Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teresa Tue 8/16/11 #117 Teresa, meet Karma

WHOOOO --- lots happened tonight, so get comfy.

When we last saw the Barreras, Arturo is making sure Teresa has fully recovered. Cue the seksi music and a shot of the moon.

MORNING AT THE HOSPITAL: Mariano is thanking Aida for her continued help at the clinic, even though they’re no longer seeing each other. She admits it’s been in the hopes of being close to him and getting him to realize he wants her back in his life. He tells her that’s not likely to happen and maybe it’s better if they…….no, no, no…she interrupts him and says either she’ll get tired of trying or he’ll come to see that’s she’s the woman of his dreams. There’s no sense in continuing to talk about it because he knows very well she doesn’t like drama. (Wait, did I switch channels? Is this the same ammonia hurling, breathing tube squeezing Aida? Puhleeeze!) Mariano appreciates this and says he’s learned to live a more relaxed, happy life thanks to her. Huh? Oh, well, maybe he’s just being nice. She manages to ask, in a non-screeching way, about her father’s son. He tells her he’ll be out of the incubator today and then she won’t be able to see him. He asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want to take this opportunity to see him. She doesn’t want to and prefers to leave. She steals a quick kiss from him and turns to leave but quickly changes her mind about seeing her father’s baby.

LA HUERA, EL BIGOTE, Y EL MALDITO: The Mad Trio has convened at Geno’s to discuss Operation Rodriguito. Rubigote will advise Fito when the baby is well enough to kidnap, ahem, to travel. It’s best to take the baby when he’s alone with the mother. Fito will wait for the call and leaves. Geno and Ruben discuss the Central American alibi. She should leave as soon as the kidnapping takes place and then return after some time has passed. Geno’s convinced no one will recognize the baby then since newborns change so quickly. Under her care, “Paulo” will be healthy and strong. She can’t wait to hold him in her arms. Ruben just stares at her and then complains about how long it takes to establish paternity – that would eliminate all these risks. Geno is adamant that she does not want to share custody of his baby even for 2-3 days a week. She wants the baby with her all the time.

NURSERY: Mariano takes Aida in to see Rodrigo. I had to keep rewinding to hear the dialogue cuz I couldn’t stop cooing over this little guy. Poor little tyke was crying his little eyes out! Sooooo cute. Anyway, she can’t believe this little innocent child is her father’s baby. Mariano reminds her Rodrigo’s not to blame for anything. He felt it was important for her to see him because who knows what the future holds. She tells him not to expect her to accept this baby, because she just can’t. They leave as poor lil Rodrigo keeps wailing. Awwwww, little cutey pie.

Back at his office, Mariano apologizes, saying he didn’t mean to make her feel bad. She can’t help it. She sees this baby and knows that he is not to blame for anything. Deep down, she hopes Esperanza and Hernan take him to a land far, far, away where he’ll never have contact with her father, that Ruben doesn’t win his court battle, and that everything is as before, as though this baby didn’t exist. But he does exist, Mariano wisely says. If she can’t come to care for him, she shouldn’t hate him. This can only harm her. She wishes she could do that. Maybe then, she and Mariano could be closer, because not only Teresa separates them -- his friendship with Esperanza separates them as well. She asks him to admit that’s also the reason he doesn’t want to come back to her. Mariano says he can’t force her to like Espe, but he will not end his friendship with her or Hernan because he cares for them both. She thinks it’s time for her to leave.

VECINDAD: Cutberto tells Refugio he can’t believe his good fortune in getting such a good job and salary. Hernan and Espe arrive with the baby. Johnny and Pati arrive also and everyone coos over the baby. They make a big show of having Cutberto put the medalla on Rodriguito.

CASA CACERES: Geno is visiting with Aida, telling her it’s a done deal. They’re going to present (otorgar) her with a bouncing baby boy! Aida congratulates her but says she doesn’t know what she’d do with a baby. Geno agrees but suggest what she needs to do now is to find another partner and stop pining over Mariano. Geno says she must leave now, she just came by to say goodbye and hopes that she can convince Aida to make peace with Daddykins. Aida doesn’t know if she can. They “airkiss” and Geno leaves.

CASA BARRERA: Ruben is visiting with Arturo and talking about Luna Turqueza, hoping the condos will sell now that the scandal is over. As they talk, we see our Sharkita, in heels no less, listening at the door. She’s dressed to kill, or dressed to vamp anyway. She walks in on them and Ruben is surprised to see her looking so well. It’s only been a few weeks! She reminds them she had said she would fully recuperate. She tells Arturo she’s off to visit her parents and is taking the car. He asks if she wants him to take her and she declines, saying she never wants to be dependent on anyone, ever again. They kiss affectionately as Ruben looks on, a bit uncomfortably if you ask me. After she leaves, we get down to the real reason for Ruben’s visit. Arturo has asked him there to convince him to stop fighting for custody of Espe’s baby. Ruben reminds him he’s his baby too. Arturo claims he’s done enough damage. He cheated on her and has already made her suffer enough. He should step aside and concentrate on mending his relationship with his daughter. Ruben admits Aida still refuses to speak with him. He admits he needs to reconcile with her but that doesn’t mean he’ll give up the fight for his son. Arturo warns him that, as Rodrigo’s godfather, he will not allow that baby to suffer needlessly. He asks Ruben to consider if he wants to be a true father to that baby or is he doing this just to harass Experanza?

THAR SHE BLOWS! Odiosa Oriana (man, I hate this woman) visits Aida at home, announcing she’s heard that Teresa is now 100% recovered. Aida wishes she had remained prostrate in some bed somewhere. Oriana tells her she’s wrong. The Big Moment has arrived. She will see Arturo today. Aida can’t believe she’s waited this long. If she had something on Teresa, she would have sprung it on her immediately. Oriana reminds her, “Aida, querida, la venganza es un platillo que se come frío (vengeance is a dish best served cold). One must have patience.” Aida admits that when it comes to Teresa, she has none. Well, says Oriana, the time is ripe – se le va caer el teatrito a Teresa (theatrics/drama is gonna fall on Teresa). Dun-dun-DUN!!!!

VECINDAD: Aurora visits Juana for advice on a dress for her graduation. Juana says her wedding dress is progressing very nicely and asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want to try it on as long as she’s there. No! Aurora quickly declines and admits now that the wedding is near, she’s getting nervous. Juana tells her that’s normal, but Aurora doesn’t seem convinced. They talk swatches, etc. and Juana fawns over her, shyly saying she feels like her mother. She again asks her to try on the wedding gown. This time, Aurora reluctantly gives in.

CASA CHAVEZ: Unusual sighting of the Sharkita hugging her mom. Refugio is happy to see her so well. Juana comes out with the baby Rodrigo and Teresa gets to hold and coo over her godson, promising to watch over him forever.

CASA BARRERA (AKA THE TEMPLE OF DOOM): Oriana has come to call on Arturo. She makes it clear she hasn’t come to talk about Fer/Luisa’s wedding. She’s come to talk about Teresa! Bwa-ha-ha!

MEANWHILE, our Sharkita is visiting Fernando showing off her new and improved legs. He tells her she’s as good as ever, no, even better than before. In the hospital, she wasn’t even able to move her arms but now she can give a him big hug, which she does. Cue the Jaws Music! She grins knowingly but oblivious to what’s happening at home.

The suspense builds as we find that Oriana and Arturo are now seated. She’s happy Teresa has recovered. Arturo isn’t fooled. He knows she doesn’t care for Teresa and frankly, doesn’t understand her attitude. Oriana doesn’t hesitate to admit she doesn’t like Teresa and she was justified in what she’s said. Teresa is an arribista (gold digger) who married him only for his money. Arturo gets angry. He stands as he tells her to leave if she’s going to continue in this manner. She tells him she’s saying this for his own good and because she loves him. If he doesn’t believe her, that’s his right, but he should at least hear her out. NO! He believes in Teresa and she loves him. Oriana repeats she’s telling him for his own good and she has no doubt that now that he’s broke, Teresa will leave him. Arturo shouts that Teresa would never do something like that. Oriana shouts back, “That’s precisely what she did to Mariano! She left him for you because he had no money and she hooked up with you for selfish reasons.” Arturo continues to refuse to listen to her, telling her this is all a lie. Then Oriana lowers the boom, shouting at him: “TERESA SLEPT WITH MARIANO THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR WEDDING!!! That’s not all; Teresa and Mariano were going to escape together the day of the wedding!” Pause for dramatic effect. The world seemingly stands still for our hero as he takes this all in. “No puede ser” is all he can manage to say. She asks him to consider why Mariano would show up to interrupt the wedding. With dramatic operatic singing in the background, Arturo flashes back to Teresa’s overpacked bags and Mariano running down the aisle to interrupt the ceremony, shouting that he’s the only man she loves. Oriana brings him back, telling him to think it through. No one would dare to make such a claim frivously. Mariano truly felt he had the right to seek out Teresa because she had agreed to run away with him. Arturo is in full denial saying that can’t be possible and Oriana assures him it is, it is! ¡Guau!

BACK AT FERNANDO’S, Teresa still has Fernando in her grasp. She tells him that as soon as she recovered, she wanted to see him and only him. She’s so grateful. She lingers then pulls away, saying Luisa said she’d be there. Does he mind if she waits? No prob, he says, and offers her a drink. Sure, why not she says. They may as well toast to her return. She can do anything, even dance. “Anything?” he asks as he twirls her and moves in and I think – a kiss!? – but I’m wrong. They continue to twirl and spin as we hear Oriana’s voice saying “When one falls in love and idealises (idealzar) another person, emotions override reason.” We now see Oriana as she tells Arturo she’s there to open his eyes. Arturo demands to know who told her such a lie? She tells him what matters is that the truth has finally come out. He’s pacing now, and shouting – she is making a very serious accusation! She assures him she wouldn’t do so without grounds (fundamiento). He tells her he knows that she hates Teresa but doesn’t know why. She tells him she detests her for being an arribista and a liar! She knew it the minute she met her. If he must know how she found out, she heard it straight from the Sharkita’s mouth when she was talking to someone while she was in the hospital. Arturo grabs her by the shoulders and demands to know if this “someone” was Mariano. She asks him to calm down. With pure hatred in his eyes, he wants to know why she didn’t tell him as soon as she found out. She explains he was in no condition to hear this at the time. He finally lets her go as she explains Teresa was still paralyzed at the time and he wouldn’t have been able to confront her then. Our poor hero is beside himself, panting, his hair mussed up, and in tears.

BACK AT FERNANDO’S AGAIN – Fer and Teresa are sharing a glass of wine and he’s toasting to her complete recovery. Teresa tells him they’ve heard that the woman who shot her apparently escaped to Brazil. Fernando is adamant that she must pay for her crime. Teresa says she once felt the same way. But now, she views life in different way. She feels reborn. She realized there are many times when one may have desires and resist doing them out of fear. They lean toward each other over the bar. Fernando agrees, saying it may be something one desires….or something prohibited. She tells him when one is immobilized like she was, one regrets not having done everything you desired…..everything. Fernando clenches his teeth. (I think his pants have just caught on fire!)

At Arturo’s office, Oriana’s says Teresa is not the little white dove (blanca palomita) he thought her to be. But if he doesn’t believe her, he should ask Teresa. Tell her he knows the whole truth. Arturo disagrees, he’s going to do is confront that infeliz Mariano and force him to tell him to his face. This isn’t what she planned and she runs after him, urging him to calm down. He shrugs her off and tells her he’s gotta do he’s gotta do as the injured party! He rushes out and she’s stunned as if thinking, “Crap! What did I do?”

BACK AT FERNANDO’S AGAIN – Fernando gulps, then asks what is it that she desires? She flirts and tells him not to ask her that! She thinks they are very much alike. She realizes she’s very fortunate. Arturo was so attentive and Fernando helped him as always, maybe more than usual. She wanted to show her appreciation and since she’s done that, she’s off. They were within kissing distance (her trademark) when she pulled back to leave. No, no, no, he says and even knocks over a glass as he rushes to her asking her not to leave. Wasn’t she going to wait for Luisa? Yeah, but look at the time! She has an appt with Hector and needs to rush off. He sees her to the door, all hot and bothered. After she leaves, he’s so hot, he even has to loosen his tie! Man, this guy is toast, burnt toast.

HOSPITAL: Mariano, Magda, and Dario discuss one of Mariano’s cases, Betito, who’s parents have opted for no operation in order to make his final days more comfortable. Magda notes he’s had similar cases in the past and hasn’t been as anguished as this. She knows there’s something else amiss. Dario wants to know what’s got him con un humor de perros (with a dog’s temperament). He admits that finding out that Aurora will be leaving has hit him harder than he thought it would. Magda wonders if he’s going to miss her as a friend, or is he feeling something stronger? He tells her Aurora’s his friend. Dario understands, but also says she’s the girl he was going to go after before Martin beat him to the punch. Mariano warns him not to repeat a word of that. Now she’s getting married and he’s going to be a padrino in the wedding. Dario apologizes, saying he now realizes Mariano only sees Aurora as a friend and nothing more.

TERESA has arrived for her appt with Hector and runs into Mariano. He’s shocked to see her so well recovered as though nothing had happened. That’s precisely what she wants, to forget it all as though it had been a bad dream. She remembers he saved her from death’s door. She was sorry to see he wasn’t around during her recovery. He admits he stayed informed on her progress but she knows very well he couldn’t come near her because of her husband. She heard he broke up with Aida and supposes it was because of her. She’s convinced he hasn’t been able to forget her. He admits it but at this point in his life, his feelings for her aren’t enough. He’s realized that for a relationship to take, love isn’t enough without the right circumstances. That wasn’t the case for them. He’s realized Arturo is a good man and that she’s fallen in love with him. Hopefully, she truly values the man at her side. Teresa ponders this…..hmmmmm.

CASA CACERES: Oriana is back and Aeeeeeeeeeda is begging her to tell her what’s going on! Well, she dropped the bomb and truthfully, it hurt her to reveal the truth (desengañar) to Arturo. He took it really hard. Aeeeeeeeeda is dying to know! What? What? What did you tell him? Oriana wonders if Aida really wants to know, even if Mariano is involved. Aida admits it hurts to know he’s involved but she’s not surprised. She wants to know. Oriana gleefully agrees to spill it.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL: Teresa notes he never thought of Arturo before. Mariano explains that was then, this is now. And now he prefers to do the right thing. Teresa says from experience, that strategy never works when it comes to your feelings. It’s true she loves (querer) Arturo but she’s never stopped loving (amar) him, Mariano. He advises her to be stronger so that one day she’ll stop thinking of him just as he hopes one day to stop thinking of her. She thinks that’s impossible. What they have between them is very strong. Not as strong as what separates them, says Mariano. She’s married and loves her husband and was even prepared to sacrifice her life for him. Above all, he no longer believes her and her promises. She’s had a lot of luck in her life. She disagrees. What she’s gained in life has been through her hard work and determination. He agrees but as for her health, she recovered very quickly and that was a miracle. She also has a good man by her side. As for what they had between them, they both need to leave it in the past. She tearfully asks if that’s what he really wants. He tells her what they had is no longer possible and he’ll never fall for her game again, nor will he ever be with her again. She thinks things can still change. He accuses her of saying this only because Arturo no longer has money. (Whoa, score a big gooooooooooooooaaaaaaaal for Mariano! He finally grew a pair!) He advises her not to do Arturo like she did him! Then he gallantly walks away, leaving Teresa stunned (and Viewerville with their jaws dropping to the floor).

CASA CACERES: Oriana has filled in Aida and they are discussing it. Aida comments how Teresa played the victim card and was so “offended” that Mariano had interrupted the ceremony. Oriana feels that what is important now is that Arturo knows the truth. It pained her to tell him but he is her son’s best friend and she had to tell him. Aida’s been telling him about Teresa’s hypocrisy since she was his student. It remains to be seen if he now realizes that. Oriana’s worried about what Arturo might do. He was furious and went looking for Mariano.

CUE THE HOSPITAL: Arturo’s on the hunt for Mariano. He runs into Aurora who tells him she knows he was headed for the vecindad to lunch with his dad. When asked what the urgency is, Arturo ominously replies he’s got a score to settle with him!

ELSEWHERE AT THE HOSPITAL, Teresa is visiting with Hector. She’s given him a pair of cufflinks as a token of appreciation. He’s happy with her progress and tells her she is now officially discharged (de alta). He’s never seen anyone so dedicated to their therapy. He wasn’t alone in helping her. Mariano did his bit and she had the support of her husband who loves her very much. She agrees he loves her as much as she loves him. Hector now gives her some fatherly advice. He highly esteems Mariano and for his good and the good of her marriage, he suggests she distance herself from Mariano. She understands completely and she assures him there will be no further confrontations between Mariano and Arturo. Ah, well, don’t look now but……..

VECINDAD: Arturo all but busts in the door at Ramon’s apartment demanding to see Mariano. He shoves Ramon aside to look in the bedroom. Ramon loudly objects to this intrusion. Arturo tells him not to talk about that after what his son did, he’s a desgraciado! ¡Basta! Says Ramon, he has no right to insult his son. Arturo tells him what he wants is to KILL HIM!!! Then he grabs Ramon by the collar demanding that he tell him if he was aware that Mariano was sleeping with his wife. Ramon shouts back that Mariano wasn’t the only one to blame. Teresa was the one who came looking for him, provoking him until she got what she wanted! Guau! Arturo is hearing it from all sides today!

HOSPITAL: Aurora is frantically trying to contact Mariano, leaving him a voicemail about Arturo. Magda walks in and informs her Mariano is in the OR (quirófano). Betito’s parents decided to authorize the operation after all. Martin walks in and Aurora tries not to continue the conversation about Mariano but Magda insists. Aurora explains Arturo is furious and is looking for Mariano to settle a score. Martin sarcastically asks, “Now what’s wrong with Teresa?” Aurora explains and is worried about what might happen when Arturo finds Mariano.

VECINDAD: Ramon assures Arturo that Mariano tried to distance himself from Teresa. “Then why is he always looking for her?” asks Arturo. He’s wrong, Ramon answers. It’s Teresa who would always go looking for him at the hospital or here at the vecindad. In fact, he can prove it to him so long as he promises not to harm his son. Ramon wonders if he recognizes this? He shoves the hair comb in his face. Arturo flashes back to the day she claimed to have lost it. Ramon tells him he warned Teresa that the next time she came looking for Mariano, he would give this to her husband. Oh my, Arturo is in disbelief.

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL: Teresa gets a call from Arturo and she excitedly tells him Hector has discharged her. Her tone suddenly changes and then she agrees to meet him, she’s on her way. Uh, oh.

ROOTS ‘N BOOTS: She’s taking a walk around the hotel where she’s staying so everyone will think she’s been in Guatemala to pick up her newborn. Ruben shares his woes about going to the office to pick up his things and everyone gave him dirty looks. He brought home a lot of documents but if they should review the remaining documents.....the thing is, there are some falsifications and missing documents. She tries to soften this by saying some items may not have been entirely true. “Not entirely true?” he says, “they were downright lies!” If this is all discovered, he’ll have new legal problems and so will she! Roots is impactada.

NIGHT FALLS ON LA VECINDAD: Refugio is helping Cutberto with his dress shirts. She notices he’s been gone a lot with his new job. Cutberto bemoans the fact that he used to have a reason to stick around for his Juanita but since she’s not “his Juanita” anymore, well, ‘nuf said. He tells her about his job and how much this rich old broad is paying him for doing almost nothing.

HOSPITAL: Aurora and Martin have returned from dinner and they discuss the possible run-in between Arturo and Mariano. Martin is sure it’s because of Teresa. It’s obvious to him that Mariano hasn’t stopped loving her. Aurora naively hopes that’s not the reason Arturo was so upset (alterado). Puhleeze, says Martin, she continues to think of Mariano as a saint while he believes Mariano has most likely started up with Teresa again now that he broke up with Aida. Aurora refuses to believe that, saying Mariano’s attempted to distance himself from Teresa. Martin reminds her of Hector having to bar Mariano from Teresa’s hospital room. Mariano loves Teresa and continues loving her and that’s why that imbécil never had eyes for Aurora. She’s impactada by this observation.

CASA BARRERA AKA HOUSE OF HORRORS: Arturo is in the dark with a drink in his hand (gasp!). He has flashbacks of Teresa lies: when she told him her mother insisted on her relationship with Mariano; on their wedding day when she told him Mariano is crazy and refuses to leave her alone; the day he overheard Teresa and Aurora talking in Cuernavaca when she admitted she had slept with Mariano in the past. He’s holding the hair comb and thinks of what Ramon said. Teresa arrives. She turns on the lights and finds Arturo sitting in the open doorway of his office. She asks what’s wrong, are there more money problems? He scoffs, “el dinero. Claro, dinero.” He tells her he has a profound pain in his heart. She asks if he needs to be taken to the doctor. Arturo replies, “No, this doesn’t require the hospital. What I have will be gone when I’ve stopped loving you.” Teresa wonders why he’d say that. He stands and grabs her by the shoulders and tells her he knows everything!

HOSPITAL: Aurora wonders why he would bring that up now, Mariano has nothing to do with anything. Martin feels maybe she should be asking herself the same question. He turns to leave and bumps into Mariano as she’s pleading with him to stay and talk. Aurora tells him they’ve argued but doesn’t elaborate. She also tells him Arturo’s been looking for him to settle a score. Mariano’s perplexed but Aurora can’t stay and chat. She runs after Martin. She doesn’t understand why he’s like this. He knows she no longer cares for Mariano. She knows Mariano will never have feelings for her and she told him she would forget all about Mariano. Martin only has to see how upset she becomes whenever something happens to Mariano. She tells him they’re friends and as such she worries about him. He himself has grown to appreciate Mariano. He feels she should allow Mariano, Teresa, and Arturo fix their own problems. He thinks she should be happy and excited about their wedding and not worried about what happens to Mariano. She begins to cry and tells him he’s being unfair. He would have reason to be upset if she had refused to have dinner with him to wait for Mariano or if she had stayed with him just now instead of coming after him (Martin). She’s never been unfaithful to him and has always given him his rightful place as her fiancé. Martin disagrees, he’s not so sure about that. He leaves and she’s in tears.

BATTLE OF THE BARRERAS: Teresa demands to know what lies have been invented about her and by whom. He wonders how many people know about her relationship with Mariano. Teresa says, “That’s all in the past. Besides, we agreed that you would trust me and wouldn’t accuse me without proof (pruebas).” Arturo is towering over her now, saying “¿¡Pruebas!? You want proof? Do you recognize this hair comb? It’s the one I gave you in Cancun that you said you lost. You lost it all right – in the house of that infeliz, Mariano!”

SPEAKING OF THE “INFELIZ”, Aida has gone to Mariano to tell him Arturo is now aware he slept with Teresa before the wedding! Mariano is bug-eyed impactado.

Teresa has to think fast. She admits she lost the hair comb (peineta) there and that Ramon found it. But he misinterpreted her visit. She only went there to look for her father and besides that, it’s when they were separated because of the Paloma affair. She escapes from him and the argument is carried to the foyer. He recalls what she put him through after his night with Paloma, accusing him of being unfaithful, that he betrayed her, when all this time she’s been the one who has been deceiving (burlar) him all along! “NO!” she cries out. That’s not how it happened. They can go talk directly to Ramon if he insists but he can’t accuse her of something for which she’s innocent! “Stop lying!” he screams at her as he grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her. He knows she slept with Mariano the day before their wedding and that she planned to run away with him! Arturo and Teresa are in mortal combat now. Their eyes are locked on each other. We’ll have to wait to see what happens tomorrow. Same shark time, same shark channel!

The drama ain’t over, folks. Previews for tomorrow show Arturo attempting to physically throw our Sharkita out on her fin and dufus Mariano has apparently come for her when Arturo punches him!


WOW, WOW, WOW! So much happened tonight. Teresa's BIG secret is out!!! I was absoluteley GLUED to my tele!

Oriana makes good on her threat to lower the boom!

Mariano tells Teresa he's done chasing after her.

Martin tells Aurora he's just about done with her obsession over Mariano.

Arturo comes undone! Oriana actually looked scared when he was shaking her! By the looks of the previews he looks as though he's ready to throw Teresa out the door by force! And stupid, stupid Mariano appears to have gone straight over there to get her. Guess she'll end up staying in his deeeeeluxe apt in the sky after hubby throws her a$$ out!

I'm team Teresa but she really does deserve Arturo's wrath.

Wow,Wow and OMG what a freaking exciting episode and my dear amiga you did it justice with your awesome recap thank you.

I so hate Oriana too what in the world did she expect from Arturo that he wouldn't go after Mariano and only confront Teresa? Not only that no one appointed you to expose Teresa either it's your job to do this ok so if you feel that way wait until you meet your karma as a result of your actions. Now that's what i call divine justice.She was scared sh!tless when Arturo grabbed her like that in his enraged fury wasn't she?

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda do you really think it's only Teresa and Espe who is making it hard for Mariano to come back to you. So it doesn't occur to you that your nasty obsessive and obnoxious behavior is the cause right?Keep being Delusional harpy.

Bravo for Arturo for telling off Ruben and warning him away from doing baby Rodrigo harm.

It's sickening to watch Roots in Boots think she can get away with this kidnapping that is one sick and twisted bad roots showing woman. I hope what she filled out on those papers Ruben was complaining about will come back to haunt her.

I so want Buttberto to be ostracized not only by Juana but by Refugio too. You betrayed your Juana's goddaughter big mouth gossip.

I just love Hector and he was right and that was some good advice.

Mariano are you for real this time? Will you stick to your guns and leave Teresa alone?

Yeah Fernando is a goner for sure looks like Odiosa Oriana karma is coming real soon for her.

Ramon did you really have to do that? I know Arturo was threatening your son but really Mariano isn't going to like knowing you did that.

Sorry Teresa he does have a right to feel this way you should have come clean when you discovered his affair with Paloma instead of having your power trip and using it as a power play to make him feel guilty and grovel for you. I'm Team Teresa all the way but you haven't learned anything and still it's your ambition that is making you act the way you do. Stop now and cut your losses and beg Arturo for forgiveness.

Finally Aurora shut up and i'm not feeling sorry for you Martin called you out on your hypocrisy concerning Mariano. You know good and well the reason why you accepted Martin because you feel that Mariano will never stop loving Teresa.Stop your B.S. but most of all stop this lie what you're doing now is deceiving Martin. You know you will never love him like you do Mariano and the only reason you're trying to marry him is to stop being in love with Mariano or obsessed about him.

You're settling for a man who you don't have a great love for. He'll make you happy and smile and laugh but deep down inside you'll still be wanting and wishing it was Mariano you were with. So stop this nonsense and end it with Martin he doesn't deserve this.

So you mean to tell me after Saenz's widow shot Teresa she managed to avoid the police and escaped to Brazil? Only in Mexico folks.

This episode i think i'm going to watch it again it was just too awesome.

Paquita-priceless title! I really wonder if Tere will finally be exposed, but she may find a way to slide sideways, because we have a few weeks to go, right?
It does seem subtlely that Mariano is letting go of Tere-there seems to be a change. I wonder how long it will take for him to realize his regard for Aurora is love.

Great write-up, Paquita.

With about 7 weeks to go I don't know that we can predict the ending of this wild story. Here is why I'm not on Teresa's side:

With a law degree and having graduated at the top of her class she still relies on the ability to seduce weak men into her web of sin.

Golden words she will pour in your ear
But her lies can't disguise what you fear
For a golden guy knows when she's kissed him
It's the kiss of death ... from little Sharkita...

I have no sympathy for women who pull this crap when they hit Karmageddon.

While Arturo boinked Paloma during the marriage he was three sheets to the wind and he regretted his actions. That is a very different deal from Teresa boinking Mariano the night before the wedding and planning to elope with him just before the ceremony. Arturo's indiscretion is minor because he was drunk and the whole world didn't find out about this. Teresa's actions caused a scandal that would have been exponentially worse for Arturo if she had succeeded in running off with Mariano. It would have destroyed all their careers as well.

And it was all about the intent. Arturo had been looking for understanding, not sex. Teresa was looking for an escape from marrying Arturo.

Genovenom is next on Karma's list, with Rubigote right behind her. These two are beyond despicable.

Fito Maldito is right behind them. What he's done is punishable by society's laws; what the others have done deserve punishment from a higher authority.

Frances- I loved this recap of a great episode! Karma indeed.

Urban, great points. And remember now Art not only knows about the day before wedding boink, but also the plan to leave him at the altar (when Teresa knew what that would do to him), AND that AFTER the wedding there was still hanky panky going on between Ter and Mariano. That's three stabs to the gut. Then rub some salt in the wound with all of Teresa's lies and guilt trips (which are all coming back to him now), and that just makes those three revelations exponetially worse.

I'm excited by the previews of him throwing her out on her shapely behind. Also from the previews, we see Mariano running over to the Barerra home to come to Teresa's rescue. This is extremely frustrating for me. I loved the little speach he gave Tere in the hospital. Now he needs to live by it. Even if he knows that with the truth out, Art and Teresa will have a big blow out, so what? Why does he need to go over there and butt in? Did he already do enough damage to that marriage? Let them have it out like any other married couple. If he's worried about Teresa's well being, send Juana, Aurora, Hector, or Hernan over there. Why does HE have to be the one to go over and "rescue" her?

Paquita, totally with you on Aida saying, "Sabes bien que no me gustan los dramas" -- I about toppled over!

I have to admit I like punchy Arturo better than weepy Arturo (although it does mess up his hair.) I thought in the preview, though, that he was saying "you will NOT leave this house"...? Guess we'll see...

I didn't understand that part about the falsified documents. Can someone throw some light? Ruben seemed both surprised and upset, as if Geno had done something behind his back. But how would she falsify documents in HIS office?

Blue Lass- Way back when, before they were lovers, but after she found out he was having an affair with Espe, Geno blackmailed Ruben into notarizing some shady business for her. I remember it at the time because he really wasn't interested. But she made subtle threats about exposing his affair to Myra (she saw Ruben exiting the love nest with Espe). They never made it clear what was so shady about what she was doing, but it was something. As she got more goods on him, she was able to strong arm him into her bed (remember how he used to resist her), then she influenced him to steal Mayra's money to invest in Luna Turquesa and to become her permanent lover. Now she wants him by her side always AND wants his son. She has been drawing Ruben into her crazy web little by little for a long time.

Wow! Thanks, Vivi! She's worse than I thought -- and I already thought she was pretty bad. ;}

I agree, Fernando is burnt toast, I can smell him from here!

How on earth is this going to unravel? Art throws Tere out. Mar takes her in but she's circling Fer in the meantime. Martin dumps Aurora, he can't take her whining over Mariano. What will Oriana do when she finds out about Fer and Ter? And Luisa? What about Espe's baby?

We have a lot to cover in 7 weeks.

This was a truly great episode. Frances you did it justice again with your crisp translations and imbedded vocabulary.

I’m glad to see that the entirety of Teresa’s lies were laid out for Arturo, not just the night before the wedding affair, but everything she has done. If you view it as a whole, and particularly that Teresa had planned to escape with Mariano ON THE WEDDING DAY leaving Arturo standing at the alter AGAIN, (and she would have if it had not been for the gift of the car, “money”), Arturo has the right to be angry. Their emotional affair continued even after that in Mariano’s home. The truth is vital in a relationship, so in my view her destruction is just as much about all the lies that she told as the things she did. The dirty rotten shame of it all is that both Mariano and Teresa JUST THAT DAY acknowledged that their love could never be, (Some around here are doubtful of that!) so there might have been a chance for happiness for Arturo and Teresa. My comments yesterday on sleeping with someone before or after vows are just my seems more serious to break “(Catholic) Church Wedding Vows” with all the implied legalities than love making BEFORE the vows, but an important trust has been broken in both cases. Arturo, after being confronted did confess quickly and Teresa kept lying under the same circumstances. She continued to hedge last night. I think the incredible buildup of Arturo’s anger is because he has known all along that something wasn’t right, he ignored his own inner conflicts about Teresa from the beginning and most importantly, the person she slept with was MARIANO, his nemesis. Yes, Teresa married Arturo for the money, he knows that now, that knowledge is extremely painful.

Ugggg, my guess is that Luisa will be kind to Teresa in this stress and then will painfully lose Fernando to her quickly. Blu, you were right, Oriana most likely has orchestrated the destruction of her dream wedding match with her vengeful actions.

Anon207, I enjoyed your interpretation of the song, Mala Hembra yesterday. Yes, it must have been written from the perspective of Luisa. It is being sung by a woman, not a man. A woman has had a friend stab her in the back and therefore she is calling her a “mala hembra.” The words fit that way.

I was so glad to see Martin show some anger to Aurora, like Arturo, he is ignoring his own inner conflicts about Aurora.

Does anyone think that Teresa might be pregnant? In a regular novela she would be!

Paquita: You are amazing! I did not get to see this important capitulo. I am cursing this hotel without Uni on the telly.

I got caught up in all of the excitement of this capitulo with your excellent detail. I cannot thank you enough!

I will echo Blusam's sentiments. ITA.

I care so much for the Art character. I'm glad that he is angry.

Will La Odiosa get away with all of this damage she she has done?! She has dropped an A-Bomb with massive fallout. I despise that witch. There is nothing...absolutely nothing likeable about her. will Buttberto pay for this in the end? His mouth has caused more problems, but this is one from which he may never recover.

Amazing, Paquita. Simply superb!


Susanita, I agree that there's nothing likeable about La Odiana's character -- but my, that actress does have a beautiful voice! I can't help loving to hear her talk, even if I don't like what she's saying.

Sandy, Arturo hasn't seen the ENTIRETY of Teresa's lies -- we've got plenty more drama coming. The secret bank account, the fake mugging, the ring she gave to's all going to go down, and probably pretty quickly.,

Cuchi, this is just a guess, but I think Teresa will go home to the vecindad. Mariano is unlikely to take her in, he has been warned so many times about her..... his career that would be ruined. Novela writers like to take people waaaay down, and having her back in the neighborhood after such a ritzy life would be "karma' worthy. On the other hand, she might run over to Fernando and Luisa's.....all the better to seduce him! fiction, I don't mind seeing a sharkette, because there seems to be so many aggressive male bull sharks in real life! (Sorry Sharkbyte!) For some reason I enjoy seeing a woman with the upper hand swashbuckling through a bunch of guys, like a Lara Croft kinda gal. In real life, I just hope that everyone is kind and honest to one another!

Blue Lass, we posted at the same time! Yes, there are more lies to uncover, the jewelry, Fito, the car, Paulo, and many more. The real reason that Arturo lost the Sanez case is that Teresa brought Fito into their lives. Arturo and Teresa had the exculpatory document in their possession and gave it to Armando who was mugged by FITO....yes, this will be another grand lie to expose.

It's funny, even though I had nothing to do with the lies, I personally feel better when everything is exposed, I hate to see a good guy, Arturo, operating under falsehoods! Out with all of it!!!!

Great recap!! and holy schminoly what an episode. i can't imagine even Ter can talk her way out of this one. can't wait to see the fireworks tonight! i still don't see what her endgame plan is with Fernie, but i suspect it will be accelerated now.

and Paquita--i was totally thinking the same thing about Aeeeeeda's 'no drama'comment. puhleeze.

ITA with several commenters about Martin/Aurora--she needs to stop deigning to settle for him, and i am glad to see that he is finally standing up for himself. even if his resolve crumbles tonight, as it probably will.

also, just to add to vivi's background on rubes/geno--very early on, i think there was some indication that they regularly helped each other out with shady stuff--like he would notarize real estate stuff for her that he shouldn't, and she would give him a kickback or something. nothing horrendous, just your average white-collar, mutually beneficial fraud. it's probably what kept their 'great friendship' going all these years ;-)

Poor Cutberto, he didn't mean to spill the beans. He was talking to Teresa.

Paquita, fantastic recap. You captured all the emotions of this nitro episode so well.

ITA that probably the worst dagger for Art is that she was going to leave him at the altar, just like Paloma. That said, Art - she took a bullet for you. Doesn't that count for anything? Ter doesn't love him as much as she should but she's come a long way from the days when she used to thought bubble "tonto" every time she snowed him.

Fer is such an idiot he's even starting to look more doofus and less hawt to me now. Luisa, you can do better.

Fantastic recap Frances, you kept the emotion in every scene. I could feel Arturo's anger from my screen.

Oriana is too sure of herself, she feels nothing will stop his son from married Luisa now that they are engaged. That's why she didn't mind telling the truth to Arturo. From her point of view she is actually doing him a favor.

Oh Martín, if these characteres were real, you'd be my biggest crush along with Hernán but you'd have the edge because of your funny side. Too bad Aurora, as much as she tries, can't let go of her feelings for stupid Mariano.

Aída is delusional, she reminds me a little of Teresa. Aída tends to justify her past actions by lying to herself about what she does. Teresa is much more self aware but tends to justify her next actions by lying to herself about what she needs.


Good analysis, Jarocha.

Have you noticed that Aida's been looking rootsie-er?

By the way, I just read this morning that Carla Estrata formally presented Sebastián Rulli as the leading guy for her next telenovela. We are still waiting to hear about the leading lady, Adela Noriega, Silvia Navarro and Cecilia Suárez have been considered by Estrada.

Meanwhile, Angelique Boyer has been confirmed for the remake of my beloved Cañaveral de Pasiones. Funny, I kept thinking for a couple of years that Ana Brenda would have been a great Mireya in a remake but that would have meant she'd be again the great best friend of Angelique's character who falls inlove with a guy who's loved her since they were children. I think that role now would actually be a step backwards for Ana Brenda now that she got a leading part. Livia Brito has been cast in that role and for her I do think it is a great opportunity. Of course, that's thinking the novela is going to be successful which is not a guarantee today, especially with such a well known story.


Art can still be grateful and thankful that Teresa saved his life, AND angry that she's played him for a fool since the day she came into his life and home. Just because she saved him doesn't mean he should have to live with, or stayed married to, a gold-digging, lying, schemer.

Blue Lass: I think Aída must be spending too much time with Genoveva. All that crazyiness has ways to show itself.


Who knew that Rulli would become such a great actor. Now that he's matured, he looks even better and really shows emotional depth in his performance in Teresa. He is heading to the top of my list for galans...move over E Y.

Terrific recap, Paquita. You can tell how much you enjoy this novela from your enthusiastic recaps...such fun for us..

Looks like Art shoves Tere out the door. If Art dumps Tere, I hope she heads straight for Fer. That would really mess up Odiosa's life plans for her hijo and Luisa. Luisa will be devastated but at least she will know the true characters of Terror and Fer. Fer really loves Luisa but he would eventually wander sooner or later IMO.

Hopefully, Buttberto has caused so much damage to Tere and Art, that Juana will kick his behind to the curb when she finds out about his gossiping mouth.


Yeah, I'm afraid Cutberto's star is falling even for me. There are people with class in the vecindad, but he's not one of them. And Hector kind of grew on me when he was giving Aurora's mama the what-for.

What an awesome recap Frances. Looks like you have a big night for the blowout Sharkbyte.

I thought I was going to hyperventilate by the time this episode was over. Oriana told Arturo but even she didn't expect him to react like that. Arturo is one man you don't want to make angry. If Mariano knows what good for him, he should go far away instead of showing up at the house like a idiot in the previews.

OMG I can't wait for tonight's show. Arturo literally picks Teresa up to throw her physically out. Wow.

Frances thanks for your great recap and of great episode. I too was glued to my TV. Rulli was great (even scary) and the preview with Teresa shouting back at him just add to the anticipation for this evening.

I do hope Martin does realize he needs to call off the wedding as Aurora does not love him but won't face reality.

Thanks for the latest TN info Jarocha

Thanks for your great recap yesterday, Jardinera.

Yeah Rulli has surprised me in this novela i never knew he could act like this. he always seemed wooden to me with his acting.

There are a lot of people not willing to face the truth in this novela besides Arturo and they all are going to need to be exposed to the cold hard reality of what choices they make in their life how it effects not only them but others.

Teresa is just now getting a taste of her lies and schemes being exposed. Aurora needs to stop whining that Martin is not being fair and do the right thing end this farce of a engagement.

Martin is beginning to realize he will always come second with Aurora when it comes to Mariano.

Mariano needs to realize if you say you're not going to be a part of Teresa's life than do so like someone has mention he could have sent anyone to aid Teresa against Arturo him going himself just throws more fuel on the fire.

Geno,Ruben,Odiosa Oriana and Aeeeeeeeeeeeda to me at least they are lost causes and can't be redeemed because as much as they claim to care about others. Too many times by their actions and selfish wants they have hurt and used others to either get over for their own selfish gain or to get even with Teresa. Which shouldn't be what motivates one to enjoy life and be happy with those that you claim to love.

So what would happen if Teresa is no longer in this equation would Geno be able to move on? No because she believes she is entitled to Espe's child because it's Ruben and he's been her life long obsession.She is trying vicariously through Ruben's child with Espe to replace Paulo.

Would Ruben be able to move on? This guy is a gigolo extreme he'll make up any lie at the spur of the moment to suit the situation. It's always been about what Ruben wants and needs and he doesn't care who he steps on or uses to get what he wants including his own daughter.He preyed upon a stupid naive,gullible young woman with big time self esteem issues. He believes he can be the only man she has ever been with. Let's be realistic here this is absurd logic.

Would Odiosa Oriana be happy and be able to move on? She thinks if she removes Teresa from the equation or the vicinity of her son this will stop him from going after her. Let's say Teresa is gone that doesn't mean that Fernando won't eventually cheat on Luisa it seems he is a serial womanizer.Someone who believes they are in love but when they meet a woman like Teresa all of a sudden there antennae perks up. Please Teresa is not the only gold digger Fernando will come across either.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda will she be able to move on? Well Teresa has been her life long obsession of hate passing blame for every terrible experience she has had onto Teresa. She never considers her actions in causing Teresa to retaliate back. Still even if there is no Teresa there will always be Espe and her son with her father.

She wants Espe to move away with Hernan to some far away land that her father won't have contact with his son. She will never be able to accept his son as her half brother. Still thinks she can be with Mariano but won't accept his friendship with Espe.I would say no because her refusal to basically deal with the truth is just as slanted as the other three. The world must fit to her wants and needs and damn if i care if i hurt others to achieve my happiness.

I don't think any of them are redeemable at all.

As for Teresa if she willfully goes after Fernando even to get back at Odiosa Oriana i don't believe she can be redeemed from this. Mariano had already given her a warning don't do to Arturo what she did to him.

I repeat, this was one heck of a good episode!

I want Teresa to see the error of her ways and for Arturo to somehow forgive her, if only for his sake. I feel she's really come to love him but doesn't yet realize how much. On the other hand, it would be a fitting end for her to be left all alone, a la Scarlett, wondering where she'll go, what she'll do? There's also the matter of all those other little lies everyone has pointed out. My, my.

And Cutberto? ugh. He didn't really spill the beans, as someone else mentioned, he was just talking to Teresa. But isn't that always the way he spreads trouble? Besides, he filled in Odiosisima Oriana on who knows what else that day in the car. Juana needs to cut this chismoso down and out of her life. PLEASE! I have such a crush on Hector.

Great points, Blu. Genovenom, Rubigote, Aida, Oriana, and Teresa are all narcissists with serious entitlement issues. Most narcissists are irredeemable because they will never realize that their failure to recognize that they are not the center of the universe is a problem in relating to others.

Esperanza, Juana, Luisa, Martin, and Mariano could recover from all this.

Aurora needs to grow up first.

Buttberto needs to really grow up.

As for Teresa taking a bullet for Arturo I'm more inclined to think she stepped in front of him thinking that the Saenz widow wouldn't shoot her bsecause she wasn't the target. She seriously underestimated the crazy.

As for Fernando, he isn't necessarily a permanent womanizer. However, he needs to have a serious conversation with somebody who can set him straight about Sharkita and that somebody can't be Mama Shark.

Urban great word entitlement because that's how all of these characters have acted.

Geno i'm entitled to Ruben and his off spring with Espe should replace my Paulo. Who cares if Espe suffers from her lost she's just a nobody from the vecindad and no account to me.As for Mayra she should have never taken my man i had him first and expected to be married to him but along came Mayra and her pesos and she had more than i did so off went Ruben with her. never does she think that Ruben is always going to go after what benefits him the most huh?

Ruben I'm entitled to Mayra and her money but i don't love her so i'll have this young gullible young woman on the side. I'll lie to her and string her along and she'll keep buying my lies because that's how dumb and gullible she is. She better not take up with another man because i was her first lover and the father of her baby. So what i'm juggling my wife and my old lover on the side. I'm a man and this is what we do and besides the only one who knows what i'm up to is Geno and she won't talk because she buys my B. S. too. I'm such a damn good gigolo boy i almost had Teresa too. But that darn girl is too darn smart for her own good. So many women so little time and i have to be on good terms with my daughter because i need to hit her up for some money.

Oriana i'm a blue blood of high society ad i'm entitle to my son marrying a woman from one of the best of families and good makeup. I'm also entitled to speak my mind and say what ever the heck i want at anytime and to anybody. So what if you don't like it, i've got more money and can trace my families lineage back to the Spanish Kings and Queens. So i told Arturo about his wife, i had to do it in order to protect my son and also to open Arturo's eyes to what he really married a social climbing slut.He's not taking it too well right now but i'm sure he'll get over it in time. Hey i did him a real big favor he should thank me.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda well i was once entitled to Paulo why because i was in love with since i was a little girl that's why. But he some fell for that Teresa something is not right about her and i really can't stand her either. I've got Paulo now but i'm not satisfied so now i'm entitled to expose Teresa big lie about her family background to everyone.I'm also entitled to torture her at every chance i get. Whether it's to imply she has a illegal relationship with our professor Arturo or to making fuin of who are parents really are or where she's from. To dating that sad little taxista. Paulo has died and i've gone after Mariano to piss off Teresa because that social climbing upstart has married well.

I'll be damn if i sit still and watch that. I'm going to torture her at every opportunity i get over Mariano.But i've actually have fallen for Mariano now i'm entitled to his being in love with me and him forgetting about Teresa once and for all. I'm also entitled to my father forgetting about his affair and making that friend of my main nemsis pregnant.He better not try to acknowledge that baby i won't have it. I don't know why that upstart Teresa tries to retaliate back at me after all she just grin and take my cruelty why because she isn't on my level she wasn't born to what i was born into. She's just nothing more than a La Rata De Vecindad social climbing slut. She doesn't deserve to be happy at all and i'm making that my mission.

I'm Teresa and i'm entitled to leaving this hell and never worry over money matters again. At first i was entitled to Mariano but he just wasn't willing to do what i envision for our future. So i decided upon Arturo he's rich and still young and very influential. Hey i wouldn't really have to work all that hard to become rich. The most serious work i do is working Arturo into a hot and bothered lather to be with me. I'm also entitled to to keep stringing Mariano along with the hope he will see things my way and get with the program. if not i can keep him on the side until i tire of Arturo. Well then there's Fernando hey a girl always must have another option or wild card in her bags of tricks. If i break up with Arturo i can always fall back on him. Now that Arturo is flat broke maybe i am entitled to have Fernando now. I can go back to where i came from i'm entitled to a better life. I'm just not willing to work hard for it other than seducing men to get what u want.

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