Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #91 Wednesday 8/24/11 Evil ghosts from the past... Matt gets a new ray of hope... Jero the hero and an accidental discovery

This recap is from Marta

Augie keeps coaching Nata that she is safe there, noone will find her… he tells her to go to the bedroom, have another surprise for you… she is not a happy abductee.

Connie and Gina agree that they can talk about Honorio. Gina offers to listen whenever. Both agree on Jero loving Nata for real. They are together on the Jero cheering crew train.

Gina sees Fina driving by and tries to follow her in her own car, with her security guys tailgating them. But Fina escapes…

Gonzo tells Matias the office feels very lonely without Nata, Hono, Adri or even Daniel. Matias will try to go see Hono tomorrow. Matias tells his dad about his money ban on Berta, asks for his support and not to intervene… Gonzo is sorry he suggested Matias give Berta a year time married in the first place. Gonzo will respect Matt’s decision. HE reminds Matt he was never for that marriage. Matt says he is sorry he did not listen to him, but whats done is done.

Mati likes Kari’s wedding dress, and asks to borrow it but Kari says no, don’t want to share the bad luck. Kari offers to make her dress instead, can’t afford the fabric but will do the work as her wedding present.

Jero finds Alfonsina in the vineyards, she asks about Nata… But Carlos changes the subject to the vineyards. They want to be prevented in case the leaves discoloring is any of the bad plagues. Jero would not like to loose the work his brother did.

Augie prepares drinks for Nata, but she is not in mood to drink mimosas or to celebrate anything. He won’t listen, need to celebrate at all times. She says trying to make believe nothing is happening but can’t… family is going through a very hard time. She walks away for a sec, Augie sighs in frustration… but tells himself that Nata is so different to all other women, but she will end up giving in to him.

Lazaro goes to see Alvaro in jail, says Kari has the right to rebuild her life away from a convict, asks Alvaro to begin the divorce proceedings. Alvaro laughs at him… Lazaro says all he wants is for her to be happy, offers him a deal, if he will let Kari be free, Lazaro will walk away from her forever.

Fina arrives home very anxious, Berta chose the wrong time to nag at her about Matt’s threats… Fina yells at her, not in the mood for her dramas. If she has trouble with Matt, fix them yourself!

Gina arrives at the center, tells Ines and Cata she saw Pepa but could not reach her. Cata asks her not to risk her own life. Gina wants to find Pepa and her daughter! When are they going to get to her??

Gonzo visits Hono in jail… Gonzo says you can count on me. The nightmare will be over soon. Don’t loose the spirits. She is the one that should be behind bars. Hono says he is trying, but things are hard in here. Gonzo says rest on us. Hono asks Gonzo to make sure Connie or Adri don’t come to visit him here. Gonzo says he knows his sister, she might not listen in situations like this. Hono says you are the brother I never had. That is how I see you, as if we had the same blood.

Julieta (sister of the girl that ran Adri over) visits Matt at the office and offers her support in any way.

Mati, Carlos and Jero are eating together. She is frustrated by Kari’s reluctance to split from Alvaro. Then she grabs and kisses Carlos…

At Cruz de Amor, Nata appologizes for being rude with him earlier. She is done for the day.

Gonzo has dinner with Gina, tells her the security guys did not know who she was following, and that she exposed herself too much. She says yes I know, but I did it by instinct. So they would face each other. Gonzo says Pepa uses her head very well, she is very astute while coward. Gina is more convinced than ever that Pepa knows where her daughter is.

At Connie’s boarding house Chema, Adri, Matt and her are having dinner. Chema brought her an ipod. Connie doesn’t know much about that and when the young ones gather around the ipod repertoire, Connie feels sad and heads to her bedroom alone.

At Ezeq’s Alfonsina tells him that Poncho saw Nata at Cruz de Amor. Ezeq won’t say anything, Just says dryly that it is his bosse’s business, not his. Alfonsina will try to find out what he is hiding.

When she gets to the bedroom, she realizes that most of the bags he got are negilgees for her.
She can’t find a ‘decent’ p.j…. she is in a white satin robe… then she thinks that she can head over to La Bonita and get some of her clothes… she quietly sneaks out of Cruz de Amor.

Jero has got a necklace and pendant made with the ‘J’ very similar to Nata’s R necklace. He is crying, remembering the arguments with Nata and her throwing her wedding band down in front of him, he calls himself stupid (yeah that’s right)… he cries…

Padre goes to pick up Marina since she did not get home and it is getting late. He lets her know that Jero is back in La Bonita. She will go visit him tomorrow, need to get her books back from him.

Augie is sniffing the shirt that Nata borrowed and just returned to him (YUCK!!!) She is mingling with Gitana… she tells Gitana she feels so lonely and in despair. She makes believe Gitana tells her ‘I am here!’ Yes know that need to be thankful to Augie, but feel very lonely and empty inside.

Matt is carrying Adri to bed on horseback… He asks her whats up with Chema… she confesses she wants to seduce Chema so he will forget about Connie and her dad and Connie can get back together. Matt calls her crazy, pinching her cheeks… she is a great person. They get kissing…
M: I know its not right for me to kiss you because… I am a married man, and will be for the next 10 yrs.
A: Berta did not want to break the prenup?
M: No.. but I hope with my threat of not giving her even a peso, she will reconsider.
A: (laughs happy) Did you tell her that?? How great that you gave put a stop to that ‘vieja!’ Sorry for calling your wife ‘vieja’.
M: She’s my wife only on paper, but still I am not a free man.
A: I know why you married her. And knowing the reason makes you bigger in my eyes. So your civil state is not important to me, because I still love you.
M: And I am beginning to (love you).
A: Then we don’t have to wait 10 yrs to be together.
M: Course not.
A: But not a word to Chema about it. Because otherwise my plan to seduce him will end.
M: But you have to end that soon. I don’t like you flirting with Chema.
A: Do you really not like it?
M: Really.. (more kissing)

Augie goes and knocks in Nata’s room, realizes she is not there and gets mad instantly.

Jero is sleeping in his bed, Nata sneaks in the window, sees the necklaces and gets on her knees to talk to the sleeping Jero…
N: I was so undecided… but it must be fate that decided things would turn out like this. You surely thought anything of me, except that I was running away, and not precisely from you. (she holds the necklace).. that is how it started… with a pendant, with a letter… You could not forgive that I was your brother’s girl, even if that was not true. And I can’t forgive you for being Berta’s lover. (puts the necklace back) You married me for vengeance… I divorced you so the resentment will not finish what I feel for you… You cashed on me what happened to Rafa but I won’t do the same with you. Goodbye forever. Goodbye forever, my love.

As soon as she makes it out the window (with no clothes, what a wasted trip!) Jero wakes and jumps out of bed.. his whole room is full of her aroma/perfume… where are you Nata? You are here with me (holding his chest)… He gets back in bed, hugging the pillows on the other side.

At the vineyards still, Carlos is insisting Jero must find out the truth. But don’t want to argue so Carlos will head to the graphologist... to follow through on the Berta handwriting vs the letter to Rafa. Jero keeps swearing that he ‘felt’ her, that it was not just a dream! Here comes sneaky Marina…

At cruz de amor, Nata is too bored. She is talented, good taste, sensible… he needs her help to finish a new project. She is happy to get busy on something. She won’t be here too long so use me… Augie wants her to stay forever. She says nothing is forever, not the good or the bad.

At La Bonita, Marina gets her books… Jero is nice to her, invites her to walk with him to the vineyards.

Hono receives an unwelcome visit… the witch is back!! Hono yells at her, wants her to be arrested, but she cleaned her footprints very well, there is no evidence against her. She is not afraid of getting arrested. Came to make a deal with you. The only deal he will hear is if she will turn herself in. She won’t but if he gives her what she wants, the MR troubles will end instantly. She wants HIM. She wants him back in her life.

Jero tells Marina that he got the divorce papers.

Alfonsina is getting molested by the male workers, they heard what happened to her with Alvaro so they think she can do same to them… Jero and Marina arrive and Jero bashes threats to the workers that he will fire anyone who molests Alfonsina again! They all appologize to Alfonsina…
Alfo telsl Marina that she signed her sentence with what happened. Jero says just tell me if anyone molests you again .just tell me. Alfonsina is very thankful. Marina looks at Jero with admiration.

At MR manor, Fina is ordering Berta to go to the office and create a whole Oscar worthy drama to Gonzo but don’t leave there before you get promised a ‘pension’ for life.

Marina gets to her office again, talks to herself that Jero is getting under her skin, especially now that she knows he is free. Daydreaming, she drops some folders and finds behind the file cabinet the ‘sperm analysis’ tests on Alvaro. She opens the folder and ‘surprise!’ he is sterile!!

Soto happily brings Fina her divorce sentence.
Berta throws a fit when she finds Matt and Adri together kissing.
Seems Jero finds out Nata is at Cruz de Amor and goes there to confront her… So now you are the lover in turn of Dunant… You know very well how to hurt me… WHY PRECISELY WITH HIM??


This was sensational Marta. I love the way you phrase things "she is not a happy abductee". Indeed! I laughed at "Augie is sniffing the shirt that Nata borrowed and just returned to him (YUCK!!!)". Your detailing Matt and Adri's conversation is greatly appreciated. This was great...

Those nighties. Really Augie - really?? Your ego knows no bounds..

Is is just me or is Lazaro getting even more handsome with each episode? I think he was positively dreamy last night. Sigh.

So Alvaro's secret is out. What will Marina do now? Love the character and the actress (who is just about unrecognizable from her Destilando Amor days). Even though she is as enamored with Jero as I am with Lazaro, the match is not to be. Hope she ends up with someone good though.


Great recap Marta. Thanks for detailing that scene with Matias and Adri, because it was the sweetest scene last night. I thank the writers for giving us that gift just as things are getting bleaker for Nata and Jero. This plan of Adri's is really crazy, and I don't see Matias go along with watching her flirt with Chema for too long.

I think Nata believed Jero was still in Mexico City and was expecting to be able to sneak in and get some clothes without him being there. I loved that scene with her and Gitana and Gitana reminding Nata that she's here for her with a head nuzzle. :) If some person happened to pass by who didn't know them, they would have made a ghostly scene-- white horse and lady in white flowing robe in the middle of the night.

Tonight will not be pretty as it seems Jero is convinced she's become Augie's lover and won't let her get a word in. If he thought about it, he would know better. If Nata were starting a relationship with Augie, she would have been up front with Jero and told him so. Like she confronted her whole family when she started a relationship with him. She wouldn't just run away from him without telling him why. The first time she left, when she flung the rings at him in anger, she told him exactly why. And after their mini-makeup, she left him a very clear letter.

Meanwhile, he's flirting up a storm with Dr. Tatas.

Dr. Tatas can now be very helpful to two people with that old file she found. Alfie will now know Zeke is her baby's daddy, and couldn't Kari get an annulment with this evidence? At the very least Kari will be able to let go of the guilt of not being able to do her "duty" of having a child. Wasn't her "fault."

Marta, such a superb recap. Thanks a million. I agree with Diana, you have a wonderful way of phrasing things.

I think Nata must be one of my favorite characters ever. There she is wearing a beautifully sexy, 40's style satin robe and she accessorizes with a neck scarf and boots. She probably doesn't have much choice in shoes of course, but the scarf was a hoot. I loved the ghostly image of Gitana and the woman in white. It was quite lovely.

How dare Augie go snooping around Nata's room at the late hour? He's getting more intensely creepy as his frustration with Renata grows. She is very consistent with pushing him away yet he keeps vowing she will be "his". I knew he would smell that shirt.

Bummer that Renata wasn't able to pick up some of her old clothes.

Why did Honorio agree to see Blanca? That seems particularly stupid to me. Prisoners don't HAVE to see their visitors, do they?

Yippee, Marina knows Alvaro is estéril! Good point Vivi, this knowledge is one stone that can kill two birds.

Diana, yes I think Lazaro is getting more handsome. However I wanted to push him off that chair for the deal he offered to Alvaro. Say what? He is supposed to be the smart one.

Thanks again Marta. You are the conversation queen. The scene with Adri and Matias was sweet but kind of frustrating. There were a lot of frustrating things in this episode.

Great recap Marta. Oh how easy it would be if only everybody would just tell what they know & what they feel and everyone else would just listen to them. But I fear that yes Jero will accuse Nata & not give her the chance to explain -- and la doctora will not use the new knowledge about Alvaro in a straightforward way ...and so it goes in TN land.

The scene with Gitana was sweet and beautiful.

Jero sleeping through Nata's visit was sad -- I kept wanting to poke him & wake him up.

But for me the most bittersweet scene was Coni walking away when she realized how little she has in common with the young tech savvy threesome at the table. -- The age difference was crashing in on her.

Thanks Marta, another wonderful recap with excellent translations. You're great.

I was disappointed in Renata when she returned from her night ride and Augie started berating her like a naughty child. She stood up to him for a moment but ended up capitulating when he said that he was just trying to protect her. I want her to butch up a bit.

Matias and Adri were so cute together. I really like that she revealed her plan to seduce Chema away from Coni. I had been afraid that was going to be a problem later on.

Carlos told Jerry that if indeed there was an outbreak of plague they might have to bring in rootstock from Europe. In fact it was rootstock from Texas that saved the European wine industry over a century ago. Most European grapes are grown on Texas mustang grape rootstock.


Marta a great recap and thank you.

I loved the Matias and Adriana scene in her bedroom they are so cute together.

Poor Coni did feel left out not knowing what a ipod was.

I know what Regina did was impulsive and reactionary but she should have tried to get those license plate numbers.

Pepa had a real close one.

How much you want to bet Dr. Nasty Drunk is going to take Lazaro up on his offer?

I can see now that Marina having the evidence that he is sterile she might go and confront him. Him being the nasty and pathetic loser that he is won't be happy with this news. He also doesn't want Kari to be happy either.

Dr. Tatas can't even wait for the ink to dry on the divorce papers to after Jerko.

Yes Jerko you are stupid and you keep proving it again that you are by jumping to conclusions again.

When you realize your mistake and assumption i don't think the support you've gotten for Coni,Adriana and especially Regina will be there for you.Especially if you take up with Dr. Tatas to get back at Regina.

So mommy dearest orders her dumb span to go to the office and create a scandal until Gonzo gives her a lifetime of financial support. Can we say security this person is banned from entering this building and i don't care if she is my daughter.

Please don't let Hon be a bigger idiot and give into BSC demands. We're supposed to believe she'll stop everything if he becomes her lover? So then she'll drop the charges under the other name which would make everyone suspicious that this person is at least involve with BSC Blanca.

Thank you for that great re-cap, Marta! I, too, enjoy your typed up dialogues. The effort is appreciated!

I would never survive living at Coni's. ONE rib? She gave everyone ONE rib? Who eats just ONE rib?

Why didn't Regina describe the car when telling of the incident to Gonzo?

Rosemary la Otra

Carlos, thanks for the info on the Texas rootstock in the Euro vineyards.

Let me join the chorus of eeews over Auggie's creepy stalking -- the underwear purchases yesterday, the shirt sniffing today, the sneaking around her room at night. And I agree that Renata should have stood up for herself a little longer when she came in and found him waiting for her in she dark

I hope that Adriana's Chema ploy doesn't backfire on her and cause a rift between her and Coni.


I love the detailed conversation recap between Adri and Matias as well Marta.(Your whole synopsis was aweseome.) Those two are adorable together. In fact, though it was sad to see Coni slink off, the scene in the dining room was so cute and natural over the Ipod. Frankly,I was a little bummed by Coni. Heck if that was me, I'd be like "ok, show me how this thing works!" I think the writers just wanted to stress how NOT compatible she is with Chema.

That said, I'm wondering the same Blu. Will Hon cave knowing it woud free Nata up and BCS would drop her charges. (Still think they could have had a field day in court proving what a liar she was...whatever.) That would help get Nata out of that gray-headed slimeball's clutches.

Nata has got to start realizing that something is not adding up right with CFE (Control Freak Egoist). I loved her reaction to the lingerie and she has smidges of fight back, so I'm somewhat hopeful. Add me to the list of those who loved the Gitana scene. Beautifully shot.

CFE's issue is he SAYS he knows Nata is different from other women, but he treats her just like he's treated Spare Girl and the other two bimbos he's taken up with. He is convinced that treating her this way will make her cave, but he really has no clue who she is. I'm hoping he pulls something that just makes her implode. (That comment about I want you here forever shoud have sent red flags sailing everywhere to her. )

My fear is that if our resident airhead hero, who I still like but he tries my patience, goes off on Nata, she'll get all upset and fall back to Auggie's control. Is it wrong of me to actually hope that Hon caves to BSC? I want Nata OUT of that stupid casa.

Word to Gonzo - you know Matias has cut off Berta on purpose. I know you'll cave, but wouldn't it be a good learning experience to make this girl start taking some responsibility instead of handing her endless cash? Just a thought....

Well, actually, I have no problem with Honorio and /or Lazaro agreeing to whatever with Blanca (if that's really her name) and Alvaro. It's not like either of them have been treating their victims honestly.

Why isn't a detective already shadowing Blanca?

I really am enjoying this show but it does have a number of details that just don't ring true.


And another thing... why isn't Daniel spilling his guts to the cops about what he and Blanca were up to?


You're right Carlos. One of the things I have liked about this show was that they don't stretch reality too far -- BUT the whole Blanca thing does just that. And your two questions are just some of the ways that this BSC Blanca thing goes off the rails.

Oh and daisynjay I love the new Auggie shorcut CFE boy I guess.


Daisynjay i'm hoping Gonzo will surprise us and not cave and have Roberta thrown out of the offices and banned daughter or not.

As for Hon as much as i want Renata away from creepy Mr I and his house control i don't want Hon to give into BSC Blanca's blackmail. Even if he agrees to this there's always going to be that threat she will bring the charges up again if he doesn't cater to her every BSC whim.

I can't see Consta getting upset with Adriana over Chema because Adriana has already told her what she is doing and Consta didn't say she was against it. I think she is slowly realizing she isn't suited for Chema and that she still loves Hon. But if he does agree to BSC Blanca's demands then that will cause a whole set of misunderstanding between the two.

I have to say i am loving the new Adriana better i just feel sometimes that Wendi Gonzalez sometimes has a whiny annoying voice that grates on my hearing.I certainly don't like her crying scenes at all. While the new Adriana at least to me has great chemistry with everyone she has a scene with. This is great recasting here.

I have a feeling that since this tn is LONG, we will be getting some off the wall plot lines, like the BSC Blanca thing. It's ok. I'm still enjoying it and care about what will happen to these characters. If the writers and actors can hold it together enough to still make me care, then they've done their jobs, even if the drama gets beannie-worthy by Cap. 175. :)

Thanks for a great recap, Marta, especially for detailing that sweet scene of Matias and Adriana so thoroughly. I'm so glad she told him what she's up to. In lesser telenovelas, she would not have, for no good reason, and then of course he'd think she was really into Chema and the misunderstanding would keep them apart forever. There's definitely still a potential for problems; Mat could think she's taking it too far or whatever, but I really appreciate having characters like Adriana who are functional voices of reason and don't just cause all their own problems by not communicating with the people who are on their side.

I thought that product-placement scene was hilarious. They're all RAVING about the features of the magical music player, like they've never seen one before yet know all the pertinent details, and Constanza just wanders away, uninterested.

Renata and Gitana together out in the dark night made such a strikingly beautiful scene. Too bad she went back to creepy Augie, instead of just staying at La Bonita, or heck, even sleeping out in the barn with Gitana to protect her would probably be better.

I did kind of wonder, though... Augie has probably only ever been familiar with the sorts of short-term flings who always have themselves tarted up in frilly underthingies for his viewing pleasure whenever they're near him. He may actually think that women wear that kind of skivvies all the time.

BTW, my word verification is "unsmize." Tyra Banks would not approve!

Great point Carlos. I forgot about dear Daniel. DO the police not talk to each other in this town?

And I would reeaaaalllllyyyyy love a backstory on BSC, just something that makes sense as to what is her issues, why she picked that company and why she honed in on Hon so quickly. Just would make my beanie fit better.

Guera, I work for a major corporation where every project or process that comes up is always called something that can have an acronym associated with it. Our group once attempted to put together a list of all these little acronyms and it came out to be three pages long. I just got put on a Finance team to rehaul our processes and they shortened us to COPS. We're having a hoot over that one. It becomes a joke after awhile to come up with acronyms you can hide opinions behind. Our last bonehead release by one of the businesses we nickmaned SNIP - Stupid New Idiotic Process.

Thanks Marta.

OK, Laz and Kari, stop this Romeo and Juliet, sacrificing crap.

I’m a little disappointed in Adri. She’s such a good person. I get why she’s trying to seduce Chema, but if he falls for her and she breaks his heart. . ? I guess her desperation to get Hon and Con together is making her do a not very nice thing. It does make a more well rounded character, when nice ones show flaws and mean ones show goodness.

Vivi: Re: Marina finding out Dr. Demented is sterile. I hadn’t even thought how it would affect Kari, especially her guilt of not being able to have children. I was just thinking about how relieved Alfie would be.

Didn’t Hon think it was Con who was visiting? I thought I heard him say Cons name.

Guera: Not sure what the reason would be for Marina to keep the test results secret or use them in a not-straightforward way? It doesn’t affect her relationship with Jero, which is the only reason I can think of for her doing that. Am I missing something? Quite possible since my Spanish is nearly non-existent and my experience with TNs is still pretty new.

Carlos: Thanks for the rootstock/wine info. Kind of funny, considering how snobby the Europeans can be about their wines (or so I understand--from movies, of course).

RLO: I wanted Gina to go to a sketch artist, have a pic drawn and show it to Gonzo.


Good one Robey -- either that or a description of the car -- something that Gonzalo could chew on.

I didn't mean that Marina would be unethical about the results of the sperm count test -- just that she may either feel that it would not be ethical to reveal it or that she will try to do something convoluted so that she doesn't have to reveal privileged medical records -- just that she won't just go & tell Alfonsina that she is in the clear the baby has to be Zeke's & Kari that she has grounds for an annulment -- or at least no need to feel a failure as a woman for not bearing him a child.


Guera: I thought that might be what you meant, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I have to say, though, this TN is constantly surprising me with its regular reveals.


Great work and thank you. Gotta make this quick before eagle eye passes.
Matias is making me nervous with his (over)joy each time he dines with 'hit and run' sister. And now he is delighted she does a drop by and offers help. WHAT HELP with WHAT?!! Matias! Adri tells you everything and you are looking like a 'Player' with that 'nothing to tell' look.

Marta, Thanks for the super recap so nicely detailed for us. Love your Connie's boarding house, Renata not a happy abductee and I agree the Adriana and Matias scene was our one bit of sweetness. Marina is a sneaky one these days. Funny her tio the padre isn't very judgemental in her obvious yearning toward Jero. finally, Yes Lazaro has had his hair restyled or something. College classes are agreeing with him?

I actually like Marina and think she'll stay on the up and up. I just don't like her flashing those big, yellow traffic lights of hers at Jero all the time. And yellow in her case does not mean slow down...

thanks everyone for the comments. I love to translate the dialogues... esp those sweet ones like Matt and Adri...

Loved the
wearing a beautifully sexy, 40's style satin robe and she accessorizes with a neck scarf and boots. ... Priceless!

and love the reference to Romeo and Juliett for Lazaro and Kari... enough martyrdome is enough indeed!!

Thanks, Marta. I always look forward to your dialog translations.

So glad there is Adri. She is so 'normal' compared to everybody else. Can we clone her?

Carlos, thank you for that bit of info about the vineyard plague. I thought I'd heard them comment on possible phylloxera but importing rootstock from Europe? Like you said those boys have it backwards.

"I would never survive living at Coni's. ONE rib? She gave everyone ONE rib? Who eats just ONE rib?"

That completely cracked me up. Too funny!!

That cracked me up too. Wasn't that a Chris Rock bit? "Give me one rib! Just one rib!"

That's right! I'm Gonna Get You Sucka.

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