Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Alborada, 7/6/2011. Cap. 26.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #8 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 25 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for another great picture. I can't wait to see what it means.


That is a religious medal given to little Rafael.

I watched this episode yesterday and was hard-pressed to keep silent about just how disgusted I was with Diego.

I'm glad we had that nice scene with Hip and Luis to sort of balance Marina's rape; but seriously, Diego's a dead man.

Melinama's recap noted a look of maybe remorse on Gasca's face as Marina crossed the lobby (I know it's not a lobby, I don't know what that room is called). Does this mean Gasca has misgivings?

Is it possible that at some point, he'll at least sell Diego down the river in a plea bargain or? Or will the giant horny bat get to him first?

Here's hoping Marina doesn't wind up pregnant. Speaking of which, did Esperanza disappear or something? I don't think we've seen her in a while.

Julie, I agree about the rape, I had to leave the room. Diego is such a pig. If Gasca showed any remorse, I am sure it was short lived. Just wait until Tia finds out what happened, she is going to be pithed for sure.

Did Esperanza go to the family home to bury her father?


Julie--I think Esperanza is still with her family mourning the murder of her father.

Ah, I had forgotten that Esp had left town. Thanks!

For a second there, I thought Luis was going to tell Hip the truth. In fact, he sort of did when he said Rafael was his son, but when she contradicted him, he went along with it. Missed opportunity, Luis! You're just making the irony so much worse!

It seems like so many things are poised to go wrong right now. I'm loving all this tension! Yum yum yum!!

Julie, I went back and checked the old recap and #4 states that Esperanza lost it and was depressed, etc. after the death of her father so they sent her to stay with her brother for awhile.


I just finished watching today's episode.

Diego is despicable.

I almost felt sorry for Gasca. he looked genuinely ashamed.

I can't say that I'm very proud of Luis. I guess that he pretty much gets what he wants without a great deal of criticism. I tend to agree with Martín right now.

Lots of interesting as well as alarming scenes to choose from but in the end I couldn't resist those hands.


We see Carla Estrada's symbolism. As Luis and Hipo explored her new home, they took all the covers off everything - no more holding back, no more running nor hiding. Except Luis's little matter of being Rafael's daddy.

In fact, I strongly believe that this was the day he should have told her. They were away from all distractions, away from listening ears, she's sorta' a captive audience, he just gave his name to her son, gave her a house, and promised to support her and her child. Obviously not a fling. He should've taken the opportunity of the afterglow.

Carlos, I love the picture because I always notice people's hands! The father's very large hand with the son's very small hand is special and speaks volumes.


Paula, I agree that today was the day to confess, but then if he did it before, there wouldn't have been an after and if he did it after, there wouldn't likely be an again.

What's a guy to do?


Marina's rape was disgusting and stomach churning. A lamb led to slaughter. Why, oh why did Marina not tell Isabel about Gasca's insistence she comply ?

Today was not the day for Luis to confess--before or after. Confession should have been made at minimum the day before the baptism.

But despite Luis' uncharacteristic cowardice, I loved the end. Definitely a watch, (swoon), rewatch, (blush to admit), rewatch yet again. Though she's due for some righteous indignation, that Hipo was one lucky girl.

If they get it on before the confession, wouldn't she recognize him anyway as the Midnight Boinker (I am laughing as I type that phrase)?

Thank goodness for the FF button! I just could not watch Diego rape another woman. This monster needs to be stopped. Although I don't have high hopes for them, I had expected Juana and Modesta to at least show even a bit disgust at Diego admitting he "took" Marina, but alas no. I want Isabel to find out about it now!

So many missed opportunities by Luis to tell the truth. I hope he enjoyed that afternoon delight because it might be the last he gets from Hip for a long time once she finds out the truth.

Although I don't want him to go for his parents' sake, Europe might be the best place for Martin to be with his new fangled ideas about equality and such.

Rafael really has complete trust in this cast. I don't know if I would comply like that if a group of people were holding me over a basin and pouring water on my head. I loved his little "paraguas!" exclamation when he saw the frilly parasol.

Looks like the kidnapping is underway today, and with Luis' money no less! That Perla is bold.

In yesterday's comments, Barbara opined: "Probably there were many situations where a man's wife was unable to bear children or had only given birth to girls. He might want to claim and raise his mistress' child as his own but not have the inconvenience of dealing with the reality of the mother for the rest of his married life.

It's pretty much a contrivance that usually would only benefit the father."

And now we have Ada summing up the whole sorry situation with: "Women are treated worse than animals." I have wept every time I watched that terrible rape scene. The directors set it up so poignantly: Marina, the tender, shy orphan under the protection of the most powerful woman around is still vulnerable to the impetuous whim of the lord and master.

I think they have tried to humanize Gasca, if ever so slightly, by having him try to forestall the inevitable. But his efforts only maddened Diego making him more rapacious. Maybe a bit over the top for melodrama, but I found the scene very moving where she ran back through the salon, with Gasca off to the side, contemplating the darkness.

Thanks for the beautiful picture of the baby's baptismal medal. I received one such for my First Communion.

Rosemary, I'm glad you enjoyed the picture. Physicians are taught in medical school to carefully study the hands of their patients. Much can learned about a person by close inspection of the hands.


I thought Juana did express disgust at Diego's doings. Well, okay, she was disgusted that he told her about it. I guess not exactly the same thing. And in any case, not enough disgust to do anything useful.

I loved the scene with the slipcovers, though I noticed the covers were fresh and dust-free. I'd love for someone to buy me a house that's luxuriously furnished and super-clean!

I have to agree with Barbara that Luis's confession should have come before the baptism. Before even arranging the baptism, in fact. Now she's basically given up her right to her own child, under false pretenses.

Of course that will be to her advantage when Antonio finds her, but she might be too angry to care.

Of course, Antonio won't find her if she and/or Raf are sent back to Panama (if the thugs finally get something right for the first time ever) at the precise time when Antonio doesn't happen to be in Panama.

Ooh! So exciting. I was tempted to watch today's episode yesterday, but it's more fun to wait and speculate.

Oh dear, like some of you I could barely stand to watch Marina's rape scene. Sherlyn played it well; she was very convincing, ugh. Thank goodness Diego doesn't care for her, hopefully he will keep his filthy hands off of her from now on. The dude is getting crazier and crazier.

It's always bothered me why Marina didn't confide in Isabel, either before or after the rape. After watching this the second time around I noticed how Gasca set Marina up to think that not only is she (Marina) completely at the mercy of the Conde de Guevara, but that Isabel, too, might suffer if Marina didn't do what he wanted. The latter is hogwash because Isabel is very rich, but I don't think Marina fully comprehends the family dynamics. Gasca said Diego could toss Isabel out on the street so Marina probably thinks Isabel is completely powerless against Diego. Man, life was tough for women back then.

I'm pretty sure that the singer at the baptism party is Fernando Lima who will eventually sing the Pasion theme song with Sarah Brightman. I think I also forgot to mention that in one of the early brothel scenes Mario Ivan Martinez was performing. (Remember, Esteve from MEPS?)

What a moving screen shot. Nice choice Carlos.

Poor Hipolita, she just can't catch a break. Things finally seem to be going her way and then her husband shows up and she's about to get kidnapped! ITA that Perla is a very bold one. She has a funny habit of brushing her cheek whenever she is doing something naughty.

I loved the romance scene, but Luis really needs to tell Hipolita NOW that he is the mystery boinker!

Paula, thanks for posting the recaplet, pic and links.

The screen grab is so beautiful it should be on a card.

Carlos~~~I, too, liked your choice of photo. You have become a master of technology. It was also interesting to know that doctors are taught to notice people's hands. Maybe that's why my doctor sometimes holds mine. I thought he was just friendly. I always notice people's hands.

I lived in Korea 18 months, where prostitution was very common. The girls' prime directive was to get a GI to marry them and take them back stateside. It was an ugly system - usually the GI would get disillusioned soon after returning to the US, and abandon his foreign bride. But in some cases, the girl would ditch her husband soon after arriving here, and work the streets for bigger bucks than she was used to. We made a distinction between hookers and whores, and those were the whores.

And in that lexicon, Perla is a whore. Luis gave her a new life, but she prefers her old life, and bites the hand that feeds her.

Sylvia, I wish Marina had confided in Isabel too. I think she was there when Isa told the regidor that she had way more money than Diego - more than anyone knows. But maybe Marina doesn't realize how much more power that gives Isa, too.

I didn't recognize Fernando Lima (shame on me!) nor Estiv from MEPS. Good catch!

As luck would have it, I won't get to watch today's until tonight. Guess I should have watched it last night after all. D'oh! I don't want to fall behind!

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