Saturday, June 18, 2011

Teresa Fri 6/17/11 #81 You Had Me at “Hola”

No Puede Ser (combo scenes): Teresa’s just dropped the D-bomb on Arturo and he can’t believe it. She assures him she’s capable of making it on her own. Her worth as a woman isn’t based on her marital status. If she’s forced to, she will begin anew. He didn’t appreciate her worth and doesn’t deserve her. Arturo’s begging her not to leave him like this. It’s all his doing she says. He’s the one who left her alone in Cuernavaca to sleep with another woman! She’s made her decision. He’s crying now and begging her PLEASE to reconsider. He asks her to understand he felt betrayed when she lied to him. She wonders why he didn’t speak to her about it then and there. No, he had to go running to Paloma! In his defense he says the pain was killing him so much that he couldn’t think. Oh, he’s just digging himself deeper cuz she counters by saying he alleviated the pain by consoling himself with Paloma! No matter what he says, there is no justification for what he’s done. Arturo says she can’t imagine the hell he went through imagining her in Mariano’s arms. She sticks to her lie that what happened between Mariano and her was long, long, before she hooked up with Arturo. Therefore, Arturo is the only unfaithful one. He was with another woman while he was married. He needs to accept the blame and not make this more difficult. He chases after her telling her he loves her. His betrayal demonstrated the opposite to her. She no longer believes him. He doesn’t want to lose her and although she says he’s already lost her, he won’t let her leave. He pulls her to him and kisses her and she surprisingly (or not) kisses him back.

Dr. Ledesma/Mariano’s office: Mariano tells Aida he’s happy to see her. She tells him she’s aware of what Arturo did and begins her harpy act, saying it’s all because of Teresa. Thankfully, he shushes her and tells her Arturo has relented and asked Mariano to return. She thinks he should have taken the opportunity to quit and dedicate himself to his clinics. He tells her that designing and implementing the pediatric ward is very important to him. Besides, he doesn’t like leaving things half finished (a medias). She points out their relationship is currently a medias. He clarifies he was referring to his profession and says he doesn’t like leaving projects unfinished. She thinks he’s very proud.

Casa Genoveva (channeling vintage Cher): Ruben is skeptical about Geno wanting to raise his child. Sure, she says, he no longer wants anything to do with Espe, right? Right, he’s already taking steps to send her to live in a province far, far away and give her what she needs for el bebé. Geno doesn’t think it wise to continue to deal with that woman and beside she’d like nothing more than to raise a child. She sees it as a second chance. Ruben can’t believe she’d actually do that. She feels that since she can no longer give him a child, he should consider the life she could give his child. He’d be able to see him without any problems. Mayra would never suspect. After all, Geno’s her best friend. He’s not convinced but looks like he’s gonna cave. He doesn’t think Espe will go for the idea. Geno keeps pushing, saying the child will have a sad life with Espe. Everyone has a price, the key is finding out what Espe’s price is.

Casa de la Barrera: They’re on the couch now. She pushes him away, telling him this is not the way to convince her. She tells him not to touch her again. He won’t let her leave because he loves her. She struggles with him asking if he thinks he can forcibly keep her there. They continue to struggle.

Casa Geno (combo scenes): Ruben again says he’s finished with Espe. Geno feels he needs to stop all contact with Espe because Mayra won’t stand for it if she finds he’s still involved with her. He could lose everything. His bebé is another matter. She can help so he can have him close by. Ruben thinks he can find a way but it has to be done carefully. The important thing now is Espe’s well being until the baby comes. When that time comes, Geno says, they can talk about how they can have the baby with them. Ruben now tells Geno he’s going to need some cash. He can’t get any more money from Mayra’s holdings to pay for Espe’s silence. She thinks about it for a nano-second then tells him she’ll help him, she’ll always be there to help him.

Casa de la Barrera: The struggle continues and Arturo is now yelling at her, telling her she can’t leave. Luisa looks on from the balcony. Teresa’s intent on proving she can leave with nothing more than what she has on, just as she did when she entered this house! (show of hands: who out there in Viewerville believes this?) She tearfully tells him the only thing she wanted from him was love, understanding, the support of a partner and she hasn’t had any of it. She turns toward the door and he tries to stop her again. This time she screams at him to stop (BASTA) and not to follow her or she swears she’ll call the police. She leaves. Oh goodness. Arturo starts to lose it and Luisa comes to him as he begins to sob. I cry.

Teresa’s at the gate of the house and I’m surprised to actually see her crying when no one’s around. (As Rhett once said, “Can it be? Has she finally grown a woman’s heart?”) She walks away, crying wondering why it is that she can’t be happy. Just then someone taps her on the shoulder and it’s…..Fito! Scares the bejesus out of her. He wonders if it’s her conscience that caused such a (semejante) jump (brinco). She can’t believe he’s had the nerve to show up here. He thanks her for her considerate suggestion that he hide out somewhere but that takes money (lana – slang). She doesn’t have any money. Plus, she’s angry with her husband right now and can’t ask him for money. He mocks her grief and knows she must have something she can give him – her ring, perhaps. She refuses to give that up. We hear Arturo call out to her.

Juana’s apt: She’s contemplating the two men in her life as someone knocks on her door. I laugh when we see Hector act uncharacteristically silly standing behind a floral arrangement. He tells her he delivered the flowers himself because they have much to talk about. He blurts out a kind of marriage proposal, asking Juana what she would think about getting married. He’s so nervous, it’s cute.

Teresa urges Fito to leave. He acts as though he’ll stay and she promises to give him something but he needs to leave ASAP. He agrees but warns her if she doesn’t come through, he’ll have a talk with Arturo. She pretends to give him directions as Arturo comes to the gate. Arturo asks about the stranger and she sarcastically asks if he’s going to attempt to control who she talks to. He just doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk to a stranger; he’s concerned for her. If he were truly worried, they wouldn’t have had a falling out. She turns to leave yet again and again he stops her, asking her not to leave. This is her home. If she doesn’t wish to see him, that’s fine but she needs to come inside.

Lurking outside, Fito calls Gemma and tells her what he heard is true and they need to suspend the business for a short while.

Inside, Teresa agrees to stay only to avoid worrying her parents or her godmother but she doesn’t want to see him. He agrees to leave but plans on doing everything possible to win her back because he loves her. He gently kisses her then leaves. She’s actually crying as she goes to the door to watch him leave. She appears to be puzzled by her feelings. Truthfully, so am I.

Vecindad: Cutberto asks Johnny about that “friend” who was willing to let him use his apt. Johnny went looking for him but he wasn’t in. Cutberto doesn’t think it would be a good idea to bring Pati to the vecindad. Johnny wonders. I yawn.

Juana’s apt: Juana agrees the flowers are beautiful and she’s only watering them so they won’t die. She still not speaking to him especially at this hour. It would be unseemly for them to be seen here together at this hour. (oh, please) She refuses his invitation to breakfast because she doesn’t step out with married men. She’s made it very clear that she will not see him until he’s divorced. He knows that but couldn’t help himself, he couldn’t stand being away from her and looking into those green eyes. He starts to break into “Ojos Verdes” but she stops him, asking him to leave before she kicks him out.

Outside, Johnny and Cutberto are still at it when Cutberto sees Hector leaving Juana’s. He’s sad and wonders what it will take to get over his Juanita. Johnny suggests they go over tomorrow’s plans to distract him.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa’s in the bedroom and talks to Arturo via Giant Teddy, saying she thought they would have lasted longer. She thought they’d travel, he’d introduce her to more important people and even though she’d never love him as she loves Mariano, she’d still love him in a different way forever. But he betrayed her! She throws aside Giant Teddy. Her phone rings. It’s Fito. He’s waiting for her outside. She tells him to get away from the house and she’ll be right down. She gets her first engagement ring from Arturo out of the nightstand (you know, the one that’s at the bottom of the ocean) and laments she wanted to keep that one for herself because it was her first piece of fine jewelry. She has a flashback of the moment Arturo gave it to her. Luisa walks in and Teresa hurriedly puts in on her finger. She tells Luisa she’s in a bad state. Luisa hopes they’ll be able to patch things up.

Casa Caceres (combo scenes) : Mayra demands to know where Ruben has been at this hour of the night. Or should she ask with whom? He pleads with her to trust him and swears he was working. Mayra just came from his office and he wasn’t there! He was at Geno’s, didn’t she call to tell her? Just then her phone rings and it’s Geno calling to tell her she had a real estate issue and asked Ruben to come help her etc, etc. Mayra thanks her and Ruben agrees she can’t trust him right away but he will continue to work on earning her trust.

Hunk Haüs: Arturo’s arrived at Fernando’s telling him Teresa’s asked for a divorce. (Need I point out Fer is dressed only in pajama bottoms? Caramba!) Arturo acknowledges the grave error he committed but he also feels Paloma was the not person he thought she was. She’s the one who told Teresa about their Night of Passion.

Hospital: Espe tells Mariano that Ruben set up healthcare for her and BebéBigote. Mariano’s glad he’s taking responsibility but that doesn’t mean she should go back to him. He’s still a married man. Is Ruben planning to tell Mayra and Aida about the baby? She tells him Ruben wants to reconcile but he also cannot get a divorce and doesn’t want further problems with his daughter. She’s very confused. She loves him, he’s the father of her child and he’s offering all his support for their baby. Mariano adamantly feels that he should show his support by openly supporting this baby or is he planning to keep him in hiding as he did with Espe? He’s caused her so much damage already. He didn’t appreciate her before. Now it’s up to her to have him do so now or let him continue to trample (pisotear) on her dignity.

Hunk Haüs: (bummer, Fer has donned a t-shirt) Fer doesn’t think it’s important how Tersa found out. Arturo disagrees saying he never should have trusted Paloma again and Teresa warned him! She told him more than once Paloma was looking to come between them and that’s just what’s happened. Fer thinks what’s important here is whether or not Arturo truly loves Teresa. Arturo declares his undying love for her, saying he can’t envision his life without her. He will not grant her a divorce. He needs her by his side and do those things they planned together. He loves her and he’ll do whatever he has to in order to win her back. He just needs her to give him a chance.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere meets Fito outside and gives him the engagement ring. He’s not satisfied. He knows she has much more. She tells him to scat. This is not a good time for them, they’re estranged. He gives her his card in case she needs to get a hold of him, telling her she knows he can help her. She’s not interested. She wants him to disappear and she heads back to the house. Fito eyeballs the ring and says to himself Teresa’s not as bright as she seems because she has no idea what she’s just given him.

Inside, Teresa goes back to her room and Luisa’s still there. Tere picks up Giant Teddy and admits she misses him. Luisa hopes she’ll give him a chance. She doesn’t want to pressure her about Arturo so she decides to talk about Fer instead. She tells her of his invitation to return Cancún to relive the beginning of their romance. Teresa seems shocked to think Fer would still be interested in Luisa after what almost happened between them. She starts pumping Luisa for details, asking if they’ve become distant lately. Luisa says he’s been tired and working so much lately but she’s happy that he asked her to go to Cancún, just the two of them. She thought of inviting Art&Tere but he insisted they go alone. So romantic. After Luisa leaves, Tere tosses aside the Arturo Bear telling it to go sleep with Paloma. She reclines on the bed with Mariano Bear and kisses it.

Meanwhile, Fito is still lurking outside. Eyeing the ring she gave him, he says “Pride (soberbia)comes at such a high cost, Teresa.” He’s so sleazy.

Hunk Haüs: Fernando offers Arturo his place until Teresa and he work things out. Arturo reluctantly agrees.

Morning dawns at Casa de la Barrera: Aurora has come calling, thinking they had patched things up since she didn’t show up at her house as planned. No way, Teresa says, she can’t forgive his betrayal. Aurora asks again if Teresa is in love with Arturo and Teresa insists she is. Paloma’s dead, Aurora says. Teresa either has to fight for him or let him go, she needs to think very carefully what’s she’s about to do. Teresa hasn’t decided which decision is in her best interest. What does she mean by “best interest”? Aurora thought they were talking about her feelings of betrayal by the man she loves. What Teresa meant was that she’s not sure it would be best for her to forgive him, leaving open the possibility that he’ll do the same thing again. No, Aurora says, she had spoken with such vehemence that it scared her. Teresa tells her she’s the one who’s afraid. She never had the nerve to tell Mariano she loved him and now she’s settling for Martin. This bothers Aurora and she turns to leave. Teresa immediately apologizes saying she’s her friend and just wonders if things might have turned out differently with Mariano had she expressed her true feelings. Teresa wonders if Aurora is ready to close that chapter. She can’t go through life like this. She hopes what happened to Arturo and Paloma doesn’t happen to Aurora. Arturo married her and he hadn’t forgotten Paloma. Aurora leaves and Teresa calls her Miedosa! (fearful)

Grumpy Gramps House: The day’s arrived! It’s Pati’s 18th birthday and it’s the last day she’ll set eyes on Gramps. She gets a text from Johnny expressing his love and that he will liberate her. She dances around the room. Later, Grumps and Gris come to Pati’s room singing “Las Maňanitas”. He tells her as soon as she’s finished with classes today, they’re going to pack her off with her father. She’s surprised to hear her father’s coming.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo surprises Teresa by walking in while her back is turned, carrying a single rose. He tells her he didn’t want to send a floral arrangement or jewelry (she makes a face) but preferred to see her face to face and talk about the mistakes they’ve both made. She with Mariano and he with Paloma. She reminds him she wasn’t with him at the time she slept with Mariano. He agrees but he asks in the name of their love that they begin anew. He knows she’s hurt but also knows she loves him very much. If they both try, he knows they can be happy. She’s not sure, she’s very hurt. He knows but he also knows if they work together they can put this behind them. He’s not going to leave without fighting for her. She asks him to leave the bedroom and reminds him they agreed she would stay there and wouldn’t have to see him. He asks that she at least allow him to visit. It’s still hurtful to see him so she asks that he please leave. I’m sad for Arturo.

Dead Pati Walking: Gramps and Gris are walking on either side of Pati as though she’s on her way to the death chamber. Suddenly Cutberto jumps in front of them and the slapstick ensues. Gris beats on him with her trusty umbrella. Johnny grabs a cop and tells him there’s a scuffle (bronca) up the street. Cop arrives, Gris and Gramps are distracted, Pati flees and runs to Johnny.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana’s come by. She’s worried about Art&Tere. She’s aware Arturo slept elsewhere and that is very serious. Teresa says it is very serious but doesn’t want to go into detail in the event that they’re able to work it out.

Ruben’s office: Arturo mysteriously tells Ruben he’s sure this is what he wants to do. Ruben’s sorry to hear that and notes he doesn’t look well. Arturo hopes this will solve part of the problem. Ruben’s sure Arturo will find a way to convince Teresa to return to his side. Arturo thanks him and leaves as Aida enters the office and we discover what the mysterious transaction is. Arturo has given Ruben authorization over Paloma’s foundation. Apparently the foundation has caused a rift in the Barrera household. Aida’s pleased to hear about the rift.

Aurora’s home: Mariano’s come by to return a reference book. He notices Aurora seems preoccupied and she comes out with it. She asks if he ever thought of her as more than a friend. She wants to know if he ever realized that she had fallen in love with him. Ay, caray!

Vecindad: Gris has come in search of the elusive Pati

Aurora & Mariano: He seems surprised to learn of Aurora’s love for him. He’s surprised to learn she fell for him on that first day they ran into each other at the university. (He had her at “hola”). That’s why she went to France, because she loved him but he loved her BFF. The trip to France did nothing to change her feelings for him and when she returned Tere and he seemed so happy. When they broke up she waited and waited for him to come around but he didn’t. He thinks she’s a wonderful, beautiful woman but he did see her as Tere’s BFF and felt it would be impossible for their relationship to be anything more. She asks again if he ever thought of her as a “woman”. Of course he has but he was an idiot because he didn’t realize how much until she started dating Martin. For her part, she began dating Martin because she thought Mariano would never notice her. If he had just said something, anything when she started dating Martin. Then he started dating Aida and she just couldn’t go on. He comes near her but she pushes him away, saying she’s now decided to give it a go with Martin. There’s no more room in her heart for Mariano, at least not in that way. She needed to tell him how she felt and what she’s been keeping inside for years. She mentions having discussed it with Teresa and Menso Mariano right away wants to know what Teresa had to say. Aurora doesn’t skip a beat and points out that it’s always this way. He only cares about Teresa, Teresa, Teresa! He tries to apologize and she tells him that fortunately she’s discovered life goes on. She only hopes that someday he realizes the same thing. She leaves and Mariano is muy impactado.

Pati and Johnny: They’re picnicking and she’s grateful he has rescued her. He lights a candle on her cupcake to celebrate her birthday. She’s already had her birthday wish – her rescue – and now she just wants this: she kisses him. I gag.

Gris is still looking for Pati and finds her way to Refugio’s home. She frantically tells her about Pati, Gramps, and Johnny. Refugio offers her help but Gris is already out the door, calling Gramps on her cell. She runs into Juana who has nothing to say to her. Gris quickly tells her she’s looking for Cutberto because he’s run off with her charge. She rushes off when it appears that Juana can’t help her, leaving Juana to think Cutberto has kidnapped “una muchachita”.

Hospital: Dario is giving Mariano a good dose of “I told you so.” Magda chimes in as they both take turns telling him how obvious it was that Aurora was hot for him. Mariano agrees he is an imbécil, not being able to stop thinking of Aurora as Tere’s BFF. Now he’s all confused. He doesn’t know why Aurora didn’t tell him sooner. Magda goes into a long speech about how women are like that, not wanting to risk rejection and preferring to suffer in silence.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere is yelling at the butler about dry cleaning (tintoteria). Clearly, tiburoncita is taking out her frustration on the hired help. This is when Aida comes to visit.

Hospital: Magda abruptly leaves and Mariano and Dario look at each other like, “whaaaat?” Dario clarifies that Magda is another one of his victims. Mariano thinks that’s silly then wonders aloud again about why Aurora didn’t tell him sooner. Dario knows why Mariano hadn’t figured out why Martin was so jealous -- his head was filled with all matters Teresa. That’s why he’s told him to get moving (pongas las pilas) with Aida so that the same thing doesn’t happen again. Mariano is left alone and has flashbacks of the many times Aurora gave him clues about her true feelings toward him. True to her name, she has awakened in Mariano a new dawn. I sigh.

Please TN gods, hear my plea and let Mariano end up with Aurora. Amen.


Ay yi yi, he had me at "hola" too.

Thanks for the terrific recap! Johnny and Pati may be boring (nay, they are DEFINITELY boring), but your recapping of them is entertaining. "I yawn." "I gag." I think you speak for most of us.

Geno and Ruben are so gross. I can't wait for them to be discovered. What was with that hideous beast-hide Geno was wearing at the beginning? Didn't anyone ever tell her wolves are supposed to wear sheep's clothing?

So glad Mariano finally has a clue how Aurora feels and how he feels about her...but the previews made me scream at him again. Stop drinking the poison, Mar.

Fito's right; Terror is not as smart as she thinks she is. Why is she giving in to the blackmail? It's never going to end. The only evidence he has against her is the note; which she could either try to steal back or claim was forged...and he isn't even going to bring it up unless he's caught anyway, since he'd incriminate himself. And why give him an engagement ring which is probably identifiable? Why not some of the other jewelry she bought in her mad shopping spree after the honeymoon was cut short. Yeah, that ring is going to come back to bite her.

What a fun Saturday morning to relax with coffee and your wonderful recap. I'm with Julia, I could even stomach reliving the Johnny crap (Way too much of that plot line last night. I'll add Blech! to the Gag! Only purpose - get Cutberto in trouble and drive a wedge between him and Juana.

To the good stuff - I too was rather surprised at Terror's reaction of Art's leaving and her leaving (Theme of the evening with everyone). Was she just stunned that he really would have slept with Pal or crying that her plans were not going as she had worked out? Still not sure...but was interesting the way she hugged that big bear at first. Methinks just maybe Art's becoming more than a means to an end with her and maybe she doesn't even realize ( ala Mariano with Aurora?).

Note: whoever decided to put Fer into the tee - WTH? Throw us gals a bone once in awhile...

Poor Mari is rather clueless, but rather endearing at the same time. I'm hoping that now that his brain is registering on all cylinders, he won't fall for Tere's tricks anymore. She can't resists still trying, and I think a lot of her moving in for the kill on Mari in the previews is because of Aurora. ( such a good BFF she is). Has to prove that Mari wants her best - she's been that way with all the men.

Aurora was just heartbreaking.I hate these "I'm settling" plot lines, but in this case saying she's moving on with Martin was the anvil Mariano needed. I've lighted a candle to the TN gods myself for those two.How about the blond doctor for Martin?

To me the previews looked more like Mar was standing pretty still and not necessarily caving easily to Tere - I'll add my wishes that he blows her off.

Have a wonderful weekend all - one son coming back from a week's vacation today. Let the laundry begin!

Julia, you beat me to the comment about the ring. I hope it does come back to bite her where it hurts.

One thing that will hurt more is Arturo giving Ruben authority over the foundation. He will bleed it dry before she can.

If you mean the class schedule I am wondering why it's handwritten vs generated on a computer.

To the writers: Por favor, put a stake in the Pati and Johnny story and bury it at a crossroads.

Genoveva wanting Esperanza's baby is beyond gross; it's cruel and the height of arrogance. Ruben attempting to force Esperanza to move is equally so. What a couple of vampires.

On another note regarding madres solteras: When Televisa did Los Reyes de la Pista a few years ago Adal Ramones mentioned that Mexico had the shameful distinction of having the highest national percentage of unmarried mothers in Latin America and that many of the ones under 18 were impregnated by men over 21. Which came first -- the real thing or the novela characters? I swear if I see another unwed mother storyline where she declines to inform the sperm donor I will scream.

Paquita, thanks for a chockfull recap. I too am wondering if Teresa has finally "grown a heart" toward Arturo. She definitely liked having him to herself. Now that Paloma's dead there's no way for her to know for sure that he would've always chosen her over Paloma. Interesting to see what he'll do to prove his love.

Espe is the one I'm queasy about. It seems Johnny's dumbness with Fito is going to somehow spill over and jeopardize Espe keeping her baby.

Arturo is supposed to be brilliant, but he trusts all the wrong people. Ruben with authority over the foundation, really? That's why I like Aeeeeeda. She's no dummie when it comes to knowing who's full of crap.

Fito caught Teresa at a weak moment. I'm thinking that ring will turn up somewhere where Arturo will see it. Surely, when she collects herself, Teresa will realize she's got to put a stop to Fito once and for all.

I like Aurora, but she's been too sensible lately. Teresa's calling out her fear was just what she needed to be straight with Mariano.

Thank you for your recap, Pacquita, the Spanish CC on my TV was terrible (it kept erasing the newest lines, keeping the older lines up) I missed a lot of the dialogue.

I can't imagine that Fito knows about her faking losing the engagement ring...
We have had the "why does she need to pay Fito" conversation a few times. Does he have anything on her that would land her in jail? Probably not-but this is TN world.
The most damaging thing is that her actions (referring Fito to Paulo, giving the class scedule) started Paolo's involvement with Fito, if all this were known it would remove from many persons mind any idea that Tere is a sweet, nice person. Paolo on his death bed named her saying she did it...if this gets put together with Fito's having sold him his overdose could given Geno, Aida, and Rube ammunition to have her removed from the foundation, etc.

Espe needs to get out of town, fast, and stay there. She is in danger from that clan.

Great. Now Ruben can drain Paloma's money. I wonder how Tiburoncita will deal with that?

I don't think the foundation business was all Arturo did when he was with Ruben. Didn't Ruben say something about "don't give women all the power or all the money"? It sounded as if he was warning Arturo not to hand too much over to Teresa...

P.S. I'd like to see Martin and Luisa consoling each other -- they'd make a cute couple.

Frances, thanks for you quick, vocabulary filled recap. I really loved your, “channeling vintage Cher,” Yes, that “beast-hide” (Good on Julia!) was hideous! Great fun, fast work...thanks!

I wasn’t sure why Aurora told Mariano about her feelings if she plans to stay with Martin. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who harbor hidden affections for someone who is already taken, but if you don’t plan to act on it, what’s the point of having that embarrassing conversation and then flouncing off. I guess there is a novela point, dense Mariano has a clue, but now Aurora will feel so silly whenever she looks at Mariano. Teresa has three guys, Arturo, Fernando, Mariano and even Ruben has made a play and she got them with flirting. (and lying!) Aurora needs to develop a nice girl flirting style, that might work better for her. Poor Martin, he has given a lot to be clearly second choice. Blue Lass, Martin and Luisa, good idea!

The stupidest thing done in this novela yet is giving Ruben power over Paloma’s foundation. Didn’t Ruben’s accountant ask Arturo embezzling advice? Couldn’t Art have put 2 + 2 together? Oh my... Good point on Aeeeda, Niece, she wouldn’t have done that!

Geno’s hair is ruining my life! As I’m out in the humidity, I get this growing fear that my hair is getting bigger and bigger and looks like’s Geno’s!

Vivi, I’m sure you are too busy to check in today. You are so wonderful to have planned a great day for Jarocha, I’m sure you two are having a blast. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Fascinating website! Just discovering your site. Excellent translations of these shows that are hard for me to follow. Thank you for the translations of idiomatic expressions. Thank you for your work. There are some very creative and talented writers here. not being rude, but "Haus" does not have an umlaut over the "u". The singular is "Haus" and the plural would have the umlaut over the "a" with the ending -er added.

This is a very interesting story!

Awesome recap Frances. So now Mariano knows that Aurora is in love with him (was that a love theme for them at the end?) but alas once again he falls right into Teresa's clutches. Will Arturo find them together?

I'm beginning to suspect that Teresa is starting to have real feelings for Arturo. She was genuinely upset with him about sleeping with Paloma.

I wonder will Teresa giving Fito her the engagement ring come back to haunt her. Actually, I'm looking forward to when Arturo finds out about all the lies she's told and especially about her and Mariano sleeping together on the eve of their wedding. I can't wait for that.

Frances, absolutely smashing recap! Thanks very much for your hard work. I love the title.

Pirate Babe, I think you're right. Mariano and Aurora now have their song which means they will likely end up together, hooray! I hope I'm not being too optimistic.

Geno is scaring the hell out of me and I don't mean her hair. What an evil witch she is. She lost a child so shouldn't she know better than to try to steal someone else's? From the very beginning I was afraid if she told Ruben the truth he would somehow try to take the baby from him. Surprised me when it turned out to be Geno.

ITA with Emarie, Espe needs to escape pronto. The Rubigote clan which includes Geno cannot seem to leave her alone! I hope Aida grows a conscience and decides to eventually be on team Espe. Aida is the only one who seems to be able to alpha dog Ruben.

Julia, LOL your comments about Geno's attire. She made me think of Sonny Bono from the old Sonny and Cher show.

Thanks again Frances.

Wonderful recap. Thank you. I too was surprised and perplexed by Teresa's reaction to Arturo. I wonder if she's developing feelings for him or is it a case of I don't want you, but you shouldn't want anyone else. Maybe because she was distressed by Art seeing her with Fito is the reason she was off her game and thus gave the ring to Fito. Ditto on the Johnny and Pati scenes. Thanks to all who answered my question about Teresa and Aurora's friendship.

Tasha FL

Sandy, you are right. Art knows Bigote is a suspected embezzler as told to him by the accountant. Yet, Art gives control of the foundation money to him.....what?

I think Tere has a huge inferiority complex as well as being narcissistic so she has to be the be number one. Art has cheated on her so she is pissed/hurt even though she has grounds for divorce now. But it seems she may be developing feelings for Art. Shades of Scarlet and Rhett.

Juana is on her high horse about Hector's lies but she continues to hide the truth from Cutberto about being unable to bear children. Sorry, but their storyline to me is almost as irritating as Johnny and Paty's.

Love your humorous and detailed recaps. Paquita. Thanks.


Tasha: I am not sure why Fito said that about the ring, unless he thinks it is even greater blackmail material. Tere does seem to be slipping up, there.
To anonymous with the umlaut knowledge: Glad to see you on the blog! Oh, well, we recap and comment on a Spanish TN. What do we know about German, anyway? I am still trying to learn Spanish. Welcome!
Sandy, right, why did Aurora bother to confess to Mariano? Redik. Perhaps she was just trying to sense his feelings for her and got her answer when he was so interested in hearing what Tere said about him.

Amazing recap!
I just knew Tere would play the divorce card! Now she can take Art's money and go marry Mariano. But I don't think it will be that simple.
She has betrayed Mariano one too many times. He'll probably reject her.
I wanted Aurora to tell Mariano that they could try it. Hope this opens up Mariano's eyes and he makes a move for her in the next week or so.

As for the ring I'm pretty sure we'll see it sooner rather than later. This kind of people always have a need for money.

Didn't Teresa write some note on the class schedule she gave Fito, or was it just written in her handwriting? She's really not thinking. If all Fito's got on her is Paulo's class schedule that she gave him, she could claim it was for anything. Paulo (QEPD) isn't around anymore to contradict her. She could claim Fito wanted to meet up with Paulo for any number of reasons. Tennis lessons. Sell him his motorcycle. Wanted him to invest in a business. Whatever.

She has betrayed Mariano one too many times. He'll probably reject her.

Yeah, I thought that after she slapped him in the church in front of everyone and went on to marry Arturo that Mariano would have gotten a clue, but no, he was dragging her down on the sofa a week later for some lovin' before Aida interrupted.

I think Mariano will go back for seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, the doggie bag etc.

Paquita/Frances! It reads like a novela, amiga! Such a great recap! Loved "channeling vintage Cher". More tomorrow.....

Thank you for the excellent recap and humorous additions!

I agree, I think the writers are starting to plant the seeds in Teresa—she's starting to have feelings for Professor Hottie. Or something. If this follows the Gone with the Wind profile she will discover that she loves Professor Hottie by the end.

Yep, Mariano is a glutton for punishment and can't seem to let go of Teresa completely. He gets what he deserves until he can finally let go. I too wish him to end up with Aurora and am confident he will. (No spoilers, it's just my assumption.)

I am waiting for Hernan the Galán to return and sweep Esperanza off her feet!

Hello everyone! I haven't had the time to catch up on the recaps and comments I hope you are enjoying Teresa. I'm having a wonderful time in DC and yesterday I got to hang out with Vivi all day long! She is such a wonderful person and I am very thankful for her kindness and nice gestures. She is also an excellent tour guide!

We saw yesterday's episode of Teresa together and I just got to say that I wanted to shake Mariano while he was talking to Aurora. Seriously, wake up man!


Hola todos y Jarocha!

Terrific recap Frances. This was a special episode as Jarocha and I watched it together yesterday during our one hour break at my house, before heading out to dinner. What fun to be able to discuss with one of our Caraymates in real time!

Jarocha is a sweet, intelligent young woman (as if we couldn't already tell this about her from her comments). She's also very good natured as she let me drag her all over the city (mainly walking) for 12 and a half hours, with no complaint, and tried Ethiopian food and enjoyed it (many don't). My new profile picture is of the two of us. Click on it to see it in larger view.

Vivi and Jarocha.
Ooh, looks like nice weather and that you both are having a good time! Nice to see what some of our compadres look like. Have fun!

Juana is on her high horse about Hector's lies but she continues to hide the truth from Cutberto about being unable to bear children. Sorry, but their storyline to me is almost as irritating as Johnny and Paty's.


Vivi and Jarocha,

Just loved seeing your photo together. Glad you had a wonderful day. I've seen your photo before Vivi but it was nice to see Jarocha's photo, too.

Always enjoyed both your comments.


Loved your recap, Paquita.

What are we going to do with Mariano?? Aurora is telling him she fell for him when she first saw him. And all she had to do was mention Teresa's name and all he really wanted to know was what Teresa thought. He really is menso!! (Thanks for that word Paquita.)


Jarocha and ViviDC: ¡Las Dos Amigas!How nice to finally get a visual of our most revered Mexican bloguera! It was terrific that Vivi could find the time to be your tour guide. There are so many nifty things to see in D.C., that if you had to come to an American city, Washington is probably one of the best. It's a great picture of the both of you. Thank you so much for sharing!

Paquita wonderful recap and he had me at "Hola" too. Thank you.

I don't know what in the world possessed Geno to wear that get up but it's bad enough what's going on with her hair now this?

I thought Ruben was stringing her along he didn't sound fully on board with her plan to buy off Espe's child from her. But he came off as playing it safe so he can hit her up for some money. I get the feeling Ruben wants Espe to move yes but to keep her and her child as his second family that Aeeeeeeeeda and Mayra and now Geno don't know about somewhere else.

i got the impression from his talk with Arturo even though he is put in charge of handling the money he has to answer to Teresa in some capacity that's why he gave Arturo that little speech about giving women too much money.

Booooooooooooooooo really did they have to put Fernando in a t-shirt?

I thought Arturo kiss before he left Teresa was so hot brief and to the point.Oh he is definitely getting to Teresa because she was responding to his kisses too. She is so delusional thinking that she is all that that these men can't move on after being with her.

As for Aurora why did she tell Mariano i think Teresa's little dig pushed her into coming clean. Also i think after revealing her true feelings she wanted to see how Mariano responded naturally his response how did Teresa react when she told her how she felt about him. I think that gave her the answer she was looking for that Mariano would never get over Teresa, so now she can really try to have a committed relationship with Martin. Instead of looking back and thinking what if i just told Mariano how i really felt what his response would be?

great recap! and such great comments that there is practically nothing left to say. except for maybe this-- i was definitely not on the fernando train until the pajama scene (the feathered hair just killed me). but holy schminoly, that was nice. and i totally was questioning who had to put him in a shirt in the next scene. booo!

vivi--every time i go to dc, i have to get ethiopian! (this great place in adam's morgan (i think) that is, like, an upstairs restaurant). i got addicted to ethiopian food when i lived in oakland.

Paquita, Fabulously detailed recap! Many know you as Frances;
is this your real name and the name
you used before taking on Paquita?
Thank you for all the fun and for all of your hard work.

Vivi and Jarocha - How awesome to
meet up in person and have such a
great time together! Jarocha,
I presume you are on a break from your Masters program and will resume at the end of the summer. How is it going? I spent 5 weeks in Antigua, Guatemala, and am continually finding ways to improve my speaking.

My latest is a public library Spanish book club where I met a most articulate Mexican who led the discussion - all in Spanish of course. I also just found out that at a Panera Bread near me,
there is a group that meets every Tuesday morning simply to hold conversations in Spanish. There is also a Dunkin Donuts evening group - both of which I will check out this week.

As I mentioned a while back on the LVO blog, one of my daughters adopted 2 young sisters from Ethiopia. They are precious -
intelligent, smart, happy, and
beautiful. My daughter orders
Injera on line and gets several
months supply. She makes a type of
stew called Wat (I think that's the right spelling). She serves
it on top of the Injera on a large platter in the middle of the table, and they all break off pieces of the bread and dip it into
the stew.

RE - this novela's galans, I am typically a one-man woman in each novela. For this one, it's unequivocally Mariano; he's simultaneously very hot and yet amazingly realistic. Apparently in real life, he is very hot as well - at the peak of his early career - also an extremely successful singer with a new album on the market.

Re Arturo, his pain seems very real. Re Margarita Mangana, I like
her more each day. At the beginning of LVO, I did not like her at all. Furthermore, I love
her figure, and am amazed that she
has not succumbed to pressure for
breast enhancement. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Will directors/producers give leading roles to flat-chested women? Or,
do you think she knows that she will not play a main protagonista
and just says, "The heck with it."
Are there any women with a similar
body type who have been awarded
female leads? Most of you have
great memories and can name every novela and its cast.

GinCA - I agree completely with you and others who do not care
for the alternative story lines.
For me, they are a waste of time, and I FF most all of them. How about Destilando? I thought the reconciliation at the beach was terrific, and I like EY so much more now than in LVO.

It's great to see all the familiar names from LVO. I gave up on TDA;
I detest it but will watch the wedding at the end. Did you all see Galilea Montijo on Pequenos
Gigantes and on the promo shows?
She looked extremely glamorous.

Re the learning curve, my Spanish has definitely improved through
Univision. Thanks to everyone for your marvelous sense of humor and fascinating comments. Keep on blogging.

Floridia, I am a big fan of E Y in pretty much any role. I've enjoyed him most in DA and LVO. DA is so much fun with the crazy hysterical Minerva and Isa, the dog Aron and now we have slimy Francisco. The reconciliation at Manzanillo had our couple deliriously happy but now...


Floridia- I'm so glad you've kept up your Spanish learning since coming back to the States. Jarocha mentioned how worried she was about you when you were in Guatemala. As she may not have the chance to get back to the blog today, I'll tell you what she's doing in DC. She's actually doing an intense 2 week program at Georgetown U. that will earn her credits towards her Masters. So she's not on vacation yet.

I've seen those ads for Pequenos Gigantes and Gali does look very glamorous and vavavoom. Hard to believe that she has only done that one novela (when she's a pretty good actress), and has chosen to stay with tv hosting instead. Perhaps it's a better quality of life with more freedom.

I like Margarita M too. I first fell for her as the fun, sweet, sexy Estrella in Gancho. She wasn't the lead, but she was the best friend of the lead, and she was a "sexpot", even with a flat chest. Her legs, most often clad in tights, were a prominent feature of her allure to men. But most of her roles are of the villain-lite who is redeemed, like in LVO. Altair Jaraibo has a similar build and also gets the same type of villain-lite roles. Laisha Wilkins, small on top, villain-lite. Hmmm...I'm thinking.

Here we go. Leads, in recent tns that I have seen, that are not naturally or surgically gifted on top:
Ana L. (Querida Enemiga)
Alison Lozz (in Guapos, then she filled out natuarally by En Nombre del Amor)

I'm sure there are many ohers. It's just that the ones who are particularly endowed stick in our minds the most and make it seem like it's a requirement to become the protagonist.

GinCA - enjoyed your reply; indeed FIREWORKS about to occur.

Vivi - thanks for your analysis
re the "front and center" of several TN actresses in response to my question. I was thinking about Altair Jaraibo after I posted that note. She has a
beautiful face and certainly winning ways. MM projects a most dynamic personality that captivates an audience. It's possible that other actresses choose a minimal procedure for a suggestive look rather than overdoing it with the grapefruits
projection. Also, thanks for reminding me about Laisha Wilkins.
I had forgotten about her. I really enjoyed her portrayal of Susana in LVO(had not seen the other tn's you mentioned).

How fabulous for Jarocha to be studying at Georgetown! Her program sounds wonderful. She will bring valuable expertise to the field when she completes her degree. If I had to do it all over again, I would become proficient in Spanish at an early age and concentrate on Latin American Studies. A solid relationship between Latin America and the United States is critical for today and for the near future. I realize that it is a complex
problem with deep-rooted historical injustices and grievances, but great minds can bring about positive change. Always enjoy your thoughtful comments.

Thanks to Jarocha for her concern;I had gone to a safe place where I had studied twice before and stayed in the same,very safe house near the school.

All the best ..Floridia

Vivi, what fun you and Jarocha had! Washington DC is such a beautiful city with so many sights, I'm sure you were the best guide our Jarocha could have found! Thanks for doing such a good job representing all of us!

Floridia, great to see you hear, we miss you! Your galan comment interested me, after thinking it over, I'm afraid that I might have to choose Martin, even though he is a secondary character. The two main galans have such character flaws , Art is a binge drinker and Mariano has anger management issues, and both are consumed with jealousy. Mariano would also profit from a regime of some type of antidepressant, even when he seems happier, he barely cracks a smile. Has anyone else seen Aaron Diaz in anything else? He was channeling Mariano in real life recently standing behind his wife, Kate d C, during a Reina interview, all sulky and mad.......tons of product in his hair too! The way they have Martin dressed, he isn't that cute, but his sense of humor is fabulous! He's tall too, that goes in the plus column. I know it is hard to change a guy's look, they are creatures of habit, (I've been trying for 43 years!) but just a couple of tiny tweaks and he might look much better and you'd have lots of laughs in the deal. Floridia, with our different choices, we won't have to get into a cyber cat fight over the same galan!

I'd have to go with Mariano as well. Not only is he adorable, but he's a great actor as well -- he can say so much with one smirk!

Vivi and Jarocha, thanks for sharing your weekend together in DC and the lovely photo. Always enjoy your posts.

Floridia, glad you're still watching DA and that I'm probably not alone in the anguish I feel about what seems likely to befall, but boy the beach was great.

Thanks for this great recap and vocab Frances. What a fun episode.

Thanks for the picture Vivi. I'm glad you and Jarocha had a wonderful time in DC.

The comments have been great. I too think Ter is becoming more attached to Art. But, per the galan discussion, both he and Mariano have huge red flag issues (insane jealously being just one). Though both men are visually stunning (as is Fernando), I'd also have to go with Martin. He's tall, funny, and a cutie.

I guess I would have to choose Prof Hottie if I must choose a galan. Vivi~~~It's great that you and Jarocha were able to spend some time together. I noticed that you are in nonprofit. My daughter has decided to leave the finance field, and she is lookingh into working in nonprofit...any advice ? She recently met a Mexican woman with a marketing degree who just moved to Toronto with her husband and would like t0 work in nonprofit, but her English skills are holding her back. She offered to share her contacts.

Susanlynn- There are as many different types of non-profits as there are for-profit companies. But if your daughter wants to have some more non-profit contacts, feel free to share my e-mail address with her and I'd be happy to give any advice I can.

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