Monday, July 25, 2011

Alborada, 7/25/2011. Cap. 39

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #13, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 38 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture.


LOL, great picture! Here on the west coast the episode doesn't start for a few more minutes. Guess I'll just have to wait to see the antics.

I've always wondered how people got their boots off w/o help. I don't think they had zippers back then.
Is that where, "sleep with their boots on" came from?

Great episode & picture, tks mucho

Ha. Great choice of pics. It's nice to see a bro giving a bro a hand. Tony really has a taste for fancy clothes. He especially likes embroidery. His hairdo reminds me of my friend Mary Jane's hairstyle in seventh grade. She had that same flip and the color was [sometimes] the same. [Mary Jane enjoyed testing all the Nice and Easy colors.] Not too much new in this episode except Pirate Queen Vic's search for her daughter moving forward, and Felipe and Luis setting off to avenge Martin. P.S. I really hate Francisco. I think he bothers me more than crazy, spoiled, amoral Diego.

Does anyone have a good caption for today's picture? I was running behind when I posted it, the internet was acting up, my son's friends were making noise, and I couldn't think straight.

Well, let's start the betting pool for who Victoria's daughter will be. Marina? No, she's too timid. Perla? The personalities don't seem to match, nor can I see any family resemblance. But can we think of any other female of unknown parentage, of the right age? You just know that Vicky's daughter will be someone we already know.

Remember the random scene Friday, where some woman was introduced to Luis? I'll bet it was from some promotional contest, and the prize was, "Play a role in Alborada!" That five seconds was the lucky winner's "role." That's my best guess.

I'm with you sister. Francisco is just plain mean and a bully. I'm pretty sure Diego's got a few screws loose which contributes to his wacky behavior. Diego is amusing to watch. Francisco is odious.

I like how Antonio hangs out at the cafe watching all the little dramas unfold.

I agree susanlynn, Diego is just warped & perverse, Francisco is mean, abusive, conniving, disgusting, lazy, and a bully. Probably Diego is all of those things but it suits him better, after all he's the conde.

I was too late to comment on this on Friday, but little Raphael was very cute when Luis went to pick him up.

On a more negative note, this was not a good time to be female.

"Antonio, how many times have I told you it's Black Patent Leather, NOT Brown Kid, when you wear blue brocade? By the way, the white trousers are giving you VPL."

LOL!!!!! Sylvia you are a riot. :) Now on to watch my recording.

I especially liked Felipe's pragmatism, kidnap the kid or off Antonio. Crude... but effective.

Of course boot jacks are available to facilitate boot removal, but better is having someone who loves you to straddle the extended boot... facing away from you... grasping the heel with both hands and pulling upward and outward and then a gentle nudge to the backside of said loved one with your free foot.

It's sort of a bonding experience...


Felipe's two options were pretty funny Carlos. Although I think the third option should have been put on the table (which is what I think Cris was trying to say)-- Luis needs to put on his big boy pants, suck it up, and let Hip make the best choice for herself and her son, until he can offer her a real option.

I really like Antonio. Is that wrong? Since his mom died, he's become a fun guy. Fussy, but fun. I love the way he sits and observes people. I wonder if he'll help out Marina and Andres after observing their little mating dance? I think he has more embroidered coats than el Conde Diego. And he obviously spends more time on his hair each morning.

I'm watching TDA at this moment and had to LOL as Daniela Romo barged in and yet again took away a (great)grandchild, by right of blood, because the mother was incapacitated.

If Dona Carmela weren't grieving, I would say she's found a pretty darn good way of getting tall, dark, young and handsome men into her home. First Marcos; now Andres.

As for Victoria's daughter, I'm pretty sure it's Marina (who was raised with a family) and not Perla (who grew up on the streets). I was ready to slap that old man though. "Oh, you're still thinking about THAT?!" "Uhm, yeah. It's only my missing CHILD we're talking about!" "Well, let's see. We gave her to some guy to take to your mom while you were away. But he lost her somewhere along the way. Oh well! La di da! Think I'll take a nap now. Zzzzzzz..." WTF dude?!

Ok, on the count of 3 you grab the mattress and pull!

Sylvia~~~re: Sourpuss Gasca out of his element at the vanilla plantation~~~Gasca is probably thinking, ''Look, Dude, I'm supposed to be out killing someone, not accompanying some vanillasniffing fop on a field trip to a plantation.'' You can tell that Gasca has no use for the stylishly bookish Antonio.

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