Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #61 Tuesday 7/12/11 Who's your Daddy? I mean Brother?

Cuando #61

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, we have some big stuff happening today!! So lets Jump in and see where we end up today on this crazy coaster ride!!!

Auggie spills the beans about Rafa and Nata is freaking out, because she needs to know if it is the Rafa that she knows or not. She argues with Jero about him not telling her his brothers name, and argues about who he is. Auggie describes him to her, and Adri asks for a picture Jero tells them he has no photos and they leave to go to the hacienda where they must have some pictures. Jero and Auggie face each other down and Jero walks away.

Gonzo is talking to Matias about following through with his duty, Matias sooooo does not want to do this, but Gonzo tells him life can change in many ways, there is always a chance for he and Renata and that he will be patient.

Constanza checks in with Inez at the hospital to see how Regina is doing and what motive Pepa would have to hurt Regina, they mention the name Josephina and Constanza starts to put the pieces together and gets Fina from Josephina!!

Antonio comes in to visit Regina, mom leaves so they can have a moment alone. Antonio apologizes for being a dumba@$% and not letting Gonzo help protect her, cause he was jealous. Regina says not to worry it was not your fault but, Pepa he has nothing to be sorry for. She says she is scared of Pepa and is worried about her daughter!

Stalker girl and Roberta are talking about how Roberta got Matias and how she will get Cema back from Constanza,

Constanza comes home, Honorio comes in and asks where she has been and she tells him she was at the hospital with Regina and that she is going to be just fine. She asks him what he was doing and he tells her that he was working on the computer. She pushes him a little to see if he will fess up and he says nothing. As she turns to go to her room, he asks if she is okay and she says yes why? because you haven’t kissed me, and with a look that could kill she kisses him on the cheek and leaves the room. He says that he can’t live without her.

Blanca ( I think I gaged a little writing her name) is in Honorio’s office and working on his computer and getting coffee from his assistant, sucking up and flirting!!

Constanza is in her room crying over her cheating, lying husband (sorry did I say that out loud)

Chema has a romantic flashback about Constanza and gets a phone call about his mom and sinks to the ground crying (doesn’t sound like she won the lottery)

Back at La Bonita, Renata is on a mission to find a photo Jero is as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs!! Renata asks him to show her which picture is the one of his brother when he points out Rafa Renata says it can’t be, Jero says why can’t it be. She says because that is her friend and that means he is dead and, she begins to cry!!

Auggie and Ezequiel are chatting about La Bonita, he is trying to figure out which sister is the La Bonita!!

So the truth comes spilling out!! Renata now knows that her Rafa is Jero’s brother her and Adri comfort each other as Renata tries to put the pieces together. She asks how he died, and Carlos tells her it was suicide and that is was over a woman La Bonita. Jero is watching her closely and seems confused by her reaction she is really grieving. She keeps referring to Rafa as a great friend, but Jero flashes back to the restaurant where she said she was waiting for her boyfriend, but Renata assures him they were great friends, she asks if Jero knew that Rafa worked for her company but he dodges that bullet. Jero is throughly confused by this reaction and Mati who is listening is not a happy camper either ( hahahaha in your face, or face’s had to get that out)

Constanza is crying on the bed and her phone rings (guess who it is?) If you said Chema you win!! He tells her his mom died and she runs to comfort him!! (who saw this coming? duh)

Dr. Nobody is giving Inez and hubby good news about the boy, apparently he is going to be okay!!

Gonzo and Matias come home to Roberta, Gonzo asks how Fina is a little better, he goes to check on her. Roberta asks about Renata and he tells her he wants to know about Jero. He tells her something is wrong. Roberta is worried that Jero will find out it’s his baby. She is worried how mad Renata will be if she finds out she is carrying her husbands baby, but Matias tells her that she is unhappy with Jero and Roberta asks why he cares and he says he’s worried for Nata. Roberta reminds him that Jero won she married him and doesn’t think about him. Roberta asks him to think about them and the baby that needs them. He vows to worry only about them and let Renata live the life she chose.

Fina is playing the sick wife, she is really good at this. Gonzo tells her that everything went well. Renata is happy and she has a good life next to her husband, which gives her a sour face. She asks Gonzo to hold her, that she missed him a lot and wants him next to her, he hesitates and look sick as she clings to him, she tries to kiss him and he turns his head (right there with ay pal)

Alfonsina is watching her son sleep and blaming herself for his condition, she is so sorry.

Karina is serving dinner to her husband and talking about their new marriage and their new baby. Dr.Creepy has the worst fake smile I have ever seen.
Once again Carlos is trying to convince Jerko that she was sincere and that he is wrong, but as usual Jero does not hear anything, (deaf and dumb, all we need now is an accident rendering him mute and he can’t get into any more trouble.) Carlos believes her. Jero says that she looked upset and sad, but the truth is something else, Carlos gets angry and tells him that it doesn’t make sense. Carlos asks him about their marriage, what happens if he was wrong?

Adri and Nata are talking, they can’t figure out what happened, so she decides that they are going to find out who this La Bonita is not just for Jero, but for her and Rafa as well. She asks Adri to stay and help her.

Gonzo arrives at Honorio’s to talk to Constanza, but she is not there. She is helping a friend (oh she is going to help him alright!!).

Constanza arrives at the funeral and Chema is broken up and she is comforting him, he thanks her for coming. They hug.

Gonzo and Honorio discuss that Blanca is a tramp (duh) and that she is scheming and Gonzo agrees and that he wants her fired and soon. Gonzo agrees and asks if he will tell Constanza and he says no, not until Blanca is gone and then he will tell her the whole truth ( who wants to bet that he will tell her after she comforts Chema!! OOPS)
Gonzo and Honorio have a heart to heart about him being married to Fina, but loving Regina. Honorio tells him that Constanza is the love of his life and that Blanca sucks! (i’m paraphrasing there)

Auggie is strolling through the vineyards, with spare girl and they are arguing about his behavior with Renata. Auggie puts her in her place and tells her not to worry about anyone else (translation: just be pretty and don’t talk or have an opinion)

Gonzo gets a mysterious phone call, but who can it be??

Back at La Bonita Renata is having breakfast with Adri, and asks Mati for Coffee, and she ignores her, so Renata chases her down and confronts her, and says that she does not care if she is in love with her husband she will show her some respect. Jero walk in and lets Mati have it and tells her that she will respect his wife, or else(about time). Mati runs into the kitchen crying. Manuela explains the facts of life. You cannot treat the bosses wife like that no matter what you feel. Mati of course argues with her (shocker) and swear she hates Nata. They try to reason with her but she runs out.
Gonzo goes to see Antonio, Antonio tells him that he wants him to help protect Regina. That between the two of them they can protect her better. I got pieces of the last line (i.e. the cliffhanger) but I missed it so some kind person will have to help us out!!

Avances: Mati is not going quietly, things are good between Jero and Renata, Mati is going to throw another monkey wrench in the mix, and Auggie will be her unwitting accomplice


Love, love, love your title. Thanks Jules. I'm going to go watch the noon version of Alborada then come back here to read your recap with attention.

Saw a movie once where the wife thought her husband was having an affair because she kept seeing him with this beautiful woman, so she sleeps with a guy in retaliation and then finds out the woman was a party planner helping her husband arrange a surprise party for her. Con must have missed that movie.

Maybe I'm losing something in the translation, but Jero thinking Nata is La Bonita is bull. Obviously, the pic is of Rob. He's spent enough time with Rob to know she's a raging B and he's known Nata long enough to know she's a good, decent woman. This is ridiculous.

Mati needs to get her a** fired. I'm sick of her tantrums.

Didn't mean for this to be a vent.


Jules, you're a gem! Another week, another job well done.

Wow! I was not expecting Renata to find out the truth about Rafa so quickly. In most novelas, this plot would drag out for months. What a lousy way for Nata to find out her amigo died. Hooray for Jero's confusion about her reaction. Let's keep Jero befuddled so he doesn't regress into el Jerko again.

We need Constanza, Ines, and Isidro to talk more often! Between the three of them, they could figure PepaFina out in no time. Poor Honorio has too much on his mind with Blaaanca to be much help on that front.

Pobre Chema. Does he have any family or friends other than Coni? There was literally no one else at that wake. Maybe Coni got there early to be his shoulder to cry on. Now that they both have woes to comfort each other about, I have no doubt Coni will give in to Chema's advances soon. It just gets worse and worse for Hon/Con.

Three cheers for everyone who told Matilde off! Nata, Jero, and Manuela finally told the brat to get a grip. She needs a serious attitude adjustment before I'll be happy with a relationship between her and Carlos.


Thanks Jules, what a good job.


"...Jero thinking Nata is La Bonita is bull."

I totally agree.

Matilde certainly is behaving badly, but she is merely following Jerry's lead. She sincerely buys into his sick delusion. I wasn't paying close attention to the preview, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Jerry said (in Matilde's presence), "Renata killed my brother."

Poor Honorio, the truth has worked so well for him, so why abandon it now?


love your little quips Jules - lent some humor to this dour episode.

Hate hate hate Dr. Snakey. How could Kari look at that face and even remotely think it's a good idea to stay with this guy? She really sees him as a father-figure? The woman is delusional.She needs to take a page from Gonzo's book - realize that face you are looking at is not one you ever want to kiss again.

As for the whole Rafa is my brother, I think at this point it is sheer refusal to admit he was wrong that keeps driving Jeers to believe Nata is La Bonita. We should start calling him Darcy - it's going to take a swift kick to the gut of reality before he truly sees the light of day. Who's going to do the kicking?

In the meantime, Little Miss I'm Twelve and I Want My own Way will continue to wreak her havoc. Being bratty is one thing, but now she's moving into the realm of spreading nasty gossip and I believe truly wanting to cause hurt to Nata. She's a big girl, whether Jeers is being ajerk or not, it is not her place to be pulling this crap, and with such excited glee. You do almost have to pity her in that she thinks she would really have a shot at the boss if Nata were out of the way.

Ok - taking bets. How fast will we see a Chema/Coni hook up? You know, I'm all for a little cougar action, but usually we don't like the hubby or something that you don't mind the hook up. But Hon didn't do anything, and he's trying to make it right. Big bonehead mistake to not be honest with Con though - that just put the nail in the coffin that this is going to turn out messy.

Jules: I think Tony told Gonzo, That they should let Regina make the choice between the two of them. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part.

I think the only reason Jero still believes Renata is La Bonita is because he chooses to believe the lies that Fina fed him about Renata & Rafa being lovers.

Wow - I finally got to watch (part of) an episode!

I LOVED the scene with Renata and Adri on the couch together grieving over Rafa's death and dragging more details out of Jero. And the looks on Jero and Carlos' faces as they watch Renata and Adri in disbelief. Those dumb bone-headed idiots are so bewildered. Hah!

The new Adri and Renata have an amazing chemistry. They are totally convincing as best buddies. It cheers me up whenever I see them together.

One very nice thing about this novela, and it departs from the usual, is that things are continually revealed along the way. It's not all saved for the end, which I hate, and is the sign of lazy/unimaginative writers. Of course as one truth is revealed, another lie creeps in to take its place. So the plot really keeps you on your toes. Very skillful and entertaining!

And whoa!, I had forgotten how incredibly rude Matilde had been to her boss. So glad Renata called her on it, and Jero gave her the dressing down she deserved.

An exciting episode indeed!


Yes, everything ought to make Jero doubt his conviction that Renata is La Bonita -- except for one thing. And he reminded Carlos of it last night -- her own mother told him that Renata had been Rafa's lover & that she gets a kick out of making guys fall in love with her & then booting them up the road and that she had done just that to Rafael.

Now why, you ask, should he believe Fina when he has seen her nasty side. He probably thinks that she is nasty to Renata because she is horrified by her daughter's manipulative behavior. WE know that's bunk -- but from the outside it looks logical to him. He has no idea of Fina's motives & machinations.

Thanks so much Jules. The recap was worth the wait.

Guera- You make a good point about why Jero refuses to shake the conviction that Nata is La Bonita (despite all evidence to the contrary). I think it's his belief in a mother's word, PLUS his stubbornness and inability to admit he was wrong. A bad combination for sure.

I had to laugh at the look of bewilderment on the faces of Carlos and Jero as they watched Nata and Adri grieve. Fine if they think Nata is some pathological liar. But do they think Adri is too?! Come on guys!

I do like that each episode or couple of episodes a few more pieces of evidence fall into place to solve the three major mystery plot lines-- La Bonita/Rafa Murder; Blaaaanca; and Pepa/Fina and the Great Baby Knapping (aka The Not So Good, The Bad, and the Very Ugly). But this is a long tn (over 170 caps), so they will have to keep building on these storylines or add new ones. I'm curious how they will keep up the momentum. They're doing well so far.

Thanks sooo much Jules! Boy! After last night I'm ready for the branch with the tree carv ing to fall on Mati AND Jerko! I'm past sick of Mati: for a minute I thought she was believing Renata and I think she was but she probably eavesdropped on Jero expressing his disbelief to Carlos!

And Jerko: He was so cold as he watched her express shock and then dissolve into sobs: dumb bastard! How can you share the most intimate moments a man care share with a woman and not have learned anything about her level of integrity? Why would he not start wondering about the harsh treatment he's seen from Fina and ask Renata some questions about mommy dearest? Idiot! The circumstances of Rafa's death are mysterious: he should look for all the help he can get to get some answers about what happened!

Did Chema have the nerve to swoon in Constanza's arms as she comforted him about his deceased Mom for goodness' sake? Inappropriate if he did!

And have to say I luuuuuved Gonzo actually frowning and pulling away from kissing Fina! Hee Hee! And excited that her monstrous scheme is unravelling!


Not only does Matilde have to be chastised for her not chistosa behavior, la niña mimado has go through you for permission to be with Carlos. :)


Jules great job and thanks for the recap.

Spare girl still doesn't get it she is nothing but window dressing and temporary female companionship for Auggie.

Hon you were doing so well but you really should have told Coni what had happen and that Blanca is a BSC stalker of the worst kind.I'm glad he came clean to Gonzo i just worry what in the world her Battiness was doing on Hon's computer though. Was she accessing private and personal files for the business? Or uploading their pictures on not only his computer but the whole companies i'm sure they have their own website.

Renata came close to slapping the taste out of bratty Mati mouth and she should have gone right ahead and did it.They just showed the previews for the whole week and it looks like the brat spills the truth to Renata on why Jerko really married her.

Jerko is dense stubborn and beyond stupid if he still wants to believe what Fina told him about Renata then he doesn't deserve her. He should have fired that brat for once and for all right on the spot for her insolence she really has gone too far now. It seems even her own brother is telling her to knock it off before she loses her job there.

Vivi these are the same writers of ENDA and Mi Pecado i remember they were quite clever with how some truths got revealed but other lies were introduced to cover up for the villains to get away with their antics. I don't think we'll be disappointed with how they will be revealing this story.

It's not like these are the same writers that are working on TDA and thank goodness for that.

Blu- You're right. The CME writers had a very good track record with keeping tn storylines tight and interesting- dramatic while not verging into ridiculousness. It's a talent.

Vivi when i watch dramas like this or Teresa this is why i love novelas it may not be masterpiece theater but it can be intelligent and have plausible plots and story lines.

It doesn't have to be pure outrageous ridiculousness and absurdity that you need a lined beanie to get through whatever point the director,producer or writer are trying to make. Spare me from watching a drug story line and the mother takes her son to celebrate his sobriety at a club filled with alcohol.Or a heroine who allows one of the main female villains to hold a knife to her throat threaten to kill her and still not call the cops?

Jules: Marvelous! You had a capitulo that was absolutely packed with action and infos! Gracias!

Oh my...I didn't know which one was worse..Jero and his disbelief of Renata or that foolish (and now becoming a liability versus an asset) and utterly childish Matilde. I'm blanking on the name of the elderly woman that they call Madrina, but I don't think she gave it to the insolent Matilde hard enough. Why is this brat getting so much air time? And, if the avances are to be believed, why does Jero think he OWES the brat an explanation about his own wife?! I think that would be the first true beanie moment for me.

As others have already said, I really do like what the writers are doing here. I agree with you, Blusam, it's not Masterpiece Theatre, but we don't come here expecting that. This is a nicely written TN and I am enjoying every minute of it.

Augie Doggie is going to be causing some serious problems, no doubt, but he makes it so interesting. Love his voice.

Spare Girl still doesn't get the big picture. Did she really think that gift of a bracelet was the answer to her problems with Augie Doggie?

...and so agree with all of you that Dr. RS had the most perverse smile while Dumb Bunny Kari is falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

As for Batty Blanca, I would not put it past her to post those incriminating fotos for the entire company to see.

I was rather proud of dear Gonzo last night. Actually, even Tony was behaving better when he actually told Gonzo that they should let Regina choose between them. Whether or not Tony will really live up to this proposal of his, I'm not so sure, but he didn't seem quite the whiner last night.

Chema seems to have gone a tad overboard with Coni. Will be interesting to see what transpires from this point onward.

Cheryl: loved hearing about your other exploits in NM yesterday! Thank you so much for sharing with us. :))


Thanks for the fun synopsis. Your interjections are a hoot!

Ew....Did anyone else notice a sneaky lady walking behing Isidro and Inez when they were talking to the doctor? It looked like Fina, but she was home trying to get Gonzo to kiss her.

I don't think Coni will do the deed with Chema (her loss, I am thinking). She'll show her level of integrity and we'll all feel ashamed that we may have chosen differently, especially given Chema's eyelashes. She's very upstanding and I don't think she'll fall that far. Or by having only watched a couple months total of telenovelas, am I in for a big surprise?

Rosemary la Otra

It's time for this annoying brat to be fired and Jerko should be the one to do it tossed her off of the hacienda pronto.

Manuela is the name of Lazaro and Mati's madrina.

I love this show, but....
Jero needs an attitude adjustment.
Spare girl needs a spare brain. The one she has is defective.
Matilde needs to be forcibly removed from La Bonita and issued a Restraining Order. Shoot her if she comes within 100 miles of the hacienda. That brat makes my hair hurt. Carlos needs to get with Adri.


Sort of off topic- The other day someone was confused about why Mati offered to Matias "agua" when it was clearly juice. I was just reminded while watching TDA and seeing someone offer someone else "aguita" which was clearly red. Agua is just short for agua fresca, which is any drink based in water, sugar and fruit or grain juice. Jugo/juice is exactly that-- it's the fresh juice from a fruit, like orange juice, not watered down or sugared. But when you mix that juice with water and sugar to make a grink, it becomes an agua fresca, or just agua/aguita for short.

Like your list, Belinda, ITA!

Rosmary la otra, I sincerely hope Connie doesn't do the do with Chema, it seems out of character. . .I'm hoping she will be respectful of his feelings but patient with him offering him a support that is maternal, not carnal.


Hey Jules, thank you for the fantastically funny recap. Your editorial style is pure enjoyment. Sorry to post late and miss all the fun but it was a busy day.

Loved everyone's comments and ITA about Matilde. She makes my head hurt with all her whining. I don't care if she's following Jero's lead or not, she's acting like a witch and should be fired. What work does she do anyway?

I wonder why spare girl had one sleeve rolled up an another rolled down? A fashion statement?

I'm bummed just thinking about what Batty Blaaaanca has up her sleeve. I guess I'll just have to watch tonight's show to find out.

It seemed very weird to me how Jero and Carlos just stood there fidgeting while Nata and Adri wept in grief over their pal Rafa. Idiots. (Jero and Carlos but Jero more than Carlos.)

Thanks again Jules, definitely worth the wait!

Vivi, thanks for the explanation about agua. Makes sense.

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