Monday, August 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #89 Monday 8/22/11 Why Does This Rescue Feel So Like An Abduction?

The happy family group at Consta’s table eat breakfast with Mat and Adriana teasing Renata for her sudden motivation she claims she is always energetic but she is both excited and so nervous. Renata is all atingle to see Jero later today hoping this will be a good decision. Jero in a split screen reciprocates with hopes that they have a chance.

Tingle is hardly what Honorio feels crawling up the back of his neck when he is arrested in front of his office while the evil Blanca watches with a slimy leer as they stuff Hon in a squad car arrested for fraud at her alter ego Monique’s behest.

Kari clings to her good wife role while discussing with Padre that she isn’t going to divorce. He wants her to know he cares for her and doesn’t want her to suffer more. Just who is detained or incarcerated here.

Alfonsina talks to Doc Marina about getting the proof of the DNA so she doesn’t have to live with this unbearable uncertainty. Marina advises her to go ask Dr. Nesme in person, although they could force him with a court order, it is much better to get him to do it voluntarily. Obviously, Dr. Marina has had little experience with that sector of the medical profession that specializes in selling snake oil.

Hon calls Gonzo from jail warning him he has been arrested, Blanca was on the corner watching it happen and now Adriana, Consta and Renata are in danger.

Gonzo calls Soto to come immediately so they can go to the police station with not one word to anybody.

Iguana-eyed Antonio and cobra-eyed Fina talk strategy in a restaurant. Antonio observes that Gonzo and Regina will probably marry very quickly after the divorce. Fina confirms that they certainly are not going to let this happen. Several times he insists that Regina is not to be hurt in the process. And butter wouldn’t melt in Fina’s mouth. Who me be a danger to Regina to revenge myself? If I can detect a bit of emotion in Antonio’s unblinking eyes, it is a shred of fear that he is in WAY over his head in this alliance forged in hellfire.

Consta gets the message that Hon is in jail. Adriana immediately knows Blanca is behind this. She wants to go to the station too but Consta says she can’t go nor stay alonem and the maid is gone. So Adri suggests the Chema could come to be with her. As he said he would. Consta is reluctant but Adri points out this is the only other option. Consta makes the call.

At the police station Gonzo and Soto discuss the seriousness of Hon’s case. (I don’t quite get what proof from a fictitious person would get someone in the slammer this quicly but my beanie needs new aluminum foil to enhance transmissions.) Soto thinks this will take a lot of work to prove Honorio’s innocence but he adds the next victim to be arrested will be Renata.

Renata comes into the EM office with Matias so happy. They tease and laugh, she is in such a good mood which you better enjoy since it isn’t going to last the whole capitulo. Matias is alarmed to know that neither Gonzo nor Hon are in the office and there is a big meeting expected. He tells the receptionist to alert him as soon as his father arrives.

Gonzo calls Mat to tell him to come to the station and orders him not to tell Renata. They must assume Renata is next come. Augie comes into the already busy police station saying he came as soon as he could. Gonzo thanks him for coming so quickly to help him with this problem.

Chema comes quickly to help Consta with her problem to take care of Adri. Adri knows her father is innocent but is so afraid. Chema is patient and sympathetic even if a bit disappointed at first.

Augie will do anything to get Renata away and he would give his life for her. Gonzo trusts him for this reason asking for his complete discretion.

Renata has the wiggles and cannot concentrate on her work. She starts to call Jero but tells her self to concentrate.

At the Jewelry store Regina and Jero look at two R necklaces. Which one would she prefer he asks. She will prefer this demonstration that she can regain confidence and trust in you. Jero remembers that Rafa had an R necklace in his things. Regina remembers that Roberto gave her and her daughter R’s necklaces and Jero remembers that Gonzo says Gonzo gave R’s to Renata and Roberta too. What a strange a coincidence thinks Regina. Jero smiles more than we have ever seen, He adores Renata. She is the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

The secretary comes in with coffee telling Renata it is 2:30, she rushes off after checking with the secretary on how does she looks. (Beautiful as usual but still dressed like a college freshman for some unfathomable reason.)

Back at his apartment Jero comes in with 60 roses and bags of great looking food, Cheese and lettuce and many candles and important looking wine. What a nice set up and then he drapes the R necklaces in various places.

Gonzo drives into the EM garage in a black Jaguar S type (my all time favorite car, mine was silver, hmmm, but I digress). He hysterically urges Renata to get in the car with him without asking questions. She has to disappear because they already have arrested Honorio because of Blanca’s plots and she is in danger of being thrown in jail next.

She balks insisting she has a date that she doesn’t want and can’t fail to show up. He says she isn’t listening this is not negotiable. She has to get to safety and no one can know where she is. Her destiny is being changed at this moment. He demands she give him her cell phone it may be traced.

Jero adjusts his tie, the candles, the food, paces, puts on his jacket, the R’s are in the shape of a heart. He mutters to himself. (This makes me sad to watch.) He says, after this dinner you won’t be able to leave my side. She has to be convinced to come back.

Renata is saying to hyper-Papa, before you change my destiny loan me your cell phone. Yes your destiny is being changed and it can’t be helped. No I can’t, you could be traced and we can’t risk it.

Consta comes in to ask Soto when can she see Hon he thinks she can get in for at least 5 minutes. Mati arrives saying, but where is my father. Soto says, he is off taking care of another problem related to this same matter. Con and Mat console hug. Mat gives the obvious explanation: Blanca is completely crazy (BSC to you texters and tweeters)

Adri is worried about not being able to get through to Renata. Chema reasons that she has had to turn it off in the Station. But it has been so long worries Adri.

Chema says, I know I‘ll make a great dessert and it will make it all better but not with that face. The worried Adri breaks into a smile, He says really he isn’t trying to trivialize the danger her father is in. But the angst you are having won’t do anything to help your recuperation. Then she says, it’s a deal if you will teach me how to make the dessert I don’t know how to cook well. He hefts Adri over his shoulder to carry her to the kitchen. We hope not breaking anything more

Jero paces and calls Renata’s cell. He hopes she hasn’t had second thoughts. Finally Jero calls Renata’s office to learn that she left hours ago and didn’t give any clue of where she was going. Jero drinks more wine and jumps to get the door for any bell in the hall way that goes off. He says tranquilo a whole bunch and counsels himself not to think the worst. (Yes Jero suit club, he is in that navy blue with the baby blue tie, its’s our only consolation at the moment.)

Cata is drinking coffee with Inez and thanks for her asking her to come to eat. Inez tells her she can come live there. She is pleased for the thoughtful invitation but she declines and Inez says but you are like part of the family. She thinks she will be better in that place for senior citizens. You are saying that because of Regina, right? Yes, Cata cries. Inez says, why don’t you try to understand Regina? Cata says, she does understand her but she cannot support what she has chosen to do. She thought she would be a great lady but she (Regina) is choosing differently and she (Cata) cannot compromise her feelings. (This woman doesn’t need a skilled nursing facility but she does need to have her head examined.)

Regina at her dressing table in golden light has a flash back of Roberto presenting the R for his princess, baby Regina on her birthday and then giving Regina one too with his love. They hug and all is happy. Back at the present a wistful Regina says, here’s another coincidence, Gonzolo

Renata and Gonzo drive into an airplane hangar and he explains that she has to be hidden while they get the Blanca problem worked on. Augie comes out of the plane with such a swagger. She can’t figure out whey she should flee when she has done nothing wrong. Augie assures them both, he has everything under control . Renata looks like she is being controlled.

Roberta walks into the hotel to find out Augustin has checked out of the hotel several hours ago and paid his bill. She leaves him an irritated message that she isn’t some Selene that he can treat this way without at least advising her that he was leaving. She finishes with her famous, Stupido.

Gonzo assures Renata of his love and continues to insist that he has to protect her and is sorry this has to be done this way. She will miss him, she says as she climbs the plane stairs like she is walking the plank at sea. She asks that he be in contact with Augie to bring her news of the outcome of the case and of the family and please will he tell Consta she is sorry she isn’t with her and Hon etc. that she is okay. He agrees of course.

Back to the Baja jail, Nesme comes in to the visiting room and greets Alfonsina slimily, I knew you couldn’t live without me. If you come for a conjugal visit we could both enjoy it so much. She pushes his slimy hand off her knee saying, don’t touch me you make me sick. Then why did you come? I want to ask you to take a DNA test. He says, you just want to know if I am the father of the baby. But of course I am. I don’t need to prove anything but if you will come for a conjugal visit I will give you the DNA test. That is the exchange; nothing is for free. She is so slimed and disgusted she leaves saying she never wants to have to see him again. (So much for Marina’s brilliant ideas. We could have predicted that one. )

Matilde asks Kari why don’t you want to (or does she say, why don’t you love him.) She holds to her misery as church sanctioned and Matilde (and I) don’t understand it or agree with it. Lazaro looks on through the door crack. She has been miserable for years but if she goes off to enjoy herself now it will have made her years of miserable marriage a lie. She will stay in this any way until death do us part.

Marina comes up to Ponchito at an outdoor table and asks how is it going, are you happy? He says not really happy. They don’t talk to each other. When one is in the room and then the other comes in someone leaves. Marina tries to tell him that perhaps he knows that when you do something that you don’t want to just for someone else it doesn’t work the way you hoped. Maybe it would be better to let the parents be themselves, apart but more at peace. He hopes with the new baby coming it will all be like the happy family life he misses. Marina’s expression says she realizes she isn’t the best psychologist ever.

Ezekiel and Lazaro rush in to Carlos in the office to announce that there is a possible plague. The plants are pale over at Augie’s and it could possibly be from over watering but if it is plague on the vines there is a big disaster coming. That is why Ezek came to tell Carlos himself. Carlos wants Alfonsina so they can test all of La Bonita’s vines.

Jero comes to Consta’s door and greets Chema who recognizes him as Renata’s husband. He calls for Adri. She glides in in her wheelchair and agrees we can’t get in touch with Renata either but probably she is with everybody else at the station. At his confusion she recognizes, Oh you don’t know, Honorio was arrested.

Augie cajoles Renata who is deep in thought on the plane. They discuss why she had to flee the scene and possible arrest. He says, I know it all looks black. She finally tells know I’m not talking about my father, but about Jero we had a meeting to reconcile and she feels so bad. He jumps on that. She will commit the same error as ever to believe in Jero. More urbane than Nesme, Augie warms to his task. He is sure that Jero has planned her destiny, a future where she has no opinion or options. (Oh really.)

Consta and Hon grip hands through the jail cell bars. Hon wants her to promise that she and Adri won’t come to the jail to see him. He imagines that Adriana is so disappointed by him. Consta expresses with many tears that it was all a trap and he is innocent. She cries, he kisses, they cling to each other. (Chema is toast.)

Chem and Adri have fun watching bad women in a movie and talk about the really bad women she knows who are worse, Fina and Roberta. He agrees that he is sure that Fina or Roberta took pictures of him with Consta and sent them to Honorio. They discuss if someone has been plotting to cause all the couple problems including making Chema and Consta seem to be an item.

Alfonsina gets back and Carlos briefs her on the plague threat. She says it is very hard to identify it early but she will do everything she can. She goes off to check the vineyard.

Jero show up at he station and Gonzo and Matias jump him. (Well almost.) He must ta;k with Renata, she didn’t show up for their date. Gonzo dourly assures him, she isn’t in the city she has gone off to think, contemplate her options and feelings, etc. and you are not to get in touch with her.

The scene ends at the Augie palace. Renata walks in looking like a forced march and Augie welcomes her to the hacienda again. She doesn’t look pleased.

Next episode: The plot sickens to keep Renata and Jero from seeing if they could reconcile. Augie has found allies in Gonzo and Matias. Not so sure are Regina and Jero. The teams are being chosen. Ezekiel grins that Augie will make Renata his woman soon. The divorce express papers arrive at Jero’s door.


It's late and I am enjoying the moment of joy in Libya. Who knows what is next but their independence day is exciting.

I will check in with you all in the morning before I go off early to photography butterflies at the butterfly house at the Botanic Gardens.

This episode was as full of woes as I expected. Le't hope for better news later this week. Renata is not defeated only ticked off and still deer in the headlights which won't last.

Cheryl, I just read your title and had to comment. It is perfect perfect perfect. Oh how I hated the whole plot where Gonzo went behind his daughter's back to "save" her. Good God man, it's the 21st century, she's a savvy professional, can you not speak to her like an adult? Harrumph! OK now that I got that off my chest I'm going to read your recap.

Cheryl, I swear this was one of your best recaps. Yes, it was a downer of an episode, not much action, yet your retelling of the tale made it so much more enjoyable than the original. And hey, you used the word urbane, one of my faves. You are a wonder finding the time to recap amidst your other activities.

Ummm...could someone please fire or at least question Soto? Why is this dumba** the (or a) corporate lawyer? Our beanies are in overdrive with this one.

Gonzo calls Augie to sequester Renata? Talk about throwing her into the pervy lion's den!

"she climbs the plane stairs like she is walking the plank at sea". My sentiments exactly.

"Just who is detained or incarcerated here." - Kari's marriage is another alleged rescue that turned out to be an abduction. Kari, please claim your life back!

Loved your description of the "alliance forged in hellfire". You are so right, Tony has no idea what he's gotten himself into.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but why is Jero getting another "R" necklace for Nata? Doesn't she already have one and doesn't he know this?

Poor Jero, I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for him but I'm still holding a grudge about his Anti-Hero behavior that lasted a long time. I'm cool with him suffering, but I just wish Renata would have contacted him because now he will blame her AGAIN for his self-induced angst.

"Chema is toast.", yep.

Sigh, tonight reminds me that we still have a long way until our happy endings.

Ahhh Cheryl, you had a silver S type Jag? Where is it now? I must admit I don't have much experience with those lovely cars EXCEPT...when I was in high school/Jr. College my best friend's dad had a bright red XKE, he was a pilot for World Airways, he traveled a lot and...oh my we did love sneaking that car out and driving it around. Even now I blush at our chutzpah.

How you took such a depressing episodes and made it enjoyable to read about, well, it is mind-boggling and awesome. I had to watch with one eye on some work, but maybe that was a good thing.

Guess we better remember that Jero smile for awhile, doubt we'll be seeing it much for awhile. Or until the good Doc maybe starts moving in for the conquest. And can a man rock suits any better than this man?? Criminy

I agree - Nata looked none too happy once at Augie's. Disappointed that Gonzo handed her over to this guy - not exactly an unknown location to anyone that knew her either. But my beanie will go with it for plot purposes.

As for the rest of our denizens: Kari, Cata, Fina and Toni - same old same old. I expect it from the three snarly faces, but I'm just done with Kari. I guess we put up with this martyr mentality until Dr. Demented meets his maker. I'll just do the "Lalalalala--I can't hear you" routine whenever she comes on.

Poot Chema - he really does mean well and isn't a bad guy. If Matias wasn't in the picture, he and Adri would be kinda cute together.

Cheryl, good morning and thanks for this wonderful recap. I agree with Sylvia, this is another of your bests and the title is perfect. My favorite line of your recap sums up the one bright spot of this episode succinctly:

"(Chema is toast.)"

Now if he'd just go... poof! And vanish.

OK, I've tried to tolerate (even like) Gonzo... he seems to be an audience favorite, but the man is an idiot who thinks the rules of society are for everyone but him. He of course is the smartest man on the planet who knows what's best for all.

I don't like Jerry either, but for Gonzo to tell him:

"...she isn’t in the city she has gone off to think, contemplate her options and feelings, etc..."

What a lying bastard...

Suggestion, for Dr. Marina, why not have Alfie bring in Zekes hairbrush, dirty underwear, a drinking glass, a used Kleenex...

They're living in the same place, for goodness sakes... like a slug, he leaves a trail of DNA wherever he goes.

I'm afraid this is not going to be pleasant for awhile.


The jailhouse scene with Dr Death so slimed me I wanted desperately to take a shower.

However, in the long term Augustin disgusts me more for his need to control. Why can't Gonzo see that?

Cheryl, Your title did indeed say it all. What a downer of an episode. We knew it was coming of course -- I'm just sorry I watched he previews Friday so I didn't havae the weekend to bask in the happiness of Nata & Jero preparaing for their tryst.

Gonzalo really irritated me with his "hyper-Papa," (Good one Cheryl) attitude and then with hislying right in Jeronimo's face. Yep I fear you are right we won't be seeing that dazzling smile for quite a while.

You do have awy with words. "Iguana-eyed Antonio and cobra-eyed Fina " was one of my faves. And you summed up Jeronimo's scene perfectly "He says tranquilo a whole bunch and counsels himself not to think the worst." I only hope that he can avoid the trap of thinking the worst.
I guess that I too need some new aluminum foil beause my beanie cannot compute what the charges are that are keeping Honorio in jail and threatening Renata.-- And by the way it's not as if this ruse to protect Renata is to save her life -- they just want to keep her out of jail. Half the family has spent a night or two in the slammer by now. Isn't there a cell with their name on it?


Law of telenovelalandia is that all things are possible for plot driven results. Cell phone calls can be triangulated to find the location of a person yet no back up of documentation can be made (namely the marriage contract, Soto and staff should invest in thumbdrives and/or a back up system that time stamps the latest changes to their documents).

Love, love.... "(I don’t quite get what proof from a fictitious person would get someone in the slammer this quicly but my beanie needs new aluminum foil to enhance transmissions.)"

Roberta's realization that she was no more than another sparegirl for Auggie, priceless.

Dear Cheryl: What a difficult capitulo, but you made it come alive in spite of so many depressing things happening.

Once again, I have missed this as I could not find a link to the capitulo on Daily Motion (sorry, Cap'n Sylvia, but every time I put in CMESDET capitulo 89 all I got was capitulo 89 for TdA). I'm crying!!!

Gonzo needs a good slap in the face as does Matias. Where do they get off thinking that this was the best for Renata?!

Cheryl: Iguana eyes PERFECTLY describes Tony the Toreador. PERFECTO! Those eyes are just like a lizard's eyes...honestly!

I think poor Kari has so much guilt and shame that it will be a looong time before she believes she deserves a life.

As for Marina, good grief, this 'doctora' is already making me tired of her.

Thank you again Cheryl. Hope you get some lovely fotos of the butterflies today!!

Susanita, Proud Member of the Jero Suit Club. :))

Great recap, Cheryl. I especially liked "More urbane than Nesme, Augie warms to his task." How true; Augie slips into BS-mode with slimy efficiency.

Okay, I admit, I really did not like this episode. One of the aspects I most enjoy about CME is the minimal beanie adjustment that has been necessary -- up until now. I'm sorry, I do not think Renata would allow herself to be spirited away to avoid legal charges; she would prefer to fight them head on and prove her innocence.

I agree, Cap'n Sylvia, Gonzo was an overreacting chicken little in this episode. And I also agree with Carlos: lying to Jero about the whole thing was low. It makes Gonzo even worse than Cata, another hyperventilating parent who meddles in the life of her adult daughter.

And thank you Carlos, for clearing that up about the DNA. In the last episode, while Ezek was refusing to help Alfonsina, I kept yelling at he screen "Yank out one of his hairs!" I don't think Dr. Marina would refuse to run a test simply because the DNA sample was not willingly given. Here's a question for you Carlos: Can anything be determined by comparing Ponchito's DNA? Or would it only confirm that he and the fetus share the same mother?

Oh well, I guess I better just prepare myself for the bumpy ride ahead, and keep my beanie handy.

Juan Miguel

Juan Miguel,

Yes, if indeed Panchito is Zeke's son, DNA testing would show him to be the baby's full brother confirming that Zeke is the baby's daddy. Good call.

And... I agree with you... Gonzo is ever bit as meddlesome as Cata, but worse because while she is just passive-aggressive and whiny... he is dictatorial and coercive.


Susanita - I noticed that too last week looking for an episode when I thought I would miss one that evening. It had actually been yanked. And I don't see quite a few I know I had seen previously listed there any longer. I'm panicking because I now have to go to week-long meeting in NY in Sept. CME and Teresa withdrawal is setting in already...some of the other sites that show on Google I've had horrid spam and virus luck with.

I'm hopeless I know...

Great job, Cheryl, on a terrible-awful-no good-no how episode. I almost turned it off I was so upset.

I loved all the colorful phrases everyone cited and also your description of Kari "holding to her misery as church sanctioned".

Such an efficient elegant way of expressing her dilemma! And without knowing her upbringing, I imagine she also heard the Spanish equivalent of "Serves you right" and "You made your bed, now lie in it". So between parental and ecclesiastical mandates, she feels she has no choice but to continue with this nightmare marriage. I'm sure the writers will find a way to extricate her...but meanwhile..ugh!

Can't even talk about the busted Renata- Jeronimo reconciliation. Watching him walk around muttering "tranquilo, tranquilo" was just excruciating. And when Gonzalo poured salt in the wound by claiming Renata had gone off willingly "to think"...dang dang dang! Shut. Up. Gonzalo is with the wrong woman, he should actually hook up with Regina's mother; they're two of a kind.

Looks like we're in for a couple of months of misery and tangled relationships. Gird your loins, gang.

Marvelous recap Cheryl. I am just as bummed as the rest of you. With what Gonzo told him, and with the divorce papers arriving, I will be totally understanding of Jero jumping to ALL the wrong conclusions. And you just know he will find out Nata is at Augie's, which will make things even worse. Yes indeed, I just saw how this tn could go on for a good long while with all the anvils that are lining up and falling. I'm still enjoying it though.

I think Jero got matching pendants for him and Nata. One was an 'R', and the other was a 'J'. Not sure who he intended to wear which. I assume he intended to wear the 'R', while she wore the 'J'.

I thought Chema was cute. Loved when he threw Adri on his back. It was very Tarzan like. So strange seeing this actor as clueless, but good guy Chema at 7, and slimy jerk Saul at 9 in LFdD.

I think it's funny how Adri is soldiering on with her plan to seduce/distract Chema away from Conie, despite all the other stuff going on. Doesn't she think Conie would mind? Chema's not some plaything. (OK, maybe he is. He's a boy toy.)

Thanks for perking up this downer of an episode. Not much happiness going around these days.

When Gonzo was shoving Renata into the car, it looked like a cell phone was dropped on the floor of the garage and they didn't notice. They didn't show it again, so I don't know whether that's deliberate (they do keep mention not being able to reach either Renata or Gonzalo) or just a filming glitch we weren't supposed to notice.

Well, Renata needs to trot on into town and buy yet another phone, so she can at least call Adriana. Renata is looking seriously peeved at having been spirited away. Not quite the Love Shack eventually-romantic kidnapping most telenovelas include. At least I'm hoping it doesn't get romantic. Ugh.

I, too, was confused at Marina sending Alfi to Dr. DastardlyBastard rather than just snagging some sample of Zeke's DNA from the house. It's not like she's trying to get proof that will hold up in court, she just wants to know.

Excellent, Cheryl. Thank you, thank you.

I'm thinking that Augie has Renata's gilded cage all ready, with her name on a brass plate. Run Renata! Run!!

As to Tony looking reptilian - I kept waiting for him to lick his eyeball... (Yuck!)

Last night's Mr. I was definitely Gonzo. What a schmuck! He's going to have some 'splainin' to do, that's for sure.

I've been more or less in Club Jero and just hate to see him so crushed. Not that he doesn't deserve it... He is so spring-loaded that he's certain to start slinging blame, most of it at Renata's head. Heavy-duty foil for my beanie.

great great title, cheryl!
I too had the same question in my mind... they can have Pochito do the DNA testing to see if the baby is full sibling... so thanks Juan Miguel and Carlos for that answer.
I hope Renata doesn't give in to Augie or do anything stupid like take any drugs via glasses of wine... but I have a feeling Augie is too proud to just drug her to sleep with her, he will want her to do things 'willingly'...

Zounds! We just had an earthquake! Vivi, did y'all feel it up there?

We are expecting a hurricane this weekend. What next, frogs? Locusts?

I just read about the earthquake! Egad. How severe was it at your place? Do you know of any damage?

HI Julia, Not severe at all, but we did thin the house was falling down for a minute! I don't think there is any damage locally, just excitement since they are so rare. Our son in DC said they felt it also, so I'm guessing Vivi will have a story to tell also.

I write in the Tiburoncita discussion that I had some books fall down. I leaned against a shaking bookcase next to that stack, but no damage thus far. The Wikipedia entry on "Richter Scale" has already been updated for this event.

Yep. We had a 5.8 earthquake (some reports say 6.2). How exciting. It felt like home (So Cal)!

I have spent the last half hour calming down my East Coast, born and bred, co-workers. They have all left, and I'm still here. The Federal gov has shut down. Just me by myself here now, but I still have a few things to do.

Watch out for those aftershocks, Vivi! If necessary, sit on your beanie!! That should protact you from anything!

Cheryl. Thanks for these lines, and many other gems, because otherwise I'd be crying sad tears now:
"Marina’s expression says she realizes she isn’t the best psychologist ever." and “She cries, he kisses, they cling to each other. (Chema is toast.) “

Carlos, I totally agree with you about Gonzo and what he told Jero. What arrogant presumption, especially when Jero told him that Nata had a date with him. Obviously, she’s willing to meet with him. And isn’t it HER decision, Sh**t for Brains. Also, thought the same thing re: Ezek and the DNA. It would be so much easier for her to get a sample from him than Dr. Demented.

I don’t get Nata’s danger. Didn’t a lot of you guys note that she wasn’t even at the company when BSC was there?

I’m so bummed. The only thing that's going to keep me watching through the next depressing eps is that at the end, everything will work out for our main couple, way way down the road.


How cool... our Vivi scoffs at earthquakes,

"How exciting. It felt like home..."


"... hurricane this weekend. What next, frogs? Locusts?"


Hope everyone is OK.


I agree Robey - 'Chema is toast' is such a great line. One can only hope.

I have to be easier on Gonzo. Nata told him she had an importnat life-changing meeting but she did not state to him it was with Jero, only to Augie. So Gonzo is doing his best with the information he's got, he can't make any exceptions, so trusting Jero after the last he heard was that Nata was going to divorce him, woudl have been silly/risky.

yes praying that everyone is ok. i haven't felt any earthquakes in the continental US, but i did one in Puerto Rico when I was a teenager, hammock was swinging up and down, rocker wa going sideways and me and my dad shared WTH looks.

while Blanca was at the office, she had access to documents signed by Renata that she could have easily altered and somehow got Nata in as bad a legal mess as she did Hono... so Gonzo is just putting Nata safely away while they catch Blanca and try to do damage control.
Hono himself warned Gonzo that she might be the next 'victim' of Blanca

Watch out for those aftershocks, Vivi! If necessary, sit on your beanie!! That should protact you from anything!
Great line, but so glad everyone seems to be ok.

We actually felt it pretty strongly in NE Ohio. My high rise office building was swaying a good 20 seconds. Thought someone had spiked my lunch, then my plant started doing it's own version of the hula, so I knew something was up. Our colleagues in some areas out East still don't have cell phone service or office phones.

Nice afternoon wake up call.

You guys are a scream:
"How cool... our Vivi scoffs at earthquakes,
"How exciting. It felt like home..."
"... hurricane this weekend. What next, frogs? Locusts?"

I am an hour north of Manhattan. I felt a slight dizziness before the floor vibrated…and reflections in the GLASS IN THE DOOR started twisting left and right! SO THAT’S what made me look out the window to see if trees were moving!!!

It was BRIEF but they actually evacuated buildings up my way.

I'm with Güera,

"Half the family has spent a night or two in the slammer by now. Isn't there a cell with their name on it?"

I don't see the urgency and I certainly don't see why she couldn't make a phone call... and what is wrong with the truth rather than that crap about going off to reflect. Sorry, he may mean well but he's being the worst kind of bully... and with his daughter no less.


Marta: Thanks for the explanation re: Nata and Blanca. That does make sense.


Bonney: It's especially scary thinking of an earthquake affecting the NYC area with all those tall buildings.


Yes Robey, and already people are expressing memories of the nine eleven tragedy.
BUT, BACK to our story. In the previews Zeke is supportive of Agustin and 'now he's got his woman'. But I don't understand why.

Cheryl, great recap, thank you. It was much easier to read that the episode was to watch.

Hello, dear old friends, JudyB, Cheryl, Sylvia, Emilia and Mike, Carlos, daisynjay, Vivi and Julia plus any others that I may have forgotten to mention, I hope everyone on the East coast is OK after your little temblor. Yes, it is your long lost friend ElnaJune Sonoma, checking in, after just starting on CME. It's been a wild year, but more on that later.

What is it with Silvia Navarro and her poppas? This one seems almost as dumb as her last one on MEPS. I am so sorry she is being sequestered but I do like the ride—nice plane.

So many of these players look familiar. Carlos, do you have a crush on Alfonsina/Gardenia? That girl can sure work those country outfits.

Kindest Regards to all. I'll be checking in now that I am hooked on CME. Last night was such a s downer but I love Silvia Navarro.

Con un abrazo,


This comment has been removed by the author.

EJ, you're back!! We missed you! Hope all is ok with you.

Hey, Elna June, it's really good that you're back and now hooked on CME. This is a good one!

Cheryl, thanks so much and "iguana eyes" is just brilliant. I still think that guy looks too much like Mr. Carlton from Bob Newhart and, with the cheap hair dye, rates as this show's Most Annoying Character

Also, Cheryl, double thanks as I missed this episode talking to our son on the phone. I get the feeling from others' comments that the recap was mucho better than the show itself.

Our earthquake, at least here in Yorktown, was about a two second event. Emilia and I thought at first that our troublesome upstairs air handler had fallen through the ceiling.

Hurricane Irene. Don't want it. But the chain saw has been ops checked, tomorrow we'll lay in water and fill the cars. I have plenty of charcoal for cooking and it's warm enough for no hot water to be a non-event. But I still don' need no steenkin' hurricane.

Vivi great title and recap thank you.

Well i guess this is where the major understanding comes in now. I just saw the weeks previews as Jerko returns assuming Renata betrayed him and he flirts big time with Dr. Tata's as Renata sees this.

So let me get this straight a major corporation like what the MR have doesn't have a time stamp in their computer systems when changes are made especially concerning money?I find this hard to believe but we shall see.

I too loved seeing Roberta realize she was used just like Stalking Selene. She'not going to be happy knowing that Auggie took Renata away.

Cata please do go away and quickly, i can't
wait for you to find out your son in law of choice is now conspiring against your daughter and keeping vital information concerning Pepa's whereabouts and Regina's daughter is.

Antonio let's see you know about Fina's attempts on Regina's life but your asking her not to harm Regina??? Where's a raging out of control bull when we need him huh?

SO i felt my bed shake and i'm wondering what the heck is going on? I then realized we must be having a earthquake here in the east coast. Not too bad i survive the earthquake of 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EJ! So great to see you back with us. Please start commenting again.

Blu- I didn't do this recap. It was the lovely Cheryl. But you can read my less witty fare over on LFdD.

Nothing but earthquake talk on the news. A few buildings had some damage, as well as some cars by falling debris, and Metro is running slowly, but that's the worst of it. No people hurt luckily.

Oh i'm sorry Cheryl forgive me i was thinking about Vivi's recap on LFdD. Thank you Cheryl for the great recap my mind is still trying to wrap around we had a earthquake in our neck of the woods here.Thank you:)

Vivi i read your recap on LFdD it was great too thank you.

Great news...all my buds on the East Coast are fine (and shrugging off the "temblor") and Elna June is back! Let the party begin. We've missed you EJ. Silvia is doing a fabulous job in this one but, as usual, she's surrounded by bad 'uns.

I'll let Carlos tell you the name of his fave in this one. He did have to brave a lot of dissent early on, but he's in high cotton now.

Thanks for all the great exchanges today. I had fun at the bio park but was with people who wanted to breeze through the exhibits so I got only a few shots off. But, it's available to go back some morning by myself and a tripod.

I still feel sorry for both Renata and Jero at this miscarriage of justice for their love. I know we have months to go so it won't be worked out soon. Gonzo was so over the top, I am disappointed in him but they were giving no quarter to this romance yesterday.

Thanks for the warm welcome back, Vivi, Mike and Emilia, JudyB! I am happy to be here. I wasn't going to scoff at your earthquake. A 5.8 is a real temblor and still can shake everything up a bit.

I lost my home in San Francisco in 1989 to the Loma Prieta earthquake. No scoffing here. Us native Califonians have just gotten a little blase, that is all. I still jump when the ground shakes.In some ways it is about how LONG the ground shakes, as well as where you are standing when the shaking gets done and how close you are to the the shaker.

Back to CME...I am not crazy about this galan. He just doesn't seem WARM to me. He falls into the catagory of handsome but not

And Cheryl, GREAT title.


daisynjay: YOU are hopeless?! No, my friend, we are BOTH hopeless! This is miserable...utterly miserable not having telly with Uni. At least, I was able to get Teresa last night on (or some such), but NOTHING...not a bit of CME.

At the end of one of the capitulos of CME that I saw on Daily Motion, the actriz playing Berta named a site where one could go in case they missed the capitulo. Like a dummy, I did not write it down and I can't remember which capitulo it was.

No, my friend, I am hopeless right along with you.

As for that Marina chick...what a dummy to have sent Alfie to see that slime bucket Dr. She should have known better...really...she should have.

Susanita, Proud Member of the Jero Suit Club

Elna June! How good it is to have you back with us. You've really been missed. Like Judy, I'm ready to party.

Though I'm still very fond of Alfonsina/Gardenia and was delighted to have her back in this show, I've hitched my wagon to Matilde, who as you know, if you've watched from the first, is the new Gardenia.

No one seemed to like her very much at first, but now I've got a booming business going selling I ♥ Matilde tee shirts and genuine leather Matilde headbands. She's quite the sweetheart now... I think it just took a while for everyone to get used to her.

Please tell us how you've been and what you've been up to.


daisynjay: I just went back to Daily Motion. I KNOW that the vids for Teresa were there last week and the week before. now, they are gone.

The only vid I can find for CMESDET is capitulo 90, parte 1, but nothing else.

I am just going to have to find someone to tape these for me on CD and then I see them at the end of the week. find someone with Uni who will do this for me!


Susanita, we'd be happy to but we are still in the stone age - video tape! Do you have a VCR moldering away in a corner? Just let me know and we'll send you good old-fashioned video tapes.

Emilia: You are SUCH a dear to offer to help me! Am away on another one of my proffi (professional) research projects. I am going to see if one of my colleagues might get Uni on their satellite. Have never asked anyone before, but desperate times call for desperate measures! Don't have a VCR, but if they can record to disc, I can see it on my laptop.

Thank you SO much Emilia. Especially thank you for understanding that I can't bear to miss my CME!!!


Susanita, I can't figure out how capitulos appear and disappear without reason from Dailymotion. I have not been able to see Friday's episode looking on DM, or youtube or the site Sylvia suggested either. The search capabilities of dailymotion leave me confused since they are not coming back with what you type in but offer ridiculous substitutes. This is most confusing and disappointing to me too as I can't always be here to see an episode and also have an ancient tape based recorder that doesn't even have a functioning timer to preset. Yikes,

Hey, Elna June is back! Hola amiga, how the heck are you?? I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you were enjoying any of our favorite shows.

Wow, a big earthquake on the east coast! That was big news around here. I'm so glad that everyone is OK, just a bit shaken not stirred.

Sorry to be silent most of today, it was just one of those crazy busy days.

By the way, I couldn't find Cap 90 on Daily Motion but I found it on This is the site where Susanita had audio problems, but it works for me. I wouldn't trust any other sites at this time. I got a bad virus from the site once.
Here it is:
CME Cap 90

Let me add my hearty welcome back to you, Elna June. As our other study members have already said, we missed you and we look forward to your lively comments as a welcome addition to CME fans and else where on the Caray Caray site. Aqui es tu casa , como se dice.

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