Thursday, June 09, 2011

Teresa Wed 6/8/11 #74 Sex, lies…at least there’s no videotape. Or Twitter.

Scenes condensed.
Paloma’s Pity Palace: Arturo, in a frantic state, has shown up for a little late-night therapy with Paloma, who apparently wears black pumps with her nightie. He sobs that she was right; Teresa was not only engaged to Mariano, she also hit the sheets (or the beach towel) with him. Arturo helps himself to the booze and interrogates Paloma. When she saw them in the park, did Teresa seem into Mariano? Not like she was being coerced? Paloma says they seemed totally together. Art is furious that Teresa said she slept with Paulo. “What difference does it make?,” Paloma asks. What matters is she LIED! Art keeps drinking.
Cuernavaca: Teresa tries to call Arturo, but he doesn’t answer. Juana says she knows something is really wrong with their marriage.
Juana’s apartment: Maira asks Esperanza about the other man in her life. Espe says it’s none of her business. Just in case, Maira calls dibs on Ruben again. All yours, except that if he cheated with me, he’ll cheat again, Espe warns. Maira smugs that he totally pinky-promised it won’t happen again. Johnny shows up with Espe’s churros, and doesn’t see Maira there as he says something to Esperanza about not wanting his sobrino born with churro face. “You’re PREGNANT?!” Maira asks. Espe admits this but says it isn’t Maira’s concern. For some stupid reason, Maira wants to literally drag Esperanza over to talk to Ruben about this. Huh? She wants to potentially give him a reason to stay in contact with Espe? Fortunately Hernán el galán rides in on his white steed to save the day. He hugs Esperanza and tells Maira to leave his fiancée and baby alone. Maira sneers that Espe’s awfully lucky she found another man who would have her. Hernán el muy galán beams that he’s the lucky one. Espe is awesome; such a catch! He gets rid of Maira. Esperanza cries and says she doesn’t deserve the nice things he’s said and done for her. Hernán says he meant everything he said.
Paloma’s Nest of Neediness: Arturo is still drinking and yelling. He isn’t mad that Teresa wasn’t some untouched innocent, he’s furious about the LIES! Now he understands why Mariano was so sure Teresa was interested in him. Arturo smashes his glass against the wall, cutting his hand. {I’m just curious…how do they film something like that without the actor really getting hurt? Special trick glass? Camera trickery?} He fetches the jug and keeps drinking. WHY, Teresa, WHY?!
Finally Arturo calms down a bit and lets Paloma patch up his hand. He’s still crying, so Paloma snuggles up all sympathetically and tries to talk him into forgetting about that traitor Teresa. Paloma will ALWAYS love him. Smoochy smoochy. He does not resist. More smooching. Major smooching. Clothes start coming off and things go horizontal.
Meanwhile, back in Cuernavaca, Teresa paces and thinks to herself that she CANNOT lose Arturo and his money and social position.
Next morning:
Cuernavaca: Teresa wants to go home, and Juana and Héctor agree to leave early and take her. Aida strolls along and tells Tere she should have come to the club with them. It was so much fun and she and Mariano danced all night! Too bad Tere’s husband abandoned her.
Elsewhere on the grass: Mariano apologizes to Aurora and says she’s right and everything is not about Teresa. Aurora just seems annoyed that he even brought it up again. He worries that he’s losing Aurora’s friendship. She says she’s put up with a lot from him, but she’s getting tired of it. Mariano doesn’t know why she’s so mad. Aurora tells him if he keeps hanging onto hopes for Teresa, he’ll eventually regret it. She stomps off and tells her dad she’s an idiot. Try as she might, she can’t fall in love with Martín, and she can’t forget Mariano, who in turn will never get over Teresa.
Juana’s apartment: Esperanza’s home from her night shift, and Cutberto tries to pry information about Juana out of her. Espe has nothing. He offers to get breakfast; after all, “las penas con pan son buenas” (food improves the mood, carbs soothe life’s barbs). Esperanza says she’s made some big mistakes, and now that she’s met a guy who would be worth the trouble, she thinks it’s too late. But she encourages Cutberto to try again with Juana. Speaking of the queen of Rome, she arrives home and tries to regale Cutberto with tales of the fabulousness of the house and Héctor’s muy attentive attentions, but oddly he does not want to hear it.
Back in Cuernavaca, Martín tells Aurora he wants to stay awhile longer. “Why?” she asks. To help the servants clean, he jokes. Or, he wants to live where soul meets body, specifically his soul and her body. Kisses. Aurora seems relieved when the phone rings.
Back in the 80s, at Genoveva’s: Maira tells Gen she saw Esperanza, and she’s pregnant! Gasp. Genoveva thinks it’s great news that Espe has moved on. Maira agrees; now she and Ruben can be super-happy again. Um, sure, congrats.
Casa de la Barrera: Teresa arrives and asks Luisa where Arturo is. Luisa is surprised they aren’t together. No, he didn’t come home. “Where did he sleep?!” Teresa screeches.
Paloma’s Inn of Infidelity: Two sad sacks in the sack. Arturo awakens to Paloma’s nekkid caresses. He feels terrible. As he should, after draining the decanter. Oh, and also the floozy snoozling. Paloma is of the convenient opinion that his cheating doesn’t count if Teresa cheated first. Arturo gets dressed while Paloma tries to convince him that he should leave Teresa because Paloma will always be here offering up whatever he wants and never ask for anything in return. Geez louise, woman, way to sell yourself. Somehow Arturo declines this not-so-special offer. Paloma assures him her lips are zipped. She apparently went to the Comcast Cable send-fliers-three-times-a-week-for-years-and-maybe-eventually-they’ll-upgrade School of Marketing, because she repeats her offer over and over and over and Arturo says never again. She gives it another shot. Whatever! Whenever! She’s available!
Casa de la Barrera: Luisa and Teresa fret and fuss and try to reach Arturo and Teresa claims if something bad has happened to him, she’ll die. {Of what? Shopping herself to death, trying to max out his credit cards before she’s cut off?}
Loan Shark Storekeeper’s place (sorry, can’t remember her name): Fito delivers more “sandwich fillings.” The woman wants to tell Johnny what’s going on, but Fito wants to wait until they’re sure they can trust him. Definitely it won’t be a problem, though, because Johnny’s in love and you know those dames, cost a fortune.
Vecindad: Johnny tells Cutberto he’d like to get out of his way, but he can’t find a place to live. Cutberto suggests the portero position which is still vacant. Cutberto’s thinking of leaving himself, though. Johnny tells him he thinks dating Gris to make Juana jealous will work. But in the meantime, gotta seek “comfort” elsewhere, ya know?
Grumpa’s prison: Gris and her giggly young inmate swoon over a diary Gris has filled with romantic yearnings. Later, when Gris is gone, what’s-her-name passes the diary down to Johnny in the bucket so he can photocopy it to use as blackmail.
Casa de la Barrera: Arturo finally arrives home, where Teresa is pacing the parlor. “Where have you been?! I have been worried sick! But most importantly, with whom did you spend the night?!” Teresa smells the booze and gets really yelly. Fernando conveniently shows up, reads the situation, and offers an alibi, but Teresa chucks him out. She does not buy the story. Why is Arturo lying to her? “Why did YOU lie to ME?” Teresa deflects by crying about how worried she was about him. They hug. She notices his hand. Arturo admits he smashed a glass. Teresa can’t believe he lost control like that (if only she knew). He says it will never happen again. She tells herself she’s going to find out what’s going on.
Cuernavaca, pool: Aida talks Mariano into trying to have fun. She can help, because she’s an expert in Post-Teresa Rehab for Men. They snoozle in a lounge chair in front of Aurora.
Martín tells Aurora he thinks she can move on and fall in love with him and be happy. It’s all in the attitude. Like Aida, determined to enjoy life even after Paulo died, and see how happy she looks there with Mariano? Aurora would rather not see, but she agrees a good attitude helps. Martín says he was in love once before, and now the second time, with Aurora, it’s just as intense, if not more so.
Casa de la Barrera library: Luisa doubts Fernando’s story, as well. Fern sweet-talks her into submission. Teresa walks in and says she knows Fernando was just trying to help, but if Arturo is ever unfaithful, divorce on the double. Fern looks grim.
Privately, Arturo thanks Fernando. Fern wants the scoop. Art admits he was with Paloma. QUÉ?! Fernando is outraged. How could Arturo do that to Teresa? Arturo tells him Teresa slept with Mariano. What?! She cheated?! No, it was before. Oh. So what’s the problem? It’s not like Arturo doesn’t have a past. The problem is that she LIED!!! Fernando is still furious. Arturo feels terribly guilty, but thinks Fernando is taking this rather personally.
After Fernando leaves, Teresa comes in to sob some more about how worried she was and how much she loves Arturo. She loves him so much, she just can’t keep her terrible secret anymore. She confesses she slept with Mariano. “I KNEW it!”
Avances: Arturo DEMANDS to know whether Teresa loves Mariano. Check yes or no, and I guess if she does they’ll meet at recess for a peck on the cheek. Also, fútbol match tomorrow so changed schedule.


Love your title Julia! So much fun reading this while carefuuly sipping the morning coffee.

Dr. H. is my HERO!!!! Now THERE'S a real galan. Man, I hope this gets those two to move forward. But what will Rube do when he hears?? Mr. I want my cake and eat it too I'm sure won't go quietly into the Marya sunset.

"Comcast Cable send-fliers-three-times-a-week-for-years-and-maybe-eventually-they’ll-upgrade School of Marketing". So awesome.

Pathetic is just so "yuk" and Artie sure looked like he had Buyer's remorse come morning. As soon as she just stood there watching him slug down the booze, knew she would try to seduce him and get his guns going. Glad we didn't get too much lip action.

Frankly, now he's the one who is really the idiot. Love how Fer was like "so what?" that she slept with someone BEFORE they married. Ok, so she lied, but did that warrant cheating on her WHILE they are married? Not sure that totally sunk in with our green-eyed hunk.

And now Fer knows that if Tere finds out,... can we get a chorus of Tammy Wynette singing D-I-V-O-R-C-E. (And he could sign up for a trial run period with our lovely maiden?)

And then poor Aurora admits she doesn't luuurrrvvv Martin ( and he is getting a little 80's for me --what was with that huge chain?). Poor poppa...knowing how Martin feels, does he let his poor daughter marry someone she doesn't love.

Between this TN and Cuando, should be a summer of fun!!

Good work on a good episode. "Back in the 80's" -- great! One of the most amusing things about the photo gallery of the past versions was the 80s coiffures.

Now I'll bet that Paloma the Pathetic becomes embarazada and escalates her stalking of Arturo. This would give Teresa grounds for a divorce and a big settlement. Prenups tend to get invalidated by stuff like this (not that I'm cheering for Tiburoncita).

The situation between Maira and Genoveva has more explosive potential than between Rosa and Sofia in Herederos although it could be made amusing, a la Dynasty....

Hooray for Hernan! Esperanza deserves a break after this. Gets knocked up by a golfo but ends up with a doctor. I hope they have a nice wedding before she begins to show.

Esa hembra es MALA, and I don't mean Tere! Soooo disappointed with Arturo! I can't even talk about it...

I will talk instead about how awesome Espe's wanna-be novio is! That was the greatest thing, saving her from Maira's wrath!

Haven't read the recap yet - looking forward to it!

When is that dopey Arturo going to start acting instead of reacting? "Oh, that Teresa chick likes me...oh, that Teresa chick lied to me...oh, that Paloma chick still likes me..." How did he get to be so successful in business without any ideas of his own?

"Check yes or no, and I guess if she does they’ll meet at recess for a peck on the cheek."

That gets my vote for snark of the week!

Wonderful Julia. "Paloma’s Pity Palace", "Somehow Arturo declines this not-so-special offer" and "Two sad sacks in the sack" were a few of my favorites.

Perhaps Maira should direct some of her anger managment issues at Ruben. Espe is really getting savaged here. Basta! The white lining, or in this case, the white night, was there to save the damsal in distress: "Fortunately Hernán el galán rides in on his white steed to save the day".

Starting to dislike Arturo as much as Paloma. I guess the best offense is a good defense. They deserve each other.


Thank you for this brilliant recap. So many perfect passages!

I LOVE Hernan the Galan! I hope that things start to FINALLY develop between him and Espe.

I am so sick of the Johnny and jailbait storyline. YAWN.

Wow, who knew that Professor Hottie would do this! This is a game changer. I can hardly wait to see how all of this is going to develop.

Thank you again for such a great recap.

Julia, that was a great recap!
Paloma’s Pity Palace and Nest of neediness, Inn of Infidelity, two sad sacks in the sack. So funny.
See, I thought Aurora told Mariano that Tere isn’t the only woman in the world and called HIM an idiot. Now this is why I don’t recap, I get these little details wrong.
I had to laugh at Tere screaming where did Art sleep. Yeah, right, like you weren't over at Mari's last week hitting the sheets. Similarly, Fernando’s righteous rage over Art’s behavior. He should talk.
I don’t know why, but I like Aida. She’s a harpy, but there is something redeemable about her.
Blue Lass: good point, Art does seem so passive. And we never see him actually working.

Oh Julia, I so love your funny snarky style. You had me chuckling from the title to the last sentence. Paloma's Nest of Needines particularly made me laugh out loud, considering the meaning of Paloma.

Art, I am disappointed in you. But this does give us a potential bomb that could move the plot in many directions. If Pal opens her mouth to Geno or Aida, you just know this is going to come out. Of course it would then blow up in Geno/Aida's faces if they tried to use it to hurt Ter. Ter would just use this info to get a great divorce settlement and go on her merry way to her next victim. Geno/Aida need to keep working on finding Ter in a compromising position herself. But if that's with Mariano, I would be disappointed in HIM for going down that road again.

Hernan el Galan was also my hero of the night. I loved the way he pulled Espe to him and put that protective arm around her. Too bad she is still not over El Bigote.

Telenovelas are pretty uneven about showing what healthy love should look like, when someone should walk away from an unealthy situation, and showing people moving on happily. This idea of never being able to get over your first love and never being able to fully love the next one just doesn't hold water in real life. Sure, you never forget the first one. You never forget the second or third time you fall in love either. It doesn't mean you can't fall in love again. Martin's attitude is the most healthy one shown.

List of the Lovelorn:
-Tere wants Mariano to be all hers, even though she's married to another
-Mar can't move on from Tere
-Aurora can't move on from Mariano
-Paloma can't move on from Art
-Luisa has been in love with Fer pratically her whole life and could never really give her heart to another

Those who finally moved on:
-It took almost 15 years for Art to move on from Pal
-It took Hector 20 years to move on from Vanessa
-It took Juana over a decade to move on from her dead husband
-It took Johnny three years to move on from Rosita
-It took Aida no time to move on from Paulo (although hottie Mariano is a good motivator)

Wow, Julia, that was a GREAT recap. I know you were subbing today - thanks. I admire your ability to deliver a compact recap yet hit all the key points (a skill I have not yet developed), and STILL add plenty of your own brilliant commentary. Comcast school of marketing, back to the 80s (which was JUST what I was thinking when I saw Maira and Geno on the couch) LOL!!!!

Yes, it seems our galán (Art, that is), hasn't yet figured out that what he just did is WAY worse than lying about any relations before marriage. So he casually, if sort of accidentally, cheats on his wife? Paloma may be doormat ultra pathetic, but Art is just as pathetic in his crazy anger, hit the booze, then do whatever ridiculous thing sequences. Hate it.


Emarie, I like Aida, too! She grabs for the gusto, doesn't she? But my favorite characters are Juana and Cutberto -- they are so much fun when they are together, even though I miss quite a few of the double-entendres. I'm getting better, though.

So now we have two really significant offstage characters -- Saenz and la madre de Aurora. Who wants to bet they show up together?

I keep hearing Saenz mentioned. Who is that, exactly?

Julia, thanks for subbing and your great recap. Both "Paloma’s Inn of Infidelity" and "Paloma’s Nest of Neediness" had me LOL!

Like all of you I am so shocked and disappointed Art slept with Pal (can she be any more of a doormat). As someone noted, that's a complete game changer. And with Fer's reaction, it's only a matter of time before Teresa finds out (it was funny how Art said Fer was acting like a suegro. Too bad he doesn't realize Fer has fallen for Ter).

And hurray for Hernan! He is THE galan right now. I just hope Espe gets over Reuben.

Emaire - you were correct. Aurora did say those things to Mariano.

Thanks for your recap from yesterday, Frances.

Diana - great seeing your posts. I hope you are well.

Welcome SS and Blue Lass.

Thanks, y'all. It was fun to do this again. I knew I couldn't stay away from recapping completely.

I am so disgusted with Arturo! This guy is supposed to be one of the best lawyers in town! How is he so terrible at analytical thinking and strategizing? He must have a heck of a staff slaving away to make him look good at that mysterious office we never see (and where he never seems to go).

I'm so bored with Johnny and his jailbait, I can't even remember her name, although I know I've heard and read it many times. Whatever. They need to either move along with this plotline, or drop it.

Pathetic Paloma was such a broken record I was starting to wonder if I was just watching the same scene over and over on repeat. "I'll be your hooker! But free! In fact, why don't I pay YOU?! I'll do anything! For nothing in return!" Ugh.

Not really impressed with Aida's and Mariano's socializing skills. Isn't it kinda rude to play lounge leeches all groping each other right in front of Aurora? Shouldn't they, you know, actually socialize with their hostess?

Emarie, Saenz is some client of Arturo's, who is in big trouble. We've never met him, but Arturo had to cut the honeymoon short to come back to the city and get him out of jail. Not sure exactly what he's done.

Julia, you outdid yourself! This was one of your best recaps ever. There have been so many of your funny turn of phrases mentioned this morning, I’ll just go with your title, “Sex, least there is no video tape. Or Twitter” Why would anybody be thinking about twitter these days? wink, wink Julia, outstanding!

Shoot! Martin lost his turtleneck, but gained a chain! His personality is growing on me, his pickup kiss of Aurora was cute and he is kinda funny, a handy thing to have in a guy. If I had to pick between our hothead, sourpuss (lounge leech!) but cute Mariano, or Martin with a turtleneck, pixie haircut WITH sideburns and 1970’s chain, I’d pick Martin, at least you’d get a laugh or two out of the deal. (As a “young” grandmother, I need to worry about who would pick me, Grampa Grouch perhaps?)

Elvira, yes, this is a game changer, Arturo has lowered himself to Teresa’s level and then sunk down below her on the liar gage-o-meter. The ole “acostarse” with someone else after marriage is much worse than the ole “acostarse” before marriage. (We are all really going to know that verb after this novela.) Why oh why did Art confess to Fernando, that was a HUGE mistake. What’s stopping Fer from being a sympathetic friend/listener (with beneficios!) for Teresa now? If Teresa is already threatening D-I-V-O-R-C-E (good one Daisy), she’ll start to activate plan B and quick.

Jarocha, if you stop by, thanks for recommending this novela, it’s a great one!

Julia: You had me LMAO from beginning to end! Wow! Did you leave anybody standing? On a scale of 1-10 on the snark-o-meter it's a 12!

Art needs therapy. Loved it when Fernando reminded his BFF that this isn't two centuries ago and you'd expect a pretty girl to have had a couple of bed-time buddies before she gets married nowadays. IMHO Tere's right! It's too bad she didn't meet that guy in the beginning. Mariano would have been left in the dust after Nando's first nuzzle. // The blonde bouffant croud, complete with hair "falls"--LOL!


BTW, did you notice Fernando's wolfish grin when he was asking Arturo to spill the beans about where he *really* spent the night? Then Arturo tells him, and he's all offended. What exactly was he hoping for?

Hi, I'm new to the site -- just love it -- Have been watching TDA and Teresa. However, everytime I watch TDA I cringe. And, Teresa -- well now that Art has fallen and the rose colored glasses are gone I believe he now deserves whatever Teresa has planned for him. What a jerk!


I think Fernando was hoping to hear that Arturo was with another woman. Although he's currently pretending to be devoted to Luisa, Fern is all about quantity rather than quality, and wants Art to rejoin him in the freewheeling lifestyle. He said getting married was a mistake. However, Fernando HATES Paloma, so he was mad to find out it was her. I think Fernando's feelings regarding Teresa are complicated (for him). He wants her to be free to hook up with him, but doesn't want her to be hurt, and knows that Art getting involved with Paloma again would be a particular sore point. That's my take on it, anyway.

Welcome, Belle! You're right; there are no white doves among our main characters. The good guys are in the side plots! It keeps things more exciting.

OMFG I so wanted reach thru the screen and slap some sense into Arturo! He has a serious double standard going on. He doesn't want Teresa near Mariano ever but as soon as he gets mad he can run to Paloma's? Speaking of Paloma I'm so over her right now I saw what she was going for as soon as Art started drinking. So sad.

I agree with Fernando. Teresa might be alot of things but at least at this point she has never had sex with Mariano while she's married. It's not 1920 Arturo women have a couple of notch's on their belt before they get married.

I love Hernan!!!! I'm glad he stuck up for Espe. I'm getting quite tired of her still stalking and insulting Espe like she's still trying to be with Ruban. She has told her many times that she made a mistake. She needs to keep a eye on her husband. I wonder how Maria would feel if she knew about Rubs rolling up on her in the park not so long ago.

Martin is a nice guy and I hope that Aurora catchs some feelings for him before she's with Mariano.

Geno needs to change her hair she looks like the Lion King.


I also keep thinking we need to have said Art/Pal spawn that everyone ASSUMES died, (but we in viewerville suspect otherwise) surface soon.
Talk about mucking up the works - even if Tere finds out and goes for a DIVORCE, if that child shows up, that could bite into her possible settlement since Pal could insist on child support.....and the mind goes reeling.
Gotta say, they have written this with so many possible angles and twists - no wonder it was such a huge hit.


Snarkalicious! Lots of terrific zingers. One of my favs : "Aida can help, because she’s an expert in Post-Teresa Rehab for Men." Tee-hee. Good one! You have such a talent for writing.

I'm laid up with a broken foot right now (oh fun) so I'm sending forth my very appreciative thanks for the laughs!

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Julia, I knew this was you. Excellent recap and loved all the different titles for PatPal's den of sin. So Arturo did it. He was unfaithful to Teresa and of course PatPal was glad to get a piece of him. How long had it been. 15 years? Homegirl is pathetic. Look up the word pathetic and you'll see Paloma's picture there.

When Arturo woke up beside her, he looked like, "what the hell have I done." Once Teresa finds out, the divorce is on for sure. There's just no way around it. I actually loved Fernando giving Arturo the riot act for going off on the deep end and deep sixing his marriage.

Another pathetic person is Mayra. Wait unti she finds out her BFF is sleeping with her husband. She won't feel so high and mighty.

Why do I have the feeling that PatPal is going to tell Geno and Aida about her night of lust with Arturo. Of course, Aida will love to rub that in Teresa's face.

I'm looking forward to the showdown in the library. From the previews, it looks very intense.

Lady Lisa, are you a new commenter, or have I just missed you? Welcome! And recover soon!

This show is awesome. There's so much chum in the water, there's bound to be a massive frenzy soon.

Paige said everything I would have said. And Paige said it very well.
Sooooo....Ditto on Paige's paragraphs!!!


Welcome Lady Lisa and Belle!

Having Arturo with a cut hand wasn’t necessary to the plot, it was suspicious enough for him to return to the house “needing a bath” early AM. I wonder if the evidence from that wound left behind in the house will be a pivotal point for our “Lion King” look alike, with 1980‘s teased and over highlighted hair featuring a Knot’s Landing “fall” bought on Ebay...... detective Genoveva, to put two and two together and get four.....the truth, there were “two sad sacks in the sack” (good one Julia!) and they were Paloma and Arturo!

Julia, loved your recap. So many great remarks. Just loved it all.

Most have been saying that at least Teresa had sex before she married Art. But is she excused for having sex "the day before you get married"??? To me that's practically as good as being married. If Art knew that he really would be more devastated than he was if that were possible.

As for PatPal I'm speechless. How desperate can you get.


Ann, I'm with you. What Teresa did is actually worse than what Art knows. I think he still assumes her relationship with Mariano was before they started dating, which is why he's just mad about the lying, not the intimacies themselves. But doing this when they were already engaged, right before the wedding? Yeah, that's definitely not okay. Arturo's already off the chart angry so I'm curious as to how he's going to kick it up a notch when he gets those details.

Thanks Julia, and Sandy.

Been occasionally posting since Pasion days. For reasons unknown, many of my posts appear briefly and then disappear (not obviously removed.). Just happened again. Tempted to kick laptop. but then again, Casts R Us (the redo) does not come cheaply.

Great work recappers! : ) Even though we may not always be able to say so, we do very much appreciate your efforts!!!

Lady Lisa de Saint Helena

Julia, wow, that was non-stop-funny. Thanks.

I never thought this would happen, but Art's fall from grace has put me on Teresa's team. Teresa, do what you gotta do.

I used to feel sorry for Maira but she's so insulting and elitist with Espe that I think she deserves Ruben.

Was Aurora wearing a little girl's umpire dress? Her clothes style seems to have regressed a bit.

wow. what a show. what a recap. what comments. it's all been said, so i will only reiterate--amazing job Julia; Hernan rocks the house; Martin and Aida have won me over despite their flaws; PatPal has lived up to her name and then some; Art has made a huge mistake and i think he knows it (Fern certainly does!)
this TN is just excellent, and a capitulo like last night's shows it. i do think you can tell how good a TN is going to be by the theme song, and as soon as i heard 'esa hembre es mala', i knew it was a winner. (i can barely even stomach 'tres palabras' from TdA)

[and this is how totally engrossed i am after last night's show--i was getting a massage today and whilst laying there, i was seriously coming up with plausible explanations that Teresa could tell Art after her confession. my best bet: back in the day, she tried to get things going with Mariano because she knew that her growing feelings for her prof were wrong; she gave it the old college try, but her love for Art won out, and once she saw how crazy jealous he was over Mariano, she didn't tell him the truth about her previous relationship with M to protect his feelings. can't wait to see if i have channeled the writers or not--she might just plump up her 'assets' in his general direction and he will forget whatever it was they were saying.]

Thanks for the comment on Aurora's dress; a little-girl dress does not look right with FM high heels.

I don't think Arturo would have cared about Teresa being a virgin on their wedding night (although her postponing sex until then makes no sense otherwise) but it's the lies. While I think he did a stupid thing getting it on with Paloma I still think he needs to give Teresa what she deserves, which is "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

I think their clothes in Ceurnavaca are dressed down in general. The outfit Aurora was wearing for their night at the club was not a little girl dress. She looked quite sexy, in fact. Once they're all back in the city, she'll be back to her usual clothes I'm sure.

Thanks Diann =).

I wonder if Lusia ever notices the way Fernando acts after he's had contact with Teresa? I wonder why he even still stays with Lusia. I mean at first he liked her and now it just seems like he's with her to be around Teresa more.I remember when Ter first came to the house and L said she had a bad feeling about her. When did that stop being the case. I think that Fernando will tell Ter about Arturo's night with PatPal. I just wonder how long it will take?


I wonder if Fernando is hesitant to break up with Luisa since she's his best friend's sister and there would be extra fallout, so he's just going to act distant and half-hearted until she finally gets tired of it and dumps him. That way he's less to blame. If he broke up with Luisa and made Arturo mad, he wouldn't be able to hang around their house and see Teresa anymore.

It's not fair I know, but I'm angrier about Art's cheating because I held him to a higher standard. He's a good man. Plus, he's older, more mature than Teresa. She slept with Mariano on her wedding eve because he's the "love of her life" and got swept away. Art slept with Paloma because... I honestly don't know why. I don't really think it was revenge, it was more like surrender and depression.

Niecie, ditto what you just said and I'll add...."surrender and depression?" or maybe it is because he drank TWO full tea glasses, without ice, of bourbon, (that is what it looked like to me!) not an excuse, but a reason!

I agree that Art's transgression was worse. Yes, Teresa's sleeping with Mariano the day before the wedding was bad, but she didn't go into it casually, and for a while she really considered not going through with the wedding. She could have decided not to at the last minute. But the main thing is she had not yet pledged her wedding vow of fidelity to Arturo.

Now, later, she did almost casually, cynically sleep with Mar, and probably would have if they hadn't been interrupted. But she didn't actually do it, and didn't return looking for more (yet). So IMO she has the higher ground here.

What Art did was just unbelievable, and I don't think he has yet figured out that he has lost any possible moral ground he might have ever had. It wasn't just that he was unfaithful, but who he was unfaithful with.


Of course Art was an idiot. Some seem to think in legalistic terms and because they're now married, his deed is worse than hers the night before. His sexual infidelity can't be compared with Teresa's infidelity. She has been having sex with Mariano the whole time she's claiming to have no novio at all. She has manipulated Art the entire time she's known him so that she can have his money, because she 'deserves' it. Teresa didn't sleep with Mariano because he's the love of her life and just got swept away. She wanted to control Mariano and have him waiting for her after she's finished trashing other peoples lives.

Somehow I don't see why a guy who's engaged and getting married the night or two before his wedding is allowed to fool around with a hooker at his bachelor party, but a gal who is still honestly having 2nd thoughts and is deciding whether to be honest with herself and her fiance about the old boyfriend/lover she's still attracted to, is guiltier because she goes to bed with that old boyfriend at the last minute.

Also, Artie was hot to trot when he kissed PatPal after that board meeting that night. He's been fighting the urge to sleep with her since she and he became business associates, cuz like Nando told him, he's never gotten over her and they always had smokin' hot sex together. I'd say the only difference here is that he used the fight to justify him going over there and gettin' some and that his willpower didn't give out until after he got married.

Juliqa excellent recap and great job i was laughing throughout the whole read.

I love Hernan and now i can see why Aida turned out as rotten as she is. I can't wait for the other pathetic female Mayra to find out about Ruben and her BFF Geno she deserves it.

Espe wake up and appreciate this great man who is right before you and wants you.

Fernando you're getting a little too obvious in your defense for Teresa.

Aurora i think you're so hung up on Mariano but i really wish you could move on from him with Martin.

Arturo boy did you just make a big mistake we all know eventually this is going to get exposed and Teresa finds out. All hell is going to break out.So disappointed in you Arturo.

I have a feeling this Saenz we keep hearing about is going to be important.

Jarocha thank you also you recommended this novela and boy were you right it's just so good.

I don't think it's okay for a guy to fool around at his bachelor party, either. Gross. If he still wants to do stuff like that, he shouldn't be getting married.

Ditto what Julia said.

Wow, what a hilarious recap! Julia, I knew it was you with "Two sad sacks in the sack". I scrolled down just to make sure even though I strongly suspected. Sorry for the late comment, just now catching up. Thank you for the incredibly enjoyable read.

Kristoise! You were right about how Teresa was going to explain Mariano to Arturo! You guessed it exactly! (did You watch it ahead on YouTube???)


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