Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #92 Thursday 8/25/11 Attack of the Vicious Vine Monster

Fun stuff from last night: The good Doctora Marina discovers that the e-vile Doc Do-Nothing is sterile! Bwahahaha!!

BSCBlanca visits Hons and gives him an ultimatum. Be her lover or his niece Renata will soon be in jail followed by an infinite list of his loved ones. She just hasn’t decided whom she’ll hurt next, Gonzo, Matias, Adri and even the sweet Cons. She tells Hons she is his only option, a statement so absurd I don’t even know why he got upset.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio (EM) Gonzo, Matias, Daniel and some Comandante plot to use Daniel to entrap Blanca. Apparently she covered her tracks so well they need incriminating evidence against her.

Ensenada now has big block letters in the bay announcing it is the wine country.

Laz tells Padre he’s in town to pick up some insecticides for Alfonsina. I guess that means La Bonita is no longer an organic vineyard, eh? Laz mentions he went to see Doc Ick at the jail, the only thing he wants is what’s best for Kari. Padre reassures him that one doesn’t leave this world without paying their due (Doc) and that Laz will see that God will someday reward them (Laz and Kari).

Kari is in a nice tienda making a deal with the shop owner to sell her embroidered tablecloths. The shop owner is so impressed she wants Kari to sell her items exclusively through her tienda. Kari is happy to be supporting herself.

Matias visits Hons to tell them they are going forward with entrapping BSCBlanca to get Hons out of jail. Hons gives Matias two cards, one for Cons and one for Adri. They do a fist touch against the dividing glass, awwww.

Doc Yellow shows Padre the results of Doc Desert’s fertility test. I was just about to make a crack about telling Padre being better than an email blast but the Padre one-upped me. Before I finish the thought he grabs Doc Marina and they rush off to La Bonita to tell Alfonsina.

Regina continues her physical therapy with Adri while Cons looks on. Regina even advises Adri to get a little sunlight to help heal her bones (Vitamin D). Matias shows up with the cards and carries Adri out to the garden to read hers.

Regina tells Cons that she saw Pepa yesterday when she was leaving Consti’s place. Pepa must live around there.

Ack! The shrill yelling tells me that Roberta’s in this scene. She’s in Gonzo’s office working on her “Will-Shriek-For-Money” plot. She demands that Gonzo intervene on her behalf with Matias. Gonzo yells right back that she’s in no position to demand (exigir) anything and he refuses to help. She wonders what’s up (que onda) with him? That’s his very question to her. What’s up with her that she bothers him with this stuff while he’s trying to deal with much graver issues. Her capricious problems are directly the result of her bad decisions so don’t count on him. If he intervenes it will be not for her but for his son! Thus endeth an extremely satisfying scene.

Regina tells Cons she’s really bad at describing car makes but Pepa’s was black and had four doors. Coni is muy impactada and gasps at this completely generic description. Come on Cons, whip out a picture of Fina and put us out of Nata’s misery!

Speaking of misery, Fina has just received the divorce order rom a gleeful Soto. He smugly announces that as of now she’s no longer Gonzo’s spouse and he’s free to marry tomorrow if he likes. Soto admits that after the way she played him he’s thrilled to be part of putting her in her place. He trusts everyone she’s messed with will have the same opportunity. “Justice might come late,” he warns, “but it does come.” He actually giggles as he leaves. She beats up the papers. Wow, yet another satisfying scene. Thanks writers!

Cons wants to hear more about this Pepa. Gina says Pepa was her late husband’s assistant, they were lovers, she had his child and then disappeared. When Gina next saw her, Pepa tried to poison her in the hospital and then showed up again yesterday. The investigators have never been able to find her. One was close until he died at the heads of a Oaxacan ex-mayor. Cons looks thoughtful but Regina thinks his death had nothing to do with Pepa. Tony was heading up the investigation and wants to continue looking for the kid but Gina wants to stop his involvement. Cons thinks hard about all this new information. Didn’t Coni help Fina leave Oaxaca and get her job at EM?

Later, after Regina leaves, she tells herself “No no no I can’t think such a thing, It would be terrible.”

Adri and Matias kiss and flirt in the garden. He tells her “Te quiero” but ACK! Here comes the shrieking harpy again. Berta’s not happy to see her husband kissing on Adri and tries to destroy every one's eardrums in revenge. Berta yells that she’ll go after Matias for infidelity. Matias says go for it, nothing would please him more. Adri sticks up for herself too, the difference between them is that Adri actually loves Matias. Matias yells at Berta not another word against his girlfriend. Adri taunts and Berta stalks off flinging her favorite insult, “Estupidos!” What? Satisfying scene #3? Now I’m worried the writers are setting us up.

Adri and Matias laugh together that they were able to piss off that harpy by telling her that Adri is Mat’s novia. Adri feels bad that he’s stuck between the spider tag team of Berta and Fina who take advantage of his goodwill. “No more” he says. Adri wishes she could tell Renata how they got the best of Berta. Adri imitates Berta, “MamA!”

“Mama! MamAA!!”, yells Berta as she stomps into the house. She tells Fina she found the idiots Matias and Adri kissing. Fina sighs and tells Berta now is not a good time. Berta harps on some more about Mama’s brilliant plans not working out. Fina tells her to calm down, soon things will turn to their favor and they’ll get everything they want. Berta says if things don’t change soon she’s leaving. “And where will you go where you can have everything you like?” inquires mom. Berta smiles to herself.

Big block letters on the lawn say Hacienda La Bonita, just in case there was any doubt - Herminia has gossip for Manuela and Mati. Augustin is hiding a woman at Cruz de Amor and he went to Tijuana to buy expensive clothes for her. Alfonsina sidles in, hears the discussion and reveals that Ponchita saw the woman and she was so beautiful he confused her with...Renata.

Renata helps Control Freak Egoist Augie (CFE, thanks daisynjay) with his label project while he stares at her. Yep, I always work well when someone sits across from me staring unblinkingly and gushing over my smile. Oh gross, she teases him with her paintbrush and he chases her around the desk.

Jero reads the results of the writing analysis to Carlos. Roberta did NOT write the La Bonita letter. In the midst of their teeth gnashing Matilde runs in with the super chisme. They say Augie keeps a woman hidden in his hacienda; he treats her like a queen, buying her gifts and more. They say that this woman looks a lot like...Renata.

CFE’s cellular rings and it’s Roberta. She’s tired of her life and she needs a little action. If he doesn’t come to the DF she’s going to... “NO!”, says Augie, no visitors, not right now. He tells her not to push, don’t call him he’ll call her. Click. (Hee hee.)

Nata teases CFE that his phone call sounded like one of his conquests. He says he’s not a womanizer; Nata tells him he could have any woman he wants. She asks him seriously why he never married. “Because I had never met you,” he coos. She laughs him off, asking how many times he’s used that line. Whew, saved by the commercial break.

Regina visits Tony to tell him to stop his involvement in finding her daughter. He makes a wisecrack about her love for Gonzo coming before her search for her daughter. Nice mature behavior there Tony. He says until her daughter’s in her arms he’s not going back on his word. Regina kindly tells him to back off and not to worry, she’ll continue the investigation on her own. “You AND Gonzalo.” he muses bitterly, to which I would say No s**t Sherlock, but Regina is kinder, “You’re a marvelous man but it simply is not working out.” She wishes him the best with all her heart. Tony, do you feel the slightest twinge of guilt for your current perfidious activity?

Adri tells Cons that Berta went crazy just because she saw Adri and Matias talking. (Heh, she left out a small detail.) Cons cautions her about becoming Berta’s enemy. Adri asks what else is bothering Cons? Cons asks if she knows where Renata and Berta spent their childhood? Yes, in Oaxaca confirms Adri. Coni asks Adri to help her with an internet search.

Cons is afraid to read Honorio’s letter. She’s afraid he’ll ask her not to visit him and forget about him while he’s in jail. He won’t want to shame her and will tell her to stay far away. Adri observes that Cons knows him well, that’s almost exactly what he said in his letter to her.

Tony calls Fina to tell her about the setback (contrariedad) that Regina sacked him from her daughter’s search. However he did get a look at the amount of the trust, there were a LOT of zeros. Fina loves his sweet words, but he says there is a problem. In order to collect, Gina’s daughter can’t just present herself, she must provide irrefutable proof.

Carlos confirms to Jero that their vines have the plague. Alfonsina bounces up to tell them she has the proper insecticides, she informed all the other haciendas and they are taking action. All except Cruz de Amor that is, problems with Ezequiel and all that. She asks Carlos if he would do the honors. Carlos suggests Laz should go talk to Zeke.

Alf gives Jero a basket of grapes for defending her. Jero asks her about the woman at CFE’s hacienda. She confirms that Ponchito saw her yesterday.

Kari runs into the La Bonita kitchen to excitedly brag about her new job providing exclusive tablecloths. She also has the fabric (tela) for Mati’s wedding dress.

Doc Marina and Padre reveal to Alfonsina that Dr. Dried Up is sterile. He’s not having kids with her or anyone! Alfonsina prays in relief.

A very perturbed CFE strides into the jail. He’s not happy about being summoned by Doc. Doc whines that Augi’s got to get him out of jail pronto. It’s all Augi’s fault that Doc’s in jail, he’s the one that made Doc dispense with Rafa’s autopsy. CFE points out that nobody believes a drunk. Doc says maybe, but Jero Linares would be interested to hear that Augi is a thief, basically robbing the grapes of La Bonita. When Augi found out Jero was going to terminate their contract Augie introduced (lanzar) the plague into Jero’s vines. We are introduced to a flashback of Augie going to his special infected vine, locked and caged as if it were a savage beast. He snips off a branch. Honestly, I laughed out loud at the idea of chicken wire managing to keep an infected vine separate from other vines growing right next to it. “Now the vines of La Bonita will know the rancor of Cruz de Amor!” cackles Augi. Hey folks, I don't make this stuff up, I just report it.

UPDATE: Commenter Güera had a different take on this scene:

"I had a totally different take on the "theft" at the vineyard. I had trouble with the vocabulary & so am not sure I understood it all but here's what I heard --

Auggie & Dr. Nasty snuck into La Bonita and broke into the cage which had Rafa's special imported vinestock locked in. Auggie stole a cutting from the valuable vine which until then had been the exclusive property of Rafa. (Maybe that's why he only contracted to buy the entire harvest of that grape for three years -- after that he would have his own harvest of this wonderful new grape.) The doc is saying that not only was it theft but also a motive for murder since it would be better for Auggie if Rafa never discovered the stolen vine on Auggie's property. There was also something in the dialogue about the "plaga" but I didn't understand that part."

Augie snaps back into the present, shakes his finger at Doc and croaks, “You wouldn’t dare because that night you were just as guilty as I.”

Nata calmly does her graphics at Cruz de Amor. We hear scary music as someone sneaks up behind her. “So it is you,” accuses Jero, revealing his glaring hateful face. Nata of course looks stricken.

Doc Ick is not affected by CFE’s threats. He says there’s nothing left to lose and Jero, who hates Augi,is dying to pin Rafa’s murder on someone. Get him out or he’ll open his mouth. Doc, we believe you, now shut your gaping maw.

Jero coldly says he came to see Augi’s mystery woman and of course it’s Renata. Then he gripes about the divorce. He accuses, blames and jumps to conclusions. He says she is doing all this just to hurt him. Why Augi of all people? Is she blind? She doesn’t know the real Dunant. Funny, even when Jero’s right he sounds wrong.

Augi sags and agrees to let his lawyer defend Doc Ick. Doc says if he doesn’t see the lawyer within two days he’ll tell Jero everything.

As Jero calms down somewhat Nata hears her father’s words, that nobody must know where she is or why. She tells Jero he’s right. She wanted to get away from her problems and when Augie invited her she... Jero covers his ears and interrupts, it doesn’t matter because he and she are nothing.

Mati, Kari and Manuela gush over Mati’s fabric. Alfonsina busts in (pun intended) with the happy news that Doc Marina told her that her baby isn’t Doc’s. Kari looks stricken as Manuela scolds Alf for blurting the news in front of Kari. Alf says there’s more, “Kari the news is for you too. The doctora said Alvaro is sterile. You can have children! He was lying to you all this time.” Kari stumbles out weeping.

Aw jeez, aren’t these two done yet? Jero asks Nata why she made him believe there was hope for them? She asks him why he asked her to marry him when all he wanted was revenge? He accuses her of being cruel and tells him at least she kept it short. She waxes about Augi’s loyalty and honesty (hack hack) and Jero practically loses it.

As he leaves she asks him a favor. Could he please not tell anyone he saw her there? He says no worries, he’s not about to tell anyone his ex-wife is Dunant’s lover!

Damn you, you bitter bastard, for making our Renata cry...again.

Avances: Renata sees Jero kiss Doc Tata’s hand.

araña = spider
contrariedad = setback
exigir = demand
giro = turn, twist, rotate
lanzar = release, introduce, launch, etc.
que onda = what’s up? What’s happening?
tela = fabric

Dicho if the Day:
La justicia tarda...pero llega = Justice, however delayed, will be served.


Wowsers, Cap'n Sylvia! That recap was up at warp speed (as was the recap by Kristoise over on the 'Teresa' side of things!)!!!

I loved it...every little bit of it (you already know my daily complaint...I am not able to see a thing) as I could see in my mind's eye all that was happening!

Three huge things in one evening! I just don't believe it!!

Of course, now we are in the downward spiral of Nata and Jero's relationship. Dr. Tata will waist no time...absolutely no time in getting her claws on Jero's drawers.

A HUGE thank you, Cap'n for the vocab!!! It is such work to provide that for us. Please know that it is greatly appreciated!!!


Thank you so much for your thorough recap. Your commentary is hilarious!

I began watching this TN while visiting my mom about 2 1/2 months ago (where she helped me with translation), and I have been hooked ever since. Since my Spanish has much to be desired, I really appreciate the English language recaps.

I am so glad Kari knows that she can have children now! I have been waiting for this development. Yay!

Livysmom, welcome! Thank you for commenting. We are all thrilled you are enjoying the recaps and the show.

Susanita, amiga, I feel bad for you every night because I know you are not able to watch and going through withdrawals. The good news, you missed Roberta's screeching. She is really hard on the ears. Tonight Fina, Berta and Augi all had a bad time of it and wasn't it fun. However, like pond scum they will rise again.

oh Cap'n my Cap'n—such a grand recap it was you gave us. Truly, you outdid yourself.

A few comments for the Board...

1. Josefina's is not a great looking woman to begin with but that BLACK BLACK eye makeup! The makeup folks have taken Kim Kardashian's smokey eye to new lows. Fina looks a lot like a high school football player (that's American football now) who has got a little too much of the anti-glare black war paint under his eyes.

2. What is up with Coni? Why is she so afraid to jump to the obvious conclusion that her EVIL sister-in-law is the person (Pepa) about whom Regina was speaking?

3. About Matias. He is irritating me. Roberta is a hag and all that for "forcing" the marriage, but honestly, it seems a little cold for he and Adri to make out in front of Berta. Let's show some respect, after all. Roberta's is definately walking the line between villain and victim in this TN. Renata really does get all the male attention and Roberta never gets or keeps her man. Of course in the karmic scheme of things Renata is just getting a little over on Berta for Fina dissing Gina. Or something like that...
4. The grape plague storyline...Writers, give your audience some credit. You can name a grape vine disease, such as Bot Canker disease which commonly affects vines in Baja California. It's not just the "pleague". Some of the most sophisticated grape workers/farmers in the world are Mexican. All Alfie has to do is snip off some cankers, pack 'em up and ship them off to the Ag University of her choice and they will identify the disease very quickly.It's not all that mysterious anymore.


You go Gonzo! That was my favorite of the satisfying scenes tonight.

Great recap Cap'n -- some of my faves
-Alfonsina busts in (pun intended)
--spider tag team
-Will-shriek-for-money plot
-Doc Yellow

I too was wondering why Coni had to ask where Fina & the girls came from since she was the one who hooked Pepa/Fina up with the job.

I loved how Renata just laughed off Auggie's line with a "How many times have you used that one?"

I have to defend my Jero and say that it's not because he's a bitter bastard that Renata is crying again -- it's because she lied to him and led him to believe that she was with Auggie of her own free will and shse knows that she sealed her own fate because she took her father's words too much to heart.

Sylia: this was amazing. Although your vocabulary and dicho were fabulous, "perfidious" was perfect.

A bountiful feast of insightful and hilarious offerings. A few of my favorites are: "Funny, even when Jero’s right he sounds wrong" (YES! so very true); “Will-Shriek-For-Money” and "Come on Cons, whip out a picture of Fina and put us out of Nata’s misery!". Excellent!

“So it is you,” accuses Jero, revealing his glaring hateful face". Even at this point Jero has learned nothing and begins a regression. He should still be groveling for forgiveness, not making accusations. Sigh.

Although Kari's blind insistence to stay in her wretched marriage to "Doc Ick" has been frustrating, I really felt her pain last night. I hope this makes her wake up, leave him and run to Lazaro's arms muy pronto. If she needs some help to find him, I will gladly volunteer! :)

I liked Nata and Augie's scene where she was teasing him about the phone call. They are both good actors with great chemistry and it would be nice to see them paired up in a future novela.

Livysmom, my Spanish is not good either so I'm with you in appreciating all the time and effort these wonderful recappers devote in order to bring everything to light so completely for us.

Happy Friday all!


I got home late and then didn't watch my recording because I was so bummed about the coming conflict between Nata and Jero. But now I see that lots of good stuff happend too! I'll have to watch my recording tonight, but your fabulous recap really painted the whole picture for me.

See, Dr. Yellow Traffic Lights actually came out with the story of Dr. Do Little But Drink's sterility quickly. Yay!

I don't feel bad at all for Berta having to watch Matias and Adri smooch. She never loved him, and they all know it. She manipulated him into marrying him. And then all I have to do is think about all the times and ways she's tortured Nata, and how much she enjoys it. Nope, not one bit sorry for her.

So Nata has three major weakness: 1)Her inability to turn her back on her "mother"; 2) Her inability to turn her back on her sister; and 3) Her inability to see that Augie is not a good person.

You are so right that even when he's right about something, the way he says it, and the other assumptions he makes (that Nata is Augie's lover), just makes it all sound wrong. O.K. So Nata didn't tell him the real reasons why she's at Augie's, but why could he accept what she said that she just accepted Augie's friendly offer to give her a quiet place to just think and hang out? Even if he has questions about why she didn't at least tell him before she left, that's still a way more believable scenario than Nata jumping into Augie's bed as his lover! Does he not know her at all?! I would be ticked too if I were Nata. What an insulting accusation.

Welcome Livysmom!!!

So the peanut gallery had fun last night! Revelations and kiss-offs (literally). Your recap was so fun to read Sylvia and captured brilliantly how cool this episode was.

So for the only time, and maybe the last time, ever in this TN, I was cheering Soto on last night as he delivered the divorce papers to Fina. Loved that little Kiss at the end. And of course, she once again did her best try at document destruction.

I actually loved the gang-up on Berta from Matias and Adri. She lied and then tried blackmailing the guy, she deserves no sympathy at this point. She's a grown woman, has seen the way her mother works, and she still chooses to continue her spoiled, boorish behavior. When I see again some true attempt by her to change, I might feel a little sorry for the meantime, I could not love Adri, and this actress, more.

May the fates drop the anvil of realization on Kari's head and yell "Get thee to a divorce lawyer!" This should be her last straw. Zeke I think will be secretly happy about the bebe, but not sure he'll be forgiving Alfi any time soon. But Doc TATA made brownie points to me for getting everything out there.

"He says he’s not a womanizer" After I recovered from gagging on my coffee, I stopped to ask myself some questions: Does this guy not have any work to do all day? Does he suffer from perpetual chill to keep wearing jackets in the house ALL DAY? Who quarantines an invected vine with chicken wire and leaves it in the field? Oh and smart move sending up red flags to be the only vineyard not cooperating with disease control.And if he gets Doc Dirtbag out of jail, yeah that will make him well-loved in tha area and help his cause with Nata. Jerk.

I kind of get where Jero is coming from. Yes, he still has major making up to do with Nata, and he was trying, and in his mind, was making progress. The tree-triste,all the little surprises, the day out, the planned dinner she had agreed to come to...then Bam, she disappears with no word and surfaces at CFE's after he gets served divorce papers. I wish she would have just said "My father sent me here", but she starts with the "thinking" and that just keeps the misunderstanding going. And I think he is frustrated that she isn't getting what a cretin CFE is. As am I.

So in true mancode behavior (I'm reading too many Sharkbyte recaps on Teresa) he will start with TATA to make Nata jealous thinking she is doing the same with CFE. And if it doesn't work, he'll just take up with TATA for good, thinking he's lost Nata forever. Should take a good span of epsiodes...

Just to make CFE miserable, I so want Berta to make her self useful and show up at his place anyway. She should have learned some good stalking techniques from Selene after all this time. (Speaking of which...what happened to our little Stalkette?)

And we have a Danial siting!!! I'm still adjusting the beanie where they claim BSC covered her tracks, yet she used and alias, lied on her application, and where is the digging into her past? Does noone watch CSI in Mexico???

Great recap Sylvia, you're right, "Fun stuff from last night..."

"Oh gross, she teases him with her paintbrush and he chases her around the desk."

That scene actually made me gag... gack!

I was actually cheering Dr. Dry-roasted on last night. I love watching Augie squirm and fume.

Elna June,

" seems a little cold for he and Adri to make out in front of Berta. Let's show some respect..."

I agree, at least Robi had the decency to boink Augie behind closed doors.

""Aw jeez, aren’t these two done yet?"

I enjoyed seeing Jerry get beat down, but she had me twitching, too.

Crazy Jerry is officially back.


I had a totally different take on the "theft" at the vineyard. I had trouble with the vocabulary & so am not sure I understood it all but here's what I heard --

Auggie & Dr. Nasty snuck into La Bonita and broke into the cage which had Rafa's special imported vinestock locked in. Auggie stole a cutting from the valuable vine which until then had been the exclusive property of Rafa. (Maybe that's why he only contracted to buy the entire harvest of that grape for three years -- after that he would have his own harvest of this wonderful new grape.) The doc is saying that not only was it theft but also a motive for murder since it would be better for Auggie if Rafa never discovered the stolen vine on Auggie's property. There was also something in the dialogue about the "plaga" but I didn't understand that part.

Güera, I think that you are right, but I like Sylvia's ("...his special infected vine, locked and caged as if it were a savage beast...") version better.


Yes, it does have a wonderful imagery about it.

And Sylvia, the title is wonderful either way.


Guera -- thanks for that info!! That would make a heck of lot more sense. Lousy language skills(me) vs. experts(you) - so appreciated.

I also need to write down recipes for me son - he's called three nights in a row from his new college place asking "how-to's" on dishes I cook at home. And it's always between 7-8pm EST. He even asked "I'm not messing up your show am I?" Who can resist?

Güera, you might be right! Your take on it makes more sense than how I translated it. But still, a special vine in a cage? I mean, vines grow and very shortly young branches would be poking out of the cage, right? It's still all very silly. I added an update to the recap with the new version.

One thing I am sure of is that Augustin somehow infected the La Bonita vines with the plaga because Jero broke their contract.

Vivi, I hope you have time to watch this episode. You should at least fast forward to all the satisfying scenes where our loathed characters get their come-uppances. It's worth it just to see the dreary Soto stick it to Fina and then giggle about it.

You commenters are the best. Not only are you hilarious but you help with the translations.

Welcome to Livysmom, You will of course be wanting an I ♥ Matilde tee shirt and a genuine leather Mati headband.

I'm not an expert on viticulture, but I would think that cuttings from any of the La Bonita vines would do the trick.


Thanks, Cap'n! Had a Dentist's appointment yesterday evening, having found 92 part 1 I thought the rest would be easy. . .NOT! The other parts weren't there! Oh well, no matter, your cap is as good as watching. It does kinda make you scared with 3 such satisfying scenes, though! One of my hee hee's: "Yep, I always work well when someone sits across from me staring unblinkingly and gushing over my smile."

Constanza can so crack this thing. The way they've been doing major reveals all along the way makes me wonder if they'd let the kidnapping out of the bag? DNA or no, who could believe the shreiking harpy could be Gina's daughter? (If this is the plan), not understanding how Berta could be passed off as the late Roberto's heiress? Oh well, keeps us coming back don't it?


Welcome Livysmom!


I'm working from home today and just turned on the tv. MEPS in on and so I get to not only admire FC in a suit and Lucero as the untilmate cold villainess, but also Silvia N., and many other faces from CME (Zeke, Carlos, and Alfonsina). Good times.

Excellent job, Sylvia! So so funny!

My favorite part of the episode was Adri imitating Roberta. She really pegged her!

I have this awful obsession now of watching Roberta's tongue when she shrieks. I don't think I've ever seen a tongue flip out so much, unless it's on a lizard.

Poor Wendy (Adri #1) Gonzalez... do you think she is sitting at home with her blown out knee elevated watching Adri #2 perform with a cast on her leg. She must be thinking that she could have still been playing the part just fine. What irony.

Didn't one of our illustious friends inform us recently that sterility IS grounds for a Catholic divorce? That is what is going to get the Padre to agree to Kari's divorce.

Livysmom, hold off on buying Carlos' I HEART Matilde tee shirt and headband. I think the writers are re-inventing Chema and you may want a tee shirt showcasing his eyelashes. I think they know they creeped us out a little too much with his love-sick stalking and they've been trying to endear him to us again. He's been doing cute things with his eyebrows and energy level and plugging his nose when smelling Adri's toes. I think Chema's staging a comeback!

Rosemary la Otra

Rosemary, I say right now there's room for both wardrobe additions in our closets. Or even more approp, make that a Chema chefs apron and a Matilde Tee. I'm still wavering on that headband...

(I agree that nose hold was adorable. Anyone who's had a cast knows you get a little gamey under that thing.) Love those little touches that pop up in this TN.)

And welcome Livysmom! The more the merrier!

Cap'n Sharkbait - So this is where you've been keeping yourself! I didn't know you were doing recaps for CME. I haven't seen you as much on the Teresa side and miss your sly, witty comments.

This is the first recap I've read for CME. Fantastic work! You're so awesome! For weeks I've been catching the last 2 or 3 minutes of CME before Teresa starts. I found myself getting more and more curious about it so I finally broke down today and read a recap, and now tonight I'm going to watch my first episode.

So naturally I'm totally lost on the storylines and don't know who's who; pretty much like when I started watching Teresa.

So far what I've noticed is that the story involves chicks running around with little grapes who have big cantelopes on their chest. I don't think I've seen so much silly-cone in one show all at the same time. I like it.

I saw where someone found papers hidden behind a filing cabinet which turned out to be a medical report saying someone was sterile. What was the significance of that?

I have other questions, but I'll start reviewing previous recaps to try to get caught up. Does anyone know where I can find a spoiler-free list of the characters?

Welcome, Livysmom. This is a great site with great people.

Sylvia, thanks for the awesome recap.

Fav lines:

“Ensenada now has big block letters in the bay announcing it is the wine country.”

“I was just about to make a crack about telling Padre being better than an email blast but the Padre one-upped me.”

“The shrill yelling tells me that Roberta’s in this scene.”

“Berta’s not happy to see her husband kissing on Adri and tries to destroy every one's eardrums in revenge. “ This one made me laugh out loud—at work.

“Doc, we believe you, now shut your gaping maw.” Another laugh out loud moment.


I noticed Jero was wearing his ring when he was talking to Nata. It also looked like he was wearing it the night she snuck into his room. Goof, or did he put it back on?

Is telling Alfie about Dr. Dips**t a violation of Dr./patient confidentiality if Dr. Dips**t isn’t Dr Marina’s patient? I’m glad she told her no matter what.

Gonzo is no longer married?! It was that fast? Wow. That is good news, except that, of course, it means Fina is going to put her Berta as long lost Regina Jr. plan in motion.

What is Nata thinking of, flirting with Auggie. Ewww. I’m going to be sick.

I agree with Guera re: Nata’s crying. I felt sorry for Jero and, don’t hate me, think that Nata deserves a little of what is going to come re: Jero and Marina. I think I’m still remembering those eps, not so very long ago, when Jero was soooo charming. I’ll probably get over it.

Daisynjay: Your son. How cute.

By-the-way, why would anyone keep an infected vine around?


Interesting; when I posted my comment earlier, it marked it as "Anonymous" instead of using my "SharkByte" logon name.

Hey Susanita / daisynjay / Can'n / Diana / Vivi - good to see some folks I know from Teresa here on CME. Just when you guys thought you were safe, your Broheim from Teresa crashes the party. There goes the neighborhood, verdad?

This show looks interesting and as I commented previously, I'd been catching the last few minutes of it when I watch Teresa, so I'm curious enough now to start watching it.


Hey Sharkbyte! Join in the fun with us. Here is a character list I just put together:
- Renata (real name is Regina Jr.): Main protagonist; kidnapped real daughter of Regina and Roberto (RIP); daughter of Fina (everyone thinks this); sister of Roberta (everyone thinks they’re twins but they are half sisters); stepdaughter of Gonzalo; step-sister and ex-girlfriend of Matias; best friend of Adriana; recently ex-wife of Jeronimo but still in love with him
- Jerónimo: Main protagonist; half brother of Rafael (RIP); ex-husband of Renata but still in love with her
- Josefina (aka Fina or Pepa): Main villainess; mother of Roberta; kidnapper/fake mother of Renata; now ex-wife of Gonzalo
- Roberta: Villainess; daughter of Pepa/Fina and Roberto (RIP); half sister of Renata (world thinsk they are twins); in love with Rafael (RIP); soon to be ex-wife of Matias (her step brother); lover of Agustin
- Gonzalo: Boyfriend of Regina; stepfather of Renata and Roberta; father of Matias, brother of Constanza; now ex-husband of Fina
- Regina: Real mother of Renata; daughter of Cata; widow of Roberto; girlfriend of Gonzalo; friend of Jeronimo
- Inez: best friend of Regina; wife of Isidro
- Isidro: friend of Regina; best friend of Robert (RIP); husband of Inez
- Antonio: ex-fiancé of Regina; ally of Fina
- Honorio: husband of Constanza; father of Adriana
- Constanza: sister of Gonzalo; wife of Honorio
- Matias: son of Gonzalo; soon to be ex-husband of Roberta (his step sister); ex-boyfriend of Renata (his step sister); boyfriend of Adriana
- Adriana: daughter of Honorio and Agatha (RIP); best friend of Renata; girlfriend of Matias
- Agustin: Main male villain; obsessed with Renata
- Dr. Alvaro: Villain; husband of Karina; ex-lover of Alfonsina; accomplice of Agustin
- Karina: married to Dr. Alvaro; in love with Lazaro
- Lazaro: in love with Karina; brother of Matilde; works for Jeronimo
- Matilde: Sister of Lazaro; in love with Carlos; works for Jeronimo
- Carlos: best friend of Jeronimo; in love with Matilde
- Alfonsina: wife of Ezekiel; ex-lover of Dr. Alvaro; works for Jeronimo
- Ezekiel: husband of Alfonsina; works for Agustin
- Dr. Marina (aka Dr. Tatas): niece of Padre Severino (town priest); in love with Jeronimo

Thank you VERY much for the info Vivi! This is so helpful!

This comment has been removed by the author.

I did not watch last nighgt's ep but i dont see much logic in the 'infected vine' plot, if not, then AUgie is buying Infected grapes from Rafa. The stolen special vine piece sounds much more sensible.

Sharkbyte: Carlos and Matilde are engaged!! Viewerville is extremely happy.


Robey - why is viewerville pleased with the engagement of Matilde and Carlos?

Sharkbyte - how awesome you are bringing your bro-code to the CME site. Cannot wait for your insights into some of the characters and happenings here.And we have a ways to go on this TN, versus Teresa which is heading to the finish line.


cause Carlos & Mati are just so danged adorable!

Thank you for the welcome everyone! :)

Yes Carlos and Mati are adorable together. It wasn't long ago that a lot of us did not care for Mati. Now we love her.


Thanks for the welcome daisynjay. Do you know how many episodes are left in CME?

Sylvia, you are the best. This is such a fabulous recap. I am late to the table today so I see that all the wonderful hysterically funny lines have all been recounted, so let me just say thanks for helping us laugh at Roberta's shrieks-for-money line and wasn't Gonzo fabulous in actually expressing anger and extreme annoyance at this crazy self-centered brat whom he has done so much for.

It's probably been discussed but now we have had two divorce decrees delivered where I assume the action did not take agreement of both parties. Sounds like a Las Vegas quicky but now are these available all over Mexico except poor Kari doesn't know about it in Baja.

Vivi, your list of the characters is magnificent. It's hard to believe we have grown used to keeping track of SO MANY people and subplots. You did an outstanidng job.

SharkByte, hermano, welcome to CME! I actually have been watching Teresa and reading the recaps but I always seem to be a few days behind so I rarely bother commenting. Late for the train as it were.

Vivi, I am amazed at your ability to list and be succinct with the descriptions. Way to go!

ITA that the sequestered treasured vine makes more sense than the caged beast version. It's still rather idiotic though. The one thing that DOES make sense is that Rafa's death is super convenient for Augi since his vineyards would mysteriously have the treasured varietal.

I'm also blown away that Gonzo got a divorce so quickly. I hope he and Regina get married soon. That will really piss off Fina and Antonio.

Sharkbyte: You are here!! (Consider yourself looking at a sign with all sorts of paths to know...that 'you are here sign') You will LOVE CME! We will be losing "Teresa" pretty soon, so am so glad you are joining us. :))

daisynjay: How absolutely WONDERFUL of your soon to ask if he is interrupting your programme!! You have taught him well. :))

Livysmom: I add my welcome to our wonderful group.

Wonderful news amigos y amigas: I get to actually watch CME on the TELLY in a REAL home tonight! yes...I get to catch the Friday Night Lights on CME!!!

I am jumping up and down for joy. A colleague has taken pity upon me and knows how much I am missing my TN. So, tonight they will be gone and I get to CONTROL THE TELLY!!!!!

Susanita, Proud Member of the Jero Suit Club

daisynjay: Gads. I hit 'publish' instead of 'preview'. I think you know that I meant I was so happy your SON was worried about interrupting your programme. OY!


Susanita, how wonderful that you finally get to watch and hear tonight's episode.

TGIF and I hope everyone has a safe weekend, especially those of you in hurricane country. Take care everyone!!

I did forget a few characters:
-Soto: Monterrubio family lawyer; Fina's former lackey
-Blanca (aka the BSC or Batty one): former Monterrubio employee; obsessed with Honorio; trying to bring the company down with fraud
-Chema: works for Regina; in love with Constanza (her boy toy)

Welcome to our CME study group Sharkbyte.

Susanita, so glad that you will get to watch tonight. I just finished watching and I don't think you're going to like how tonight's show ends.

Good luck to Vivi, Emilia, and Mike and anyone else in the path of this storm... stay in touch. Hope you guys have plenty of water, batteries, peanut butter, cheese, crackers, beer, and wine.

Vivi, don't forget the spare girls:



Cap'n Sylvia and Dr. Carlos: Thank you for being happy for me. It's the little things in life, you know? :)) Why do I think that Dr. Tatas is going to get her way with Jero tonight?!

I, too, was thinking this afternoon about our friends on the East Coast.

Please, everyone, be safe and keep us posted. We are thinking of you.


Awwww, Susanita, I am also very happy for you that the roomies left so you could ge some face time iwth Univision. I agree with what you said about almost being able to see the show from the recaps. Since CME episodes are so hard to track down on the internet, it is so frustrating when you miss one or worse when you miss a week.

SharkByte and Livysmom, welcome aboard if I haven't already said so. Some weeks I forget what I have said in writing or just thought and this was one of them.

P.S. I was accepted into both of the juried shows I tried out for last week, just got the news that I got one picture in each. More fun opening night fiestas, whooopeee.... oh yeah and the honor is great, I'm not really just intersted in the parties..

So much about CME is really sad except for the lineup of little pie carts hitting our worst villains in the shin if not in the face yet. I wonder if I'll get the Tata/Jero boinkeree?

My word verification is wrestwit. We certainly don't have to wrest the wit out of you guys!! Loved the recap, Sylvia - wonderful as usual.

Susanita, YAY for you getting to see the actual show!

Cheryl, I want what you're having! 'the Tata/Jero boinkeree' well said, m'dear. Also, congrats on your acceptance to both juried shows. I hope Mike and I can see some of your work when we get out your way in Oct.

Big day tomorrow for us east-coasters. Depending on how long the power stays off (a week after our last hurricane.) you might not hear from us for awhile. Rest assured, we are fine. We have beer, wine, ummmmm, yes food! Water, batteries, good books, yarn... We just hope the cleanup afterwards won't be too bad. We're 8 years older than the last time we had to haul limbs, fences, etc...

Take care, Vivi and the rest of you with bullseyes on your backs!

Emilia and all my fellow east coasters, take care too. I am well stocked. A perfect weekend to nurse a cold, which I have.

"I wonder if I'll get the Tata/Jero boinkeree" - Dang woman, you have a way with words! Now that is funny.

Laughing aside Cheryl, congratulations on getting your pictures accepted. That's great news.

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