Friday, August 12, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #7 Thu 08/11/11 La Fuerza de Antolín's scheming

Even though Ivan swears he didn't kill the guy, Antolín convinces Ivan that one Lucrezia Borgia comes back from vacation, she'll denounce him to the police. Ivan says he can counter-argue that Lucrezia had threatened him because of her daughter. "We were together and she got upset." Antolín says Lucrezia has money on her side. She'll get the court to beat a confession out of him. Ivan is pissed. He wants to stay and keep studying and become an engineer.

Estela, Juan Jaime's wife and Judith's mom, calls looking for Lucrezia and the maid tells her the family has gone to the US to enroll the girls in school there. She thinks it's odd they left without saying anything to her or Judith. The maid doesn't know when they'll be back, so Estela just leaves a message. Judith confirms that Maripaz didn't say anything to her about going to the US either.

Ivan is grateful to Antolín, but after losing his mom like that, he doesn't want to just take off. Antolín calls him a coward and says it's easy to make money in the US. Ivan knows that most people end up working as pickers or dishwashers…that's if immigration doesn't bust them and send them back. Or they don't end up dead. Antolín backs off and Ivan asks for Camilo's opinion. Yes, Camilo. That dimwit who's been standing there the whole time letting his brother screw his best friend over. Camilo says Ivan's the one who has to decide. Ivan thinks maybe Gerardo would be willing to help him out. Maybe he could even convince Lucrezia not to press charges. Oh, Ivan, I don't know what show you've been watching, but it sure isn't this one!

Out in the hallway, Antolín whines to Camilo about not talking Ivan out of going to Gerry. Camilo says Just because Gerardo was going doesn't mean he's left yet…and besides, maybe he will convince his wife, like Ivan said. Antolín lays a guilt trip on his brother…if he doesn't convince his wife, they might investigate and Antolín could end up in jail. "Do you want to see our mother crying morning, noon, and night?" Camilo doesn't want that, of course, but he knows Ivan will do anything to avoid leaving. Antolín says Ivan is just a coward. Despite being poor, he's never lacked for food or shelter, and he even had school paid for. "It's about time for him to learn to be a man!" Antolín claims Ivan only went after an uptown girl because he thinks too highly of himself…and look where that's gotten him. "If it wasn't for us, who got in there when they were beating him up, he'd be dead by now. Dead! We saved his life. And you want me to pay for that?"

Juan Jaime comes home, asking where Saul is. He saw his car outside, so he knows Saul is home. JJ's pissed that Saul didn't go out to the ranch and prepare a shipment of "hortalizas" (vegetables). Well Saul was planning to go tomorrow. "Tomorrow? What good would that do? The distributor came by for that shipment and it wasn't ready. We lost the sale thanks to you!" Saul was hanging out with some "amigas" (female friends). JJ calls both Saul and his brother a couple of good for nothings. David, the other brother tries to take off with mom to go shopping, but JJ gripes at him for hiding under his mother's skirts. "At least this dumbass spends time with chicks, but you're a 'maricon'" ("fag"). David won't defend himself and this just makes JJ even more pissed off. He gets muted again, for what I believe is the exclamation "carajo" which is just "damn" or "fuck" and which I swear they've used before without muting, but maybe it's his tone? Estela can't resist speaking up for her son, so JJ takes off after telling David he feels sorry for him. Everybody tries to comfort him, but he blows them all off as a glycerine tear of puro dolor rolls down his cheek. Eh, he probably deserves to shed at least one tear with that jackass of a dad he's got. At least he's enough of a man not to need to act like a total asshole just to prove his "manhood".

Ivan doesn't want to run off like a coward! Those guys started it, and he knows he didn't kill the guy. Antolín tells him the "truth"…"It was Camilo. We were on the way to the house and…." Antolín flashes back to the actual truth, but tells Ivan that Camilo took out a knife that Antolín had given him and he stabbed the guy. The reason Camilo didn't tell him is that Antolín convinced him not to. "I lied that it was you to try and save my brother. Don't take this the wrong way. He did it for you, because you've been his friend since you were kids. I'm sure if you turn yourself in, he'll tell the truth sooner or later. He got into this to save his best friend's life. You're alone already, Ivan. Your mom's already dead, but Camilo has a family. And I don't think it's fair that to keep you from getting killed, he should have to rot in jail. Ivan, he did it for you. Aren't you capable of doing something for him?" Damn. Antolín is good! Our Tialoving Abuelokiller has become our Selfloving Thugkiller. Hm. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Ivan agrees to go and Antolín gives him an "atta-boy!"

Maripaz is being a picky eater. Lucrezia is being nasty to the help. What else is new. Lucrezia breaks it to the girls that she and Gerry are getting divorced. Mari-the-world-revolves-around-me-paz thinks it's because of her, but Lucrezia says it's been coming for a long time. She starts off saying they came to a mutual decision, but she can't resist adding "And besides, your father has always been a useless…." Carlota shuts her up. "But it's the truth! Thanks to him, we're practically in ruins. He wasn't just incapable of getting us ahead, all he thinks about is working on his own stuff and leaving us with the problem." Clear-eyed Luci says that's bull, that her dad has always loved them and Lucrezia has always treated him badly. Luci storms off and Lucrezia tells Carlota that she'll get over it. She tries to order Maripaz to finish her dinner, but Maripaz takes off too. Carlota leaves next and Lucrezia sits at the table by herself.

Celia shows Ivan where his mother's grave is. He knocks over the vase of flowers that he finds there, assuming they came from Juan Jaime. He bids his mother farewell, saying he's leaving a part of himself with her. He wishes they were leaving together. He promises he won't fail her and he'll do what he promised, then come back to show off and settle accounts. He says he'll fill her grave with flowers when he comes back.

The girls discuss their parents impending divorce. They both agree they'll miss dad. Luci cries her eyes out, but Maripaz thinks it's no big deal. Besides, when parents feel guilty they shower their kids with presents. Luci doesn't care about that. "Well, what do you want me to do about it? I'm just trying to find the bright side here!" Luci can't see the bright side of anything. Maripaz holds herself up as an example of suffering in silence. After all, here she is, stuck in this dingy rathole and you don't see her crying about it. And it's all Ivan's fault! Luci says it was both their fault. Maripaz tries to convince her that Ivan took advantage of her and wouldn't take "no" for an answer, but Luci knows her sister too well.

Ivan packs his stuff and says goodbye to his godmother's family. Carmen and Celia cry over him. Celia knows he doesn't want to leave. Antolín tells him to hurry up so he doesn't miss the bus. Ivan leaves Pipo with the family and Carmen promises to take care of him. Celia gives him a blessing. His godfather tells him to take care of himself, stay out of trouble, don't draw attention to himself. Celia asks him to write. His godfather says when they have enough money, he'll get the phone hooked back up and then Ivan can call them. Ivan walks out with Camilo while Carmen begs God to keep Ivan safe.

Lucrezia says goodbye to her daughters and gives Carlota a folder with information about the phone that's getting hooked up next week. Lucrezia says she's got ot go back because someone has to keep an eye on the ranch. As Lucrezia hugs Carlota, Carlota whispers in her ear that she'd better not even think about doing anything to Ivan.

Antolín tries to convince Ivan that there's nothing to miss about that crappy town. Antolin reminds him to look for the guy in Tijuana who's going to help him. Ivan hugs Camilo. Antolín gets Ivan out of there before he can explain to Camilo why he's thanking him for "everything." Antolín brushes off Camilo when he asks what the thanks were supposed to be for. "Who knows. Well, that's over with now." Antolín herds Camilo back to the house.

Back at the house in town, Lucrezia Borgia finds out that Gerry left and said Alicia isn't coming back. Lucrezia sends Cleto to go to Celia's house and find out where Alicia is.

On the bus heading north, Ivan remembers the good times with his mom.

Lucrezia calls Leandro to find out if the guy died. Leandro says he did, and he's been waiting for her instructions. He thinks someone convinced Ivan to leave the country. "Well, find out and then tell me." And as for the harvest, it's all going well, blah, blah, blah.

Ivan gets to the first bus stop and gets a few quesadillas. A fellow passenger asks him if he's planning to cross. He says he's done it before. Mostly working as a picker, but also some something else I can't quite make out. Ivan buys him a couple of quesadillas. The guy warns him to be careful with the coyotes…"They'll take you out to the middle of the desert and leave you there." Ivan asks how much farther to Tijuana and the guy laughs and says it's a long way and don't be impatient.

Back at the house by the sea, Lucia and Maripaz have a sisterly chat. "So, you never loved Ivan?" "Well, he's good looking, nice…but he took advantage of me! And I'll never forgive him! Because of him I'm going to have a child I don't want! He took me by force, don't you understand?" Luci buys it this time. "Why didn't you tell my mom when it happened? You were with him for a long time after that." Maripaz doesn't want to waste time explaining something Luci wouldn't understand. Luci says she would never want to see a guy who did that to her ever again in her life. "You're just a kid who can't understand anything! Go to bed!" Poor Luci.

Ivan remembers his mom dying. Finally it's just 30km to Tijuana. The guy from the bus offers to write down the address of his cousin in LA, where he'll be staying. Ivan thanks him. They say goodbye at the bus station. Ivan finally exchanges names with the guy, Benito. Benito doesn't recognize the name of the bar where Ivan's going to look for Antolín's contact. He gives Ivan the address and Ivan leaves.

Antolín gripes at Leandro that he's gotten rid of Ivan and convinced him to go the US, so why can't Leandro back off. Leandro is doubtful, but figures if it's true there's someone who's going to love the news. Antolín guesses it's Lucrezia. This pisses Leandro off, leading to another round of mutual threatening, and gets us back to Leandro asking if Ivan is really never coming back. Of course he's coming back. Don't you ever watch telenovelas, Leandro?

Ivan is accosted by a guy trying to sell him dollars. He refuses, knowing the guy's not offering him a good rate. He finds the bar, Las Conejas and meets up with his disreputable coyote. The guy talks to him after he drops Antolín's name. There's a truck leaving tomorrow. They start interrogating him…Are the cops looking for him? Ivan says they aren't. They want payment in dollars and crack up laughing that he's only got pesos. They agree to do it for pesos and tell him to hang out at the warehouse until it's time to go. The driver leaves to show Ivan to the warehouse while the coyote comments to the bad stereotype of an LA gangbanger that he can tell Ivan's high class. "I bet he killed somebody." "Eh, who hasn't?"

Leandro catches Lucrezia up on the gossip. Ivan has definitely left and Alicia is dead. Lucrezia thanks him for the info. She's not going to go to the cops, since Ivan's gone. Leandro reminds her that he owes the guys who tried to help him with the beating. The ever-gracious Lucrezia tells him to take the money out of the "caja chica" (the small box; petty cash), pay the boys, and then make sure the dead guy gets a decent burial. Awww, that Lucrezia. She's all heart. Leandro asks what's up with Gerardo. Lucrezia claims he's in the capital taking care of some business there. Lucrezia gloats and giggles about how lucky she is that Alicia is dead. Hell. Burn in it.

The driver tells Ivan he'll need to exchange his money. Ivan gripes about the moneychangers taking advantage of the "poor." The driver is surprised to hear that coming from Ivan who then has to explain that he's poor too. Whatever. The driver leaves Ivan in the care of the guy in charge of the warehouse. The warehouse guy informs him they leave at 5 sharp and they won't wait for anyone. Ivan asks about a bathroom and a place to wash up. "What do you think this is? A five-star hotel? There's a tap outside, but if I were you I wouldn't waste time on washing, I'd get some sleep." Ivan follows his advice and pulls up a couple of cardboard boxes.

Lucrezia hangs out with Estela and starts spreading the lie that the girls are in the US getting enrolled in school and Carlota is staying until they get settled. Estela thinks it's sad Lucrezia will be all alone, but Lucrezia says the family will be back together again by the holidays. Estela, on the other hand, would love to get away from her husband. Every day he gets worse and she and the kids can't stand him. The other day he was acting like an "energúmeno" (a lunatic)

The truck is loaded up. They stop at the last place anyone will be able to buy food and drink. Ivan asks the driver what happens when they get to the other side. He says the truck can't stay long. Those damn gringos will hear the engine and it will give them away. Damn organized gringos with their helicopters and stuff. The driver says there will be plenty of places to hide and if they have to, they'll cross at night. It will take another 3-4 days. Ivan buys some fruit and water at the stand and convinces the guy to sell him his machete too. Good move, I think. Coyotes aren't exactly known for their trustworthiness. Although, you'd think that would hurt their business if people started to talk about how you don't want to cross with so-and-so cause he dumped a friend of a friend of a friend out in the middle of the desert to die.

Maripaz and Luci walk along the boardwalk. Maripaz complains about how she's nauseous and bloated like a while and it's all Ivan's fault. "I should have aborted this stupid lump!" She's still hanging on to her fiction that Ivan raped her. Luci is back to having a hard time believing it. Maripaz lays it on thick, saying that Judith told her that Ivan had messed with a bunch of her friends, and always the ones with money. Luci insists that's not the Ivan she knows. "You're just a little girl who doesn't have any experience with men. Besides, you've always been in love with him. Go on, deny it!" Luci can't. Carlota comes up and breaks the news that none of the high schools in the area will accept Lucia for just one semester and with the term already started. She's rightfully pissed that she'll be missing a whole year. Carlota says Luci can study on her own. She's gotten the curriculum from the school and bought all the books. Luci complains colleges won't accept that and besides, she'll be bored. "I'm sorry, honey, there's nothing more we can do." She gets a taxi to take them back to the house.

The truck drives on through the night. With its lights on and a baby crying in the back. Yeah, that's real stealthy. The driver stops and tells everyone they're stopping for the night. A lot of them get out of the truck, but at least one guy stays in the back. The driver notices Ivan has bought a machete. Ivan ignores the comment and asks if they're really going to take them all the way to LA or just leave them in the middle of the desert. The driver blows off the question.

Lucrezia is in a foul mood. Cleto tells her that he went to Arcelia's house, but no one was there. Gerry is on the phone for her. He tells her that his parents' house isn't in as good shape as it used to be, but he's put it up for sale all the same and he's staying in a hotel. "Do you want the number?" "What for?" Gerry gives her the number and she lies and says she's writing it down. Gerry asks for the phone number to the house in Guaymas, but she says the line hasn't gone in yet. She agrees to let him know when there's a working phone. Gerry says he'll start the divorce proceedings there in the DF. "Do whatever you want to!" Lucrezia hangs up on him.

The truck stops again and the driver tells everyone to hurry up and get out. He tells everyone they've got to get out of there…there's a patrol on the way. Ivan questions him. "Where? I don't see one." "It was back on the road." "I don't see a road either." "Well I saw it, so everybody better get out of here!" He says he'll be back later to get them the rest of the way across. He talks to them about splitting up. Ivan says he can't do that, especially not to the women and kids. The driver gets desperate and pulls his gun on Ivan. Gee, we never saw that one coming.

Tomorrow: Who knows. I set my upstairs DVR to get an extra five minutes and it wasn't enough. Pfft!


As much as I'd like to think Ivan would have been better off crossing with the guy from the bus, I was even suspicious of him.

Gee I can't beleive Ivan "Friend" doesn't tell the truth. Crossing the border seems like hell to pay for a crime he didn't commit.

I can't wait when he comes back for revenge (lol)

Goof stuff; I missed some dialogue there and the censorship doesn't help any.

For all his intelligence, Ivan is still naive. A condition that won't last another episode, I'm sure.

Camilo is an idiot.

At least Pipo is safe for now.

On another note (pun intended) I found a karaoke-style video with the theme song lyrics:

Classic 5ft recap!!!

My faves:
"Oh, Ivan, I don't know what show you've been watching, but it sure isn't this one! "

"...but he blows them all off as a glycerine tear of puro dolor rolls down his cheek."


"Hell. Burn it it."

Wow. It was just lie after lie in this episode. I really hope Luci figures out that Maripaz is a lying HO-bag.

I've never seen Gabriel Soto in anything before, but he's doing very well with the "I'm just the dumb younger brother" role. He does a great "Don't look at me I'm just here" face.

LOL Sara. That's a good description of Camilo. I can't believe he's letting his brother bamboozle Ivan like that.

Yes, Ivan is naive, but I think his book smarts are helping reason and think through things that he fellow border crossers (all likely under-educated) are not thinking about. I'm glad that he now has a contact in L.A., but I was suspicios of that guy too Kat. I was suspicious of everyone once Ivan got on the road to TJ. I aslo kept thinking, why do people try to cross with little kids when it is so dangerous? Some families actually send the kids on their own! I know the social and financial drivers, but when it comes to kids, I just don't think I would put them in so much danger, even if the social/finacial payout might be great. It's a huge gamble, and you're gambling with their lives.

So we finally saw the young adult versions of Ivan's siblings. We already saw Judith. She seems harmless enough. Kind of gross though that she spoke to Maripaz about wanting to get into Ivan's pants, like the other girls in town. The youngest looks like he has some serious emotional issues. And I couldn't tell what to think of Saul, other than knowing he likes the ladies. I guess time will tell.

Thanks for the fab recap Kat! I laughed at this line, "Lucrezia is in a foul mood." When is she even NOT in a foul mood? You know she is going to make sure Gerry loses contact with his daughters too. Ack! What a witch.

Ay, a typo in my last post. I hate this.

We will have to jump at least three years within the next two episodes until Lucia morphs into Sandra Echeverria. That's when the real fun begins. How is she going to be sane with a mother like Lucrazia? What ever made Gerardo marry her in the first place?

Isn't it interesting that the people most obsessed with cleanliness have the dirtiest minds?

Well, Judith doesn't know Ivan's her brother. All she knows is he's the hot son of a maid "giving it" to Maripaz on the regular.

Judith should actually be the most suspicious person here. Hmm, Ivan is suddenly gone at the same time Maripaz, Lucia & their grandmother leaves. Hmm, what's going on here.

The Curiel household staff should be suspicious that Alicia's gone and Senor Gerry leaves around the same time, too.

David Zepeda must have it in his contract that his character is to get the $#!t beat out of him and/or flee to Los Angeles, because Alonso in STud fled to Los Angeles and later returned to a Rosendo-administered beatdown.

Ms 5ft Latina, I always enjoy your work. Thank you for this recap!

Illegal immigration is certainly a timely plot line. I must say I feel extremely sorry for all those in the back of that truck, whatever their motivation.

Yes, Gabriel Soto is doing a good job portraying the dumb younger brother. At some point, I hope he stands up to his bully brother.


Dear 5ft,

Great job. Thank you.

Humming right along, waiting for the Tiempo despues sign to come up and Ivan to return to Sonora.

I love the visual for a day passing in this, the way that the lights in the town go off and the sun rises. It's the small things.

I'm enjoying seeing Gabriel Soto in something that gives him some ambiguity to play with. He's not a brilliant actor, but he's doing well in this (IMHO, of course). I think that DZ is doing a good job, along with the many veterans it's nice to see here.

Harrowing images of border crossing that are probably nothing compared to the terrible reality. So many people die in the process every year. There's a documentary available on Netflix called something like The Way Home about children crossing or trying to cross on their own. It's an eye-opener if incredibly sad but worth watching.

Glad to see that Pipo is safe!

5ft Latina hilarious recap as always.

My fav line Hell. Burn in it. Can we send Lucreature now?Gerry must have been stoned on some serious stuff to marry that shrew.Geesh! She makes Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda on Teresa look like one of the calm nuns from the Sound of Music!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriel Soto always has that dumb look for all of his roles, he does it quite well.

JJ OMG what a father he should have married Lucreature but i guess there would not been any procreating under that roof?
Poor David he's going to have some major daddy issues as he gets older.

Lucreature is happy to find out Alicia is dead.

Antolin you rotten slick snake.

I can't wait for when Ivan comes back and learns it was you who stabbed that guy and took the majority of the money Gerry left for you.

I love teenage Lucia and Carlotta.

Thank you 5ft! Astute yet entertaining recap.
I loved, “Of course he's coming back. Don't you ever watch telenovelas, Leandro?”

Speaking of plot-lines, It really seems like revenge is the main theme in all of the TNs I have seen to date. Quoting the movie Funny Farm, "having the last word is REAL important around here."

Scores are always settled in the end. Lucretia will end up badly.

I've really been enjoying the actress playing young Lucia, she's so endearing, but overall I am impatient to get past the really nasty stuff (Maripaz pregnant, beatings, and border crossings/drudgery in LA) and have the "real" Lucia show up. Plus I'm really ready for Ivan to be all grown up in every sense of the word.

I really can't bear to watch the border crossing stuff. Just too close to home. And these days the narcos have control of the racket and it's much worse. I think what they are showing here is the "good old days" before the narcos controlled the MX side of the border.


P.S. 5ft, it's lovely to have you recap a show I'm actually watching, LOL! I've read lots of your hilarious recaps over the past year, but I wasn't following those shows.

UA-I mean to comment last time. There was a lot of bleeping last night. It does sort of mess with the flow (and my comprehension.)

Anon207-I had a similar thought about DZ and beatdowns while he was in the hospital. At least this make-up crew did not subject us to THE EYE like they did in STuD.

Although I haven't finished reading it, the book "Enrique's Journey" (La Travesia de Enrique) is really eye-opening in regards to reasons children cross the border.

"La Misma Luna" is a good movie, but I don't know that it reflects the real danger in crossing the border. "Sin Nombre" combines the theme of border crossing and Maras/gangs. It was a hard movie to watch.


Thanks for the book and movie tip. I agree that Under the Same Moon probably isn't harrowing enough, although I enjoyed it. I have Sin Nombre in my Netflix queue but haven't had the courage to watch after the documentary I mentioned.


hola...last night was my first this novela...i was not sure i wanted to get hooked again....(still finishing Teresa)...anyway i did look-see and i will watch again....Even when i cross the boarder back to the U.S. i get nervous/scared... and i have all my papers with me....i cannot imagine crossing with a coyote or by myself in the desert...thats taking your life in your hands....literaly...god bless them all....BNinCA

Here is DZ all grown up,22490,2088180,00.html?xid=pespdaily08122011

That was me Variopinta, I still can't sign on

Thank you 5ft Latina.

Antolin the arch manipulator. He is real good.

Confident/nympho/snobby Maripaz has turned into whinging/poor me/it's all Ivan's fault/snobby Maripaz. She should accept responsibility for her part in her pregnancy.

Me three, lol. I also didn't trust the guy from the bus. He seemed too friendly. Ivan looked suspicious as well.

How horrible that Juan Jaime's family are all petrified of him. I am sure that his wife wishes that he would drop dead somewhere.


Hey, Traveling Lady-I'm looking for that documentary you mentioned. Is it "Which Way Home"?

Here's the link:

Thanks, 5ft. My fav line : ''Damn organized gringos with their helicopters and stuff.'' U.S. Immigration involedin this novela ? Could this be a PSA about the dangers of crossing the border illegally ? I hope Ivan becomes rich and successful soon. I can't take anymore angst. Sighhhhh. By the way, has anything been said about what will happen after the baby is born? Adoption ? Will Ivan spend the rest of the novela looking for his child ?

It is very disturbing what these people go though to get to the USA. Mexicans across a desert, Cubans y Haitians across the sea. So dangerous.
It makes me so sad.


Is Alejandro Tommasi in this for the long haul? I really like him, but last night is was almost as if he was being "written out."

And I'm with Audrey, I'm kind of ready to see the galan and protagonista story really begin.

''Damn organized gringos with their helicopters and stuff.'' Forgot about that line! Yeah - good one!

At my house, near the border, we have constant helicopter fly overs. I'm so used to it. If they are low enough we wave. When we are birdwatching in a nearby park we sometimes have a helicopter sneak up and really check us out, but I think they recognize the birdwatcher costume of wide-brimmed hat and binoculars.

The gringos have night-vision goggles, infra-red detectors and all kinds of things!

BTW - we are way more worried about the drug smugglers than we are about any "international visitors" who may choose to cross through our gated community.


Sara - Yes, it's Which Way Home.


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