Saturday, June 25, 2011

Teresa Fri 6/24/11 #85 Summer is upon us. The heat is on and Tiburoncita is hunting for fresh meat.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo tells Teresa he’s done all he can to convince her he’s sorry for his betrayal. He sees she’s not ready to forgive and sees no use in delaying the divorce any further. He wants to maintain some sense of dignity. She tells him she won’t fight him for anything (well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, Tere) and that her father has resigned his job. He doesn’t want to talk about that now. He just wants her to know how much he loves her and he’ll never regret having done so, but it’s clear to him he can’t stop (detener) her. If she wants to go ahead with the divorce, go for it. He leaves and reaches for the stairs where he all but collapses in tears. So sad. Tere looked as though she would have liked to go after him but holds herself back. Luisa finds her brother sitting at the bottom of the stairs. He tells her he doesn’t want to lose Tere, he just can’t. He gets a hold of himself and says he better leave before he reneges on what he just agreed to do. They both leave the house.

Genoveva’s house: Geno and Ruben are talking about BebéBigote. Ruben makes it sound as though he’ll only take the child if it’s a boy. He’s always wanted a boy. Geno tells him he should take custody in either case. They need to raise that child because who knows how much money Espe will come looking for if they don’t. Ruben says he agreed to take financial responsibility but that Espe also wants him to be responsible for the child’s education. Geno thinks there are many women who’d be happy with just the financial help. There are many single women who will kill themselves to support and educate their children only to find out they can’t do either. His conscience is clear. He tried to approach Espe in good faith but she refused. Geno’s convinced Espe has an ulterior motive: she must want Ruben to divorce Mayra and marry her. What Espe doesn’t know is that Ruben owes 45 million pesos to his wife. She tells him she’s the only woman who understands him and can help him.

Casa Chavez: Johnny and Pati are trying to distract Refugio from her worries over Teresa when Armando comes in. He tells her of his discussion with Arturo and how he wanted to bring Teresa home with him but she told him leaving the house could be seen as abandonment in divorce proceedings. He made it very clear to Arturo that he and Refugio will support Teresa no matter what. Oh, and one more thing, he quit his job.

Hospital: Espe talks to Mariano about Ruben. She’s convinced he won’t change and he won’t be a good father for her baby. Duh! He won’t recognize him as his own and won’t dedicate his time to him. Mariano thinks it’s good that Ruben at least wants to provide child support but Espe thinks her child doesn’t deserve that. She knows Mariano thinks it’s a good idea for Mayra and Aida to know about the babdaddy’s true identity. Mariano repeats it’s best for the truth to come out. Espe is convinced her future residence at la vecindad, where Juana and Refugio can both help her, hinges on Mayra and Aida being kept in the dark. She pleads with him not to tell them.

Casa Chavez: Refugio’s proud of her man for quitting his job. After all, how can they continue to take money from the man who hurt their daughter. They talk about money troubles. Johnny and Pati talk about helping them with rent for Pati’s room and Pati helping with the laundry Refugio takes in.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa tells Juana Arturo agreed to the divorce and she’s very sad about it. She tells her he stopped begging for forgiveness. Juana asks if that’s what she really wants. Teresa tells her that until that morning all she wanted was to be free in order to…(she hesitates) to be done with all this. But everything changed for her a short while ago. Juana thinks she should attempt to reconcile with him if she’s having second thoughts. Teresa refuses, saying she can’t go back now; it’s a matter of pride, of dignity. Anyone who crosses her path will pay; Juana should know that by now. Juana understands but doesn’t think it wise at this time to “ponerte los moños!” (literally= don’t put on your ribbons, meaning don’t get in a huff). Juana understands, saying she knows what it’s like to think you’re losing the love of your life (thinking they’re talking about Arturo). Teresa says today the love of her life told her to go to the devil. (she’s talking about Mariano). Juana refuses to accept this and urges her to go to Arturo and tell him how much she loves him. She’ll then see how quickly everything will be as it once was. Tere disagrees, saying she can’t go back as far as Arturo is concerned and she can’t recover what she had before she met him.

Hospital: The conversation has turned to the topic of Barrera marriage. Espe knew that marriage was in trouble because Teresa never stopped loving Mariano. Mariano agrees but apparently not enough to marry him. Instead, she opted for Arturo and the lifestyle he offered. Espe tells him Teresa once confided that she would try to fall in love with Arturo. Mariano scoffs at this statement. Espe asks if Mariano plans to try again with Teresa once she’s divorced. Negative, he doesn’t know what he feels for her now. It’s now his turn to seek out other opportunities and see other women.

Casa Chavez: Johnny and Pati have made dinner and insist on waiting on Armando and Refugio. They talk more about how life’s gonna be in their home once they’re married.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa’s telling Juana of her dreams before she met Arturo. She had dreams of succeeding on her own, getting married and living happily ever after. But her dreams never came true. Juana tries to reason with her, reminding her she excelled in her studies and her work. Her marriage may not have been successful but it may be a question of working at it and giving it a chance. If she’s intent on divorce, so be it, but she recommends that Tere be absolutely certain. She wonders if it might not be such a bad idea to go on that European vacation. Tere would like nothing more than to go on that trip to see all those countries and travel like a queen but she doesn’t want the type of marriage where the unfaithful husband buys his wife expensive gifts to make up for his infidelity. She wants someone who knows that he will lose her if he’s unfaithful. Juana thinks she says this because she’d be incapable of betraying her husband, even in thought. HA! Teresa continues, saying she wants someone who thinks only of her and confesses she was very hurt by everything that happened with Arturo. Juana thinks this is proof of her love for Arturo. Teresa has picked up a rose and is crushing it in her hands as she says this has really hurt her pride (orgullo), her vanity (vanidad) because he was supposed to have eyes only for her. Juana sees Teresa reacting with so much anger and jealousy that she feels she should give her husband another chance. Teresa refuses, saying she’s too proud. Arturo’s going to pay for what happened with Paloma. Not only will she divorce him, she’s going to take everything she can from him. Dramatic music. Juana looks scared. Teresa looks defiant. Viewerville saw this coming.
Restaurant: Aurora has arrived at Martin’s restaurant asking for a table for two if he’ll join her. She’s so darn cute. Of course Martin joins her. He’s not as stupid as Mariano. Aurora tells him she’s been thinking of him and wanting to talk to him. She misses him and wants them to be together again. She wants to explain what happened with Mariano. Martin feels he understands, possibly better than she does. She tells him she really likes him. Martin accepts this but says he loves her and that’s the difference. He promised he’d be patient and it’s all a process. As part of that process it’s his task to give her the freedom to determine what it is she wants. She says she wants to be with him. He feels it would be so easy to accept that and have things go back to the way they were. He enjoys being with her but doesn’t want her to regret her decision. She and Mariano are both unattached at the moment. Does she want to reconcile out of guilt? She does feel guilty for talking to Mariano without first talking it over with Martin. He feels that compensating for this guilt she feels is not love. He tells her he’s decided to go away. He’ll be studying Food Administration in France for two months.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa clarifies that “taking everything” is just a saying. It’s just that she’s very angry with Arturo and that’s why she said she wants to take everything. She is owner of half of his firm although she hasn’t really accounted for all the cases. Maybe it’s time she review the bookkeeping. She tells Juana she can continue to work alongside him after the divorce. He’s the best male attorney (abogado) in Mexico; she will become the best female attorney (abogada). So she’ll have to separate the professional from the personal. Juana thinks that’s a problem considering Teresa’s jealousy even though Paloma is dead. How will she feel when she sees him with another woman. Teresa responds, “How about how he’ll feel when he sees me with another man?” She’s not wasting any time. For her, when something’s over, it’s forever. “Ser o no ser, y yo soy.”

Restaurant: Martin says the time has come when all couples don’t know what to say. Aurora tells him he’s been someone very important in her life. He understands but he want to be the most important and he may yet be. He jokes she can always come running through the airport as they do in romantic films, screaming, “Martin, Martin! I want to tell you, you’re the love of my life.” She’s crying and he reminds her he was willing to take the risk. He may not have walked away with the prize but at least no one can take away what they’ve had together.

House o’ Hunk (or is it House o’ Hunks?): Luisa and Arturo have returned and tell Fernando that Teresa has decided she wants a divorce. Arturo says he tried to show some dignity and fortitude (fortaleza) and agreed to grant her the divorce. Luisa thought they’d surely be able to work things out in Europe. Arturo thought so also but also understands Teresa will never understand why he had that moment of weakness. Luisa suggests they can possibly still work things out during the divorce proceedings. He plans to keep trying but he can’t continue to let Teresa see him so defeated (derrotado) and ruined (deshecho). He wonders what’s to become of his life. He can’t think of himself without her by his side. Fernando sits there with a shifty-eyed look on his face. Hmmmm, I smell trouble.

Hospital: Aurora arrives for her rounds still dressed in her fancy dinner duds but looking forlorn. Mariano asks if he can help and she tells him of Martin’s European studies. She doesn’t want to discuss further and walks away.

Morning at Vecindad: Espe notices Juana is depressed as she’s looking at a picture of her deceased husband. Besides being handsome, he was very noble (recto) and accomplished (cumplido). In contrast, Aurora’s father turns out to be a married man and Cutberto keeps finding himself kissing Griselda. The two men combined don’t equal one. For now, she’s on strike (huelga) and plans to dedicate herself to other things, like her sewing. She hands Esperanza a package, it’s a maternity blouse with the word Bebé emblazoned across the top and a blue arrow pointing to the tummy. (I, for one, HATE those). Juana tells her she needs to prepare herself for the inevitable gossip that will begin once she starts wearing maternity clothes. Espe doesn’t care. She will proudly tell them with her head held high (con la frente alta) that she plans to be a single mother. She thanks Juana and they embrace.

Martin meets with Hector and tells him he always had good intentions toward Aurora. Hector’s appreciative of Martin’s behavior toward his daughter. Martin had hoped to one day marry her but things didn’t turn out the way he had hoped. Hector’s sad to hear this. He thinks Martin is an extraordinary man and had hoped things would work out. Martin says they’re giving themselves some time to see what happens and for the time being, he thinks it best he leave for awhile. He gives Hector his itinerary saying he’s the only one who will have them. He jokes Aurora may someday miss him so much or be in the need of love….

Casa Chavez: Armando and Teresa reminisce about the days when Teresa and Rosita were still home with them. Armando thinks perhaps Teresa will soon be living with them again. (don’t hold your breath, Pops) Refugio would love to have her back but also thinks that if she still loves Arturo, she should fight for her marriage. Armando doesn’t think that will happen. She’s very disappointed. Armando is on his way to the office to put things in order and put in his resignation.

House o’ Hunks: Arturo meets with Martin, clarifying the outcome of Paloma’s fortune. It will all be put toward the children’s foundation, as Paloma would’ve wanted. He explains he wanted to separate himself from all things Paloma. Martin is in agreement and will contact Ruben to settle everything before he leaves for France and will remain in contact with Ruben from there. He feels they need to continue supervising the construction of the pediatrics wing. Arturo already spoke with Hector who as Hospital Director will continue to supervise both Aurora and Mariano. Martin is clear on everything although he’s not very familiar with Ruben. Arturo advises him he’s left Ruben with authorization just in case; however, if he and Teresa divorce there shouldn’t be any problem with him resuming the reins. (ruh-roh) Martin wishes him the best.

Hospital: Teresa’s come knocking at Mariano’s office and she doesn’t get the warm reception she was hoping for. Mariano tells her he made it very clear they have nothing left to talk about. She asks him if it’s true they aren’t going to give it another try. No, he tells her. He’s not going to give her another try at hurting him. She doesn’t understand how he can say that. Without Arturo between them, they can be happy. She starts to talk about his burgeoning career and he interrupts her. He tells her to stop making plans that involve him. She can do what she wants with her life but she will not make him responsible for his divorce. She tells him she’s made her decision to divorce Arturo. Adelante (go for it), he tells her, but do it for yourself. He can’t and doesn’t want to promise her anything. He gets up and opens the door, asking her to please leave. As she leaves, she turns to him and tells him he’ll regret this because the only person now standing in the way of their happiness is him. She walks out, he closes the door behind her as their theme song plays. He’s muy pensativo. She hesitatingly walks away, stops, then turns to look back. I will not hesitate to say I am very proud of Mariano. Is this finally it? Will he stick to it this time or is it too soon in the novela to hope for this?

Casa Grump: Grumpy Granpa is back in Pati’s room, crying. I do feel sorry for the old codger as he looks around the room and stands at the bars at her window saying not even these bars could hold her. He wasn’t able to save Pati. The only thing he accomplished was her mother hating him even more.

Vecindad: Pati and Refugio are wearing matching aprons. Pati is helping her with the laundry on the roof. Johnny arrives with the paperwork necessary to get married hoy mismo (today)! Juana arrives on the rooftop and is very gloomy indeed. She tells Refugio she hasn’t forgiven either Cutberto or Hector so she’s free….and very much alone. Refugio is on team Cutberto, telling her to give him another chance.

Hospital: Hector the Director tells Aurora her mother is nowhere to be found. It’s as though the earth swallowed her up. For one thing or another that he’s not too sure about, the divorce is stalled (atorado) and he doesn’t know how long that will be. He notes her sadness and they talk about Martin leaving. She’s very confused but she knows she likes him very much. Hector poses a question: What if he told her to go to the airport and Martin asked her to marry him now or lose him? What would she say? Aurora says she’s not ready to marry. Hector asks what her response would be should Mariano ask her. Aurora says she wouldn’t be able to do that to Martin. That’s not what he asked, he says, but her response tells them what they both already know. She likes Martin. She misses him and wants him by her side but she doesn’t love him enough to consider him the love of her life. He advises her to let him go. Aurora cries as she nods her head.

Vecindad: Gris arrives toting a suitcase. Cutberto greets her telling her he’s found her a job. She tells him she just came by to tell him she’s going back to her pueblo. If that’s what she wants, he’s happy for her and wishes her the best. He also asks her forgiveness if he hurt her feelings. She confirms he did hurt her. She wanted nothing else but to be the mother of his children, but, sigh, oh well. He tells her not to worry, she’ll find someone who will father her children. She’s glad they’re not parting on bad terms. She reaches out to give him one last goodbye kiss. I knew it! Juana sees them as she’s coming down from the rooftop. Gris and Cutberto say they’ll miss each other. She asks if he’ll accompany her to the bus station. He tells her he’ll not only accompany her, he’ll carry her suitcase and pay her fare. Juana witnesses them leaving arm in arm. Refugio asks what she’s looking at. Juana answers, “The proof of my stupidity, but that’s over.” Every man comes up with something. What she needs to do is to continue being the respectable widow. She wipes away a tear and walks away.

Hospital: Aurora agrees Hector has a point. It wouldn’t be fair to run to Martin and ask him to stay when she can’t return his feelings. Some say one person in a couple will love more than the other, but Aurora feels that love should be mutual (mutuo) otherwise, it won’t work. Now she asks how things are going with Juana. He tells her Juana will be nothing more than a friend so long as he isn’t divorced. He knows she has another suitor, Cutberto el Mariachi. He notices she already knew this. She tells him Cutberto has always been after her but she isn’t interested. She advises him not to stay away from Juana.

Arturo visits Ruben’s office. They chat a little about the improved relationship between Ruben and Mayra. Ruben’s still uncomfortable with Mayra’s notion of being a business woman (mujer de negocios). He feels this novelty (novedad) will soon pass and things will return to normal. Arturo asks if this includes Espe, does he wish to have her as his lover again? Things are difficult, Ruben says. He offered to stay with her so long as they are discreet. Arturo’s not surprised she refused the offer. Ruben is sure she still cares for him but she wants the complete fairytale (cuenta de hadas). She wants him to be close to the child, to educate him, but he’s not in a position to do that in his current situation. He can’t divorce Mayra without serious consequences. It would affect his image. He assures Arturo, one way or another, he will look after his son. He’ll have everything he deserves.

Vecindad: Teresa whines to Aurora about Teresa’s marital woes. She ends by telling her Teresa expressed her love for Mariano. Aurora wonders if Teresa is planning to return to Mariano.

Ruben’s office: Arturo tells Ruben about the pending divorce. Ruben comments on how expensive the relationship with Teresa turned out to be. Arturo resents this, saying Ruben knows how much he loves her. Ruben spews out another of his misogynist views: with an ocean (océano) of possibilities, why did he settle for one mermaid (sirena) in his pond (piscina)? Arturo responds by saying it’s clear they do not share the same views about relationships, so it’s best to leave it at that. He changes the subject to that of Paloma’s foundation. He tells him Paloma’s entire fortune will go to the foundation. He also clarifies that he gave Ruben run of the foundation to placate Teresa. Should they end up divorced, he plans to resume at the helm. Ruben points out the irony in all this. Teresa and Paloma both would have done anything for him and in the end he’ll end up alone. Arturo just sighs in frustration.

Vecindad: Aurora and Refugio continue their visits. Refugio feels Teresa rushed into marriage. She feels they should have dated longer. Aurora asks again about Teresa going after Mariano. Refugio thinks that if Teresa is divorced it’s possible Mariano and she can be happy. Refugio thinks Teresa still loves Mariano and Aurora thinks Teresa still loves Mariano. There’s a knock on the door and our hero Mariano comes in. Aurora seems uncomfortable and tries to make a quick getaway. He mentions her sadness over Martin and reminds her he’s there for her. She thanks him but says he can’t help with this and she leaves.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa is on the phone with the accountant, Amadeo, making plans to discuss the bookkeeping at the law offices. Fernando has come to see her about the divorce. She tells him she just can’t forgive Arturo. Fernando asks if she’s very sure. Arturo’s his best friend and knows he loves her very much. She asks what he would think of a woman who would reconcile with a cheating husband. He would think that woman loved her husband very much. Teresa disagrees, saying he would look at that woman in a different light. If she forgives Arturo, no man will think the same of her. That’s not true, he says. She’s a marvelous woman and any man can see her worth. Everyone except Arturo, she says. Oh, turn on the crying machine. Through tears, she says that what he did hurt her more than she could have imagined. She feels devalued (desvalorizada), bitter (amarga). She embraces him as the guitar goes into the wah-wah mode. Of course, Fernando folds her into his arms. What a sap (bobo)!

Vecindad: Meddling Mom talks to Mariano about Teresa’s intent to divorce Arturo. He’s aware of that but he assures her their problems weren’t caused by him. She tells him how much she’s always cared for him and how she always felt he’d make Teresa happy. Mariano tells her that was another time (época). She asks if he no longer loves Teresa. He tries to tell her things aren’t what they were before. He had nothing to do with Teresa’s separation and he doesn’t think he can go back to her. Refugio looks a little disappointed.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa pulls away and tells him this is very difficult for her. Fernando thinks that before divorcing, Arturo and she should try something else, perhaps therapy. The b!tch then turns to him, gets very close (kissing close), and asks almost in a whisper, “truthfully, is that what you want? For me to return to Arturo?” The heat is on, Fer baby. You’re gonna fall!


It was repeated several times today that Arturo was handing over leadership of the foundation to Ruben but would take it back if he and Teresa are divorced. I'm thinking what will happen is that Teresa is going to claim Paloma's fortune as part of the divorce settlement. Paloma left her entire fortune to Arturo, saying he should use it to run the foundation. I'm wondering if he's going to be converted into Teresa's bitter enemy if this happens and when he finds out she's reviewing the books at the firm.

According to the previews for next week, it looks as though Fernando doesn't kiss her. But wasn't this her M.O. with the other men in her life? She got this close to Arturo many times before they finally kissed. She did this to Paulo to tease him after they broke up. It's only a matter of time, Fer. You're going down. And if you do, you'll deserve all the pain you'll suffer as a result of your betrayal to Luisa.

Question for anyone: They seem to use the term "te quiero" and "te amo" interchangeably. Except tonight when Aurora told Martin "Te quiero" and he told her "Te amo" and pointed out the difference. Esperanza always says "lo quiero" when referring to Ruben and sometimes says "lo amo". Can someone explain this?

Fantastic recap Paquita! Love your descritions of our guys. Oh, Fernando, Fernado, Fernando :shakeshead:.

About amar and querer: Those who "aman" also "quieren" but, of course, not all those who "quieren" also "aman".

For a good understanding of both words, here's José José's song El Amar y Querer.

By the way, I'm packing my bags right now because tommorrow at 2pm I'll be leaving for the airport. I was very glad to meet Vivi and I will never forget it.

Vivi, hopefully we'll meet again. Thank you very much for all of your kindness and attentions. You are an incredible person and I will treasure you as a friend for always.


Sorry, here's a working link:

El Amar y Querer.


Safe travels Jarocha! It was a pleasure to meet you.

Also thanks for the amar/querer info. It's a hard concept to understand in a language (English) that only has one word for love. But we all know there are many different ways/types of love.

There was a great saying on love used in CME the other day that caused a bit of confusion because of our limited English love vocabulary:
"Enamorarse es amar las coincidencias y amar es enamorarse las diferencias." (To be in love is to love the similarities; to love is to be in love with the differences.)

Paquita, what a title. Our little shark sure was doing the circling last night for sure. Fantastic job with the recap detail.

You know, I like Fer, and I would hope that last move she made would make his little light bulb go on to say - woo, one minute she's bemoaning her divorce and now she's moving in on me already? But alas, as with all the men who cross her path, he's toast and if he doesn't do something stupid now, she's not going to stop until he does. Those dollar signs are just too big hovering over his head.

Head-scratcher that she thinks she would still be able to work along side Arturo. WTH? Guess you always have to keep your conquests close and wanting you in case you need fall-back. Yish.
But thankfully, so far, Mariano looks like just maybe he's holding firm. Hey, every "fishermen" has that story of the one that got away. Let's hope it's our studly Doc. I'm thinking heading straight to Aurora is too soon on the show, so he'll head to Aida? (I've rather enjoyed not seeing her clawing all over Mar last few episodes. ) But since this TN likes to throw us off, I'm hoping for a sooner rather than later Mar/Aurorua something to start.

And I will admit, but the little teen queen is starting to win me over with her cheering of Refugio and willing to work and help. Not sure where that's all going, but it was sweet to see.

Paquita, great title. Agree about Juana's top for Espe. Juana is suppose to be a fine dressmaker so I thought she would've done something precious and original, as Refugio did earlier for Espe's baby. I like Juana, but she's not as classy as she thinks she is. Cutberto, with a tad more maturity, is the man for her.

I'll miss Martin. He's been the sharpest guy on the show. Love his word play.

I like Fer. He's been straight with Luisa about not wanting marriage now. They're not even engaged. He's got a right to change his mind. But if he falls in Teresa's trap AND doesn't come clean with Luisa, grrrrh.

Espe needs serious help. The vultures are circling and she doesn't have a clue about how low they will go. Come back Hernan!

ITA on Mariano finally standing up.

Thanks for a splendid recap. You describe everything so clearly and so thoroughly, it's like watching the episode over again.

That maternity blouse was HIDEOUS. Seriously, Juana? Just because a pregnant woman may feel the size of a billboard doesn't mean she needs to dress like one. I hate stuff like that. So tacky.

I'm guessing Mariano might start to cave to Teresa again just in time for her to dump him yet again for Fernando. I hope not, but Mariano's flesh is weak, and it seems too soon for him to really be over her. I wonder how Teresa would justify to him that she really can't pass up a shot at Fernando's money.

Paquita you are absolutely awesome! I love your recaps and always look forward to them!

I don't think Teresa is done ruining Mariano's life and I don't think he is done letting her toy with him, although they may be taking a break.

Now regarding Arturo, I absolutely love the Teresa telenovela, but it is difficult for me to buy into Arturo’s unmitigated devotion to Tiburoncita and his crying despair at the thought of losing her.

It would be easier to believe it if the actor who plays his character didn’t look like a male model, and if the writers had NOT made him a rich successful attorney.

Attractive, rich, male attorneys that I’ve met in real life ARE NOT sensitive, kind, doting husbands who love their wives. In fact they are the EXACT OPPISITE of that. Teresa’s cold-hearted gold-digging behavior towards Arturo, and especially her lack of desire for him while pursuing other hot looking guys, plus Arturo’s sappy, puppy-dog-style yearning for her love, would be A HECK OF A LOT more believable if the part of Arturo was cast as a nerdy looking guy who made his money selling action figures. But that's just me :^)

On a separate topic, has anyone ever noticed that Fernando’s bachelor pad has a big painting of feet hanging on the wall? I guess that’s what suave bachelors from Spain do these days; they buy pictures of feet. :^)

Have a great weekend everybody.

Thank you for the recap, Paquita. That was hard work. Lots of interesting lanquage points.
I thought perhaps querer was a more general love word, and amar was more specific to romantic love.
In Rosetta Stone-(which was so boring I stopped using it) they used querer for a mother loving a son, but I have never seen amar used that way.
I tend to agree with the crowd, that Mar will continue to cave into Tere, so she can chomp, chew and then rip with sideways motion a few more times. She can't help it, she destroys anyone she loves. Or hates. Or just knows.

Well two days down and the rest of his life to go for Mariano to resist Teresa!  So many good comments yesterday on the nature of their relationship. It is so hard to guess the outcome of this novela, for once I'm just being carried along on the storyline wave, no predictions from me, for a change! With the (temporary!) exception of Fernando and Luisa, all main characters are free again, we are starting from scratch with the relationships. 

Can Paty and Johnny stop splashing soap suds on each other and look for REAL JOBS? Where is the taxi? Was Gema Johnny's only client? REALLY! 

Thanks Frances for your well written, flowing, dialogue filled, descriptive recap...very well done. 

I have one thing to say in favor of the "bebe" maternity top, at least it looked like it will cover the tummy. Pregnant ladies, some people don't like to see your baby-tummy hanging out!  

Safe travels Jarocha! Vivi, a million thanks for being such a great host to our Mexican friend!  You did all of us here a great service!  

Shark, welcome! I'm not sure how long you have been with us! Earlier in the novela we talked about the fact that in other versions of this same story, the Arturo part was played by an older, less attractive guy and that made the setup more believable. I'm just "suspending disbelief" with the Arturo love thing, it does seem a little far-fetched for real life.

O/T: Aaron Diaz fans -- I couldn't believe my eyes, but there he was! He's in a movie called Dynoshark, showing today on the SciFi channel! He speaks English, with a definite accent, but it's not at all halting. He had his hair degreased and longish, and he wore a ball cap backwards with baggy shorts and t-shirt--and totally cleanshaven. Muy Mexi-Cali/Hispano-American looking and acting. Wow! What a transformation!

Awesome recap Frances. Teresa is wasting no time siding up against Fernando.

In the previews, she shows up at his apartment to continue the flirting and Arturo sees them together to her surprise. I wonder will this plan backfire. I still doubt Teresa will be able to get her hands on the inheritance. That's is if Ruben doesn't embezzle the money first.

I still can't wait until the tables are turned and Arturo finds out about Teresa and Mariano's night before the wedding. I guess we still have a ways to go before that gets revealed.

Sorry, Paquita/Frances! I meant to add a thank you for the detail in your recaps again! I hadn't caught the nuances in all of Ruben's talk with Art, but you caught it and I appreciate that!

Teresa is a cat with nine lives who I think will land on her feet throughout. She would like that relationship with Mar, but like he says, not enough to commit to marriage for reals, and truthfully, he's right. There'll always be somebody and something else bigger and better and more exciting for her to try for. Sad, but true and he's right to leave her in the dust like that, but please, Lord, not for Aeeeeda!

Great recap; thanks! Once again, I feel as if I was there!

I am very sorry Martin is going away. I will miss him. There does seem to be quite a revolving door on this TN.

Note: "Querer" is used for everybody you're fond of: parents, friends, cousins, whatever. "Amar" is for someone you want to be a couple with -- an exclusive couple.

Paquita great title and recap thank you so much.

I really don't know if Mariano can ever stop falling for Teresa and her lies. I do have to give him credit for at least sticking to his decision i was LOL when Teresa visited him at the hospital and saw the look on her face when he told her no again. What a shock to our little shark that some man isn't putting up with her B.S..

I also loved the look on Refugio's face when Mariano told her even if Teresa divorces Arturo he's not getting back with her. Ol' delusional mama thought he would be the one who can cure her little avaricious shark. there's not enough chumps excuse chum in the world that will ever satisfy her little shark.

Daisynjay ita was so glad not to see the harpy Aeeeeeeeeeda that much all over Mariano for the last couple of episodes.Alas from the previews it won't last long because she is pawing him all over on Monday. Still can't see this lasting long because of her ultimatum Espe or me.

I'm still trying to figure out how Teresa is going to get her hands on most of Arturo's money or Paloma's? They haven't been married for long so i don't see how this can happen? I do feel that Arturo will be generous in giving her alimony also because he has a guilty conscience. But for how much?

My take on it is that she won't divorce Arturo right now even though she keeps saying she will. She needs to have her backup ready to keep her in the luxury she thinks she deserves and until her new chump Fernando falls hook line and sinker for her wiles. I think she stays with Arturo stringing him along.

Now for the creep two some Ruben and Geno in what world are these two thinking that even though she's a dope too Espe will allow them to take her baby away from her and raise together as theirs? Have they forgotten the ammunition they gave Espe exposing themselves as lovers?Alll she needs to do is tell Aeeeeeeeeeda or Mayra about them both and it's all over for Ruben.

Ruben especially has some nerve since he doesn't have a dime to call his own.

Looks like Teresa is going to keep tabs on Ruben being in charge of the foundations finances so any wrong move on his part and it's over. What a anvil to hold over the taunting Aeeeeeeeeeeda's head when she gets on her high horse about how much of a low social climber Teresa is. News flash you better reserve some of those insult for daddy dearest.

On a different topic, if the community doesn't mind, I'd like to ask about a previous episode. I've been watching Teresa for about 3 or 4 weeks and only discovered the "Caray, Caray" web site about 5 or 6 days ago, so I haven't been able to read all the previous recaps.

Can someone tell me what the connection is between Teresa and Fito? I saw the episode where Teresa gave him one of her rings (I'm assuming so he could use it for money) but why would she do that? Who is he to her? I read somewhere that Fito was a drug dealer. Is Teresa on drugs?

Also, why did Esperanza take down Fito's license plate and why did Mariano subsequently turn in his license plate info? I don't mind researching these questions myself, but does anyone at least remember which episodes deal with this?

Thanks for your help.

Arturo’s sappy, puppy-dog-style yearning for her love, would be A HECK OF A LOT more believable if the part of Arturo was cast as a nerdy looking guy who made his money selling action figures. But that's just me :^)

Absolutely! Rich, successful, and gorgeous never has to lack for female companionship. If he were average-looking to ugly and lacked any social savvy this would be far more believable, but a lack of social savvy usually is incompatible with success in law.

Teresa's connexion to Fito: When she was jilted as a serious marital prospect by the rich boyfriend she had in high school (because she was poor) she sent Fito after him to solicit his business. Paulo OD'd and died so Fito is blackmailing her.

Sharkbyte34: Welcome!
Thanks, UrbanA. Guess we were typing at the same time.

Tere knew Fito dealt drugs, and he was hanging around one time when her old preppy highschool boyfriend, Paulo, who still had a thing for her, got really rough with her. Fito scared him off. She wanted to get back at Paulo and told Fito to go after somebody like Paulo who could actually pay for his stuff and who could connect him with other rich kids. She even gave him his college schedule which Fito kept and later blackmails her with once Paulo O.D.'s outside the vecindad and later dies at the hospital.

Mariano saved one of Fito's customers while in med school and they figure it was Fito, who goes underground for nearly a year after he hears about Paulo. He recently resurfaces and tells Teresa that he wants cash to keep hiding with, cuz if they find him she goes down with him. She doesn't use and never wanted anything to do with him or the vice. She just used him to get back at Paulo, who dumped her once he found out she lied to them all and really lived in the barrio and was poor and had gone to school on a scholarship.

Mariano told Espe that things point to Fito but they needed to talk with him to find out for sure. They had no way to track him down, and didn't even know his real name, till one day she saw Fito on his motorcycle dealing to somebody and took his license plate number down.

On other thing on the Fito thing-- it wasn't just Paulo's clas schedule that Teresa gave him, it was also all the places he frequents, and it's in Teresa's handwriting. That's how Fito is using it as blackmail material. We've all decided that Teresa can't go to jail because of this, afterall, she didn't force Paulo to take drugs. But it would tarnish her reputation majorly and lose her the respect of everyone she knows.

-Vivi (still on a high from the awesome Ozomatli concert last night)

Shark, in a nutshell, Teresa, by hiding her humble beginnings, dated a wealthy classmate Paulo. When he learned that she was poor, Paulo dropped Teresa, his mother Genoveva threatened to cut him off financially if he didn't. Fito is the neighborhood drug dealer and Teresa pointed him in Paulo's direction for revenge.  In doing this she gave Fito handwritten info on Paulo which is being used as blackmail after Paulo ODed on drugs. By this time Paulo was engaged to Aida, in fact she rushed to the hospital in her wedding dress just in time to hear Paulo blame Ter as he died.  Although most of us here think that the note is weak evidence, Teresa doesn't use or sell drugs, she has given Fito a necklace and Arturo's first (too small!) engagement ring to shut him up. Genoveva and Aida want to find Paulo's dealer/killer and others in la vecindad know that Fito is an accomplice in Paulo's death, so Espe took down his license when she spotted him,  he had been in hiding. 

Now you have three answers to your question!

I think it is totally believable that Art is not a nerd. If Sebi
Wasnt cast, I dont think the story would be as delicious.
See, Art, being the gorgeous man that he is, was severely wounded by Paloma. He became inaccessable to other women. BUT our Ter comes along An. D breaks through his concrete walls. Which also goes to explain her vanity at having Art fall at her feet. No other woman in 15 years has been able to do what Ter has. Then, Paloma goes and seduces him, and Ter gets immensely jealous (and I believe hurt). She can not fathom Art looking (much less sleeping) with any other woman but herself. Art was to Ter a major conquest and accomplishment in her life. If Art were nerdy and social awkward, the conquering him would not have been so major. To Ter that would have been a slamdunk.

Which also might explain the lure of Fern. To actually get the most womanizing bachelor on the planet to commit to her would be another major coup.


Great point Dian. Explains her surprise at Mariano turning her down for another reconciliation as well.

Blu I agree with you as well. I can't see Tere really walking away from art right now, especially considering she doesn't have that immediate back up in place now that Mar turned her down. And with Fer only abour half way down her rope to pull in, and the prospect of the trip she alwasy wants, it may be "what the hay!" and she stays with him.

Actually would like to see that happen since it may give Mari and Aurora some time to get past their eye batting and get moving on the relationship front.

I think the reason many of us would find the storyline more believable, Diann, for Art to be older and less attractive, is because much earlier versions had the Art character older and less physically attractive, and the story was written with this premise. In our present version it does seem they have tried to spin it with the nuances you describe, but you really have to stretch a bit to buy it. It is just that Art is so incredibly good looking that it kind of ruins the credibility.
This reminds me of that film "Indecent Proposal" where Robert Redford offers Woody Harrelson 3 million dollars to sleep with his wife, played by Demi Moore. (Oh, what to do, what to do?) It was hysterical to us older gals who grew up idolizing Robert Redford.

Emarie, I have no notion of the earlier versions of the show. I am watching this strictly as shown. And I can tell you now that if Art was cast as a nerd and fat and ugly, I would not be watching this. It would be boring as hell to see a beautiful woman seduce a nerd. Seen that before. Don't want to watch it again. But throw Sebastian in as Art, yes, I am watching this. And it plays more into the Scarlettness of Teresa. Rhett Butler was a handsome rogue who no woman could claim, bit for Scarlett.
Angelique makes a perfect Teresa/Scarlett.
Aaron is Mariano/Ashley
Fernanda is Luisa/Melanie
Cynthia is Juana/Mammy
AnaBrenda is Aurora/Suellen
Sebastian is Arturo/Rhett


Thank you all very much for updating me on the Fito/Teresa situation. I really appreciate all the information that was shared and the willingness of the group to revisit previous parts of the storyline for a newbie. I wish I had found this site a long time ago!

At the risk of wearing out my welcome, may I ask 2 other questions?

(1) In episode 82, “Amadeo” was in Ruben’s office and he didn’t want to sign for a check that was to pay him for his silence. What is it that Ruben wants Amadeo to stay quiet about?

(2) I’m a little confused about the timeline of Teresa’s boyfriends. If Paulo was Teresa’s boyfriend in high school, and Arturo was her boyfriend in college, when was Mariano in the picture?

Amadeo knows that Ruben has been bleeding his wife's financial assets. Ruben is afraid that he will rat him out when he retires.

I think Teresa and Mariano were childhood sweethearts who continued to have feelings for each other.

Sharkbyte, Mariano was Teresas BF in college (law school for her, med school for him)
Arturo was Teresas boss and mentor and benefactor for Teresa during law school.
She didn't go after Art until Mariano disillusioned her after Med School. The whole time he promised her a "rich person" life once he graduated. They were engaged the whole time. When she realized Mar was never leaving the vencidad she dumped him and went after Art ( who was silently lusting after his student the last 3 years) but Art was totally proper with her until after graduation. In fact he even waited ( per her request) to sleep with her until after they were married. This guy has bent over backwards for Teresa.
Hope that helps!


SharkByte- We are always willing to answer questions here, and welcome if I didn't say so before.

Question 1: Amadeo realized that Ruben has been embezzling from his wife Myra's businesses. She inherited them from her parents and Ruben has managed them up till now. After his affair was revealed, Aida decided that she and her mom should take over control of the businesses, and have been working with Amadeo to review the books and get a better understanding of the businesses. That's when he discovered the embezzlement and went to Ruben first, since he knew Rubes had to be the culprit. Ruben has been using the money to invest in his own projects, like the Luna Tuquesa real estate development project.

Question 2): LOL! Teresa almost never has just one man in her life at a time. Basically Mariano has been her boyfriend the entire time: BEFORE Paulo when she and Mariano were kids; DURING her time with Paulo, whom she dated junior and senior yr of high school (except for a 1 year break her senior year of high school/the year Mariano took a break from college after his mom died); and AFTER Paulo during college, when she lied to Art that she was single, and lied to Mar that she would lose her job and scholarship if Art found out she had a boyfriend.

Once she was approaching graduation, meaning she and Art could have a relationship since he wasn’t her prof anymore, she made her move on him. She also chose to go after Art when she realized Mar was not as willing as she to get rich and powerful at all costs. But soon after, Mar started becoming high profile and successful because of his hard work and good heart (giving back to the community). If Mar were as ruthlessly ambitious as she, and/or rich, she would see him as being perfect. But I don’t think Teresa will EVER be happy with what she has. She always wants more.

Welcome, SharkByte! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like--we're here because we LOVE talking about these shows and analyzing them to death :). I love your nickname.

So I was on a long meditative bike ride this afternoon, and of course my thoughts drifted to Teresa, and I realized something that is very different about this telenovela: so far at least, there are no issues of mistaken parentage. No one thinks they are an orphan but really their parents are still alive. No one believes someone to be their parent or child who is not really. Even with the characters who have stepparents or missing parents, they seem to know the real story.

The other weird thing is that no one has been in jail yet, except the mysterious as-yet-unseen Saenz.

Julia, good point on the absence of mysterious baby-mommas or baby-daddies in this novela.   

The thing I'm thrilled about is the lack of totally implausible, stupid, spaghetti western violence in Teresa. Just seeing the previews of other novelas with a train rolling toward someone plus baby on the RR tracks, people tied together over a big rock(?), fires, shootings, scarred  faces and a woman choking someone with a spiked heel and on and on with massively ridiculous shenanigans is annoying. In the last three novels I have watched, Mi Pecado, La Verdad Oculta and now Teresa we've had REALISTIC situations that, while exaggerated, are based in the human behavior that you see in everyday life. In LVO we had over 90 comments one weekend on who was the most appropriate character to adopt Caramelo, the novela homeless child, with all commenters having well reasoned yet differing points of view. I much prefer something like that to wasting time watching a mother give her daughter "mind erasing drugs!" like on Sorti! How can you identify with something pulled from thin air like that? You can relate to the selfishness, social climbing, playing fast with the financial figures, affairs and lying in Teresa because you see that everyday, if not in your own back yard.......with our politicians!!!!

Julia, there's still a possibility that Arturo and Paloma's child didn't really die...and would be just the right age to make trouble! ;}

I don't think Aurora = SueEllen. SueEllen was spoiled and whiny.

Aurora is more Melanie than Luisa. The only thing Luisa really has in common with Melanie is she glosses over Teresa's actions like Melanie glossed over Scarlett's.

But the one thing Melanie was known for, from the top of society to the bottom, was being a lady. Melanie was kind and goodhearted towards everyone no matter their station in society. I don't think you've heard a single character from the vecindad to the hospital to the fancy set say a bad word about Aurora EXCEPT Teresa.

And Luisa has been very kind to everyone she meets, too. But Aurora is more Melanie than Luisa IMO.

Plus Melanie (Aurora) ends up married to Ashley (Mariano) all along.

I think the only way an Artloma child comes on the scene is if somebody has the child, knows about Art & Paloma's fortunes and wants to manipulate the child to get their hands on Art's money. Maybe Florencia (Pal's cousin) knows about the child and uses her/him to get more money out of Art.

But as far as I know Paloma had no living family except Florencia; Pal's parents (i.e. the ones who would know where the kid is) are dead.

Paloma's parents' lawyer may have the information.

Either way, there would be no other reason for a line of dialogue earlier on that Paloma never saw the baby.

Thanks for the great recap Frances. The comments have been wonderful as well.

Welcome Sharkbyte.

I'm with you Jardinera. I don't want to see the Mar/Aida reunion that the previews gave us. But Aurora does need to clear her head. I'm more concern for Mariano. He needs to take a break from relationships and heal. Ter has mess him up good.

Also I too saw Dinoshark. Thankfully I could FF through most of the scenes. It was great seeing Aaron just sad the role wasn't much.

Paquita, thanks a million for your excellent recap. I haven't commented in a few days so I'd like to thank all the other recappers from last week as well. You folks to a smashing job.

I hate to admit it but Pati and Johnny are kind of growing on me. Ruben and Geno, however, completely creep me out.

Jardinera, what a fun surprise to see Aaron Diaz in an English-speaking sci-fi movie. I just checked out his bio on the IMDB and see that he went to Palo Alto high school not far from where I live. He also went to college in San Diego.

Welcome Sharkbyte!

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