Friday, June 03, 2011

Teresa Thu 6/2/11 #70 Let’s do some kissing and making up….babylove, my babylove

[Skipping the repeated scenes. Also, I was inspired by paquitadelbarrio to try some scene combining. Hope ya’ll like it]

Juana and the Terror discuss Ter’s man problems. Juana thinks it’s pretty normal for newlyweds to have differences, but Ter thinks her problems are worse than usual. Which is true, but that’s really all her fault, now isn’t it? The tiburon’s ears (or is nose sharkier?) perk up when Juana argues that she can’t just give up on Arturo and leave a free path (camino libre) for Paloma. In walks Refusio to chastise Ter point blank for sleeping with Mariano. Seriously? Now, we all know that Tiburoncita is mala, but that doesn’t mean she has no right to a wee bit of privacy.

El Bigote Grande has made it’s bushy way over to the hospital to warn Mariano not to turn Aida against Ruben. Mari points out that the truth hurts, and then turns the conversation around to how Rubes hurt and deceived Espe, saying that he will always be there to defend his amiga. Mari lists how Rubes ahs been deceiving all the women in his life. Rubes threatens that Mari best stay away from him and Aida, but Mari counter-threatens that Rubes better stay away from him and Espe. So there!

Back at Juana’s, Ter is defending her virtue to her mom. She claims that Paloma made up the whole story to break up the newlyweds, but Mariano has cleared up everything. Refusio characteristically refuses to believe her daughter. However, she will keep her boca callado out of consideration for Arturo, whom she clearly feels more tenderly towards than her little sharklet. Said Tiburoncita is a wee miffed at this slight. Refusio basically says-“you made your bed of mentiras, now you will have to live with them. Good luck with that.” What’s more, she tells Ter about Mariano formally withdrawing his promise to love and protect Tere forever. Sad little shark face. (though amused little viewerville face—the formal withdrawal of the vow, and the solemnity with which it was received, just cracked me up)

Night falls on the DF and Ter swims home to find more apology flowers from Arturo. Ter has just gotten her song going and is dancing with Mr Teddy when Art knocks on the door and wants to talk. Ter replies: “ahora te alcanzo a la biblioteca” (I’ll meet you in the library; I liked the use of alcanzar here), where she promptly heads to give back the flowers and refuse to accept his apology (like mother, like daughter). She calls their marriage a mistake, which clearly upsets Artie. Ter goes on about how he doubted and humiliated her in front of the whole vecindad, etc. (oh, so now she cares about what the vecindad thinks?) Art says she’s totally right and begs forgiveness, but he also begs her understanding—he was full of doubts and felt betrayed. Ter really plays it up that he believed Paloma over her. Teary-eyed, check. Wounded, check. Disappointed in Arturo, check. Wow, if they gave out some sort of meta-premios within the novelas for best acting by a character, Teresa would win, hands-down.

And now we’re back at the hospital. Espe is chatting with Hernan about the need to find an apartment on the double. Hernan offers to help. Espe shares the latest news from her parents in the pueblo; they’re doing great. She’s sad that she can’t share her news with them (i.e. el hijo). Hernan goes in for the comforting hug as Rubigote walks by, and the bigote bristles in anger. Espe and Hernan go into some closed off hospital room and Rubes tries unsuccessfully to follow.

Back to Tiburoncita’s performance. Art’s buying it, but he isn’t backing down too easily. When Ter accuses him of always putting Mari in between them, he quite rightly says that he isn’t so much bothered by the idea of her having a past as by her having hidden things from him. Ter does not accept his line of reasoning, saying that it is just a pretext for his jealousy. (note: whilst what Arturo says is true, he also did just say in the previous scene that the thought of her in Mari’s arms drives him crazy with the celos, so let’s just say that he understands on a logical level how a relationship should function, but he is still a man of great passion, and he is trying to reconcile the two.) Ter goes on to say that Art has not lived up to any of his promises since they got married—not the honeymoon, not making her a partner in the business, nada. Wow, that sounded like she is straight up admitting the fiscal nature of her interest in him. Artie misses it of course, and just resignedly shows her a folder that somehow represents his making her a partner. Happy shark face (tiburoncara?)
Tiburoncita dominates her feelings, though, to go for the greater victory. She tells Arturo that what she really wants from him is his trust, and for him to demonstrate it—that’s the only way she’ll be capable of “intentarlo”, which in this case seems to mean not just try to forgive him, but try to make the marriage work at all. Is she really laying the groundwork for a divorce already? It hasn’t even been a week. So how can he show her that trust? By making Paloma understand that she had her chance with Arturo and passed. So now she better leave them alone. He agrees and gets her to accept the folder de socia. They snuggle and declare their love. He says it’s been a rough start, but everything is going to change, she says that she shouldn’t forgive him so easily, but she can’t help herself since she loves him sooooo much (tanto, tanto, tanto).

The next morning Teresa awakens in the warm and loving embrace of Mariano. Scratch that, just a dream, it’s still Art. Hey, there’s plenty who would be pleased with either one. Art wants to get busy, but she wants to get straight to business. Art cleverly points out that they have no appointment at the notario, so the afternoon is just as good as the morning. He wins this round.

At Juana’s, Cutie awakens Espe with perhaps the loudest coffee preparation ever. He misses Juana’s breakfasts, but Espe informs him that she is staying chez de la barrera. He is bummed. Espe points out that he has a GF anyhow, gris, gris, gris something or other, according to Juana. Cutie tries to pump her for the gossip from Juana, but Espe wisely stays out of it. He really is a chismoso.

Luisa and Ter chat while getting ready for the day. Luisa is glad that the happy couple have reconciled and admits to prodding Fernie to talk to Arturo. Girlfriend seriously needs to worry less about other people’s relationships and just focus on her own. But whatevs. Ter complains about Martin trying to separate her and Aurora. Luisa is horrified to hear of such a thing, but says that Ter still has her as a friend. Ter says that she is more and more convinced of L’s friendship and thanks her with a true sonrisa de Tiburon. Luisa is the perfect amiga for a tiburoncita, after all. She believes her implicitly; she defends her vehemently to others; and she is, above all, highly manipulateable. Just perfect.

Downstairs our manly men are discussing their feelings again. Artie admits that the problem with Ter was his own jealousy at the thought of her being with someone else. Fernie understands “con una mujer asi, no puedes dejar que nadie se le acerque” (with a woman like her, you can’t let anyone get close). Artie clarifies that Paloma is in the past, Tere is the present. Fernie encourages Art to take care of his wife and show her a good time. He heads up to see Luisa, but runs into Tiburoncita on the way. She thanks him for talking to Artie on her behalf. She also excuses herself for not liking him at first, she was just being protective of Luisa. But he’s proven himself to be a great guy (said with feeling and cueing the shark theme). He’s glad she’s come around. She rather seductively says that she’s seen the real Fernando, and she likes what she sees. As he gives her a friendly hug, she thinks to herself: “Si Paloma sigue entrometiendose, tengo que asegurar mi futuro en otro lado”. (if Paloma continues interfering, I need to ensure my future somewhere else). Holy schminoly, she is really upping the mala today. Luisa walks into the viper den and gets a recap of their happy friendship chat. Ter and Fernie eye each other rather evilly and Luisa smiles along, completely oblivious. Oh dear.

At the dispensario, Mari and Aurora talk about….what else? Teresa. They agree that Mari should/will stay away. He even wants to get an apartment away from the vecindad. He is saving up for a deposit (enganche, new word for me!). Aida comes in with a super computadora for the dispensario. It’s even got a plantilla (template, another new word!) that will help them organize the clinic. What a gal. Though she admits she did not make it herself, she just used what my old boss called the 10-digit synthesizer (calling someone up). Mari shows Aurora some sort of presentation for donors to the clinic, and Aida gives it the once over. Apparently she is one of our TN speed-readers, because it only takes her about 5 seconds to flip through the whole thing and declare that she can make it better. She recommends using the super computadora nueva to impress some banker, and volunteers to show Mari how to use it. Aurora skedaddles, and Aida and Mari talk bigote. She chastised dad for firing Mari, he doesn’t want to cause problems for her with her family. She doesn’t so much care because does not, NOT!, forgive him. Mari thinks she should take a chill pill. Aida says it’s just the way she is, she has to “desquitar mi coraje” [avenge her anger (?)] and also get back at whomever sold drugs to Paulo.

Espe is walking outside and talking to her stomach, err, hijo to be. Rubes finds her and gets all up in her business about seeing her with Hernan. He is seriously furioso, which is totally out of line. He tries to say that he still loves her, he is willing to ditch Genoveva for her, but she’s having none of it. Good for her! She totally puts him in his place, and says that he doesn’t care about any of the women in his life. He offers to make her a kept woman again, get her a nice little house for her family somewhere far away from Maira. This really sets Espe off, and she rants about how she lost her fam because of him and she says her family was right because she shouldn’t have messed with trash like him (you go girl!). He and his wife will get exactly what they want, and it won’t cost a dime. She wants nothing to do with either of them. “Largate de mi vida!” (get out of my life). I have a total crush on Esperanza right now.

In the park, Fito and Johnny are talking about Johnny’s awesome new delivery service for Gema. He can’t believe so many people want home delivery of sandwiches and stuff, but the pay is good. Fito chuckles to himself (because he knows that they are drug sandwiches!) and congratulates poor stupid Johnny. Johnny wants to pay Fito back ASAP, but Fito says no worries. Johnny may be awfully slow, but he at least knows enough to have an uneasy look at Fito’s ‘brotherly’ affection. They talk a little about Fito’s flight from the hood and something about Johnny needing money for his nina rica. I didn’t get the subtitles on this part and frankly, I can’t understand half of what Fito says. Luckily, he uses a lot of hand gestures and I can tell from Johnny’s face that he wants nothing to with Fito or his lana (money).

Arturo is waiting in Paloma’s foyer and runs into a cute little orphan, who serves to remind us that Art likes kids and lost one with Paloma. Paloma sends the reminder on his way and asks Art if he has confirmed her chisme re: Ter and Mari. Boy is she in for a shock. “Lo unico que comprobe es que me mentiste, Paloma” (the only thing I proved is that you lied to me, P). Some back and forth where P calls Ter the lair, but Art defends T. He warns Paloma that if she wants to continue trying to be friends, she needs to respect his wife. Otherwise, they can’t see each other anymore. Paloma gets seriously pathetic at this point. She basically begs Arturo for whatever crumbs of time she can get and agrees to try to play nice, though she says it will be difficult. Art warns her that if she offends his wife again, he will consider her an enemy. Paloma really needs to move on, she is starting to head into Miss Havisham territory.

Chez Juana, Cutie gives Juana an impromptu serenade and a snuggle. He is utterly adorable and finishes her inevitable threat with a giggle. He has come to remind her about the “peregrinacion a la basilica”; no idea what this is, but she’s not going with him, whatever it is. Apparently she usually goes with him, but not this year. Things have changed around here, got it! She suggests he invite his grey girlfriend, but Refusio interrupts before he can reply. Here follows one of my favorite scenes. Juana says that Cutie was just leaving, and he says “Ya me voy?” J: ”Si, ya se va.” C: ”ya me voy.” Sad Cutie. I do like the J/C scenes because they tend to have a lot of wordplay. Anyhoodle, Refusio came by to nose into her daughter’s business. How unlike her. Juana describes how happy the couple is now, and that Ter is going to be a partner in the lawfirm.

And Arturo is at the notario putting that into action as we speak. But first a detour for Rubes to aver his desire to reconcile with Maira. And of course, for Aida to run into Teresa in the lobby. What’s Aida’s zinger today? She will have to tell her dad to fumigate the office because it stinks of rat. Zing! I heart Aida; she’s just so delicious. Ter tells Aida to behave or else the new socia of the Barrera lawfirm (i.e. herself) will find a new notary to work with.

Back in office del bigote, Rubes is strongly advising against Art’s plans: “a las mujeres, ni todo el amor, ni todo el dinero” (niether all the love nor all the money to women). Just look at what happened to him, getting kicked to the curb business-wise by his wife. Art points out that it’s pretty much his own fault there; his philosophy has always been “un matrimonio es una cruz demasiado pesado y por eso que llevarle entre tres” (a marriage is a cross so heavy it must be carried by three; I can see why the ladies fight over this guy, he’s got some great dichos. Does he some up with these on his own, I wonder?). On the other hand, Art needs to prove to Ter that he trusts her, which he does. Sucker!

In the lobby Ter is gloating and Aida points out that she always said she would succeed on the merit of her work, and look at the work that her current success is based on—she has more experience on how to get things out of men than as a lawyer. Zing! Ter lamely threatens to run to Artie if Aida doesn’t watch it. Aida says that it doesn’t matter how they act, they both know deep down how Teresa has gotten what she wants. Ter says that Aida was born with a “mesa puesta” (lit. set table, I am guessing it is equivalent to silver spoon), but she isn’t even prepared to manage the sale of a peanut. Ter, on the other hand was born with nothing, but is ready to manage everything that she will get. And soon enough she will turn herself into one of the richest women in the country. Hijole! Her true motives come out. Why, oh why, does she spill it all to Aida? Really, more than anything, this novela seems to be about the struggle between women, especially these two. The men are just pawns. Anyway, Aida responds that she plans on becoming one of the happiest women in the country, and she will do so by enjoying both her money and Mariano (see what I mean about pawns?). Art ends the discussion by showing up.

Espe has come to visit Ter at the casa de la Barrera. It’s tough for the gals to get together these days. Espe doesn’t want to run into Rubes, Art doesn’t want Ter to run into Mariano. Espe assures T that Mariano wants nothing to do with her. Tiburoncita puts on her best tiburoncara and even throws the teddy aside as she claims to not care about Mari, but a wee bit of disgust creeps into her smile when she says that she has Arturo now, who is treating her so well. Espe wishes she had such a nice hubby to help with her pregnancy. Espe gets all excited at the thought of a pregnant Teresa and a doting Arturo. This reminds Teresa to take her birth control pills as soon as Espe leaves. After all, she’s not going to lose her figure for a baby. Definitely not with Art. Maybe Mariano, but Arturo? Nunca.

Martin joins a teary Aurora and asks what’s wrong. She says that she can’t hide anything from him (if that’s her ‘trying to hide an emotion’ face, she is nothing but chum in this TN). She’s sad and wants to fess up something she’s never told anyone—her mom isn’t dead, she abandoned Hector and Aurora when A was a child.

Aida has returned to the clinic to help Mari with the computer stuff. He points out that she has changed a lot. Aida admits some of her previous faults, but says that deep down she’s not bad, like Teresa. Mariano laments that Teresa never believed in the clinic and never came around. Aida calls her selfish, says that she was only thinking about what worked for her and didn’t bother to think about Mariano. And now she’s married to Arturo and a partner in his lawfirm, uniting them further, til she bleeds him dry, and then we’ll see what happens. Who cares, I thought Mariano wasn’t going to talk about Teresa anymore?

Let’s go back to Martin and Aurora. She explains how when her mom left, it was like she died, and she’s never heard from her since. It was super hard for a little girl to be without a mother’s love. Why didn’t her mom want her? Aurora has tried to look for her, but with no luck. Martin is Mr Supportive Pants; what else would you expect from a habitual turtleneck wearer? And now, i am officially on team Martin/Aurora. Maurora? Aurtin? Whichever, they make a good couple.

Aida and Mariano are done talking about Teresa and are going to go to dinner. Good phrase here for it’s late: “ya es muy noche”.

Espe and Hernan chat at the hospital. She’s stoked about the baby. Hernan thinks she’ll be a great mom. She hopes so, because she failed as a daughter, what with the getting knocked up by a married man and all. And she already failed the kid in the dad-choice department. Hon, what happened to your recent mojo? Get it back!

Rubes and Genoveva discuss Teresa’s rapid ascent amid copious ice clinking. Then Rubes has a bit of a pity party over his recent downturn and how hard it’s been to win Maira back. Geno will help, but only after a little canoodling. She too doesn’t want Maira to discover their fraud.

In her room, Teresa tells her grand scheme to Mr Teddy—she and Mr Teddy, I mean Mariano, will each make their own fortune and then reunite. So that’s her plan. What world is she living in? My husband suggested time travel as a way to pull it off, but I don’t think she’s the physics type. We don’t get to find out any of the details, because Arturo shows up with another present—a giant teddy bear! As he puts it—a better bear, a bear that she deserves. He goes so far as to start to toss the other bear, but she won’t have it. Just to the window, he clarifies, because it isn’t the one given to her by the love of her life. Oh, the scene is just dripping with irony and symbolism. Characteristically, she wants to have both bears because they each have their own attributes. Arturo starts to get busy as Ter says how hard it is to find a good gift for him. The only gift he wants is an hijo. The Tiburoncita’s eyes pop. Como? I’m not going to have a kid with you. Major slip-up for Tiburoncita. Shark rule number one--you don’t add the CONTIGO!


also, random note. i used the youtube videos to get a head start on the recap, and noticed that the picture is a mirror image of what is shown on my tv. weird.

Great recap Kristoise. Tere was on a tear last night for sure (sorry about the pun), but boy, I don't know about that last scene. She couldn't have been that dumb to say that to Art. Her back-out of that one should prove very interesting.

Still on the fence with Aida; sometimes I like her, others she grates on me, but I do like how she's getting in daddy's face. Now Espe - she's my fav last night. Love her smackdown of Rube. ( Love how he's getting it from all angles). What a jerk he is trying to declare his "love" again. But I worry, if he starts getting desperate, what will he do when he finds out about the hijo.

Pathetic Paloma - my gracious. I thought she was going to drop to her knees and start begging. If she was sooooo in lurrrvvv with Art - I still don't get why she waited so many years. Anyway - that was sad-but I think Art still feels sorry for her and there is still that door open there if Tere totally screws up.

I agree with your statement that the men are actually the pawns in this TN - maybe we need to line them all up in a room and do one big head slap to each.

Or how about dominoes? [Angelique laugh from Dark Shadows]

Love the turns of phrase here: "El Bigote Grande makes his bushy way...", "Night falls in D.F and Tere swims home..." Por supuesto, because most sharks are night feeders.

Does anyone else think that Paloma will eventually commit suicide?

What I'd love to know is what plan did Ruben have when he completely depleted his wife's bank accounts? Was he hoping to get a divorce before she found out and marry some other woman with money?

Peregrinacion a la iglesia probably means "Pilgrimage to the church."

A question for those who know: Do Mexican lawyer jokes compare them to sharks?

Oh, man; when I get back this afternoon I'm going to search for the DVD of Jaws.

Kristoise, great recap, thank you for all the new words. I added several to my growing file.
"desquitar mi coraje" (balance my courage, but the words of the CC vanished before I could get the whole sentence) I think Aida meant to even the score in the sense of justice, or to avenge someone as oppose to petty revenge. ?? Anyway, Aida is going to eventually find out the hand that pointed Fito in Paolo's direction.
I so agree-the men are just pawns in this story, perhaps a woman originally wrote it. They all seem to have no power. Interesting.

But I worry, if he starts getting desperate, what will he do when he finds out about the hijo.


Hernan el Galan will probably claim the baby to prevent Ruben from harming Espe. (I hope)

Does anyone else think that Paloma will eventually commit suicide?


Nah, my candidate for suicide is Genoveva. Cuz Ruben's never going to leave Mayra and she'll be the one scorned once the Ruben/Gen affair is found out.

She = Genoveva

Thanks for the excellent recap and vocabulary!

I am eagerly waiting to hear how Teresa is going to talk her way around that kneejerk response to Art's wanting a baby. Did the previews suggest that maybe she's going to try to get Mariano to knock her up and then pass off the baby as Arturo's? I can't even imagine how that would work...she'd have to stop taking the contraceptives and then keep ardent Art at bay until she got results. Um. Probably something else entirely will happen.

I think maybe Aurora should stick with Martin, and if Teresa and Fernando get together, Luisa could fall in love with Mariano. Wouldn't that just stick it to Teresa?

I am greatly enjoying watching all the women in his life (except Genoveva) trash El Bigote. Now if she would just turn on him, too...perfection.

Did the previews suggest that maybe she's going to try to get Mariano to knock her up and then pass off the baby as Arturo's?*********************************

Teresa thinks Mariano will keep coming back to her after all her disrespect because he has in the past. But she's got news coming to her, because I think this time Mariano is finished with her. She thinks she's going to fleece Arturo and Fernando out of their money and have Mariano AND the money, but Mariano would never want to live off of Arturo/Fernando's money. He's much too proud for that.

Kris, wonderful recap filled with lots of vocabulary. I looked up “Peregrination a la iglesia,” and as UA says it means “journey to a sacred place” or church. It is so interesting that the “peregrine” in peregrine falcon means wandering, traveling, migratory...such a great root word and fun coincidental usage. Thanks for your quip, definition filled recap, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Teresa’s behavior gets darker and darker. I first imagined that our mujeriego, Fernando, would be putting his international moves on her, but it seems that she is putting her vecindad moves on him first. She must confuse even an international playboy. Please, please, please, no switch-er-roo baby plot lines, we have had enough of them in novelas to last a lifetime.

Great point about strong women with men as pawns in Teresa. After so many FC, strong man, whimpering women novelas, I would have thought I would love a reverse storyline, but I find myself so mad at Teresa, I’m not getting the gratification that I should.

I’m wondering if Geno is just out for a giant revenge plot, she doesn’t like Ruben, she just wanted his bigger bucks (Myra’s) for Luna Turquesa and is playing him for a sucker and for earlier times venganza. She is a venganza kind of a girl!

Kristoise- I loved the recap and the embedded vocabulary. Thank you for putting so much work into this for us!

I'm starting to think that Teresa will actually succeed in taking all of Art's money. Wow! A partner! And she hasn't even taken on a case yet. If I were one of the long-suffering, hard-working lawyers in his firm, I would be royally ticked off. I’m sure most of them have been working to make partner for a while.

I have no idea how Terror is going to get out of her knee jerk reaction about the baby. I'm sure she will smooth it over easily and Art will be none the wiser. It will be yet another one of those red flags that he will review in his mind later after Terror has put him through the wringer. I do not think that Teresa has any intention of getting pregnant by anybody. I think that hypothetical Mariano baby is for later in the future when she has amassed her wealth and has lured Mariano back to her (in her mind). By the way, that was the first time I've seen a tn character actually take the pill. In Eva Luna we saw a character throw her pills away in order to get pregnant on purpose by the villain.

Sandy- I do think that Geno wants Ruben, but I think she wants him at her mercy. She wants to be the one with the power in the relationship and having Ruben living with her (with no place else to go) and begging her help (right no to help him win over Mayra), is exactly how she wants things.

@UA and Sandy--thanks for the peregrinacion info. i just assumed it was some sort of catholic ritual that, not being catholic, i had never heard of.

@Emarie--i think you're right about the "desquitar mi coraje" being about a larger vengeance. it's funny, sometimes i feel like i have a gut feeling understanding of what the spanish words mean, but have a hard time putting it into english. this is one of those cases.

@Sandy--i love your thoughts on Geno secretly getting her revenge on Rubes. i will keep my fingers crossed.

@Vivi--i had the same thought about Ter taking the BC pills--there's a first time for everything! i just hope that someday we can have some non-evil characters using birth control as well, so it doesn't get a bad reputation. of course, love of children and reproduction of any kind is pretty high up on the TN virtue list, so i am not holding my breath.

Awesome recap Kristoise. Did you see that look in Arturo's eyes when Teresa told him she would not be having a child with him. I'm sure there will be a huge blow up from that.

Does Teresa really think that Mariano will be stupid enough to take her back after how she humiliated him over and over. Then again, he did stupidly sleep with her again when he thought she wouldn't marry Arturo. Since she's taking birth control this probably means she isn't pregnant from their night of passion.

Paloma is really truly pathetic. She needs to let Arturo go instead of still reaching for any crumbs he'll give her. I just can't see Arturo wanting her back even if he still has lingering feelings for her.

Teresa is moving fast on to Plan B with Fernando if things go bust with Arturo. She's not even being subtle about it. When will Luisa catch on to their flirty stares.

How many lawyers are at Arturo's firm and have we ever seen his office?

I said this in another thread, but I don't think Teresa wants to have children at all. We have decided she's a tiger shark; check out their reproductive info:

Urban- Fascinating and creepy! However, if Terror had two uteri like the tiger shark, then she could have one for each man (Mar and Art) and let the two offspring fight it out.

I recently saw a Mexican News article stating 80% of women in México do not use any contraception. Thats a huge number! So maybe putting the pill só blantly in this TN is a public service announcement.


Teresa's not about to have any children, because a)Teresa IS a child and b)the attention would be on the child, not Teresa.

Kristoise great recap and funny thank you.

Wow Teresa just keeps surprising me on how she turns the tables to her advantage. Boy is she smooth she not only got Arturo to make her a partner in his law firm but had him agree that if Paloma tries to get in the way of their marriage he has to trust in her not Paloma. The girl is certainly working it.

Evryone has covered pathetic Paloma in their comments no need to say anything ITA.

Espe you go girl and Ruben are you for real after you man handled her and threaten her now you want to get back with Espe? Ruben needs to worry about covering his tracks on how he has manged Mayra money and stop worrying about whoe's with?

I hope Johhny's stupid dealings with Fito doesn't cause Espe to have to go back to Ruben for help.

Fernando is so interested in Teresa and he is so wrong for what he is doing to Luisa.

I love Auroa with Martin too but i still don't feel she has completely gotten over Mariano.Her reaction to when Aida showed up keeps saying she still loves him.

Still hate the Mariano and Aida pairing i feel once Aida learns that Espe is pregnant she will ruin her relationship with Mariano because he is good friends with Espe.

I don't know as much as Mariano says he's going to forget Teresa he still slept with her before her marriage to Arturo. I really hope if he has any pride the scene in the church was the final straw for him. Besides he is now realizing he might have had a chance with Aurora if he wasn't so consumed by Teresa.

Guys the schedule for next week is 2 hrs of Teresa on Monday and 2 hrs on Tuesday and Wednesday and 1 hr on Thursday and no show on Friday TDA only on Friday i guess after CME and then soccer. Totally crazy schedule for next week.

Thank you Kristoise for the reacap. It was fantastic.

Teresa does have a way with men but the reason she controls Arturo more easily now is because she is with him so he can believe her lies and even then he surprises her at times. Mariano was already burned by Teresa so it would be much harder to make him act the way she wants. For all her smarts, she doesn't have an enough grip on reality yet.

Diann: 80% sounds too high to me. Mexico's birth rate would be a little crazy if that was the case.

Blu: I read that TDA is too close to México now (around two weeks) so maybe they are saving it to make it last longer.

Hi Kristoise, I KNEW that was you by the second paragraph. I just love your style.

Perhaps my favorite line: "the bigote bristles in anger", I literally howled.

Second favorite: "I have a total crush on Esperanza right now." No kidding, wasn't she awesome?

There were many more brilliant lines, but those two were my favorite. OK the Miss Havisham was a runner up.

Fabulous translations of the key conversations, especially between Tere and Aida. I also enjoyed all the shark references, nice job.

Espe and Hernan make a fantastic looking couple. They kind of look like each other with their wide eyes and large smiles.

Sorry for commenting so late but I just caught up on the last two episodes. So thank you Kristoise and Samantha.

I have a hard time understanding Fito too. He mumbles.

"Espe and Hernan make a fantastic looking couple. They kind of look like each other with their wide eyes and large smiles."

They also have similar noses.

Indeed they do! Good eyes on you.

Jarocha, funny thing about that article with the that I read it from one of Issabella Camil's tweets!
She sent out the article on her Twitter!


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