Saturday, July 23, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of July 25, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hola, Telemundo fans. Last week we said goodbye – or maybe good riddance – to Herederos. One week from next Tuesday, we’ll be welcoming the latest primetime novela, Flor Salvaje. This August 2 debut is no accident. Univisión starts its latest 9pm/8C novela, La Fuerza del Destino, on that date as well. (Interestingly, La Fuerza’s protagonista, Sandra Echeverría, is a Telemundo actor – Jade, from El Clon) Clearly, they want us to pick a team. Me, I’m going to watch a few episodes of each and then decide...

Blog del Escritor
Telemundo definitely has some hidden treasures on its website. [And I do mean hidden. Have you tried navigating this thing?] Anyway, Telemundo has these little writer interviews tucked away among its “Videos Exclusivos de La Casa de al Lado”. Here are links to the three I found:

Boyishly engaging, wild-haired Chilean writer José Ignacio Valenzuela talks about his creative process and discusses his cinematic and literary inspirations for the novela. Among other things, he tells us:

He intends La Casa as an homage to Alfred Hitchcock.

He is a great fan of detective novels, especially Agatha Christie’s.

The culprit in La Casa is obvious from the beginning but presented in a way that throws the viewer off track. Well. That’s a challenge if I ever heard one. I’m definitely going to watch the first episode again to see if I can pick up on what I missed the first time around.

Oh, and since the story is loosely based on the Agatha Christie classic, And Then There Were None, here’s a link to a free PDF of a Spanish translation of the original:
[Caution: Here, unlike in later versions, the shameful racial and ethnic epithets are exactly as Dame Agatha wrote them]

Fans of Mi Corazon Insiste – There’s a writer’s video blog of your novela too, I think. Good luck finding it!

LA CASA DE AL LADO – as of Friday
Carola and Emilio figure out that Eva is somehow involved with Matías. Girl Detective Carola sneaks a look at Matías’s driver’s license and feeds the demographic info to Boy Detective, Emilio. Conclusion: Matías is NOT the third brother. He must be Eva’s lover!

When Ignacia shows up for her meeting with the fortune-teller expecting to learn the identity of her pursuer, she discovers the woman has been murdered. Then an anonymous caller tells her the third “hermano” is a sister, not a brother.

Gonzalo is still in bad shape. Even so, he manages to croak out to Renato that he can’t name his attacker, but he knows the intended target was Ignacia because her name was called out just before the shot was fired. Gonzalo also confirms to Renato that Eva has a lover.

Yolanda, who saw how viciously Javier treated Pilar in the hospital, tells Nibaldo she’s worried about her. If Javier behaves like that in public, imagine what he’s capable of in private.

Carola has another Leo and company nightmare and calls Pilar who promises to come right over. Javier insists on tagging along.

Diego and Andrea – yes, Andrea the brat – encourage their mother in her plans to set up an office for her practice. They just want her to be happy. Pilar is overcome with emotion. She flashes back to Javier trashing the office she used to have.

Hilda and Eva go toe to toe and it’s Eva who backs down.

Ignacia comes home in her usual hysterical state, rushes upstairs screeching for Emilio, completely ignoring Hilda, of course. The three little Conde’s compare notes: The bruja knew the truth and now she is dead. The third sibling is a sister, not a brother. The wheels in Carola’s alcohol-addled brain are turning: Of course! Everyone involved in Adolfo’s past is dying! That’s it!

Javier challenges Matías. He must have had an ulterior motive for taking the job as Javier’s assistant. Matías feeds him the story he and Renato prepared, that he wants a shortcut to power and money, that Javier is his hero and he can imagine the two of them pulling off a job together, a seamless embezzlement. Having confessed what a bad boy he really is, Matías offers to resign. Now that Javier knows the truth, of course he won’t want him around. Quédate, says Javier sharkily. Todavía no hemos terminado de hablar...

Later, Javier walks in on Renato, Matías and Rebeca just in time to hear Renato say they don’t want Javier to find out. Find out what? asks Javier.

Then Eva walks in on Matías and Rebeca just in time to see them kissing. (Eva doesn’t know that Matías is forcing himself on Rebeca but we do.) Se puede saber, asks the ever-imperious Eva, ¿qué significa esto?

Mi Corazón Insiste – The page is yours.

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LA CASA DE AL LADO -- general

Just to add to what I wrote above about the writer's influences:
Maybe that's why this novela resonates so strongly for me. I am also a huge fan of both Hitchcock and Christie. Not to mention, the stylish and stylized appeal of the show.

And another thought occurs to me about Telemundo vs Televisa shows:
There is often, although not always, a coolness factor in the Telemundo show that is NEVER seen over at Televisa.

LA CASA - Viernes

Thanks, NovelaMaven for the interesting info about how to read about the writers.

And, thanks also for the excellent and succinct description of La Casa de al Lado Friday.

One thing I've been noticing is that the Conde sisters seem to be taking turns bringing the crazy. First it's Carola being talked down from the ledge by Ignacia. And then they reverse roles.

I wasn't sure about Eva before. At times she seemed more like an over-protective mother than a villain. But now she's revealed as cheating on Renato, who has treated her pretty well from what I can see. And her treatment of Hilda has been awful. Plus, she didn't exactly stick up for her perro faldero Yolanda when Karen was trying to take over Yolanda's duties (not to mention her duties in Nibaldo's bed).

But it's not working with Hilda any more. Hilda simply told her she'd tell Emilio AND Renato about her disgraceful treatment of la nuera pregñada

LA CASA -- viernes

Nice observation about the Conde girls. Actually, that plays out in real life too. Our kids always seemed to agree that only one of them could push our parental buttons at any given time. :)

BTW, the writer's blog is a brief video, really kind of fun and worth checking out.


Well, they did it. Lola said: Sí, acepto. Then she refused the conventional kissing of the bride and was trying to look past the photographers outside for Andrés.

Debora is hoping to use what she learned from Verónica about Marcelo against him. She confronts her father and tries to get him to tell her why Marcelo kidnapped Soledad. Ramón is impactado, and tells her to stay far away from this dangerous business.

When Lola and Apolo are alone in the honeymoon suite, he tells her he has two pieces of good news: he's not gay and he's going to jump her bones. She knees him in the crotch and tells him she's getting an annulment the next day. He backs off and starts begging her not to ruin his career. And the cad reminds her of Debora's risky pregnancy.

Adela did drink some date-rape potion provided by a bartender acccomplice of "Boy Mercado" and is handed off to a sleazy guy. This is where I'm thinking I may have been wrong, and she's getting a one-way ticket to Tiberio's House of Happy Endings. But no, apparently the sleazy guy had such a good time with an unconscious woman that he gives her a big roll of bills and promises a return visit. After she returns home, she continues to be nasty to Lola.

Etelvina gives Lola the letter from the IRS and tells her that Apolo is as stupid as he is good looking.

Agapito is meeting with an old school chum, an insurance agent who's provided him with a $1 million policy on Apolo's life, with Agapito as beneficiary.

Daniel has become completely addicted to, I think, Bolivian marching powder. Verónica tells him what his papí is up to, but it's not clear if it sinks in.

Andres, Camilo, and Rodrigo show up late at night and search Marcelo's office for something about Soledad's whereabouts. The security cameras capture this, and Marcelo shows up at the cop shop the next day, with Ramón, to threaten Rod. Doesn't work very well.

Andrés sees Apolo going up in a hotel elevator with Jenny plastered all over him.

Andrés meets with his lawyer and Pérez, the administrator, I think, about testifying against Marcelo. He agrees. I don't see any of Ramon's thugs yet, so maybe Pérez is OK for now.

Apolo sneers at Andrés at the hotel and dares him to tell Lola about Jenny. Andrés punches him and tells him he's sure he hasn't been with Lola because, if he had, he wouldn't be settling for Jenny.

Debora and Veronica arrive at the area where Sole is being held, dressed in burglar outfits.

Agapito is at Lola's house with Apolo and tries to slip the insurance policy to him to sign. Lola tells Apolo that Agapito has been stealing from him, and he better start reading things before signing them.

Soledad gets her hands on a beer bottle and breaks it carefully while the thugs play cards.

Marcelo is hollering at these guys when they all hear Deb and Vero make a noise. They chase them and capture Vero. While Deb looks on in horror from a ways off, Marcelo tells Vero it's all over, and we hear a shot.


Novelamaven: Thanks for the recapette, and for the info on the writer.

I am thinking if the third Acosta sibling is a female, who could it be? Since Rebecca was not in the first episode, I am thinking that the non-Conde women were: Pilar and Hilda. (I think Hilda was in the first episode). I don't think it could be Pilar, but we hardly know anything about Hilda, except that she's the niece of Yolanda and Nibaldo --which would seem to disqualify her. But I do think that lately she's not the "sweet" Hilda she was at the beginning. And it probably can't be Karen -although she could have written the "asesino" on the wall.

I am completely stumped --unless the sister is a red herring and it still could be a man. Any thoughts?


NJ Sue, I'm thinking it actually IS Pilar! She may just be a half sister, though. Igor Mora could be her father.

Pilar was hired as Leonardo's psychologist after Adolfo's death. She's the one who told Gonzalo that Leo was "sweet" but traumatized and completely alone with Adolfo gone. She advocated for him to stay on in the Conde house.

She also explained his medical condition as vaguely "neurological" but too long and complicated to go into and then enumerated his disabilities to Gonzalo.

A professional psychologist working closely with Leo would have reviewed his medical history. If it were unavailable, she would have wondered why. She also would have recommended -- no, INSISTED --on physical therapy for him. Remember how shocked little nurse Teresa was that no one was working with Leo? But Pilar couldn't let a physical therapist near him because that person would have discovered, as Teresa did, that his muscle tone was completely normal -- impossible in someone with his "condition".

I'm not sure what Pilar's contribution has been to the revenge plot other than to make sure Leo was living, unquestioned, in the Conde house.
--Maybe she seduced Gonzalo to get back at Ignacia.
--Maybe she refuses to leave Javier because she needs to stay put in La Casa de al Lado.

It would have been easy for her to do things like switch off lights and slash paintings. Is she responsible for any of the murders? I don't know. Maybe...

NovelaMaven: You could be right, as Rebecca's father left her mother for Pilar's mother, who could have been Igor Mora's first wife. It is possible that Pilar could be the boys' sister. But wouldn't Javier and Rebecca know it if that were the case?

I am also thinking that maybe whoever told Ignacia over the phone that the third sibling was a female could be lying to throw her off the track. I am still thinking that Matias is fishy.

And I also speculated to myself during a bout of insomnia last night that maybe it is Hilda. I think she is Nibaldo's niece, rather than Yolanda's. (I could be wrong as I tend to forget these kinds of details). Nibaldo seems to always be throwing a wrench in the Condes' life --telling Don Renato his wife is having an affair, snitching on Ignacia when she was supposed to be in Europe, spying on Gonzalo. Then I thought that Hilda couldn't be the sister because she did go back to her family home in Mexico (although we never saw who she lived with). Maybe that is something she and Nibaldo cooked up from the beginning --that she was from Mexico, etc. But then, if that were the case, Yolanda would know, and she would be loyal to the Condes.

Round and round we go --but it is interesting and certainly keeps us coming back night after night.


I tend to discount Hilda because I remember when Nibaldo told Yolanda that his niece was coming from Mexico. And it strains credulity that she would have returned to Zacatecas and have been shown hanging clothes on a clothesline if she had been born in Miami.

And, as was stated before, unless Rebeca is in on it, how could Pilar be the sister of Adolfo and Leonardo (or Iván)? They are half sisters, not step sisters. As I understand it, Pilar is younger because their father left Rebeca's mother to marry and/or impregnate Pilar's mother with Pilar. Wouldn't Rebeca have known Pilar's supposed brothers?

Could the sister be a much older sister: Eva? True, she doesn't say so to Leonardo. I guess it's because I don't like her, and we know nothing about her family, except that her surname is Spencer. This could have been made up.


Yes, round and round we go. NovelaMaven, fascinating theory that Pilar could be the third sibling. That would really be cool. I'd love to see her get revenge on SOMEBODY. But why not Karen as the sibling? She works at the house next door, and maybe her affair with Nibaldo is to get her access to the Conde family. And don't we think that the brothers had humble beginnings? Pilar looks as if she's always been rich.

What do we REALLY know?
1. Leonardo is not his name, and he's not disabled.
2. He's Igor Mora's son, and wants revenge for what the Condes did to Igor Mora.
3. There were 3 siblings.
4. A mysterious person has been doing mysterious things.
5. Somebody died flying out of the window of the house.
6. "Leo" has a confederate (maybe a sibling). We're not sure of the gender of this person. The voice on the phone was male, but there could be a sibling AND a confederate.

This doesn't add up to much for me. There are way more things that we DON'T know. But I'm going to try to pay more attention. Maybe there will be some clue soon.


Great summary, Novelera. I missed a bunch of things, such as Agapito and the insurance policy. Thanks for filling in the details.

Veronica might be dead! I didn't like her that much, but I was hoping both she and Daniel would eventually go to the good side. Maybe Daniel still will, and maybe Adelita will somehow get her act together. It was definitely a date rape drug this time (probably last time, too), so it's certainly not her fault, but she's got to stay out of these situations, leaving the restaurant with men she doesn't know, just for the promise of possible riches.

So Lola has now gotten married twice for the wrong reasons. I think that's the limit. The third time's the charm, right, so her next marriage has to be to Andres (but not until the end of the show, of course).

Debora is bad, but I still feel a little sorry for her. Her Dad's a crook and a bad gambler, her Mom is a cougar and a snob. The guy of her dreams loves her rival, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. I hope Debora doesn't end up in jail, but becomes a nice teacher or something like that (like the bad wife in Destilando Amor).

It's too bad Rodrigo didn't have the idea to follow Marcelo, the way Veronica did. He's been breaking police rules anyway, and that could have helped save Soledad. Monday's show should be exciting. Either Debora and Soledad could escape, or the bad guys could catch them. But if they caught them, Marcelo would see that the girl under that ski mask was Debora, and isn't Ramon there, too? I can't wait.


Everything you guys have said makes sense and yet I can't see anyone but Pilar as the mysterious sister.

Both Hilda and Karen have been alone with Leonardo, unobserved by a third person. The women are obviously uncomfortable with him, even frightened of him; he, on the other hand, never breaks character.

We've also seen Eva alone with Leonardo, again unobserved by anyone else. She is vicious and abusive; and again, he never breaks character.

We've never seen Pilar and Leo alone -- if we did, the cat would be out of the bag. Meanwhile, she continues to be his apologist to the world at large.

Yes, round and round we go. And yes, it does keep us coming back every night.


Last night's shocker was that Javier and Adolfo were really close friends. Emilio's hacking of Javier's computer showed them carousing with all sorts of women. I was wondering whether some of the women --especially one-- in the pictures were transvestites. Can it be??? Javier and Adolfo gay?
Javier certainly looked upset --and not angry but sad impactada-- when he viewed the pictures and it seemed like it was really difficult for him to delete them. And if there was such a close relationship between them, why was Javier having an affair with Ignacia? In any case, if Pilar is the third sibling that could explain why Javier and Adolfo were so close. But somehow I just don't see any real rationale for Pilar being the third sister. And those pix show a closeness that goes beyond cunados.

On the Ignacia front: her bumping into the third sibling --the sister Rosa-- was obviously a Leonardo setup. I am sure that Rosa is not the sister. I am still wondering whether there is no sister and "Leonardo" has purposely put it out there as a red herring.

I think Mattias is somehow a brother or confederate. How he mysteriously appeared just doesn't make sense. And he obviously is really not interested in Eva.


I've started watching this one. I don't know all the back stories but it's kind of interesting.

I guess Veronica is really dead. That was a shocker.

Debora helped Soledad escape from the warehouse place but then decided to make Soledad her prisoner in a storage room near the pool in her own house. It was not exactly clear why. It's also not clear why, if Soledad's hands are tied in front of her, she just can't reach up and pull that gag off.

Lola helps Apolo unmask Agapito as a swindler. Apolo fires Agapito as his financial manager and 'hires' Lola to do that.

Daniel is sure that something has happened to Veronica.

Apolo is making a commercial involving skydiving. When he finds out that Andres will be his stand in, he of course wants to actually do the skydiving. I won't reveal what the previews showed but it is pretty easy to guess what will happen.

That's all I can remember.

I'm not sure if I will stick with this one. I definitely plan to give Flor Salvaje a trial. The promos look interesting.


Thanks for the summary, Jean. I think Debora's plan for Soledad is to use her to get what she wants, which is Andres, including somehow getting revenge on Lola (and maybe money). She's trying to get info (about Tiberio, for example), and she's smart enough to know that just killing Soledad would probably backfire (and I don't think she's a killer, anyway). So she's biding her time until she figures out what to do.

Marcelo, Ramon and that other guy (the one who shot Veronica) are frantically trying to find Soledad, one to silence her (although they can't kill her since Tiberio wants that honor) and two, to placate Tiberio.

Somehow I think Daniel is too stupid to figure out that Marcelo was in on Veronica's killing, at least not until way later in the story.

Adelita is really troubling me, now she seems to be knowingly going into prostitution, just because she wants to get out of poverty (but she won't except "handouts" from Lola. And she won't tell any of her friends and family what's really going on. She's probably going to have to hit rock bottom (whatever that is) before she can be rescued.

The show is silly at times (such as Soledad's not being able to free herself, but I still enjoy the good looking characters, especially Lola.


NJ Sue: I think you’re right about that “Rosa” person – Like Danilo, she’s just another trickster working for Adolfo. And she probably has a similar end to look forward to.

And I agree that Matías is a creep with his own agenda. Maybe he is Adolfo’s accomplice. Still, Eva is a “damn good-looking woman” and it’s not rare, at least in telenovelas, for handsome young men with more greed than grace to prey on rich women. Maybe he was planning to expose her infidelity to Renato. But he doesn’t know that he’s fallen in with a pack of wolves. Either way, I doubt that Matías is long for this world. (Besides, if he were going to stick around, he would have a star credit, no?)

I didn’t get a transvestite vibe from those photos on Javier's computer. I guess I should take another look.

So Yolanda feels guilty for failing to intervene on behalf of a battered woman in the past. Who was the abuser? Who was the victim?

Let’s try this solution. Adolfo, with or without Javier’s help, was robbing Renato blind. Once Adolfo’s guilt was in the open, he had to do something. His brother Leonardo, by Lidia’s account the innocent in the family, may have been uncomfortable all along with Adolfo’s plan to get even with the Conde family. So Adolfo fakes his own death by killing Leonardo. Result:

1. No more moral reproaches from Leonardo.
2. No more worries about Renato
3. Adolfo and Pilar are free to complete their plan to wipe out the Conde family.

Pilar is either better or worse than Adolfo.

If she’s worse (which would be much more fun), she is actually the one who killed Leonardo. At the very end, Adolfo discovers this, kills her and then himself.

If she’s better (disappointingly obvious), she finds out that Adolfo killed Leonardo. She kills Adolfo and then herself.


Good analysis, NJ Sue. I didn't even consider that Rosa could be a plant, but that would be a brilliant move by Leonardo. On the other hand, if she really is the sister, that shoots down the Pilar, Eva and Karen theories.

ITA that Javier looked very pained when he was deleting the photos of Adolfo, and that maybe he's bi, or he's related to Adolfo and Leonardo. I remember he once did something at the clinic where Igor Mora is, making me think he's on Igor's side, and is working on revenge against the Conde's. His affair with Ignacia could be part of that. I don't think he cares for Ignancia NEARLY as much as she is drawn to him.

Everybody lies to Renato. Eva, Matias, Emilio, Ignacia. Both he and Eva are trying to keep the family respectable, and they're not doing too well.

We heard two voices last night. Gonzo's memory of a woman's voice who was trying to shoot Ignacia didn't sound like any of the characters we know (although maybe it sounded a bit like Hilda). And the male voice on the phone to Ignacia, telling her they killed the fortune teller, and Ignacia's next, was also unrecognizable to me. It doesn't sound like Leonardo, for sure, nor Javier, and I don't think it sounded like Matias.

Poor Ignacia. Her necklace broke! Run, Ignacia, run and don't look back!


NovelaMaven, our comments crossed. But if you are right about Pilar, you are a genius. Yes, it sort of fits. But it seems SO different from her personality, her whole LIFE! I just can't see it. But if you're right, we'll remember that you saw it first.


Welcome aboard, Jean. I think you'll find this novela fast paced, well acted, and with generous doses of humor.

And thanks, Hombre, for your comment. I agree 100% about Adelita. This is a part of the novela that I don't like very much. I can see why she'd end up prostituting herself because of her desire to escape from poverty. What I don't see is why she is blaming Lola for so many things. She's just spiteful to her BFF all the time now.

Apolo is not THAT dumb. He sort of knew Agapito was taking more than the 25% he was entitled to and kind of let it slide. But not paying the income taxes was too much, and he fired him.

I don't know if this will be important, but the camera gave a closeup of, I think, Verónica's purse left at the scene of the crime.

Funny scene with Camilo and Andrés. When Camilo was waxing poetic about some woman (likely Sofía), Andrés said: ¿Quien es la desdichada? (Who's the unlucky woman?).

After the scenes with Debora and Soledad, I said to myself: "That's it. I'm done with Debora". She now has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. After the nightmare Sole just endured, to then be locked up in that storage room and struck with a bat, sorry I'm rooting for a Debora death scene down the line.

Marcelo may have made a big mistake in the way he treated Daniel when Danny asked him why he fired Vero. He called him un inútil. Daniel got a bit of what Andrés has gotten all along from this heartless SOB. If Daniel turns on him, it could definitely bite Marcelo in the hindquarters.

Andrés found some paperwork about a couple of importations from Panama and told Rodrigo about it.

I loved it when Lola told Agapito that she went to prison for killing a man, so watch it!

The parachute jump with Apolo is going to be very interesting. Speaking of Apolo, his hair is weird. It looks dyed. It's absolutely blue black and without any variations in color like most normal hair has.


Hombre -- and if I'm wrong (which I usually am!), you can laugh at how far off I really was!


And what about that box? Adolfo had told Javier to hold onto a mysterious box, which contained things that Adolfo couldn't keep at the Conde house. And now, Javier has the box in his hands, and was it Pilar who walked in on him? I wonder if we'll see what's in this pandora's box tonight.

Some interesting developments tonight: I found it interesting that Javier-the-Horrible thought he had to confess and apologize to Leonardo (and very defensively, I thought) that he couldn't keep the box. It seems that his tie to Adolfo is an important one. Leonardo/Adolfo was angry and upset. I guess it threw some kind of monkey wrench in his plan. Javier gets Matias to get rid of the box. How Adolfo/Leonardo knows that Matias has it and where he's going to get rid of it is beyond me. He hits Matias over the head, but doesn't kill him. I think we can now rule Matias out as a brother or accomplice. Matias calls Rebecca to help him, and I think they will probably wind up together. (The writers certainly have changed Rebecca's character from the beginning, and have made her one of the few good "guys.")

Pilar, our abused and moronic psychologist, goes to see Gonzalo, and they exchange love vows and a kiss, only to be interupted by Ignacia. I just would really feel it was a sham if Pilar is the other sister. I am holding on to the idea that there really is no sister. We know that Ignacia has seen Rosa. So if it was the real sister, why would Adolfo/Leonardo put her picture and name in the box??

Even though Hilda hasn't learned that you can get more flies with honey and is giving Emilio a hard time, I was really disappointed in his behavior --especially going over to the Lolita, Andrea, to invite her to go clubbing with him. UGH!!!

I was also surprised at how nasty Pilar was when Yolanda tried to give her some support. Pilar's social behavior is so inappropriate --especially for a psychologist. Also when Ignacia discovers her kissing Gonzalo, her reaction is laughable. What is this actress playing?

I am getting frustrated. I want to know what is REALLY going on.


Okay, let's forgot about our "abused and moronic psychologist" Pilar for the moment and let's assume that, as NJ Sue suggests, there is no sister.

Then let's take a long hard look at Gonzalo as the third brother:

We know nothing about his past. He seems to appear out of nowhere and woos and weds Ignacia shortly after Adolfo's death.

He insinuates himself into the life of the Conde family:
He moves into their house where he has complete access to his victims.
He also has access to Renato's legal affairs.

Even though Leonardo is his next-door neighbor, he never catches him out in his active life behind the door (or out the window).

He discovers his cuñado, Emilio, is a creepy voyeur and neither exposes him nor insists on moving out of the Conde house.

He finds out Ignacia is pregnant with another man's child and just turns the other cheek. At this point, he doesn't seem to even LIKE Ignacia. Why is he still living with her?
a. Misplaced sense of loyalty and duty.
b. Greed. He is the fortune-hunter that Eva believes him to be.
c. He is the third Acosta brother and he is perfectly positioned to strategize and attack.

¿Qué les parece?

BTW, "Rosa Munita Yen" is such a weird name -- is it some kind of code or joke or anagram?


I was a bit turned off when Lola had her second fake wedding, so am mostly listening to this while I do other things. But last night I had to stop, I found the scene with Debora and her father intriguing and to be frank if I had not known the true story, I think I would have bought her line. I thought the actress portraying Debora did a fantastic scene. Then to follow that up with the mother saying "what has happened to my daughter", I thought that was spot on.

Another sore point is the Adelita storyline - what's up with that, just doesn't seem to fit.


Both Ramon and Vicky now know that their daughter is not the sweet little innocent girl they brought up. Debora shames her Dad into calling Tiberio to report that Marcelo let Soledad escape. I don't think Marcelo will be brought down that easily. Vicky is forced to guard Soledad. Both parents are like puppets for their intense daughter.

It's pretty certain that Agapito messed with Apolo's parachute, that's why it didn't open. The bum! At the end of the show, it almost looked as if Andres's chute opened, so he wouldn't be able to get back to Apolo, and Apolo could die! I hope I'm wrong about that.

Who is Sofia's secret admirer, sending flowers? It can't be Rodrigo, can it?

I hope the discovery of Veronica's belongings will lead to something, but Daniel probably won't want to talk (and he doesn't know much, anyway, except that Marcelo is Debora's amante).

Of course Debora told her parents that Marcelo raped her, which isn't true, either.


NovelaMaven, NOW we're in agreement. I wasn't convinced about Pilar, but Gonzalo definitely could be the third brother, or at least in on the plan. That's exactly what I was thinking last night after I read the writer's blog where he says some clue was there from the start. And Gonzalo was there from the start.

I also think (as I've said previously), that Javier and Gonzalo could be working together, despite the fact that they seem to hate each other. We now know that Javier liked Adolfo. So he is at least sympathetic to getting revenge on the Conde's. But he could just be a dupe that Leo/Adolfo and Gonzalo are using to forward their plan.

I can't figure out why that box ended up on Ignorancia's (my new name for her) bed. I know Leonardo had to rush to get back into bed before Carola caught him, so maybe it was an accident, but I doubt it. He wanted Ignorancia to find it. But it just contains memories of Adolfo and her (and that picture of the sister). She just believes everything, so now she's told Carola, "Adolfo is alive, and he's somewhere walking through this house!".


Hombre, I'm pretty sure Sofía's admirer is Camilo. A few episodes ago he was drop jawed and bug eyed watching her walk across a room. He's been confiding to Andrés that he's interested in her.

So, I also thought Agapito did something to Apolo's parachute because they showed him sneaking around in a baseball cap. But, if he did, it can only be revenge. I don't think Apolo ever signed for the big-bucks insurance policy. Camilo has been retained as Apolo's lawyer, and Lola found the evidence of the embezzlement in black and white. Apolo then gives Agapito an ultimatum: either release me from your exclusive contract or go to jail.

Rodrigo discovers that all the shipments from Panama through the company were before Andrés took over and the same customs agent handled them. Rodrigo shows up with some kind of an "order", a search warrant, I presume.

Rosa de Francia noticed the thugs in the black car watching the house and told Etelvina.

Debora really brought the evil this time. In telling her dad to call Tiberio and pin everything on Marcelo, she may be opening herself up to a world of bad.

I hope Vicki is going to crack and free Soledad; but, if she returns to Lola's house, the evil guys will snatch her up right away.


I usually try not to be negative, but I can't help it on this one. At this point I don't care anymore who's the villain. These people keep wandering into the evil twin's room and telling him their strategy so he can jump out the window and foil them. Gah!

And Pilar, as usual, annoys me so, so much. After swearing she'd make her family work, she shows up at the hospital and is all over Gonzalo again. Then she gets huffy with Yolanda when she tries to help. And, big surprise, Javier is completely enraged about her getting an office, even though he told her before she could start up her practice.

I keep watching, but I just hope it isn't a long one.

I too found Debora's confession that she was raped by Marcelo very compelling and not having seen the earlier episodes, I thought that maybe it was the explanation for her wacko behavior. However, I had a little niggling thought that she was making it all up and that proved to be true.

Soledad is the world's most passive victim. She could easily have overpowered Vicky when she was untied to eat.

I thought the scene where Vicky tells Ramon (I think) that he's gone too far by kidnapping someone and stashing them in her house and he has no idea what she is talking about was funny.

Jealousy seems to have eroded what brains Apolo had. Only an idiot would volunatarily jump out of a plane knowing nothing about skydiving.


Hombre, "Ignorancia" is perfect! :)

I think you're right about Javier and Gonzalo working together although I'm not sure about the extent of Javier's knowledge of or involvement with the plan to do in the Conde family. Remember Javier's "suicide attempt"? How Gonzalo just happened to be with Pilar when she found Javier? It was Gonzalo who dissuaded Pilar from calling an ambulance, driving Javier instead to a clinic where the crooked doctor had agreed to go along with the theatrics.

I wonder if either of these two has true feelings for Pilar.


not watching this, and just saw a preview with Jorge Luis Pila (love him). when did he start appearing on this show?


Hi Shallowgal! Jorge Luis Pila showed up a few episodes ago playing a slick lawyer who smiles much too much. I have a hunch he won't be around too much longer. :)

Novelera, I agree that Apollo has fakey hair, not only that, his face looks like it is made of rubber, like a comic book character. I am curious to see what the actor looks like in other roles. So grateful for this site and all the helpful commenters...I totally would have missed the whole insurance policy thing otherwise!
J in Oregon


Great comments. What makes the show so interesting is that from night to night all the dynamics keep changing.

Javier always seemed like such an obvious choice that it just couldn't be. But now I'm beginning to think it might be possible that he and possibly Gonzalo were involved with Adolfo and the plot to get the Condes. He obviously knew Adolfo before he was married to Ignacia, and I seem to remember that don Renato suspected Adolfo of embezzling money from him, and of course he suspects Javier as well. Carola said that
Adolfo came from a humble family but seemed to have money, fine clothes, good cars, etc.

NovelaMaven's analysis of Gonzalo and his actions seem to make him a logical choice, too. I think Hombre has been thinking of him from the beginning. Tonight when Ignacia asked him why he came back to her, he didn't explain, but just said it was a mistake. It never made sense that he came back to her, or signed the paper when he did after refusing to do so in return forgetting shares in the Conde enterprises for promising to stay with Ignacia. It would make more sense, if he were in on the plot. And could it be that Ignacia was the woman who shot him?

Matias is a welcome addition. First of all, he seems to tell it like it is, and secondly he puts two and two together quickly --e.g. Leonardo being a phony. He also appeared mysteriously, but I'm thinking he isn't involved with the Acostas.

Hombre --tonight when Emilio showed the pix of Javier and Adolfo at play, I realized that the women didn't look like transvestites. I thought initially there was a big blonde who did, but she wasn't in the photos they showed. I was probably wrong about their being bisexual.

At least each episode has something new, interesting, and shocking going on.

LA CASA DE AL LADO -- miércoles

Novelera, it's funny but I'm having just the opposite experience with this show. I'm having more and more fun with it now that I've reframed it for myself as Agatha Christie for our times.

NJ Sue, nice observations, especially about Matías. Thanks!

A bit more about last night...

We find out that...

... Yolanda’s own sister died as a result of domestic violence and that’s why she is so passionate about trying to rescue Pilar.

... Emilio, in addition to being a parasitic mama’s boy with an unhealthy, almost incestuous relationship with Ignacia, a possible murderer (the cop? the gardener?), a creepy voyeur, and a lying (if not yet technically unfaithful) spouse is also a gambler. With what money?

... Ignacia was discovered holding the smoking gun over Gonzalo’s nearly lifeless body because... she probably shot him! And whatever veneer of charm she had for either Gonzalo or the viewer has worn off. She truly is her mother’s daughter.

Another coincidence that isn’t a coincidence...

... When Hilda browses for baby clothes in the mall, it is Rosa Munita Yen who comes up to her in the store (does she even work there?) and wheedles her way into her confidence. Is RMY a hired gun whose first target is Emilio?

Members of the Conde family who still have our sympathy. Well sort of...

... Carola is bratty and often offensive; yet she seems more sinned against than sinning. Even hitman Danilo didn’t have the heart to carry out his orders and kill her.

... Renato may have done Igor Mora dirty but at least he has a guilty conscience about it. He always seems to be struggling to do the right thing. I suspect we’ll lose our illusions about him soon enough.


Well I have to say this is a novela that keeps on giving. I was turned off with Lola's second wedding but I did not expect last night's events. Apolo's tragedy but in the same episode the killer is caught, who would have thunk that in a novela. I am just waiting to see if there will be another time when they actually stick it to Lola and Andres and we see a court scene, or was it enough with Lola going to jail?

But also in last night episode (Debora's beating) there was needless violence against a woman. I have issues with Telemundo over this, is it really necessary? I noticed when there is violence against men they don't go that far. (like when they allegedly beat up Debora's dad)

If they can kill, find the murderer in one episode, why can't they put the miserable Adelita storyline to rest.

CORAZON - That was a shocker. Not only did Apolo die but the police did a good investigation. The prejudiced policeman was taken off the case and they interviewed everyone involved. It was nice to see a sloppy murderer get caught out in his lies right away. Of course, it only means that this murder was not part of the plot line.

I agree that we got to see much too much of Marcelo beating up Debora. Soledad is now a witness not only to Debora losing her baby (I assume that she is going to pretend that she is still preggers to keep Andres) but to the fact that the baby was never Andres' to begin with.


That woman who befriended Hilda was Rosa, the sister? Wow, I totally missed that. Gotta pay more attention:)

Remember when Emilio was so big on those cameras? Why not secretly install one in Leo's room, that would save us a few months.

Ignacia didn't actually admit she shot Gonzo, she just said "I do whatever I have to for someone who thinks I'm a mistake!" But if she did, that gave Leo time to write Asesino on Pilar's wall.

Pilar was just pitiful trying to explain to Renato just how well her therapy with Carola was going.

I loved the look on Ja-Ja-Javier's face when he saw that box on Renato's desk. And then when Rebeca forcefully kissed Matias right in front of him, that was even better! But he got to take out his feelings on Poor Pitiful Pilar, telling her he was NOT in agreement about her office!

It's all in the eyes, and I sure do love Rebeca's.


I loved when they said that Agapito, when confronted with all the evidence, cried like a baby. He deserved it. But the speed in which that case was solved means if they wanted to, this novela could be wrapped up very quickly.

But of course they don't want to, and I'm glad, because I like to watch these characters, especially Lola, Adelita, Debora and Vicki.

Debora's delirious now, but I still sort of like her. How in the world could she ever be reformed? Maybe she can't be. Soledad is definitely a model prisoner. She's very good at not getting over emotional (maybe that's why they had her catatonic for a few weeks).

I now see that Camilo does in fact, have the hots for Sofia, even though she's a bit older than he is (in this story, tho probably not in real life).

As for Adelita, she has to hit rock bottom, such as either in the hospital, or arrested, to turn things around. She certainly isn't taking anyone's advice.

Love your comment on Debora. I like her also and was wondering the same thing.

Your comment on Adelita is probably correct, I hope they get to it quickly.


Glad to see more comments on this one. Thanks Hombre, Jean and Nellie for joining in

I was completely shocked Apolo died. I somehow expected Andrés to catch him in mid-air and they'd both come down using Andrés' parachute.

Daniel is sure taking a long time to get the message. He bites Rodrigo's head off when he tries to ask him about Verónica. He doesn't even seem to register that they found her purse and that she's missing. An abandoned purse, for any woman, is a red flag.

Agapito was DISGUSTING telling the press, with smarmy gossip guy right there in front, that Lola had challenged Apolo to make a jump.

Vicki is sure all over the map emotionally. She is distraught and sympathetic towards Soledad, but when she gently tells her maybe her daughter has some emotional issues, she threatens her with a knife!

Ramón is definitely not very smart. He bursts in and hits Marcelo, who has two giant thugs there ready to beat him up. I think Ramón believed Marcelo when he said Debora was willing. He also told him Deb's baby was likely his. That makes both parents who now know what Debora has done to try to keep Andrés

I guess I'm harder hearted than the rest of you. After what Debora did to Soledad, she deserved a beating.

I'd be surprised if Debora doesn't lose the baby. This is what I thought would happen all along. Otherwise, what happens to the poor kid when it's proven it's not Andrés baby? I suppose we're going to get the pillow in place of the pregnancy. Seen that before; don't like it much. And, it often ends with the Loca snatching someone else's baby. But this time it couldn't be Lola's because she's not pregnant. And, even if she got pregnant tomorrow, the timing would be all off for Deb to steal her baby, another common TN device. No spoilers at all, believe me. And this novela has surprised me over and over.


One other thing. There was a moment of truth between Vicki and Debora. In the beginning of the novela, it was clear that Vicki and Ramón were pushing hard for Debora to marry Andrés, mostly because of the Santacruz/Palacios having money. Vicki told Deb last night that it was a big mistake to push her so hard to go after a young man who loved someone else.

It's too bad that we won't see Agapito again unless he escapes from prison on something. The actor did a great job as he did in Fantasma. His pretending to cry why doing a slander job on Lola while laughing to himself was great.

I agree with Novelera about the guy who played Apolo. He did sort of have a rubber face but he gave a good performance as a pretty boy who was smart enough to know his limitations.

So the frumpy lady who appears next to Lola some of the time is a ghost that no one else can see? That's weird. She didn't seem to be around during the Apolo thing.


Yes, Jean, the frumpy lady is Chabela, Lola's aunt, and Soledad's sister, who died of a heart attack way back. But her ghost has promised to keep Lola company as long as needed, which is really until Lola cries. That's right. Lola has never cried, due to a trauma when Soledad hid her as a baby from the evil Tiberio (her father!) and other bad guys.

I thought that was Rosa helping Hilda at the baby store. Don't tell me there is only one baby store in Miami??? I'm even more convinced she's a plant....

For a while, the audience --or at least I did-- had some sympathy for Ignacia. But it's really funny that she's so upset with Gonzalo when she has been having an affair with Javier all along. And I wouldn't be surprised if she shot Gonzalo. Like her mother, she makes threats that she probably can't make good on. I think that Gonzalo could care less about her.

But it's interesting how the writer keeps "manipulating" us to feel sorry and then heartily dislike the characters.

The thrust of an interview I read today with Maritza Rodriguez (Pilar) is about how for once she is playing a "good" character and how this has been an artistic challenge for her. I'll say!! So I don't think Novelamaven's guess about her being the third sister is right. But with this, who knows?


Debora is really in pain from being roughly manhandled by Marcelo, and may have lost her baby. But she comes up with a plan. She staggers inside up to her bedroom, calls Lola, saying she has info about Soledad. Lola rushes over, goes upstairs, Debora tells her nothing, but maneuvers things so that she falls down the stairs, making it look as if Lola pushed her, just as Andres walks in the door!

Of course, Andres doesn't believe Lola for a minute. She obviously tried to kill HIS BABY, but it won't work, Lola! We're through! Good thinking, Andres.

Lola also goofed when Tiberio's men were outside. Rodrigo told her to do nothing. But she figured they were paparazzi, and they left just before Rod got there. So Lola really had a bad day.

Ramon and Vicki both know the truth about Debora, but they're both going to hide it, cause she's their little girl!

Even Camilo struck out with Sofia.

And of course Soledad, who knows EVERYTHING, doesn't even THINK of trying to escape.

They found Veronica's body, and Daniel suspects Marcelo, but he doesn't tell Rodrigo, because Marcelo tells Danny, "you're either with me, or you're against me!"

Not the most fun episode.


Oh by the way, Debora's now sterile. So the baby thing is out, and you'd think Andres could get divorced, and we could wrap everything up. Nah! We're not even in final semanas. What can the writers come up with next, another marriage for Lola? I can't see how Andres can continue to just hate Lola for more than about 10 episodes. Maybe Debora will want to adopt? Okay, my prediction: A new beautiful love interest for Andres, someone really nice, good, honest, super guapa of course, but who doesn't have all of Lola's baggage. That's just about the only thing I can think of that would extend this show several more months.


Ignacia thinks she's going crazy. I think this show is driving me crazy, too. Gonzalo was visited in the hospital by Adolfo, who laughed in his face (at least I think he was, the nurse said it was a hallucination). Gonzo tells Emilio who tells Ignacia who flips out.

Javier seems to have destroyed Pilar's office (he did this before). He denies it, then says, okay honey, back to the kitchen. No, shoots back Pilar, I'm opening my office whether you like it or not! Javier is p'od again.

He's also quite mad at Matias about that box, now that Ignacia confronted him about it, demanding to know why he LIED all these years. He tries to deny, but slips up a bit, Igna notices, and she's even MORE crazified.

Meanwhile, Rebeca counsels Matias to tell Renato the truth about his affair with Eva, which he does, and promptly gets fired. Renato doesn't quite go ballistic, but he's quite enojado, enfadado, etc. Even though Matias wants to unmask Leonardo, Renato won't hear of it.

Hilda screws up, too, redecorating her and Emilio's room, and putting all his boring computer junk in the storehouse. Bad move, Hilda. That boy lives and dies for his gear!

Gonzo's reaction to Adolfo made me think he's NOT in with him. But Javier could still be.

Does anyone on this show tell the truth?


As usual, Shakespeare gives us an apt, at least to me, quote to use, from Romeo and Juliet:

A plague on both your houses


What a frustrating episode! I had been so pleased with the quick resolution of things that drag on in other novelas. But having our heroine so thoroughly defeated is more like the traditional sob fest, although we know she won't cry until the last week. Right about now, I want Apolo back! At least he made me laugh.

That plan of Debora's was diabolical. I couldn't figure out why she was looking out the window and why the arrival of Andrés didn't foil her plan with Lola. But that was the key element, that he'd see the "push".

I really enjoyed the chewing out Rodrigo gave Lola. She DID ruin Rod's chance of capturing Tiberio's thugs! He told her to grow up and try to figure out why these things always happen to her. I interpreted that to mean that so many of her misfortunes have been the result of her impulsive behavior.

Vicki is nearly as crazy as Debora. Her behavior last night was despicable. She knows full well how Deb lost the baby, but when Soledad (not aggressively) told her the truth, she went all psycho on her and threatened to starve her to death.

If any of these people had a brain in their heads, Debora's plot would not work. For weeks now Lola has rejected Andrés over and over because of the risky pregnancy. Deb cleverly tried to smooth that one over by saying Lola only said that to appear saintly but really wanted Andrés to get a divorce. But Andrés should know better.

Debora put on quite a little pity party for Andrés. She then asks Andrés to get Lola put in jail for pushing her down the stairs! This is akin to the chutzpah of the guy who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court for being an orphan.

Lola shows Etelvina an inheritance that her sister, Eduviges, left her. Bigotes is now rich! She realizes that Rugeles kept this information from her to keep her there as an unpaid servant.

Yeah, the stupidity quotient was pretty high in yesterday's episode. The prize has to go to Vicky and Ramon who persuaded themselves that they have to support their crazy daughter no matter how many horrible and criminal things she does.

We know that flights of stairs are meant to be fallen down to end pregnancies. But I don't know if I've ever seen anyone intentionally throw themselves down the stairs. Of course, there was no blood evident on the bedding or on Debora's clothes.

Once we had the novela chestnut of the falling down the stair induced (or pretend induced) miscarriage, it was tiresomely predictable that Andres would believe Debora's lies.

Is Soledad, who knows the truth, going to be tied up and gagged until the end of the novela when presumably all this will come out? Wikipedia says that last night's was the 49th episode. There's a long way to go.

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