Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #82 Thursday 8/11/11 Woman On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown

Before we get started:
¡Feliz Cumpleaños a nuestra Lila the Lioness! Happy Birthday amiga from all your Caray Caray pals. I just poured myself a glass of wine to toast your health. ¡Salud!!

Let’s remind ourselves of last night’s delightful reveal: Gonzo discovers Fina has been lying about her brain tumor! How will she wiggle out of this one? The records associated with Fina are for a patient who died many years ago. Gonzo is speechless impactado. The good doctor doesn’t know if bad Doc Zuinaga fooled both of them or just...Gonzo.

Regina and Coni talk over a cup of coffee. Regina wants Coni and family to be the guests of honor at the upcoming Festival de Galas for the Regina Center. Coni reveals that Empresas Monterrubio (EM) is in big financial trouble. Regina offers to give back the wad of dough that EM donated but Coni says Gonzo and Hon would never accept it. Regina says “Gonzo never told me this last night when we were...” Oops, she admits to Coni that she and Gonzo have started a relationship. Coni gives the biggest smile we’ve seen from her in a long time.

Over at EM Matias and Adri go out to the corner cafe. They offer to get something for Beth the Receptionist proving what nice bosses they are. After they leave, a skulking Daniel tells Beth he’s going to look for something in the New Files (archivos nuevos). Honorio follows, gets the info from Beth and comments that the New Files are on this floor, why the elevator? He follows Daniel with an angry, worried look on his face. Now Beth looks worried too.

While at the cafe Adri sees something across the street. She says check out the crazy -looking lady and Matias wonders don’t they know her? WE know it’s BSC Blanca in black with big-heeled boots. Dopey Daniel walks up to talk to her which makes Matias and Adri take notice. DD and BSCB begin to have heated words. Suddenly Honorio sneaks up behind them and Matias comments he seems to be watching them (vigilando = watching, following, spying on).

Daniel angrily tells Blanca he no longer wants anything to do with her and that she’s absolutely loca. I love the triptych where we get to see DD and BSCB, Mat and Adri all saucer-eyed, and spying Honorio all at the same time. DD says he hasn’t seen one peso from her and the only thing she wants is to ruin EM, Honorio and his family. She admits yes, that’s true. DD yells again that she’s crazy, he’s going to renounce her, and starts to stomp off.

BSCB violently pushes him to the sidewalk. Ouch, he even bounces a couple of times. Honorio runs toward them. Adri shrieks that it’s Blanca and Nata was right, DD’s the snitch. Matias calls EM security. Honorio grabs Blanca, she grabs him by the ears, shakes him really hard and knees him in the nuts. Loca but impressive. Now both DD and Hons are on the ground. Matias and Adri (who wisely kicks off her spike heels) pursue BSCB with security behind them. For some reason Adri decides to cross the street, to head BSCB off? Oh cripes, it’s Adri that takes a header over the speeding car. And WTF, the driver takes off, it’s a hit and run!

Blanca escapes, Matias and Hons freak out, “Help us! Call an ambulance!!” and Adri is face down on the street. Zowie, what a scene! I need a breather, my heart is pounding.

Over at Misery Manor Gonzo has arrived with a smouldering fire in his eyes. Fina wonders what he’s doing there in the middle of the day? “When did you last see your doc?” he coolly asks. “Yesterday” responds Malafina with a shrug of her shoulders. Gonzo demands that she call the doc. Call him right now.

Adri opens her eyes briefly, Hons continues to yell for help and Matias tells her to hang on (resiste = hang on, fight, hold on, resist). Adri quietly whispers “Daddy I love you so much. Matias, give me a kiss, I’m dying.” Oh hell, I’m tearing up. Matias kisses her and her eyes slowly close. The men yell with renewed vigor. Oh please please please telenovela gods, don’t let our sweet Adriana die!

Things are bit more pleasant at La Bonita. Carlos rushes into the kitchen to excitedly tell Mati that his parents and some of his brothers are arriving next week. Manuela wants to start right in on the menu for the big feast. Mati is concerned about imposing on Jero’s hospitality but Carlos says Jero wants them there. Manuela says Renata will probably return and it doesn’t always work out with two patrones and two patronas in the same house. Carlos hugs Mati and announces his mujer will have her own house. Awww, aren’t they just too happy? Sadly, the answer is yes.

Manuela suggests they move into Kari and Doc Demented’s old house because Kari doesn’t want to live there. Ewwww, the rape and kidnap house? Really? Matilde agrees, that house doesn’t have a good vibe. Carlos says the Padre can bless it, they’ll remodel, he convinces her and she relents. "Wherever you take me I'll be by your side." (A tu lado a donde me llevas, anyone else have a better translation?)

Hons begs Adri not to die while Matias gently pats her hair.

Fina makes a show of calling her doc but he doesn’t answer. The office says he’s on vacation. Gonzo says he’ll give her one chance to tell him the truth. What truth does he mean? “That your illness is a farce, blackmail, a vile and disgusting lie. She’s all sweetness and tears, “but I have a brain tumor, boo hoo”. Gonzo tells her to shut up, he went to the doctor and discovered her brain tumor belonged to another patient. He yells at her not to play the innocent, she played him for a fool, how could she lie to him about being on the brink of death?!?!!

Malafina crumples and her lip trembles. “Yes I lied, I lied,” she weeps. She invented it to keep him close to her and away from that woman. She was desperate. She told her doctor and he proposed the plan. It was all his idea. Who besides me is 100% shocked that serpent mom copped to the deed?

Gonzo loses it, he’s never been so angry as evidenced by his perfectly coiffed hair that is flying out of control. In fact his wrath is positively poetic and I quote:
Mentiste, engañaste, simulaste, te burlaste de los otros!!
You lied, you betrayed, you shammed and deceived others!!

Be still my heart, such passion. Bravo Rene Casados!

Fina whines that she wanted to die. “Oh that you should die,” he accuses. He says he understands why Roberta is the way she is. He now understands very well what Fina is like, more so than ever before. More Fina whining and groping, nobody has ever been more in love than she with him. He demands she takes her hands off his body. He wants nothing more to do with her or her lies. He stalks out leaving Fina wide-eyed and stricken. Yowza, another great scene. But her smirk in the going-to-commercial portrait reminds us that although Malafina may be down she is certainly not out.

Out in the fields Ezequiel has told Lazaro about his altercation with Augustin. Laz says Ez did the right thing, it’s one thing for boss to pay you for work, it another for you to commit a crime. Ez says he did things for Augie he didn’t want to do. Laz asks if Ez had anything to do with Carlos’s beating. Ez shuffles around and admits yes, indirectly, and he’s very ashamed about it. Laz tells his friend he knows Ez, he’s not the kind of guy to go against his principles. He suggests maybe he can find him a job at La Bonita but Ez just shakes his head.

Ez changes the subject, how is Kari after all this business with El Doctorcito? Laz doesn’t know, he thinks Kari still feels something for her husband. Ez can’t believe it after what he did to Karina and then to Alfonsina. He can’t stand the thought of Alf in the doctor’s arms and he doesn’t want her in his life anymore. Sad, lovelorn men.

Jero and Nata joyfully enter the hacienda and even Matilde is happy to see them. Carlos gushes “welcome back to La Bonita” but then gets embarrassed, maybe they should change the name. Lots of shuffling and hemming and hawing, then Carlos nudges Mati, she has something to say.

Amazingly Matilde apologizes to Renata. She thought Renata was the Maldita Bonita but now she knows differently. Please forgive her. Renata says she admired Mari’s loyalty and she forgives her. They hug and Carlos shrugs, “women!”.

Carlos asks them to be the padrinos at their wedding. More good news for Renata. Nata asked what happened to Mati’s “Hermoso”? Mati says he’s all Renata’s. Nata says if she’s around when they get married she would be very honoured. Eh? Jero doesn’t understand? (Carlos grabs Mati and they sneak out.) Nata reminds him she has to return to the DF for business. Jero wants to take care of her and not let her out of his life.

The EMTs put Adri into the ambulance. She’s still alive thank goodness, but the EMT advises they have to get her to the hospital ASAP. Hons jumps in the ambulance and Matias says he’ll follow.

Gonzo’s in his study still seething. Fina slips into the room and begs him for another chance, she was desperate. He growls that nothing justifies what she did and there will be nothing else between them. He feels sorry for her (me das lastima) but they are over, OVER! He’s leaving right now and nothing will detain him! Fina actually whimpers.

Nata is with Kari and Kari reminds Nata she was the first to tell her that Alvaro would never change. She married someone she thought she knew, but she never knew him at all. Nata indicates the same thing happened to her. Kari says but Nata knows the real Jero now even though he was a stranger before. Renata and all of viewerville give a little eye roll to that one.

Nata tells Kari she’s confused, she came to tell Jero that her sister is not a murderer and what did she do? Make love with him. Kari says it’s because you love him. Nata says it’s because she was a little crazy,her head wanted one thing and her heart another. Kari admits she (Kari) understands because she should be by her husband’s side, but her heart belongs to Lazaro. Kari advises if Nata really loves Jero then she should fight for that love. (Well then Kari, you should fight for yours!)

Down in the office Jero tells Carlos that he wants to move forward with the San Rafael wine project ASAP blah blah blah. He’s excited and inspired and says he can’t believe how much he regrets the time he wasted not being by Renata’s side. From now on he’s going to enjoy her second by second. Carlos said he didn’t think Nata would forgive Jero after all the terrible things he did. Jero said he can’t believe it either then joyously describes the overwhelming love he feels for her. Carlos asks what Jero intends to do about the Rafa murder trial. Jero’s going to continue to go after the guilty party. From this moment on he no longer doubts Renata and he can be at peace and completely happy.

Nata’s in her room thinking, thinking about making love to Jero, kissing Jero, having fun with Jero. She paces and then recalls his cruel words to her, when he described her as the unscrupulous murderer of his brother. She’s in such a quandary! She loves Jero, but can she forgive him? She tried but she can’t. She pulls out her notebook and starts writing.

Ezequiel visits Augie in jail to report that Nata is at La Bonita and he was told she and Jero have reconciled. Augie’s pissed off and rages he’s in jail for something he didn’t do! He thought bubbles that he’s got to think of something to separate them forever.

Laz tells Jero he’s come to a decision. The proposal that Jero made the other day about his studies? He’s going to accept it, stick around and continue his studies; he promises Jero won’t regret it. I’m thinking that Jero has offered to help out with tuition because he says he knows he won’t regret it and Laz will graduate at the top of his class.

Back at Fina’s Hell Hole Gonzo’s got his bags and he’s taking off. Fina whimpers and whines. Gonzo tells her to cut the drama. Fina says “You’re going to her aren’t you? You’re leaving here to be with Regina.” Gonzo reminds her he wanted to separate long before Regina showed up. (Um, is that entirely true?) He’s calling Soto and moving forward with the divorce.

Malafina rears her ugly head and snarls she’ll never give him a divorce, she’ll remain Mrs. Gonzalo Monterrubio. Gonzo stares her down. He’s going to do it and he can do it for better, or for worse. It’s up to her. See ‘ya. Her evil eyes hurl daggers at his back.

As Gonzo packs his car up he gets a call from Matias and the bad news about Adri’s accident. He rushes to join his son.

Up at the house Fina, channeling Pedro Almodovar’s Pepa (funny, they have the same name) scares the heck out of the maid by piling Gonzo’s clothes on the steps, dousing them in fuel and lighting them on fire.

She hisses she’ll squeeze everything out of him if it’s the last thing she does!

Who remembers Pepa from Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown?

Inside, Roberta and Sele are griping because they weren’t invited to some party that is the party of the year. (Do they mean the Regina Center party?) Sele surmises that maybe it’s because Berta was in jail for murder. “But I’m innocent!” Berta insists. Their incredibly stupid conversation is interrupted by the maid who shrieks that mom is burning all of dad’s clothes.

Berta runs out and Fina tells her dad found out she wasn’t sick so he split. Also, the business is in a financial crisis, what is she going to do, she’s lost? Berta is shocked about the financial crisis part. She corrects mom, THEY are lost because no way will Matias keep them in the house with dad gone. Fina cries that Berta is protected by her pre-nup but there is nothing protecting her. Berta says she’s not protected, if the bankruptcy starts then her marriage contract does nothing for her. Now if they had some sort of trust (fideicomiso) they would be protected. Fina cogitates and says yes, an inheritance accumulated in a trust would free them from the bankruptcy. Berta says they don’t have that but Fina corrects her, maybe they do. She’ll find out.

Over at the Regina Center Ines tells Regina she feels bad for Antonio after he was so excited about the prospect of marrying Regina. Gina says Tony turned out to be an insecure control freak so it wouldn’t have worked out. Inez hopes Gonzo resolves his problems so he and Gina can have and open relationship. Gonzo shows up and everyone is all smiles. The two lovebirds kiss while Inez grins.

Gina can tell something is up. Gonzo came to see Coni. Coni comes in and sees his face, is something wrong with Honorio? He tells them that Adri’s been in an accident and Coni immediately starts crying.

Honorio and Matias are at the hospital. Hons can’t believe what happened, and all in an instant. He tearfully says if not for Blanca none of this would have happened. Matias says they will look for her but first they need to concentrate on Adri getting better. Hons blames himself. If Adri dies he’ll never forgive himself. All this is because of his stupidity. The men comfort each other, so sweet.

Carlos and Jero are in the vineyard when Matilde skips up to announce she and Manuela have prepared something super special for them and the señora. Jero says he will go wake Renata up from her nap. Carlos and Matilde flirt and kiss amidst the vines and anvils.

Jero finds Renata’s room empty with a note on the pink pillows.


My love for you has been great, no one has made me feel what you do. To make love with you, your kisses, to feel your skin on mine has been wonderful. And I love that we had fire, but I can not be with you. There are too many doubts and contradictions. Something broke between us and I realized that I can not glue it back together. I can understand the reasons why you married me but I can not justify them. I don’t know if it’s my pride or my dignity, but the only thing I do know is that the “we” that we talked about and I thought I knew was not honest on your part. The feeling of mistrust killed something inside me. I have to reinvent myself somewhere else and slowly regain my dignity. And it seems you need to do the same.

Goodbye Jeronimo,

Renata, she of the fortuitous airport barging, is at the Tijuana airport and this time barges right into Doctora Marina Sepulveda. They good-naturedly check each other out, oblivious to the fact that their lives will be inextricably intertwined in a love triangle (or square?) where only one of them will rise from the ashes victorious. That is if you call snagging Jero a victory.

Avances: Jero and Marina reacquaint themselves.

archivos nuevos = new files
fideicomiso = trust
me das lastima = I feel sorry for you
resiste = hang on, fight, hold on, resist
vigilando = watching, following, spying on
A tu lado a donde me llevas = Wherever you take me I'll be by your side.


Brilliant recap Cap'n! Wonderful read, I so enjoyed it.

"Gonzo loses it, he’s never been so angry as evidenced by his perfectly coiffed hair that is flying out of control. In fact his wrath is positively poetic."

And that was positively poetic as well! Wonderful line! LOL! I have so been enjoying this somewhat goofy character.

And I really enjoy listening to Rene Casados speak. He has a lovely voice, but the best part is his diction is so beautifully clear. He is so easy to understand - it's a real pleasure to listen to him.


Oh - and we have been spending the past week driving around Washington wine country. Grape vines everywhere! Nice dovetail with this TN.

Today after we left one winery we realized that it was the famous winemaker himself who personally boxed up our bottles and rang up the ticket. No wonder he knew the detailed answer to every question we asked!


Thanks for the excellent write-up Sylvia! And thank you for answering my questions. You were absolutely right about that doctor. Here she comes to town right when Renata is leaving. Shoot.

Here's another thing I am wondering.... Would we feel so passionately about Adriana if we still had Adri #1? Did the writers intend to have her come into her own in such fine fashion even if Poor Adri #1 hadn't blown out her knee? Or did they tweak the role to match Adri #2's caring eyes and manner? I thought Adri #1's role was a tad irritating. Was that the actress or the role?

Can't wait to watch tonight's show tomorrow. At least I can go to bed knowing that Gonzalo confronted Fina... finally!

Thanks again for being such a bright spot in our lives.

Rosemary la Otra

Stellar as usual Cap'n. Nice Pepa tie-in with the title.

I guess we all knew that the lovebirds couldn't last. Too bad. Someone yesterda suggested that maybe they could work together to solve all the mysteries remaining -- I would have liked that. I like them together. I hope we don't have to wait to the next to last episode to see them together again.

Why oh why did the hit and run victim have to be our sweet and sensible Adriana? Of course this should prove to Matias how much he really cares for her.

So Fina -- or as you so aptly put it Malafina -- won't give Gonzalo a divorce?? What happened to the DF laws which Renata was quoting the other day -- how only one partner has to ask for the divorce & it's automatic???

Your recap was so full of snarky asides.
"Awww, aren’t they just too happy? Sadly, the answer is yes. " was one of my faves. Also when Renata runs into Dr. Sepulveda "where only one of them will rise from the ashes victorious. That is if you call snagging Jero a victory. " ( We all know that I do think that snagging ( and snogging) Jero IS just that.

You never disappoint. I always look forward to Thursday night's recap.


Audrey, how delightful that you are up in the Washington wine country. Are you coming through California by any chance, or did you already go through?

I agree that Rene Casados is a joy to the ears. Bless him and his lovely diction. I was shocked when his hair started moving around. He is like a Ken doll with that stiff coif of his.

Rosemary LO, I think I would feel the same way about Adri #1. I liked the actress but I admit I have a slight preference for this one even though she runs kind of funny. OK, OK, she was barefoot so I'll cut her some slack. Regarding your question about the first Adri, whether it was the actress or the role, hmmmm...I just don't know. Maybe one of our more seasoned novela viewers can offer an opinion.

Güera, "snagging (and snogging)" LOL! You're too much. I hope Adri's accident makes Matias realize how special she is.

Ladies, thank you for commenting so quickly and for your wonderful observations and kind words.

No, Sylvia - came up through Idaho and will probably return the same way or via Nevada. We don't have the time to drop down to into CA, or even southern OR unfortunately.

We're headed for western WA - the Olympic Peninsula area, and maybe even a quick visit to friends in Victoria BC before heading back in September.


I'll be the first to comment on BSC Blanca's running, OMG her and her chichonas (ginormous boobs)were making a run for it and they got away. Her running was funnier than Adri.

@ Sylvia I've only seen Adri # 1 in one other TN and found her irritating. I like Adri # 2 and have also only seen her in one other TN (as a blonde, I like her better as a brunnette) she shows more range than # 1.

When Fina was burning Gonzo's clothes I instantly had an image of Angela Bassett in Waiting to Exhale, except AB put everything in the car and torched it.

I was surprised that Adri wasn't picked up and carried, most TN's usually disregard the danger of moving a victim that may have a head injury.

Go Gonzo for nutting up to Fina and putting her on the spot about the Doc and her tumor.

Audrey, well if you ever get out this way be sure to let me know.

rubycantu, thank you for mentioning Blanca's assets. I actually made a wisecrack about her bobbling bazongas but I deleted it from the recap lest it be viewed as distasteful. Not that that ever stopped me before, heh heh.

Sylvia, This recap is so clever and so full of irony. As always your renderings are such a pleasure to read.

I am writing this while watching an interview with Michael Boyd of the Royal Shakespear Threater and applying something he just said about Shakespear's genius. He points out taht he presents opposing views or feelings that are so human but he doesn't think for us by directing us toward one choice over another. The writers of our little telenovela have done some good work of leaving things undecided in a similar way. I'm not suggesting this has any where near the depth of a Shakespear play but this is the kind of writing that draws us to think.

Hurray for Gonzo and Regina, and hurray for Jero and Renata who had at least a few hours of showing each other their best feelings, hurray for Kari for seeing a little light. I am glad that Inez and Constanza are supportive of the Gonzo and Regina link.
Gonzo telling Fina to get her hands off his body was a real highlight for me.

Audrey, I am glad you have finally made it to wine country so you can better empathize with our Baja crew.

I think Shakespeare looks better than Shakespear. I'm not sure why I keep misspelling it, maybe I need to sleep. HA!

Thanks Cap'n! Gonna save it for after I get off work! The satisfaction of Gonzo's confrontation with hell-bound Fina was tempered by Adri's hit and run. Sadly I was right. I watched the preview clip over and overyesterday and saw the fringe of her blouse on the figure that was hit. Damn! Now I fear she'll probably spend several episodes with a lasting disability as well. Everyone will be thrown off their game in the investigation for a while, but Daniel has been outed and Blanca's precipitating the bizarre barefoot chase and subsequent hit will keep the MRs on her wicked trail. A possible good outcome, this may bring Hon and Con back together: maybe Con will finally talk to Hon and see that everything, even the so-called night of passion is all a ruse. Cursed be thy name Blanca!

Love Gonzo's getting onto Fina already. Man! This is the way to do a novela. This is how the two Brazilian novelas I've seen do it: layering multiple, intertwined, complex story lines and interlacing revelation, confrontation and mystery so there's always something to pull you back. It makes the characters more intelligent and believeable.

I await my Caray friends' always excellent analysis of our various side stories. I would just like to say: Fina, honey, you need to take a "burn yo man's shit" lesson from Angela Basset in "Waiting to Exale". Here ya go, girl:


Yowsers! What an episode! You're fabulous recap captured everything so well. I'm especially appreciative of the letter translation - was interrupted right at that point and caught only the start of it. Gracias.

Not surprised Nata left, bummed, but not surprised. I think it would have been more unbelievable that she stay and move on like nothing happened. She has a lot to digest, and not all Jero. I like her statement on reinventing herself and, hint, hint, maybe Jero should do the same.

My wish is that she reinvent herself to no longer take any crap from Fina and Berta, and tell Augie to keep his distance. She needs to give him the same spiel she gave Jero. (please please please). But Jero's own Spare Girl has now arrived - ah what a tangle web is being woven. See if she becomes the town Doctor like was predicted.

As for the accident - poor little Adri. Actors in this TN get a workout - no joke on the running, everyone was in full trot. Even if it was edited in sections, they weren't messing around. Watching Blanca run with that honking purse - too funny. As soon as Mat/Adri saw what was coming down with BSC and DD, I knew Adri was the one getting hit, but I still was moved by the crash scene. (And again, thank you for realistic medical - agree it was nice to not see someone stupidly pick her up and just throw her in a car.)

And of course, Blanca escapes to wreck havoc another day.

Wish Mariano on Teresa would have taken a lesson from Gonzo on how to let someone have it. That was wonderful last night! hair flying, his wonderfully tanned face turning red and venom spewing from every word. Woohoo! Still think he should have kicked HER to the curb - but now he will totally be on to her. Wait till he and Matias get a load of the prenup.

Audrey, so jealous about your wine trip. My August "vacations" are getting my sons back to their colleges over a few weekends.But at least we finally have some cooler, clearer air days here on the Ohio Northcoast, so that's been nice. Enjoy your trip and savor a glass for me please!

Wonderful Recap Cap'n!

I always miss what Augie says(totally distracted by his accent and his teeth) Lol.
I was cheering Gonzo on, Malafina had it coming. I was a little worried for Gonzo, he was soo worked up (Purple face and all).

Cap'n- I too was shocked Fina confessed, I expected her to blame the Doc for lying to her too.

Was Fina thinking of Nata's trust fund when she and berta were talking?

Dr. Sepulveda & Nata- Are the writers trying to clue us in on the outcome of this relationship? (The emphasis on them smilling at each other so sweetly). Will Dr. Sepulveda willingly give up AH when its time for him and Nata to get back together?

I am really enjoying this TN. This has been a week of action.

Will be back later


Sylvia- What a wonderful recap to wake up to. I actually had a dream about CME last night. I was so worried about Adri's condition. LOL! She has to pull through. What a mess Nata is going back to. She won't have any time to think about Jero between her BFF being injured the family business going down the tubes, and her parents divorcing.

I totally got why she gave in to her feelings for Jero, AND why she had to leave. Her letter was lovely and clear. Thanks for translating it for us. They both need to take a step back and heal themselves. Only then can they have a real relationship with each other. However, it looks like the lovely Dr. Marina (of the pushed up ta-tas) will be Jero's consolation while Nata reinvents herself and heals. It is a good omen/sign that upon bumping into each other, these two ladies seem to show a natural kindness/connection towards the other.

Yes, Mati and Carlos are so cute and happy. We just know that his parents and siblings coming will cause trouble.

I cheered Gozon on as he told off Fina. I especially loved it when he told her to take her hands off HIS BODY!

Terrific title with pictures to boot. Thanks for the movie tie-in. Of course I was dying when I saw Fina burn those beautiful shirts, suits and ties. Wish she would have donated them to the Mexico version of Goodwill instead. What a waste! (I know, I'm having another housewife moment. Indulge me.)

Agree that the scene of Gonzo confronting Fina was awesome. I've only seen him play priests and downtrodden husbands so the fire and brimstone bit was really exciting. No wonder Regina is smitten...still lots of steam in that engine!

Like Güera, loved your "that is if you can call snagging Jeronimo a victory". He is definitely a very ambivalent galan. Glad the writers are being realistic and showing that even a forgiving and in-love person is not going to get over such a deep betrayal in one sexy romantic day. Just doesn't work that way.

And Ruby Cantu...thanks for a new vocabulary word "chichonas".

Dreadful to see Adriana hit by a car. But loved that she kicked off her heels before loping after Blanca. That was such a "real life" touch. And the bottoms of her feet were nicely dirty when they loaded her into the ambulance so the continuity was good on that scene.

On the change in actresses...I like the first one as well. But her voice is a bit shrill and that may be what gives an irritating edge to her performance. This Adriana was a sweet lovable blonde in Juan Querendon and she always seems very endearing and grounded in the way she plays her roles.

Star- I also thougth that Fina was talking about Nata's inheritance from Roberto. That had originally been her long-term Plan A for money, until she hit the jackpot with marrying Gonzo. But now it will probably move back to the forefront. It will be interesting how she plans this out. We have long suspected that she will try to pass off Roberta as Regina Jr. (Renata). The 'R' necklace, and the heart condition that she made sure everyone knew Berta has (and not Nata). She still has to pay off her old lover who knows the truth. I think she might convince him to help convince Gina that Roberta is her missing daughter, in exchange for giving him a cut of the inheritance. This guy isn't above lying to anyone if the payout is good.

Oh, and I thought your translation of "a tu lado, a donde me llevas" was fine. It reminded me of that quote from the book of Ruth, "whither thou goest, I will go". Very sweet.

Thanks too for the detailed translation of the note Renata wrote. Excellent.

Awwwww, Cap'n, Thank You! I'm sorry, I hadn't even read the first line of the cap (which I still have to save for after work) but I thank you and all my Caray friends for your well wishes and toast to my health. It was a grand birthday and fun sharing it with you all! Today's gonna be great, too, looking forward to your always sparkling and bubbly recaps! One day I want to be just like you and all the recappers who bring so much joy and welcome respite from the daily grind!!

See ya later,

(hee hee word verification "vomet" what Blaaaanca makes us want to do)


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go on sale Monday.


Cap'n Sylvia, thank you for such a funny and insightful recap! You are right: That pyro scene was very reminiscent of Women On the Verge (one of my all-time favorite movies, btw.)

What a refreshing telenovela. I like how the heroines are much more clear-headed and logical than usual. Regina realizing and correctly identifying Tony as an insecure control freak and not feeling guilty about dumping him was great. And I like how Renata fully acknowledges that she does indeed love Jero, but also realizes that, at least in its present state, their relationship is not a healthy one. Now I just hope, as Daisynjay says, that Renata stands up more to her "mother," especially if Fina tries to exert more influence over Renata again in an attempt to cash in on her trust fund.

Poor, underachieving Matias. What? A young, athletic man, accomplished equestrian and fencer, and he can't catch up to top-heavy, front-loaded middle-aged woman in ridiculously high heels? So disappointing!

Cheryl and Vivi, yes! One of my favorite scenes was the quiet dignity and intesity with which Gonzo told Fina "Remove your hands from my body." Much more chilling and effective than the typical "Don't touch me." Impressive display of fiercely controlled emotion by René Casados.

Lila, ITA about the Brazilian TNs. They usually have very complex characters who grow and change throughout the run of the series, sometimes even changing their "true loves" along the way. It does make them very believeable and very unpredictable. (Happy Birthday, btw! Glad you had fun! Blaaanca makes want to "vomet" - *lmao*!)

Juan Miguel

Excellent, Sylvia.

"Awww, aren’t they just too happy? Sadly, the answer is yes."

"Carlos and Matilde flirt and kiss amidst the vines and anvils."

Yes, that distant rumble is the sound of anvils gathering.

This show is such fun. I don't like Jerry, but I can't help but feel a little sympathy for him. He's crazy and unstable, but he loves Renata. I think if he would take his Paxil regularly, the two could live happily ever after.


Cheryl, we have often compared our humble novelas to Shakespeare. There are similarities. It's all about the human condition.

Lila, yes indeedy, Fina's little flame was positively campfire-girlish compared Angela Basset's inferno. What a great link, thank you for that.

Daisy, we still don't know WHY Blanca did what she did. I guess we are just to believe she took a fancy to Hons? Is this her usual MO or is something else going on? But yes, she's still out there ready to cause trouble.

Star, I don't know what Fina was thinking but we can bet it's not good whatever it is. I agree with Vivi that Fina will try to pass Berta off as little Regina.

Vivi, both Nata and the Doc Marina are basically good people. It will be interested to see how they handle what's coming down the pike.

Gonzo telling Fina "hand's off" was practically my favorite line. I had to rewind to make sure I heard right, it's usually a chick's line.

Judy, "still lots of steam in that engine!" - well said. LOL, I checked the bottoms of Adri's feet too. I guess we are sticklers for detail.

Juan Miguel, I think Fina might try to enlist Antonio in her plot to pass Berta off as Regina's daughter. He is Mr. Bitter right now. Will he turn to the dark side?

Carlos, sign me up for a tee shirt, I'll pass on the headband.

Amigos, I will be AWOL for the rest of the weekend. I'm taking a group of children sailing today and then will be out of wi-fi range until Sunday. I'll catch up with y'all at the end of the weekend.

It bothers me a bit that things are lining up for Jero to make a smooth transition to la doctora. That wouldn't play true to me. But as many of you have noted the writers of this show have kept it real and created believable and complicated characters. So I will trust them not to send the hopelessly in love hero too quickly into the bed of another.

I also loved the realistic touches -- Adri shedding her shoes before taking off running -- Blanca running in such an uncoordinated way, purse & boobs a-bouncing. I hope they don't leave Adriana in some coma for ages. Even bruised & in a hospital bed she could lend some down to earth wisdom.

I don't know what's ahead for Renata & Fina -- but it looks as if Fina is going to let the truth of the kidnapping come out so that she can pass Roberta off as Regina's daughter. How she does that without being arrested for kidnapping is beyond me. Maybe a Regina Sr & Jr reconciliation in return for a promise not to prosecute???? But -- what of the old lover who claims to have the goods on her? Death or a slice of the action???

lol I see what you mean by Adri's funny run. I think the problem is that she did not have on a good support bra and she didn't want to be bouncing all over. Think Blanca and Alfosina.

Aaarrggh.... this is so hard. I am having a busy work day and can only watch this episode 5 minutes at a time. Does this mean I am now officially hooked? Am I in the club?

Rosemary la Otra

@Juan Miguel: "Poor, underachieving Matias. What? A young, athletic man, accomplished equestrian and fencer, and he can't catch up to top-heavy, front-loaded middle-aged woman in ridiculously high heels? So disappointing!"

LOL! So true! I couldn't believe it either - that she felled Daniel, got away from Hon, and then no one else could catch her, not even the security guards?

BTW, Juan Miguel, I've really been enjoying your comments on CME. So glad you de-lurked and joined the regular commenters.


Oh yes, R la O, I think you are officially addicted. Welcome to the club.


Yikes, Cap'n! Taking a bunch of kids out sailing? I would tie them all to the mast before setting out. Have fun!


Here I am slicing yellow peppers for a luncheon salad & I had a hopeful thought. Maybe my boy Jeronimo will not succumb to the lovely doctora's charms at all. But he will cultivate her friendship in order to get info on Roberta -- and just cause there is some kind of vibe between them. She will help him with the investigation -- and with finding some inner peace -- all very innocent and friendly. BUT she is the weapon that Auggie will use to keep Renata away. He will engage in all sorts of underhanded TN tricks to send incriminating images into Renata's head -- until at last she unearths his dastardly underhandedness and tosses him over. That way I get my Jero still pure and the writers get dozens of episodes of new misunderstanding between Nata & Jero.


Yes... and pigs might fly.


Thanks for the kind words, Audrey!

Blanca sure showed she knows how to handle herself in a fight. So what happens when Fina finds out that Blanca has stolen all the money Fina was hoping that Berta would marry into?

I suggest a cage fight between Fina and Blanca; that should be bloody fun! OTOH, the two of them might just team up and I don't think the rest of the cast would stand a chance!

Juan Miguel

Sylvia what a outstanding recap for a explosive episode.

Wow i didn't know Gonzo had it in him he had me standing up rooting for you go boy tell and take your nasty claws off of my body to boot.What a sight to behold that was a outstanding scene.

Most definitely when i saw her burning the rest of Gonzo's clothes i was reminded of Waiting to Exhale".

I'm glad Renata left Jerko and she does need to reinvent herself. Surely these writers won't disappoint us and i do hope they will bring a new man that's Auggie into Renata's life.

Adriana getting hit by the car!!!!! No not our little precious Adriana she just has to survive. But boy isn't BSC Blanca a one woman wrecking crew!!!! First she throws Dumb Daniel down against the sidewalk and his head hits the cement he's out cold.

She grabs Hon who's as big as football player by the ears and knees him down south.

The most hilarious scene was her running away from Adriana great and realistic scene taking off her high heels and Matias.

So i'm watching this scene and i'm saying out loud to myself. How in the world is this old middle age fullback outrunning young and in tip top shape Matias and in high heels to boot. Plus with a her overflowing bazookas unbelievable???????????

Now what might happen as a result of yesterday's episode.

I can see this reuniting Hon and Consta over Adriana as she tries to recover from her injuries. Hon most definitely will not stop until he hunts BSC Blanca down because he feels she is the cause of his daughter's accident.

This accident will also have Renata preoccupied helping her friend recover.

Marta i think it was you who bought up a pairing of BSC Blanca working for Fina last week i couldn't see that developing because it had to do with messing with Fina's money. Now i can definitely see this happening as Fina tries to get her hands on the money BSC Blanca stole from the MR business and at the same time it hurts Gonzo. We all know how she likes revenge.

Gonzo discovering this big lie about Fina's illness will make him reexamine what Jerko told them about Fina telling him Renata was La Bonita.

I get the feeling that Gonzo and Regina are going to have a interesting discussion. He will also learn about the miscarriage before marriage.

I'm not sure how Fina is going to try to pass off Roberta as Regina's long lost daughter. Gonzo is going to tell Regina how she treated both of her so-called daughters differently and always sided with Roberta. Let's not forget Jerko's input on this too. Finally a DNA test has to be done. Because we know if Fina does try that she is going to coached Roberta into asking Regina to forgive the only mother she has ever known Fina.

Matias and Roberta throwdown it should be on the same level Gonzo and Fina's once he discovers the changed prenup.Eventually it will come out about her antics with Diego were really true and Stalking Selene will give up the final evidence if Roberta takes up with Auggie about Rafael being her baby's father.

I knew that my scenario would get a rise out of you, Carlos.

Blusamurai, I like your predictions. Never thought of Fina trying to get her hands back on the MR money by taking on Blanca. Good one!


I should live in a telenovela. Telenovela women can RUN. Remember in En Nombre del Amor, when Paloma was outrunning the handsome, fit young galan even though she was wearing a heavy long wedding dress and fancy shoes?

Adriana has GOT to be okay. She has so much story left in her. I actually really liked the first actress, and was disappointed when she had to be replaced, but this one has grown on me, too. I'm really hoping that she'll be fine and the accident was just to let Blanca get away. Can't take all the villains down too quickly, after all, or we won't have a plot left.

Sylvia, thanks for the recap. I agree, you have a poetic way of saying things, as much as Gonzo does, for sure.

I am dying to see Malafina get thrown out of "her" house.

I had rethought about the accident scene before it even happened and came to the conclusion that you all were right, it makes MUCH More sense for Adri to be the one run over, since that would be the vehicle to get Matt/Adri and Hono/Connie back together

Juan Miguel, Blu, ROFLOL on Matias in top ship shape not being able to catch up with a top heavy middle aged woman... but it was funny to watch Blanca's 'girls' all over the place, even more awkward than Adri's running...

Carlos... Give Jero some Paxil or valium. he needs to slow down and consider Nata's side of things for sure. the reconciliation can't be that easy for him...
besides, Vivi, you are right, the end of Nata's note said that she needed to find herself... adn she needed to do that away from him.

TOTally agree on everyone's liking Gonzo telling Fina 'don't touch me'... great scene all the way.

Hopefully like you all said, this will be a friendly hand-off between Marina and Nata later on. Jero has made HUGE mistakes but they all deserve to live happily ever after eventually, even Marina as the town doctor, I like that idea.

Guera, I am hoping your Jero scenario IS the right one. Not that I'm liking him so much. I just want Renata to finally get what Renata wants, and if she wants Jero, then I'll root for her.

BUT, maybe we should listen to Carlos' "When Pigs Fly" comment. He is, after all, the original Mati lover, who stood alone for many months, and now I hear that "I heart Matilde" tees are all the rage. I am waiting for one that says I heart Chema's kisses before ordering.

Blusamurai, THANK YOU for reminding me it was in Waiting to Exhale that those clothes got burned. I pondered that all last night. (Did you know there is a sequel to that book: Getting to Happy?)

I think Adri will be just fine. It gives Matias a chance to fall madly in love with her and, like Blus said, it will keep Renata preoccupied while Jero does who knows what.

Julia, aren't we all still mad at Fina for saying "my house" to Matias? It will be such a rush to see her get booted, and hopefully land in the exact jail cell recently occupado by Roberta.

Rosemary la Otra

Sylvia: First let me say I loved the title. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown is one of my all time favorite films.

I seriously thought it was the doctor who ran Adri down!!! I rewound twice. Then later realized that would be totally out of character. She would have stopped to help Adri. Not only because she’s one of the few ethical doctors in this TN, but also because it wasn’t the driver’s fault. Adri ran in front of her. I was impressed with Hon and Matias. They didn’t move her.

Laugh out loud moment (and I’m at work, thank you very much): “Gonzo loses it, he’s never been so angry as evidenced by his perfectly coiffed hair that is flying out of control.”

“Who remembers Pepa from Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown? “ Yay, Pepa.

I really liked Coni’s reaction to the news about Adri. Showed how much she really cares about her.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the note translation. Actually, it was quite mature of her to leave. It would have been so easy for her to push what he did to the back of her mind and stay with him, but it would have eventually destroyed their relationship. This way Nata can gain her self-respect back and Jero can do some serious soul searching so that they’ll be able to reconcile for good.

“Renata, she of the fortuitous airport barging, is at the Tijuana airport and this time barges right into Doctora Marina Sepulveda. They good-naturedly check each other out, oblivious to the fact that their lives will be inextricably intertwined in a love triangle (or square?) where only one of them will rise from the ashes victorious. That is if you call snagging Jero a victory. “ Another laugh out loud moment.

I also think Blanca was a hoot running in those high heels and wild hair with her big bazooms bouncing up and down.

Daisynjay: A deciding factor for Dra Sepulveda to stay and be the town doctor is Jero is there.

Carlos: I’m in for the T-shirt. Finally, I can like our Matilde (I just can’t get into bratty characters).

Juan Miguel: I agree with Audrey.

Thought: Will Nata end up pregnant?

OT: Cheryl. My sister, who is living in our home state of Indiana right now, and her fiancé were planning on moving to Florida (she’s always hated the cold weather and he’s tired of it). They’re now thinking Arizona (where she once lived for five years). I’m trying to talk them into New Mexico. You’ve made it sound so great—which I’m sure it is.


Happy Birthday, Lila!

Glancing back over the comments I see you were actually the one to first mention Waiting to Exhale. Good one! And the accompanying video!

So many Leos in this little group. What does that say about us? Of the 3 other couples that my husband and I go out with, 5 out of 8 of us are Leos. Do we gravitate towards one another?

Rosemary la Otra

Each episode is a roller coaster ride and with Sylvia at the switch, the ups and downs really take your breath away.

Gonzo on Fina and Fina on Gonzo--The Admission: According to what I remember and in the recap, I don't think Fina learned from Gonzo that the brain-dead doctor had taken a powder. She couldn't get through by phone. Gonzo proceeds to tell her that it was all a lie the x-rays belonged to a woman who died a long time ago. I think she thinks Gonzo had learned it directly from Dr. Z.

I think that's why Fina was able to make up the story that it was all the doctor's idea. She's pretty sure she can get away with it. Unfortunately for her, it doesn't keep Gonzo at her side any longer than possible--regardless of her reasons for the deceit.

Gonzo on Regina and Regina on Gonzo--Discretion is the word. Gonzo knew when to keep his mouth shut about his relationship taking off and Regina knew who to slip a few words to.

Adri on the Car and the Car going around Adri--Kudos to the director. Adri made it look very real. And yeah, it took the driver a DF Minuto to realize what happened and beat it. With no police around, she could do it.

I wonder if anyone got her license plate and a description. I sure wouldn't have, it all happened too fast. Also kudos for not treating her like a piece of meat the way Augie did Renata.

Jero on Renata and Renata on Jero--You all nailed it. The letter was so well thought out and quite emotional. It made me tear up when he read it. Hope Jero doesn't give up, but gives her the space she asked for. That'll ratchet him up on the forgiveness meter.

Carlos--loved your comment on the Paxil. In my day wouldn't it have been Valium (never tried it myself). Don't you think Augie needs a prescription, too? Maybe that's where the good Dr. Marina comes in....

Someone mentioned Jero and his millions coming to save the EM. Maybe it will be Regina that urges him to step in. That should bring him back to Mexico City and cross paths with Nata again. I think she'll succumb again to his charms and then tell him--it's not time yet, buster--we still have 20 episodes to go.

Fina the firebug--great scene.

BSCBlanca--Those girls sure ran fast. I caught a glimpse of Blanca on the rerun of Mi Pecado. Who wouldda thunk she could carry off this role!

Dopey Daniel--Nobody bothered with him. Wonder where he got to after the accident.

So much to say, so little time.

Rosemary la O,

"I am waiting for one that says I heart Chema's kisses before ordering."

Heh! Good one.


Before Valium it was Miltown. I was in med school when Valium came into vogue. I had a Neurology professor who said, "The world would be a better place if everyone took Valium."

I'm afraid that our Augie needs stronger stuff... and probably a straight jacket.


Rosemary la O, Our membership of addicts is automatically self-selected iwth a no-fault clause that clearly places the blame for ingnoring any job, child or mate clearly at your won feet. You are already a valuable member of the study group as Dr. Carlos so euphemistically and kindly calls us.

Juan Miguel, I agree with Audrey that we are already benefiting from your incredible knowledge of Spanish, telenovelas, and other productions. I too am greateful that you de-lurked. IAnd I forgot to thank you on my recap on your catch of Fina ordering Gonzo to bribe someone to get her pet child out of the slammer. Her voice was so irritating, I jsut stopped hearing the details even though I watched the episode twice. I agree with the other commentors that someone with the honeyed tones of a Gonzo are so much easier to comprehend a 100%.

Carlos, I am taking the safe route and ordering a "I heart Gitana" shirt. She isn't going to tick anyone off.

By the way congratulations on the winning the correct prediction of a make over of the week award. Matilde did almost exactly as you predicted and like you Renata immediately gave her bad behavior the mantle of Divine loyalty. That should make up for the medical profession being such a slimey bunch this week.

"I'm afraid that our Augie needs stronger stuff... and probably a straight jacket."

Oh, I can see it now - he and Dr. Demented in their little white jackets playing checkers in the play room ( complete with bars) and sipping their juice. Nice...

I can't shake this feeling that for Jero to hook up with the good doctor, something has to happen that nakes him believe that Nata is out of his life and doesn't want him any longer. So what will that be...I'km almost too fearful to think because it starts with an A and ends in an E.

Did we ever get an idea of exactly how old Carlos' brothers are? Are there new young studs coming on board with the parental units?

Sorry, Carlos...I'm holoding out to for one of Rosemary's Chema tees (close up on those eyes).

Muchas gracias for handling an action packed episode with style, Sylvia!

Poor, sweet Adriana. I love that she kicked off those heels so she could chase Blanca down. Just more proof of how smart she is! Adri's a tough cookie, I'm sure she will pull through. Regardless, her goodbye scene with Hon and Matias was heartbreaking. Constanza's reaction to the news about the accident was touching too. You can tell how much Coni has come to care for Adri.

The writers just keep throwing curve balls at us! Who knew Fina had it in her to tell the truth once she was caught in the act? Gonzo was brilliant in all his scenes last night. He has finally seen Fina's true colors and they are awfully ugly.


The only good thing about Adriana being in a coma or at least seriously injured in the hsopital is that Matias will surely remain close by her side and forget all about Roberta for a few days. That will begin the unraveling their farce of a marriage. The altered preo-nup will be the next fireworks between them.

I guess I am going to have to track down a copy of Women on the Verge.... Sounds like it was a doozie! I also enjoyed Diary of a Mad Black Woman, even though there was no clothing pyre.

Rosemary la Otra

Someone mentioned Jero and his millions coming to save the EM. Maybe it will be Regina that urges him to step in. That should bring him back to Mexico City and cross paths with Nata again. I think she'll succumb again to his charms and then tell him--it's not time yet, buster--we still have 20 episodes to go.

and daisyjay
Oh, I can see it now - he and Dr. Demented in their little white jackets playing checkers in the play room ( complete with bars) and sipping their juice. Nice...

You guys helped me go home with a smile and giggle on my face after a long hard work week.. thank you!

and Juan Miguel, I echo all who say thank you for joining us, its great to count on your knowledge and sense of humor...

and one last thing... another good thing about having Nata away from Jero is that it leaves Jero and Carlos free to help the investigation of the murderer and Jero free to anonymously help out with the MR business hard times... I bet he will do it as annonymous... (sorry, can't help but remember aldo in LFMB here)

I want Jero to help out in unraveling Fina's web of deceipt and lies... esp about Gina and nata... but maybe if he gets too close to Gina during their teaming up in the investigation we will have the typical 'she is your lover!' 'no, she is not my lover, she is your mother! SLAP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD'

and yes, fina was sure thinking about Roberto's money when Roberta mentioned the 'fideicomiso'

Sylvia, I haven't mentioned how much I love Pedro Almodovar's entire bydy of movie work. I have seen virtually all of them several times. "Mujeres alb borde de un attaque de nervios" is available on Netflix and well worth watching. Juan MIguel mentioned he really likes this movie too so Rosemary de O, I hope you get a copy of it soon to enjoy.Let us know.

Ahoy Cap'n Sylvia! Finally got the cap read. Bravissimo!!

"Be still my heart, such passion. Bravo Rene Casados!" Yeah, my man is HOT! Dang, Rene is younger than I? What? That's deep when you're older than the older generation in the novela. Oh well, I'm still a kid under Dona Cata.

"Gina says Tony turned out to be an insecure control
freak so it wouldn’t have worked out" Love the matter-of-fact way Gina said that! No tears! No Regrets.

"Carlos and Matilde flirt and kiss amidst the vines and anvils." HA! HA! Love that, a hilarious poetic truth!!

"their lives will be inextricably intertwined in a love triangle
(or square?) where only one of them will rise from the ashes
victorious. That is if you call snagging Jero a victory. " BINGO! Nuff said.

Finally, I didn't see the movie or novela you said Fina channeled. For me the burning Gonzo's stuff channeled Angela Basset in Waiting to Exhale as I said above. If any of you haven't seen that just look at the YT clip. My girl burned. that. stuff. up. y punto.

Now. To the equally entertaining comments!


Ah, Ruby! You cited Angela Basset before I did, right on!

"I think she might convince him to help convince Gina that Roberta is her missing daughter, in exchange for giving him a cut of the inheritance" Vivi! Aaaaahhhhhhh!!! I hadn't thought of that, now THAT'S a nightmare. I hope it doesn't happen!

Juan Miguel: "Poor, underachieving Matias. What? A young, athletic man, accomplished equestrian and fencer, and he can't catch up to top-heavy, front-loaded middle-aged woman in ridiculously high heels? So disappointing!" LMAO!!!
And thanks for the Happy Birthday wish!

Yes Rosemary La Otra, you're hooked. Don't get help. Get on the blog! And thanks for the Birthday wish!! And that's the roaringest coupling of Leos I ever heard of!

You did it again, Juan Miguel! A hilarious visual of Fina vs. Blanca!

Blu - ITA about the discovery of Fina's fake illness destroying any credibility in passing Roberta off as Regina's daughter.

Robey - yah, Nata pregnant! That might be the only thing to get him back from La Doctora, though she might try to hide it as an act of dignity: not wanting him to think she is doing the ole baby-blackmail thing.

Whew!! Love this show! Love all of you, cappers, commenters and lurkers! Have fun and be safe Cap'n! It's SHOWTIME!!!


Cheryl: My foreign film collection is very small (if you don't count Bollywood), but I was just thinking the other day how I wanted to build it up (after rented I've Loved You So Long for the second time). In my small collection, however, I do have Women on the Verge and Volver.


HEY! Remember when some of y'all observed that Blanca looked like a man in drag!? You could be on to something the way she took out Hon,
and Matias and then STILL outran our athletic-fencing-equestrian!!


Include me in thinking that the tree of love make out session will have Renata turning up pregnant.

I also believe ultra rich Jerko will help bail out the MR business.

Oh, Lila, what fun to think that Blanca might suddenly take off that bra and show us a hairy chest. She does seem to have a 5 o'clock shadow in some shots so it's possible in my head.

Roberta still seems to be gaining steam on her ugliness again. I'm done with her. I don't care how she gets pushed under the bus, but I hope Fina does it a coule of more times. She sure did not deserve the ultra sweet Rafael.

It also crossed my mind that the unplanned tree passion might lead to a new Bonita/o on the hacienda.

Well Cheryl, I don't believe in spoiling bv mentioning things that happened in tonight's episode, I'm just saying, compared to what I've just seen, dressing in drag is pretty mild. I can not wait for tomorrow's discussion!


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