever, blah, blah, blah. Mat has no idea if he and Berta are going to live together or how they are going to handle the kid. Mat would rather live in his own apartment and let Berta stay in the casa. Berta knows that Mat doesn't love her, she doesn't need him on that front.

Berta congratulates Fina on her idea to tell Mat that the baby was Jero's. (Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Someone commented the other day that this idea had to have been Fina's. Virtual high-five!) Fina gloats about how famously their plan is going: Berta played the victim and now Mat has stepped up to be a fake daddy. Mat has the same protective streak as his father. Now comes the next phase: Fina is going to convince Gonzo to obligate Matias into marrying Berta. They share an evil cackle together.

Over at La Bonita, Jero has a hissy fit because Renata had the nerve to enjoy herself at Augie's party. How dare she. Carlos tells Jero about Augie kicking Kari out. Jero has no problem with Kari staying as long as she likes, he just wishes Nata could see what a nasty side Augie has. Carlos tells Jero to cut the crap out of his relationship with Nata. "Rafa is dead and you are alive. If you love her, you have to forget the past!" Jero snaps that all he needs to do is stop falling for Nata's charms.

Alfonsina, Matilde, and Lazaro pay Karina a visit. Alfi tells Kari that Augie has forced her to kick her (Kari) out of the house. Not to worry, though, since Jero has agreed to let her live at La Bonita for as long as she wants. Kari doesn't want to accept the offer but Lazaro convinces her. "We don't want to see you suffer. We love you and want to see you happy." Aww. He is by far a better galan than Jero. Alfi flashes back to her roll in the dirt with the doctor and feels guilty when Karina calls her the bestest amiga she could ever have.

Gonzo drops in on Honoro and Constanza. Yep, Mat's the baby-daddy. Gonzo's enthusiasm is LOL-worthy as he bops around excitedly. Before he leaves, Gonzo mentions something business related that Hon and Blanca need to take care of before they leave for the trip. This little development riles Coni; she had no idea that Hon was spending the business trip with Blanca. Hon teases her for being jealous.

Regina cries to the Virgin to help her find her daughter. You know, in case we forgot. FFWD

Augie and Nata wrap up their mariachi party without noticing Arely shooting daggers at them. She pounces on Nata for staying behind when Jero left but backtracks when Nata questions her. Arely agrees to be amgias with Nata but the look on her face says otherwise.

Lazaro tells Kari that he has finally gotten a room cleaned up for her. She feels bad for having to take his room but Laz considers it an honor. Kari thanks Laz and Mati for being such wonderful friends.

Selene congratulates Berta on her villainy. After all, it is at least a little true that Jero is related to the baby since it's his nephew. Selene gripes that Constanza is going on a trip with Chema but it does provide Sele with a chance to enact an evil plan of her own. This is the perfect opportunity for Sele to squash Coni and have Chema all for herself. Berta giggles and agrees to help out. She'd love for her Tio to find out that Coni is a slut. FFWD

Matias visits Adriana to give her the bad news: he is the father of Berta's baby. He understands that she's hurt and does not want to give up on a relationship with Adri. He leaves the decision up to her.

Fina hears from her lawyer on the phone. He offers to help her with whatever she needs pertaining to her illness.

Regina meets Gonzo at a lovely restaurant. She only agreed to come because he had something important to tell her. Gonzo had to put off the divorce because of Fina's health. Regi thinks destiny has drawn them apart. Gonzo still feels so strongly for Regi. He stands and kisses Regi as their theme song crescendos.

After the commercial break, Gonzo and Regi pull away. Regi wanted to kiss Gonzo just as badly as he did her but it has to be the first and the last kiss between them. Regi has been so closed off for so many years and now that she's opened her heart, it's too late. Gonzo takes heart in the fact that Regi feels the same way he does and says it will give him strength to continue on. Regi loves how honorable and honest Gonzo is, which is exactly why she wants to stay out of his life. Gonzo wishes Regi the best in her marriage to Antonio. Regi cries.

Meanwhile, Antonio tells Doña Cata that he is going to be in a bullfight in honor of Regina. Cata is over the moon, especially since Tony hasn't been a bullfighter for so many years. Tony says that Regi's love has given him a new appreciation for life.

Gonzo asks Regi not to tell anyone that Fina has one foot in the grave. If it were not for that, Gonzo would be with Regi in a heartbeat. Regi avoids answering her cell phone because no one knows she left to see Gonzo. They each enjoy a glass of wine as Regi silently wonders what she is doing with her life.

Augie walks Nata home and invites her back to Cruz de Amor. He would love it if Nata would help him design the logo for the new wine he is producing. Of course Nata wants to help. Nata arrives home to the image of Jero tapping his foot in the hallway. Nata barely acknowledges him as she goes off to bed. "Did you know that Augie kicked out one of your amigas who works for him?" Jero asks. Nata assumes Augie must have had a reason but Jero says Augie is an ass.

Nata is tired of the pithing contest between Jero and Augie. Jero did nothing at the party except demonstrate his power and control over her and Nata is not having it. "I am not the property of anyone, Jero. Get that clear." She leaves to sleep in the guest room.

Dr. Rapeysnake (thanks to Emilia for that one :) cries into his tequila over Karina. Meanwhile, Kari sits near a fountain as Lazaro strolls over to join her. Juan Luis Guerra plays as Laz asks Kari if she was ever in love with him. Kari says yes, she was very much in love. Laz asks why she left him and Kari flashes back to her father's deathbed in which he asked her to marry the doctor because of what he could offer her. Kari never answers Laz's question but Laz agrees to respect Kari as a married woman. But Laz does appreciate how beautiful Kari looks in the moonlight. They look into each others eyes and almost kiss. Laz watches Kari walk back into the casa and knows she will be in his dreams. D'aww.

Alfonsina cries during dinner about how awful the doctor is. Speak of the diablo, the doctor stumbles into the house to find Karina. He's upset that Alfi and Zeke believed Kari's lies. Zeke says it was obvious that Kari did not lie and tells Doc to hit the road.

Gonzo sits in his study, unable to get Regi's kiss off his mind. Regi gets home and placates Cata by promising to call Tony the next morning. Regi, too, can't stop thinking about that kiss.

Alone in his bedroom, Jero fiddles with his wedding ring as another song by Manuel Carrasco plays. "How I want to forget reason and thought and be able to feel. To be able to feel without thinking. And to love you."

The next morning, Nata warmly greets Karina and the two of them get on well. Nata asks Mati to prepare a spare room for Kari so Laz won't have to give up his bed. Kari and Laz thank Jero.

Alfonsina tears Doctor Drunkard up and down for mistreating Karina. She hates herself for allowing anything to happen between them. "You'll never be able to erase it from your mind. If you don't continue to please me, the entire town will find out about us." Doc says. *puke*
Doc claims the town will forgive him since he's a man and everyone will hate Alfi. Plus, it would be a shame for Panchito to know that his mother is a whore. Alfi tries to give Doc a good slap but he catches her arm and grabs her face. He threatens her some more but Alfi manages to throw him off and run away. Yuck, yuck, YUCK.

Nata tells Jero that she's going down to the beach for awhile. Jero tells Nata she can't go. Psh, yeah right, says Nata. If Jero wants, she will go ask Augie to borrow his car. Carlos offers to take her but Nata does not need a chauffeur. Jero relents and agrees to go with Nata.

In the car, Nata gazes out the window while Jero gazes at her gams. She catches his eye and slips over onto his lap as Jero drives. He pulls the car over at lightning speed. Ooh-la-la.

Avances: Nata and Jero frolic on the beach. Jero rejects Nata and she swears that Jero will never humiliate her again. Later, it seems as though Nata is missing.

ansiedad - anxiety
exigir - to require, to need, to ask for (Mat about Berta)
encubrir - to conceal (Doc to Alfi/Zeke)
aborrecer - to abhor, to hate (Alfi to Doc)
borrar - to delete/erase (Doc to Alfi)
complacer - to indulge/please (Doc to Alfi)
Entre la espada y la pared - Between a rock and a hard place (Alfi to Doc)


Oh my, I haven't watched this episode yet but I couldn't resist peeking at your recap and I saw the screen shot! How tantalizing. I guess I'd better watch the episode to see how it all unfolds.

Brilliant recap, many thanks, Flordeazul. I have come back to town for the weekend to save a bit of money and to spend a few days with dear Willa. I will be leaving at the crack of dawn on Monday morning to get up to the Great National Sand Dune and the hot springs north in Colorado's San Luis Valley. SO, Audrey, I would be very appreciative if you will once again write the Monday recap. You did such a stellar job last Monday. I loved all the recaps so I could catch up on this week's activities and maddening developments. Renata, Regina, Gonzo, Matias, Lazaro get more and more noble in my opinion. I agree that Jerko is not so realistic and Carlos is slowly warming to the role of Renata supporter. Mati is bratty but at least helps Cari in a generous way, saying they are poor but they share all they have with people they care for. Dr. Doom and Miss Muddypants are too much, almost comic relief but there is no relief from his violent rapeysnake (thanks Emilia) ways. oh my, oh my. I think it is time for me to go back to the mountains for more contemplation and more photo making, and hot springs soaking therapy. The milky way is very apparent so far out in the wilderness areas and the smoke isn't so bad this week. I'll be back for the Monday posting on July 1 and playing in the Kazoo band for the 4th of July parade. Good night dear CarayCaray village...

Amy, true there were not many bombs dropped tonight but there sure were a lot of set-ups. Unfortunately the nauseating moments were the absolute worst. And I do mean Doctor Rapey Snake. I got so mad at him when he grabbed Alfonsina's face. Creep! I'm very glad his plot to force Cari out of Alfonsina's house failed miserably. He practically drove her directly into her beloved Lazaro's arms, heh heh.

Lazaro and Cari were my favorite scene tonight. Y'all know the one I mean, sigh.

I'm glad that Gonzo and Regina kissed. It will give him food for thought while he waits forever for Fina to die.

Cheryl, I'm so glad you stopped by to tell us about your adventures. Gazing up at the milky way sounds amazing.

Amy, thanks again for your most excellent recap and great vocabulary. I think this might have been my favorite line: "Regina cries to the Virgin to help her find her daughter. You know, in case we forgot. FFWD" I think we could actually use that for our standard Regina praying scenes.

Of course Sylvia...yep, you and I loved the same "you know in case we forget" quip. I agree. Make it standard the way Melinama once did for "his lines, her lines" in FELS.

Trying to remember when the term "Rapeysnake" started. Didn't Julia use it in her Llena de Amor recaps for our old buddy Mauricio? Glad it made a comeback.

My other favorite line, Amy, was {Roberta and Fina} "share an evil cackle together". I really have trouble watching those two. They're doing an excellent job of being evil and repellent...but oh so hard to watch!

And as much as Jeronimo's sulking and rejection upset me, LOVE LOVE LOVE how Renata gets right up in his face and throws it right back. Not sure any other actress could do it as well as Silvia Navarro. And also LOVED her jumping his bones in the car, though alas, from a safe driving point of view that was a big no-no.

His leg distraction brought back a funny memory. Years ago, an older aerobics instructor in New Mexico asked me to pick up her husband who was passing through Columbus on a cross-country biking trip. I was happy to do so,to bring him to the house for a meal with our family and an overnight stay in a real bed etc. Imagined him as a typical middle-aged guy, maybe a little balding etc., like my dear husband.

Instead, who climbed into my car but a Greek god!!!! A tumble of curls like David Bisbal, tanned muscular legs in itty bitty shorts, the hair turned golden by the was I?

Suffice it to say, not being the best driver anyway, I was dangerously distracted by those golden thighs. I credit my guardian angel for getting us both back home safely.

Thanks Jeronimo for bringing back that hysterical memory!

And thank you Amy for that nice tongue-in-cheek recap and excellent vocabulary and dicho.

Oh and Amy...forgot to thank you for "pithing contest" also. Another great Llena tradition to continue in one form or another.

Amy- I loved the recap. You really set us up well for what looks like a bunch of falling anvils next week. All I could think while Berta and Fina cackled was "poor Matias." He's toast with these two plotting against him.

Hon and Con have two malicious women (Sele and Blanca) plotting against them, and two clueless boys helping it along (Daniel and Chema).

I think Adri has reached her limit with the complications in Matias' life, and Nata has for sure reached her limit with Jero's mood swings and controlling behavior. I LOVED all her sassy backtalk to Jero last night. You go Renata!

Jero did make me laugh with that lascivious look on his face as he checked out Nata's gams. I'm not sure how he thinks this plan to make Nata suffer is going to work out when it's he who is yearning and suffering the most. He's a tangled mess of emotions and impulses:
1) He hates her and wants to punish her because he thinks she's the heartless harpy that rejected his bro.
2)He loves her because, well, because she's Renata. And what man wouldn't fall in love with a cool, fun chick like that?
3) He is super attracted to her and knows if he makes love to her he'll just fall in love with her more.
4) He's extremely jealous and possessive of her regarding other men.

Something's gotta give.

I also loved that scene with Cari and Laz. At least now we know why she chose the doc over Laz long ago. Father’s dying wish.

Judy- That is a hilarious story! Yes, we women are just as affected by a nice physique as men are. We just know how to hide it better.

Happy weekend all! Great way to start relaxing with your wonderful recap. The title had me chuckling right away.

Like everyone, just had the worst time dealing with 'ole beady eyes.If thae cat hadn't been curled on my lap, tirades and pillows would have been ensuing across my living room. Now he's blackmailing Alfi - please tell me we don't have to deal with that disgusting plot line. Augie needs to just wipe him off the face of the earth. Even viewerville will cheer that murder.

But do love that Laz and Kari - one of the twosomes that are so sweetly dealing with their love, even if it's the older folks. That almost kiss in the moonlight - wonderfully played.
And then Gonzo and Regi - didn't see that whole scene and kiss coming. But it will serve that they had that moment to admit how they really feel and she understands what he's dealing with. Hope springs eternal for our lovers - and viewerville.

Bullfighting... Wouldn't win this girls heart in the least as I hate it. I guess this is a major biggie for Toni to do for Regi - or is this a setup for a potential something to go wrong (delaying wedding even more). I'll be fine with the second scenario. Sorry, still don't like the guy.

Nata - what a little skamp. Getting in Jeers faceat home and than that car scene. That must have been hysterical to shoot - that man is such toast and Silvia is a master at playing a strong, feisty woman role. If the previews hold true, I could see her giving Jeers the heave-ho and taking off - Monday might be fun.

And Judy, can I just say your tale of the Adonis almost had me blurting coffee across the laptop. We thank your guardian angel as well, and thanks for sharing! I will be chuckling over that image all day.

Judy, you totally crack me up sometimes. I can totally relate with your Greek god story. Not that anything like that has ever happened to me, but I can relate.

I wonder if Tony will somehow become injured during his bullfight so Regina will feel even more obligated to be by his side? That would serve Gonzo right and maybe show him how silly that sort of thing is.

However, to Gonzo's credit, many times when a woman becomes terminally ill her partner becomes scarce because he "can't deal with it". At least Gonzo is the type of man who feels it is appropriate to stand by his mujer, even though it is Fina. In my book he gets bonus points for this.

Good point about Silvia Navarro being the sort of character who can stand up to Jero without coming across like a shrew or harpy. Maybe what keeps the viewers on an even keel is her ability to give it right back to Jero. He sure looked upset at her disappearance. Good!

Amy, I forgot to give you kudos for your great title in addition to everything else. Nicely done.

Yep, I'm on for Monday! You don't want to miss this episode!


Thanks, Flores~~~I haven't been watching this show, but I've caught bits and pieces of it and noticed several familiar faces. Is the girl the doctor is harrassing the buxom maid from MEPS ? Also, the doctor looks familiar , but I can't figure out where I've seen him before. Maybe I'll start watching .

Amy, thanks so much for this. GREAT recap.

I suspect Tony is going to get gored. What's the point of having a bullfight if it doesn't lead to dramatic medical scenes and reevaluating one's priorities?

Regina drives me nuts. I want to like her; I know she's a good person and she's suffered, but the breathy woe-is-me way she talks makes me want to scream. In the restaurant scene, Gonzo was talking the same way! So I didn't hear anything they were saying, and I appreciate the recap of that information.

Go Renata! I love that she's not having Jero's crap. "I'm going to my room, oh, excuse me, the GUEST room." I was a little worried she had suddenly turned suicidal in that last scene. Holy dangerous. I thought they were going over the bank.

Boy, I agree, Honorio’s modismo in Thursday’s episode: “Enamorarse es amar las coincidencias, y amar es enamorarse las diferencias” is a tough one.

But FWIW, here’s my take:: Falling in love is being enthralled with the things that we often tend to think go along with love (las coincidencias), such as goose pimples when you see her or him, the longing, pining to be with that person, et cetera, et cetera. Whereas, to truly love is to love (for las differencias) for things much different and more important like character, respect, kindness, et cetera.

Otro tema: Though, I must be in the minority, because no one has agreed with me, I still think the writers should have Renata wondering and concerned if the Rafael she knew could be Jero’s brother. That’s because Jero is constantly insinuating, hinting, implying that she is “La Bonita.” If he weren’t doing that, then no way should she connect dots.

But Jero if not directly, is subtly accusing her of being "that woman," so the writers should have her pondering and asking more questions.

A third thought: IMO, thus far, the most poignant romance of the three main ones (Jero and Renata, Laz and Kari; and Regina and Gonzo), is the latter. I found that scene and first kiss in the restaurant most moving. I was impressed with their acting. Hope, hope, we don’t have to wait until chapter 1,000 for them to get together.


Marvelous Amy. What a great recap and a nifty title... as Jerry still insists on being a cad...

Welcome Susanlynn. The Dr. is harassing the gorgeous Alfonsina, whom you might remember as Gardenia from MEPS. In this show, the perky and petulant Matilde has assumed virtually the same role that Gardenia played... the pretty local lass who claims first dibs on the galan. In this case, I'm not sure many would mind if she hauled him off... I think most would say good riddance to both.

I think it was Güera who thought Fina might have come up with pinning fatherhood on Jerry. Good call... I thought for sure it was Roberta's brainchild.

Dr. Rapey-Snake gets my vote for Mr. I. for pretty much every move he made last night. I'm going to be very disappointed in Alfi if she caves to his extortion. He also was Dr. Dumb for getting Kari transferred to Lazaro's bedroom... good job doc.


Isn't Antonio just a little bit too "old" to be actively bullfighting? He doesn't seem to me to have very quick moves or responses. It certainly sounds like a set up to being gored or injured in some way.

Sad that Gonzo is going to have to die before Fina ever does! Such a noble (but stupid) gesture on his part to stay at her side.

Poor Adri. What a choice? Does she want to pursue a relationship with Matias even though he will have Roberta, the albatross hanging around his neck, and be raising her son as his own? Gee.

Can't wait for the next episode. Thanks for the awesome recap.

I didn't mean to take credit for 'Rapeysnake'. That was Julia's in Llena, but works pretty well here. So, Yay, Julia!!

Great recap. Thanks also for the vocab. I need all of that I can get.

I think Kari looks like the actress who played Suellen Ewing on Dallas way back when. She and Lazaro are so sweet together.

I'm loving Mati. Yes, she needs a spanking but she is so cute. Let's hope she warms up to Renata soon.

Good call Emilia. She does look like Linda Gray:

When I was little, my parents would sometimes let me stay up and watch Dallas with them. Being as we had just come to this country, it was quite an education on American values for us! :)

This is now the second novela I've seen Silvia N. in (given that it's her 2nd Televisa novela), and am just as impressed with her here as I was in MEPS. Jarocha has confirmed that she is known as a great actress and was Azteca's star. She told me of the continued snubbing of SN at Televisa and the fact that they haven't given her the best novelas/roles like they did at Azteca. However, given what we've seen come out of Televisa lately, I don't see what other choices there could be. Why steal the best star from your rival to then not treat her well?

In both of the roles I've seen Silvia in, it could have gone another way. The heorine could have easily fallen into stupid, crying, victim mode. So is it the actress or the way the writers have written the role that make both Fernanda in MEPS and Nata come across as strong, intelligent, fun women? Women in difficult circumstances, in pain, and who can have a good cry, but never seem pathetic or whiny like many of our other heroines.

By the way, if Ozomatli ever comes to play in your town, see them! They gave an awesome show at the Kennedy Center last night, leading the whole audience to flout the Kennedy Center rule of staying in your seats. Plus, you can work on your Spanish skills as most of their songs are in Spanish or Spanglish.

Vivi, I'm so jealous that you saw Ozomatli last night. They put on the best concerts! No way could people have stayed in their seats, regardless of the rules.

I wondered the same thing about SN. Does she only take roles playing smart, strong women, or is it just coincidence that these are the only roles I've seen her in, or does she just make her characters that way? Can you imagine if she'd been hired to play the lead in FELS, for example? How different would that show have been?

Aren't Carlos2 and Mati supposed to go dancing one of these days? I'm looking forward to that. Maybe a night of fun will take some of the vinegar out of her.

That's it, Julia, vinegar! Perfect description of Mati's current state.

Vivi, so agree on SN. And I think a lot of the credit goes to her interpretation of the dialoguie and character. When she gets in Jeers face, it could have come off bitchy; when she's with Augie ir could have been done as "vampy". Instead, She just appears natural and no-nonsense. Amid the predictable over-the-top aspects of TN's, think she brings a rather down-to-earth realistic approach to her acting that is so wonderful to watch.

Being she isn't the typical eye-batting, overly dramatic, head-tilting (sorry Maite) type heroine, she probably doesn't get the attention. But her type of acting, making the character so believable and identificable, is much harder than emoting all over the place.I adore her.

Yep, count me in as in love with Sylvia Navarro too! I would watch anything she were in.

Oh - vinegar! Perfect for Matilde. I'll be stealing all these good ideas from our commenters.


Side note- Does anyone know where the Augustin actor is from? He sounds not-Mexican, Spanish maybe? Just want to see if I'm hearing an accent or crazy. I'd check wikipedia, but they'd just ruin it and make all the snarky speculation less fun.

(Whoops. Hit return too soon. Note above is from Kelly)

Kelly- Lisardo Guarinos is from Spain, so you are hearing an accent. He used his Spanish accent in Corazon Salvaje, much to the delight of the recappers and commenters who got to make fun of it often.

Lisardo Guarinos, the actor playing Augie, was born in Valencia, Spain; so you are not imagining the different accent. He was born in 1970, and is married to singer/ actress Lisset. I remember him the most from Rebelde and Palabra de Mujer. I think he's a good actor, too.

Yes, Kelly, Agustín is from Spain. I had looked it up early in the show because I noticed something definitely not Mexican in his speech pattern. It's not so much the accent, as he pronounces his consonants in the standard Mexican way. It's the monotone and "rolling off" - or into a much deeper voice at the end of the sentences that is the dead giveaway. Also the rapidity of the speech as he does it. All that is missing, really, are the c's or z's pronounced as "th". Well, there is also a very different set of everyday colloquial words that you would expect from someone from Spain.


Anyone remember WHERE Bianca and Honorio were going on their business trip to see the boat? I'm seeing seals which tells me pacific coast - other than that I have no idea.



Here is Lisardo's Moby picture site, where he and his wife post pics of themselves and their kids and friends:

Emilia, you get full credit for remembering "rapey snake" and for using it appropriately.

I love Ozomatli!!

Vivi, cool Moby link. It's fun seeing the stars look more natural. Even Jual Soler looked relaxed and younger.

Ozomatli fans: does anyone have a good translation of the lyrics of "Nadas Por Free"? There's a lot of slang in there I don't quite get, but I'm sure it's as hilarious as the parts I do understand.

Julia- If you do find a good translation to the lyrics, I would love to have them myself.

Thank you to all the Recappers! And to all the commenters too!!!
My greek god is Tony. Such acts of love. Even taking gifts to strangers in the hospital because 'I love this woman who loves you'. Those kinds of acts get me hot and ready.
But of course "telenovela obvious' hammers us with him being superfluous road kill while two inappropriate lovers overcome all odds and ride to inevitable true love.(?) By the way writers, what was the basis of Os first divorce? Maybe he and Roberta get around to that discussion after this second divorce eh?
Back to dear sweet Tony. Knowing he is dead man walking I was hoping for plot where he gets shot down by a stray bullet from Fina. You know, where Fina is aiming for Roberta? No? But a bullfight would be okay. Fullfilling telenovela rule about love ain't easy. ?

BonneyC- Do you mean Regina instead of Roberta (the daughter of Fina), and Gonzo instead of Os? That's what I'm supposing. So hard to keep all the R names and characters straight.

I don't know if we ever got a reason for Gonzo's divorce from his first wife. Not so sure we need one though. It happened so long ago. It served the purpose of letting Matias grow up in Spain where he would meet Jero, and NOT grow up in the same home as Renata and Roberta, where he would then think of them as sisters making any romance really weird.

Well, I still think the romance/snoozling is really weird, even if they're just his stepsisters and they didn't grow up together.

When Roberta was taken to the hospital and the doctor asked if Matias was her husband, he said "No, I'm her brother." I really wish that same doctor had been in the room when he claimed paternity. Hospital staff need hot gossip to keep them entertained.

Yes Vivi thanks. I did have the names screwed up.

It must be the strain of keeping my eyelids up. Cats away and this mouse feels like a nap. Everybody who is not out already on vacation seems to disappear after lunch.

Oh. Sorry. OT.

Julia- I so wanted that too! LOL! I would have loved to see the look on the doc's face. Primo gossip for sure. And yes, it is still weird, but even in real life I've heard many cases where the sinlge parents of adults who are romantically involved/married, also marry each other. But once again, they were never raised to think of each other as family before meeting as adults.

I know one married couple who were formerly stepsiblings. Her dad married his mom when they were teens. The parents' marriage didn't last but last I knew the younger ones were still together. I don't think they ever lived together while their parents were married and the only "sibling" time they had was a trip to Disneyland and maybe a holiday or two together.

That still seems a little awkward to me, especially considering the potential diceyness of getting the whole family together for big occasions...since his mom left his dad for her dad, whom he had actually dated in high school and never quite got over (until they eventually tried marriage), which was a factor in HER parents' divorce...

Just goes to show you, life can be as complicated as our telenovelas.

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