Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Alborada, 8/17/2011. Cap. 56.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #21, Thursday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 56 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Carlos sent two. No time to upload the other right now. I will when I get back this afternoon.


Rats! Yesterday's avances lied. I was expecting a whole other episode. Oh well, this one wasn't bad. Lots of new developments, and we got to see a repeat of the smoldering love scene. And Rafa was safely ensconced in the bed with all the candles still burning when Hipólita finally made her way back there.

Why does everyone, including Ada, not think Hip is capable of working, when she worked the three+ years before coming to Mexico as a maid and washerwoman in a brothel?! She didn't become a whore then, why should she now? And none of their speeches about her not understanding the "real" world" apply either. She's done more real work in non-ideal circumstances (while pregnant/being a single mom and hiding from her crazy mother-in-law and husband) than any of them. Even young, strong Andres can barely hack it for a few weeks as a waiter. Pu-leez! Go Hip!

Vivi, Amen to all your sentiments. Stop treating Hip like a porcelain doll. But she is acting very stubborn and causing otherwise useless men to stand around in shifts outside her house to be sure she is safe, sheeesh!

I commend Hip, but she’s not acting rationally. She’s only thinking about herself and her pride. She’s no thinking about Rafael or annoying Ada for that matter. How can she justify bringing Rafael to live in that shack? Also, considering that Rafael is Luis’s child and was just “kidnapped” why not be more careful? I have noticed that the little room is getting bigger. It seems the furniture has stretched it. I remember in the Soy tu Duena days that commenter’s used to say Lucero’s character was BP. looks the same to me in Alborada. She is very calm and understanding one minute and the next she’s lashing at everybody.

a good caption for the second picture will be "talk to the hand, Diego" Gracias Carlos for the pictures and Paula for the postings.

Whew, I'm still panting along with Hipo--short-lived as it was. Who could tear themselves away from that early morning loving embrace in the arms of TBLMOE.

I did treat myself to several rewinds to listen to Luis's dulcet tones reading out Hipolita's loving words to him, back to her.

You were all too focused on Hipo and her midnight adventure with Luis to notice that Ada sleeps in the same room with her and Rafael. A lot of good she would do if she's absolutely zonked and Rafael goes looking for mama.

However, the candles should have been snuffed out. Luis wasn't thinking quite that far ahead, although I loved how he restrained himself after arriving inside his rooms.

Vivi--you continue to amaze me with your insights.

Since Hipo is living in a society very much dictated by men who regard women as property to be manipulated to the best advantage, she knows that being an independent-thinking woman is next to impossible.

Women left alone without families did what Perla and Hipolita do to survive. At least they controlled what little independence they had. Much worse off was Catalina in the convent or poor little Marina--fortunately, both were rescued from an existence they dreaded.

Cristobal is an exception for those days and Luis will be, too. They see their women as equal partners (even Perla got her own house to run). I think Luis learned from the best--Juana (say what you will) and Isabel.

He's also aware that even men are powerless when the church of the day or the official representatives of the king meddle with people's private lives, beliefs and money. Only he has more options than Hipo.

I'm glad Luis is having a security detail keep an eye on her. He wants to protect her and keep her safe while he figures out how to make things work out for them (thank you, crazy Espe--one going down and one more to go).

Oh, and BTW--my recording of the slur Luis slung at Diego was NOT bleeped out. It was very clearly spoken.

Ooops. How times have changed. The bleep was in the original showing, when it was recapped by Sylvia G (is that our Sylvia?). Nowadays, I guess it's pretty lame.

Or did I read today's recap yesterday. It happened during a meeting with Diego, Isabel, Luis, Juana and the white-haired licenciado. Dear me. I'd better stop reading the old recaps. If it's in today's episode, it's a pretty good barb.

Thanks once again Paula and Carlos.

Vivi, you are correct about Hip's ability to work. I think sometimes she works harder than Ada and with no complaints.

Okay, Dona Nube, are you going to tell us what the slur was?


Dona Nube, our post must have crossed. I went back to the old recaps and sure enough, there it is. It is in the comments section.


Rosemary--I'll tell you tomorrow, after I watch the episode. You will probably know by then anyway.

Wow, what an episode! The scene with Juana, Diego, Isabel, and Luis was terrific.

I love the pair of screen shots, such an interesting comparison of different styles of motherly love.

Dona Nube, No I am not Sylvia G. I am Sylvia S.

Thank you Carlos and Paula. I so enjoyed this episode even though I am a day late. I'm off to watch Thursday's now.

Rosemary--It WAS in this episode, so I've added it to this discussion.

Present during the Meeting: Luis, Malachias, Diego, Juana and Isabel

L. Explain to my cousin how much is lost per week while the mines are closed.
M. ---(he couldn't get a word in edgewise.
D. I know perfectly well how much.
L. It seems as though he doesn’t know nor understands.
--They discuss the contracts—and Juana’s involvement—
D. She’s the one that agreed, not me.
J. Don’t say you weren’t informed. You accepted.
D. I don’t remember.
L. [Por Dios, qué leche mamaste porque mis tios eran gente decente.] For god’s sakes, whose milk did you suckle because my (aunt and uncle) were decent folks.
--Juana stands up indignant.
--Diego throws his glass of wine across the room at Luis.
--The boys start a scuffle. Diego wants Luis out of his house.
--Isabel steps in to separate them.
--Diego says something about Isabel being an interfering old busybody (vieja metida—I don’t think he said metiche)
L. Apologize to our aunt.
D. I’m not going to apologize.
--Diego wants them both out of the palace.
I. If my presence bothers you that much, you leave. I’m sick and tired of all this sh***[editorial interpretation]. I’m calling the debt. If you don’t have the money, pay me with the palace and put it in Luis’ name.
--Luis is as shocked as everyone else.
D. She can’t do that.
J. Isabel, please, we had a deal.
I. The deal was in effect while Hipolita had lost her memory. Now that she’s recovered it, there is no deal.

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