Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #80 Tuesday 8/9/11 The truth is out there , but nobody here knows what it is!!!

Everyone belted in? Keep hand and feet in the ride all time and wait till the ride comes to a full and complete stop! This should be a good one so lets get started!!
In the interest of time I am going to jump over the re-tread of Monday night!!
Roberta drops the bombshell that she is LA BONITA, but she swears she did not kill Rafa. Nata is upset that she let Jero think that she was La Bonita, Roberta swears she didn’t know Jero even knew or thought about La Bonita. Roberta swears she is innocent, Nata tells her she doesn’t believe anything and tries to leave, but Berta stops her and swears everything is the truth and that she is not a killer. Nata says she needs to heart everything, and it has to be the whole truth.
Gonzo, Fina and Matias are in the waiting room, Gonzo is trying to get Fina to calm down she is crying about her poor Berta in Jail ( yea i’d shut up and leave it alone, cause that is supposed to be you in there genius. I don’t see you confessing to protect your daughter!!) Matias tells her that she may or may not be innocent, but they have to wait and let the system, work. FIna won’t have that (shocker) she swears Berta is not a killer ( note: this might be the first time Fina is telling the truth. Mark the day and time). Gonzo swears that he will get the best lawyer and do everything he can. Then Fina accuses Gonzo of loving Matias more, he swears he loves them all the same. Then He tries to send Fina home with Matias and she starts getting all gushy about wanting to be with her hubby (yuck) Matias actually looks like he is trying not to laugh or throw up on of the two. Gonzo leaves with Fina to see Berta.
Berta is spilling the beans about her relationship, with Rafa. She loved him, mom and dad didn’t she wanted to elope, but she was scared etc...Then she tells Nata about the letters and says that the letter they found, must have been planted cause she never sent it, but she tells Nata about her letter and Nata asks where it is and Berta tells her she destroyed it out of pain and anger. She had no idea he was dead she thought he was off with some other woman. Nata points out that he left a suicide note blaming her, Berta says that maybe there was another La Bonita.
Spare girl comes to visit Auggie, who is not jumping for joy to see her. She came to tell him that she is leaving and that she is glad to see him in jail and that he will send his life there, she taunts him.
Berta and Nata are still going back and forth, Nata points out that Berta has told many lies and Berta yells that she is not a killer and that she is telling the truth. She swears that she is innocent. Nata asks one more question is the baby Jero’s? Berta says Yes( oh so close to being totally honest)
At the hacienda Mati asks if Jero is hungry, he says no. They talk about how they both messed up with Renata. (love agrees with Mati she is tolerable) Jero is missing Nata.
Inez, Isidro and Gina are chatting about their son, and her decision to be with Gonzo. Inez tells her to open up and share everything with Gonzo. Gina agrees
Matias and Nata are eating and she tells him some of what Berta told her, but she is not sure about all of it. Matias tells Renata that there is no justification for anything that Jero has done, Nata agrees, but looks a little hesitant.
Lawyer man is chatting with Berta telling her that she has to spend the night in jail, Roberta is not happy about that,but her swears her case is difficult and that he can do nothing.
Carlos and Mati are are talking about the town gossip, the murder of Rafa, and Kari and the Dr, Mati goes to kiss Carlos and Jero walks up. She jumps up to leave and Jero tells her to sit and stay there needs to be some love around this place. Then Mati talks about when there will be four people at the table.
Laza and Kari are talking and he tells her to stay at the Hacienda instead of going back to her house, where all the bad memories are. She agrees and then tells him that sometimes she thinks about what it would have been like to be with him. Laza tells her not to think like that, then gets very upset and says he does not understand her, she tries to explain that she spent years with the Dr. Laza walks away.
Dr. is going through major withdrawals and the guard has no sympathy and leaves him screaming for his wife.
Alphonsina is telling Zeke about little man’s schedule, he is crying and wants to call out to her, but stops.
Padre gets a cell phone call, from his niece she is going to come and see him for his vacation. ( I see a new lady throwing a kink in one of our love stories)
DVR spazzed a little during the commercial missed a little so someone might have to fill in.
Gina is leaving her house and Gonzo is waiting for her they hug and kiss. He tells her he needs her very badly.
Matias takes Nata home, she tells her that with everything going on she can’t think of anything Matias leaves. Nata stares at her phone and Jero’s number almost calls but can’t, then the maid asks if she wants something to eat and she says no and asks where Stanza is and she tells her she is with Chema.
Gonzo and Gina are talking about the future, he says that his company is in terrible trouble and his daughter is in jail. He tells her not to worry that she is the only thing that will get him through this.
Stanza wakes up and sees a letter reads it and Nata told her that she left early, and that she needs her to find her dad. To talk to him.
Honorio and Adri are talking about he and Stanza. He misses her, can’t live without her and Adri is cheering him on. She tells him not to worry things will be okay.
Gina calls Jero to see how he is doing. He tells her the pain he felt over his brothers death has caused too much trouble and pain. She tells Jero to go after his love for Nata, now that she had nothing to do with Rafa there is nothing stopping them don’t give up go for it the way she went for love with Gonzo.
Stanza, Matias, and Gonzo are discussing Berta and Gonzo says that things look bad. Stanza asks why Berta is alone in jail, that Fina should be by her daughters side, Gonzo defends her by saying she is sick and needs to be resting at home ( yea Gonzo you are the only one buying that)
Jero is working in his office, when Mati walks in and says he has a visitor. He does not want to see anyone, Nata sticks her head in the door and says even me? She tells him that Berta confessed that she was La Bonita, but that she did not kill Rafa.
Alphonsina and Carlos are talking about the crummy Dr. and her son and how she will miss him.
Nata and Jero go back and forth about how Berta did it and Nata swears she couldn’t have done it she was in Mexico the whole day. He shows her the letter, then Nata tells him about the letter Rafa wrote and Jero can’t believe it. Nata tells him that she understands his dis belief and feels the same way, but it is what it is ( she looks a little like she feels sorry for him)
Carlos talks to Mati and Kari about her staying at the hacienda, Carlos tells her that he is not her boss, but her boyfriend. They kiss and Kari says that they have true love and that they should be very happy.
Nata tells Jero that she just wants justice and they discuss the letters and then Nata asks him if he is now sure that she was never La Bonita, he says yes and he has no doubt and that he is real idiot and begs her to forgive him,
Selene is on the phone and he tells her to watch the t.v. and she hears the news about Berta and she is shocked and can’t believe is. She says Auggie could not be involved, but he asks about Berta and she says nothing.
Gonzo and Matias are talking to the lawyer at the police station Gonzo is trying to get her out of jail. Lawyer explains that the investigation is ongoing, but he will try to get her free on bail. Matias wants a divorce now, he does not want to be tied to her.
Fina is on the phone, with someone who is in Mexico and he wants money, and he calls her Pepa, so it’s someone from her past. She says she never agreed to pay him. He tells her she has time to think it over. She hangs up angry and says this can’t be happening ( I see another Fina victim) Nata tells Jero that she is only interested in clearing Berta and talking to Auggie, Jero asks her not to talk to Auggie, she defends him and Jero offers to go with her. She tells him that they can’t act as if everything is normal, between them there is nothing!! ( she shots she scores) Jero is totally stunned by that and we are left to wonder what comes next.
No avances, cause I suck at remembering to change my time settings on my DVR
Lo Siento Mucho!!!


Thanks Jules! What a recap! I am so glad you warned us to put on our seatbelts!

Fina is the Queen of staring straight into the camera making us feel like she is looking RIGHT AT us! Anyone else's hairs stand up on their arms?

Rosemary la Otra

Great recap, Jules. Loved the "note: this might be the first time Fina is telling the truth. Mark the day and time." *lol*

Wow. Lot's confessions and revelations, and none of them bodes well for Fina. Roberta is right about having lots of proof as to her whereabouts, as well as saying she is more than willing to have a handwriting analysis done on the note found with Rafa. Too bad she destroyed the note Fina gave her supposedly from Rafa; analysis would have shown that the two notes were written by the same person. (And if there is an investigation underway, why have the police not confiscated the letter and collected other evidence?)

I think Roberta is going to be the first person to do the math and realize the killer is her own mom. What she does at that point will be her deciding moment. (oops, I wrote that before seeing the avances -- it looks like Roberta confronts Fina about being the killer! Events move fast in this TN!)

And no matter what, this HAS to convince Renata that Fina did, indeed, lie to Jero about which of her daughters had the affair with his brother.

Please Arely, come back and rescue Lázaro! My patience and sympathy are completely gone for Karina and her saying that Dr. Nasty has been her husband for many years and, despite being in jail, will continue be her husband. Really, Kari? Then you're welcome to him!

Oh how convenient! Dr. Secondary Love Interest is the niece of the good Padre. I guess she and Jero will be seeing a lot of each other soon.

There's something both endearing and unseemly about grown people like Gonzo and Regina have to skulk around to see each other. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's endearing.

I only caught a glimpse of the avances myself, but it looks like Roberta confronts Fina about being the real murderer, and Renata and Jero make up (and make out) by the Kissing Tree!

Juan Miguel

Jules, terrific recap amiga! Love your editorial comments, you tell 'em! I can't remember anything that you might have missed when your DVR messed up.

Oh dear, I had hopes that Roberta would truly come clean but her fib about Jero being the baby-daddy will taint the rest of her admission when the truth comes out.

Aha!!! So the lovely Doctora Marina already has a tie to the wine country. Well well well, it looks like she's going to get her chance to "help" Jeronimo in the very near future.

I don't understand Kari. Does she really feel some sort of responsibility to her loser husband just because she spent "so many years" with him? Puhleeeeaze! She was pining over the way Carlos treats Matilde because the doc never treated her that way. Get a clue lady. That could be your life with Lazaro if he will have you.

Whoa, I was shocked that Nata showed up at La Bonita. Go Nata, so glad she told Jero there is nothing between them. She wants to solve Rafa's murder because Rafa was her friend, she feels bad for Jero, but she made up her mind that they are over and so it shall be. I love her strength. Am I a bad person to be delighted at Jero's hang-dog expression when Nata told him this? "She shoots, she scores", my favorite quote from the recap.

Jules, the guy who called Fina/Pepa is the guy she had an affair with for many years and helped hide her after the kidnapping. She told him the girls' daddy was after her. He has figured out that Renata is not really her child. ITA that he is another Fina victim.

There is a whole sky of anvils over Fina's head right now. Does she dare enlist someone to help her out? Her lawyer pal has become a liability so I don't see him being much help, unless he's DEAD.

Thanks again Jules!

Great recap!! loved all the snark!
in previews seems we have a reconciliation (even if temporary) between Nata and Jero...
and Roberta yelling at Fina in her cell that Fina is the wone that killed HIM... (not sure if she meant Rafa or not, seems finally Berta is showing some more brain cells than even her mom)
the one Sele is on phone with is Diego, I think.
Also, the guy that calls Fina in the end is Gustavo, her ex lover who knows about Nata not being her daughter, but the daughter of some Regina.

ah! also, the niece of Padrecito is none other than our Gynecologist Dra Marina Sepulveda... if she comes to ensenada, things will be stirred up and she will definitely come between Jero and Nata.

Juan Miguel, I missed the advances. Jero and Nata kiss at the tree? He has not suffered enough to deserve a kiss. Ah well, the previews are notoriously tricky so I'll wait and see.

Rosemary, yes Fina practically gives me nightmares.

Great recap!

I see Dr. Marina the (priest's sobrina) replacing Dr. Drunk and Drool as the townspeople no longer respect or trust him. Convenient relationship with Dr. Marina and the priest, she needs a vaca and the town needs a new Dr.

It was amusing to see Gina and Gonzo sneaking around like teenagers. Gotta do what you gotta do...all in the name of love♥

Some new vocabulary for me:
blofeando - bluff
escalafon social - social ladder
contundente - convincingly (I love the sound of this word)

Avances" I didn't catch all, but it appears that Roberta figures out her mother killed Rafa and Jero and Nata kiss and make-up.

Cap'n Sylvia, I have to agree with you. Jero did not squirm anywhere NEAR enough to make up for what he did to Renata. And I have to agree with our own Dr. Carlos on this: Jero is either wound way too tight, or has a few screws loose. Either way, he's a nut job and Renata deserves so much better!

Oops, forgot to sign. The Anon at 01:04 was me.

Juan Miguel

Ooh, Ruby, good point. If Dr. Marina replaces Dr. Drunkard, the whole balance of power in the town shifts from Agustín to Jero. Dr. Marina will obviously have a stronger alliance (in more ways than one, I conjecture) to La Bonita. Throw in the padre and the refuge center Jero set up and the town will look more for leadership to Jero than Agustín. I see Agustín getting desperate and turning to more than just intimidation to try to regain control.

Juan Miguel

Good point about the balance of power! Augustin is all about the power. We already know that Doc Marina can't be bribed or coerced.

"this might be the first time Fina is telling the truth. Mark the day and time." So great!! It may also be the ONLY time that ever happens too.

But for all my hope that Berta would turn the corner, she just had to give her sister that one jibe about Jero and the baby. C'mon. Only good thing is that with all these revelations that keep coming out, Nata is getting suspicious of anyone who says "but it's the truth".

Ruby, good point on Dr. Marina coming to town. And we already know she has the "oh my's" for Jero, so if she stays, that will make for some interesting possible plot lines down the road.

You know, my first thought at that preview with Nata and Jero was that maybe it was a fantasy sequence. Find it kind of hard to believe after the way she walked out that they'd be all happy face so soon,...but hey, this TN surprises me nightly.

I'm about ready to reach into my TV and smack Kari. That was THE most ridiculous discussion she had with Laz. Dr. Demented doesn't deserve to be called her husband after what he did to her - is her self-esteem so low that she can't picture herself in any alternative happiness, or feels she doesn't deserve it? It's almost like she feels she shouldn't walk away?? I'm lost with her reasoning.

Gonzo-Gina - - so cute!! Almost wishing Fina would find out so with everything else happening, we can start seeing the blood vessels in her head start to burst.

Wait until Matias gets a load of that agreement he signed. Speaking of blood vessels bursting. It's going to have to be explained by stupid corporate lawyer - wonder if he'll pin it on Berta? Might as well, her mother is letting her take the fall on everything else.

Lord, this is fun to watch every night.

Thanks for the great recap, and thanks to the other recappers who have kept me up to speed the last few weeks while I've been away from Lunivision. Vacation was great but it's nice to see what's going on in Telenovelalandia again!

That Gonzo/Regina scene last night was too cute. They just needed to sing "16 Going On 17."

I love how fast this story is moving. I also love that Carlos and Mati are finally all smoochy. Definitely going to have to watch all those recorded episodes. Now how is she going to make things up to Renata? She's a good addition to the investigative team--she was helpful before when she just wanted to get rid or Renata; I can't wait to see what she's capable of when she has less witchy motivation.

Juan Miguel-- good point! Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Augustin if he isn't the top dog anymore? And I had forgotten about al the good will that Jero earned for helping out during the hurricane. Yes the arrival of the comely Dr. Sepulveda is going to shake things up a bit one way or another. -- And she not only knows WHEN Roberta lost the baby -- but how developed & thus how far along the fetus was.

Jeronimo looked wonderful (I think) in that blue shirt -- and I hope the avances are not playing tricks with us again ( remember that dream sequence when it LOOKED as if Renata jumped Jero's bones as they drove to the beach -- but it was only a fantasy)

I know that Jero hasn't suffered enough yet -- but I'd still like to see a brief reconciliation -- knowing full well that it's only episode #80 and they can't be together yet.

is the baby Jero’s? Berta says Yes( oh so close to being totally honest)--one of my favorite of your comments, Jules. I had hoped that she'd really be completely honest -- but I guess then she wouldn't be our Berta.

That was an interesting scene when the two sisters learned about the two letters. I didn't realize that Berta had never heard about the letter found with Rafa's body and, of course, Nata never heard about the letter Berta got supposedly from Rafa and dumping her. Will she really put it all together? The avances seem to suggest so -- and what will Fina do?

Jules good recap thank you.

What is with Fina and Roberta i guess lying is just in their DNA. So when it is discovered that Rafael was really the baby's daddy and not Jerko she loses all of her credibility. If i was Renata i wouldn't even try to get her out for all that she has pulled so far.

Juan Miguel i've had it with dopey kari too let her stayed married to Dr. Pusbucket bring back spare girl for Lazaro.

No Sylvia you're not alone i enjoyed the look on Jerko's face from Renata's comment. I don't like the fact she kisses him in tonight's episode too soon.

I saw the avances and Roberta definitely accuses Fina as the murder. I also saw the week's avances and guess who pays a visit to the wine country. Dr. Marina pops in on Jerko.

Gustavo called Fina twice once when she got home from jail after she tried to put the moves on Gonzo and he promptly rejected her saying thanks no but no thanks you need your rest. He quickly got the heck out of dodge. Gustavo threaten Fina but she blew him off she didn't believe he had anything for her to give him money for. That's when he told her about what he knew.

Gustavo called again in the morning as a distracted Fina was thinking about how to get Roberta out of the mess she created. He told her time was getting limited and if she didn't come up with the money soon he would turn over the evidence he had on her.She tried to tell him she doesn't have that type of money but did tell him to wait for her to get enough to keep him happy. Wait until she finds out about BSC Blanca embezzling the companies funds.

That was Diego calling Stalking Selene about Roberta being arrested as Selene seemed to be more concerned about Auggie's welfare.

Matias has heard and seen enough he wants out of this marriage as soon as possible. Gonzo looked like he agreed with him.

Ok Daisynjay i'm more guilty than you i didn't want to smack kari though. What i wanted to do is trussed back up like Dr. Vodka had her and shoved her right back under that darn bed. Sorry but i can't find sympathy for her she knows what he's capable of and still she wants to go on she just can't get over him that quickly after all of those years of abuse. Well someone is in need of serious therapy, come to think of it a lot of people around that hacienda are in need of it too. Jerko should see if he can get a group rate.

Thanks for that lively recap Jules. I was so disappointed when Roberta continued to lie about the baby (clearly there's no redemption in store for this gal)and even more disappointed at the dippy attitude the writers are giving Kari.

I guess we're supposed to assume that Kari is so deeply religious that she must stand by her husband through thick and thin, or " in sickness and in health". And as Jarocha has pointed out, divorce is rare in Mexico, among most folk. Guess the good doc is going to have to die before Kari will feel free to move on with her life.
I'm okay with that too! (remember, it's just a story)

Karina looks like, and acts like Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray), J.R.'s wife in Dallas. We had to endure many years of Sue Ellen's eyes popping out of her head before it dawned on her that she was better off without him. Didn't Karina watch Dallas?

Why is everyone thinking Jero will get together with the dr? Do you all have Telenovela-dar (like radar and gay-dar) and you can tell when they are hatching up a plot? They didn't even flirt, did they? Just cuz she was wearing a mini skirt doing her rounds.....

Rosemary la Otra

Hey, there we go. The Doc dies. Don't really care how just so it's soon. I'm tired of his wailing which he does in practically every episode.

Rosemary, when Jero and Marina met in the hospital they had a long, lingering handshake and Marina got all mooney-eyed. That's pretty much foreplay for these shows. She also made of point of saying she couldn't help him with his requested info at the time but she would LUUUUURRRRVV to help him out some time in the future.

Jules. Great recap.

First let me say how impressed I was with Juan Solar at the end. I was blown away by that little bit of business. I had to rewind it to watch again. I really felt sorry for Jero at that moment. I also liked that he didn’t try to force a kiss on Nata. I was expecting him to.

Regina should not have to sneak out of her own house.

Juan Miguel: “Please Arely, come back and rescue Lázaro! My patience and sympathy are completely gone for Karina and her saying that Dr. Nasty has been her husband for many years and, despite being in jail, will continue be her husband. Really, Kari? Then you're welcome to him!” Thank you!!! I was thinking the exact same thing. I’m really tired of Karina. In her defense, I suppose, maybe she doesn’t think she’s good enough for Laz. My sentiments exactly.

The Kissing Tree. Love it.

I also agree, good point about the balance of power changing if Dra. Sepulveda stays in town as the new doc—even if she’s there only temporarily.


I do get frustrated with Kari but when she told Lazaro that Alvaro had been her husband for a long time and would continue to be I took it like JudyB did -- that is, she's married to him & there's no way out. I think that divorce doesn't enter her head because of her traditional upbringing. Yep! the doc must die. OK by me. --Love that Sue Ellen Ewing reference. It's dead on.

Thank you mucho, Jules, squealing with delight over the snarky recap and the contundente comments.

Everyone said what I had been saving up to say about:

Augie's being on the down slide of his power trip;

The doctora's oh so convenient relationship to the padre and the visit disrupting the Nata-Jero dynamics (maybe she goes for Augie in the end) and will fill in for Dr.TankedintheTank;

Matias and the 10-year wait, will Adri wait it out, will Berta wait it out;

Karin dis-remembering the abuse she's taken and the reason to stay with hubby is longevity (and church doctrine);

Laz taking another look at Sparely;

Berta's coming clean, but missing a couple of spots;

Gustavo's lifetime warranty about to expire;

Fina getting Berta out of jail without getting herself put in jail;

Fina finding out the coffers are empty;

Gonzo and Regina behaving like (cute) randy teenagers.

The, Te Amo, Te Amo Mas, Splendor in the Grapes is going be a fantasy sequence--just to tease and annoy us. They are wearing the same clothes as in the office scene. Will this be after she returns from seeing Augie in jail? My bet is on Jero having the fantasy. Nata is still too p-o'd at him to want a reconciliation that leads to haciendo cositas.

I'm sure Nata is going to visit Gitana before she goes home, so maybe there will be time for another tender moment with Jero (maybe it'll be Jero and the horse).

NOK ROFL from your descriptions, these are my favorite.

Roberta coming clean but missing a couple of spots!!!!

Gustavo's lifetime warranty about to expire.

Fina getting Roberta out of jail without putting herself in jail?

Fina finding out the coffers are empty boy i can't wait for that scene. Really i hope she is the one to bump off BSC Blanca too.

Great list.

Thanks, Jules, great job. My favorite line reflected my least favorite development:

"( oh so close to being totally honest)"

Roberta is very foolish to cling to that lie.

Didn't she look so pitifully small and helpless curled up in the corner of that cell?

Poor Kari, married to the abusive lush, her best friend has betrayed her with said lush, She believes that her one true love has moved on (Arely), and now abandoned by her supporters at Caray Caray...

As a physician, it's my experience that battered women don't always think straight.

During their furtive, clandestine date, you'd think that Regina might think to ask Gonzo about Roberta and maybe even share what she knows about the recent hospitalization.


Carlos--I think once Gonzo and Gina finish doing bunny hops, they'll have time to sit down and talk about what's going on.

Carlos re: battered women. You are so right and I'm more sympathetic to the real life situation than the fictional one. One of my good friends was a battered wife, and she kept going back to her husband. Her self-esteem was so low, she figured she couldn't find anyone better. He even told her that she wouldn't be able to find anyone else to love her.


Jules, Thank you so much for your witty, snarky and complete recap. It is much appreciated to keep this discussion going on the rapid fire developments. There are no doldrums in this telenovela, many thanks to the writers of this gripping drama. I think part of the quality comes from it being based on a novel first then readapted several times. But, it has that depth of detail one would expect from a book.

Lily Garza as the director also directed Yo Amo a Juan Querendon which is one of my all time favorite comedies. In fact Cap'n Sylvia, that is when I got to know you when we were both on the recap team together.

Work totally got in the way today, and I just got the chance to read the recap. Thanks so much Jules! I've got to wrap up here at work so that I can get home in time to watch the CME early at 6:30 tonight, and read all the comments!

I am disappointed that -
1. Roberta's big dirty spot not cleaned up. Some part of her still wants to stick it to Renata.
2. Dr. DrinkmeNesme didn't choke from his wailing and thrashing on the jailhouse floor
3. Kari being so retro-stupid. I feel so sorry for her but I don't admire anything about her.
4. Jero is still so stubborn in putting facts together in his own head and not seeing Renata's information

I am relieved that -
1. Arely came back but only to poke holes in Augie's giant ego. Get the hell out while you can.
2. Renata being so strong and unselfish in solving the embezzlement scheme and in jumping to help her sister. I think she may have doubts about Roberta's whole story.
3. Matilde is gaining ground as a former spoiled brat in her new found humor and even maybe a future support to Renata.
4. Gonzo and Regina continuing to meet inspite of negative influences from both families.
5. Adriana staying clear headed and loving with her dad, Constanza and Matias who should get on his knees in thanks for her very exitence.

Cheryl: I agree with everyone of you points, but this one is definitely my favorite: "5. Adriana staying clear headed and loving with her dad, Constanza and Matias who should get on his knees in thanks for her very exitence." She is a great character. The voice of reason without being preachy or prissy.


Thanks, Jules for the recap. All of you recappers are really kept on your toes - no boring bits in this one! Your efforts and explanations - and especially the snark - are much appreciated...

Vivi, thanks for the reminder about 6:30 tonight. I had read that and already forgotten. Hate to miss any of this one.

Cheryl, Juan Querendon was our first TN and we were hooked from the very first. We had an old tv with no closed caps so we were SO relieved to find this blog and all of you wonderful people.

Ahhh...Juan Querendon, such a fun telenovela. We got a doozy of a vocab list out of that one, didn't we? All those great dichos and crazy words and Juan doing tricep dips in just his little shorts and cowboy boots and...where was I? Thanks for the reminder Cheryl.

I was a little concerned that Sparely (love the nickname!) showed up to taunt Augustin. Obviously she's still obsessed with him.

I adored Juan Querendón. He never failed to crack me up with his calisthenics wearing shorts, tank top, and cowboy boots. I loved the recaps and recappers, what a fantastic team. The show would even give wry nods to other TNs. Juan would frequently order Tequila Pasión Ardiente, Rodrigo's (Destilando Amor) mythical organic Tequila.


Juan Querendon had some of the best characters ever. Remember the flamboyant Nidia, her daughter Yadira, Alirio, Pastor Gaitan, and sweet Marely who is now Adriana #2 in CME? Fun times.

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