Thursday, July 07, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #57 Thursday 7/7/11 The Sour Grapes of Wrath

It’s Grape Harvest night! We’ll have surprise guests, surprise behavior, and much plotting, scheming and threats amidst the celebration and wine-drinking. So if you are so inclined it would be appropriate to pour yourselves a glass of red and settle back to watch the antics. If you really want to fit in be sure to wear white...

Last night Adri spilled the frijoles to Renata about Matias marrying Rob because he is the father of her baby.

Tonight we cut to Roberta who weepily remembers Rafa. She fondles her engagement ring and tells his memory she’s marrying another so his son will have a father. “Why did you betray me Rafael? You’re the only man I ever loved.”

Over in the La Bonita kitchen the staff (Manuela, Mati, Hermi and Laz) discuss the Kari situation. Lazaro does not agree with Herminia that a wife should stay with her husband no matter what. He had resolved to accept the Kari/Doc union because he thought Doc was the better man but now he knows that’s not true. But if Kari prefers to be with that guy who mistreats her, as opposed to being with one who treats her with love and respect, what can he do? Manuela advises Laz that his story with Kari is over. The town is full of beautiful women and he should move on.

Adri tells Nata that apparently Matias “consoled himself” with Roberta after Nata dumped him. Rob got pregnant and now Matias is going to marry her even though they don’t love each other. Adri suggests that Roberta planned all of it to get revenge on Renata for marrying Jeronimo.

Team Bonita (kitchen gang plus Carlos) gang up on Jero to convince him to attend the Vendimia. He says he’s not in the mood to party. Laz says he’s not in the mood either but tradition is tradition. Mati urges that it will be bad luck and he’ll be viewed as an outsider. “Está bien,” Jero relents.

Manuela excitedly says all the baskets are ready. It’s tradition to have baskets full of all the grapes of all the vineyards in the region.

Doomed Diego walks down a dark street where he is mugged by Fina’s thugs. He hands over his phone, wallet, car keys and jacket but hey, they didn’t even beat him up! I feel cheated somehow. Dude, you got off SO EASY, you don’t even know.

The next morning Jero and his peeps gather in the vineyard where he congratulates them and gives credit to Rafa for growing a type of grape that has never been grown in the region before. He predicts that Rafa’s dream will be the pride not only of the region but of all Mexico. He chokes up, tells Rafa he loves him and begs his pardon for not being there when Rafa needed him. Carlos and Mati scold him, saying Rafa loved Jero. Mati reassures him that Rafa is looking down right now, happy and proud that Jero is there. It’s a good excuse for her to hug Jero. He shrugs her off and cuts the first bunch of grapes, dedicating it to Rafa and all his staff.

Over at Cruz de Amor Renata is finally out of her neck brace and walking on Augie’s arm followed by Arely (of course) and Adri. He has a surprise for her, the awesome grape earrings (that he designed for her). Uh oh, Arely is pithed, “Those earrings are for me!!” “I never said they were for you,” Augie corrects, “They are for the madrina of the vineyard and that would be Renata, NOT YOU.” Nata and Adri are all WTF weird trips incorporated and Nata tries to give the earrings back. But Augie tells her he hasn’t asked anything of her and it will be a huge offense to him if she doesn’t accept them. Arely grudgingly relents and snips “Oh go ahead and wear them, I don’t want them anyway.” Adri tries to joke out of the weirdness saying she’ll be the madrina next year, heh heh. She helps Nata with the sour grape earrings but the BFFs make major eye contact like “are these people on drugs?”

Funny how everyone is all in white at this red wine festival. Team Jero walks through their dusty vineyard also wearing white. Carlos and Mati advise Jero that to be part of the town and tradition he must present his baskets in front of everyone. “Including HER,” Jero adds acidly.

At Cruz de Amor they go through the same grape-cutting fol-de-rol with Renata getting to cut the first bunch. Smiles (except Arely) and clapping (except Arely). Adri pulls Nata aside to warn her that Augie still has the hots for her and everyone can see it. She doesn’t understand why Arely puts up with (aguantar) Augi’s crapola. Oh well, they should just try to have fun at the Vendimia and forget all their problems. They frolic through the vineyards, seeming to forget that Nata was hobbling around in a neck brace yesterday.

Empresas MR - Daniel mentions to Honorio that everyone has abandoned them including Blanca who had something important to do. (Ruh Roh!) Honorio asks to see Marcos of HR; finally he is acting on this. Let HR help you fire her crazy butt! He opens an office door and sees a guy cleaning inside. I think it’s Blanca’s office, likely he’s dreaming of when it becomes empty.

Uh oh, Blanca is over at Consti’s trying to become her freaky friend. She says Hons has talked a lot about Consti’s work with unfortunate woman. Blanca sucks up and says Cons is an amazing woman and has inspired her. How can she (Blanca) help out at the center or with Consti’s altruistic works? She wants to follow Constanza’s example. (Cue Psycho music.)

Hooray! It’s parade time in the wine country. I love parades. The church bells ring, the clarinets (lots of them) and horns play, baskets of grapes are displayed, and the lovelies are paraded through town. Gonzo and Matias have arrived and move through the crowd, I think Nata sees them, then Jero makes his way to the Cruz de Amor carriage featuring Renata so he can glare at her. She stares back. Augie glares. Arely glares. Here a glare, there a glare...

I stand slightly corrected, turns out Jero has come to save his own ass Renata from having to tell her dad and bro the truth. He helps her down from the carriage and they head for the Monterrubio males. Augie follows.

Nata is thrilled and gives dad a huge loving hug and a less enthusiastic greeting to her bro. Augi struts up and announces he invited them just as he invited all his clients. Nata pointedly tells Jero that he would be thrilled to put them in La Bonita’s guest rooms, correct? Gonzo tells him they got a hotel but Jero insists. Then Augi butts in and says he wants them to stay at Cruz de Amor. Then Gonzo decides they will stay in the house of his daughter and her spouse.

Dum da dum dum music. Berta is on her laptop as usual when Fina stalks into the room and hands over Diego’s cellular. Mom tells daughter to be more careful in the future, destroy the phone and tell Diego that his so-called position at the Monterrubio business has gone up in smoke. Happy cackling ensues.

Nata observes that Fina and Berta didn’t accompany Gonzo and Matias. Dad says they weren’t invited because they wanted to tell Renata something. She supposes it’s because Roberta is about to marry Matias. This news is a shock to Jero. Adri apologizes to Gonzo for telling Renata, but she didn’t know that Gonzo and Matias were coming. Gonzo says no prob, they came to tell Renata personally but they should have told her before. Frankly his statement is so reasonable that it shocked the heck out of me and I had to rewind to confirm.

Nata pulls Jero aside and thanks him for being gracious to her family and covering for her. He says it’s the least he could do after all the unfortunate things that have happened. Nata says seeing them is a surprise. Jero asks, is it seeing them or hearing that Matias will marry Berta? Jero offers his full support, La Bonita, a truce (tregua), whatever. I swear I’m going to start calling this guy Ping Pong at how quickly he changes directions. And after the truce, what then, she asks?

Andresito visits his hero Tony at the hospital. The little conehead (sorry, so tacky, I couldn’t help myself) drops the soup (soltar la sopa = spills the beans) that there are guards hanging around outside. Oopsie, Regina admits they are for her because of all the scary things that have been happening to her about her daughter. “And WHO arranged these guards?” demands Tony, glaring at her with his mean little eyes. He’s not happy to hear that Gonzalo Monterrubio has inserted himself into Regina’s life once again.

Kari happily announces to the padre that she and Alvaro are going to adopt a baby. For once the padre doesn’t look happy and he sternly advises that prospective parents should make sure to have HONESTY and VALUES before starting a family. Doctor Dud leads his Stepford wife away.

Gonzo and Augie amble through town enjoying big glasses of red wine. Gonzo is thrilled to be there and to see his daughter happily married. Augie says “ya think?” He offers his opinion that Jero is a good businessman who takes risks. “And as a man?” asks Gonzo. Augie thinks Renata could do better and he’s sure that Gonzo will come to share the same opinion. Hmmm...Gonzo’s not looking pleased with this statement.

Ezequiel and Alfonsina are laughing by a big vat of grapes when Ez presents Alf with a lovely bracelet for their anniversary. Awww, poor Alf forgot, guess she’s got a lot on her mind, eh? And here comes Doctor Buzz Kill to ruin the moment. Alf and Ez make lovey-dovey but Doc glares at Alfonsina who frowns and slinks away. Kari supposes that Alfonsina’s not happy that she and Doc have gotten back together. Lady, you have got to pull your head out of the sand.

Lazaro sadly watches Kari and Doc Ick walk away arm in arm.

Nata agrees to Jero that they will pretend to be a happy couple while Gonzo and Matias are there. They toast to their truce.

Not surpisingly, Doctor Scumbucket has circled back to grab Alfonsina. She pushes him away and threatens to tell Jero that Doc was completely drunk when he operated on Rafa. He grabs her throat and hisses he wants to make it clear that HE is the one who controls this relationship (EEK!). The one who pays will be her son. Alfonsina is shocked and distressed. Kick him in the nuts!

Nata accuses Augie of inviting her family so they could see that her relationship with Jero is not good. He feigns shock and insult, he invited ALL his clients. Nata apologizes but she is clearly not convinced. She tells him she would like to have her and Adri’s stuff moved to La Bonita while her father is there.

Auggie orders Ezequiel to take Adri’s things and SOME of Renata’s things to La Bonita as they will stay there while her father is there.

Arely approaches Augie and tells him she’s glad the women are leaving because finally she’ll have him to herself. She advises him that at the next fiesta SHE will be the guest of honor, not Renata and not her friend. “Let me make it clear Augustin, I am your woman!”

Matias and Adri talk about how disappointed Renata is in both him and Roberta. Matias stalks off just as a bubbly Carlos jumps in to introduce himself. Go Carlos! Adri tells him that they have been at Augi’s but, ssssshhhh, they are coming back to La Bonita because Nata’s family is there. She asks him to help maintain the facade of a happy marriage between Jero and Nata. He agrees and excuses himself to join a lonely Matilde. Silly boy, stay with Adri and make Mati jealous!

Mati snaps that she wants to be alone. She’s pithed because Nata the brother-killer once again has El Hermoso’s attention. Carlos asks when will she learn that Jero is madly in love with Nata in spite of everything?

Matias wants to talk to Nata. She snaps she’s surprised he’s there when he should be preparing for his wedding. He tells her he and Berta made a mistake and he gives his word he just wants to be a good father for the baby. Matias asks is Nata happy with Jero? “Very happy,” she replies glumly. Great camera angle of two very sad profiles.

Manuela asks Lazaro didn’t he swear to forget Kari? He says he’s trying but she is the love of his life. One nail drives out the other, she advises. Kari joins them. She’s smiling joyously which I find to be in very bad taste. Laz announces he’s going to hang out with the Grape Girls and excuses himself. Manuela tells Kari he’s disappointed because he thought she was a free woman. Kari wonders if he’ll ever forgive her. Manuela thinks Kari still loves Lazaro and hopes Kari won’t regret going back to her rapey snake husband who dreams of boinking another. My words not Manuela’s.

Padre announces it’s time to thank the earth and the hands that convert grapes into wine. He prays and blesses the grapes. All the Grape Girls jump into the vats and start their happy stomping. Does anyone remember that great Lucille Ball stomping grapes episode? But I digress...

Gonzo’s glee at watching Renata stomp is interrupted by a phone call from Regina. He gushes about the fantastic wine country and how happy his daughter is. Regina thanks him deeply for his protection but Tony is bothered and jealous so she can’t accept any more help from Gonzo. Tony has contracted for her protection.

Padre announces it’s time for the men to dance with the grape girls, Jero gets first honors. Ping pong man jumps in the vat and stomps with Nata while their CME song plays. Arely watches and remembers kissing Jero. All the other characters look on with varying degrees of delight and loathing.

The crowd yells “Beso, beso, beso” and Jero holds Nata close. Will they kiss?

Avances: Oh my, it looks like Jero and Nata get drunk and nekkid. Arely yells at Augie that Renata and she can’t live in the same house, it’s Nata or her. Bad move Spare Girl. Jero threatens Augie that Nata is His Woman.

Dicho of the day, an old familiar:
Un clavo saca otro clavo = there are other fish in the sea (lit. one nail drives out the other)


Oh my, oh my Sylvia. I just got back from Santa Fe and the opening party of the International Folk Art Market seeing my Oaxacan weaver friends parade with all the other countries in native finery. I missed this episode but you have made me laugh and roll on the floor. Really I am already sitting on the floor so it wasn't such a stretch. Your recap is hilarious and full of so many lines and hysterical imagery. Great stuff Cap'n!

Where do I start with your brilliat quips? Awesome title, sour grape earrings,"Cue psycho music", here a glare, there a glare....just could go on and on. Loved this recap.

I'm thinking the light bulb is getting brighter for Nata that Augie isn't getting the "just friends" idea. Good. He's starting to creep me out more and more.
As for Jeers, he's starting to eat some humble pie, but he still needs his light bulb to get brighter and realize he's got this whole La Bonita crap wrong. Then he and Nata can go into Sherlock mode.

Someone slap Mati. NOW!! If I see that pout and hear one more rant about Nata coming out of her mouth, I'll blow. She may not have big bucks but she's still a spoiled brat.

Scene with Nata and Matias - so agree, well played and well photographed. (And sad considering they are both victims of manipulations.)

Fina thinks just having the phone is enough to silence Diego? He still has a mouth and walks - strange move there.

Dr. I - sickening.Threaten a child? Where's the anvil...I'll personally be happy to drop it. (And for once - thank you padre for speaking some intelligence.)

Lovin' those previews - tonight should be good!

Thanks so much Sylvia for the fun recap. I chuckled at "here a glare, there a glare..."

Everyone looked so beautiful in their white finery, especially the women. What fun. But a sadist or a masochist must have come up with this idea to wear white for the vendimia-- the masochists being the people who have to wash the grape and wine stains out of those clothes.

Alfonsina and Renata were really working their ropes and pole as they danced on the grapes. Who was Alfie doing her sexy dance for? Certainly not the Doc! Maybe she just can resist a good pole.

Jero finally loosened up for a bit, enough to enjoy Nata doing her sexy moves around him in the grape barrel. Tonight should be good-- too much wine, and I assume they will be forced to share a bedroom because of the guests.

I agree with you guys that that scene with Nata and Matias was sad and beautifully shot.

Great recap Sylvia! "Sour grape earrings - LOL!" I especially enjoyed the recap because I missed the episode yesterday. We've been traveling, so I missed all the episodes since watching the double one on Monday.

And I was so disappointed yesterday. We finally got our satellite TV receivers working again and I was so looking forward to settling in last night and watching an episode. After 800+ miles in 2 days (this is a long distance when traveling in a big RV) I expected to be able to relax because we reached our Santa Fe RV park in plenty of time. But NO! The jeep we pull behind the motorhome had a totally dead battery. Oops! Looks like we should have put in a fresh battery a year ago! So we were at Autozone changing out our car battery instead of relaxing and watching Jero and Nata stomp grapes and Areli and Augie argue over earrings!

Anyway - your recap brought it all back in living color (I had watched the episode a couple of weeks ago).


Hi Cheryl!

I guess we'll just have to go visit the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe today. We are just here for the day - we'll leaving tomorrow morning. We plan to visit downtown area most of the day today. Last time were were here was 1999 I think! How did that happen?

I looked at your gallery web page at one time (that was you with the tropical bird photographs, right?), but I don't think I still have the link. Is your gallery here in Santa Fe?


Great recap, Sylvia. Lots of funny stuff. You expressed my feeling exactly:

"I feel cheated somehow. Dude, you got off SO EASY, you don’t even know."

Now I'm hoping that he made copies and makes another threat.

When Gonzo was talking with Regina, didn't he say something like if he were faced with a situation like Antonio that he would not act so jealously possessive but leave Regina free to choose who she wants to be with? Yeah... I'll bet he would.

OK, now I'm wanting Dr. Creepy gone... and not painlessly.

About those earrings... I think that it was a mistake for Renata to give in and accept them, so what if he is offended? It's a lot like Antonio scheduling a bullfight in Regina's honor... that worked out well, didn't it?

It was difficult for me to get into the party mood what with all the negativity...

Marta, I'm sorry that I was so late reading your recap yesterday. It was great and I enjoyed it very much. I too appreciated the dialogue translations. My favorite line:

"(she just smiles and giggles as a good stalker)"

It was my afternoon off and the Lovely Linda and I went on an expedition to gather the ingredient for cochinita pibil this weekend. We were even able to find naranjas agrias so it should be very authentic.


So I'm not the the only one who does cochinita pibil! LOL! I do mine in the crock pot with the pork butt wrapped in banana leaves. It's more decoration than anything, though I do think they add a bit of flavor and a nice plate covering to present the shredded red pork.

It's nice when you have the naranjas agrias. And you are making the pickled onions too, right?


Audrey, I learned about cochinita pibil from Sylvia. We also used the crockpot lined with banana leaves. We had to improvise with regular oranges and limes last time... this time we were able to find the real thing. We did the marinated red onions and have actually made them many time since to go with other dishes. I'm excited.


Sylvia! Dahling! I'm saving the cap and comments for a lunch break. Just wanted to say I think it was capital I inappropriate for Auggie to have presented those earrings to Renata right in front of s.g. and for Renata to have accepted especially after their recent "we're just friends" conversaation (tho' we knnow Auggie doesn't mean it), well, it was just inappropriate. Auggie is obviously sending a message to s.g. AND Renata, "I say we're just friends, but actions speak louder than words."

And I wanted to say Andresito sure looked scary last night - yiikes! and then the cute little alien let the 24-hour guard thing out of the bag! Come to think of it, that contract is inappropriate as well. Hmmm. . . they seem to like running their plot developments in doubles: stalkers, temptation of maridos, "no-p"-whipped husbands. .



I emailed you my recipes because I had them entered on my computer already. Sounds like you already have it all figured out, but it doesn't hurt to compare notes.

The "El Yucateco" brand of achiote paste is regularly available around here so I use that and I have been very happy with it.

¡Buen provecho!


Sylvia: I second all of the comments about your excellent quips! Loved them all!

Also agree with everyone re the scene with Nata and Matias. I think there is some really good acting in this TN; well written parts, too. WOWSERS!!

Thought Gonzo and Matias looked rather dashing in their whites. I wanted to be at this party. Now, if I could only find out where Nata got that dress as I would dearly love to have one of those. I suppose it was custom made for this TN, but I want that dress!

Rapeysnake doctor (is that what we are calling him?) was sickening...absolutely sickening last night. It was even more sickening watching him dance around and clap his hands. He looked like a buffoon. What in the world is Kari thinking? She so desperately wants a child that she will go back to this sick man?!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Diego is not stupid and made copies. I'm actually surprised that Ugly Fina didn't have him killed outright.

Daisynjay: ITA with you that Matilde needs to be brought down a few notches. She should either straighten up and fly right or just go away.

Did anyone else note the good vibes between Carlos and Adri? I rather like the possibility of them as a couple.

Dr. Carlos, we will all be having a virtual dinner with you and the Lovely Linda tonight! Your dinner sounds absolutely lovely.

Gracias, Sylvia!! Really well done!


Lila: Almost forgot...agree with you about Andresito looking scary, but it was a funny scary (for me). I kept seeing the Conehead family from Saturday Night Live classic re-runs!!! Did you see the eyebrows on Andresito?! I could not stop laughing!!

Regina needs to get a grip. Antonio just brings her spirits down. I hope she goes through with telling him the relationship is off once he gets better. She is being driven by outside forces to be with him. Stand up girl and speak your mind!

...and that Batty Blanca trying to be Coni's friend. This is not looking good...not good at all.


Good morning everyone. What fun to wake up to all your fun comments!

PIBIL!!! Best. Pork. Ever! The banana leaves absolutely add a certain flavor, no doubt about it. Sounds like Carlos and Linda are going to have a yummy weekend. What a coup to actually find the naranjas agrias.

Cheryl, it sounds like you have been having a great time. The Folk Art Market sounds amazing and just think, Audrey gets to go today. How cool is that?

Daisy, ITA that it's time for Mati to buck up and move on. There never was a battle so lost before it was started as her dreams about Jero. The much more pleasant and fun man (Carlos, who is also more of a babe IMO) is already within reach, don't be a tonta. But oh our characters do love to bang their heads against the wall.

Vivi, I didn't comment on Alfonsina but she was rather excessive with her seductive posturing. If I had the local rapey snake threatening me the last thing I'd be doing is the pole dance.

Audrey, bummer that you were stuck at Auto Zone! Thank goodness you peeked ahead. The shots of the fiesta and wine country were truly stunning.

Carlos, thanks for the extra conversational info between Gonzo and Regina. I didn't get what he was saying to her but I knew he was getting some kind of dig in about Tony. Yeah right, Gonzo would NEVER be as jealous as Tony.

Lila, thank you for saying Andresito looked scary. The little guy was freaking me out last night. I think maybe the makeup people need to tone down the lip gloss or something. Also, his cheerfulness when telling Tony that they will soon be neighbors (as in hospital rooms) says one thing to me...ANVIL!!!

ITA that Augie presenting the earrings in front of Arely was all caps INAPPROPRIATE. He really must be pushing the situation because he's making it all come to a head.

Susanita, I missed your comments while I was posting.

Batty Blanca, I love it! I believe that nickname will stick. Yep, she is scaring me all right and I am reminded yet again of Play Misty For Me when the crazy lady Evelyn became the single-white-female roommate of Clint's lady love. Run Constanza run!!

Hee, maybe it is the eyebrows that made me think Conehead. I love those old SNL Conehead skits.

Audrey, yes it does seem like the plot lines are going in doubles and sometimes even triples. Sometimes the side plots are just stupid but most of the ones in CME are viable. The only one that seems like a throwaway is the Andresito with leukemia story.

Sylvia: Batty Blanca is getting scarier by the moment. She is really pushing things along very quickly. I sense that something horrible will happen soon.

I know the Andresito/Tony scene was meant to grab our heart strings, but Conehead was all I was thinking! I'm still laughing at the sight of those eyebrows!!

Also agree with you that there are a number of good side plots going as well.

Wonder why Roberta dyed her hair a dark colour instead of the blonde she has been sporting?

You have a wonderful way with words, Sylvia. Great job!


P.S. I could not quite figure out Alfonsina's 'dance', either. Was it for Zeke or for RapeySnake? If for RS, what in the world for?!

I really enjoyed the vendimia. Is that a requirement that everybody wear white? I found it odd that Gonzo and Matias knew to dress as such. The stomping of the grapes totally brought to mind the Lucy episode where she was in the grape vat...hysterical. I was thinking that the women must just throw away those clothes after the stomp; no way you are getting those stains out. The bottom of Renata's dress was atrocious near the end.

I saw a commercial yesterday with Jero promoting Honey Nut Cherrios as his favorite cereal. Not really a good time for him to be doing that; I would probably stop buying them (but it did bring me back to earth that he is only acting). Great recap. Can't wait for tonight.

Linda K, thank you for the sanity check on Juan Soler. Yes, he is only acting. I remember a few years ago when he was promoting a feminine hygiene product, very odd. Um...I think he should stick with Honey Nut Cheerios!

Seeing Renata's stunningly beautiful dress get dyed and dirty was hard to watch. Will she ever be able to get the stains out? What a waste if she only gets to wear the dress one time.

Susanita, I didn't notice that Roberta dyed her hair. I am really bad at noticing those things.

wow, Sylvia! ready to enjoy my pretzels for late lunch while reading your recap... already rollign on floor with your opening...
If you really want to fit in be sure to wear white...
yeah i noticed that too... and how Jero can turn the switch on from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde so easily just makes me uneasy.

I swear I’m going to start calling this guy Ping Pong at how quickly he changes directions. And after the truce, what then, she asks?

YUP, you're not the only one Sylvia.

And here comes Doctor Buzz Kill to ruin the moment...
Lady, you have got to pull your head out of the sand...

rapey snake husband who dreams of boinking another...

i couldn't have said any of those better myself

this is beginning to sound like a walk in the clouds (wine vineyards, sound familiar? the beginning credits remind me of that wonderful movie so much...) mixed with three doses of PSYCHO-FATAL-ATTRACTION (e.g. Blanca, Dr Death and Augie if we leave out Chema, i would. he has done nothing but ask)

Sylvia, great recap, thanks.

I just checked my TV schedule for this evening and looks like we have two hours of CEM starting at 5:00 (CST) and soccer after that.


Outstanding work, Sylvia! And many thanks to everyone else this week as well! Even since the 4th, I've been swamped with things to do and only just went back to review it all.

The grape stomping scene was great. It must be some sort of tradition for everyone to wear white. Maybe sacrificing a dress makes the wine better? At any rate, the ladies looked lovely in their ruined white outfits.

I'm hoping Diego and Dr. Rapeysnake somehow meet each other, get lost in the woods, and end up slowly devoured by bears. We certainly wouldn't miss them.

Sylvia, you are so right about Batty Blanca turning into a single-white-female. She is becoming a stalker of a new kind now that she's trying to butter up to Constanza. Coni is too nice for her own good if she lets Blanca get too close.

Sounds like you're having an amazing time, Cheryl! I'd love to check out the markets out west. For now I'll have to be content imagining myself in a grape-stomping festival. ;)


Sylvia! Slammin' recap, Girl. This line cracked me up, among others: "Oh my, it looks like Jero and Nata get drunk and nekkid". HAHH HA HA HA HHHAAA! OMG!

Susanita! I didn't want to but I had to laugh and scream at the same time at Andresito. I'm thinking, "nightmare fuel" but funny! You could even see a little knot in the back of his head where I guess the stocking cap was tied! Yes, it's come down to this, finding moments of levity where you can cause like someone else said, I wasn't feeling joy in the stompin'.

I like all the disgusting names for Alvaro, I prefer to call him Dr. Pus Bucket. Ewwwww!


Amy! "I'm hoping Diego and Dr. Rapeysnake somehow meet each other, get lost in the woods, and end up slowly devoured by bears." HA HAHHA HAH AHH AAH HHA HAHA HOOO!!!!!

I'm not mad at Diego, how bout substitute Fina, Selena, Bert, Mati and Blaaaaanca.


Sylvia--muchas gracias. Muchos detalles pintadas con palabras. Exitoso.

Ping Pong Man. Better than Jeero or Jerko.

On the other hand, either the two of them are VERY good actors for the sake of Gonzo and Mati, or they are showing their true feelings dancing around in the vat, laughing and holding each other.

I'm ready for BESO, BESO, too.

I haven't finished the comments yet, so this may be a repeat--CME is on at 6:00 (at least in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area).

There is soccer again tonight (Mexico plays and Uruguay plays--not each other--yet)

Sylvia excellent recap and thank you so much.

Spare girl is really overstepping herself and then she claims she is Auggie's woman but daydreams about Jerko's kiss WTH? I can see Auggie throwing her off his hacienda some time soon.

I really was expecting Diego to be a goner i guess those thugs for hire didn't want to commit a more serious crime than robbing. Let's hope he made a copy of that taped message he has of Roberta.

Kari snap out of it and wake up.

Most importantly what was Alfosina thinking by doing the nasty with Dr. Rapeysnake the man is not even attractive.

Auggie it looks like your little plot backfired big time.Instead of exposing Renata true state of her marriage to Gonzo and Matias.

Her pride is making her tell a lie to cover it up being ashamed and embarrassed that she was wrong in marrying this man.

When Matias ask if she was happy instead of telling him the truth she lies and says she is. This was her opening if she tells him the truth he stops his marriage to Roberta and tells her to go to Jero.

Who is the supposed father of her baby and Jedro knows he isn't. Too soon for this to happen so it's fascinating how this lie keeps the ball rolling as Matias marries a woman he doesn't love and who is lying about the paternity of her baby.

So now Batty Blanca is going to be working with Coni? This does not look it's going to go well and i now worry for Coni's safety.

Folks, I still haven't finished all the comments yet, but about the grape earrings. The final decision was that Renata would wear them as the madrina of the vendimia THIS year and then she would leave them for Auggie for next year. Auggie said, whatever, I don't want them anymore.

Martaivette--I really like A Walk in the Clouds. Love the music, love Keeanu and Aitana Sanchez-Guijon, Anthony Quinn and all the rest. The story line is a little on the hokey side, but I think they got the grape stomping scene just right. I was watching CME's stomping to see how close they got it to Clouds. In CME's I think it was staged so that there was only a thin layer of grapes--they didn't go up over the ankles. But, basta with the detalles, I get it out and watch it at least once a year.

Vamos amigos, so here is what you will miss if you aren't in Santa Fe this afternoon: at 4 ish I meet Audrey and her husband in the grand old adobe hotel La Fonda near the Catedral de San Tomás, we will proceed to the Alla book store on San Fransisco St, the most Spanish titles of any store in the US per Meester Jim the proprietor. Then I am going to the gala opening night up on museum hill of the International Folk Art Market dressed in cotton woven dress and shawl from Oaxaca of course. I will try to take pictures of Audrey and me. I understand her husband is a nature photographer too. I am SO excited. Wow. Caray Caray meeting in Santa Fe, ¡vamanos!

NOK, thanks for the updated details on the earrings. I'm the first to admit I can barely understand Augie when he speaks, but I think my ear is getting better. Nata and Jero mumble too for that matter.

Marta, thanks for your kind words amiga. You are the master of recapping and if you think I got it right then I know I'm on the right track.

Rosemary and NOK, thanks for the heads up about tonight. On the west coast it comes on at 8:00 and shows for two hours! Amy, you're getting stuck with a double.

I also see that it comes on at 8:00 next Tuesday as well. My schedule only shows one hour but we should double check to make sure.

Blu, nice dissertation on the lies that everyone is telling, how they are intertwined and how they cause the characters react. Of course if everyone was honest we would have no show.

NOK, I think Jero and Nata were showing their true feelings in the vat. As for tonight: Just add wine, instant uncontrollable urge.

Lila, if your group met in the woods I think our creepy doc would be the first to go down. Then Selene, then Roberta. I think Fina and Mati would be the last two standing. If that were the case I'd have to root for Mati. There is hope for the girl yet. Maybe if Carlos goes out with Adri (Yes I agree there is chemistry there) then Mati will look at him differently.

Cheryl and Audrey- That's awesome! I know you guys will have a great time and hit it off marvelously. :)

I saw that Cheerios ad with Juan Soler too! I was FF through the comercials of my Alborada recordings, saw his face and had to watch. The ad is actually funny. It's dry humor, like a SNL spoof sketch of Masterpiece Theatre (Alastair Cook days). JS reads letters from fans about Cheerios. It's called "Cartas a Juan." It was nice to see something that made me not think of him as Jerko.

Cheryl, you and Audrey are meeting up today, that is SO awesome!! It sounds like you have a fantastic day planned and what fun that a Caray Caray hook-up got added to the mix. I hope you are able to take a pic of the two of you.

OK, all this talk about ruined dresses that will never be clean, and Clorox closes down .35%. Coincidence? I think not.

Thanks be unto Thee, O Sylvia, for a(nother) stellar effort.

This was possibly the most visually lovely episode I've seen. Pretty country, nice time of the year, etc

What was Pusaro saying to Alfonsina about an hijo? Was he threatening to reveal a pregnancy that he'd terminated?

Also, do we know for a fact who is Roberta's baby daddy?

Do all the young women get to join the grape dance or just the pretty, popular prom queen types?

"Do all the young women get to join the grape dance or just the pretty, popular prom queen types?"

LOL Mike! Which would you prefer dancing in front of you in a vat full of grapes?

The child Doc Al was threatening is Alfie and Zeke's son. He's a boy of about 7-10 years old.

Yes, it seems 100% that the baby is Rafa's. We didn't see Berta bumping cars with anyone else but him at the time. Shortly after that she started dating Jero, but they never went beyond making out.

Pusaro!!! I cannot stop laughing at this! Mike, once again you completely crack me up. Doc Pusaro Bucket was threatening Alfonsina's son. I presume he is the son of Alfonsina and Ezequiel although that has not been made clear.

Jero's dead brother Rafael is the true baby daddy but only Roberta and Fina know this. Maybe Selene too.

Vivi, I'll have to keep my eyes open for Juan's commercial. It actually sounds kind of clever.

Oops, Vivi guess we answered together. So the kid is definitely Ezequiel's too. I guess the doc figures Alfonsina won't tell Ezequiel about her affair with the doc so he is safe from Zeke's wrath. For now.

Hi Mike,

Alfonsina has a little boy whom we met briefly. Dr. Dim said that it would be a shame for the kid to end up in a coffin (ataúd). Yikes! That's why I want to see him painfully gone.

Jerry's difunto brother Rafael is Roberta's baby's daddy.

I think that ugly girls need not apply.


Carlos, that's right, horrid doc monster said that about the kid! That's it, threatening children and mothers leads to death almost every time. That doctor is toast.

Blackmailer tip #1: BACKUP! I think you can email pics to yourself just in case your victim's mother is completely psycho. But then, what are the chances Roberta will actually destroy the phone?

Does anyone know if they really have this Vendimia in Baja? I don't know what villages they really have there (don't think Ensenada counts), but it sure looks like fun!

Well, Kelly, a quick Google search yields this (of course there is much more), this pic looks a lot like our ep:

I'm sure others can supply much more!


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Here's another site Kelly where you can see the women dressed as they are in CME. The article explains the reasons/origins of the vendimia and basically says that each town and producer celebrates in their own way, from the most traditional and simple, to the most elaborate, but always fun:

I actually like how the bottom of Renata's dress looked like after the grape stomping it look like it was supposed to look that way.

Hey, thanks for all the real-life Vendimia links. I SO want to go to one. They look like a gas.

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