Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #75 Tuesday 8/2/11 It's the roller coaster of love!! Hang on tight

Well ladies and gents, things are in full swing now, let’s see what all our love birds are up to today!! I’m going to jump past the re-play from yesterday and get right down to the good stuff.

Mati and Laza are in the kitchen packing up food, they are talking about Kari and Laza gets worried, and storms out of the house to find her. Mati chases him and as he leaves she grabs a note on the table from Carlos that says she has a smile more beautiful that the Virgin Guadalupe, She hides the note quickly as Carlos walks in and they speak briefly and she is short with Carlos.

Alphonsina is talking to the Padre explaining that everything is her fault, He can’t imagine how this is effecting her and then Alphonsina says that she is leaving town, he argues that she needs to think of her son who needs her. She says this is a tough decision, but after everything that happened with her and Dr.Creepy she has made up her mind and she is leaving in the morning.

Dr.Creepy is force feeding Kari and she spits on him( you go girl) Kari yells at him that he has a lover and she wants him to confess that it is Alphonsina and that she is having his baby, Creepy grabs her and yells that yes it’s true, and he continues to tell her how hot and passionate Alphonsina , not like her

Jero is still taking to Adri asking her for help, but she is hesitant because Nata is her BFF and she does not want to hurt her, but Jero says that is exactly why she has to help him,( I think he needs more help then is humanly possible, and no just with getting Nata back if ya know what I mean) he explains that Constanza is already to help him as well. Adri agrees to do what she can, because she doesn’t trust Roberta one bit.

Roberta and Fina are discussing how they were able to manipulate the situation and Jero to get what they wanted and no one knows anything. Roberta says that everything is perfect except that she can’t ever have kids. Roberta tells her that she should not worry about that, she is free and can do whatever she wants. Not all woman are motherly(she would know) she is free and doesn’t have to worry about anybody else ever. (okay i could go in so many directions with that dialogue, but I’m speechless. She just told her being barren is a god thing and she did her a favor New level for Fina) She is revealing in her destroying Jero when Gonzo walk in and asks who she is talking about and she tells him that she is shocked by all of this. Gonzo asks her to swear that Jero was lying and that she had nothing to do with he and Renata. (the more I watch her play saint and act offended I actually get a little ill.) She is shocked and dismayed that he would think that. She wears she is innocent and is hurt that her thinks her capable of such a thing. Gonzo does not look convinced

Matia, Nata and Roberta are all talking about Jero ( he doesn’t stand a chance if these are the two she is getting advice from) Matias looks very uncomfortable with Roberta grooping him,(as would any man) he finally excuses himself and leaves the room, Nata asks Berta about her love for Matias, she says that Berta never showed any interest, Berta swears that Nata needs to stay away from her and Matias or she will find out what a bad sister can really be like.

Blanca is going out for a stroll, but she has a stalker, Honorio grabs her and tells her that they are going to the hospital to confirm that she is in fact pregnant with his baby, she is not to happy about this and tries to argue, but he is not having any of it!!He puts her in the car and locks the door, she tries to get out, but she is stuck( doors unlock from the inside genius!! guess she is going to el doctor)

Constanza, shows up to see Nata and Fina tells her that she is not there, and they proceed to have it out! Connie tells Fina that she believes Jero and that she know that Fina will go to any lengths to protect her daughter, but she will fins out the truth. Fina slings back and throws Honorios betrayal in her face, but Connie is strong and says that she believes Jero. And that once and for all everyone will know the truth.

Nata joins Auggie for lunch,(bad news for Jero) she tells him that Berta is expecting Jero’s baby. Auggie suggests that the best thing for her to do is to be with him. She looks at him and says that he is crazy, and an idiot (or maybe that was me) she says no that that is wrong, but he interrupts and says that she has to know what he feels for her. that he is the best man for her to be with forever. ( is he kidding us with this, really? she just had it out with Jero hasn’t even called and attorney, i’m so shocked this guy is ridiculous) Nata looks less than thrilled. Nata tells him that this is not the best time or the best thing for her, but Auggie argues and tells her to think about it. She asks him not to say these things, but he continues to tell her that this is the right thing for both of them. Auggie tells her that he plans to buy La Bonita and once the divorce is final Jero will go back to Spain ( did i catch a glimpse if regret and sadness at the thought of Jero leaving forever or wishful thinking?)

Connie is talking to Chema, he is asking for a chance with her, he tells her he has been crazy about her since the first day they met and that he respected the fact that she had a husband, but now things are different. She says that she can’t love him, but he just wants and opportunity to be at her side. She says yes.

Honorio is arguing with Blanca who is begging him not to take her to the Dr, she already has one and he says that she is going regardless, Then she rolls down her window and yells to a cop to help her so he follows the car and Honorio is arrested. (k honestly did not see that one coming)

Adri calls Nata while she is eating with Auggie, she says she needs to talk to her, asap and Nata tells her that she will be there when she is done with Auggie. She hangs up and tells Jero that they are ready she will be there shortly, Jero asks where she is and Adri explains that she is with Auggie and Jero gets mad. Adri explains that they are friends and Jero says that he is not a good person, and Adri points out that he’s not one to talk.

Antonio and Gina are walking through the airport together arguing about, Gina wanting to fix things with Nata, Antonio thinks that it is because of Gonzo and she say’s no it’s more than that. She wants to clear her name, she wants to fins Pepa and be over all that has happened to her however there is a nosey PI pretending to be on the phone listening to every word.

Gonzo is in his office when his phone rings and he gets up and runs out!!

Laza waits for Dr.Creepy to leave and goes into the house to find Kari, who is gagged and tied up under the bed. He rescues her and gets her untied, she cries about being betrayed by her best friend, and Laza in true hero style picks her up and wisks her to safety!!

Dr.Creepy shows up at Alphonsina’s (i’m guessing he is not there to give her a check-up) he is being creepy talking about his baby she begs him to not hurt her she is pregnant, and that he is a good person, meanwhile her son sees what’s happening and runs for help, she continues to beg for mercy.

Carlos comes to talk to Mati and she tries to blow him off and he finally tells her that he is tired of her games and that he is no longer going to put himself out there. He is not going to bring anymore flowers, nothing. He is done and he will never speak of this again. Mati looks very unhappy at this and as he leaves she tells him she loves him and then says she is scared because of all the things that have happened to her other boyfriends. Carlos swears he won’t let anything happen and then they kiss (finally)

Alphonsina’s boy is running around looking for help for his mom so he goes to the padre to find his dad and Zeke hears and runs to help he grabs Creepy off of Alphonsina who is screaming he drags him to the ground and beats the crap out of him (rightly so) Sina is yelling to stop she doesn’t want Zeke getting hurt because of her. Laza comes in with Kari and the Padre and grabs Zeke off of him and Dr.Creepy slinks away.

Adri is waiting at the stables as Nata arrives, she asks what’s up and just then Berta and Matias arrive, Jero walks out and says that the baby is not his and that he wants to prove it to everyone that Berta is lying.

Carlos asks Mati if she is happy, she says yes. he says that she is his life and he will take care of her.

Roberta is still trying to keep her story straight when Jero asks her where and when they were together, she can’t answer and when he asks for a DNA test she refuses, but Nata agrees that the only way to put this matter to rest is to get the test. (what baby are they doing the test on exactly?) Roberta looks a little nervous

Laza is still trying to hold Zeke, Alphonsina, is pleading with Zeke and Kari for forgiveness, but neither look very moved at this point.

Roberta is still trying to refuse to take the test, but even Nata thinks she should so she makes Jero agree that if Berta takes the test that Jero will agree to leave Mexico and say out of there lives forever. He agrees and they all agree that Berta will take the test.

Shina is begging Zeke to forgive her and everyone clears out as Zeke loses it. He tells her to leave, but to leave alone cause she is not taking her son with her. He is staying with him.( he is really really mad can ya tell?)

Honorio is being bailed out by Gonzo and he is swearing that Blanca is lying and that he needs to prove it. He loves Stanza with all his heart and needs to fix this.

Laza comes in to see if Sina is okay, she says no Kari comes in and says that for good or bad Creepy was her husband and she was her bff, Kari says that she should have been happy with a good man who worked hard for her and her son. Sina agrees and Kari says she does not know her pain, Kari can’t get past her pain. Sina is left to cry over what she did!

Then the dvd cuts out, I need to extend the time on my recording cause this one always goes long. So no Avances today sorry.


The lake was smooth and silken this morning. I took my morning coffee out onto the water in my kayak. There wasn't a sound except a loon in the distance.

And now I have this recap to read --though I'm losing bars & don't know how long this wifi connection will hold out.

Great recap, Jules. Your title tells it all. This is turning into quite a ride.

Don't know where things are going with the Kari, Lazaro, Sina, Zede, Dr. yucky story -- but something is about to pop. So glad that Lazaro found her!!!

Are we still doing Mr. Inappropriate? Cause Auggie sure gets my vote today. What is he thinking being so pushy with Nata so soon?

So much going on -- my head is reeling. Think I'll go back on the lake.

I'll be first to comment.

Julia: Loved the recap. Favorite line: "Matias looks very uncomfortable with Roberta grooping him,(as would any man)."

This is some TN. Something big may not happen every ep, but it pretty nearly does. Loving it.


Hey, Guera, you snuck in the first coment while I was writing.

The lake sounds lovely. I live near the Pacific Ocean, but have always been more of a river, lake person--having grown up in the country near a creek.


Great job on this recap. Things are really happening on all fronts! Will Dr. Creepy finally get his comeupance? Probably not yet, unfortunately, he makes pushy Augustin look like a good guy in comparison!! Thanks and keep up the good work. I really enjoy all the recaps even though I speak Spanish, it's always fun and entertaining to see what others in viewerville are thinking! Barbara

Great job Jules!

The last bit you missed after Kari and Laz walk out on a weeping Alfie, is Matias walking and talking to Berta. Jero's insistance on the paternity test is now giving Matias doubts. He now thinks that the dates she was supposedly with Jero are really close to when they did the deed, and asks how can she be so sure the baby is Jero's and not his. She insists a woman knows. He insists that they all go take that paternity test tomorrow so that HE can be sure too if the baby is his or Jero's. Uh oh face from Berta as we fade into into sepia tones.

In the preview Berta is asking for Fina's help since both Jero and Matias are demanding a paternity test. Then we see Berta and Nata arguing loudly as Nata tries to force Berta to go take the test.

I was so glad that Nata is thinking reasonably and 1) didn't get mad at Adri, and 2) demanded the test to get rid of any doubt. Of course we know that Berta and Fina will think of something to thwart them all.

Wow, Augie is one pushy dude! The woman has even filed the divorce papers yet and he's forcing himself on her.

Loved Connie confronting Fina, but I think that only puts her in danger of being put high on Fina's hit list.

The guy following Gina is not a PI. He's the Moterrubio family lawyer and Fina's lackey. I like that Gina told Tony that if he can't treat her like a grown woman capable of making her own decisions, then he can take a hike. You tell him Gina!

Jules, I also did not see Hon's arrest coming. I think he used the automatic, child proof locks to keep her in the car. It was a bold move, but also rash and stupid.

Great job, Jules. Nicely done. My favorite line:

(what baby are they doing the test on exactly?) Roberta looks a little nervous..."


Honorio... I love that he's a man of action, but I don't think his plan was well thought out. He really needs to enlist his daughter's help. So far, she's been a pretty smart cookie.

Matilde & Carlos... awwww.

Could Lazaro be anymore awesome?

My heart is breaking for Alfonsina.

Augie may be ever bit as crazy as Jerry... just smoother.

This show is so much fun to watch.


Thank for the recap Jules.

Dr. Creepy is very sick and twisted he actually had Kari tied up and hidden under their bed. Thank goodness Alfosina's son him with her and went for help.

Is Lazaro great or what he learns from Matilde about Alfosina and how she feels what she did and how Karia is still missing. He puts two and two together and saves her and then probably saves Ezeke from jail time because it did look like he was going to beat Dr. drink so much to death.

Just after chastising Hon to get his head out of his behind and act on Batty Blanca he did the right thing trying to take her to see a Dr.. His only mistake was not putting Miss BSC in the trunk of his car. No way she could have hailed down the cops from there.

Vivi didn't Matias also question Roberta about who is the father of her baby? I think he said if he finds out neither he or Jerko are the father she is going to pay for her deceit.Anyway loved that she had that frighten and panicked look upon her face.

Auggie so not appropriate you can't even wait for Renata to filed for divorce and her annulment.

It's about time Regina you told your own jerk where to get off and that you have your own mind too.

It look like Renata and Roberta were arguing at the top of the staircase as Renata tries to drag Roberta to get the paternity test.Roberta told Malafina the latest confrontation with Jerko and both look scared. So it does look if she falls or throws her own self down the stairs Renata will be blamed.

Martaivett said she saw the whole weeks preview and looks like Rafael's autopsy proves it wasn't suicide as Carlos tells Jerko he was murdered.The noose is tightening on Malafina and her evil spawn.

Carlos! Auggie is smoother, but I have to vote for Jero he has more passion, Auggie is smooth, but smooth can be boring! I am so curious how Berta is going to get out if this one, no baby to fake a test on!!

Great recap, Jules. I'd like to expand the confrontation at the stables. It is interesting.

Jules said: Roberta is still trying to keep her story straight when Jero asks her where and when they were together, she can’t answer and when he asks for a DNA test she refuses....

The amplification has to do with Jero wanting to know how far along she is. She deflects the question. Jero points out that they were together in his apartment only once and Carlos was there so he can pinpoint the date for her. So Berta lies with a straight face (and she learned from the best) and says, how can you say that, we were together another time alone in your apartment. Boy does Jero get disconcerted by the lie that he can't puncture (he said/she said and who ya gonna believe) it.

I think that's why Jero is going to insist on the test. As we all know from Sortilegio, there IS a danger to the fetus before a certain number of weeks. Is that correct, oh wise Dr. Carlos I?

My guess is that Fina and Berta come up with some reason why she can't go take the test OR, if the previews are true, she falls down the stairs.

Oh how I wish we were playing the BINGO game right now. About the only thing we are missing is for Jer or Nata to actually be hospitalized (does making love in the shower count as a water body?).


Thanks for expanding on that conversation, because it was a good one, and Nata was looking at both of their faces throughout. I think Berta does say something about putting her baby in danger and Jero says well he'll wait till the baby's born and demand a test then. That's when Nata jumps in and says she'll do it now, in exchange for you leaving forever and not bugging us.

The conversation between Fina and Berta in the living room was also interesting. Berta is looking at Fina in amazement at how she's able to lie so well, and Funa instructs her that she must always maintain control of the situation and have the upper hand. For a while it looked like Berta was on the cusp of redemption after losing the baby and seeing how far Fina would go to get her way. I sense that she has lost all trust in her mother, but she is choosing to learn from Fina and perhaps best her at her own game.


"His only mistake was not putting Miss BSC in the trunk of his car..."

Hey, I really like how you think.

NOK, there's more risk to chorionic villous sampling (which would have to be done for early testing) than to amniocentesis (which can be done farther along in the pregnancy).

Actually fetal DNA can be extracted from maternal blood for testing but I don't know how readily available this testing is. If it is available, and this is the testing procedure used, at this point there would probably still be enough fetal DNA circulating in Roberta's blood to pinpoint the daddy as Jerry's 1/2 brother. She wouldn't even have to admit to the abortion.


It look like Renata and Roberta were arguing at the top of the staircase
i noticed that too, but i noticed that the one giving her back to the staircase was Nata, not Berta.

Thanks, Carlos. This gives Renata and Roberta several options to discover or obfuscate.

Oh, goodie--if Renata lands in the hospital, then someone, somewhere can yell bingo.

Vivi, yes, thank you--We all need each other. With some of us concentrating on one thing while others on another, we get a fuller picture of what's going on. That's what makes this comment page so great, not to say useful as well.

NOK (takes less time to type and you all know who I am by now)

If everything were left up to Adriana and Matilde (with a little Lazaro for good luck), this whole novela would have been wrapped up weeks ago. Not as much fun for us, of course, but still.

At least Renata is hesitant about Agustin. You think he'd pick up on the funny looks she gives. At least let her get divorced first. Sheesh. Would've pegged her for getting kidnapped by him, but that's been done, so what now? Rape? Nope. Been done too. Poor Kari, on both counts. Augustin better hurry up with something before he runs out of options.

What's this BINGO thing you guys are talking about?


Such a crazy episode, and a fab recap to make sense of it all.

Loved, loved, loved seeing Dr. Demented getting the crap beat of him, but I started yelling at the screen for Zeke to stop finally because I didn't want that piece of scum to die and make one of the good guys land in jail.

Could we love Laz anymore? I swear he has a S for Superman tattooed somewhere under those tee shirts.
So sad for Sina, but I still want to look her in the eyes and ask "what could you have been thinking?"

I could not believe Augie. Even Nata had that wonderful incredulous look like "Are you kidding me bringing this up now?" I kept thinking of a line from an old movie " pushing.....pushing". Guess he doesn't know our girl very well to think she would just bed hop to the next available guy...what an ass.

And then we have our positive moment with Carlos and Mati and we got to go "aaaawwwwwww" for a few seconds until chaos hit again.

So what half-baked plan will Fina come up with this time. She's not exactly batting 1000 on some of her plans.

Robey- Julia created a TN BINGO game with all of the cliched tn situations. She created a bunch of different BINGO cards with the situations mixed up on the spaces, like numbers on a regular BINGO card. You pick a card and follow a tn with it to see how soon you can get BINGO.

Speaking of Julia, I haven't noticed her on the feeds lately. I hope it doesn't mean that she's swamped with work and stress, but instead out having a good time.

Martaivett that's true but i'm sure with Roberta yelling at the top of her lungs for Renata to let her go there's going to be a struggle or should i say a fake struggle and fall down the stairs.

Daisynjat haha you're on a roll i was thinking the same thing when i first saw Alfosina with Dr. Scuzzbucket girl what in the world are you thinking?

As for Renata's reaction to Auggie's proposal i think every normal woman was thinking the same thing too. WTF are you kidding me!!!!! I'm not even divorce yet you Putz!!!!!! So Very Inappropriate.

Finally what half-baked plan will Fina come up with next she isn't exactly batting a thousand on some of her plans. Good one this is true but she is just like Wily E. Coyote she'll keep trying as the noose tightens around her.

What is interesting how several characters are now jockeying for position to be her next murder victim.

Remember when Matias went with Roberta for a sonogram? He questioned at that time that he didn't think you could know the sex of a fetus as early in the pregnancy as she should have been -- if either Matias OR Jeronimo were the father. Maybe that's why he's asking her now how far along she is. One of these days that may be a thread tha will help weave a noose for Fina & Berta.

Oh, I do hope that Roberta doesn't go too far down the road of learning from Mama. I want her to wake up and see not only what a sleazy liar her mother is but how she ruined Roberta's life as well. I know we have to wait a long time -- but Berta, come back from the dark side. Come toward the light....the light.

I'll be checking out the VCR when I get home to see Carlos & Mathilde. I'm glad we have a little sweetness in all of this mess.

I so do not want either sister tumbling down the stairs. That is so-o-o cliche. (And it hurts too) But it would be the perfect scenario to have a staged miscarriage -- especially if Fina can subborn another doctor to lie for her.

Jules: Thank you SO much! I have now missed two capitulos of CME! Why oh why does work have to interfere?!

Plus...I've been in the doldrums with the wretched ending on TdA that I have not even come to this page of the blog.

Hopefully, tonight, I'll be able to catch this capitulo.

This is such an incredible TN...action packed each and every time. Also...some good surprises thrown in as well.

I caught the last 10 minutes of this capitulo and just loved the worried look on Berta's face.

What worries,me though, is that scene where Nata is forcing Berta to go take the test. I can see that they are near a staircase. My worry is that Berta will fall down that staircase and Nata will be blamed for the miscarriage.

I don't know who said this today, but so agree that it is hard to watch Malafina when she lies. It IS literally sickening. I hate her mouth...I just hate it. Berta's isn't much better, either.

I feel sad for Alfie...she has seen the error of her ways very early in the game. She is now paying a heavy price. I only hope that this child is not that of Dr. Scum Bucket.

Question is how Kari will forgive Alfie for even if the child is not that of Dr. Death, Alfie still had a roll in the hay with him. This will be interesting.

As for Matilde and Carlos. I'm glad they've finally gotten together so we can move that brat out of the way.

Gracias, Jules!

Susanita whose word verification is: syphi...short for syphillis...can't you just see Dr. Death being a carrier of this?!

Susanita Dr. Scumbucket is sterile he had a flashback of another Dr. telling him this. He just lying to torture both Kari as if it's her fault he's sterile and Alfosina. trying to save face because he's a poor excuse for a man.

Guera good memory yes indeed Matias did question how she would know that soon the sex of the baby when had a sonogram done. He even thought it odd considering the timeline when they supposedly had sex he was thinking it wasn't possible.

I don't know because of his anger and finding out the reason why Jerko married Renata he may have forgotten this crucial piece of evidence. I think once he discovers the doctored up pre-nup he'll see how devious and what a liar she is.

Since he now knows Berta is La Bonita, Jero should be questioning if this baby could be Rafa's. He should have said it out loud to put some more doubt into Matia's mind. That would then make the connection about Berta's pregnancy being far enough along to tell the sex more clear in Matias', and everyone else's, mind.

Thanks Jules, I really enjoyed your recap and your valiant effort to keep upbeat with such a dreadful set of events. I know this has been a tough job this week for all of us recappers, but better that we hang together than sniff and weep alone.

Guera, You paint the most beautiful picture of your morning ritual on the lake. Thanks for the imagery. Yeah, at least Kari is saved even though others are sinking fast. I'd go back to the lake if I were you.

Yeah, I liked Jules, imagery of the groping Roberta, she can be so icky, no wonder the boys always preferred Renata, didn't anyone have the nerve to tell her? I also think Roberta told Renata that she (Renata) was an awful sister to have to bear, as if Renata need another down and dirty insult. Whew, Roberta's part has just been stripped of humanity and sisterly love here.

I am thinking Fina and Roberta will stage a miscarriage scene right away since the DNA test isn't really a possibility. Renata will be blamed for yelling at her and scaring her into contractions, just you wait we will see. I am guessing not sneaking peeks except for the yelling scene we saw in hte previews.

Blusam: ITA. Dr. Scum Bucket is a pathetic excuse for a man.

Guera: Thank you for bringing up that excellent point re Matias and his 'timing' questions. I think he is so angry now he can't see straight.


I am so grateful for these discussions. Especially with this TN, where we have so many major events each episdode and each week that the facts of who knows what and when they knew it are so hard to keep track of. I so appreciate our collective memory banks each day.

I am feeling sorry for the really foolish people: Alfonsina and Honorio right now but not feeling sorry at all for Augie being Mr. inappropriate. I think he is like the groping Roberta, he is kind of groping Renata with words in stead of sticky hands.

Great work, Jules! We're headed into a period of doom and gloom and your recap helped keep things lighthearted.

So is it Blanca's goal to ruin Honorio? Her motivations still mystify me. I thought she was an "If I can't have you, no one can" kind of Bunny Boiler but her having Honorio sent to jail is puzzling.

I love that Constanza stood up to Fina. She has always seen right through Fina which, as Vivi mentioned, puts her right at the top of Fina's hit list. Let's hope Regina can give Coni some survival tips.

Agustin is Mr. Inappropriate for sure. What an arrogant piece of work.


Cheryl, I love your image of Auggie groping Renata with his words.

Wow i'm just loving this show even more each day. Jerko got his front row seat of how nasty Fina is to her supposed own daughter. Keep digging that hole for yourself Fina.

Martaivett i guessed you called it once Carlos finds out about Rafael's autopsy.I'm sure it's going to say he still probably could have survived but his operation was botched by Dr. Drunk.With the townspeople turning on Dr. Drunk he's going to need Auggie to bail him out. Probably by threatening him by blackmail to save him. He's not going down by himself.

This will give Auggie the incentive to kill him and probably either set up Ezeke or Lazaro. My guess is Lazaro or Lazaro will take the fall for his good friend Ezeke.

Hey Jules, thanks for the superb recap. I so enjoyed your light-hearted and humorous style. It definitely made watching the nasty bits bearable. What a great title.

Carlos and Mati - hooray!

Lazaro, our hero - hooray hooray!!

Augie is definitely Mr. Inappropriate.

Sorry for the late comment and bummer that I missed out on the great discussion.

Roberta? Stairs? Oh my, this does not sound good at all.

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