Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alborada, 8/11/2011. Cap. 52.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #19, Thursday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 52 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures. I'll post my caption ideas, but I'm open to other suggestions.


Thanks Paula and Carlos! Great shots, your captions tell the story. I love both of these actors' characterizations. Antonio is not above a little sarcastic humor, as when he was leaving Perla's establishment and he literally shoved those two miscreants off to the side. Glad to know the adhesive is holding that rug on his head. One gets the impression he got a good (and probably much-needed) workout with our Perla.

Thanks Paula and Carlos. Yes, the captions are perfect. What a gripping episode, so much revealed finally I am relieved that la poderosa might meet iwth some justice with her old friend Isabel who is appropriately horrified at the revelation about the condemnation and monstrous crimes of the santa officio and Juana is an old monster and always has been.

That wig Antonio wears drives me crazy. It reminds me of the hair style that Jaqueline Andere wore part of the time in La Otra. People on Telenovela World called her "Darth Bozo" because the hair looked like Bozo the Clown. Somebody even superimpozed her face on a picture of Bozo the Clown. It was really amusing. You could do the same with poor Arturo Peniche who has to endure this thing.

Sara was so afraid to be seen in public, that she wore the heavy veil and hid inside the cloak. And then she was escorted by her two "gate guards." I'm sure everyone in town knows they work for La Poderosa. Of course they don't know laP. is Sara, but if I saw the guards, I'd sure cross the street for a chance to get a glimpse of the mysterious woman. Inconspicuous? Hardly.

Did you notice that the entire audience in the town square was female? I could understand if no men were there. But not even any boys! Did all the mommies leave their sons home and only take their daughters?

Paula & Carlos, thanks once again!

Paula, I noticed the lack of males yesterday. All the ladies were going to Mass and not a male in sight. I wondered about then and then also again today. I wonder what means, if anything.

I do believe that Antonio is enjoying the wig the way he is always fondling the darn thing.


HA ! Great photos with appropriate captions. This is a fun ride. Speaking of a fun ride, I thought of our noble horsemen of Alborada tonight. Hub and I were leaving a music festival in a nearby town at 11.00 pm when everything was over. As we got to Main Street, we were suddenly behind 5 mounted police officers. [Yes, we were staring right at 5 horses' A**** and none of them were Francisco, Diego, or Antonio.] The mounyed officers started slowly moving in tandem up the street telling the rowdy horde of teens to move to the sidewalks and go home. A few nights ago, a teen got stabbed in the same spot, so it was very impressive watching those noble men in blue on their beautiful, powerful steeds moving the crowd. Awesome. In my mind, it was Luis, Felipe, Cristobal, and Marcos in helmets !!!

I had to rely on YouTube for the last bit of today's cap, and I had trouble finding the 4th clip. I finally found it. It's at this link, if anyone else needs it.

Superb screen shots and absolutely perfect captions. Well done!

Well, our Antonio is quite the surprising chap when he's not distracted by pesky drunken fools, a weepy wife, or her any of the other numerous things that give him strife.

The scene between Isabel and Sara was tragic. All these years and Isabel never knew the truth. She knows Juana is a pain, now, as Cheryl says, she finally knows the monster in her house.

Susanlynn, that's a funny story about the 5 horses' a****. I love how you imprint your comments with your special humor.

Cristobal and Catalina are so very sweet.

Paula and Carlos, thank you for the shots, captions and post.

SO. Young-Juana kept Sara from seeing the boys, presumably because Sara would say, "Come here, Diego" and the wrong boy would come. Back then, Sara was a threat to Juana's plot, and now Sara is back in the picture. What's more, Isabel the not-easily-manipulated KNOWS that Sara is back, and that Juana menaced her. So now it's not safe for Juana to make Sara conveniently disappear. Sara was a threat to Juana back then; she has the potential to be a threat now.

Yay, Asunción! Quoting Popeye, "I've had enoughsk and enoughsk is too much!" Glad to see that she finally snapped on the brute.

Coming to the party late, but here goes. Love the pictures, Carlos.

I thought the scene with Cristobal and Catalina was so loving and tender. It was almost enough for me to give up on the very complex and handsome Luis and go for our renaissance man Cris.

Paula H. I'm not sure that Juana changed the boys names. Does anyone out there know for sure?

Remember Juana dismissed all the servants who could possibly recognize either one of the boys. The only thing that would have alerted Sara was that Luis has the scar from the burn on his leg and is now supposed to be Juana's son. Also, in the scene they are still both babes in arms.

The risk came if Sara would have made a comment about Diego and his relationship to Juana infront of any of the new servants. Juana was wise to keep her away. What a woman. Glad Isabel knows her game now.

Glad that Arturo Peniche got some good lovin' and kissin' in on this show. Up to now he's only dealt with men, twirled his hair and kissed Lucero's hand. Who could resist Vanessa Guzman's charms, right Carlos?
Dona Nube

DN, I think Juana HAD TO switch the names. The count's son was baptized as Diego; it's a matter of the public record.

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