Thursday, August 25, 2011

Teresa Wed 8/24/11 #123 The Slap Heard ‘Round The World

Teresa and Mariano are conversing on the sidewalk at the vecindad. Mariano tells her about his feelings for Aurora, and Teresa is uncomfortably surprised at this news.

Teresa balks at the notion of Mariano having romantic feelings for Aurora. However he confesses these feelings have been brewing for some time. Now he hasn’t seen her in a couple of days and he can’t stand being away from her; he’s desperate. Teresa is dismissive. She says this isn’t love; he’s simply accustomed to being around her, nothing more.

Mariano disagrees. He previously wanted to start a relationship with Aurora, but then Martin came along. It was difficult for Mariano to see them together, but he knew he had no right to interfere; then he started up with Aida.

At this, Teresa quips that his tryst with Aida was just to make her jealous. Mariano rolls his eyes and is tired of this game. He corrects her – he really thought there was a chance with Aida – Teresa interrupts to point out it’s over with Aida, and so too will it be fleeting with Aurora. Mariano again disagrees: it’s different with Aurora; he realizes he has strong feelings for her.
Teresa, reverting to teenage drivel, snaps that she knows he’s just saying that to annoy HER. Mariano firmly says, “I want to be very clear, now that Martin is gone I will strive to earn the love of Aurora!”

As she fights back tears, she sarcastically says she hopes he doesn’t pass on Aurora as he did with Aida. Teresa turns and slowly walks away as she begins to lose her composure. While Mariano turns in typical guy fashion to check-out her curvy rear-end, he enjoys seeing that Teresa is a little crushed by his admission of romantic feelings for Aurora, as he thinks, “I hate to see you go baby, but I like to watch you leave!”

Too-Hot Patty’s grumbling grandfather is in a lot of pain, lying in bed with the worst stomach ache of his life. He must have drunk the water. Johnny comes barreling in showing everyone a big cake he got for the old grouch’s birthday. The old man says “Cake now? You want to kill me, you wild piece of crap?” Takes one to know one, dude.

Grumpelstiltskin obviously needs medical attention so they all go to the hospital.

Juana enters the Chaves home to find Teresa having a good cry about Mariano, but Tiburoncita lies and says she’s upset about a client. Then she goes on a histrionic teenage-style rant about the current state of affairs, how Arturo is unwilling to do what is necessary to quickly get out of the vecindad (like selling his condo shares) and how some mean girls came over and made fun of her. Juana comforts Teresa as she acts like a sad 4-year old that got her feelings hurt.

Aurora says her goodbyes to Hector as she is leaving for Cuernavaca. Aurora says she did not tell Mariano where she was going.

Esperanza and Juana are taking baby Rodrigo for a stroll. The subject of course turns to men. They agree Hernan is pretty cool, you know, for a guy. Juana says she’s glad Espe married a good man, because love is what matters. Espe reads between the lines and knows Juana is thinking of Boobberto. Espe thinks it would not be good for Schlepberto to marry the “rich lady” because he actually wants Juana.

Teresa answers a knock at the door. Behind door number one, it’s Paquita’s “hunkasaurus-rex”, Fernando. He flirtatiously says Teresa looks even more youthful despite her living conditions and says, “Also, wherever you are, your beauty shines even more.” (Ok, that’s a good line; I’m going to have to use that sometime. I guess when you’re an international playboy you’ve got lines like that ready to go anytime.)

Fernando offers Teresa his economic support. She declines on the grounds she doesn’t want to abuse his friendship (yet).

Fernando gives Teresa the news that he will have his inheritance in three months, and will be married in one month. Teresa does a double-take and can’t believe it.

Esperanza advises Juana to tell Slopberto that she can’t have children. Juana says it’s too late for that because she has invested a lot of time with Hector.

Well, well, well... enter the dragon – it’s Ruben – he spots Espe and confronts her. He demands to see his child. Esperanza tells him he has no right to visitation, as she almost miscarried due to his boorish attack on her. Ruben says he was just desperate at the time. The situation is being reviewed before a judge and meanwhile he promised Arturo he wouldn’t disturb the baby; he only wants what’s best for his son.

As Teresa and Fernando talk, they flirt and get closer and closer. Eventually they are sitting on the couch holding hands. Teresa says Oriana told her that Fer and Luisa were moving to Spain for a while, and she is going to miss him and parenthetically says she’ll miss Luisa too. He says those plans are still in flux and Tiburoncita is relieved.

Tere asks for his help convincing Arturo to sell his Turquoise Moon shares as she moves even closer to him.

And closer to him.

And closer still.

Suddenly Arturo barges into the apartment and catches them!

Fernando looks like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and startled, they both quickly pull away from each other.

After Teresa awkwardly runs off to “borrow some sugar”, Arturo directly asks Fer if he told Teresa about the plan to test her. Fer says he didn’t violate the Bro Code on that particular item.

Fernando tells Arturo that Teresa doesn’t belong there; it’s a depressing place. Arturo disagrees.

Arturo says he and Teresa are going to stay in the vecindad a bit longer. Fer tells Arturo this is a mistake. Teresa is desperate to get out and it’s unfair that he has her there. Arturo says he just needs to be sure of Teresa’s love and because if she runs into Mariano... Fer abruptly shouts, “Enough, Arturo, you cannot go on doubting Teresa! Don’t you see the way she looks when she kisses you? Teresa has shown you that she loves you, but you’re a FOOL, you’re pushing TOO HARD!! So if she gets tired and goes from here, YOU will be the only culprit!!”

Ruben and his poorly behaved troglodyte sidekick, Fito, are walking through a parking lot plotting the kidnapping of baby Rodrigo.

Fito is dressed like he's going to a Leather Bar later. He just needs a pink feathered boa and he’s good to go. Hey Fito, update your wardrobe, every queen in the vecindad has a leather jacket just like that. Tool.

Ruben confirms with Fito that the kidnapping will take place on Saturday, during a party. Ruben gives Fito a piece of paper with the address. Fito isn’t familiar with the location, but Ruben tells him he will describe the layout to him in detail. The scene fades as these sleazes work out their plan.

Hey Ruben, I have a special dessert for you. I just made it myself. I left it on your doorstep. It's called “nature's corn”.

Mariano walks into the conference room at a time when Aurora is usually there, but she is nowhere to be found. Magda says Aurora finished her shift and said she doesn’t have to return anymore. Magda said she would tell Aurora when to take her exam, and then Aurora left.

Mariano doesn’t understand; this will mean Aurora will be gone almost a month. Magda surmised from Aurora’s behavior that something was definitely wrong, but she didn’t pry. She figures it had to do with Aurora’s break up with Martin. But whatever the case, it is clear to Magda that Aurora is avoiding Mariano.

Mariano calls Aurora again, and again, she will not pick up his call. He leaves her a voice mail: Aurora, I think I have saturated your mailbox with my calls, but please call me. I send you a kiss.

In the hallway, Patty, Johnny, and Grumpy stop Aurora as she is leaving. They tell Aurora about Grumpy’s condition and she refers them to Dr. Dario.

Teresa shows up to visit Luisa. Luisa says she thought Arturo would have changed his mind by now and returned back to the Barrera home, but Tere confirms that’s not going to happen. Tere then smiles her shark smile and says she feels better knowing Luisa is there with Fernando.

Aurora is telling Magda about Patty’s grandfather and says she’s leaving now. Just then Mariano enters. Magda gets out of dodge.

Mariano walks toward Aurora saying it is good to finally see her. Aurora replies that she told Mariano she wanted to put some distance between them. Mariano says, “Yes, but that was when you were going to marry Martin, now you are not.”

As Aurora starts to respond, Mariano Sshh’s her. He softly tells her, “Aurora, you do not know how much I missed you. I have not stopped thinking about you. ”

He cups her face gently with both hands. He leans in and softly kisses her and gradually the kiss intensifies. Oh yeah baby... and...

SSSLLLAAAPPP!!!! Ohhhhhhh...
RE-JEC-TED and SLAPPED!! ..and that my friends is what guys call an erection killer.

Hey Mariano, welcome to Flaccid City.

Population: You

Poor Mariano.

She sunk his battleship.

That's a Sch-wing and a miss.

Mariano looks like he's going to cry. That hurts a man’s pride more than his face.

Aurora angrily shouts, “I SAID NO!!”

Teresa and Luisa chit-chat about the wedding plans and Spain. Teresa made a three-day reservation at a spa in Cuernavaca for Oriana and Luisa as a wedding gift. Teresa says it will help them bond. But Teresa asks Luisa not to tell Oriana that it was her idea.

Aurora asks Mariano to respect her decision [and give her space]. Aurora says Mariano had her affection for a long time, but he did not realize her value and love. Now she’s not sure she wants a romantic relationship with him. Mariano is perplexed and asks why. She’s angry about his kiss that ruined things with Martin; she feels she really let Martin down.

Mariano pleads with her and says he can’t go on without her. She pulls away and irately tells him she doesn’t want to start a relationship with him while he still wants Teresa! He denies that he is still controlled by his feelings for Teresa. Aurora doesn’t want to hear it. Johnny and Patty enter the conference room and interrupt. Aurora bolts out the door, barely saying goodbye. Mariano is dazed and confused.

Fernando joins the conversation and Luisa confirms with him that she and Fer will be moving into the house since Arturo refuses to move back.

Aurora stops by Aida’s house, who wanted to talk with her before she leaves to Cuernavaca.

Aida just has to know if Mariano is going to Cuernavaca with Aurora. Aurora tries to get it through Aida’s thick skull that she’s trying to get away from Mariano. Aida is dying to know if Aurora is going to try to be with Mariano. Ultimately Aurora is not sure, but she says, “For the first time I’m thinking about my life before everyone else. And it may seem selfish, but I will not be left as always, this ‘Dawn’ is over.” Aida says she’s going to be sick.

Teresa is alone and laments that Esperanza is living like a queen with Hernan, Juana is about to be doing the same; even Johnny and Patty have a better place than her!

She flashes back to memories of Mariano when they professed their love for each other, and how Teresa refused to stay with Mariano in the vecindad.

Then she flashes back to early memories of Arturo.

Aida says she can’t believe Aurora is talking like that – where is the sweet Aurora?

Aurora says Mariano ignored her as a woman for so long. But his kiss changed everything. She needs time to sort out her feelings. She’s sorry, but even though Aida is her friend, she cannot promise her that she will not start a romance with Mariano! Aida is definitely feeling sick now.


Mariano sits alone in his office still feeling the sting to his ego from the slap heard ‘round the world.

He flashes back to memories of Aurora.

Hector is at Juana’s apartment. They couldn’t convince Aurora to change her mind so now that she’s gone, Hector will have more time to devote to Juana.

Grumpy Gramps is leaving and Dr. Dario gives him the usual advice to get plenty of rest. Dr. Dario tells Grumpy that by medical order, he can’t be left alone because bleeding can occur at any time.

The future Mrs. SharkByte (Aurora) walks into her backyard pool area at Cuernavaca dragging her Disney Princess suitcase behind.

She flashes back to memories of Martin. Her last memory flash is of Martin saying, “You’ll never look at me the way you looked at him, let alone kiss me like you kissed him.”

*** FOLKS, AT THIS POINT MY CABLE SERVICE WAS INTERRUPTED by the local Univision weather man and various alerts. I missed a few minutes so hopefully others can help fill in the gap.

Teresa is telling Grumpy Gramps something about her toilet and Patty helping her. Gramps tells her to get lost.

Pestberto is talking with Juana about being with him and not Hector. He asks Juana if they could hypothetically have their own children. Juana is on the verge of telling Slimeberto about her condition, when Mariano walks in, interrupting.

Stunkberto leaves for the night. Mariano begs Juana to tell him where Aurora went. Juana insists Aurora doesn’t want Mariano around. Mariano pleads with her, saying that Juana knows that Aurora loves him, and there is a lot that he wants to tell her.

Grumpy Gramps goes nuts yelling at Johnny for putting his granddaughter in a position of having to be a maid for other people. They try to explain that Patty was just going to help out Teresa for a while, but Gramps won’t listen. He refers to Johnny as “loser crap”. I can’t argue with that. I’ll say this for Gramps, when he’s right, he’s right.

He continues insulting and yelling at Johnny and tells him to take off.

The other future Mrs. SharkByte (Patty) looks rather annoyed at her Gramps.

Teresa complains that she has to clean the dishes. Arturo comes in and offers to help with the housework. Teresa looks so darn adorable as she gets the suds going in the sink. He comes up behind her and can’t help himself, as he embraces her from behind and goes for the ol’ neck kiss maneuver; a standard of the male repertoire.

The maneuver works as Teresa gets more and more turned-on and finally, it looks like Arturo and Teresa are experiencing a little wedded bliss after a very rough patch.

...and now you know what happened in Episode 123.


Ah Sharkbye, another masterful recap.

Poor Mariano looked like a puppy that had just had his nose whacked for being bad. I bet Juana tells him where Aurora is.

As for Teresa, she really put her plans in action. She made sure that Lusia and Fer moved into the house, where she has her office and will be EVERY day. And then she gets Luisa and Oriana out of town for three days, meaning there will be times when Fer is all ALONE in the house during those days. Now, how will she make sure Art doesn't pop up at the office/house during her planned times of seduction?

Sharkbyte!!! very, very good!

I love all of the names you have for Buttberto. Each and every one of them fits. I suppose Buttberto fits the bill for Juana in terms of that child she has always wanted to have.

I was ready to slap her little face when Hector the Director happily told her he would now have time for her with Aurora gone. Juana can't even reply to his loving comments. Hector needs to start looking elsewhere. Juana will realise only too late that she has missed the boat.

There was a very interesting dialogue from yesterday re "Team Teresa". Really loved reading the excellent comments from everyone.

I said this once a long time ago and I still feel the same way: it really matters not what happens to Teresa in my book. I have no 'feeling' for her. She engenders neither like nor dislike. Her antics are simply interesting to watch from a number of points be it social, psychological, or otherwise, I truly feel indifferent to her.

I can say, however, that I feel something for the Art and Luisa characters. I do care what happens to them.

Teresa is like the hub of a wheel. The other characters are the spokes in that wheel. Directly or indirectly, Teresa has affected their lives. Directly or indirectly, they have acknowledged that she has affected their lives.

From my POV, in order for an individual to be considered redeemable, they first need to have insight into their actions before they can start on the road to redemption. They should also be able to TELL THE TRUTH.

I see Teresa as incapable of telling the truth and I have yet to see that she has demonstrated any insight into her actions and how she has affected others. Just look at how she used Espe early on in her retaliation of Aida.

This has to be the first TN where I have the Rhett Butler attitude towards the purported heroine of the story.

Now...if I could just find the links to the different endings to this TN!!! where I have been watching these capitulos shows that they have 2 alternate endings, but I can't bring myself to see them just yet.

Oh, and Sharkbyte...loved, loved your description of your beloved Aurora's Princess Disney suitcase! Perfect, my friend, PERFECTO!!!

Gracias, Sharkbyte!


last night 's episode really shows who teresa is: self centered and cruel. luisa is suppose to be one of her best friends and look how much she really cares. oh! it is worst than what she did to mariano. to break someone's relationship, luisa and fer, and arturo's friendship with fer just because you wanna have it your way , all eyes on teresa, teresa the most intelligent and beautiful oh please i am so gald that mariano's sick feelings for her have been cured. fernando is also disgusting and self centered, luisa deserves better. I dont care how bad aida and oriana are but they have never intentionally hurt the people that they love, the enemy , yes , but friends and family never. if you call hurting calling someone out on their game because you see their true intentions, revealing what other people are blind too then i guess i'm on oriana and aida's side as much as i can't stand them. last night proves that aida does know what loyalty means, yes she is bad i'm not denying that, but she frankly asked aurora what's up with her and mariano and without being a hypocrite to herself and her friend let her know that she is also interested. you can't say the same about teresa. aida went after teresa and espe because they are her ennemies, she would never do this to genoveva ,even when she wanted her dad in jail her, she only wanted justice for her mom. i'm sorry but i will never understand why people defend teresa and the excuse is because she was bullied, for that she needs to hurt her loved ones? she has always been flawed, and thought she was better than the vecindad people . mariano himself said it when she was in that bed paralyzed, that teresa would walk around with her tiara and pretending that she didnt belong there. it makes me so mad because luisa has been so good to her, trough thick and thin, even after it was revealed that she slept with mariano. ooh!! i am not loving teresa right now.

Susanita - I agree with you about Juana. I am annoyed at the way she's handling her relationship with Hector. In previous episodes she seemed to be warming up to him just fine. Lately though, it seems her preoccupation with Doltberto is growing. She's stringing Hector along and that's not cool.

I wouldn't have as much of a problem with Juana's behavior if Hector behaved like a cad. But he doesn't; he just does his work, comes home, and wants a woman to love him. That's it.

Maybe Hector needs to expect more from his relationship. If he did, then he would see that Juana's affections don't measure up. He probably puts up with her lukewarm responses because he has low expectations. Vanessa probably has something to do with that. Either that or he's blinded by her cleavage. (That was actually a serious point not a crude joke; first time for everything.)

If Hector ever met a woman that was fully interested in him, and not settling for him, the difference would hit him like a ton of bricks.

Maybe Hector can find that by the end of the novela. I have my doubts that Juana will fit that bill.

My dear Sharkbyte: You've hit the nail on the head re Hector the Director: He has LOW expectations! You are absolutely right. Your observation that she is cooling towards him is also on the mark.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why she is pining for that Mariachi Buffoon. She wants to be a mother. Buffoon will be her child...and that is a satisfying relationship!?

In all seriousness, I have often wondered if it was Juana's cleavage alone that was calling to Hector. Heaven knows she flaunts it enough, but I don't think so. Juana has the POTENTIAL to be a caring and giving partner, she simply needs to decide what she wants.

Therein lies the rub, no? The hardest part is deciding what we want. Once we do that, the rest is easy.


Sharkbyte i'm LOL still your take on this episode great work and thank you.

Loved all of your nicknames for Doofusberto and they are all appropriate.

I don't know if anyone else picked it up but i do believe hector is realizing last night that Juana is so not into him as he is into her. He said it to Aurora at first and then his reaction to Juana at her place i do think he is realizing this and he so does not deserve this.

Teresa, Teresa you will never learn it's not all about you and your whims and not every man that ventures into your hemisphere has to pine away being in love with you and not able to carry on another realistic and honest relationship with another person. That is not named Teresa notice i used honest and realistic here which is still something Teresa is not capable of doing still right?

Fernando lost all points with me last night he went over there on purpose to entice Teresa. By saying when he's going to get his inheritance and when he's going to get married. Now i don't want him for Luisa because even though he does love her in his own way i feel he's capable of cheating on her at any point he comes across a woman he is attracted too like Teresa.

I so want the kidnapping plot to blow up in Ruben's face with his hired idiot.

Aurora that was some slap and he did deserve it because you did tell him you needed your space.

Mariano you still have to prove that you are over Teresa for once and for all.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeda still like your father he does not want you anymore and you can't force him to stay in a relationship with you or go around asking if Aurora is going to take up with him. What is it that you don't understand psycho you're not that attractive by the way you act and obsess over Teresa,Paulo, Espe and her unborn child and now Mariano. Get a grip and get over it but your just like your father so id on't expect this to happen at all either so therefore you end up with nobody by the time this ends.

What a hysterical recap Sharkbyte. I had to park the coffee for this one! Your description of the Slap Scene had me laughing so hard I scared the cat. Perfection!

Vivi, that was my thought with Mariano through most of the evening - a lost little puppy noone wants to pick up and love. But I love the newly feisty Aurora. Crack mne up that ever-delusional Aeeddaaa asks where the "nice" Aurora went. It's more like the old milquetoast Aurora. Yep, you guys can't push this woman around anymore. In my mind, she's really becoming the strong heroine of this TN. Agree with yesterday's observation that Mar has grown so much in this TN and now we are seeing Aurora doing the same. It now will make sense as they move to each other.

Susanita, I love your sum up of Teresa. I too watch her more as the instigator of the plot lines, but I really am pretty indifferent on what happens to her. If she gets a happy ending, it better not be at the expense of better characters. And if she gets her comeuppance, you can point to a million reasons why she deserved it.

I got on very late yesterday to the site but loved the discussion. I've watched all three Finales ( I found them posted on You Tube and there was a talk show video that recapped all three and the panel talked about which they all liked best- sorry can't remember the show.) I found that I didn't really prefer any of the three because I wanted to know what led up to each one. I think at that point, which ever one we see here, then I can agree or disagree on what makes sense.

Anyone else actually wanting Juana to walk away from both these guys - Hector deserves better and Buttberto needs to go away? Aurora will lose another mother figure, but maybe she'll be busy with her new love. (Sorry Sharkbyte).

And we get closer and closer to the FerTer merge. Hey, not like he's not warning Art, though cutie pie doesn't realize Fer's the guy that will be moving into the next "poor slob" role.

Way too much Grumps and group last night...

Hope noone is in the path of Irene. If you are, be safe.

Great recap, I also love all the Buttberto names.

The looks between Ter And Fer were very telling today!

I think besides the cleavage Hector must like that loooong braid. It's time she gets a haircut and tells Hector how she feels about him. She's another strange one. This TN is full of them.

Ter is so envious she hates the fact that Espe now lives like a queen, and even Johnny and Patty live better than her. I could never be friends with someone like her so at least she would never use me!

Therein lies the rub, no? The hardest part is deciding what we want. Once we do that, the rest is easy.

Susanita - that has such a ring of truth. I have friends that SWEAR they will not start a serious relationship with a woman younger than 30 or 35 (one guy said 38) for precisely that reason. Women younger than that often don't know what the frick-frack they want.

Although studies show the younger chicas are good for assorted dating purposes and are a good source of 10 essential vitamins and minerals.


By the way, I loved that sexy last scene at the kitchen sink. It made me see how much fun Teresa and Art could be having these few months in their little love nest- all alone, close quarters, doing chores together, making (and messing up) the bed together. Get a grip girl! You've got everything you need with that hot man.

I usually hate Grumps, but loved him slamming the door in Ter's face and telling her his granddaughter is no ones maid. LOL! Wash your own darn dishes Teresa.

Susanita i like your pov on Teresa one of the reasons why i am on Team Teresa is i do like how she confronts her enemies verbally.

But i am honest to what she is and what she is all about. I have never once supported how she uses those around her or the mind games, lies and manipulation she has pulled.

It's such a waste for a young lady that smart to pull what she has done and not try to work for what she gets and when i say work i mean not trying to seduce men to do her bidding.

I think those on Team Teresa feel the same way and are honest and recognize Teresa for what she is.
I don't think you can say the same for those who support Aeeeeeeeeeda i do find it very interesting when she crosses the line of committing actual crimes not one of her supporters speaks up about it in the recap. Or calls her out on being wrong all we hear is days later or weeks later are excuses for her. Bullying is supposed to be discounted as acceptable behavior? Implying that you're sleeping with your professor to go to a exclusive college that's ok too. Throwing ammonia in a person's eye's hey no problem she's just grieving over her fiance's death. Attacking a delicate pregnant woman in her hospital room maybe causing her a miscarriage well she had a affair with my father. Oh well like he's the only great father in the world who has done this right?My sworn enemy is laying in a coma and might not make it but let me make sure by squeezing her oxygen tube.Gotta makes sure Mariano never returns to her.

I guess seeing how she is acting just like her father did with Espe not staying away. Not being able to accept her relationship is over with Mariano and he will never return let's just call that being frank and honest and not a hypocrite. But when Paloma was doing the same type of behavior i believe we all called her pathetic didn't we? When we saw her father act the same with Espe we called him being selfish and boorish in wanting to keep someone by him who was ready to end their relationship after discovering all the lies he told her.

The point is Susanita most on Team Teresa hopes she stops and realizes what she has done and who she has hurt in the process. We are honest about Teresa but i don't think those who support Aeeeeeeeeeeeda or Odiosa Oriana are doing the same. We hear the same argument over and over again ok we get that but now tell us about why you condone their behavior when it's not really either of their business what Teresa does. Oriana believed or thought Teresa was after her son but she didn't have proof what she did was set her after her son by exposing her to Arturo. Now she is a panic mode because she knows from Teresa's veiled threats that's what she is up to now. But it seems momma bear doesn't realize her son wants Teresa for himself. He can't control himself.She is hurting both Arturo and Luisa by her actions now some will deny this but we are seeing the overall effect of Oriana's actions. Look at her reaction to how Arturo acted after she told him this he went after Mariano she wasn't expecting this because her plan wasn't thought out it was malicious the way she did it.It says a lot about her lack of breeding and her so called up bringing.There's more fallout to come and this is what happens when you keep pushing people they will fight back some fair and some not so fair. No i'm not liking one bit Teresa's methods of getting back at Oriana because of who gets hurt in the outcome from her doing this.

Aeeeeeeeeeeda she has started this bullying because like i said she is obsessive and pathetic. She's not happy with her life so she needs to feel superior by putting down someone who comes from the type of neighborhood that Teresa comes from.She keeps asking herself why all of these men are in love with Teresa because she isn't a ranting psycho harpy like she is. She calls Teresa Rata de vecinada and a slut too. Teresa maybe from the vecindd but she isn't a slut. Remind everyone who slept with Paulo before marriage and Mariano too. As Teresa only slept with Mariano before marriage. She wouldn't sleep with either Paulo or Arturo until they married her.

See how there's a difference in being honest about some of these characters and not overlooking the faults in them even if you like them or hate them.But just because you totally hate one character because of their actions that doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards making excuses for not acceptable behavior and actions.

Is anyone really on Team Aida or Team Oriana? I think many like it when either of those two, or other characters, put a wrench in Teresa's plans/schemes.

Actually, I think for those who do support Aida, they see the same deep/huge flaws as we see in Teresa, but they also see the same potential. Just like Teresa, Aida has her good qualities (loves her parents, loyal to friends, loyal to her mom, straight forward, pulls no punches).

I feel the same about Aida as I do about Teresa. I don't like her, but I see that she has the potential to be a good, productive person and to have a good life. If either of them made a turn around, I would totally support that.

I am for sure on Team Espe, Luisa and Aurora. I know that I want happy endings for these characters and would be bummed if they didn't get it. I wouldn't care one way or the other if Teresa or Aida had sad ends. They have both made their very uncomfortable beds. It's their choice if they want to lie in it, or get out of it.

Wow. It's getting complicated. Fernando, Arturo, and Mariano are all under Tiny Tere$a's spell. Aida and Aurora and Tere$a are all lusting after the darling doctor Mariano. Arturo is crazy for Tere$a. Luisa loves Fernando who loves her but lusts after Tere$a. Poor Martin seems to have dropped out of this complicated game of musical mates. I agree with the person who wrote that they care about Luisa and Arturo , but everyone else frustrates me..even Aurora. I don't watch much anymore since I'm watching Alborada and Dona Bella [a very bizarre novela]. What happened to Hector's wife ?

I don't think there are enough episodes left for Luisa to have a happy ending.

Ter didn't sleep with Paulo because she was only using him, she didn't care for him and diddo for making Arturo wait, she didn't want to sleep with them. If she had she would have, she always gets what she wants!

Daisynjay, are you saying that you watched all three finales and Aurora doesn't end up with SharkByte in ANY of them???

SharkByte, so very glad this cap landed on a Wednesday. Your take on the happenings were a riot.
"Fito is dressed like he's going to a Leather Bar later. He just needs a pink feathered boa and he’s good to go. Hey Fito, update your wardrobe, every queen in the vecindad has a leather jacket just like that. Tool."

My first aloud laugh here in ages!

I don't know why everyone thinks Teresa needs to change. Teresa is Teresa. Ser o no ser Ella ser. Ponto.

I love her just the way she is. You all are making her way too complicated. She is clearly one-dimensional. What Teresa wants Teresa gets. If she hurts along the way, so be it. Get over it. She hurts herself as well (still harboring delusions of Mariano's everlasting love is one of them)

I'm looking for Teresa to win out of all of this. Arturo to win with her. She will end up okay, but Luisa will not. Fernando will not. Fernando is being used by her, and he as an international playboy should be more savvy. So I don't care if Fernando ends up bad. I also don't care if Luisa ends up bad. She has always been a bland, dull character.

To me this TN is pure fantasy. Its a chance to see people behave like you haven't seen before. A chance to see outrageous actions. It is not a "relatable to your own life" TN. It's a chance to exit your own life for an hour and watch the crazy and outlandish. Which is why I want Teresa to win. All the scheming her whole life has to end with her getting what she wants, otherwise these 150 caps will have been a waste of time.

Having her redeem herself at the end would be a total let
down. Can't we just have the beautiful, evil woman win for once?


Vivi i have no problem if Teresa doesn't have a happy ending as you said you has made her choices and and she doesn't want to stop her games or lies so therefore it's karma.

I can see Aurora finally growing a spine and keeping it this time no more pushover please. She has always been there for Teresa but Teresa because of her insecurities was always threaten by Aurora now that Mariano is admitting his feelings for Aurora Teresa can't stand to lose him to her. But it looks like she is too late on that score.She has never appreciated the fact that Aurora never looked down upon her or called her names like Aeeeeeeeeeda. Even when she found out Teresa true nature all she asked of her was to stop playing her games with Arturo and Mariano neither deserve that.

Espe does deserve her happiness she openly admitted how wrong she was being with a married man.Hanging around waiting for him to dump his wife for her. But this is where Aeeeeeeda has it wrong she really did love her father not for his money or his position or to help her get out of her financial situation. She was a very naive and gullible young woman who had some deep seated self esteem issues.

She apologized to both Aeeeeeeeeeeeda and Mayra for what she did and she was sincere about it no lies, schemes or games.She even told them both repeatedly she doesn't want anything else more to do with Ruben but it's him who won't stay away from her. There's nothing she can do about that. No she shouldn't have to move away to accommodate either one of them because her family and friends live there.

They are the ones who need to deal with reality and get over it.Espe finally saw what a great man she has right under her nose and married him good for her. But unfortunately psycho Ruben won't leave her alone and thinks he's entitled to steal her son even though he's the biological father.I'm hoping this will backfire in his face big time and brings down Fito the Darn Maldito Bandito for once and for all.

Ruben has gotten psychical with Espe on several different occasions every time he makes a excuses for his out of control behavior.Sounds like someone else we all know huh?

Luisa was a shy withdrawn young woman who really didn't have many friends only her older brother and guardian Arturo.When she first met Teresa she knew what she was about from her first impression of her but she got suckered and fooled by Teresa as she used the death of her sister as a way to have something in common with Luisa.

She has played upon Luisa good nature and sweetness to the hilt and used her repeatedly to intercede on her behalf with Arturo. Usually she tells Luisa her manipulated version of the truth to get her way knowing that Luisa wants the best for her brother.Plus she can't keep a secret.

Teresa doesn't appreciate what a steadfast friend she has in her. Causing her this type of heartache is unforgivable to me. One thing i do know because of the way Luisa treated Paloma she will never forgive Teresa for this type of betrayal. She didn't forgive Paloma for what she did to Arturo and this time it's not only betraying Arturo but herself as well.

All three deserve their happiness i'm just not so sure if Luisa gets hers as it looks like the other two will.With Fernando going after Teresa to impress her with his almost new wealth and the mother in law from hell that's not exactly enticing prospects there.

Bring back Martin these two deserve to be happy.

LOL Diann! Even bad girls need unconditional supporters.

Excellent recap Sharkbyte. You are so right, Fernando is my hunkasaurus-rex....and Arturo is my tricep-taurus. (jeje) Loved, loved, loved your names for Buttberto.

Ack, Ruben, saying he only wants what's best for his son -- what, like kidnapping him as a newborn and setting him up with psycho Roots 'n Boots? Por Favor!

I don't blame Aurora for slapping him. She should have backhanded him too for that matter. Mariano's been playing this obesession game with Teresa far too long now. She's married, she's moved on and still he's always panting after her.

I'm one of those who wants to see Teresa redeem herself. She's one smart cookie who doesn't sit around waiting for something to happen, she makes things happen. Ok, ok, I realize they're not always the RIGHT things but hey, she's young. She can change. I'm sure she'll get her comeuppance and she may yet end up as Scarlett with no place to go and no one to turn to. However, I'd like her to see the errors of her ways and understand the world doesn't revolve around her.

Diann! Hadn't read your comment before posting my own! ITA! She's a bad girl, but she's such a lovable bad girl. Kinda like Dennis the Menace in heels.

...this TN is pure fantasy...

Next you'll be telling me the moon isn't made of cheese!

SharkByte, loved your cracks about Fito needing a pink feather boa accessory and Aurora dragging her Disney Princess suitcase behind her. And "Grumpelstiltskin" is the perfect name.

Just now catching up and enjoyed the recaps and comments earlier in the week. I think Hector will wind up like Martin, ending it with Juana. She's just not that into him. When she is with Hector, she doesn’t seem to let her hair down. When she’s with Goofberto, she’s a giddy girl. She wants the passion she gets from Goofberto. He’s definitely a doofus but he's “her” doofus and surely would be willing to adopt children if she’d just tell him the truth.

I'm puzzled about Ter's plan for Fer while Luisa and Oriana are gone. She’s not going all the way with Fer for sure, but does she think letting Fer cop a feel or two will cause him to throw Luisa and Art under the bus and wait for her to get a divorce so he can marry her? Ter, take a good look at Art. Do you think he’d just blithely give you a quickie divorce?

Sharkbyte: What a wonderful recap and pics. I don't know what it is about Mariano's face that makes me want to punch him so I was happy with the slap lol.

I love Luisa, I know she isn't one of the most dynamic characteres but there's a warmth in her that I can really connect with. It saddens me to think she will be hurt by Teresa's schemes.

I love Teresa too, she has always interested me as a character and I know her wrong doings get her alot of flack but I enjoy her type of character. I want to see her redeemed but I don't care if she is not, I just don't tend to put that much importance to the ending as intriguing as it can be. It's the journey that matters to me and Teresa's journey has entertained me all along; I have cheered for her, I have critiziced her and I have loved her and hated her all the same. I'm content with that.


Sharkbyte: What a wonderful recap and pics. I don't know what it is about Mariano's face that makes me want to punch him so I was happy with the slap lol.

I love Luisa, I know she isn't one of the most dynamic characteres but there's a warmth in her that I can really connect with. It saddens me to think she will be hurt by Teresa's schemes.

I love Teresa too, she has always interested me as a character and I know her wrong doings get her alot of flack but I enjoy her type of character. I want to see her redeemed but I don't care if she is not, I just don't tend to put that much importance to the ending as intriguing as it can be. It's the journey that matters to me and Teresa's journey has entertained me all along; I have cheered for her, I have critiziced her and I have loved her and hated her all the same. I'm content with that.


Sorry for the double post.


Loved the recap Sharkbyte. That was some slap Aurora gave Mariano. It reminded me of the slap Cher gave Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck and said, "Snap out of it." I think Juana does tell him where she is because in the previews, they are together and Teresa looks none too pleased about it.

Speaking of which, I'm thinking that while Luisa and Oriana are at the spa for those three days, Teresa will be seducing Fernando. He's putty in her hands anyway. Arturo did look a bit perplexed by the handholding he witnessed between them when he walked in on them.

That kiss at the end between Teresa and Arturo was hot. LOL that she had to wash her own dishes. The horror. It looks to me like Arturo is the one falling back in love with Teresa. I thought his plan was for her to fall in love with him.

Well, as we have just learned on CME, in el D.F. one can now get an "express divorce." (Is this actually true?) It takes mere days.

Sharkbyte, thanks for the fun recap. Especially liked the detailed photos and succinct commentary on the big slap scene. Enjoyable to watch, but Mariano needs to think about his strategy. A quick "I miss you terribly" and then he goes in for the smooch? Ya gotta convince her, Mar. What's in it for HER?

Personally, I think Aurora should just go for it with Mariano. Either they'll live happily ever after, or once she's in a relationship with him and dealing with him in that context all the time the thrill will be gone and she'll have enough of his issues and want to leave, but she'll be over it. However, if she just tries to stay away from him, she'll just always wonder what might have been.

Daisynjay, are you saying that you watched all three finales and Aurora doesn't end up with SharkByte in ANY of them???

Ohhhhhh, she shoots, she scores!

Blue Lass with the bank shot!

BL - I'm making you the honorary Broheim of the Day for that one.

But don't get too excited; it's only for today.

Tomorrow you go back to being a silly chica.


"Although studies show the younger chicas are good for assorted dating purposes and are a good source of 10 essential vitamins and minerals."

OMG - Sharkbyte you never cease to amaze me.

My reaction to that get up on Fita - Dude, people are wearing tank tops and you look like you're ready to join the Siberian Mafia. You must be doing some major sweating under that get up.
No wonder you're cranky.

And No Blue Lass, I watched ever so intently to see if just maybe one of our dear TN ladies fell for the charms of our resident recapper. But alas, it was not to be.

And No Blue Lass, I watched ever so intently to see if just maybe one of our dear TN ladies fell for the charms of our resident recapper. But alas, it was not to be.

Rip-off. Total rip-off.

Obviously the whole thing was rigged.

Sharkbyte, what a fun read. I love your bro take on this TN.

Julia, I think the Express Divorce is like our No-Fault Divorce. I think it takes 30-days.

If Tere is supposed to be as poor as a church mouse, how can she afford to send Momzilla and Luisa to a London spa as a wedding gift?


Jarocha i love your pov and i agree with most of it but i do care about the ending as well as Teresa's journey does she learn from her behavior. Does she even realize what a great man she has married in Arturo? Yes i agree he is falling in love with her again or should we say more deeper in love with her.Can she let go of Mariano and let him be happy? Will she realize the pain and damage she is causing both Arturo and Luisa by going after Fernando?

If she gets Fernando will she stay with him just for the money? Will she realize that Arturo is truly the great love of her life?

In her quest to destroy Oriana and Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeda for once and for all will this be her ultimate downfall? So to me yes there's a journey for our little sharkette to make but the ending of this is just as crucial as getting there to resolve everything and she what her future will be?

Aurora should definitely go for it to see what all her angst has been over. Is Mariano worth it or not and instead of looking back at what might have been she needs to go for it. Don't let the reactions of Teresa or the harpy spoil her happiness.This will be Mariano's ultimate test either he is finally breaking away from his Teresa's sickness or he will never get over her as he keeps saying to everyone.

Rosemary, the spa weekend is actually in Cuernavaca.

I think Sharkbyte was overtaken by the sight of both Teresa and Luisa on the screen he missed by a few thousand miles.

And I also got the feeling Teresa made the reservations before her current financial woes and that's why she said she's not going. Remember Luisa offered to pay for her and she declined. So, not sure she's paying for any of it.

Luisa isn't meant to be a dynamic, exciting character. Luisa is bland and blah. She only blossomed because of Teresa. Had Teresa not come into her life, she would be even more bland and blah and Fernando wouldn't have given her a second look.

Luisa is a wallflower. She's caring and kind and content to stay in the background. That's probably why Oriana is on Team Luisa ---she knows Luisa won't stray, isn't a golddigger and will stay in her place as Fernando's wife.

That's why it will be so hard to see Ternando destroy Luisa. Martin needs to come back and scoop Luisa up.

Also, Mayra needs to come back from her trip and lend her shoulder to Hector. He's gonna need it.

All this Juana drama could have been avoided had she just told Cutberto the truth from jump street: that she can't have children. If Cutberto rejected her on that basis, she could enjoy Hector's company, knowing she had no chance with Cutberto. And if Cutberto told her he didn't care, he just wanted to be with her, then she could happily be with him without hurting Hector's feelings.

Mayra and Hector! Perfect! Make it so.

Sharkbyte, this was such a great recap. As usual, I was chortling into my coffee this morning. I love your ...with Johnny the dumb@$$ as the beaver.
Loved that shot of Rube and Fito looking like a still from a bad Mission Impossible episode.

I was actually very surprised that Aida didn't launch into a revenge rage at Aurora, but of course that may wait for tonight's capítulo!

I really would like to see the ending of whatever the writers first intended, not other versions contrived after viewer's demands. Much more of a surprise that way.

Yeah, Tere is a cute little spunky narcissist. She doesn't value Luisa, Juana, Aurora, the list would go on and on. She didn't realize what she had in Mariano, and she will probably lose Art by her own actions, she values things and uses people instead of valuing people and using things. Aida does much the same, but is more needy. The justice in the end will probably just have Tere lose Mariano, her one true love. Kinda looks like she's lost him already.

All I can say is YEAH it's finally about Aurora. I've been waiting for this for so long, will go back to taping it. I think the actress playing her is wonderful, even liked her when she played a "sort of villian" in her other TN.

Paquita - you are correct, the spa is in Cuernavaca. I went back and checked my notes and I had written down Cuernavaca, so I don't know what happened. It was probably sabotage.

Hey...where exactly were you on the evening of August 24th? Hmmm?

Paquita, thanks for the spa clarification. God forbid if Tere let go of any of her stash for anyone other than herself.


Loved this recap !!!!

Why on earth would Luisa want a wedding present that would force her endure 3 days of Oriana. I think Luisa "puts up with" Oriana; I don't see the love there. A nasty and unthoughtful gift. But then, look who it's from.

Shark, superb as usual!

Yes, yes, yes.....Mayra and Hector, I love it!

The writers didn't contrive the three separate endings because of viewers demands it was done to keep the ending under wraps. They knew or suspected someone would try to leak it so they went ahead and did three separate versions of the ending and showed which ever one they did for the Mexico versions.By the accounts of others the other two countries that have already showed Teresa decided to show the other other versions made.

I'm going to hold off on waiting to the Gran Final to see what we get over here and then look up the other versions then.

Someone mentioned that youtube had the other versions on there for a moment but they have been taken down. Usually when a novela ends over here they allow the episodes to be shown then on youtube and don't prevent it from showing during it's run because of copy right infringement.

I don't see Mayra as Hector's type and i can't see wanting to deal with the drama from her daughter.

It's too bad there's isn't another woman around around his age for him to take up with. He deserves happiness.

Diann: I think that people like Teresa (male and female) exist in real life. I'd be happy to introduce you to one of them! LOL!

Blusam: Absolutely understand all of your points; absolutely.

Sharkbyte: I love it! No woman under 38! Ha! I'm telling may lust after Aurora, but I just don't 'see' you with her least not based upon what you write.

Arturo definitely had an interesting look on his face after Fer gave him the 'business' last night. Could this be a wake up call for dear Art?


daisynjay: thanks for understanding my POV re Teresa!

Maybe Reina? She might turn out to have a delightful personality when she's not stuck waiting on Teresa, biting her tongue and forcefully keeping her eyes from rolling.

I know, she's not a big enough character, but I don't think Hector should get stuck with Mayra's baggage either. She's only recently found her backbone at all, doesn't seem to have much personality, and comes with a super-annoying ex-husband and daughter. Hector deserves better. Some new character we haven't met, I guess.

This is all getting SO juicy. When Teresa opened the door and asked Fernando what he was doing there, and he just stared at her, I swear I blushed furiously. There was an awful lot of suggestion in that silent stare.

Blu, that's right. The other endings were made so that not even the actors would know the finale. The networks in Venezuela and Perú picked the ones they thought would please their audiences better.


Who knew the male point of view could be so hilarious. Thanks, Sharkbyte. I'm rooting for you and Aurora in the finale.

Well, nothing good is gonna come out of this Teresa/Fernando seduction. Art and Luisa will certainly suffer if Tere pulls it off. Marianao and Aurora, get together already and the same for pathetic Juana and Buttberto. I'm liking Patty and Johnny in comparison. My heart is breaking for Art though he is one flawed galan because he has suffered so much and Sebastian is so hot, obviously.


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