Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alborada, 8/10/2011. Cap. 51.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #19, Wednesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 51 start at this link.

Carlos sent a new wedding picture for us today, but I'm also including the late addition from yesterday's recap, in case you missed it. I just love that shot!

And, for the sake of contrast...


Thanks for the posting and photos. I can't wait every day to get home at noon to see the episode. I often watch it again at 2pm. The shy couple are so sweet except part of me wanted to call Catalina the "mojigata" - the prude, sanctimonius. She has sthe nerve to tell him she doesn't think she can use TU with him. She has been selfish at every step in doing the few things that would please the gravely wounded Cristobal. But given her ickiest of fathers she probably doesn't have any notion of what loving and kindness between a couple could be.

Paula and Carlos, thanks once again for the terrific screen shots and posting of same.

This is my all time favorite TN. I have seen it several times.

I wish I had been at the wedding. I would have borrowed Juana's splendid cane and started beating on Francisco like a pinata. What a jerk, he now thinks and acts like the lord of the manor.

I loved Tia during the wedding. I think she conveyed what we all were feeling. That character has such compassion for those she cares about.


Sweet, Cristóbal y Catalina are innocents & they love each other. Each afraid they they will not be a good spouse, due to lack of experience.
Perfecto, I'm sure they will get it on & live happily para siempre & have lots of hijos.


for some reason I'm having a problem signing on

Rosemary~~Alborada is my favorite telenovela, too. If I bring my own stick, could I join you in hitting Pinata Francisco ? What a nasty piece of work he is. In this episode, we are treated to Sylvia's favorite novela line : ''At least , I am the ramera of only one man.'' That's our new and improved Hip always looking on the bright side. And, who knew that besides being noble and gorgeous , Luis has great medical intuition. I was worried about them wrapping poor Cris in that bed sheet and hoisting him around like a sack of potatoes. However, if Luis felt that I would benefit from one of his ice baths...I wouldn't say ''no.''

Susanlynn, I suspect the water wouldn't stay icy for very long.

Hooray, indeed my favorite telenovela line is in today's episode. Thanks for the shout out Susanlynn.

I have my own stick too and would love to beat Francisco. May I join the fun? And then how about a hair-cutting party for Antonio? His doofy hair is the worst (even though I know it's a wig).

Cheryl, I certainly understand your feelings about Catalina, she of the perpetually furrowed brow. I cut her some slack because she has had to teach her own self to be more open minded. I can only imagine how difficult that would be with her disgusting father and wimpy mother as role models. Hopefully her sister will be a positive influence on her.

Great screen shots today! Thanks Paula and Carlos.

Just curious, where did they get the ice?


Sylvia, I agree. If any of us joined in the icy bath, it would soon become a steam bath.


Variopinta, good gosh darn question! Would it be outside the realm of reality to suppose they could get ice in the same way that we did here in the U.S. in colonial times? If it snowed or water froze in the area during the winter the blocks of ice could be transported to ice houses where they would last for a very long time. This would be for the wealthy of course. Blocks of ice could also be transported from the mountains (if there are any) and sold to those who could afford it. Google "the history of ice" for some interesting information about how the business of harvesting and shipping ice came about. It looks like, as an industry, it would have been much later than our story here, but it's still fun to read.

I did love how Luis smiled in pleasure at the news that his good bud and Catalina had married. Like everyone present at the wedding were so enchanted.

They got the ice so quickly, in the frig?


Carlos~~~Thanks for the first two photos. The third made me a little queasy...Bleeecchh. By the way, let me just say that I have had enough of sharing Diego's most intimate, bodily functions. His peeps had a really difficult time trying to prevent the count from peeing in the potted plants. Whataguy ! Worst job ever. As for Catalina, I think that Cris will be a great influence on her. Sylvia~~~As you know , the line I am most partial to is ''Mystery Boinker of Santa Rita'', but toward the end of this novela, Melinama had another phrase that gave me a giggle. I'll call it out when we get there.

I for one feel sorry Catalina. Not only did she come from a disfunctional family but lived in a nunnery.

As for Cristobal, if I remember correctly, he never knew his parents and his sister was in the nunnery.

Maybe together and with Hipolita and Luis's influence, they will become a warm and loving husband and wife.



I just finished watching this episode and thought that it was very powerful. Luis looked so proud of himself after the icing of Cristobal... and rightly so... but the thing I was going to comment on was Diego trying to pee on the shrubs. The yard guys certainly could not have been pleased... those wacky counts... gotta love 'em.

I've picked out two pictures for tomorrow... I promise, if Paula uses both, you guys'll like them better than Francisco groping Asunción.

As for the ice, looks like snow brought down from the mountains. Reminded me of the first line of Cien Años de Soledad:

"Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevó a conocer el hielo."

"Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía remembered that remote afternoon that his father took him to see ice for the first time."

What a great first sentence for a novel.


I really enjoyed this episode. I am sure Cata will be tutearing Cris soon. Give her a little time.

Laughed out loud at Hip consoling herself with just being the ramera of one man, and also when she first declared herself a ramera. :)

Shouldn't they all be worried about leaving her alone with Ada so much? This is the woman who blurted out the info about Luis being the msyery boinker right after Hip had survived a kidnapping. And she hasn't excatly been Luis' #1 fan. She STILL refuses to believe that he loves Hip and thinks he has some sinister motives. Meaning, she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Carlos, thank you for that quote. Informative and moving. It belongs in the collection of brilliant and memorable first lines.

Variopinta, I was going to wisecrack "No, the freezer", but blogger kept kicking me out. How annoying.

Frankly I don't understand why the servants wouldn't let Diego pee in the bushes. If I were them I would encourage it, that way I wouldn't have to carry out his damn chamber pot. "Here you go sir, your own special bush for royal urination. Don't want the bush today? Well then let's stroll over to your own special compost heap and put all that lovely nitrogen to good use. Since it's royal compost we'll only use it on your royal vegetables and not share with the peasants."


"Since it's royal compost we'll only use it on your royal vegetables and not share with the peasants."

Yikes! I was sipping a martini as I read this...


Sylvia, you crack me up!

I loved when Tony started a pissing contest with Luis out in the town square, and Tony got a lot more than he bargained for, when Luis made sure all the town gossips heard him yell, "Will you tell her you put me in her bed so she could have a child?"

I loved that moment too. Poor Tony just can't get one up on Luis. It was a very funny touch to have the local ladies giggling at their banter.

Sylvia, you are one funny lady. I will never be able to watch this TN with a straight face again. I will always imagine Diego with a "Royal Leash" being led from bush to bush.


You guys are cracking me up! I didn't understand why the servants wouldn't let Diego pee in the bushes either. Unless they think his pee is so toxic that it would kill the bushes.

Vivi, that must explain it.

Rosemary, I gotta say I love the leash idea.

Cheryl, I agree, Luis looked so happy and proud when Cristobal's fever went down. He and Cristobal are as close as brothers and are true kindred spirits.

Personally, my thought is that Juana has given Diego's servants STRICT orders NOT to let the count tinkle in the shubbery...anymore. I think he was probably doing it...a lot...since he was a little guy, perhaps. Maybe it's growing up in a rural area, but guys do seem to enjoy making this process an outdoor activity...I'm just saying. And, I do enjoy these intellectual discussions. Luis getting off his horse to chat with Antonio is one of my favorite scenes. I liked the way Felipe jumped right off his own horse to hold the reins of Luis's steed. Of course, the best part was Luis's line as he remounted about being put in Hip's bed to get her with child. Burn. Note to Tony : nobody is going to take you seriously if you keep styling your hair in that flip.

ATTENTION CARLOS~~~I hope that you are watching La Fuerza because your telenovia LW is in it playing a spoiled, nasty, horny unwed teenager in shorts and heels. She had some epic kissing scenes with David Zepeda.

Oh Sylvia, the royal compost heap kept from the peasants. It would be justice served up in a bowl of vegetables. The scatological conversation has me rolling on the floor. I remember when Alborada came out that Carla Estrada was interviewed about how graphic the filming was. There are so many scenes of Diego sitting on pots, being helped to pull his pants up or down as needed. The realism helps add to the general atmosphere of disgust toward Diego. Shooting Cristobal seems to have thrown him over the edge even more. I got a kick out of Antonio and his buddy acting mortified by his behavior in the restaurant. Antonio twirls his hair. My sympathy for him would grow but his ego and possessive air concerning Hipolita are growing faster.

Cheryl, Antonio certainly is an unusual mix of sensitivity and cluelessness. I think that basically he is not a bad guy, but he just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. That might be why he keeps pursuing Hipolita; a wife lends credibility. Also, I think he really does feel guilty about how his mommy dearest treated Hipolita.

I remember after Alborada finished I read an article (in Spanish) dedicated entirely to the use of chamber pots and referencing Alborada effusively.

Cheryl, "My sympathy for him would grow, but his ego ... is growing faster." Nice turn of phrase.


Yes I know. I'm trying to cut back but I'm clearly going to have to take a look at lFdD. David Zepeda sounds like a perfect match for Laisha Wilkins.


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