Friday, August 12, 2011

Alborada, 8/12/2011. Cap. 53.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #20, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 53 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures. I gather Perla will not be considered for that now-vacant nanny position?

CherylNewMex's caption: "What did Rafael say when he met his first ramera?"


Sorry so late.

Had to go to town this AM. Thought I'd be there 2 hrs. Instead, 6 hrs. All good, but just now home. Sorry!

I'll add the links as soon as I can. Bear with me (frog with you!).

Anybody out there?

Okay, I'll play. "What did Rafael say when he met his first ramera?"

Thanks Paula, Carlos, and Cheryl. I got a real kick out of the way Perla is holding Rafael. You can tell that she hasn't had a lot of experience with little kids. Well, here we go again..Hip has her memory back , so Luis is in the doghouse again. Thankfully, Catalina is in his corner. Adalgisa has never trusted Luis , and Asuncion wants Hip to return to her husband. Was Luis in the blue dressing gown before his bath in this episode or yesterday's? That's the screen capture I'd pick. My oh my, a man in a blue dressing gown...very romantic. p.s. We went back to the music festival. We left without our policehorse escort, but we were treated to a police DUI checkpoint on the way home. There were about ten officers lined up on both sides of the carlane and they were shining flashlights into our car. I flashed back to the guards stopping Hip's stagecoach and hoped that I wouldn't get amnesia .

That is a very telling picture. Perla is leaving plenty of space between her and little Rafael. We have a portrait of my mother-in-law holding her first born and there is the same amount of space. Very sad. She would feed her babies and then put them right back in bed until the next feeding so as not to "spoil" them.. It's like both my husband and his brother were raised in an orphanage.

I noticed the same thing, Judyb. Perla must have very strong arms to hold a 3-year-old that way ! Usually you support a child that age on your hip with your arms around his back and bum. Perla's is holding Rafael the way you hold a puppy to look at its face.

Judy and Susanlynn,

You guys are spotting all the reasons that I chose that particular shot (Hunks in blue robes can wait, this is psychological drama). Notice how his little legs and feet dangle limply. She might as well have picked him up by the scruff of the neck.

So far, she's the only woman who hasn't clutched him to her bosom, given the opportunity... Pity.


Brilliant remarks, thanks for this insightful photo. That's what I love about this novela. The characters have so much depth, you feel you really understand where they are coming from. This team of actors is doing a bang-up job. But I have to credit the writers and Monica Miguel for these verismo touches.

I'm s-o-o-o glad the amnesia segment has concluded. It wasn't entirely useless (as in extending a pointless plot). We got to see Hipolita's essential character deprived of its recent history. It did buy time for other events to move ahead, like Cris & Cat's marriage, Marina's discovery of her Mamá, the insurrection in Panama with subsequent marooning of Tony in Cuencas, and the return of Rafael. Plus further proof that Gasca is one bad guy extraordinaire.

Rafael: If I'm a boy, are you my girl-toy?

Hipo lost her memory at almost the moment that she lost Rafael. She recovered her memory at the very moment that she recovered Rafael. I feel like that must have some kind of significance, but I can't figure out what it is.

Paula H--about switching names. You are so right. I hadn't even thought about the official record. Somehow, I can't see Luis as a Diego!

The blue bathrobe scene must surely have some future significance. Tia Isabel walked in on Luis getting ready for his bath and she noticed (and we were made to notice) his scar.

She and the old campesino will have to get together at some point to solve the mystery if Juana doesn't fess up.

My word verification is decentee--what Adelgisa was always telling Hip that she was.

Maybe Rafael is carrying a load, so I don't blame Perla too much.


Just back home and checked for new comments . HA..some good ones. Variopinta~~~LOL. I've changed my share of diapers, so you gave me a giggle. Carlos~~~To your point, I think that Perla is a shrewd business woman who never wastes a bosumclutch on anyone who can't pay. Maybe the caption could be : ''Do you have any money or know someone who does?'' As for the blue robe scene, it is very me...and I don't mean that fake scar .

I wonder who Juana s going to beat the hell out of with her cane, probably Diego o maybe Gasca.


Vario--I thought about that, too, but I was too decentee to mention it.

How come I'm the only one playing the What did Rafael say, game? Come on, we have some very clever folks out here.

Susanlynn--We didn't get to see the blue robe removed for us to enjoy the scene-ery beneath it.

Dona Nube~~~AH...Revisit that scene from the beginning when Luis is talking to Cirillo. The beautiful magic blue robe is open and...we get a peek at some...scenery. I'm just saying.

What did Rafael say when he met his first ramera?''---How about ~~''Do you have gum ?''

Rafael to Perla
Do hookers know how to change diapers?


Variopinta- I love that one. LOL!

I think Rafael was just surprised Perla didn't want to kiss and hug him like all the other lovely women. I mean, even cold hearted Juana plays with him and pampers him.

It's time for Luis to stop just being suspicious that his mom is behind all this, and just accept it as truth. Like our heroine Nata over in CME, he seems to refuse to believe that just because his "mother" has that particular title, she could NEVER do horrible things against her own child. Despite how coldly she has treated him his whole life, and how much she has favored his cousin.(Cris seemed to be on to the truth for a while there.)

So, was Hip's condition never a physical issue, but a mental one? Meaning, she was a little bit loca these last few weeks. The amnesia was brought on more by the stress/shock of her son being taken away, and less by the hit to her head.

I needed more of Luis in his blue robe and white pantaloons. They gave us a bit of an old fashioned strip tease, where you never really see the goods, just little bits of the good stuff. Enough to leave you wanting more. *Sigh*

I loved the second bedside chat between Cris and Catalina where their faces are superimposed over their hands as Cris makes Cata fall even more in love with him with his words. Their hands were speaking volumes about what will come later in the bedroom once Cris is back in form...

Rafael to Perla: "Are you the one my Daddy used to practice with before he met my Mommy?"

Sorry, I just couldn't help it, hee hee.

Oh, Anon on Sunday--Your Rafaelism takes first place. Go ahead, just tell it like it is, why doncha?

These caption submissions are hilarious. The Anon entry certainly takes a naked lunch award. Naked lunch being when you really see what is on the end of your fork.

Perla really has little experience with genuine intimacy. Little Rafa seems puzzled by her indifferent demeanor. And yes Susanlynn, the Perla Rafaelito scene is discussion worthy but it won't etch into our memories liek the blue bathrobe scene.

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