Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teresa Tue 6/21/11 #83 Teresa the Man Eating Tiburoncita.

Rooftop Romance: Teresa kisses Mariano and he resists at first but poor guy just can’t help himself. He begins to kiss her back as their theme song plays. They break long enough for her to tell him she still loves him then hands him a glass of champagne. He hasn’t said anything yet, just takes a drink. I hold my breath.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Espe continues the interrogation. She’s letting them both have it for their lack of judgment. Then Johnny inevitably throws Espe’s transgression in her face: Didn’t she go off with a married man in the name of “love”? (ouch) He immediately apologizes. She agrees she’s not in a position to judge him. She just didn’t want him to have problems. She doesn’t have the right to tell him anything and now she apologizes to him.

Rooftop Romance: Mariano says he’s not sure that what he feels now is love but he yearns for her as much as ever and that will never die. She asks if he now prefers Aida or maybe Aurora. The only thing he can tell her is that he’s confused. After what she did to him she can’t possibly expect everything to be as it was. She reminds him he once told Arturo that if she were his, he wouldn’t live in the past but would live for the future. That’s what she wants – a future with him. She clinks her glass against his saying they can plan for their future, make their dreams come true. She never imagined she’d need him so much. She can’t live without him and asks for another chance to begin again. He tearfully says he doesn’t know if he can ever believe her again. She pleads with him to try. She knows she failed him but she hadn’t realized the intensity of this love. She’ll never be happy without him. “Te amo, Mariano. Te amo, te amo, te amo!” He should never doubt that. He takes this all in for a second then gives in and reaches for her. They embrace in a smoldering kiss, kiss, kiss. (I scream).

Casa Caceres (combined scenes): Ruben tells Aida about taking over the foundation. He’s happy about it, saying this could get him noticed by the right people. She’s amazed at Teresa’s influence over Arturo, convinced she’s responsible for Arturo passing on the responsibility to Ruben. Ruben’s grateful to Teresa and he’s looking forward to working with Martin. She laughs as she tells him he’ll now be working closely with Mariano as the head of the pediatrics division. He refuses to have anything to do with that imbécil! If working with him is one of the conditions of heading the foundation, he’ll refuse Arturo’s offer. Aida reminds him he was going to work on their relationship and now that’s one of her conditions – he needs to get along with Mariano. As soon as Mariano agrees to end his friendship with Espe, she plans to renew her relationship with him. Ruben can’t believe Mariano is still friends with Espe while he’s dating Aida. Mayra walks in, ready for dinner. She wants everyone to see that her husband’s lover wasn’t able to take him away from her. Aida gives her a thumbs up.

Back at the Rooftop: Mariano and Teresa are still sucking face. He asks her to spend the night with him. She agrees – the whole night, and very soon their entire life.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Johnny and Pati continue to apologize to Espe. Pati offers to return to Gramps to avoid further problems for him. He’s willing to risk anything, fearing her Granpa will hide her away from him forever. Juana and Refugio arrive at that moment and both are relieved to find them okay. Espe assures them “nothing” has happened between them. Refugio offers Pati the spare room in their apt after Juana says no way is she spending the night with him. Johnny reminds everyone Pati’s now an adult and they want to get married right away. Refugio joins in the discussion, telling him this isn’t how it’s done. They should have a courtship before marriage. They all leave and Juana is alone but not for long. Cutberto comes by and Juana gives him a WHACK! across the face! She starts yelling at him about being involved in the whole Johnny/Pati escándalo. He tells her he deserves the slap. WHACK! She slaps him again for the fright (susto) he caused her.

Grumpy Gramps: Now he’s Sad Sack Gramps. He pitifully tells Gris he’s looking for something, anything that will lead him to Pati. He’s crying and now she’s crying as they rummage through her room.

Mariano’s room (combo scenes): Teresa and Mariano now on his bed getting to it but they’re still fully dressed….when Ramon walks in!!! Ay Caray! Ramon tells him this is just too much (el colmo). Doesn’t he see that this, this “señora” te esta viendo la cara de idiota?(making you out to be an idiot; literally=seeing your idiot face). He doubts very much she’ll get a divorce. Teresa tries to say something and he interjects asking if she’s even considered what her husband will do to his son. They need to think about what could happen if this gets out. Mariano and Teresa have hurriedly been dressing as he’s trying to talk some sense into them. He says they haven’t considered all the consequences of their actions. Arturo’s likely to kill Mariano if he finds out. He speaks to Mariano directly, saying he can make his own decisions no matter what anyone says, not even his father! He storms out of the room and Mariano follows him telling him Teresa and he love each other. (I scream again)

Genoveva’s home: Aida has come by to give her all the details on the scandal about the Barrera separation. Geno imagines the field day the tabloids will have with the story. She just hopes they don’t reconcile. No way, says Aida. Teresa needs to learn her lesson. Even though she may keep part of Arturo’s money, she’ll never be accepted in their social circle. And she’ll make sure Mariano doesn’t take her back.

Vecindad, AKA Grand Central Station:

Ramon knows Mariano loves her but what Teresa feels for him isn’t love or she wouldn’t continue to hurt him time and again. Teresa pathetically says she loves Mariano and that’s why she’s decided to get a divorce. Ramon is exasperated and says he doesn’t believe her. Mariano tells him this is between Teresa and him. Ramon tells him it’s a pity he doesn’t realize that this woman will ruin his life. Now Teresa speaks up, saying she understands his reluctance to believe her but she loves Mariano. All she asks is for a little time to prove to him that she will make Mariano happy. Mariano does deserve to be happy, Ramon replies, too bad that won’t happen as long as he can’t get her out of his life. He walks out.

EEK! Outside, Arturo and Martin arrive at the vecindad! Arturo assures Martin he’s ok now. He’s no longer drinking and he’s just there to speak with his wife (mi mujer). Martin’s not budging, saying he’s also got a score to settle here.

Rooftop: Oh, spare me! Now Johnny and Pati are looking for a little romance on the rooftop. Too bad all signs of Tere’s and Mariano’s romantic setting have totally disappeared. Anyway Pati says she doesn’t care that she’s so young. He’s concerned he doesn’t have much money. She doesn’t care. All she’s dreamed about these past months is waking up in his arms and making him breakfast, etc. etc. He wants her to be sure she doesn’t want to wait a little longer. She loves him. They kiss. I cringe.

Refugio returns to her apt and tells Armando about all the Johnny/Pati scandal and that she offered to have Pati stay with them. No way, says Armando. They’re going to return her to her granpa ASAP! A knock on the door – it’s Arturo wondering where, oh where, can his little tiburoncita be?

Martin’s walking around the vecindad and looks up to see said Tiburoncita talking in Mariano’s doorway.

Juana is scolding Cutberto for getting Johnny in so much trouble. She goes on talking about how she was so worried thinking of all the trouble he was in and angry that he would use Gris in order for Johnny to get close to Pati. They continue like this, ending with Cutberto pulling her on to the couch with him and kissing her. She comes up for air and tells him to let her go or he’ll never win her back! He thought he’d already won her back! She criticizes him again for using Gris and for being immature. She wonders how he plans to have children when he behaves in this manner. He tells her he wants to have children but only with her. Tere walks in and wonders how he plans to support those children when he can’t even support himself. In contrast, Juana’s in a position where she’ll be given everything, not supporting a ne’er-do-well . She’s dating someone who deserves her, someone who is refined, educated, and can give her everything. He needs to stop wasting her time and leave…now! Cutberto says he won’t leave until Juana kicks him out. Juana thought she had already kicked him out or does he want her to threaten him (she picks up a measuring thing-a-ma-jig) He leaves as Teresa continues to snap her fingers at him, saying he deserves to be put in jail for all the stupid things (tonterías) he’s done. Juana looks like she’s regretting her move.

Refugio’s trying to get Arturo to calm down and tell them what’s going on. (she’s still calling him licenciado) She knows something’s wrong. How can it be he doesn’t know where Teresa is unless something is wrong? Armando tells her to butt out and then tells Arturo Tere’s not there. He also reminds him of his promise to make Teresa happy and she’s not. Arturo assures them he loves Teresa and is sure he can mend things but first he needs to find her. Armando hopes that’s true cuz he doesn’t care if he’s his boss, his daughter’s happiness comes first. Refugio asks him again to tell them what’s going on. If Teresa’s done something wrong, it’s her duty to correct her. (wait….what?! How old is Teresa?) Arturo tells them politely that this is between Teresa and him and that this problem will most assuredly be resolved.

Martin enters Mariano’s apt and wastes no time in asking what Teresa was doing there. Ruh-Roh!

Teresa is talking to Juana and Espe about Johnny/Pati. Knock, knock, knock – it’s Arturo! She told him she wouldn’t be joining him for dinner and now he’s here. Is he checking up on her? Juana asks him to enter. She and Juana support Teresa’s cover story that she’s there to help with the Johnny/Pati incident. Arturo offers his help and in turn is invited to join them for dinner. Arturo is trying to get the story out of Teresa who asks if he doubts her reason for being here. In come Johnny/Pati, telling Espe they’ve decided to get married right away. While everyone is distracted, Teresa reaches into her purse and hurriedly puts on her wedding rings. Someone mentions jail, and now Arturo’s really confused. Pati assures him Johnny did nothing wrong, he’s her hero. Ugh

Mariano tells Martin that he and Teresa had some pending business to discuss and that’s that. Martin wants to know what’s going on between him and Aurora. Mariano explains Aurora told him she cared for him at one time, that’s all. He doesn’t know why she told him but there’s no need for Martin to get in his face about it. Martin’s always known she was hot for Mariano but still he decided to go all-out for her love. Everything was going along great until today. Mariano assures him neither he nor Aurora have done anything to betray his trust. Martin doesn’t know what to think and that’s why he broke up with Aurora until she is clear as to what she wants. If she’s still in love with Mariano, she doesn’t want her to feel obligated to him because of what they’ve had together. Mariano assures him what Aurora felt for him is in the past, that’s what she told him. Martin is certain she still cares for Mariano and is willing to step aside if being with Mariano will make her happy. However, he warns Mariano that if he wins her back, it will be forever.

Casa de Chavez: Refugio is laying into Armando as usual, complaining that he knew of the problems Teresa was having with Arturo and he didn’t tell her about it. She prays to la Virgincita that Teresa resolves all her problems. Armando says no matter what happens, he won’t allow el licenciado to hurt his daughter.

Juana/Espe’s apt: Teresa is giving her legal advice on the Johnny/Pati incident. Pati left of her own will (voluntad), therefore they shouldn’t have any problems. That’s not privación a la libertdad (deprivation of freedom). Besides, Pati clarifies, she had told the old codger she’d be leaving on her birthday. Arturo agrees that Johnny can’t be charged with kidnapping (secuestro). Teresa also tells us that in México, the police wait 72 hours before the police will take a missing person report. Johnny repeats their decision to marry immediately. Teresa asks if they’re sure, because everything changes once you’re married. Freudian slip perhaps, but her hand is hovering over a disconsolate Arturo as she says this. Johnny & Pati say they’re sure because they’re in lurrrve. Johnny worries the only thing left is to find a place for the four of them to live. Arturo asks, “¿los cuatro?” Johnny says “sure. Me, my betrothed, my sister, and my little nephew.” Arturo didn’t know! “¿estas embarazada?” Everyone looks uncomfortable and Teresa shoots Johnny a menacing look.

Casa Caceres: Ruben and Mayra have returned from dinner as he recounts that Aida has told him she’ll forgive him so long as he doesn’t pressure her to stop seeing Mariano. He repeats that Geno wisely advised that forbidding the relationship would only serve to have Aida cling to Mariano. Ruben gets to the point of suggesting to Mayra that she consider protecting her inheritance. He wouldn’t want Mariano to take advantage of Aida in order to get to Mayra’s fortune and therefore thinks she should relieve Aida of control over her finances. Mayra snidely remarks he just wants that control for himself. No, he says, he likes the thought of Mayra taking control of her money and working side by side with him. He jokingly suggests he should stop working altogether so she can have him all to herself. Kissy, kissy, smooch. Mayra’s as giddy as a schoolgirl. Poor sap.

Juana/Espe’s apt: At the dinner table, Espe fills in Arturo on all things bebé: Mayra and Aida know but think the babydaddy is someone else, Ruben knows he’s the babydaddy and wants to support her and the child. Arturo’s stunned.

Casa Chavez: Refugio sighs heavily saying Pati reminds her of her dead Rosita. Armando and Refugio agree to support the Johnny/Pati cause in the name of Rosita. Pati and Johnny arrive and explain the legal advice they were given by Arturo and Teresa. Arturo’s there? The lights go out, leaving everyone in the dark.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says she is safe and sound (sano y salvo) and therefore, Arturo can leave. He wants to talk and tells her he took the first steps in removing himself from Paloma’s foundation. She is not happy to hear he’s handed over the reins to Ruben. She has plenty (plenamente) reason to distrust him. Arturo explains he’s doing everything possible to distance himself from all things Paloma and he’s doing this to show his love for Teresa. She responds by telling him it’s no use. She’s made up her mind. She wants a divorce. He refuses, asking that she give him a chance. Then he asks if it’s because of Mariano, she plans to go back to him, doesn’t she? She replies, “and if that’s the case, so what?” Arturo is taken aback as though he’s been slapped.

Mariano’s apt in candlelight: Mariano’s sad to hear Ramon wants to get a job elsewhere and asks him to reconsider. Ramon feels he could get better pay and besides Mariano is starting his life and doesn’t need him anymore. He only hopes Mariano doesn’t make a mistake. Mariano knows he’s referring to Teresa and all he can say is that he’s very confused. Ramon advises him not to make any decisions until he’s thought it all over very carefully or he could live to regret it. He suggests he talk to Aurora. Mariano is pensativo.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa says it doesn’t matter if she ends up with Mariano or anyone else. It’s ironic that he exhibits such jealousy when he’s the unfaithful one. He’s trying to understand. He feels that if she truly loves him, he should be able to win her back despite his mistake. He asks if she truly loves him, if that’s why she married him. Of course, she says. She just can’t forgive him. In the name of their love, he asks that she forgive him. Nah, she says. If she were someone else she might have easily forgiven him. She wants him to love her as much as she loves him. She’s not willing to settle for anything less. He pleads with her, begs her to reconsider and give their marriage a chance. She unflinchingly doesn’t think he’ll succeed. She again asks him to leave. Cold as ice, that one.

Casa Chavez: Morning has arrived. Armando, Refugio, and Pati are enjoying breakfast as Johnny arrives with all the paperwork needed for their marriage. Armando and Refugio both give them advice, suggesting a courtship before marriage.

Casa Grumpy Granpa: Gris finds the old codger despondent and curled up on Pati’s bed. She tries to talk him into having breakfast. He has no need for food and only has thoughts for Pati. Then he turns on her, blaming her for her part in Pati’s abduction (rapto). At first he tells her to leave, then changes his mind, saying he’ll turn her into the police. They start to struggle.

Casa Chavez: Refugio continues to advise Johnny/Pati to go through a courtship before marriage. They talk in stereotypical gender roles: Johnny has a job, but can he support a household? Can Pati cook and clean, can she maintain a household budget? They go on like this as the accordion plays on.

Hospital: Mariano has asked Aurora to his office to talk. Sidenote: she’s wearing her lab coat with high heeled boots – not a good look in my opinion. Besides, how can you wear heels while making rounds? Just sayin’. Anyhoo, Mariano brings up the topic of discussion: She told him she loved him. She’s embarrassed and thinks she shouldn’t have said anything. On the contrary, he apologizes for being such an imbécil and not having noticed. He wonders why she decided to tell him now. Does she still love him? She tells him they’ve always been good friends and wonders if what she said made a difference to him. Well, she definitely made him realize how stupid he was for such a long time. She philosophizes that when one is in love, one notices no one else. That’s what she thinks happened to him with Teresa and what’s happening to her now with Martin. When she first started dating Martin, he knew she still loved Mariano but decided to take the risk to win her over. He’s winning her over by being so thoughtful. Mariano asks if she loves Martin. She says Martin has helped her appreciate herself and enjoy life. She wants to make it very clear that she loves Martin and that there can be nothing between her and Mariano.

Casa de la Barrera: Refugio and Armando have come to see if there’s anything they can do during this trying time in the Barrera marriage. Teresa tells them is between Arturo and her. Teresa knows Arturo isn’t perfect but she’s not the type of person who will conform because “el que poco pide, nada merece.” (he that asks for little, deserves nothing) She has the right to decide what she does and who she does it with. Refugio tells her to think very carefully what she’s looking for in a man. She was once so in love with Mariano yet along came Arturo and it was over. Now she’s doing the same with Arturo. She was so in love with him but suddenly wants nothing to do with him. She just wants her to think very seriously about what she wants to do. She needs to fight for her marriage. Does she plan to go on like this? Marriage upon marriage upon marriage and each time suffering through this loss? Teresa tells her she will get a divorce if she wants to. Refugio reminds her she’s married by the church and that’s for-e-ver. She can’t allow Teresa to be ok if she’s hurting others. Teresa leans in close and says, “that’s life! Only the strong survive.”

Back at the hospital, Mariano tells Aurora of his discussion with Martin. She knows Martin is angry by what she’s done but she doesn’t regret it. She had to close that chapter in her life. Mariano tells her Martin does love her and told him he would step aside if she wanted to be with him (Mariano). Mariano thinks that’s a sign of true love, wanting the best for the one you love. She’s got a good man. Now that he hears that she loves him, he advises her not to let him go. He tells her she’s an incredible woman and he’ll always be there for her as a friend. They embrace. I guess the TN gods didn’t hear my plea. Drat!

Casa de la Barrera: Now it’s Armando’s turn, telling Teresa that as a divorced woman, men won’t notice her as they did before. No matter, she says, she’s not planning on leaving empty-handed. That shouldn’t be her chief concern, Refugio says. She should be worried about losing the man she loves. Refugio wonders if Teresa loves Arturo. Teresa tells her not to talk about things if she doesn’t know the details. Refugio asks that she enlighten them. Teresa refuses, preferring to make the decision whether or not to divorce without the opinions of others and when she wants their opinion, she’ll ask for it, although she doesn’t think that day will ever come. She picks up her purse and leaves, whispering, “entre ser y no ser, yo soy.” So there!

Hospital: Aurora pulls back and wishes happiness for Mariano. But in order to get there, he needs to close the chapter with Teresa. He lets on that he knows Teresa and Arturo are having problems. Aurora assumes he knows about Arturo’s infidelity. He didn’t and now Mariano is furious at the thought of that imbécil being unfaithful to Teresa.


Ah, Paquita, I'm screaming right along with you. I am just hoping that last night was a fooler by the writers, cause if things are headed to a Mari/Tere repairing, even for awhile, I will be beating up a few poor pillows in no short order.

And I thought we had our chance with Mar/Aur - I was like "kiss her kiss her" as they sat there, but no luck. Yeah, those TN gods don't like us much do they? (But I still hold on to hope. )

As for the whole teen angst crap, I guess the purpose it is serving is getting facts out to certain parties on unrelated topics - but I sure wish they would give those two less screen time now. But if teen queen is living with Refugio and Armando, probably no such luck. (She'll turn out to be the "I don't mind being poor" daughter Refugio never had.)

Grit those teeth and turn in tonight to see what happens next...

Was Grumps pulling on Griseldas hair?
Lol I love grumpy gramps the actor playing him is awesome but I wanted Griselda to get that huge umbrella that was in clear view and start wailing on Gramps and beat him down.

Yes Patty most likely will be Refugios Rosita replacement and Patt and Johnny will have plenty of on screen time I actually prefer them as filler than OLD annoying ass Juana and Cut.

Thank you Paquita. Fun recap of good episode. I was screaming with you about Mariano and Teresa. Let's face it, Teresa is a virus that has infected Mariano and you know that there is no cure for a virus. Too bad he did not inherit his father's common sense because he's the only one in this TN who hasn't caved in to her. As Teresa was ripping into Art, the thought occurred that this will come back to bite her. I see legal trouble for her in the future and she will need Art to rescue her, but by then I think he'll know that she only used him. Seriously, do the writers really believe that Juana and butberto are believable. I'm adding them to my list of irrelevant couples: Luisa and Fernando, Johnny and Patty, and Mayra and Ruben.

Tasha Fl

Thanks so much Francis. Last night's episode gave me little hope that Mariano will EVER get over Teresa. I think Aurora needs to run away from that mess as far as she can, and back to Martin. Even Mariano's dad refuses to stay around and watch this mess unfold. I want the hair comb to fall into someone else's hands, because as much as Ramon threatens, he would never put his son in danger of Art's wrath by telling Art his son has been getting it on with Teresa. It needs to be someone like Aida who doesn't give a damn about anything but her revenge.

So now we know why no one ever goes to the police in tns when someone goes missing. I thought the 24 hour rule in the U.S. was too much, but 72 hours!

Yes, Mariano seemed upset that Art would cheat on Tere (conveniently forgetting what has nearly happened between the two of them many times since Ter has been married), but the preview showed that he was more upset that Ter lied to him, once again, about the reason she was divorcing Art. NOT because she just could not live without Mariano anymore like she claimed. Why is he surprised anymore that she lies to him?! There isn't one conversation that they've had when she hasn't lied to him. And unlike Arturo, Mariano's found out about most of her lies and she's been lying to him longer. He should KNOW her by now.

Refugio really gets on my last nerve. She still doesn't address Arturo by name and she is actually encouraging Pati and Johnny. At least she's telling them to have a courtship first.

I am sure Teresa will take Arturo to the cleaners but not as a result of the divorce.

By US standards, 72 hours virtually guarantees that a kidnap victim won't be found.

Ooooo Martin's finally getting some starch in his collar. That fierce look is precious.

I actually thought Refugio handled the Johnny/Pati situation well. Unlike everyone else, she knew yelling at them wasn't getting them anywhere. It just made them more determined. Her letting Pari stay with them takes the pressure off these two knuckleheads doing something foolish like getting married right away, and her advice about having a courtship, getting to know each other and each other's expectations, and figuring out how they would support a home, is VERY sound. The more they can delay a foolish/hasty decision, and let reality set in, the better. I give Refugio props for this and gave Armando a boo for being so cold at first.

Does anyone else wonder why Tere dressed so sluty before and all of a sudden she dresses matronly? Long sleeves, pants, no cleavage?


She's a married woman now. Her goodies already did their work. No need to flaunt them anymore. She's got three men salivating at her feet. Now she can go into "respectable" married woman mode, and play that card for all it's worth. I'm actaully happy to not see another clingy, low cut dress or skin tight pants, with a big flower strategically placed to emphasize her cleavage or her legs in a dress slit up to there.

I neglected to make this comment earlier, but the strategically placed flowers reminded me of Aimee in CS 2009. What a slut!

Regarding Luna Turquesa, just when is the investment supposed to pay off?

Loved the recap Frances. Now that Ramon busted Mariano and Teresa nearly getting it on, I wonder will he make good on his promise and tell Arturo. It's time that Arturo finds out just the type of woman he married.

In the previews, Mariano shows up at the house and confronts Teresa about Arturo being unfaithful. I see Teresa's plan blowing up in her face. Arturo is still a very powerful attorney and he could make her and Mariano's life miserable if he wanted to. I think Teresa overplayed her hand and Mariano needs to butt out.

Speaking of which, I wish Mariano would once and for all open his eyes. Teresa is making a fool out of him like his father said and he will never be happy as long he keeps letting her jerk his chain. Ugh.

How long will Teresa keep throwing Arturo out of his own house. I'm looking forward to the tables being turned when he finds out all about Teresa.

Paquita outstanding recap loved it and thank you.

Vivi i agree with you on Refugio and her advice to johnny and Pati. But she needs to learn even though Teresa is her daughter to butt out of her marriage. They both have told her it's between them so stay out of it but she doesn't listen even still.

Mariano i'm just shaking my head over his stupidity he never learns.

Glad Teresa did tell Arturo she didn't trust Ruben with taking over his responsibilities at foundation now she needs to tell him the reason why.

Now for Aurora yesterday i disagree with some who were criticizing her for first telling Mariano how she felt about him for as long as she did. Then her honesty in telling Martin what she did.

Now i have to agree with those opinions about her if she's now telling Mariano there is no future for them she should have never told him how she felt. Most especially she should have never told Martin that she revealed to Mariano how she felt about him all along. It makes no sense whatsoever for her to do this if she had already started to be fully committed to Martin?

I think really what Aurora wanted to hear is Mariano telling her he has found out he does have feelings for her secretly that's why she did that.

I dont think the change of wardrobe has anything to do with her being a married woman.
I noticed all of the characters are dressed in winter like clothing. Juana no longer is wearing the low cut maxi dresses either. And Mariano/Teresa were in coats atop the roof.
Its a writers device to show change in time. Change the wardrobe, indicates time is passing.


At this point, I'm wondering what exactly it would take for Mariano to get over Teresa. She's lied to him constantly, publicly humiliated him, insulted everything about him...does he get off on the abuse? It's just sick and twisted.

I was also disappointed he didn't tell Aurora he was interested in her as well and make a move, but I guess maybe he felt it wouldn't be fair to give her hope when he still caves to Teresa's wicked wiles.

Juana and Cutberto either need some storyline progress, or they need to disappear. I don't like either of them, but I don't like the way Teresa treats them even more. Even if Cutberto is a good-for-nothing, it's Juana's call whether she wants to be with him, not Miss Centro Universo Teresa's. And the finger-snapping? I can't wait for Teresa's treatment of those she deems beneath her to come back and bite her in the sharky tail. Come on, Reina, do us proud.

Thanks for the muy fantastico recap.

Frances, thanks for your succinct, well written recap. Two of my favorite phrases are, ”Mayra’s as giddy as a schoolgirl. Poor sap” and “Cold as ice, that one.” Good descriptions!

The men in Paty’s life: El Johnny, Grumpy Gramps and a father who has all but abandoned her, what did she do to deserve this?

I’m OK with Refugio trying to talk sense into Johnny and Paty. She gave them good, sound advice……WAIT! It must have been nice for Refugio to be taken seriously, Teresa and collective viewerville usually sighs and rolls their eyes as she talks. Blu, believe it or not, because I have been one of Refugio’s most vocal critics, I was OK with her trying to talk to Teresa about divorcing a “good” man without thinking it through. Refugio doesn’t know all the facts yet, and what Art has done is fairly serious, but getting a divorce and so quickly shouldn’t be taken lightly. Also, like others have said, Arturo is an accomplished (?) attorney, I wouldn’t want him as my enemy. Having said that, Refugio has stated her case, now she needs to “butt out” and let Teresa make her own selfish as usual decisions.

Tasha, "Teresa is a virus that has infected Mariano", what a shame! I think Belle Watley said as much to Rhett, but used the word poison!

Down to the silly stuff, Martin and Luisa tower over the other actors, all the more reason for them to get together. They would make a handsome couple! OK, I know it, comparable heights have nothing to do with happiness, but looking good has to count for something!

Sandy i get where you're coming from but for as much the well intentions that Refugio was trying to do she was told by her son in law and daughter the problem is between them as a married couple. So she should let them resolve it between themselves besides when other people have tried to tell Refugio about her problems with Armando she doesn't want to hear them same applies to Teresa.

You're right neither parent will like hearing how Arturo has already cheated on Teresa so early on in their marriage. Which works in Teresa's favor on how she can manipulate others emotionally to supporting her on how she deals with Arturo.

I do wonder from the previews when Mariano confronts Teresa on the real reason why she is divorcing Arturo if he'll let out about the night of passion before her marriage to Arturo if anyone will overhear them like Luisa,Reina or Arturo himself. Once that is discovered and Arturo knows about it then they're both on even ground again she can't hold his infidelity over his head.Because he now would have the knowledge that she slept with Mariano the night before they got married and made plans to married him instead and ditch Arturo.

Oh the possibilities are endless here i would love to see Martin paired up with Luisa. They can console each other because the more i think about it Aurora still is in love with Mariano. We all know and see where Fernando is heading.

Mariano thinks that’s a sign of true love, wanting the best for the one you love.

Good boy, Mariano!

Now ask yourself, is Teresa doing that for you?

If Teresa really does leave Arturo and takes up with you, don't you think the ensuing scandal would wreck your career?

Would someone who loves you do that?

And when your career as a doctor and part of Paloma's foundation is wrecked, and you end up being a taxista again, do you think Teresa will stand by your side? She didn't stand by your side when you were a taxista/med student or up and coming intern, why would she stay by your side now?

She slapped you in the church and called you a stalker. Does someone who loves you do that?

Lastly, if you somehow fell in love with Aurora or Aida or even Magda, would Teresa step aside and let you be happy with them?

Also, since Paloma died and Ramon is leaving town, that frees up 2 salaries to bring some new characters on.

Refusio would probably stay out of Teresa's marriage if El Licenciado wasn't storming down to the vecindad every episode, looking for Teresa.

I just don;'t see how the relationship with Mariano and Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda can work at all. She is completely delusional in thinking that he will has stop being Espe's friend in order to get back with her.

If you really think about it both Mariano and Espe have the same problem they are both in love with toxic people. no matter how many times they are hurt by them they keep falling for the same old lies. Sad and very pathetic really.

This is a common ground why Mariano tries to be there for Espe and open up her eyes to Ruben but he needs to self examine his own relationship with Teresa. I don't see this friendship ending like Aeeeeeeeeeeeda wants i see it flourishing once Espe gets to see the real Teresa and realizes who her true friend has been.Both can help each other by getting over their first loves and having a shoulder to cry on.

Why isn't paty looking for a job? How much housekeeping is there to do in a tiny apartment for two anyway? She is better educated than johnny and could probably contribute more.

Julia- All things these two bubbleheads haven't thought about.

I do wonder how easy it is for poor people to find housing. It seems that Johnny has had no luck, and other tns I have seen show it not being easy. One reason could be that people want to saty close by or in the same vecinidad in which they grew up. The other reason is related-- since no one ever moves away, no new places ever become available. Espe wants to move out of the vecinidad so that she won't keep running into Clan Ruben, but she wants to stay close by to have access to her support system. There should be two apts available in the vecinidad though-- Fito's place, and Espe's family's place (which I think is meant for the rent collector).

Blu, "I just don;'t see how the relationship with Mariano and Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda can work at all." I completely agree, they are so fundamentally different. Mariano's continual defense of Espe and Aida's "rat of the vecindad" comments just highlight their differences. Don't get me wrong, Aeeeda has some strong points, but on social issues, they are polar opposites. Mariano views himself as "one of them" and Aida views herself as "above them all" a recipe for disaster, long term. Sadly, as I see it, both Aida and Teresa see themselves as much bigger and better than ordinary people. If we are expecting Reina to take Teresa down a notch (or 10) we need to add Aida to her list.

I don't think that Johnny or Espe have enough saved up to get a apartment for themselves.

Ok what in the world is going on with this crazy Univision scheduling today? They are showing right now at 4:30pm a half hour of Alma De Hierro which was shown on Telefutura awhile back several years ago. For those who want to see a younger Angelique Boyer she's in it.Then at 5pn they are showing Noticero Univison and at 5:30pm a half hour of Cuando Me Enamores this is crazy.

All yesterday it was advertised that the soccer game was coming on at 9pm now it's been moved up to 7pm.

Paquita you are awesome! Thanks for the great recap!

I have never seen Aida mistreat the help. She may think her station in life is above theirs, but neither she nor Mayra have been shown abusing the help. The only 2 people that have abused the help are Grumps (w/Griselda...grief over Pati) and Teresa (mean towards Reina and the choffer from the minute she moved in).

And, let's remember, Teresa was sweetness and light towards Reina UNTIL she moved into Arturo's place and fancied herself La Duena.

Thanks for the heads up Blu. The tv listings I'm finding aren't even showing Teresa on tonight. I saw over on the CME line that it will be on at 5:30 EST tonight. What would be shown for the 1/2 hour in between if Teresa is on at 7?

So i guess going around calling people rata just because they weren't born rich and live in a vecindad is ideal behavior? Sorry to me that doesn't excuse obnoxious behavior or bad manners either. Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda is fake to me and totally ugly and obsessive as a person. Nothing at all likeable about her. But to each his own.

Vivi there is no Teresa tonight or any other novela except for a half hour of Cuando at 5:30pm then it's followed by another half hour of news which makes no sense why they broke it up instead of just showing a full hour.Then at 6:30pm they are showing the preliminaries teams before the soccer game which now starts at 7pm it's crazy how they just spring this unexpected new schedule on us like this. When yesterday it was saying on my TV schedule guide at least Cuando was going to be on for a full hour and the other novelas exempt for the soccer game.

Sandy ita about Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeda i just can't take to her but i do admit when she is taking on daddy dearest i am cheering her on. But she has no right to look down upon anyone no matter what her social status is.You are also right on how Aeeeeeeeeda and Teresa view themselves as better than other people.

I do believe there was a discussion awhile back on that Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda doesn't talk down to the help. So i guess this makes it ok to talk about Espe like she does? For that matter after she discovered about Espe and Teresa knowing about it and they were friends how did she react when she came barging into Teresa's house and talking down to her parents? To me that shows a lack of upbringing and manners not showing respect towards your elders.

Blu, I agree with your take on Aida, and for everyone else, you said it best.... "to each his own." If you are in Aida's camp, check your credentials, she seems to like , "to the manner born." I know my family and I wouldn't qualify to be in her "special" circle of friends!

Blu, I'm needing a "drink" right now, care to join me in cyberspace? Ha

Make that "to the MANOR" born.....

Sandy that's not a bad idea i think i'm in need of one from Uni's crazy schedule cheers.

Full hour of CME. Watching it now.

It's crazy right Vivi because it's showing on my TV guide schedule that it's on for a half hour.

Paquita, thank you for the great recap, I have been away and have only the recaps to keep up. (Can't get my family to watch Spanish telenovela's go figure. Thank you Jardinera for yesterday's fine recap, also.
I gather from your recaps Tere is getting ready to strip Art of his excess dinero and perhaps go back to Mar. We all know she may be planning to fleece Fer, also.
To those of you who want her to end up with Art it doesn't seem like they are meant to be at all. Tere and Mar are two halves of a whole (at least according to how the writer/s seem to be telling it.) Poor Mar to have the misfortune of loving Tere.

Both my husband and I have really come to love the Teresa theme song "Esa Hembra es Mala" sung by Gloria Trevi. Boy can she ever belt it out, and she really tells the story with her inflections.

It's funny because I didn't really like the song at first, and now I always smile when I hear it.

Gloria Trevi actually makes her home in McAllen TX which is very close to me.


Aida has a specific problem with Esperanza (who slept with her daddy) and Teresa (who has been a pain in her @$$ since high school).

As I said, if Esperanza had been Sally the Nurse with no connection to Ruben or Teresa, she would not be calling Sally a "rata de vecindad."

Does Aida think she is to the manor born? Yes, because she IS to the manor born, and she gets her snobby attitude from her mother, who also looks down on people from Teresa & Esperanza's class. But we've never seen Mayra or Aida being rude or nasty to their maids or choffers, either.

We HAVE seen Teresa, who is most definitely NOT to the manor born, being nasty to Reina & Arturo's choffer. I'm quite sure Refusio & Armando have both been on the receiving end of the kind of treatment that Teresa dishes out on the help.

You can always tell the quality of a person by how they treat the help, and Teresa treats the help like crap. She even treated Martin like a piece of trash before she found out he was Paloma's representative, owned the restaurant and was independently wealthy himself.

Not even Aida has done all of that.

Funny recap Paquita, I love your style ! Now you all might think I'm nuts but, I think Ruben looks like an older Ben Stiller with a cheap wig & mustache !!

I am sooo tired if Aida's constant obsession with Teresa, she should of left all that back in high school. Travel, work, do something ! If I hated someone as much as she hates Teresa, I would NEVER ever date one of her X hand me down men, much less 2 of them! That's just too degrading I think.
I like Tere & Fer as a couple. He is definitely more exciting than Art, he's not ready for kids & seems to be more worldly & experienced with women. Plus they were really attracted to oneanother in Cancun, before they knew who each was.

After hearing "rata de vecindad" so many times I'm wondering if it doesn't actually mean "slum rat". For all the obvious reasons.

Aida really needs to get over her obsession with Teresa.

It does mean "slum rat," or maybe we would say "sewer rat." Question: why doesn't Aida consider Mariano a slum rat? Sure, he made good, but so did Teresa.

Blue Lass, I think this is about female alpha-bitch stuff and also about Teresa having misrepresented herself.

Mariano never misrepresented himself. He's a poor boy who made good in a profession that requires more work than luck and a lot of sacrifice. Even Aida can respect that.

Judith Martin wrote a fabulous book called Star-Spangled Manners which references the mutual need between old money and upstart brains. Without the educated upstart, old money stagnates because people with old money tend not to be very original or creative. That is the positive dynamic between Mariano and Aida.

BTW, what is Aurora's job in the hospital? When did she go to medical school?

Makes sense, UA. And I've seen it in real life!

UA, I think Aurora is a doctor at the hospital somehow because she keeps talking about making her rounds and losing patients.

How she became a doctor is mysterious since we never saw her attending college. (Maybe she went to college in France?) I think when she came back she was trying to decide which college to go to. I think Mariano and Hector had some connection to the public university, and Teresa convinced Aurora to attend the University del Sur (to keep her away from Mariano) but then Mariano was supposed to be teaching a course at the Universidad del Sur?

But then that whole storyline just went away so I don't know how Aurora got her degree and I assume she did if she's "making rounds" and "losing patients" at the hospital.

The upper crust ladies think Teresa and Esperanza are using their sexuality to latch onto wealthier men to improve their financial stations in life.

Teresa actually IS using her sexuality to advance herself. She tried it with Paulo and succeeded with Arturo. Teresa would not be a law firm partner, driving the fancy Mercedes or living in the big mansion had she not latched onto Arturo. If they only knew about Fernando!

Esperanza is NOT using her sexuality to improve her station in life, but there are too many instances of women who get knocked up by wealthy men to improve their lifestyles. They see Esperanza going from a notario to a doctor while being a nurse from the slums and they wonder, how can that be?

Mariano is NOT using his sexuality to advance his financial station and quite frankly I think Aida is a little impressed that he worked himself up from a taxista to a doctor. Ruben & Genoveva are trying to convince Mayra & Aida that Mariano is just a golddigger after Aida's/Mayra's money (to cover up their dirty dealings) but both Mayra* and Aida don't believe that to be true. There's simply no evidence to support Mariano being a golddigger like Teresa and Esperanza (even though we the viewers know Espe is NOT a golddigger).

*Mayra is a weak spineless woman, and she goes along to get along. So she may one day agree that Mariano is a "golddigger" just to placate Ruben or Genoveva. But deep down she doesn't believe Mariano's after Aida's money.

I think Aurora is supposed to still be in medical school. Maybe she's an intern now; I'm not sure what the med school schedule is like in Telenovelaland. So she's around the hospital a lot seeing to patients, but I just assume that offscreen she's making those rounds with a professor/experienced doctor and a group of other students. I suspect she did go to school in France but she'd still be behind Mariano academically and he just barely became a full-fledged doctor. It is rather curious how she has so much free time and looks so well-rested...she must be really smart and not have to study a lot. Maybe her dad is influential enough that she gets to have a more relaxed schedule than the typical students.

Interesting discussion here about class and status. Aida and Teresa...high status, no class. Aurora...class and status. Esperanza...low status, but classy. you over the head so much with her "dignity in humility," it starts to be very un-classy.

Money is no guarantee of class, nor is a law degree. Class is about attitude and manner.

When I sold my mother's house a few years ago the buyer's lawyer was 90 minutes late to the meeting and upon arrival spent 90% of the meeting on her cell phone with another client. She sounded like Fran Drescher from The Nanny and dressed as though she had seen one too many showings of Erin Brokovich. I felt sorry for her client. I asked my lawyer if she dressed that way for court, but he didn't know. If I were a judge I would send her home to change.

I'm guessing that Aurora is a medical student and might be a year older than Teresa.

Thanks for your wonderful recap Frances. I screamed and moaned along with you. I wish Mariano and Espe could be re-programed not to be so blind/stupid with regard to love. As Anon207 noted about Mariano, these kids need to study 1 Cor 13 and find out what real love is.

Also thanks for your recap Jardinera.

Paquita: Thanks for the terrific amount of detail. I had missed some of the Buttberto and Juana dialogue (must have been thinking how much I hate this relationship and his character), but you captured it and I am extremely thankful. I didn't care to go through the rewind grind to catch it!
Blusamurai: Gal, you and I are trackin' when it comes to Aeeeeda! The TN gods have been trying to redeem her, but it doesn't work for me!! She's a classless rich-b!tch and a bigoted harpy. Maybe Mariano or Papa Ramon will eventually see through her, too? Ramon is so into her and Mar being a couple, but if he knew what he thought of people like him who live in that tenement he'd go off on her just like he does with Teresa.

Blue Lass: Does an adjunct prof of Spanish ever have enough spare time to do a recap or two? It would be interesting to see your take on these things, especially since you're an aficionado of sorts. Where do you teach?

EEEEK I've been outed! Have you been reading my blog? (If so, you'll appreciate why I'd rather not say where I work -- I am much, much too tart-tongued about my students!)

I'd love to try recapping some time, but I can also see it would take a very long time to do it right and get the level of nuance and detail (not to mention tongue-in-cheek humor) that the current recappers provide. I'll keep you posted as my rustiness wears off. I'm auditing a translation class in the fall -- maybe after that I'll be ready.

Whenever! Melinama would be pleased I am sure, as the rest of us! Yes, I was curious! "Tart-tongued" tale-telling puts you into the proper mix, for sure. LOL!

Hey everyone. I am back... so sorry about missing the recap last wednesday. I am at my sisters house and there was a thunderstorm that knocked the internet out and we just got it fixed this morning. So I am back and able to resume my wednesday recaps.... I am SO far behind, I need to spend the rest of this week catching up.
Again, sorry I missed Wednesday and THANKS in advance for the recaps I'm about to read to get caught up!

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