Friday, July 01, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #158 6/30/11 A triumph of that skank-ho producer.

So, Fer, Maria, and Vicky have their little magic hand-holding moment, which leads to…absolutely nothing. Vic leaves and Maria and Fer begin the sisterly bonding session.

The asshat director calls Os to summon him to film a scene. Since Fer is ok, what's the harm in filming the scene? Os really doesn't want to go, but his work ethic gets the better of him. Max and Cruz side with Os and besides, Os has his cell phone in case they need him.

The Padres confab about Fer's recovery and their hopes for the recovery of her marriage. And also, Burnie is determined to be evil, awww, isn't it sad. PJP thinks he's going to end up on a cross before this is all over.

Os looks good in a vest. Well, so does Gui, but whatever. And where is Leo? Better ask Gui about that since he's the one pulling her strings. The director takes exception and Os warns him that he's gonna make Gui's life hell.

Cruz tries to console Vic by saying that Maria's gotta be confused, what with finding out her daddy's a priest and her grandma's an evil bitch. Leo shows up drunk as a skunk. Vic tries to send her home, but Leo accuses her of stealing her husband. Oh, it's happy fun drunk time. *sigh*

"While I was in jail, you stole my husband and my son!" Leo says she wants back everything Vic took from her. Vic wants some alone time with Leo and Max and Cruz, ever the dumbasses, leave her to it. Vic tries to guilt Leo into sobriety. "Easy for you to talk! You have everything, including my husband and my son! And you've left me with nothing!" Vic tells Leo to quit embarrassing her son. Vic drags Leo to the caf for a coffee.

The director knocks on Os' trailer door and asks him to please let the stunt guys do the stunts. Os doesn't like it. They talk about it long enough that I'm sure either Os or Gui will be getting seriously hurt. Os says Gui doesn't know how to do action scenes and he's going to end up getting hurt. And the problem with this is what, exactly? And since when do actors dictate to a director how a scene is going to go? Hey, maybe I'm just not big-league enough for that. Or maybe that's how they roll at Televisa. Which would explain a few things.

Leo drinks her coffee while Vic lectures her. She tells Leo she's acting like a child and being a coward and ruining Max's life. Vic pays for the coffee and leaves her with her thoughts.

The stunt guy gripes about wanting to use doubles, but Os and Gui insist on doing it themselves. The stunt guy says fine, as long as they follow his instructions exactly. He refuses to take responsibility if something goes wrong.

Cruz and Max get ready to support Fer as Doc Heriberto gives her a pep talk that Mr. 5ft doesn't understand, but makes him crack up laughing. The music guys get in on the action, making everything seem overly dramatic. Lots of close-ups on faces as we go to commercial. Mr. 5ft griped about the stupidity of this scene. If you want to hear the whole rant, you'll have to move in with us. I don't type quite that fast. Yes, dear, we all know there's no question it's going to end up working and Fer will walk again and kick Cruz's producer's ass.

Leo's amazingly late, they can't wait any longer, so they need to rehearse and then film.

Heriberto keeps giving Fer a pep talk. He tells Max and Cruz to let go slowly.

The infamous dangerous scene is Gui chasing Os and throwing him to the ground. The director announces they're going to do the most dangerous part next.

Cruz's producer fed a line of bull to some magazine and they're going to be pissed when they find out it's not true. She assumes Fer will just believe it.

Fer falls over and gets upset. Vic has to walk out, as does Doc. Cruz tells her she just needs time.

Os is hanging off a cliff with Gui holding him. Gui releases the safety line, then he lets Os fall. Everyone bitches at the stunt guys. Gui assumes he's gotten rid of Os for good.

Vic cries and Heriberto consoles her. I'm not even listening. Why am I still watching this show? Mr. 5ft thinks the smoochies should be withheld since he didn't actually fix Fer. Some nurses walk by in slow-mo, grab some popcorn, and watch the action.

When Vic and Heriberto finally pry their lips apart, Heriberto tries to convince her they have feelings for each other. But Vic thinks maybe she's just feeling gratitude and is confused. She breaks away and Heriberto contemplates a cold shower. He flashes back to the kiss that happened about a millisecond ago.

Max and Cruz have a word with Heriberto in the waiting room. Max wants to know WTF the problem is. Heriberto says it's just muscular atrophy and it will take some time. At the same time, he thinks her inability to walk is psychosomatic. If Fer doesn't make up her mind to walk, she won't walk.

Os is fine. He's in good shape and he knows how to swim. The director claims Gui was really, really worried. What. Ever.

Cruz doesn't want to tell Fer about the psychothingy. He says they've just got to give her pep talks. Max says he's going to try out his technique on mom first. The nurses walk in and spread the gossip about Doc Heriberto macking on a patient's mom in the hallway. Max is pissed. The nurses are hungry and start talking about where to go for lunch.

Max goes to Heriberto's office and asks why Heriberto was kissing his mom. Dude, you kiss someone in the hallway where everyone can see you, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The medical professionals on set walk out of Os' trailer. The director wants the truth--was it really an accident? Os says it was. "Or what do you think happened?" "Maybe Gui took advantage of the situation and…." Os insists it was just an accident.

Max reads Heriberto the riot act for smooching on his mama in the hallway. Heriberto doesn't think it's any of Max's business, given that he and Vic are consenting adults. Max says that his mother's love life is a matter of discussion for the whole family. Heriberto says Os knows what's going on, not that he's happy about it. Oh, and also, Os gave him free rein to mack on Vicky as long as she's happy about it.

Geez, 10 more minutes of show left and it feels like NOTHING has happened! I'm dying of boredom! And wishing I hadn't started watching the show so close to when it started recording or I'd at least have been able to FF through the commercials!

Fer is upset she can't walk when Heriberto said the operation went well. Cruz and Maria try to pep her up. Fer sends Cruz out for a drink so she can have more sister alone time with Maria. Fer lays on the guilt trip about how Vic always seemed to be a workaholic, but she didn't know it was all to hide her feelings. Poor Vic, how she suffered for Maria. Maria says she'd really rather not talk about it. "But we have to! Think of your son and Jimena's son…if you keep raising them, they'll grow up like brothers. You and I are also sisters, daughters of the same mother. If you accept me, you have to accept our mother too." Maria sighs.

Vic sits in the cafeteria, thinking about holding hands with Maria and Fer. She sees the news of Os's accident on the TV and calls him to find out how he is. Then she changes her mind and decides to go see him.

A nurse comes in and starts Fer on some physical therapy exercises. The nurse moves Fer's legs around, which hurts her back. The nurse gets to cause the pain and Maria gets to soothe. That's enough torture for now, so the nurse leaves. Maria tells Fer she has to get better, so she can stop feeling insecure and stop fighting with Cruz. Um, no, how about she just stop feeling insecure regardless of whether or not she can walk and tell Cruz what his producer is up to? Fer says she can't keep herself from feeling jealous. Cruz has returned with juice and a magazine…that includes an article where that bitch claims to be in a relationship with Cruz. Fer says Cruz is cheating on her. He says it's all lies and he's going to fix it. Well, Fer doesn't want to see him ever again.

Gui gives an interview, saying the accident was only an accident. He says he does feel bad about not doing what the director wanted and using doubles. Oh, and also, he has nothing but respect for Os and this has nothing to do with the theater.

Vic runs home to see how Os is. He says it was just a fall, no big. He came home to change clothes and then go see Fer. He insists he's fine. Vic, despite the scare, is having trouble clarifying her feelings about Os and Heriberto. Os says he knows he made a mistake and he'll be sorry for the rest of his life. Vic says maybe it was a little tiny bit her fault too for ignoring him….

And then my DVR cuts off. Not even a Sweet William Levy in a Kayak. What have I done to deserve this?!!!


Duuuuuuuuude! Seriously? I'm already bummed about not having a future acting gig lined up and the show closing today and now this drivel?!

Salut, mon amis! (That was Spanish, wasn't it?) There are almost no comments on here. Is anyone watching this show? I was channel surfing tonight and caught some of this episode. I thought the outdoor film part was cute. I'm guessing those were the real vehicles and people that were really filming that scene. It looked just like a regular location shoot. The cliff scene was a little too silly, though.

Does anyone know if there is going to be another FC show anytime soon?

Hey, Kat, hope you get another gig soon.

El Steve-o

Kat, thanks for the fabulous recap of a so-so episode. Also, thanks to Sara for yesterday's recap.

WHY !?! are they using family members to help Fer try to stand? Where is the preparation? Where are the medical professionals to help? Why does the physical therapy last for only 6 seconds?

If I were bringing a magazine to a sick family member, I would check the articles to make sure they wouldn't upset my loved one.

Where did Oz get that brightly striped bathrobe? Why can't Vicki decide what she feels?

Why was the new episode of Swamp People as appealing as Los Sandoval and groupies? Why does William Levy talk and look like he could fit in with the Swamp People?
La Paloma

UGH! The kisses between Dr. Know-It-All and the vain, petty Victoria were terribly photographed. Gross.

Me thinks only the Oz Man and Max Man know how to kiss. . . with gentle urgency. Or, whoever is filming their love scenes, knows which angle to shoot.

I guess Gui's cigar is supposed to indicate his wish to be the alpha male.

This director sucks.

UGH! The kisses between Dr. Know-It-All and the vain, petty Victoria were terribly photographed. Gross.

Me thinks only the Oz Man and Max Man know how to kiss. . . with gentle urgency. Or, whoever is filming their love scenes, knows which angle to shoot.

I guess Gui's cigar is supposed to indicate his wish to be the alpha male.

This director sucks.

The only good thing left about this show is the recapping. Well, and Padre Hottie's hottie hotness, but I could just clip a photo of him out of TV y Novelas or something. Thanks, Kat, and thanks to Mr. 5Ft as well for his always illuminating commentary and reactions. I love all your sassy exasperation.

No acting gig lined up? No prob. Apparently you can just walk onto a set and start giving the director orders.

A light bulb went off for me. Someone yesterday said they hoped Vic goes back with Ox and someone else hoped that Os lookinglike he was a goner on the cliff,would die to leave it open for vic and Dr. The way I am now seeing it, beside this novela being about forgiveness, we are seeing a lot of parallels. Os turned to Linda when feeling alone and rejected, but still loved Vic. Maria turned to Alonzo while Max was having problems, but still loved Max, Vic now turned to Dr. H when feeling scared and unsure, but is still not trusting Os. After the kiss, she herself realized that she "may" be just searching for security right now. A strong person, that can help her. Os forgives vics behavior past and present, Max forgives Alonso and Maria, Victoria forgives no one. So they have the parallels and all are forgiving except vic and maria.

5FT. this was wonderful - how did make a wonderful recap out of nothingness? And let Mr. 5 Ft. know that we totally understand his frustrations with this "drivel" as you call it.

hang in there on the gigs - I'm betting something fab will surface very soon!

I try not to think too much about the whole Fer in the hospital thing - it's all such a joke at this point. They did a fairly good job when she was first hurt showing the need for therapy,etc. and all that just got thrown out with the bath water.

I keep turning in waiting for the comeuppance to Gui or Burnie to start ( and to get a glimpse of PJP - like the pinup idea), but I have a sick feeling they'l leave that for the last couple hours. In the meantime this slock just stretches out.

Oh, and Max, no grown child thinks their parent's love life is the 'whole family's" business. Well, at least most well-adjusted children, so I guess that explains his stupid comment. Stupid is as stupid does.

Someone asked yesterday if we would ever consider watching this TN again. I would have to be tied down with my eyeballs forced open to ever vier this show again. Heck, FELS is starting to seem like it wasn't that bad in comparison.

Look at it like this, least you're not on this show. (Word verification: "jaillish.")

Kind of glad I missed this one, though. The near-finale "filler" episodes for most novelas tend to suck, and it definitely sounds like nothing of any importance happened apart from Victoria and Dr. Voice's first kiss. Maybe the slow buildup to Fer smacking the taste out of Diana the producer's mouth, I dunno...

I'm on board with the parallels analysis. Most novelas have at least one of these.

Osvaldo needs to be told about the lies Diana is telling. He would have observed this for years and may have been a victim of this crap. He is sufficiently high-profile now to be able to put a stake in the heart of this one.

Although it would be more fun to see Fer get up out of the wheelchair and bitchslap Diana. Maybe Victoria and Maria can bond over teaching her how.

We're entering the calm before the final storm. Bernarda is cooking up her last stand.

Thanks 5 ft. -- good of you to hang in with this. And good luck finding a new gig.

Bean tightening with all things medical in this one!

Not much of an episode, but at least Os didn't bite the dust. Sigh and ugh.

Happy 4th all. We don't have another episode until Tuesday.

Victoria and Dr. Voice kissed before, I believe Max saw that one too.

Thanks 5ft and your recap was far better than the episode.

I hope something does come up for your acting have you considered sending your resume to Meh-jia? he must be looking for new actors to teach how to work in awful novelas.

I'm really getting sick and tired of everyone telling Maria to forgive that witch. No one is looking at this from Maria's perspective she has a right to feel what she does from all the crap and names and insults Victoria called her.

Max had nothing to forgive Maria and Alonso about considering how psycho both his step mother and his wife were treating Maria that was the best decision she ever made going away with Alonso.Maria never stopped loving Max she just tried to remove herself from some very harmful and hostile people. One being her unknown mother Victoria.

Maria has forgiven plenty of times she forgave Max, PJP and even crazy Bernie she even tried to forgive Victoria after the way she treated her the first time assuming she was after Os. There is only so much a person is willing to take from another person who was treated like Maria was.

Daisynjay that was me who asked if anyone would ever watch this basura again after it ends?

So my question to all today is the worst novela you have ever seen or is there one that can even top this hot mess?

They did? Mea culpa...I must have missed it behind Bernarda's hair helmet and all the reverb and closeups. :)

Speaking of Burnie...considering her track record on the show, what's left for her to do now on the assumption that she has to have that one last chance to take somebody out before she gets dusted to wrap up the show? The only thing she hasn't done or had done is plant a bomb...

Thanks to the long-suffering recapper and her longer-suffering hub (Kat--I'm sure you will find another venue for your talent--for now, take the summer off).

I have tried so hard NOT to watch this dreck, but like so many of you want to see the fireworks consume Bernie and Co. (not the 4th of July ones--be careful out there).

Question for the Day: Maria & all her extended family were so concerned with Alonso being kept in the dark regarding his fatal disease so his last days would be spent in bliss and contentment.

Where are they now?

Did they just turn their backs and wash their hands of him once he walked out of the church?

If this bunch starts a hospice, I would definitely not check in.

Nice recap, Kat, you still put more oomph in this show than the actual episode.

I still say Televisa/Univision told them to stretch out this show.

But I will confess I no longer watch it, I have already seen the final on the web. I do have to say received my copy of TV y Novelas and they say the wedding of Maria with Alonso had high ratings. I guess true, because I had no idea what was going to happen to Alonso, and did tune in for a bit.

I also saw an interview with one of the actors (Flaco), when he was asked was this the longest novela he's been in, he sort of rolled his eyes. I had to laugh.

I've switched to Herederos as they are also in ultimo semanas, and have a tiny bit more suspense left to their story, besides I still have the hots for Mario Cimarro, my bad boy who won't remove his hat. I had high hopes for William Levy, but in this one he seems to be sleep walking through it, and Maite's leaning head was making me stiff.

Why is Fernanda the only person to call Maria "Maria?"

Everyone else, including Maria's parents, grandmother and baby daddy call her "Maria Desamparada."

Why was everyone expecting Fer to walk right after having back surgery?

Why didn't Osvaldo admit to the producer that Gui dropped him off the cliff?

And since Osvaldo didn't call Victoria after his accident and she found out about it on Televisa Escandalo TV, might Ossie be giving up on Victoria?

Why on earth so close to the end are we getting so little payback for our time served. You would think they would be building suspense or solving some of the issues but no those have to wait until the last minute when every bit of it get done in an hour. Totally p***es me off especially as a writer Boo Hiss!

OK so now The Voice is delving into psychiatry saying Fer's inability to walk is psychosomatic and that she is protecting someone Huh! I am wishing with all of my heart that on Tuesday she rolls up to Diana gives her a piece of her mind and then gets out of her chair and bitch slaps the woman for the rest of the show. Unfortunately it looks like the only bitch slapping, as indicated in the previews, is Max smacking Cruz.

Been thinking about Os/Vic. She really is confused. The Voice is kind of like Aldo was in Fea. The guy that comes in and gives the woman her confidence back. Vic herself has said she can't get the images out of her mind of Os doing it with a girl young enough to be her daughter. Anyway you look at it his infidelity struck right at the core of her belief in herself. Then she has breast cancer surgery. She has to feel old, used and disgarded. Along comes The Voice and he makes her feel beautiful and desirable again. She is greatful to him but i think deep down she still loves Os. They have a history good and bad but when the report of the accident came on she immediately called and then ran to find him - not the action of someone who doesn't care.

As for the good doc he seems to need to be needed by someone. At heart Vic is a strong accomplished woman. She isn't the needy creature she appears at the moment. Now Leo is right up his street, someone who needs help and could be a lifelong project for him.

Question of the day _where is Alonso? He walked out of the church in a could of godly light and hasn't been seen or mentioned since.

Regardng Fer walking. As a therapist, I can see where there is a psychological block. she is so fearful of Cruz being fondled by women in the type of job he has. She is probably looking at the whole picture (ie. if it isn't this woman doing it it will be another and another and she doesn't have the confidence that he will always be there for her only. If she stays an invalid she has a reason for letting him go and a reason that he might stray. If she could walk and he strays, what is that saying to her? Better to be an invalid in her mind???

my vet wont even let me handle my own cat when they require assistance so why in sam hell is the Dr. allowing Max and Cruz to hold Fer up after such a delicate operation. This show boggles the mind.

Me encanta the recap.

happy 4th a todos

Dani and Newbie - You're not alone in wondering about Alonso. I've been hoping the last couple days we even have him mentioned. If that "walking into the light' was supposed to be it, and whether he was a little too stalkerish with Maria or not, after everything he DID do to help, if he was allowed to just walk out...
Then I'm flat out appalled - at writers too. He jjust goes off to die alone? And they let him? Yeah, what a bunch of self-centered...

Ok rant over

Kat - Thank you for the recrap. I missed this one and have no doubt your recap is better than the episode itself. Seemed like a lot of time-wasting filler, for the most part. I hope you get a new gig soon. You need a karma-like reward for hanging in there and continuing to recap this mess.

Thanks for the fun recap. Here's my favorite part!

Vic cries and Heriberto consoles her. I'm not even listening. Why am I still watching this show? Mr. 5ft thinks the smoochies should be withheld since he didn't actually fix Fer. Some nurses walk by in slow-mo, grab some popcorn, and watch the action.

You totally express my feelings. I began watching, then switched to an episode of Foyle's War on PBS. Far superior.

Blusamarai: This is my first TN I've watched regularly. I saw a few episodes of Heridas de Amor. So between the two, TdA is definitely the worst.

I'd like Univision to return to 2 hour epis so we can finish this basura. My question for everyone, is, which TN should I switch to? I need to keep watching to help mi espanol!!!

Kat- I hope you get another gig soon. Thank you for taking the time to recap, especially when you're juggling so many things. As always, thank Mr. 5 ft for his wise(cracking) comments.

I am still not watching except for the last 10 mins. I figure that's all I need. But I am still enjoying the recaps and comments.

Mariquita- As for other novelas on right now, a lot of us are really liking Cuando me Enamoro. We hate the galan but love the heroine and it's not too far along for you to ctach on. Teresa is very far along, so not a good time to jump in. The rerun of Alborada in the afternoon is also very good with a mix of commenters who have seen it before and those who have never seen it.

I feel so out place in here. I still like to watch TDA.
Someone asked yesterday if we would watch TDA again, I guess I watched 3 times already, I keep going back trying to understand better the language, and every time I realized I missed something.
I had no problem understanding WL in Cuidado con el angel but I had trouble understanding MaiteP.

I’m sad because I have a feeling that Vitoria is not going to be with Os for the end, I read over Mejia’s tweet page that he had a poll done over some Mexican morning show the fans wanted Vitoria /Dr Voice. Probably because the bad publicity Os is having over his private life.

If you missed sweet William in a kayak last night watch this

Great one 5ft, I can feel Mr 5ft's pain.

OK, isn't there a closet in the operating rm that Heriberto & Victoria could use.

The only other thing I can say about this estupidéz, is they don't give Fernanda a walker after the operation, & they trust 2 buffoons to know how to handle the recently operated Fer to stand, let alone walk. No nurses, no therapists.

I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, end already, ya, ahora misma.

On TV today they said Osvaldo Rios was in the hospital with a hernia.

Any TN will help you, but it's really a good thing if the TN is tolerable, which this TN barely is. So find one you like. Telefutura had repeats, so you might find sth there.

Anon 3:35:

"I feel so out place in here. I still like to watch TDA."

Hey, that makes at least two of us -- if you don't count the millions of tv viewers who are keeping this show at the top of the ratings.

There IS lots of goofy stuff to make fun of, obviously, but if I weren't enjoying the show overall, I wouldn't be watching it. Whether a person likes it is a completely individual matter of taste.

P.S. I will say that it's much easier to write a "What's wrong with the picture?" kind of comment than a positive one. I do that all the time and I'm a fan! Anyhow, I hope you will feel comfortable commenting here.

I still don't feel the pain that I did with FELS, but it's close.

Por favor, don't let Mejia butcher anymore novelas!!!!!!!

If that's true that Vic ends up with Dr. Voice over the poll done i can see why because Osvaldo Rios personal life is a big mess right now. It could be swaying the audience big time to stick Victoria with Dr. Voice.

My question is why Meh-jia has done a poll on when this novela should have ended?

Vivi, I've been so curious about Cuendo me enamoro. La Mentira is another sacred cow, but I love Sylvia and I have always liked Juan Soler (sorry to hear that he is not doing well in this). There are a bunch of other favorites actors in this, too. I'll have to try to catch it. Thanks for recommendation.

Too bad they are showing Cuando me enamoro at 7:00 PM, not a convenient time for me, Jon Stewart is on then.
I really like Silvia Navarro, MEPS. Wish it was on in place of TDA.

I watch a little of Teresa as the lead in to TDA but I just can't get into it, seems like the same thing day after day.

This is my first TN. I admit that I too am enjoying it, but it is driving me crazy that it has lasted so long. I am with the speculation that it was extended longer than planned. I remember that it was supposed to end in May when I first started watching.
If Vic ends up with the Dr. though, I will be upset.
I am taping Alborado, so I can watch it next.



If you look over the Wikipedia page always were 176 episodes. It is finishing sooner than was supposed to since we had over a month of 2 hours every night.
It took in Mexico 8 months. I’m surprised all the TN usually takes 8 to 9 months.
Cuando me enamoro are 181 episodes

I understand that you are very unhappy I respect your opinion I don’t see TDA been any different than others TN. I’m sick of the some, girl gets pregnant makes someone else marries her for her morals.
There were plenty things that I didn’t care in TDA but I still find enjoyable to watch.

I remember when I watched LLDA after almost 6 months I stopped watching it made me so sick that was the first TN that I didn’t care for.
BTW Mejia did the poll because was so many fans asking to let Vic stay with Dr Voice.He said that fans over 40 asked to let Vic stay with Os and the younger fans asked the other way.
Thanks NovelaMaven for your post


The worst novelas I ever saw were Amigas y Rivales and Las Vias del Amor. The latter had a story that was completely unbelievable and I hate Aracely Arambula. I only finished it because of Jorge Salinas and Enrique Rocha.

It will be interesting to see if Sacrificio de Mujer is longer or shorter than TdA.

Sacrificio de Mujer is currently airing single episodes weekday afternoons, and is scheduled to end its run on July 7, 2011


I watched a double episode of it a few weeks ago and what bugged me about it was the inappropriate casting. The Victoria character was played by a 30-year-old actress and her first love by a 35-year-old actor. The actor playing the husband is 51 (appropriate), and I didn't seen the evil mother at all.

Also, in researching the other versions of this story, it's only the Mexican ones in which the young protagonista's biodad is a priest.

I never saw Cristal but if anyone here has I have a question: Was Mommie Dearest all about class distinction rather than sanctimony?

Urban- I've checked out a few of the early episodes of Cristal that are on Youtube.

Similarities: The character's name is Victoria and she's got poor girl braids and works as a maid for the rich family; her baby daddy is a priest-to-be named Angel who is headed off to the seminary the day after they make love; his mom is a religious zealot and wants her son to be a priest to watch over her soul.

Where Mejia made it his own: The mother doesn't appear to be a murderer; Victoria is not raped by the factory owner, just fired for being preggers; Vic does not give birth in the rain on the streets, but instead in a hospital. I'm sure there are many more over the top differences later on too.
All this can be seen in this snippet from Cap. 2:

Happy 4th everyone!

Long ago i gave up comparing remakes. It's a waste of time and energy because there are so many variables plus which every producer thinks they can do a better job on their version - often in vain.

As for Mejia taking a poll to decide the fate of a couple of characters - how stupid is that. Then again it might explain why some TV's inexplicably go off the rails with odd story lines. Interesting too that the older crowd favors The Voice when the younger crowd goes for Os since there isn't that big a difference in the ages between the two actors.

As for Mejia thinking about messy personal lives - how dumb is that. Os's personal life has been a scandalous mess for years and WL's isn't a whole lot better. Jeeze just write a good concise story, cast it right and you'll have a hit on your hands.

I want Victoria to end up with Osvaldo, because he loves her & I like him. Dr. Heri can have Leonela.

I wonder if the reason we haven't seen Juanjo, is that he was supposed to be killed off & they haven't writen him back in yet. Hopefully he's going to acting school

I just read on Telenovela-World that the Mexicans hated this show by the time it ended and ratings were quite low for el gran final. Can't say I blame them. This polling-the-audience business is a disaster and speaks poorly for the director's vision. But I can't help but notice the intrusion of advertising splash screens during the actual episode as well as blatant product placement in the scenes themselves. There must be huge pressure from the sponsorship to get those numbers up there. What a pity it's so misguided and market-driven (and a failure at that).

Ixv: Mexicans hated this show during its whole run. It has brought terrible consequences to Televisa because the new novela has to deal with a dead timeslot now and it is not doing much better. For the first time in years Azteca is taking viewers from them (because they actually have a great novela right now) and they had to decide on drastic measures which have yet to be put in practice.

Not even the failure of Corazón Salvaje can compare to how bad TDA did. Mejía should be proud of himself, it's rare that a producer can create that much havoc for a network.


lxv - I think there was another Telerisa telenovela out of Mexico that ended (or the plot changed) according to viewer polls, a few years ago, but I cannot remember which one it was.

We had discussed Elizabeth Alvarez from FELS. I thought her face, although beautiful, didn't look quite right, it just dawned on me
She looks like the Cheshire cat.


What is the great novela on Azteca now? Thanks very much.


I read over Mejia’s twitter page that he got several messages from fans that they wanted Dr voice to end up with Vitoria. That’s why he did the poll. What he said was that fans over 40 wanted Vic /Os fans under 40 wanted Vic/Dr Voice
In my previus post I'm the one who said that probably the fans didnt care for Osvaldo personal life. I didnt say that was Mejia.

Funny that Vitoria over her twitter page she was pushing for Dr Voice also, so I have no hopes that Os will end up with Vitoria


You're probably right but I still vote for Os. In any event the ending of this, like most novelas, will probably be a dud. I have a hard time thinking of one that lived up to the whole show. They tend to either cram everything into the last hour or drag things out and then have nothing left to end with some punch. In any event I won't miss this mess after it is all over.

On another note I read the summary of the upcoming Fuerza del Destino. It has a large cast with some fine talent but is a typical novela, missing baby, revenge, yawn. In addition more bad news is that the producer is Rosy Ocampo - the one producer who makes Mejia look like a genius. Count me among the missing for this one. I'll be heading to Telemundo which consistently comes up with new and interesting stories.

In my mind Televisa peaked about 5 or 6 years ago and has been on the downside ever since.

I think the only reason for Doc of todos, was to stretch this TN out. We could have done w/o him.

Elizabeth Alvarez remnds me of Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island, which was more entertaining than this smellynovela!

Dani- I really liked the ending of Dinero. It left one feeling warm and fuzzy and very satisfied. But that wasn't a typical novela.

Oh, por favor, it's not possible that anyone can be worse than Mejia. No puede ser.
I'll have to ck out Rosy Ocampo.

Jarocha glad to see you commenting and i'm also glad you had a wonderful time in the states and with your tour guide Vivi.

Do you happen to know what drastic measures that Televisa is going to try? I would think replacing Meh-jia should be the first move? He's has had too much power there for a long time and what he is producing has been just awful. What is going on with his CDL remake did he already shoot the novela in it's entirety or did he just make a pilot and waited until TDA ended so he can start on that project?

Variopinta - Ocampo produced LFMB as well as Tontas.

K. Demonio - I agree that E. Alvarez looks like MaryAnn from Gilligan's Island.


I'm over 40 my vote is for Os.


I didn't see either of those, but I thought they were popular, especially

Traveling Lady: The name of the novela is Cielo Rojo and it stars Edith González (Corazón Salvaje 93, Doña Bárbara) and Mauricio Islas (El Manantial, Amor Real).

Rosi Ocampo has a tendency to start good and end up in circo. However Maria Zarattini wrote La Fuerza del Destino and Benjamín Can directed it so it is of higher quality than her previous productions. I do think it suffers from the same issue as Sortilegio did: they exhausted the plot too soon, but the first couple of months are great. In fact the quality of those episodes is as good as any of the bests Carla Estrada novelas.



Thank you. I've read about Cielo Rojo. Glad to hear that it's good.


We enjoy the recaps, but if you don't like this one, how about passing the torch? I depend upon the recaps, think they and the show itself is funny, but all the Oh, I hate this one, I wish I hadn't started--so quit already. Do the rest of us a favor too, as the other recappers can find some upbeat things to say. Levy is good looking, Maria is pretty.

I for one would never watch another novela written by this person, if Oz goes with the original wife. His compassion and caring for Vic the whole entire time, was what kept me watching this Novela. I was waiting for the two of them to just fall into each other's arms and forgive forgive and forgive. I figured Vic had her temptation and that she would only go as far as kissing, but would realize how the temptation was for oz and adding to the fact that she has not given him attention for mucho years, that he fell for the love and attention. After a whol Novela of Vic and him, to have him go off with someone else????????On top of this, I never liked Dr. H. whatever his real name is. I always felt that in the love scenes, he was very stiff and like a board when kissing, which would go along with his age. I am 69 years of age. I do not and never did find him attractive. Yet I hear people talk about the love they have for his voice, his looks and everything about him???

I don't want Dr Voice to end up with Vic also. But I dont think Os will be with Vic at end. The odds is against him for a long time.I think Vic got way very easy she did so much harm to Maria and Max but still got forgiven by Max many times, and soon I'm sure Maria will also. grrrrrrrrr.


Rosa at 6:40 yes it appears that oz will not be with her sad. He was with her all the way up till WHAT two weeks from the end. I can't believe the writer does this. Regarding the person who is upset that some people are negative. Let me tell you something. This has been te name of the game since day one. We watch soap and we give our opinions good or bad and we enjoy getting feed back. It is like the ball games. We sdream yell curse and rant, but we love the games and the players, YOu can say, "if you don't like the way they play LEAVE DUH. What good is a game if you cant get excited or at times feel let down. Are we to watch these things and not have any emotion - just stare? Get a life.

Anonymous = I didnt understand your post. you told me to get a life?
If y meant that I do have a great life. I still love TDA game.


Took me a while to figure out what anon at 9:33 was talking about...

Go back and re-read. I said I wish I hadn't started watching the show when it started that night at 8pm because I wasn't able to FF through the commercials, not that I wish I hadn't started watching the show, period. And even if I had said I wish I hadn't started watching the show as a whole, so what? I'm entitled to my opinion as much as anyone else.

As for "do the rest of us a favor," if you dislike my recaps then say so on your own behalf, don't claim to speak for others.

And no more telling other people to get a life or making personal attacks. I'll delete any future remarks like that.

And if you think your opinion does differ radically and no one else will agree with what? We don't have a "party line" here. You don't have to love the show and you don't have to hate it. That's what's great about this blog. So just say whay you have to say and don't apologize for it.

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