Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #55 Tuesday 7/5/11 Take cover! Bombshells everywhere!!

So here we go!!

Auggie is strolling through the grapes with Renata, He tells her she is a strong woman who can handle anything.

Mati is singing our theme song, and is excited that Renata is never coming back, but Manuela tells her she’s dreaming and tells her she is crazy

Auggie is laying it on thick, her she has an opportunity to start over and that she can count on him, they hug, and right on cue Jerko walks up and accuses her of being La Bonita. He tells her that she started with his brother, then Matias, him, and know Auggie. She slaps him and tells him not to insult her, and Auggie chimes in and says the same thing and tells him to get out. He continues to accuse her of being after his money, and she tells him that she hates him and that he needs to leave.

Adriana is talking to Hornorio in his office talking, he gives her two tickets for something, and a credit card and she thanks him and tells him it’s not necessary, and that he would like her to have his last name. Then Blanca walks in and he looks very uneasy, Adriana is very happy to see her and asks daddy to join them and he hesitates but eventually he says yes.

Arely, is looking for Auggie and asks Ezekiel where he is, he tells him that he is with Renata, but does not know where.

Renata tells Auggie that Jero is obsessed with La Bonita and that it is her problem, not anyone else’s. He tells her that Jero will not bother her anymore, She is remembering how happy she was at her wedding, Auggie is telling her everything will be okay and she smiles and thanks him.

Jero, is riding home and gets thrown from his horse and gets back on and keeps riding, (not sure what the point of that was, I was hoping he would hit his head and wake up with a brain and a personality, but gotta keep waiting)

Arely is in Auggie’s office and finds something very interesting, information on annulments and she gets mad cause she realizes that he loves Renata.

Fina is talking to the attorney about the pre-nup, she is looking it over and seems very happy about it. She tells her to sign it.

Constanza is troubled over her and Chema, Regina’s mom guesses correctly that he is in love with Constanza and that she has not given him any reason to think that it’s two ways, she loves her husband, Mom tells her to love her husband to give her everything to him, but only him, only him.

Blanca is having lunch with Adriana and daddy, Blanca is toasting that Adriana is officially his daughter. He says almost they are waiting on more documents. Adriana is very excited, Blanca is getting very touchy feeley and he does not like it, he keeps mentioning his wife and that they are going away for the weekend, but Blanca has other ideas and suggests that they should not leave Adriana out of their plans.

Chema is trying to swim laps, but has a surprise guest (I think it is the girl he dumped, but i’m drawing a blank on her name). who he does not want to see, so he swims off.

Honorio pays the bill, He tells Adriana that she would like where they are going, and she says it sounds great and, he suggests that she go with them the next time they go. So Blanca and Honorio are alone, and he tells her he does not like her games. He tells he that he knows that she is trying to cause problems and that she won’t succeed, she laughs and goes to grab him he gets up and leave.

Roberta is visiting Matias at his office, she needs him to sign the doctored pre-nup and show him the invitation, she signs all the pages and then hands him the documents telling him how happy she is and that this is going to be good for them and their baby, as he is signing she tries to distract him, so he doesn’t see the changes they made and it works the poor sucker oh I mean Matias never sees anything. Before she leave she asks where they will live and he says their home, they have their own rooms there and she tells him she knows he is only doing this out of obligation and that she knows how he feels about her, but she loves him(yuck) and she wants him to give them a chance. She leaves and Matias looks unmoved. ( I think he looks nausea)

Regina is feeding Antonio, he wants her to continue with the wedding plans, and she says they should wait till he is better. The Dr, tells them that things are good and that Antonio is going to make it.

Arely, is grilling Auggie and Renata about what they are doing. She wants to know what Renata’s intentions are. Is she staying, going etc.. Renata says that she wants to settle things here and then go back. Arely looks on as she watches Renata open a cell phone from Auggie.

Carlos walks in on Jerko doing shots. He tells Carlos that she is with Auggie, Carlos (aka the voice of reason) tells him that it’s his fault (there is a concept) and he of course tells him not to say stupid things (ha take your own advice and just don’t talk for the rest of the novela, we can hope right?) and leaves with his bottle.

Roberta is ambushed at her car by Diego who is still after her about being his accomplice, and she throws an invitation at him and he laughs, he congratulates her on getting into the company and the family. She tells him it will be the event of the year and only special people are invited. She talks more about how lucky people will be to be invited and then gets in her car and leaves.

Jero is drowning his sorrows in a bottle, and Mati wants to go comfort him, but Carlos makes her leave him alone.

Renata plugs in her new phone and is also reflecting about Jerko, pulls out the stone and rubs it and cries.

Auggie and Dr creepy, are talking about what Jero knows or doesn’t know about Rafa and how he died, Auggie tells him not to worry, he won’t say anything about Rafa, but Ezekiel overhears everything.

Jerko is still drinking, Arely shows up (this can’t be good) He tells her he is very upset and she grabs his bottle, ( don’t mess with a man’s bottle) she says she hates them both they struggle over the bottle and she kisses him and he kisses her back ( WOW kinda saw that coming, but still WOW)

Renata and Adriana are talking on the phone Renata asks how everybody is, especially Matias, Adriana tells her they broke up, they talk about the wedding and Renata tells her she is really glad to talk to her, she doesn’t know how glad.

Jero breaks the kiss and apologizes, he was just upset. Arely says that they have a right to be upset there other halves are together without them. Jero says he loves one woman with all his heart and only one woman. She gets mad and stomps off.

Gonzo finds Regina in the Cafeteria, and asks how Antonio is doing, she says he is fine. He asks how she is doing and she says she can’t talk about herself right now, she is to pre-occupied with Antonio and her daughter. Gonzo gets excited and asks her what news she has about her daughter.

A detective is on the phone asking questions about Fina, he is investigating her and needs information.

Gonzo tells Regina that he is going to help her with the search for her daughter, she has to much on her plate and he insists on helping. She hesitates, but eventually allows him to help so she can focus on Antonio.

Roberts gives the pre-nup to Fina and tells her that Diego is still harassing her, and Fina says that Matias and Gonzo can’t ever be near him. Roberta asks mom for help. (Mom’s help= bye bye Diego)

Constanza surprises Honorio at his office in a sexy dress to take him to dinner. That is until Blanca comes in an pops her ballon, tells her all about there lunch celebrating Adriana and her new last name. Constanza is not in the romantic mood anymore and tells Honorio that is past keeps getting in there way.

Ezekiel and Alfonsina are talking over dinner and he tells her that he know that Dr.Creepy is responsible for the death of Rafa. They talk about what a rat he is and that Auggie is his accomplice and they are both bad, but they don’t know what to do about it.

Kari is getting ready to go meet her hubby to clear things up, but Lazaro does not like that idea, but she assures him that she is done with him and that she is going to end it.

Renata is having dinner with Arely and Auggie, Arely gets up and leaves telling her that she is tired and doesn’t want to est. Renata tries to talk to her, but she keeps walking. Renata tells Auggie that she knows Arely is not happy with her there and that he needs to do something about it.

Carlos and Mati put a very drunk Jero to bed, he goes on and on about Renata and Carlos tells him she is a good person and that love is not their problem, but trust. Jero needs to end his revenge ( he doesn’t listen sober, why would he listen drunk? just saying)

Kari is talking with Dr.Creepy who is telling her that they are married forever. She says that there is no reason for them to be together, they have no children and he says that he wants to have a child, they can adopt a baby.

Carlos is trying to comfort Mati who is upset that Jerko still loves Renata. He tells her that it is a love that is not possible, because Jero will never return her feelings and that her love is a fantasy.

Renata is doing her make-up (love the shameless plug for Garnier) Arely comes in and Renata asks her is being there is bothering her and she says yes, because Auggie is in love with her and she wants her out now and to never return.


Great job Jules on the recap.

That would be Stalking Selene who is getting crazier by the episode.

OMG here we have another pathetic woman who just doesn't have a clue spare girl Arely. First of all it not your house so how in the world you think that i just don't know and then you try to make a play for Jerko you can have him.

You're the one who accepted the type of booty call relationship you have with Auggie i wouldn't even call you his girlfriend. You really think if Renata leaves Auggie will turn to you especially when he learns you helped Jerko to sneak into his house to try and take back Renata all drugged up delusional. Boy over you stepping yourself here.

Jerko can you now admit to Renata that you think she is La Bonita well you pretty much told her with your nasty insult. Nice roundhouse slap Renata do it again please and save some in reserves for Mati,Roberta, Spare Girl and Fina please.

Matias i guess you haven't been watching TDA when Os signs everything and doesn't read it. Then again that show is pretty unwatchable so i can forgive you but never sign anything without reading it you big dope.

Blanca my my she really is going at Hon full speed ahead i don't know how he's going to stop all of that crazy.

Yep Diego is a goner now that Roberta has recruited her mother to help manage him.

Gonzo helping the detective to find Regina's daughter this should be good. The detective looking for info on Fina before she married Gonzo getting more good.

Hey Jules, great title tonight, following up on yesterday's fireworks, eh?

Good for Renata for vowing to find out who La Bonita is. If I were in her shoes I wouldn't bother but hey, we need a story, right?

I was surprised that Jero's horse waited for him after Jero got thrown. However I know nothing about horses. I do know, however, that if I were that horse I would have stomped on him.

I loved "ha take your own advice and just don’t talk for the rest of the novela". Jero is such a hypocrite. See Vivi's list for details.

I wonder why Arely is sticking around? She strikes out every time she's up at bat.

"Mom’s help= bye bye Diego", um, yep. Well said.

Oh no, will Kari give in to doc's pathetic reasoning? Feh, I knew things between Kari and Lazaro were too good to be true...for now. They are meant for each other. Laz and Kari I mean.

I. Hate. Blanca. Ocampo.

Does it seem like Carlos is getting more and more perturbed with Jero? I know I am.

The shameless plug was stupid, however Renata applying lots of cover stick seemed completely real to me.

Poor Alfonsina's in a bit of a pickle. Doc Creepy too although he doesn't know it yet.

Thanks Jules! This telenovela is moving right along. I wonder when Renata's horse Gitana is going to show up?

Haha Sylvia we all are getting perturbed by Jerko's behavior as for the horse why didn't he stomp Jerko?

As for why spare girl is still staying for her own bit of abuse? Well Auggie is rich and handsome and single so i guess she thinks she can snag him good luck with that thought spare girl.

Yeah things aren't looking well for Dr. Creepy since more people are learning he was drunk the night he operated on Rafael.

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend. Settling back into work (a took an extra day yesterday) and nice to start back in with a great recap and coffee first thing.

Augie underestimated his hold on Blondie, or he's just that stupid. And we all know she's the one who found the tree carving - hopefully she serves her purpose and either enlightens Jeers or Nata on that soon. Have to watch those "women scorned"

"I. Hate. Blanca. Ocampo.'

Right there with you. I guess we have to give kudos to the actress for creating such a despicable character, but I almost wish they had cast someone younger/sexier. And besides being a nut job, I still want to know her back story and why the heck she came there with this agenda of getting Hon.

Cannot believe that slime ball Doc is now sweet talking Kari with the "hey we're screwed up so let's bring a baby into the mess". So help me, bet she falls for it. ARGH!

Love the title, Jules. Yeah things are starting to explode. Mati the bratty was pretty funny running around singing the theme song & sure she's going to get hermoso in the end.

Blanca is so-o-o scary. She would have made a great Fina. WHAT is she up to? She can't have instantly set her cap for Honorio at the interview. Is sthere some reason she's there? What about the mysterious phone calls to the father she told Hon was dead?

So now we have Gonzo also on the trail of the missing daughter. And the detective is looking into Fina. And Mati has seen the photo. And Renata is searching for La Bonita. So many threads! It's weaving an interesting tapestry.

Good Morning Guys and thanks so much, Jules! Jeezo-Pete! With Kari going to talk to Dr. Lessthannothing thus goes (for a while) the one warm, fuzzy spot in this piece! Right after the beautiful song, it's own long growl punctuated by curses and cheers when somebody gets the mess slapped out of them (like you, jerko -- that was suh-weeet!)

How much y'all bet Fina's gonna find the information on the Detective investigating her in Gonzo's phone or note pad and promptly and successfully buy his ass off or do something else to thwart the investigation. One thing thing these writers can do is frustrate the hell right outta ya can't they?

Yes, Sylvia: I. Hate. Blanca. Ocampo!!! Uuuuuuffff!

Give us something to smile and sigh about, this can't be good for our health!!!


Meant to say after the pretty music it's one long growl (from me) punctuated by curses. . .

. . .anyway, Daisy, in keeping with my conviction that keep 'em cursin' is the writer's device instead of keep 'em swoonin' they probably will have Kari fall for the "let's fix our marriage with a baby" ploy: Kari's standing up to Alvaro and flirting with Lazaro is too positive! And yah, bout time for a murder: I must listen to too much Coast to Coast, but Fina seems to be able to travel between dimensions to commit her dastardly deeds. She'll be able to off Diego without leaving a trace just like she did Rafa.


Great recap, Jules.

Yes, I think we can begin the death watch on Diego. Oh well, I didn't like him much anyway.

Regina and Tony reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine was all set to break up with an older boyfriend when he went and had a stroke, was incapacitated, and she ended up having to take care of him.

Jerry is not a gentle kisser.

I want to find out what Blanca is up to... then I want her... GONE


Jules, Great Recap and I will get vack to that but wanted to say that I actually had episodes 53 and 54 and will correct my titles today. Can you change yours to #55 so people can trace it to the videso. Sorry, I messed it up by not gettng the double episode on my dish network guide in New Mex. I'll be back to comment on the mind bending developments.

Thank you so much, Jules! Wonderful recap!! I've not seen the capitulo, but I felt like I had seen it with your excellent description of so much action!!

So much is going on that is leading to so many possibilities! I am enjoying this TN so much via our wonderful recaps and Daily Motion when time permits.

Agree with everyone that Diego is not long for this world.

I wonder how much longer that UGLY Fina will continue to get away with things? She's due for a few downfalls.

How clueless is Gonzo that his wife looks the picture of health yet is trying to pass herself off as someone with a brain tumour?! Ugly Fina is playing with fire for having chosen that as her illness. She will get that and more in payback.

Carlos dear, I am with you 100% on that wretched Blanca. I wonder if her mysterious phone calls are to someone from Hon's past? Does Hon have a 'Past' that we know of? This is definitely a mature woman who could use a better 'do. The long hair on her does nothing for her, but I suppose it does make her look more like the witch that she is.

As for Spare Girl...she accepted Augie's terms for their 'relationship'. I hardly think she is in a position to be calling the shots.

Blusam: agree that Matias is just like dear Oz in TdA...signing things without looking them over! oh my...there will be heck to pay for this one.

Thank you again, Jules!


Jules, thanks for the great recap. I, too, loved your suggestion that Jerko take his own advice not to say anything stupid and thus just not talk for the rest of the novela.

Jero is just such an idiot. By now he should know that Renata is NOT La Bonita. Why does he keep insisting that she is? And the only reason he believes Roberta is not La Bonita is that he saw her wearing the R necklace, which he later also saw Renata wearing. He takes this as absolute proof that it couldn't be Roberta? Even though she's featured more prominently in the photo? Good grief. Carlos2, stop reasoning and pound some sense into this guy.

I liked the talk Carlos2 had with Matilde, telling her that she's fixated on an unavailable man because she thinks she's cursed and will never have a real relationship, but that is ridiculous and so she should aim for something real with a man she could actually have, ahemahemahem. Matilde could use a good shrink, but I'm guessing that a town with only Dr. Rapeysnake as a poor excuse for a doctor probably doesn't have any mental therapists at all.

That scene with Jero falling off the horse seemed specifically designed to use for misdirection in previews. Or just to show us that the horse hates him as much as we do.

Why does Roberta want anyone to come to her wedding? Won't it be embarrassing to have people see the obvious reluctance of the groom?

I have to call Blanca Ms.Inappropriate for this one, with Dr.Creepy coming in a close second for suggesting they have a baby. God help that child if they go through with it.

Jero is always inappropriate, and I agree that Carlos needs to stop talking and starting beating sense into him!!

Jules, thanks for the great recap.

So Dr. Carlos, so you hear the death rattle for Diego? I guess he is a goner since it is a professional opinion.

Jero, stop playing mind games with yourself and man up. I have high hopes for you so get a move on.

Blanca and Selene need to be sent back to the manicomio and they can take Fina along for company. The three of them are truly frightening. There is no telling what they will come up with next.

I almost admire Spare Girl, at least she told Renata some unpleasant truths instead of trying to kill her.


Why doesn't Hon just fire that psycho-slut! He needed a VP of Commerce or whatever he didn't get that, he got a stalking, psychotic, delusional crazy who's trying to destroy his marriage, his family, his business and who is sexually harrassing him to boot!! What is so hard to understand about that!? She purposely threw that barb in about having already celebrated Adri's formal recognition, couldn't he see how it hurt Connie? Can't he see how this ho from hell is cozying up to his nascent relationship with his daughter AND he STILL needs a VP, FIRE HER ASS!!!!

As crazy as she is, her "Father" whom she called on the phone is probably dead (ala Alecia Ferrera in La Fea), she's a total nut job and FUGLY at that!!


Thanks Jules for another banging recap. Still on Jeronimo side because Renata needs love and there is not another candidate so I’m holding out hope for a spectacular redemption. Jeers has to stick with the belief that Renata is La Bonita because how else can he justify his actions. Blanca is psycho crazy. Maybe she has daddy issues like Alicia in LFMB and is talking to her dead daddy. I agree with you Lila that the writers are certainly frustrating us and that Fina is overdue for some bad Karma. Rafa get ready to share your space; Diego will be joining you soon.

Tasha, girl, we were on the same wavelength!


"Or just to show us that the horse hates him as much as we do."

Not that the woman outside my office door doesn't already think I'm nuts, but after blurting out in laughter on this one, just got another one of those " I know dear" smiles. Too funny.

You know, I'm thinking Blanca has to have someone prodding her with this. Whoever Daddy dearest is - she came in with an agenda, and I don't think it's strictly to make HON a conquest. He's not exactly poor in his own right - and does he have shares in this big conglomerate? Someone could be using her insanity as a way into the business?? Ok - this is driving me buts - they have GOT to start giving us some crumbs on this one.

To make Fina the true villian, she's got to start racking up the murders. I mean, in TN-land, one accidental gun went off is just lame for the main evil one. Diego, you had potential little dude... and then who would? Stupid lawyer guy that knows too much or the investigator?

Daisy, the lawyer is a good candidate, especially since he is started to feel uncomfortable about his behavior. He could become very dangerous to Fina. Possible near-term victims...

Diego - he is doomed for sure
Lawyer - likely doomed
Isidro - because he is the one who suspects the Pepa/Fina connection
Investigator - if he gets too close to the truth
Regina - first attempt foiled

Daisy she already killed the father of her child and Renata's bio father even though it was a accident with Rafael she is still responsible because she left him there on purpose to die.

It's hard to figure out what exactly is Blanca's angle because i do feel she feels rejected when Hon doesn't respond to her text messages or means of trying to communicate with her. I don't know if there really is someone plotting with her or she is just plain nuts.

She seems to believe that she is on Renata's level in looks and appeal but i don't know what mirror is giving her that impression.

Stalking Selene oh boy we don't have one but two and possibly three because the way spare girl was acting last night i wasn't comfortable with her either.

Regarding Fina's next victim to improve her batting average and stay in the majors: my biggest fear is that she will off Gonzo in a fury then gain all the money of the empressa and his personal fortune to use against people. She might kill Diego but more like smacking a gnat out of the air for buzzing too much. The lawyer maybe but these guys all seem like loose change in the big picture. I fear she will take out someone we really care about. Yikes.

I didn't think about Spare Girl's safety, but you are right. Auggie is not a 'gentle' man. But even if he wants to throw Spare Girl away he can't afford to send her away at this point. Renata would definitely have to move out and get a place of her own then.

Coming late to the party, but wanted to say thank you for the recap Jules. And great comments everyone. I REALLY enjoyed Renata decking Jero. :)

I can't believe Kari got so sexy just to see Drunk Doctor Death. I pouted with Laz.

Both Jero and Arely need to get a grip. Arely knew the score when she came to the hacienda with Augie. He made no promises or commitments. It's her problem if she wants more. I wanted to slap Jero when after he passionately kisses Arely, he compares himself positively to Nata and Jero (as if the chaste hug he saw was so earth shattering). This guy's hypocrisy knows no bounds!

If I remember correctly, Aureli asked Auggie why he came back to her and he said something along the line of once I have made you mine you always belong to me. Yes she went back on his terms but maybe she has sincere feelings for him. Maybe she hoped it would turn into true love - this time. But even out on there on the plains this man is treating her like a service of convenience. Yeah she's mad. She was hoping for more like love.
Bonney -defender of the under-dog, not to be confused with estupido.

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