Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Alborada, 7/13/2011. Cap. 31
On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 31 start at this link.
Carlos sent us an interesting composition for today's picture.

Labels: Alborada
I have sth to tell you but I can't tell you now, so why bring it up, what is this, 8th grade?
Rafael is much more mature than Diego. They got a reaction out of Rafa with the little horse.
Very sad, pobre Carmela, I had tears in my eyes.
Gracias to Paula y Carlos
I do love this novela.
One more complaint, I just don't understand that leather thing that covers up half of Luis's face, they aren't in the Sahara.
I love it when Hipo starts rubbing her neck. It seems involuntary. It was so sweet when she was singing to Rafa.
Maybe Luis is allergic to dust or horses since he wears that leather thingy.
Thanks Carlos and PaulaH.
Well the cat's out of the bag. Who had bets on Aldagisa?
Take a moment to look at that picture, I almost guarantee it will pull you into a steamy Mexican evening. The dark figure is Gasca.
She said two things that really got under his skin:
"A true count doesn't abuse the weak."
"You don't scare me, with your airs of being a count."
Of course she doesn't realize it, but both sentences simply reminded him of his greatest terror, that he's not the true count and someone will find out.
Then she spoke of when he was a child, and he screamed, "I'm not a child now!!!" and kicked the chair just like a 3-year-old would.
What will happen to Andres? I don't know, but I like to imagine that if Isabel indeed moves out, she'll need new servants. I Just loved what Andres told Francisco! "I didn't come for permission, but just to inform you." He's nobody's toady anymore - those two kicks to the gut (murdering the thug, and the abuse of Marina) made him man up. And he's going to go get a job, and not be a leech. Francisco, are you paying attention? (Fat chance!)
The funniest line today. Francisco told Asuncion that as soon as the engagement is announced, he'll make Cristobal put him (Frank) in charge of Cristobal's accounts - "He can't say no to his father-in-law." Go ride It's a Small World, Franky-boy, because you're living in Fantasyland!
I agree with Variopinta, it's super-lame to tell someone that you're going to tell someone something, but not yet. No, it's not 8th grade. It's even worse - it's a telenovela! People in TNs always fail to spit it out in a timely manner. In my experience, eighth graders are much better communicators!
Hey, Judy's back! Hi Judy!!
Boy is Perla due for a pie cart. Hipol knows but does Luis know yet? He's got more pressing problems right now I guess.
Carmela and Felipe made me so sad. Indeed a masterful acting job by both of them.
Adalgisa reminds me so much of Matilde over in Cuando Me Enamoro. Big mouth attached to small brain. Matilde is young and pretty but otherwise they both drive me crazy except for their main function of blurting out secrets to advance the plot.
But... am I the only one who thinks they're really stretching out Martin's death? I mean, it's filled the majority of the show for three days now! Basta!
Paula, interesting observations about Tia Isabel's comments and Diego kicking the chair. I'm very glad that your observant traits are picking up on this stuff and sharing with the rest of us.
Good for Andres!! I was glad to see him stand up to Francisco who is one of my least favorite characters in this telenovela.
Carlos, what an interesting screen shot. It is very intriguing and fun to wait for it to show up on the episode.
Paula, thanks again to you and Melinama for the recap and current post.
I think Luis is wearing the weird leather thing to protect his beautiful lips from the hot sun. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Diego's behavior is becoming more and more impulsive and erratic.
Antonio's wig is a disaster.
Also... how long does Felipe have to hold those two candles at the foot of Martin's bed?
I agree, LXV - I don't think Martin would be very cuddlesome at this point. I also agree that Diego is really losing his marbles.
I know that syphilis can infect the brain - maybe he really is diseased. I hope he didn't pass anything on to Marina or Esperanza.
And speaking of Esperanza, the look on Juana's face when Esperanza blurts that she's pregnant is priceless.
I was thinking about the same thing regarding Martin. He’s been dead for at least two days of a stab wound no less. I remember Luis saying it’ll take them two days to get back to Cuencas. IF you add the time it took Marcos to go to the nearest town and hire the two carriages… I don’t know much about dead, but my I don’t think his head would be so lose and no decomposition at all. Now I remember why I dislike Hipolita’s maid so much. She is a nag and is the only servant who thinks of herself as an equal to her superiors. She’s in the Martin league. She wants to feel less guilty about Hip’s kidnapping. She found someone to blame beside herself. I know I have a lot more frustration to endure throughout the show because she'll continue to annoy me more. Rafael cracks me up. That boy doesn’t miss anybody. Another child would be crying or acting up. Not our Rafael, he gets along with everyone even with Modesta or Juana.
I still haven't seen the episode and will have to catch up on both yesterday's and today's when I get home this evening.
Andres was also in Heridas de Amor as Fabricio, the wimpy novio of Jacqueline Bracamontes...(not a real spoiler follows for those who haven't seen it)...who threw her over in the first couple of episodes for her sister Florencia, thereby setting up Miranda (JB) for Guy Ecker......
I didn't think it was going to be Adalgesia who blurted out the baby daddy thing. Analyzing her thinking it all fits logically--a set up between D.Juana and Luis to rob her of her child. The premise is wrong, so the conclusion is wrong.
Hipolita has every right to be absolutely furious and not listening to "reason" from Luis. But we did see her touching her neck again. Wasn't it the wrong side?
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