Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Teresa Tue 7/5/11 #91 Europe beckons but Tiburoncita still can’t ignore The Boy Next Door.

Outside the vecindad, Teresa tells Aida she’s only going on that vacation because Arturo begged her to. But she can still cancel that trip and tell Mariano she’s giving it all up for him. Then they’ll see who he’ll choose. She’s so involved in aggravating Aida she doesn’t notice Papá has popped up out of nowhere demanding to know what she means by that. Ruh-roh!

Casa Barrera: Hector has arrived to speak with Arturo regarding the oversight of the Pediatric Ward during his absence. Hector reminds him, as he did Ruben, that Mariano oversees that project. Arturo obviously doesn’t want to deal with Mariano and asks if they can instead work with Aurora. Mariano can make all the medical decisions but he and Ruben would rather have all contact be with Aurora.

Vecindad: Teresa tries to brush off Papá, telling him to forget it, it’s nothing. Aida won’t let that happen and tells him he shouldn’t forget about it. She doesn’t understand how it’s possible they all don’t know what type of person Teresa is. She reminds him how she tried to tell them all about it that night of the loteri ́a (awhile back). She wonders if it’s possible he’s in agreement with Teresa’s attempt to renew her relationship with Mariano. Armando asks to speak with his daughter alone. Aida would love nothing more, saying she’s on her way to see Mariano and that’s where she should be instead of wasting her time fighting with Teresa. She excuses herself but not before telling Armando she hopes he gets a grip on reality. Armando wants an explanation from Teresa about this and Teresa of course tells him it’s a misunderstanding. She only said that about Mariano in a moment of anger. She reminds him how much Aida has always bullied her. He doesn’t feel this gives her the right to say such things. If anything, she should be happy Mariano is with Aida as that will keep him from stalking her again and coming between her and her husband.

Goodness, the wedding ceremony. I’d forgotten about that. Judge is proceeding with the ceremony, and of course Johnny & Pati have no rings. Aurora and Juana come to the rescue. Juana hands over the ring from her deceased husband to Mariano since he’s the padrino of the rings. This puts Mariano and Aurora side by side with the happy couple.

Chavez apartment: Teresa continues trying to convince Armando she was provoked by Aida who accused her of to Europe only as a means to travel and not as a means to save her marriage. Armando doesn’t understand why she cares what Aida says and then asks Teresa to confirm that she’s going to Europe to save her marriage. Teresa swears that of course she wants to save her marriage. She concedes he was right in saying she was immature in responding that way to Aida. He’s very concerned and tells her she needs to consider what would happen if Aida told Arturo what she’d said.

Wedding: They exchange rings and the judge declares them man and wife. Cheers!

Armando now advises Teresa she should be going on that trip with the goal of saving her marriage or not go at all. Armando took notice of Arturo’s reaction after she was assaulted. He’s convinced Arturo truly loves her. He has no idea why he was unfaithful but he saw true love in his eyes.

Wedding: Everyone is congratulating the couple. Johnny profusely thanks Juana and Aurora for the use of the rings and promises they’ll return them as soon as possible. As he’s thanking Aurora and she insists it was nothing, Hernán says it’s true she is a good woman and it’s time everyone knew she’s the one who convinced her dad to accept Pablito at the hospital. (For you newbies, Pablito is Johnny’s and Espe’s lil bro who had kidney problems. They’re very poor and couldn’t afford treatment. Thanks to Aurora’s intercession, the hospital treated him pro bono). Johnny and Espe thank her, saying that without her help, they never would’ve been able to hospitalize him. Aurora continues to humbly say thanks aren’t necessary. Mariano disagrees and says that’s Aurora for you, always wanting to help others anonymously. She’s generous, good, and now she’s a doctor! He congratulates her and caresses her face. They share an all too brief moment when Aida appears, spoiling Aurora’s moment with Mariano and making everyone else uncomfortable.

Back to Teresa and Pops. She doesn’t want to talk about this anymore (phew) and suggests they head on over to the wedding. After what just happened, Armando doesn’t think that’s such a hot idea since Aida’s sure to be there. What if she repeats everything in front of everyone, in front of Mariano? It would be terrible. He stands firm that they shouldn’t go.

Wedding: Aida is congratulating the happy couple and makes it obvious she would rather be anywhere than hanging out here. She approaches Mariano and Aurora who excuses herself, saying she needs to call her dad. Aida tells Mariano she came to get him because she doesn’t want him to be near Teresa. And it’s a good thing she came now because she ran into Teresa downstairs and he won’t believe what she told her! Ramon is standing nearby, listening. Over Mariano’s objections she tells him about Teresa’s thoughts of divorce after her return from Europe and seeking out Mariano again. She even tells him that Teresa wondered how many minutes would pass before he dumped Aida after he found out that she wants him back. Mariano tells her not to pay attention to anything Teresa says. She just says these things to annoy her. Aida knows this and then tells him she’s so happy as long as he’s with her. She proceeds to paw him and cling to him. Ugh. Aurora witnesses this as she’s calling her father.

They’re running out of sodas (refrescos) and Mariano offers to go to the store. Aida chooses to stay behind with Aurora. Armando walks in just as he’s leaving. More salutations to the newlyweds.

Mariano is now outside and he runs into Teresa just as she’s getting to her car. Mariano tells her Aida spilled the frijoles tells her not to speak for him. If he ever planned to return to her, the first person he’d tell would be Aida. Teresa says she was provoked. She only came by to give JohnPat a check as a wedding gift. After the scandal that Aida caused, she can’t show herself at the wedding. Mariano can’t believe she brought a check as a gift, telling her she thinks she can fix everything with money. JohnPat would’ve preferred she attend their wedding. She’s Espe’s friend and wasn’t even there for her brother’s wedding. Teresa blames it all on Aida. Besides, that marriage won’t last long. Mariano feels they’re very happy and Pati was radiant with happiness. Teresa scoffs at this wondering how long this happiness will last. Mariano tells her that during the ceremony, he thought of them and how happy they might have been. But she was never satisfied with what he had to offer. Teresa has to admit things continue to get better for him. He’s not talking about that. He’s referring to love and understanding; to be willing to do anything for her. But that was always a problem. It became clear to him she was only interested in material things and not feelings. She can’t believe he thinks Aida is interested in feelings. He tells her Aida is learning that despite everything, she can still be happy. She lost Paulo and he lost Teresa and they’re working on building something from that. She tells him they shouldn’t be so sure it will work out. Mariano says the important thing is that they’re trying. He says Teresa had the same chance but she went after the sure thing and look at her now. She’s notably unhappy. She just stares at him puckering her pink frosted lips.

Teresa tells Arturo she’ll be gone for a few months and he tells her that was her choice. (Is that equal to “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn?”) Teresa says he decided to despise her even though she told him she was going to get a divorce. That no longer matters, he says. He tells her to enjoy her trip and everything that Arturo can give her. His rejection (rechazo) really hurts her. She doesn’t want to leave thinking he hates her. He doesn’t hate her, he could never hate her. She’ll never stop thinking of him as her first love – her true love. Their theme song plays as she leans her head on his shoulder. She makes her signature move, leaning back and putting her lips ever so close to his. Doesn’t work this time! (nyah, nyah) He steps away from her and again wishes her a good trip and walks away. Oh yeah!

Uh-oh. Aida is confronting Espe, saying she hasn’t forgiven her. Espe tells her now is not the time to talk about this. Aida thinks it is and tells her not to think they’ll ever get along because they’re not equals and gives Espe the once over. She starts to tell her she aims to take Mariano out of this dump so he doesn’t have to continue to socialize with people like her. Espe reminds her that Mariano was born and raised in this vecindad. He has roots here, his father is here. He would never turn his back on them, not even to live in a palace.

Casa Barrera: Fernando and Arturo discuss the upcoming European trip (tomorrow!) Arturo is convinced that since she agreed to the trip, their reconciliation is as good as done. Fernando mentions Paloma and Arturo gets upset at the mention of her name. He just wants to look forward. His future is with Teresa and he’s determined (empeñado) to win her back. He’s sure their relationship will be even better than when they first married. Fernando, looking like a Gloomy Gus, agrees that it seems that his relationship with Teresa will continue as his with Luisa. Arturo wonders what’s up, why does he say it like that?

Wedding: Aurora asks Refugio if Teresa is coming. Aida says of course she is….to see Mariano. Both Refugio and Aurora take exception to this. Wow, Aida with her green dress and black stockings is itching for a fight today. Armando tells her Teresa has no intentions of coming.

Mariano returns with the refrescos, the crowd starts calling for the cake, and Hector arrives. Juana greets him warmly (hooray) and he tells her she looks lovely.

Back at Casa Barrera: Fernando explains he was thinking of Teresa (I’ll bet he was!) and how Paloma hurt them both by casting a shadow on their marriage. Teresa doesn’t deserve that. Arturo says he can’t undo the past but he’s not ready to lose her and will fight for her. He doesn’t want what happened to Mariano to happen to him, saying Mariano wasn’t able to keep her because he didn’t know how to fight for her. He feels he needs to fight to keep her before someone else falls in love with her. (Too late, Artie). Fernando tells him to make Teresa happy and Arturo assures him he plans to and asks Fernando to do the same for Luisa.

Back at Wedding: FF>> Pati & Johnny silliness about what they’d like as a gift from Hector.

Casa Barrera: Teresa arrives, looking as though she’s lost her best friend, or her first lover. She thought bubbles about being away from Mariano for months and not being able to steal at least one kiss from him. Luisa greets her from above asking if she’s excited about the trip. Luisa’s made her a list of shopping venues. Teresa tells her Arturo suggested she pack lightly since he plans to buy her anything she wants. Luisa tells her she’ll see many sites, making for an unforgettable trip. She then gets serious, telling her she knows Teresa will end up forgiving him and falling even deeper in love with him.

Wedding: Armando tells Espe Teresa couldn’t come because she didn’t want to run into Mariano. He gives JohnPat a check from Teresa. They cut the cake.

Night falls and Johnny carries her over the threshold. They talk about needing to work on deepening their relationship before sleeping together. Pati says there’s one more thing they need to do. We next see them at Refugio’s altar to la Virgen the Guadalupe to thank her for their marriage and Pati talks to Rosita, promising to take care of Johnny. FF>>

Back at Juana’s, Cutberto, Juana, and Espe finish cleaning up. Espe complains about her swollen feet and goes to bed. Cutberto and Juana talk about the wedding. He asks about the type of wedding she’d like and she asks if he’d help her plan it. He says he will if she marries him. They predictably bicker back and forth. He mentions her being involved with a married man. Scene ends as usual with her sending him out.

Hector and Aurora at home: He’s still wondering what to get the happy couple since they have nothing. He decides to buy them a bed and Aurora agrees to pick it out for him. She notices he’s been very happy since his arrival at the wedding. He’s very happy and she’s the first to know about it. But first….

Evening turns to morning at Casa Barrera: Hector has come to see Juana. Juana chatters on and on about a breakfast for Teresa and Aurora. She’s been helping Teresa pack for her trip which starts today and she’s going to miss her terribly. She’ll feel so alone. Hector tells her she won’t be alone, she’ll have him. She starts to protest but he hands her an envelope that holds his divorce papers. It’s come through! Free at last! Although not for long, he tells her. She’s confused. He comes out with it, “Casate con migo, Juana!” Juana looks as though she’s been punched in the stomach. (I’m sure she’s going to say no, but please Juana! Marry him! Cutberto’s a payaso!)

House o’ Hunks: Madam O and Fer are enjoying breakfast. He mentions they’ll pass by for Luisa who’s hosting a bon voyage breakfast for her BFF, Teresa. Oriana talks about how much she likes Luisa. She’s so lovely, sensitive, and delicate. Fernando thinks back on how he viewed her as such a child. Oriana comments that she’s now a full grown woman who will soon be his wife. Speaking of which, any thoughts as to when the happy event will take place? He tells her they haven’t yet talked about marriage. She’s surprised to hear this since he’s said how much he loves her and wants her to have his children. He tells her he does care for Luisa but they’ve decided to take things at their own pace (ritmo). They’ve already told her they want to wait and asks her not to pressure him (no me presiones). She wonders what’s wrong with him, he seems really annoyed (molesto). He responds, “It’s just that we’ve already talked about this.”

Hector & Juana: She’s shocked. Get married? Isn’t he taking it a little fast? He’s just now divorced. Well, since yesterday when Arturo gave him the papers, he says. He tells her he rejected the idea of telling her at John/Pati’s wedding as it didn’t seem appropriate. Juana is flustered and readily agrees a wedding isn’t the appropriate setting to celebrate a divorce. Teresa comes down the stairs just then and congratulates her madrina saying she sees that Hector has given her his surprise. Oh, she’s surprised all right. She’s downright flabbergasted! This is so sudden, she didn’t expect this to happen so soon. Hector notices how nervous she’s become and he says he’s as excited as a chamaco. He wants an answer to his question, will she marry him? She nervously tells him she’d like to think about it. Teresa butts in and reminds her that the only reason she was holding back before was because Hector wasn’t divorced. Juana stammers and stutters saying they really haven’t been dating very long. Hector is willing to wait longer. However, he asks Juana if they can go from being novios to being comprometidos. Teresa applauds. Juana looks downright scared. Aurora and Luisa arrive just then and Aurora immediately notices something’s up. Teresa proudly announces that Hector and Juana have just entered into a more formal relationship. Aurora happily hugs her daddy. Everyone congratulates Juana who looks like she’s going to be ill. Aw c’mon Juana!

Oh bother – back at the vecindad, Johnny arrives at Refugio’s for breakfast with his true love. They exchange cute nothings with Pati saying she would have gladly slept with him last night, if only to be abrazaditos (embraced). Refugio comes in and reminds them all in good time. They have to wait until they learn a few things. Oh, please! Sorry, I just don’t get this whole get-married-but-wait-to-consummate-marriage bit.

Back at the Barrera’s: Hector is relating how desperate he was that the divorce wouldn’t come through without the presence of “she-who-shall-not-be-named”…Aurora’s mother. But Arturo was able to get it done. Luisa’s happy that there is now nothing to get in the way of their relationship. Juana wants to make sure Aurora is in agreement. Aurora is very happy that her father has found his partner and she has already begun to see Juana as a mother. Juana is very moved and goes across to give Aurora a big hug. She hopes to live up to her expectations and promises to be there to advise her and help her. She tells her she has a lot of affection for her. Teresa looks on jealously. Hector says there’s no doubt they will be very happy. Teresa agrees halfheartedly. Luisa jokes that this comes just when she’s become so accustomed to Juana and tells Aurora she’ll have to share. Teresa chimes in and says they have to discuss that with her because Juana has been there since she was a baby, not just as her madrina but much, much more. She asks Juana directly if she’s just like her daughter. She is jealous! Juana responds that of course she is but who would’ve known that she would end up with three daughters. Everyone laughs but Teresa, who sits there pouting. Arturo joins the happy group. Hector happily tells him the divorce has totally changed his life. Juana nervously says it’s changed her life too!

Chez Geno: Genoveva adds to her adoption story and tells Mayra she’s begun making inquiries about adoption and has found the process can vary in length. She’s interested in a newborn. Mayra tries to open the discussion to include older children who are also in need. Geno is adamant she wants a newborn who will only see her as his/her mother.

Casa Barrera: Aurora and Teresa are in the library alone talking about the European trip. Teresa offers to look up Martin while she’s there. Aurora reminds her they’ve agreed to take a time out on their relationship. She does ask Tere to do one thing while in Europe: give her marriage a chance.

Hospital: Mariano and dad are talking about John/Pati’s wedding. Mariano is deep in thought and recalls the time he was saving money to marry Teresa. When he broke open that piggy bank (cochinito de barro) it was as though he destroyed a dream, one that will never become reality. Ramon tells him things happen for a reason and he’s already seen there are other women besides Teresa. There’s a chance he can be happy with Aida and he should take it!

Casa Barrera: Teresa loves Arturo but doesn’t know if she can forgive him. Oh, please, says Aurora (and I). She knows Teresa still loves Mariano. Aida told her what she said yesterday. Teresa repeats her story that she only said that to stop Aida from bothering her. If anyone knows how Aida has harassed her, it’s Aurora. Aurora admits that’s true but she also knows that that Teresa continues to love Mariano and they both know it. She points out she’ll be on a months-long trip with her husband and should just leave Mariano alone. Let him start a new life and find happiness with Aida. Teresa should try to be happy with Arturo because neither he nor Mariano deserves this game.

Casa Caceres: Geno is visiting and now Aida is hears the adoption story. Geno feeds her the line that she’s very lonely and wants to fill that need to mother. Aida’s always been like a daughter to her but it’s not the same thing. Geno observes that she’s been spending a lot of time with Mariano. She can start a new life and have children, something that Geno can no longer do. Aida concedes but says Geno can’t adopt just any baby; she has to know who the parents are. Geno says that’s exactly what she’s planning to do – focus on the father….oh, and the mother too, of course. Of course.

Barrera Home: Teresa is sad to realize Aurora prefers Aida and therefore she’s going to ignore everything she’s just said. Aurora tells her to forget about Aida and think things through. Mariano and Arturo are both good men who both love her. She needs to come to a decision and stop playing one against the other because in the end she’ll never be happy. Hector and Juana interrupt because he needs to go back to the hospital. Aurora tells Juana she’s so happy they’ve become so close and she’d be grateful if Juana doesn’t mention anything that she said about Mariano. Juana promised to keep her secret and keep it she will. She also tells her that independent of her relationship with Hector, she really cares for her. They embrace and Teresa comments that it looks as though Aurora is the one who is headed for Europe. They all hug again and Aurora asks Teresa to remember their conversation.

Casa Caceres: Ruben arrives just as Aida is telling Geno that the Rrrrrrrrrata de Vecindad and Arturo are leaving for Europe today for a lengthy vacation. Ruben confirms they’ll be gone for a few months. He mentions Mayra would like to take a similar trip. Jealousy literally moves Geno out of her seat to ask when this trip will take place. Ruben figures he can’t go anywhere while Arturo is gone and has left him in charge of the foundation and other responsibilities. Aida offers to help him and then leaves. Ruben assures Geno he will hold off the trip with Mayra. Geno’s glad to hear that and hopes that Arturo’s trip will be lengthened so that Ruben will have the ability to fix the adoption of Espe’s baby as the acting head of the foundation. Ruben isn’t sure how they’ll get Espe’s baby to the foundation. Geno ponders this and says, “there are ways.” Scary lady.

Casa Barrera: Espe has come to see Teresa before her trip. Teresa apologizes for not attending the wedding. Espe says Armando explained everything. She tells her Aida is so jealous she probably showed up at the wedding just to make sure Mariano wasn’t there alone. Teresa asks Espe if she thinks Mariano still loves her. Espe suggests that instead of going on that trip, she should seek him out instead. Teresa feels it’s too late for that, Mariano hates her. Espe insists that since Teresa can’t seem to forget him, they should at least give it a try. Teresa says that for now she is going on vacation and swears she will do what she can to forget him. She changes the subject abruptly and talks about the baby, assuming she will be the godmother. Espe asks if she’d like that and Teresa responds that she’d like nothing more than to spoil him, shower him with gifts and above all, defend him from Ruben. Espe thanks her and Teresa thought bubbles that she hopes the godfather will be Mariano.

Hospital: Mariano and Aurora are talking business and she asks if he knows about Teresa’s trip. Mariano wishes she’d leave the country for good so he would never have to see her again. And like a bad penny, Aida turns up. Aeeeeeeda! Her entrances are starting to remind me of Kramer on Seinfeld! She announces that now that Ruben is in charge of the foundation, she will head the public relations department. She’s excited about lining up more donors, promoting the pediatric ward and thereby promoting Aurora and Mariano. She kisses him again and Aurora looks away. Avert your eyes!

Casa Barrera: Refugio is there and Juana tells about Hector’s surprise announcement regarding his divorce. Refugio asks what she plans to do about her feelings for Cutberto. Before she can answer, Teresa and Espe join them. They talk about the trip and she asks Refugio what she’d like from Europe. Refugio only wants for Teresa and Arturo to be reconciled. Arturo walks in saying he’s all packed and ready to go as soon as he returns from a meeting. Refugio takes her leave and tearfully blesses Teresa. Everyone leaves and Teresa comments on how everyone has come by to wish them well on their trip. Arturo says even Oriana called but figured it was best not to pass her on to Teresa. Teresa complains they will be in Spain for a month and that woman didn’t even offer one of her houses for their stay. And why? Because she knew Teresa would be there as his wife!

Speaking of the Momzilla, she tells Fernando she spoke with Arturo by phone earlier. Fernando wonders why she didn’t go in person. Oriana admits she didn’t want to pretend (fingir) in front of Teresa. Fernando is frustrated and asks if she’s ever going to try to get to know Teresa. Why should she when she’s not a hypocrite like Tere? It’s a good thing he found such a nice girl like Luisa because if he had chosen Teresa as her daughter-in-law, she would disinherit him! So there!

Previews for tomorrow show Fito coming to ruin Teresa’s trip and possibly her marriage!


Paquita outstanding job once again.

Please tell me i'm not the only one who wanted to reach through my screen and slapped that spring green wearing harpy silly last night. From her not wanting to touch Armando after he told her he wanted to talk to his daughter to alone after another one of her bullying antics. To her nastiness to Espe's at her own brother's wedding mind you this heifer gets on my last nerve.

I was shouting at my TV to throw that harpy b@tch out and for someone who supposedly doesn't want to be around Teresa and her people she still hangs out there alot.One would think even though she is helping Mariano with his clinic she would be able to do this without being so near the common people she so despises. I can't wait for Mariano to tell her that's not happening him forgetting where he came from.

Mariano is getting ready to blow with her because she just does not stop not a day goes by and she can't stop obsessing over her obsession of everything Teresa this chick is real sick.

Ramon i know you want your son to be happy and believe that can only happen with anyone else but Teresa. But how long before you'll be saying anyone else but Teresa and that annoying harpy Aeeeeeeeeeeda geesh!

Teresa you need as much help as Aeeeeeeeda does get over it and stop bothering Mariano. Loved the advice Aurora gave you stop playing these games with both of them.

Mariano i didn't think he could ever stop falling for Teresa and her games but it looks like he might have.

Teresa you don't really appreciate Juana but use her but now you feel threaten by Aurora? Wow this girl needs therapy if only Refugio had stop trying to push her onto Mariano and gotten her some real help.

Geno is sick and really twisted poor Espe doesn't know what's in store for her by messing with Ruben.

Huh Momzilla has thrown down the gauntlet at her little boy. Looks like a big confrontation between Momzilla and her baby boy Fernando.

Fito makes a house call? Not good.

Loved your recap Paquita, especially the comment about Aida popping in like Kramer !!! So true!

I also am sooo sick of Aida, I thought she was getting better but she is back to her annoying kissy kissy smothering act like she was with Paulo. They should have kicked her out of the wedding because of her rudeness.

I have a few questions I hope someone could answer

1. How many months along is Espe's pregnancy ? Seems like she has been pregnant for months now but she still has no tummy .
2. What was the point of the Johnny Patti wedding if they are not going to have sex? Who's idea was that & why ?

3. Have Mariano & Aida slept together ?

Is Geno a country singer with that big hairdo or what ??

I can't remember how long Esperanza has been pregnant. I know that some women don't begin showing until the halfway mark and we haven't had a "3 meses despues" super since she found out.

Refugio wants Pati and Johnny to know each other better first, but I personally think she's a sexual prude.

I don't think Aida and Mariano have done the deed yet.

I actually like Genoveva's hair and whoever her makeup artist is I want to know his/her secret!

Wonderful as always Paquita! Iwas half-watrching last night, so all your great detail really filled in everything for me.

Yeah-Mariano!!! Gave a nice cheer last night as he pushed away Terror when she tried her usual "you want me" move. Priceless.

As for Aida - Blu and Elle I totally agree. She went right down my list of likable characters after her antics last night. Slapping her silly sounds like a good plan. Let's hope Mariano starts to realize she isn't goinbg to change, she just wants to change him. Espe won't rat on her, but someone besides Terror better start planting some seeds of doubt there.

So off to Europe? Actually looking forward to Aur and Ter taking off so we can stop the endless Terror/Mari scenes and see what kind of progress gets made on all the storyline with them gone.

I was thinking of the GWTW scene when Scarlett gift-shops on her honeymoon with Rhett. She buys gifts for her entire family and they all sounded appropriate and well-considered. Let's see how Tiburoncita stacks up in comparison.

Great recap, Paquita!

I'm wondering if the point of the whole non-consummation thing with Pati and Johnny is so that Gramps will be able to push for an annulment after the inevitable drug bust. Then Pati can run off and REALLY make a dramatic gesture...

Blue Lass, that certainly sounds likely.

Awesome recap; thanks! I, too, especially loved the Kramer line. That's exactly it! She's so disruptive.

And I certainly share your confusion over Refugio's marriage advice (and Johnny's and Pati's willingness to follow it). Why get married if you're not ready to be married? If you do get married, why act like you aren't married yet? So weird.

I cheered when Mariano walked away from Teresa. Now that's some progress! He didn't even seem to be fighting a powerful attraction so much anymore; he really seemed like he just wasn't feeling it. Yay.

LOVED watching Teresa stew as Juana fussed over Luisa and Aurora. Serves her right for trying to control Juana's life. Even if Hector seems like the obviously better pick, that isn't Teresa's decision to make, and I hate how she manipulates Juana.

Thanks Paquita for your morning entertainment.
I love Fernando's mother!
Does anyone else think Fito could end up dead?


Paquita, thanks once again for a great recap.

Slowly, one by one the vecindad is slowly turning their backs on Tere. She is not going to take this very well.

Momzilla needs to straighten out her hunky son before she starts in on anyone else. I think her remark about disinheriting her son if he married anyone like Tere is clue into her own background and the will problem.


Oriana aka Momzilla better be careful if she keeps prying into Teresa's background trying to find out why she really married Arturo there just may be some major backlash. Because if Teresa does break up with Arturo becaue of Oriana's meddling guess who she going after next mommy dearest?

I love the scene also of Juana being motherly to both Luisa and Aurora who truly appreciate Juana for what she gives them a mother's love as Teresa sits there and stews that it's not all about her.

The girl can write a book on self centered can't she?

Yeah i feel that Teresa has killed all of the attraction Mariano used to have for her bravo for him you go boy!!!

Thank you Paquita. Your recaps are always so well-written and thorough, such a pleasant and fun read.

Blu, once again your epic blast totally cracks me up. You pretty much completely covered my gripes about Aida. Her rudeness toward Espe is such a broken record her words no longer have any weight.

My favorite scene was Teresa getting jealous about Juana having tres hijas. Funny how nobody seemed to notice Tere's sourpuss expression. I guess they are used to it.

Do you all think we will get a trip to Europe? I have a feeling Fito is going to get in the way. Darn, even a Europe. Trip on a soundstage would be welcome. I want to see Art woo Ter! I want to see how he will "fight for her".

Yippee! Loved momzilla telling Fer he would be disinherited if he brought home " a Teresa"! Fer, STAY WITH LUISA!

For once I watched a Pati scene. I really thought their prayers to La Virgen and to Rosita were lovely and touching. Sorry to anyone who FF, you really missed something.

Finally, Mar pushed Ter away!
I like Aida. I think when she is with Mar alone she is very good for him. She truly has feelings for him now and Mar needs that right now. By the way, I think they have "done the deed" it is subtly implied.

Ter looks like she is falling for Art. Her face gives it away lately. Go Arturo! Fight for your woman! Tu mujer! Jaja


Great job as usual Paquita!

That Geno is creeping me out, she seems like she has issues with boundaries; like she’s capable of practically anything. That comment about her looking like a country singer was hilarious; she does kind of look like a country singer from the 1970’s. She would fit right in with Buck Owens and Roy Rogers. I have to admit though, I kind of like her look.

I’m glad that trip to Europe is finally happening; I was getting a little tired of hearing about it. I wonder if Teresa packed Mariano-bear :^)

Fito has great timing; like Chuchi suggested, he may end up dead, but I think he will cause a lot of trouble first. Can’t wait for tonight’s episode.

Really great recap, Paquita, you cleared a lot of confusion for me.
Poor Juana! She has it bad for Buttberto. I am sorry to everyone who wants her to end up with Hector. Doesn't look likely, does it? I didn't like her dress at the wedding, too bathing suit with a beach wrap for me.
Tere is starting to see her pigeons come home to roost. I don't think she is falling for Art. I'll be surprised if she actually goes to Europe without needing to come home early in the trip.
Her biggest downfalls are from her relentless need for revenge. Fito is going to be a big problem. If he is eliminated, she's the main one with a motive.
Geno's makeup-very 1983, but well done. The perfect little line around her mouth, the dark eyeshadow. She needs to find her way back to the Knott's Landing set.

Paquita, your recaps are so thorough and so much fun. Last night I thought I'd close my eyes for a few minutes and 3 hours later I realized I had missed Teresa and more. So thanks for the great recap to fill me in so completely.

From what I've seen, Mariano and Aeeeeda are about fun and healing each other. But if they did the deed, I would think Mariano would know Aeeeda would be even more clingy and smothering and in turn controlling. He knows she doesn't respect the vencidad or his friends especially Espe. Hopefully, they haven't yet since that would seem like something major and they didn't show us anything. I hope not because I don't want arrogant Aida to have anything go her way.

I, too, was hoping for some real or some fake European locations as well as a treat. Sometimes they do the green screen trick and it's usually pretty funny. From what was mentioned, Fito may spoil it as it looks like he needs more dinero for his expanding wardrobe. He should be less greedy and give Tere a chance to save up those blackmail dollars.


poor Fer - he could just be blinded enough by Terror that he would risk being disinherited for her, not realizing that is all she really wants is his money. Our little minx always tells everyone it isn't about the money - and he may be stupid in the long-run, to believe her. Then watch her head implode when she finds out...oh wait - that could be fun!

Loved the recap Frances. Aida was acting like Armando had the cooties the way she wiped her hands after touching his shoulder. I can't stand snobby people. Of course, she goes and tells Mariano what Teresa said.

So today starts the magical reconciliation tour. That is if Fito doesn't throw a damper on it with his showing up at the house again. This time he made his way inside. Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnn.

So Oriana has now told Fernando that if he had chosen Teresa, she would disinherit him. Too bad that he has already fallen under her spell.

"Fito may spoil it as it looks like he needs more dinero for his expanding wardrobe" -- funny, GinCA!

Daisy, Fernando doesn't look too bright. I think he might fall for anything.

What exactly is greedy Fito doing with the money? Because Teresa implied that was a lot of money he took out of her purse he still has her first engagement ring which he hasn't cashed in. He really is overplaying his hand right now i think he pushes our little Terror into a corner and she will come out fighting.

Yeah Pirate Babe after Aeeeeda did that to Armando my hand started to itch wanting to slap something real hard like Renata did to Jerko on CME last night.

I think we all starting to see the crack in the relationship between Mariano and his harpy she may make him smile but he's not putting up with her disparaging his people. Whether he hit the sheets with her not she was only his rebound girl. I get the feeling it's the way she keeps treating Espe that will be the catalyst to their break up or maybe not but i hope the break up is real soon can't stand this harpish snob.

It's funny all through out this she keeps proclaiming how much class she has and she is so much better than Teresa and Espe. While both have acted more calmly and maturely when dealing with this obnoxious harpy. That's why i get a kick out of Teresa as she puts her down quite smugly and self assuredly with her smirk and taunts to Aeeeeeeeeeeda so enjoyable.

Frances, wonderful well written recap, thanks!  

It will be curious to see how Aids masks her true disdain for all things vecindad when and if her friendship with Mariano grows. Don't think she would have pulled her "dirty hands" stunt with Mariano standing there. 

Diann, I thought the Rosie, Paty and Johnny scene was sweet too. I feel that I have fallen into an alternate universe, I've never heard of getting married and then waiting!   Johnny is a malleable fellow isn't he! 

I thought the Mariano/Teresa scene where she said that she didn't want him to hate her was good, they were both just being real, none of their usual posturing.  That said, I'm still hoping and praying for Aurora to win his heart. 

If something starts between Teresa and Fernando and Momzilla pulls the dinero card, Teresa will feel that it is deja vue all over again, that is how Geno forced Paulo to break up with her. 

Woops! Make that Deja vu.... My cell phone is always trying to be helpful!

Thanks Paquita!
Teresa is such a child, it's always someone else's fault. They made her do it wah, wah. So, it would be like Teresa to 'break up' with Art because of Oriana's meddling. As if it matters who digs up the dirt Teresa has created.

It would be good for Fer and Teresa if Oriana disinherits Fer. And especially so, if Teresa finds out too late to use someone else for money. If she wants money, she should get it the old fashioned way...earn it...

Great recap, Paq!!

I just can't see Pati with Jonny. Someone said he reminds her of a monkey and I tend to agree. In this case, I think Tere is right about love flying out the window when the husband is not a good provider. I can't see what she sees in him.

I'm glad Mar was able to resist Tere, altho you can tell he still has feelings for her.

For a while I thought Aida was going to change, but lately she's been awful. I'm sure she and Mar won't be together very long.


Hey, Frances: Thanks again. This was another fun read, amiga! I got quite a few chuckles out of it for sure!

I wanted to slap the crap out of Aeeeeda myself during that scene with Espe at the wedding, and then the disparaging remark about Tere in front of her own mother! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Mariano wakes up and dumps the harpy soon!

As for Madame Momzilla de Buttinsky, I wonder and secretly hope that there's dirt on her that while in Spain Tere will be find out about and be able to use to her advantage against the old battle-axe.

Sorry to be so late. It was a busy day! Thanks so much Frances. Wonderful recap as always.

Great comments too. Diann, I totally got teary during the Pati/Johnny Rosita altar scene. I thought it was well done and touching.

As for the no sex-- I think Johnny and Pati are pretty much like most Mexicans in that they will be obeying the Pope and not using birth control. I don't want to see these two immature (but sweet) people making any babies until they can support themselves and know how to navigate life. I think Refugio feels the same, hence no sex. They wouldn't need an annulment. They only had a civil marriage (not really a "real" marriage in tn terms), so a divorce would be fairly easy. It's the Church marriage that's hard to dissolve without just cause and where something like non-consumation would be important. I think they are waiting on the Church wedding for much the same reason they are waiting on the sex-- to make sure this thing actually has a future. Why get married at all? Well, everyone wanted them to wait on marriage, but they refused. Now that she married, Pati's grandfather and parents have no say over her life, so it makes some sense.

Total agreement on Aida. She was at her worst last night. Yikes!

I laughed out loud at Teresa's jealous pouting over Juana, and cheered Mariano as he walked away from her. Yay!

This show is great!ohh lets the games continue.......

Sorry is anyone going to do a recap or put up a page to discuss last night's episode?

Just posted a discussion page for last night.

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